Sat, 27 Jan. 2024, 00:00 UTC — Mon, 29 Jan. 2024, 00:00 UTC 


TetCTF event.

Format: Jeopardy Jeopardy

Official URL:

This event's future weight is subject of public voting!

Future weight: 82.75 

Rating weight: 74.41 

Event organizers 

Online CTF is Jeopardy-style. There will be several challenges assorted into five categories:

=> Web Exploit — Web technologies and vulnerabilities.

=> Cryptography — Crack or clone cryptographic objects or algorithms to reach the flag.

=> Pwnable — Binary exploiting skills.

=> Reverse Engineering - The process of deconstructing any engineered object to figure out the internal mechanisms.

=> Miscellaneous - Many challenges in CTFs will be completely random and unprecedented, requiring simply logic, knowledge, and patience to be solved. Don't be worrry, we will never release guessing challenge xD.

Each category will have three difficulty levels: Easy, Medium and Hard.

=> Dynamic Score, Team with the highest points will win the contest

=> Flag Format: TetCTF{xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx}

=> Discord:


* Vietnamese
+ 1st: 10.000.000 VND + [TetCTF-Limited-Souvenir]

+ 2nd: 5.000.000 VND + [TetCTF-Limited-Souvenir]

+ 3rd: 3.000.000 VND + [TetCTF-Souvenir]


1.337.000 VND for first Vietnam team clear all challenges in Pwnable category
1.337.000 VND for first Vietnam team clear all challenges in Web category
1.337.000 VND for first Vietnam team clear all challenges in Crypto category
1.337.000 VND for first Vietnam team clear all challenges in Reverse Engineering category

* Foreigner
+ 1st: 133.7 USDT to your wallet.

We give you cool challenges to start your wonderful year xD Happy new year!


