Fri, 01 March 2024, 17:00 UTC — Sun, 03 March 2024, 17:00 UTC 


osu!gaming CTF event.

Format: Jeopardy Jeopardy

Official URL:

You will be able to login this event with CTFtime.

This event's future weight is subject of public voting!

Future weight: 23.84 

Rating weight: 23.84 

Event organizers 

Introducing osu!gaming CTF 2024: a unique and light-hearted capture-the-flag competition that merges the world of cybersecurity with the popular rhythm game osu!. osu! ( is a fast-paced, precision-oriented rhythm game where players click, slide, and spin their way through difficult beatmaps. Now, with osu!gaming CTF, we've brought the excitement to the world of capture-the-flag.

Just like in traditional jeopardy-style CTFs, competitors can expect categories like web, crypto, reverse, forensics, and more—with the twist being that the challenges will all be themed around osu!. Whether you're a seasoned osu! player or a cybersecurity enthusiast, osu!gaming CTF offers a fun learning experience and exposure for both communities.



1st Place
- First pick in the Osu! prize pool
- 1x TryHackMe 6-month voucher
- 1x TryHackMe 3-month voucher
- 1x HackTheBox Academy Silver Annual

2nd Place
- Second pick in the Osu! prize pool
- 2x TryHackMe 3-month voucher

3rd Place
- Third pick in the Osu! prize pool
- 1x TryHackMe 3-month voucher
- 1x TryHackMe 1-month voucher

4th Place
- Fourth pick in the Osu! prize pool
- 1x TryHackMe 1-month voucher
- 1x TCM Security Academy 12-month subscription

5th Place
- Fifth pick in the Osu! prize pool
- 1x TCM Security Academy 12-month subscription

Osu! Prize Pool
- Hak5 HotPlug Attack Combo Kit (
- CottonStar Goose Stuffed Animal 75 Inch Plush Toy, 6 Foot Giant Duck Plush (
- osu! socks (set of 3) (
- osu!buttons (
- osu!supporter 1-month x 3

- Team receiving the Goose Plush must have a valid shipping address in US or Canada
- Team receiving the Hak5 Kit must be eligible under export and compliance limitations
- We may also giveaway random osu!supporter tags during the competition to random players

- ppy, creator of the game osu!
- NotDeGhost from OtterSec (
- w33ts from Cyber Info (


