Also known as
  • Xp10r3rs
  • fksociety

Academic team Vietnam-Korea University of Information and Communication Technology

Sign in to join the team.

root@uniVKU:/# echo "r00t3d"
___ ___ _ _____ _
_ __ / _ \ / _ \ | |_ |___ / __| |
| '__|| | | || | | || __| |_ \ / _` |
| | | |_| || |_| || |_ ___) || (_| |
|_| \___/ \___/ \__||____/ \__,_|

Plan to participate in CTF events

Pointer Overflow CTF - 2024Sept. 15, 2024, noon

Participated in CTF events

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
282CSAW CTF Qualification Round 2024877.00003.062
616SekaiCTF 202439.00000.313
892DownUnderCTF 2024500.00002.956
521Pearl CTF50.00000.139
823osu!gaming CTF 2024107.00000.318
406BITSCTF 2024120.00000.371
272TetCTF 2024100.00001.035
262Insomni'hack teaser 20244.00000.177
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
239TSG CTF 2023101.00000.666
345EKOPARTY CTF 202326.00000.098
546DEADFACE CTF 2023190.00000.679
163DefCamp Capture the Flag (D-CTF) 2023 Quals80.00000.750
214TCP1P CTF 2023: First Step Beyond Nusantara300.00000.677
132MapleCTF 2023200.00001.000
395SekaiCTF 2023139.00000.395

Team members