838 teams total

PlaceTeamCTF pointsRating points
1 KCSC 9766.000148.820
2 C4T BuT S4D 8753.000103.897
3 Black Bauhinia 5825.00069.186
4 BKISC 5772.00062.581
5 NUS GreyHats 4785.00051.340
6 r3kapig 4773.00048.769
7 RedHazzarTeam 3240.00035.317
8 HCS 2868.00031.153
9 UpperSec 2826.00029.800
10 ICAI Cyber Team 2816.00028.897
11 TCP1P 2776.00027.916
12 blackpinker 2772.00027.322
13 localareanetwork 2631.00025.770
14 securisec 2327.00023.045
15 XA21 2276.00022.302
16 ./Vespiary 2142.00020.971
17 The Council of Sheep 2084.00020.256
18 SecFault 1979.00019.212
19 KebabEngineers 1877.00018.218
20 5h4d0wb10k3r 1648.00016.277
21 abbabaab 1641.00016.047
22 PBR | UCLA 1641.00015.886
23 CyberSpace 1500.00014.664
24 krauq 1349.00013.379
25 die_trying 1327.00013.087
26 JSoyke 1327.00012.973
27 pymi 1327.00012.867
28 s7ub4 1264.00012.288
29 nonone 1249.00012.082
30 r3st0rm 1195.00011.585
31 Team-915 1195.00011.505
32 Pixel Perfect 1149.00011.080
33 Wanna.W1n 1120.00010.788
34 sayonara 1095.00010.532
35 YoshiNSnoopy 1095.00010.469
36 TheRoundTable 1057.00010.121
37 b01lers 1057.00010.065
38 test123 1057.00010.012
39 thehackerscrew 1057.0009.962
40 gh05T1203 1049.0009.853
41 ~T2T~ 993.0009.381
42 x404 993.0009.338
43 CodeRebel 993.0009.296
44 ISITDTU 984.0009.189
45 1337%Yogurt 984.0009.151
46 S.O.A.P 957.0008.909
47 DeadSec 957.0008.875
48 thefwncrew 920.0008.560
49 G.0.4.7 884.0008.254
50 lydxn 884.0008.224
51 robust 884.0008.194
52 bi0s 884.0008.166
53 FlagMotori 884.0008.139
54 codebreakers 857.0007.908
55 SSH 857.0007.883
56 kong-san plays piano 784.0007.302
57 Emu Exploit 784.0007.279
58 D1no 784.0007.256
59 CSI 784.0007.235
60 m1t0 784.0007.214
61 CyberCox 784.0007.193
62 AllgäuerSkriptKinder 684.0006.412
63 kupacup 584.0005.631
64 ya_v_parizhe 536.0005.247
65 IQ-toppene 436.0004.467
66 LosFuzzys 436.0004.449
67 BeatRoot 436.0004.433
68 SeaHatVN 436.0004.416
69 team_prpl 436.0004.400
70 FPTU EThical Hackers Club 436.0004.385
71 Bất Lương Nhân 436.0004.370
72 JordanSec 436.0004.355
73 uetctf 436.0004.341
74 Kza 400.0004.053
75 ResetSec 336.0003.552
76 allFun 336.0003.539
77 UCC SEC TEAM 336.0003.526
78 Zafk1el 336.0003.514
79 1n54n1ty_0v3rfl0w 336.0003.502
80 336.0003.490
81 powerrangers 300.0003.204
82 minipif 300.0003.193
83 noraneco 300.0003.182
84 Aft3r_7h0ugh7 300.0003.172
85 3xploit0l0g33z 300.0003.161
86 GGG 300.0003.151
87 noreply 300.0003.141
88 dcua 300.0003.131
89 s0ftpaws 300.0003.122
90 VN13337 300.0003.113
91 Galette Cidre CTF 300.0003.103
92 haker 300.0003.095
93 Xp0int 300.0003.086
94 3BASH 300.0003.077
95 onepunchpwn 300.0003.069
96 staspen 236.0002.573
97 We are concak 236.0002.565
98 Cyber Salmons 236.0002.557
99 issg 236.0002.550
100 Hash Slinging Hackers 236.0002.542
101 WannaLrn 236.0002.535
102 hack_chill 236.0002.528
103 a bờ cờ 236.0002.521
104 WeAre 200.0002.239
105 200.0002.233
106 FFYYTT 200.0002.226
107 sirius 200.0002.219
108 womb_fracture 200.0002.213