984 teams total

PlaceTeamCTF pointsRating points
1 Maple Bacon 8832.00047.680
2 idek 8436.00034.691
3 .;,;. 8208.00030.102
4 BunkyoWesterns 7164.00025.298
5 6680.00022.799
6 CyberSpace 6481.00021.467
7 The Rabbit Hole 6411.00020.711
8 ░M░Y░ ░F░L░A░G░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░ 6380.00020.201
9 #MogamiShizuka 5866.00018.483
10 blackpinker 5866.00018.218
11 slight_smile 5700.00017.553
12 SРRUSH 5601.00017.105
13 Azure Assassin Alliance 5581.00016.899
14 Nepnep 5544.00016.668
15 NIMABE PWN TEAM 5516.00016.479
16 b01lers 5432.00016.152
17 kalmarunionen 5280.00015.655
18 r3kapig 5141.00015.201
19 ${cystick} 4940.00014.589
20 pasocom music club 4923.00014.481
21 SlugSec 4685.00013.781
22 SIGPwny 4596.00013.490
23 cyber@ucr 4441.00013.024
24 IQ-toppene 4356.00012.751
25 Six chiffres 4350.00012.695
26 Black Bauhinia 4330.00012.605
27 Panda Express 4323.00012.552
28 RTN 4294.00012.442
29 bi0s 4245.00012.280
30 Big Massive Code 4222.00012.191
31 SODR 4203.00012.114
32 Norske Nøkkelsnikere 4122.00011.871
33 ☕​ 4114.00011.827
34 Raong2 4099.00011.766
35 Shauns ctf spam 4073.00011.675
36 pwnagaukar 3993.00011.440
37 ErrorSheet 3940.00011.279
38 BinaryBears 3872.00011.079
39 Wojownicy z Piwnicy 3822.00010.928
40 GRIS 3785.00010.813
41 Name Pending 3772.00010.763
42 0xE0F 3737.00010.655
43 BKISC 3706.00010.558
44 dog4shell 3683.00010.483
45 Petir Cyber Security 3681.00010.466
46 SUSH1st 3649.00010.368
47 CodeNames 3648.00010.354
48 FireShell 3643.00010.330
49 LosFuzzys 3590.00010.177
50 PBR | UCLA 3523.0009.986
51 gimme_flags 3497.0009.907
52 The High BPM Society 3474.0009.836
53 we<3python 3470.0009.816
54 ****** 3463.0009.789
55 M53 3401.0009.614
56 rwandi 3350.0009.468
57 Shellphish 3349.0009.458
58 NUSHmallows 3347.0009.446
59 $(W4G) :3 3309.0009.336
60 竹狐 3302.0009.310
61 Emu Exploit 3291.0009.274
62 CyKOR 3280.0009.238
63 TheRoundTable 3275.0009.219
64 laget 3259.0009.169
65 Ciallo 3243.0009.121
66 ST3P 2 3203.0009.007
67 D@T@CoRrUpT10# 3200.0008.994
68 HorseSteppin 3198.0008.983
69 thefwncrew 3123.0008.775
70 T5F3C7 3119.0008.760
71 SavedByTheShell 3100.0008.704
72 Lorem Ipsec 3098.0008.693
73 goose nappers 3062.0008.592
74 le_gushka 3048.0008.550
75 red 3033.0008.505
76 Les Pires Hat 3032.0008.498
77 3020.0008.461
78 Squid Proxy Lovers 3011.0008.433
79 HCS 2950.0008.265
80 Phish Paprikaš 2914.0008.164
81 TheRomanXpl0it 2903.0008.130
82 Noppers 2898.0008.113
83 Stevens Cyber Defense Team (SCDT) 2863.0008.015
84 0x000727 2817.0007.888
85 Hack It Braw! 2804.0007.849
86 fancy team 2801.0007.838
87 cunguk 2762.0007.729
88 InfoSecIITR 2747.0007.686
89 RJ45 2745.0007.677
90 glue sniffers 2729.0007.631
91 Team Solar 2722.0007.609
92 Brunnerne 2691.0007.523
93 FlagMotori 2680.0007.490
94 GammaRayBurst 2647.0007.399
95 TCP1P 2640.0007.377
96 SNI 2615.0007.307
97 Prozhack 2593.0007.245
98 Chibres Celestes 2575.0007.194
99 vegetable then more pratice 2575.0007.191
100 Forel 2525.0007.054
101 0ski 2488.0006.952
102 Edging For Israel 2468.0006.896
103 Madoka 2452.0006.850
104 Zafk1el 2450.0006.842
105 The Side Quest Guys 2423.0006.767
106 LS Green Flags 2389.0006.673
107 PwnSec 2368.0006.615
108 EMAMA 2363.0006.599
109 mzh 2358.0006.584
110 PANDORA PARADOXXX 2352.0006.565
111 youtiaos 2307.0006.442
112 A.k.a.t.s.u.k.i 2295.0006.408
113 organizers 2271.0006.341
114 hackunamatata 2268.0006.331
115 bat ka grip 2259.0006.305
116 Vox Dei 2259.0006.303
117 Ireland without the RE 2250.0006.277
118 magicbyte 2238.0006.243
119 化け物みたいな劣等感 2230.0006.220
120 sayonara 2219.0006.188
121 binary lads 2214.0006.173
122 ULTIMATEYSO 2212.0006.166
123 X4B3K2 2203.0006.140
124 WackAttack 2183.0006.085
125 Batman's Kitchen 2141.0005.970
126 G.0.4.7 2126.0005.928
127 UMDCSEC 2111.0005.886
128 NoCLB 2110.0005.882
129 5cr1ptK1dd135 2101.0005.856
130 raise my keyboard 2077.0005.790
131 Cyber Rangers 2070.0005.769
132 Nol3ptr 2060.0005.741