109 Plaid Parliament of Pwning 200.0002.207
110 SNI 200.0002.200
111 0nePadding 200.0002.194
112 neko Flag 200.0002.188
113 Rakettiryhmä 200.0002.182
114 kanthohacker 200.0002.177
115 Hantu Siber 200.0002.171
116 N30Z30N 200.0002.165
117 BlackCat 200.0002.160
118 USTC-NEBULA 200.0002.154
119 QwarkTeam 200.0002.149
120 xtex 200.0002.144
121 zblxst 200.0002.139
122 newbeez 200.0002.134
123 dootdoot 200.0002.129
124 我想把回忆拼好给你 200.0002.124
125 Lorem Ipsec 200.0002.119
126 Claquettes Chaussettes 200.0002.114
127 0xE0F 200.0002.110
128 BackMoon 200.0002.105
129 OldMcDonaldsHadAFarm 200.0002.101
130 Tzadikim 200.0002.096
131 kks 200.0002.092
132 Anon CTF 200.0002.088
133 x1337theVengeace 200.0002.083
134 ShadowSavior 200.0002.079
135 Chicken_Gang 200.0002.075
136 Glow in the Dark Gang 200.0002.071
137 Anbatocom 200.0002.067
138 FPUSEC 200.0002.063
139 CyStack Security 200.0002.059
140 Zlick3r 200.0002.055
141 JumpingCats4000 200.0002.052
142 unknow 200.0002.048
143 Home_Brew 200.0002.044
144 R4c1ngBoizzz 200.0002.041
145 ĐiBar 200.0002.037
146 we don't play it hard 200.0002.034
147 bi0sblr 200.0002.030
148 Stellar Vector 200.0002.027
149 Ucha_CTF 200.0002.023
150 SUS 200.0002.020
151 ssongk 200.0002.017
152 [[email protected]] 200.0002.013
153 Goodwill Mischief 200.0002.010
154 UwUssy Bakas 200.0002.007
155 CryptoMoon 200.0002.004
156 Sudovoodoo 200.0002.001
157 Duck Team 200.0001.998
158 C₈Hack₁₀N₄O₂ 200.0001.995
159 Optimvs 200.0001.992
160 Fluoxetine 136.0001.501
161 RedTeam-TG 100.0001.224
162 ByzantineC@ndy 100.0001.221
163 XORchestra 100.0001.218
164 bug_destroy_us 100.0001.216
165 JustTry! 100.0001.213
166 ins0m1a_Øwls 100.0001.210
167 cyber_team 100.0001.207
168 Wammy's House 100.0001.205
169 Cyber Rangers 100.0001.202
170 Alexius 100.0001.200
171 TeamTam 100.0001.197
172 no_solve 100.0001.195
173 LSE 100.0001.192
174 Weak But Leet 100.0001.190
175 insanitylies 100.0001.187
176 HISC 100.0001.185
177 Clipse team 100.0001.182
178 Koneko 100.0001.180
179 FOCG 100.0001.178
180 average_port139_enjoyers 100.0001.175
181 WhiteTulip 100.0001.173
182 Katipwnan 100.0001.171
183 TetCTFX 100.0001.169
184 StarTrekCompany 100.0001.166
185 ByteB0unty 100.0001.164
186 Pizza Pwners 100.0001.162
187 oiy 100.0001.160
188 Pwnmancers 100.0001.158
189 Sun*$hell 100.0001.156
190 Chintf 100.0001.154
191 FirewallFoxes 100.0001.152
192 Nol3ptr 100.0001.149
193 Anatomy 100.0001.147
194 tetctf_tn18 100.0001.145
195 G1t r3Kt 100.0001.144
196 Just4Fun 100.0001.142
197 HTop 100.0001.140
198 M4lw4r3 100.0001.138
199 Rocket Rooks 100.0001.136
200 Phá Nàng Phá sóm 100.0001.134
201 GeekFriends 100.0001.132
202 M04se 100.0001.130
203 Eternal Noobz 100.0001.128
204 0x17#5 100.0001.127
205 R3g3xH3ll 100.0001.125
206 Ayap0nzu 100.0001.123
207 KM4_D3p_TR41_tEAm 100.0001.121
208 MaverickSquad 100.0001.120
209 zsociety 100.0001.118
210 Hutech CTF 100.0001.116
211 HauntedVilla 100.0001.115
212 Corax 100.0001.113
213 Yamete oshiri ga itai! 100.0001.111
214 Mafi'Hack 100.0001.110
215 ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ 100.0001.108
216 No Man's Root 100.0001.106
217 None 100.0001.105
218 306spu_ARIA 100.0001.103
219 Cyber Mangoes 100.0001.102
220 NYUSEC 100.0001.100
221 0rr0rs 100.0001.099
222 GC0D3S 100.0001.097
223 4nt1_Pr1S0n 100.0001.096
224 SeaTeaFrogs 100.0001.094
225 PL314D3S 100.0001.093
226 Red Jessies 100.0001.091
227 Centaurus 100.0001.090
228 Les Grégoire 100.0001.088
229 Gr1m01r3_L4w 100.0001.087
230 LotadRulez 100.0001.085
231 aabbcc 100.0001.084
232 elliptic_garden 100.0001.083
233 Good_Soup 100.0001.081
234 Sky_In_North 100.0001.080
235 KerKerYuan 100.0001.079
236 HUCE 100.0001.077
237 Team10 100.0001.076
238 etc2020 100.0001.075
239 0v3rxn4ght 100.0001.073
240 Protektive 100.0001.072
241 EditaCTF 100.0001.071
242 N4z1m 100.0001.069
243 superhans 100.0001.068
244 TAS.BlueWater 100.0001.067
245 qk 100.0001.066
246 粤韵风华 100.0001.064
247 CP0 100.0001.063
248 submission 100.0001.062
249 ten_gi_cha_duoc 100.0001.061
250 DDLR 100.0001.060
251 DDDTTT & MEOWMEOW 100.0001.058
252 BroncoSec 100.0001.057
253 hun9_d3P_Tr41 100.0001.056
254 Foxhead 100.0001.055
255 bababa 100.0001.054
256 CSECGroup 100.0001.053
257 Boquerones 100.0001.051
258 B3low 100.0001.050
259 4s3r 100.0001.049
260 Vượng's Vanguard VinUnians 100.0001.048
261 sx7 100.0001.047
262 win 100.0001.046
263 hamayanhamayan 100.0001.045
264 n33r9 100.0001.044
265 Unf4d3d 100.0001.043
266 t3st 100.0001.042
267 kuroyuki 100.0001.041
268 sn_sgcc 100.0001.040
269 OneAngryMan 100.0001.039
270 Fl3X3R 100.0001.038
271 l0gs3c 100.0001.037
272 VSL Xp10r3rs 100.0001.035
273 Polt 100.0001.034
274 trapwire 100.0001.033
275 pspspsps 100.0001.033
276 CaptureTheFrog 100.0001.032
277 voidness 100.0001.031
278 noobxD 100.0001.030
279 TnT 100.0001.029
280 4r3_w3_h4ck3r5? 100.0001.028
281 kang.teabong 100.0001.027
282 1nf1n1ty 100.0001.026
283 LonelyLion 100.0001.025
284 Luk6785 100.0001.024
285 Operation Shady Rat 100.0001.023
286 c00k 100.0001.022
287 SuyTeam 100.0001.021
288 BIT 100.0001.020
289 Bugs B0unt3r 100.0001.019
290 N00tN00t 100.0001.019
291 Haoyang Lu 100.0001.018
292 LaoHacker 100.0001.017
293 k1mV 100.0001.016
294 The Rooters 100.0001.015
295 ganjar 100.0001.014
296 Applicative 100.0001.013
297 TML 100.0001.012
298 Alwaylose1234 100.0001.012
299 完蛋我被WriteUp包围了! 100.0001.011
300 BlindSpot 100.0001.010
301 pwngenius 100.0001.009
302 zeroworld 100.0001.008
303 Owl Hackers 100.0001.008
304 SecDre 100.0001.007
305 hell() 100.0001.006
306 SaturnX 100.0001.005
307 Kamisato Ayaka 100.0001.004
308 zeromarea 100.0001.004
309 cv1n 100.0001.003
310 n3w_bi3 100.0001.002
311 4o1 100.0001.001
312 D23CQAT01-N 100.0001.000
313 Ripjaw 100.0001.000
314 BabyCIA 100.0000.999
315 zx1340 100.0000.998
316 longwasu 100.0000.997
317 100.0000.997
318 N3wbiu5 100.0000.996
319 Moris 100.0000.995