133 SFSU Cybersecurity Club 2058.0005.734
134 TAS.K 2043.0005.693
135 kaanpoop69420 2031.0005.659
136 Kuruwa 2020.0005.628
137 NYUSEC 1970.0005.492
138 krauq 1962.0005.469
139 G1tc_Gu4rdians 1962.0005.467
140 OSUSEC 1959.0005.458
141 r3pka 1958.0005.454
142 DeepThonts 1933.0005.386
143 25ji 1920.0005.349
144 itsYours 1906.0005.310
145 CyStack Security 1900.0005.293
146 traP 1896.0005.281
147 PNFS! 1889.0005.261
148 C0d3 Bre4k3rs 1885.0005.249
149 Some Random People 1882.0005.240
150 team{cL!cK_tH3_CiRCl3$} 1863.0005.188
151 ENOFLAG 1861.0005.181
152 B4D W17CH35 1861.0005.180
153 ForFun 1853.0005.158
154 Untitled CTF Game 1852.0005.154
155 free_the_bnuuy 1852.0005.153
156 Rock-n-Bowlers 1848.0005.141
157 WhatHappensNext 1836.0005.108
158 sleepyz 1835.0005.104
159 worst ctf player 1817.0005.055
160 Godzill'hack 1817.0005.054
161 sussybaka 1805.0005.020
162 Restia's Restroom 1784.0004.963
163 ROIS 1784.0004.962
164 5ToCom 1781.0004.953
165 SecDre 1780.0004.949
166 Liminova 1771.0004.924
167 sillysec 1768.0004.915
168 click the flags 1758.0004.887
169 little eep sea 1757.0004.884
170 DPC 1744.0004.848
171 osu-lazer-bin 1724.0004.793
172 BroncoSec 1723.0004.789
173 XDXDXD 1719.0004.778
174 K4CTF 1716.0004.769
175 cowsay 1716.0004.768
176 Dump Rats 1708.0004.746
177 GARF 1703.0004.732
178 wezpwnz 1702.0004.728
179 Beatnap Nominator 1666.0004.630
180 mr_bobot 1663.0004.621
181 zuoti 1656.0004.602
182 Kinsteen 1650.0004.585
183 OP_EN 1650.0004.584
184 hst 1647.0004.575
185 Cryptonite 1644.0004.566
186 pog speed 1628.0004.523
187 0x0F 1624.0004.511
188 STEELIX FANCLUB #48 1617.0004.492
189 Aurora Swarm 1616.0004.488
190 OhioStaters 1616.0004.488
191 Honest Gyze 1613.0004.479
192 Tzadikim 1612.0004.475
193 M.2 1605.0004.456
194 Sm0rtBuff3rB0yZ 1598.0004.436
195 Zer021 1596.0004.430
196 Shawanashi 1593.0004.422
197 bre4d 1588.0004.407
198 FireTeam 1586.0004.401
199 jwong11CTF 1586.0004.401
200 Freedom Helldivers 1585.0004.398
201 HisWoo 1561.0004.332
202 UQCyberSquad 1556.0004.318
203 NEUQRO 1537.0004.266
204 Cyber Flyers 1536.0004.263
205 e building esports 1522.0004.225
206 :eyes: 1520.0004.219
207 osuuuuuu 1510.0004.191
208 DVCool 1509.0004.188
209 Purple Drank 1503.0004.171
210 DOMBUSTERS 1500.0004.162
211 Ether Eagle 1497.0004.154
212 CompilationFailures 1492.0004.140
213 Bamyang Gang 1491.0004.137
214 im alive but im dead 1486.0004.123
215 Itemize 1486.0004.122
216 bilibili 1486.0004.121
217 refluxx20 1484.0004.116
218 Omsk_Heckers 1477.0004.096
219 dotsu- 1476.0004.093
220 spyd3rs 1476.0004.092
221 fishy and company 1475.0004.089
222 bXk= 1472.0004.081
223 Redsun_over_Paradise 1472.0004.080
224 Zukane 1461.0004.050
225 QUTWH_1 1458.0004.041
226 st@ckanovisti 1453.0004.028
227 pdf files 1445.0004.005
228 Phaethon 1430.0003.965
229 Team 4 1419.0003.934
230 AllgaeuerSkriptKinder 1415.0003.923
231 osu!auth.sys 1414.0003.920
232 Tuning Machine 1412.0003.914
233 1n54n1ty_0v3rfl0w 1410.0003.908
234 skk 1402.0003.886
235 1397.0003.872
236 Order an Oily Pancake! 1378.0003.821
237 definit 1377.0003.817
238 NTP Noob To Pro 1372.0003.804
239 king0fduck 1372.0003.803
240 ALATOO 1366.0003.787
241 MQ The Team 1355.0003.756
242 Huntik 1351.0003.745
243 EchoSec_ 1335.0003.702
244 psosu! 1334.0003.699
245 TRINITYAiLE 1329.0003.685
246 CSUI 1321.0003.663
247 Paolo 1314.0003.643
248 Xp0int 1308.0003.627
249 harumachi clover'd 1306.0003.621
250 PEEOHSEE 1303.0003.613
251 SUS 1295.0003.591
252 osureport mafia 1294.0003.587
253 Cyberclowns 1289.0003.574
254 Nijika 1284.0003.560
255 ISITDTU 1283.0003.557
256 noreply 1280.0003.548
257 fuzzsec 1278.0003.542
258 mimicats 1278.0003.542
259 SGLinux 1274.0003.531
260 @sand1 1270.0003.520
261 Dizzy spell 1269.0003.517
262 ascii overflow 1267.0003.511
263 mangos! 1266.0003.508
264 SSPS{CYB3R_T34M} 1264.0003.502
265 MAGNET1C H1LLS 1263.0003.499
266 HackerSir 1263.0003.499
267 awk138 1263.0003.498
268 EditaCTF 1262.0003.495