320 1!1 100.0000.994
321 Huntik 100.0000.994
322 doanxem 100.0000.993
323 n0rt6 100.0000.992
324 C0ckro4ch_T34m 100.0000.992
325 M0i_Tap_Ch01 100.0000.991
326 TetLonXon 100.0000.990
327 junjun 100.0000.989
328 sechphanhaiminh 100.0000.989
329 Unemployed Bros 1.0 100.0000.988
330 Nirvawna 100.0000.987
331 nbteam 100.0000.987
332 NoobMaster9999_team 100.0000.986
333 DarkArmy TH 100.0000.985
334 x 100.0000.985
335 [email protected] 100.0000.984
336 Kim Bình Mai 100.0000.983
337 Byt3Sm4sh3rs 100.0000.983
338 Azure Assassin Alliance 100.0000.982
339 hackakey 100.0000.981
340 CRUSADERS 100.0000.981
341 3N16M4Z 100.0000.980
342 Initiatex 100.0000.980
343 1minh1ngua 100.0000.979
344 yjuw 100.0000.978
345 H4ckyourm0m 100.0000.978
346 AssnDarkX 100.0000.977
347 helloWorld 100.0000.976
348 Flying Ninjas 100.0000.976
349 new2024 100.0000.975
350 Bits & Pieces 100.0000.975
351 N1MDA 100.0000.974
352 maddyman 100.0000.973
353 t1ct4ct0e 100.0000.973
354 speedycuzyes 100.0000.972
355 Web Club NITK 100.0000.972
356 K4CTF 100.0000.971
357 Zeus script 100.0000.970
358 7dirtywords 100.0000.970
359 VIB 100.0000.969
360 s0L0s 100.0000.969
361 Let's_go_Genshin_Impact! 100.0000.968
362 H4ck3r_L0rd 100.0000.967
363 4aaaaaaaaaaaa7 100.0000.967
364 hnp 100.0000.966
365 pengu1ns 100.0000.966
366 j4f 100.0000.965
367 /tomxic 100.0000.965
368 snick 100.0000.964
369 f0r3v3r_kn1ghts 100.0000.964
370 SHA-3 100.0000.963
371 PinkNoize 100.0000.962
372 Hafofu 100.0000.962
373 The Codebreakers 100.0000.961
374 sky1@rk 100.0000.961
375 M0k3nPr1S0n 100.0000.960
376 _R4inb0wRαbbit_ 100.0000.960
377 VORLD 100.0000.959
378 none1212413 100.0000.959
379 flag_is_flag_fr 100.0000.958
380 G4kiper 100.0000.958
381 kakatot 100.0000.957
382 cuong 100.0000.957
383 Mot minh tao 100.0000.956
384 baby shark 100.0000.956
385 eMpTyl 100.0000.955
386 fortune 100.0000.955
387 infim 100.0000.954
388 Twix 100.0000.954
389 |3r0th3r CC 100.0000.953
390 CRUx BPHC 100.0000.953
391 FPT_d3lt4 100.0000.952
392 chienhm 100.0000.952
393 entahla 100.0000.951
394 CyTeam 100.0000.951
395 Get' em all 100.0000.950
396 EheEhe 100.0000.950
397 Num3R0n4u7s 100.0000.949
398 noname1337 100.0000.949
399 g1tcl0wn5 100.0000.948
400 đẳng đẳng bủn bủn lmao 100.0000.948
401 NEUQRO 100.0000.947
402 [email protected] 100.0000.947
403 TTTT 100.0000.947
404 m4g13rz1rk3l 100.0000.946
405 xupa curintia 100.0000.946
406 XY 100.0000.945
407 surehope 100.0000.945
408 Hoc PTIT ke tao 100.0000.944
409 msu_sec 100.0000.944
410 sk1d_s3c 100.0000.943
411 PecutMecut 100.0000.943
412 qiuyuyang 100.0000.943
413 savej204 100.0000.942
414 vuzzz 100.0000.942
415 BR41NFK 100.0000.941
416 Memory Bytes 100.0000.941
417 Yu và những người bạn 100.0000.940
418 newbie 100.0000.940
419 ÆtherStrike 100.0000.940
420 f34rl3ss 100.0000.939
421 Access_Granted 100.0000.939
422 harden 100.0000.938
423 pHackboat 100.0000.938
424 s1mple 100.0000.937
425 YUT4_R1K4 100.0000.937
426 jianyin 100.0000.937
427 kzac 100.0000.936
428 asdf 100.0000.936
429 gruf 100.0000.935
430 0x77495350 100.0000.935
431 NamDT5125 100.0000.935
432 Hide n Seek 100.0000.934
433 SaMi 100.0000.934
434 Immovable Objects 100.0000.933
435 A_User 100.0000.933
436 Zerotak 100.0000.933
437 HalakHita 100.0000.932
438 R4nd0m B00l5h33t5 G0 100.0000.932
439 ALATOO 100.0000.931
440 |34|3ij-ctf 100.0000.931
441 pumpkin 100.0000.931
442 [email protected] 100.0000.930
443 R0gu3 100.0000.930
444 Kalahari Hacking Society 100.0000.930
445 Reloaded 100.0000.929
446 McComeback 100.0000.929
447 shamoji 100.0000.928
448 team name 100.0000.928
449 h4ck_f0r_nfsu 100.0000.928
450 Solo [Nepal] 100.0000.927
451 g03m0n 100.0000.927
452 eternalfire 100.0000.927
453 X@k3R v R3k@X 100.0000.926
454 CyberAid 100.0000.926
455 akumaHF 100.0000.925
456 INFO MAGANG KAK 100.0000.925
457 qaz0 100.0000.925
458 v1v0 100.0000.924
459 test 100.0000.924
460 gacontapta 100.0000.924
461 shard 100.0000.923
462 Wired Ghost 100.0000.923
463 Cla55N0tF0und 100.0000.923
464 blabla 100.0000.922
465 jfp 100.0000.922
466 flageat0rs 100.0000.922
467 Priority1 100.0000.921
468 keeper07 100.0000.921
469 Br0s_C0d3_;-) 100.0000.921
470 TCTN 100.0000.920
471 hongism 100.0000.920
472 c0d3_r3d 100.0000.920
473 n0ne_team 100.0000.919
474 phantom$s 100.0000.919
475 anon3 100.0000.919
476 nyx! 100.0000.918
477 NaN 100.0000.918
478 Cornered Tiger 100.0000.918
479 yuuuu 100.0000.917
480 [email protected] 100.0000.917
481 BitBusters 100.0000.917
482 myst3r10us 100.0000.916
483 N3t_Hxnt3rs 100.0000.916
484 BITSkrieg 100.0000.916
485 helpfun 100.0000.915
486 Imp0ster56 100.0000.915
487 tungmv 100.0000.915
488 mugetsu 100.0000.914
489 t4mil 100.0000.914
490 desihackers 100.0000.914
491 asdasd 100.0000.913
492 vyra 100.0000.913
493 APEX萌新派蒙 100.0000.913
494 M00nKn1ghts 100.0000.913
495 SPACE 100.0000.912
496 Mighty_HackSquad 100.0000.912
497 A W M 100.0000.912
498 gotham 100.0000.911
499 Untitled CTF Game 100.0000.911
500 mmm123 100.0000.911
501 dummy 100.0000.910
502 rwandi 100.0000.910
503 fuzzz 100.0000.910
504 bhola 100.0000.910
505 colin_TZ 100.0000.909
506 friendlyspider 100.0000.909
507 GGWPs 100.0000.909
508 kudostous 100.0000.908
509 mrhove 100.0000.908
510 crawgulators 100.0000.908
511 5p4c3 C415 100.0000.908
512 Koli 100.0000.907
513 Shalom Hucking Edition 100.0000.907
514 Cyb3rknight 100.0000.907
515 vn001 100.0000.906
516 m0nk3ySch0ol_Tw 100.0000.906
517 5w0rd 100.0000.906
518 Ng00m4lDhuhr 100.0000.906
519 Sanapati Cyberstorm 100.0000.905
520 MYDE 100.0000.905
521 Solo_Vs_squad 100.0000.905
522 PIII,N 100.0000.904
523 Cryptonite 100.0000.904
524 fallingskies 100.0000.904
525 "><h1>one</h1> 100.0000.904
526 CTF - N3wbie 100.0000.903
527 k0kos 100.0000.903
528 ESGI LILLE 100.0000.903
529 K3VG3N team 100.0000.903
530 QuackHack 100.0000.902
531 H3LP? 100.0000.902
532 OctalO 100.0000.902
533 Gladiators_18 100.0000.902