269 pHackboat 1261.0003.492
270 1261.0003.492
271 VHS TIGERS 1261.0003.492
272 Club Penguin Reloaded 1261.0003.491
273 3Adriany3 1260.0003.488
274 CSG 1256.0003.477
275 Bad Girlies 1255.0003.474
276 N2L 1251.0003.463
277 Tower of Hanoi 1248.0003.455
278 auauauau 1232.0003.411
279 soothers 1224.0003.389
280 DragonSec SI 1216.0003.367
281 dDM0bTY 1192.0003.302
282 Bumbodosan 1181.0003.272
283 ICSC sOsu 1166.0003.232
284 Andrey Gaming 1165.0003.229
285 over_poreon 1163.0003.223
286 AnotherTESTCTF 1162.0003.220
287 ecs 1162.0003.220
288 osucoin 1159.0003.211
289 alts go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr 1158.0003.208
290 Bits & Pieces 1157.0003.205
291 Lethologica 1155.0003.200
292 Bloody Rose 1155.0003.199
293 Safeguard II 1153.0003.194
294 The Circle Guild 1153.0003.193
295 fant9sy\x00 1151.0003.188
296 m0h3Ih3I 1151.0003.187
297 myst3r10us 1151.0003.187
298 r1p3rS 1149.0003.181
299 5k4r 1149.0003.181
300 JumpingCats4000 1149.0003.181
301 horribleatctf 1148.0003.178
302 thestranger 1148.0003.178
303 BYTE BABIES 1147.0003.175
304 bi0sblr 1145.0003.169
305 Original_Pasta 1144.0003.166
306 hard gd 1122.0003.106
307 landon 1122.0003.106
308 HASHTEAM 1093.0003.028
309 Calpis 1091.0003.022
310 Clocktower Dwellers 1087.0003.011
311 not4points 1080.0002.992
312 ANSI.SYS 1072.0002.970
313 1337%Yogurt 1072.0002.970
314 ozflare 1068.0002.959
315 Placeholder 1064.0002.948
316 Team_Orange 1062.0002.942
317 NorseRage 1061.0002.939
318 JSoyke 1061.0002.939
319 Hackafon 1059.0002.933
320 Pixel Perfect 1056.0002.925
321 K3DC4N 1053.0002.917
322 HiSCTF 1052.0002.914
323 1k0ct 1052.0002.913
324 Despacito International 1051.0002.911
325 ctrlaltdelete 1050.0002.908
326 PatriaKekera 1048.0002.902
327 valh3im 1048.0002.902
328 BA1YAN 1047.0002.899
329 ExploitRotation 1046.0002.896
330 Hopper's Roppers 1044.0002.890
331 Cyber Salmons 1043.0002.887
332 P4rad0x 1043.0002.887
333 The Bruhnnelions 1042.0002.884
334 minipif 1041.0002.881
335 Databaes 1040.0002.878
336 wiredin_iitk 1039.0002.875
337 apikmeister 1038.0002.873
338 hexamine 1020.0002.824
339 PantLover 998.0002.764
340 elliptic_garden 994.0002.753
341 4x0l0tl 987.0002.734
342 Fluid Attacks 985.0002.728
343 Tamir 971.0002.691
344 die_trying 967.0002.680
345 CamelRiders 965.0002.674
346 stas_oleg 963.0002.668
347 Str4wHats 962.0002.665
348 osu!rooms 961.0002.663
349 RedNeck 958.0002.654
350 s420rezz 957.0002.651
351 nekohacker 954.0002.643
352 pspspsps 953.0002.640
353 blaboa 953.0002.640
354 ydrew 950.0002.632
355 BlackBox 949.0002.629
356 ZeroFlagsInc 949.0002.629
357 CMYK 948.0002.626
358 WannaLrn 948.0002.626
359 v1k_ngs 942.0002.609
360 unAbl 939.0002.601
361 si7emed 938.0002.598
362 Gutter 936.0002.592
363 Phr34k$ 934.0002.587
364 cyber_team 934.0002.587
365 StrawberrySlh 934.0002.586
366 BIT 933.0002.584
367 Team_404_Not_Found 931.0002.578
368 mama_ho_fatto_caca 925.0002.562
369 Thread in the Needle 916.0002.537
370 Red Jessies 914.0002.532
371 USTC-NEBULA 868.0002.407
372 kks 859.0002.383
373 Feiri Osu 855.0002.372
374 VAMiner 853.0002.366
375 MK37 850.0002.358
376 JustTry! 849.0002.355
377 CryJackLee 849.0002.355
378 Plaid Parliament of Pwning 849.0002.355
379 sudobash418 846.0002.346
380 fuckshit 845.0002.344
381 Immature Monster 845.0002.343
382 Rat King 844.0002.341
383 Hack@Sec 843.0002.338
384 I/O-S 843.0002.338
385 g4nd1v 841.0002.332
386 3xf1ltr4t10n_0f_nud3s 840.0002.329
387 Del0n1x 840.0002.329
388 chvvakush 838.0002.323
389 TheGoodBash 835.0002.315
390 Cipher Blitz 834.0002.312
391 Tsukutsukuboshi 834.0002.312
392 test 834.0002.312
393 Checkm4te_ 834.0002.312
394 Greyhounds 833.0002.309
395 OREO 833.0002.309
396 scanf 833.0002.309
397 Matrix 833.0002.309
398 coldboots 832.0002.306
399 Shigetora 832.0002.306
400 UPC International 832.0002.305
401 S3R3n17Y 831.0002.303
402 Cyber Peanuts 830.0002.300
403 G3rmany 829.0002.297
404 undermouses 829.0002.297
405 BBU 829.0002.297
406 Davidpb 828.0002.294
407 PonySolo 828.0002.294
408 Archetype 827.0002.291
409 Ain'tGotRhythm 826.0002.288
410 HACKTORIA 826.0002.288
411 elk 825.0002.285
412 Emerald Ages 818.0002.266
413 KXTI_Yvetlin 818.0002.266
414 upbhack 794.0002.201
415 SecJouy 768.0002.130
416 aimardcr 767.0002.128
417 R4nd0m B00l5h33t5 G0 760.0002.109
418 shelltatic 740.0002.054
419 exu 740.0002.054
420 ctf noob help me pls 739.0002.052
421 osuosuosuosuosu 738.0002.049
422 ssongk 737.0002.046
423 WH0_15_M3T3PR3T3R 737.0002.046
424 UWannaCry 736.0002.043
425 T4B 736.0002.043
426 TuxPwners 733.0002.035
427 |-|3(|<3|2/\\/\\3|\\|_50|_0 733.0002.034
428 Balling Ballers 732.0002.032
429 BornAgainShell 731.0002.029
430 blue_ocean 730.0002.026
431 CoopTeam 729.0002.023
432 BOBBERTS 729.0002.023
433 Randomnise 729.0002.023
434 Saboten 729.0002.023
435 appseq 729.0002.023
436 Passage Shift 728.0002.020
437 white-H4CK3RS 728.0002.020
438 X@k3R v R3k@X 728.0002.020
439 N1MDA 728.0002.019
440 PL314D3S 728.0002.019
441 Baal Berith 727.0002.016
442 CKB_174 727.0002.016
443 Massive Skill Issue 727.0002.016
444 Chinese Chemical Factory 726.0002.013
445 SPACE 725.0002.011
446 RedCoders 725.0002.010
447 KUDoS 725.0002.010
448 dnit 725.0002.010
449 GlazerFC 725.0002.010
450 bug_destroy_us 724.0002.007
451 R3dV3lv3t 724.0002.007
452 PenisGuys 724.0002.007
453 L0chness H4nt3rs 723.0002.004
454 JordanShell 723.0002.004
455 Bugs B0unt3r 722.0002.001
456 Yun 722.0002.001
457 Pixium 720.0001.996
458 Lestatide 720.0001.996
459 AreDaYush? 720.0001.995
460 M4lw4r3 720.0001.995
461 Hasaki 717.0001.987
462 stone 710.0001.968
463 DuckDuckFlag 670.0001.860
464 OrangeMC 660.0001.833
465 TeamH4C 657.0001.825
466 idys 655.0001.819
467 szpp 648.0001.800
468 w3_4r3_w33bs 642.0001.784
469 stone-san 640.0001.778
470 lumiinai 640.0001.778
471 1337_h4x0r5 640.0001.778
472 dcua 639.0001.775
473 Solo Solving 638.0001.773
474 fR 637.0001.770
475 (*^-^*) 636.0001.767
476 Canti 635.0001.764
477 ins0m1a_0wls 634.0001.761
478 EzFlag 634.0001.761
479 Lysithea 633.0001.758
480 Player97 633.0001.758
481 Supri Undertaker 631.0001.753
482 zeros-in-a-half-shell 630.0001.750
483 MonianHello 629.0001.747
484 Cyb3rVikes 628.0001.744
485 KXTI_Chipi 627.0001.742
486 Lattice 626.0001.739
487 TheienViet 626.0001.739
488 Cant't pull 626.0001.739
489 Zell 625.0001.736
490 nah id win 625.0001.736
491 AlmightyDogEggLegendaryZHR 625.0001.736
492 viol1t 625.0001.736
493 abad 624.0001.733
494 C4RRO7 623.0001.730
495 Krompir 623.0001.730
496 CSIRT GENTERA 623.0001.730
497 PracticeTeam 623.0001.730
498 meeribeeri 623.0001.730
499 worst binexp player 622.0001.727
500 apachees 622.0001.727
501 qaz0 622.0001.727
502 0U7S1D3RS 622.0001.726
503 play 622.0001.726
504 CamiKase 622.0001.726
505 dcj 621.0001.723
506 jjroccss 620.0001.721
507 newbie_developers 619.0001.718
508 JiEs|vim>nano 619.0001.718
509 Git_Pull_Git_Push 618.0001.715
510 Slab Allocator 618.0001.715
511 Beat. It. Up! 617.0001.712
512 GanSw 617.0001.712
513 5p4c3 C415 617.0001.712
514 Learning Is Fun! 616.0001.709
515 |3r0th3r CC 616.0001.709
516 Nyanyame nyanyajyuunyanya-do no nyarabi de nyakunyaku inyanyaku 616.0001.709
517 RUSEC 616.0001.709
518 sk1d_s3c 616.0001.709
519 5un9hun 562.0001.563
520 knarfie 557.0001.549
521 Erge 551.0001.533
522 FirewallFoxes 535.0001.490
523 Rogue Bytes 533.0001.484
524 NavyBlue 533.0001.484
525 naber knk 532.0001.481
526 nijika_real 531.0001.479
527 0xAkatsuki 530.0001.476
528 ausec 529.0001.473
529 kBait 526.0001.465
530 brooo 525.0001.462
531 aceticke 524.0001.459
532 ankmn 523.0001.457
533 kip 523.0001.456
534 BoshyFish 523.0001.456
535 moosebog 522.0001.454
536 0xdeadf33d 522.0001.453
537 s1r3ns 520.0001.448
538 RBS 519.0001.445
539 Munity 519.0001.445
540 Cy83r_Cru54d3r5 519.0001.445
541 MUG1W4R4 519.0001.445
542 pawir 519.0001.445
543 Blue Hens 518.0001.442
544 ov3rflow2win 518.0001.442
545 ARESx 517.0001.439
546 Jollibee 517.0001.439
547 PTZCTF 517.0001.439
548 Alexius 516.0001.436
549 mrhove 516.0001.436
550 K3rNal_9Iv3_uP_2.0 516.0001.436
551 V1t 516.0001.436
552 Arca 516.0001.436
553 rumahsakitheker 515.0001.433
554 Var Motiv=0; 515.0001.433
555 Katipwnan 513.0001.428
556 Chadkqeee 512.0001.425
557 EggRoll 512.0001.425
558 Cool Team 512.0001.425
559 cats^.^ 511.0001.422
560 karasiki 511.0001.422
561 __No0b__ 511.0001.422
562 breezeqwq 506.0001.408
563 solowrest 496.0001.381
564 hamayanhamayan 467.0001.303
565 kekZ 467.0001.303
566 BLOONSTD6 460.0001.284
567 444.0001.241
568 KerKerYuan 436.0001.219
569 Triple Triple 435.0001.216
570 owlhorse 434.0001.213
571 Firewall Force 429.0001.200
572 Nightmare 422.0001.181
573 Do_I_Know_You? 422.0001.181
574 P3P3-T3#M 422.0001.181
575 OkabeSecurity 418.0001.170
576 BIG YEET 418.0001.170
577 Y0U.hav3.b3En.pwn3D 418.0001.170
578 lequan 417.0001.167
579 Seijuro 417.0001.167
580 ImDoingThisAlone 416.0001.164
581 D0m3n Hxck3rs 416.0001.164
582 Shugetsu Soft 416.0001.164
583 Unobtained 416.0001.164
584 BITSkrieg 416.0001.164
585 BackMoon 415.0001.161
586 stalk 415.0001.161
587 KizuSquad 415.0001.161
588 solvers 414.0001.158
589 snick 414.0001.158
590 StrixGoldhorn 414.0001.158
591 4dlulz 414.0001.158
592 undeRoo+ 414.0001.158
593 b1p0lyar0chk@ 414.0001.158
594 WhereScissorsAt 413.0001.155
595 daft 413.0001.155
596 Crypt0_71 413.0001.155
597 Life 413.0001.155
598 L0S CH4N3QU3S DE LA IZTACALCO 413.0001.155
599 Byt3Sma5h3rs 413.0001.155
600 Coba dulu 413.0001.155
601 Snapskillz 413.0001.154
602 Riki 412.0001.152
603 SLEEEWA 412.0001.152
604 3l3v3n$ 412.0001.152
605 FireyNacho 411.0001.149
606 imesec01 411.0001.149
607 CPCSEC 411.0001.149
608 sk2024 411.0001.149
609 Moeses 411.0001.149
610 Error 404 411.0001.148
611 Elaine_niu 411.0001.148
612 Mager Sec ( 411.0001.148
613 fzhshzh 411.0001.148
614 shamoji 411.0001.148
615 f4n_n3r0 407.0001.137
616 ShadowGarden 407.0001.137
617 The Cyber Vaders 407.0001.137
618 CrimsonRed 407.0001.137
619 Cryptoprepper 407.0001.137
620 Pink Balloon Underground 407.0001.137
621 RiST 407.0001.137
622 Geng DDoS Kepala Batu 392.0001.096
623 Trung Tam San Loi Lau Hai Ngoaij 356.0000.999
624 non_gonzo 348.0000.978
625 HCCCL 343.0000.964
626 Sakana 341.0000.959
627 giang 335.0000.942
628 tom 330.0000.929
629 PSO 329.0000.926
630 4990 322.0000.907
631 Tibia 321.0000.904
632 batchest123 320.0000.901
633 team chromb 320.0000.901
634 zxcvbnm 316.0000.891
635 _LEET_ 316.0000.891
636 rqda 316.0000.890
637 qweasd 315.0000.888
638 Solo [Nepal] 315.0000.888
639 yummycurry 315.0000.888
640 BetR 315.0000.888
641 ojojoj 314.0000.885
642 Ixbixbam 314.0000.885
643 shipmates 313.0000.882
644 s0l0 312.0000.879
645 glitchgremlins 312.0000.879
646 grey 312.0000.879
647 Arshad 312.0000.879
648 Sedagor 311.0000.876
649 NYGis 311.0000.876
650 Room303 311.0000.876
651 Team-Fuze 310.0000.873
652 NITER_Neophytes 310.0000.873
653 Z0k3r 310.0000.873
654 Martial_Law_Enforcer 309.0000.871
655 convex 309.0000.870
656 popopo 309.0000.870
657 oOo 309.0000.870
658 okay 309.0000.870
659 UngaBunga 309.0000.870
660 Layer8 309.0000.870
661 slowbro 308.0000.867
662 soala gogo 308.0000.867
663 archuser 308.0000.867
664 Nightxade 308.0000.867
665 e04qqq 308.0000.867
666 maverick 307.0000.864
667 GAMIS65 307.0000.864
668 skogen 307.0000.864
669 hmmmmm 307.0000.864
670 10taskas0 307.0000.864
671 Bring 307.0000.864
672 Mardock scramble 307.0000.864
673 cafeteria 307.0000.864
674 banhbaochay 307.0000.864
675 __qwerty__ 307.0000.864
676 NowYouSeeMe 307.0000.864
677 Super_Hackers 307.0000.864
678 JKKNIU Cr4ck3rs 307.0000.864
679 the baboons 307.0000.864
680 debo 307.0000.864
681 SpaceCowboys 304.0000.856
682 caca_prout 304.0000.856
683 Pink Sparkly Unicorns 303.0000.853
684 hombing 303.0000.853
685 SHAOCHI LU 303.0000.853
686 Robin Goods 303.0000.853
687 N30Z30N 296.0000.834
688 retard 265.0000.750
689 Chovid99 265.0000.750
690 whatwhat 256.0000.726
691 shiki 248.0000.704
692 wh1te4ever 247.0000.701
693 299 241.0000.685
694 ruoxi 241.0000.685
695 buddurid 241.0000.685
696 zaba 241.0000.685
697 [email protected] 241.0000.685
698 d4rkn19ht 241.0000.685
699 D4ck3n 233.0000.663
700 minihash 232.0000.660
701 zzzz 230.0000.655
702 testtest1 223.0000.636
703 c99c99 218.0000.622
704 beerpwn 218.0000.622
705 osmannn 218.0000.622
706 QtlasPy 218.0000.622
707 `'"><br> 218.0000.622
708 sifat 218.0000.622
709 MHNam 218.0000.622
710 218.0000.622
711 BlueHawai 218.0000.622
712 kerupuksambel 215.0000.614
713 MeowSec 215.0000.614
714 ZakkAttack 215.0000.614
715 AFKL 215.0000.614
716 nolang 215.0000.614
717 ahihihihi 215.0000.614
718 pappo 214.0000.611
719 Fl4g Sm4sher 213.0000.608
720 acdwas 213.0000.608
721 Flag McQueen 211.0000.603
722 Abdelmoumen 211.0000.603
723 Digital Gastropods 211.0000.603
724 MrFroggy 211.0000.602
725 pandausagi 210.0000.600
726 Spanish_501 210.0000.600
727 Momiji 210.0000.600
728 etc2020 210.0000.600
729 l2 210.0000.600
730 F4u5t 210.0000.600
731 ~Shiza 209.0000.597
732 ohio in osu 209.0000.597
733 rawebat 209.0000.597
734 4ryu-indivi 209.0000.597
735 kifash_ncraki_vidio_yotip_lhorbax 209.0000.597
736 dystopian 208.0000.594
737 k1ckstand 208.0000.594
738 Seraphiem 208.0000.594
739 CodeWeavers 208.0000.594
740 Nightingale 208.0000.594
741 Rat's Team 208.0000.594
742 g00dini 207.0000.591
743 xidorn 207.0000.591
744 404HearingNotFound 207.0000.591
745 Godofjohnma 207.0000.591
746 Takaka 207.0000.591
747 w00tw00t 207.0000.591
748 SoloCTF 207.0000.591
749 HLG 207.0000.591
750 NS-SP4RTAN 207.0000.591
751 wahoo 207.0000.590
752 HTCPCP:// 206.0000.588
753 epilehpsy-solo 206.0000.588
754 Quokkas 205.0000.585
755 Monke Team 204.0000.582
756 McLovin 204.0000.582
757 De-esser 204.0000.582
758 C3ntr4l_K1ngs 204.0000.582
759 Wh1teR00m 204.0000.582
760 XXTen 204.0000.582
761 g0th 204.0000.582
762 ranadam 204.0000.582
763 GlitchGroovers 204.0000.582
764 H4ckdogs 204.0000.582
765 dont 204.0000.582
766 nobletiger 204.0000.582
767 asatreat 204.0000.582
768 Mr.BrokenHeart 204.0000.582
769 h4ck3r^3 204.0000.582
770 Sedoc 204.0000.582
771 Bannerlord 204.0000.582
772 DaNub 204.0000.582
773 Ayap0nzu 204.0000.581
774 Tamil boys 204.0000.581
775 ghost-riders 204.0000.581
776 NELO 204.0000.581
777 R&J 204.0000.581
778 onion1122 204.0000.581
779 namirin 203.0000.579
780 pepepak 203.0000.579
781 b2brt 203.0000.578
782 Gggg 203.0000.578
783 kinako 203.0000.578
784 4seasons 203.0000.578
785 Wired Ghost 203.0000.578
786 kouisbest 203.0000.578
787 Jigsawtemmy20 203.0000.578
788 AlTeam 203.0000.578
789 Team R1V4l 203.0000.578
790 worstctfteam 203.0000.578
791 Tutor 203.0000.578
792 ISEKAI CYBER 203.0000.578
793 Curs0r 203.0000.578
794 KK_Pant_IITR 203.0000.578
795 light_team 203.0000.578
796 LastWarriors 203.0000.578
797 zzsla 203.0000.578
798 SunnyBunny 203.0000.578
799 lolq 203.0000.578
800 alpukat kocok 203.0000.578
801 team name 203.0000.578
802 r4v3n 203.0000.578
803 dozerwatch 203.0000.578
804 mal 200.0000.570
805 TryingOurLuck 200.0000.569
806 AZ_aa 200.0000.569
807 CavalPist 179.0000.513
808 zzzzyyyyssss 179.0000.513
809 BIT CRIMINALS 133.0000.388
810 N3w23 117.0000.345
811 ST3P 117.0000.345
812 AA12User 116.0000.342
813 asdf 114.0000.337
814 sudi%00 114.0000.337
815 once 114.0000.337
816 JHDiscord 111.0000.329
817 W3iRdKiD 111.0000.329
818 mkbk 107.0000.318
819 kdsflhndsfj 107.0000.318
820 Martabak Fans Club 107.0000.318
821 WeAre 107.0000.318
822 P1nz0ro 107.0000.318
823 VSL Xp10r3rs 107.0000.318
824 BE1Ha1 107.0000.318
825 L.1.M.A 106.0000.315
826 karibara 106.0000.315
827 0rshememesh 106.0000.315
828 48763 106.0000.315
829 d05004 106.0000.315
830 zeromarea 106.0000.315
831 roycactus 106.0000.315
832 Tr1s 106.0000.315
833 SangDream 106.0000.315
834 bertus 106.0000.315
835 th3ho4ds 106.0000.315
836 Te4m 106.0000.315
837 W4TTU Cyber SN T34M 106.0000.315
838 team_leyla 106.0000.315
839 Shpuf 106.0000.315
840 PipouPipou 106.0000.315
841 CSsquad 106.0000.314
842 FA team 106.0000.314
843 dplastico 106.0000.314
844 testest 105.0000.312
845 kebelet sepuh 105.0000.312
846 Lunar_r3d 104.0000.309
847 kekwx 104.0000.309
848 unreal 104.0000.309
849 rainbow 104.0000.309
850 teatiiiingteam 104.0000.309
851 jhermypuerk 104.0000.309
852 ss 104.0000.309
853 SVINOTA 104.0000.309
854 4sesaons 104.0000.309
855 LP 104.0000.309
856 [email protected] 104.0000.309
857 smack.dat 104.0000.309
858 Caliente 104.0000.309
859 KYC_vN 104.0000.308
860 QWKA00 104.0000.308
861 babyshark 104.0000.308
862 872323857 104.0000.308
863 L00n9 104.0000.308
864 Flying Ninjas 104.0000.308
865 sagar_kirola-g 104.0000.308
866 hell() 104.0000.308
867 AKalone 104.0000.308
868 ison 104.0000.308
869 Twil4 104.0000.308
870 ADJIN 104.0000.308
871 l1nx1n 104.0000.308
872 shellpwn 104.0000.308
873 yeahhh 104.0000.308
874 kjashds 104.0000.308
875 nope 104.0000.308
876 Panda Gangster 104.0000.308
877 mulmul 104.0000.308
878 fishfishshrimp 104.0000.308
879 bet75 104.0000.308
880 m0nk3y_1n_tc1vs 104.0000.308
881 Panic 104.0000.308
882 m0wn1ka 104.0000.308
883 Ocelot 104.0000.308
884 HaKkaz Lin 104.0000.308
885 RCovery 104.0000.308
886 where is my shells 104.0000.308
887 0xt4st 104.0000.308
888 new_ctf_bros 104.0000.308
889 hsay 104.0000.308
890 k3b4b 104.0000.308
891 red-longnosed-worm-snake 104.0000.307
892 cyberTrooper 104.0000.307
893 Mobyduck 104.0000.307
894 noOne 104.0000.307
895 Arcvx 104.0000.307
896 Hash Cracking Slasher 104.0000.307
897 Whyyoucare 104.0000.307
898 Team Kakashi 104.0000.307
899 abcd 104.0000.307
900 apostleMaKeR 104.0000.307
901 Ahahahah_team 104.0000.307
902 ssssssst 104.0000.307
903 B4dTr1p 104.0000.307
904 shinobe179 104.0000.307
905 OneManTeam 104.0000.307
906 poba 104.0000.307
907 guohanming 104.0000.307
908 NTA098 103.0000.304
909 neet 103.0000.304
910 CodeDog 103.0000.304
911 Ash 103.0000.304
912 Ucha_CTF 103.0000.304
913 mawvs 103.0000.304
914 Reloaded 103.0000.304
915 Gordic 103.0000.304
916 Gemooy 103.0000.304
917 Seadyot 103.0000.304
918 KK4173 103.0000.304
919 zoro 103.0000.304
920 HappyHacker22 103.0000.304
921 Piet Piraat 103.0000.304
922 BBK1T 100.0000.296
923 grep_more_flags 100.0000.296
924 1T4TCH1 100.0000.296
925 Ahimsa. 100.0000.296
926 paoumi 100.0000.296
927 DevourMeColossus 100.0000.296
928 ao 100.0000.296
929 WannaBEE 100.0000.296
930 Pho3nix 100.0000.296
931 Technoxploit 100.0000.296
932 BI$OLID 100.0000.296
933 KristulizSoloQ 100.0000.295
934 popa 100.0000.295
935 ShuiPing 100.0000.295
936 ups_mega_hard 100.0000.295
937 mmap 100.0000.295
938 Bin purple 100.0000.295
939 d0r3m0n3 100.0000.295
940 purupuddu 100.0000.295
941 Glitch 100.0000.295
942 KaliHackForce 100.0000.295
943 Arr[0]w 100.0000.295
944 0h-n0-dunn0 100.0000.295
945 occho 100.0000.295
946 nopegang 100.0000.295
947 TAPSY 100.0000.295
948 nh0kt1g3r12 100.0000.295
949 wavev1sion 100.0000.295
950 satu3n 100.0000.295
951 The Guardian 100.0000.295
952 winxxx 100.0000.295
953 Norca 100.0000.295
954 Konosec 100.0000.295
955 avenger 100.0000.295
956 Pa0x73cal 100.0000.295
957 The Rooters 100.0000.295
958 w->c 100.0000.295
959 k1lly 100.0000.295
960 s0gg 100.0000.295
961 whoami 100.0000.295
962 4lliance 100.0000.295
963 Beee 100.0000.295
964 tBu0d 100.0000.295
965 GGWPs 100.0000.295
966 Spectre7 100.0000.295
967 newbieeeeeeeeeeeee 100.0000.295
968 3y3 100.0000.295
969 Cyb3r_g33ks 100.0000.295
970 Highlander Decoders 100.0000.295
971 entr0py 100.0000.294
972 beginners 100.0000.294
973 VISCID 100.0000.294
974 gcggccgcg 100.0000.294
975 Solo Leveling 100.0000.294
976 Salut 100.0000.294
977 h4ktastrophie 100.0000.294
978 phantom$s 100.0000.294
979 briano 100.0000.294
980 Padmavyuh 100.0000.294
981 palaceholding 100.0000.294
982 TnT 100.0000.294
983 ElySec 100.0000.294
984 Blankx1 100.0000.147
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