534 Cyber Security Enthusiast 100.0000.901
535 0xECE 100.0000.901
536 IUSec1 100.0000.901
537 Lastoria 100.0000.900
538 FLASHtheGREY 100.0000.900
539 eff4ct 100.0000.900
540 ESS 100.0000.900
541 Wisdom_Cyber_Pioneers 100.0000.899
542 Cheenathana007 100.0000.899
543 P3roxid3 100.0000.899
544 MBUNDA 100.0000.899
545 FrankDuSOC 100.0000.898
546 xunyue 100.0000.898
547 titctf 100.0000.898
548 HACKxHUNTERS 100.0000.898
549 UnicornTeam 100.0000.897
550 Wizards 100.0000.897
551 what 100.0000.897
552 [email protected] 100.0000.897
553 c4d0m 100.0000.896
554 GG 100.0000.896
555 Slaven me lupo 100.0000.896
556 ch3cke 100.0000.896
557 юные банкиры 100.0000.896
558 ChiLL Chain 100.0000.895
559 KiritoQN 100.0000.895
560 team665 100.0000.895
561 SAGE_@ 100.0000.895
562 Night.exe 100.0000.894
563 makmoora 100.0000.894
564 LSPG 100.0000.894
565 5MI7th3MI6 100.0000.894
566 HEADSHOT 100.0000.893
567 TetKillers 100.0000.893
568 PEEOHSEE 100.0000.893
569 Inv1nc 100.0000.893
570 Dark Humor 100.0000.892
571 djKOITUS 100.0000.892
572 123 100.0000.892
573 DNS 100.0000.892
574 scvrfvce 100.0000.892
575 Brunnerne 100.0000.891
576 Hor1zon 100.0000.891
577 [object WeakMap] 100.0000.891
578 100.0000.891
579 HACKTORIA 100.0000.890
580 F1301 100.0000.890
581 Porg Pwn Platoon 100.0000.890
582 AlphaPwners 100.0000.890
583 Do_I_Know_You? 100.0000.890
584 Dolly 100.0000.889
585 ... 100.0000.889
586 systemctf2 100.0000.889
587 istiqoma 100.0000.889
588 KMCS3 100.0000.888
589 TimeTraveler 100.0000.888
590 WoLu 100.0000.888
591 p0s3id0n 100.0000.888
592 Pirate_the_Carribara 100.0000.888
593 Moeses 100.0000.887
594 PooksandKaks 100.0000.887
595 KnightWatcher0 100.0000.887
596 RedCoders 100.0000.887
597 Plue__ 100.0000.887
598 BigB-oy 100.0000.886
599 g3n&sy5 100.0000.886
600 CCUG 100.0000.886
601 MidnightRebels 100.0000.886
602 baobao 100.0000.886
603 DuckGang 100.0000.885
604 Ganja the janda slayer 100.0000.885
605 w1sh 100.0000.885
606 Lunar_r3d 100.0000.885
607 3301 100.0000.885
608 CS_ERROR 100.0000.884
609 hsvcs 100.0000.884
610 m4lware 100.0000.884
611 TheRomanXpl0it 100.0000.884
612 r3pka 100.0000.884
613 2uncreativeBlokes 100.0000.883
614 darsicharishma 100.0000.883
615 ductohno 100.0000.883
616 th30ne 100.0000.883
617 TSXK 100.0000.883
618 s3cure_sh3ll 100.0000.882
619 0n3ch1ck 100.0000.882
620 BlackGeeks 100.0000.882
621 REVENGER_HUONG_GIANG 100.0000.882
622 TeamEx 100.0000.882
623 dnck 100.0000.881
624 Secur'Insa 100.0000.881
625 malgus 100.0000.881
626 UTL 100.0000.881
627 Hash Dogs 100.0000.881
628 Mr.T 100.0000.880
629 Hack@Sec 100.0000.880
630 ELTE 100.0000.880
631 No.1 100.0000.880
632 M@on 100.0000.880
633 T34m_7 100.0000.879
634 cesppa-tbf 100.0000.879
635 PsychoTherapist 100.0000.879
636 AreDaYush? 100.0000.879
637 beginer 100.0000.879
638 dont_know 100.0000.879
639 Riki 100.0000.878
640 secr3t 100.0000.878
641 Slt3brgr 100.0000.878
642 DU_1R0NY29 100.0000.878
643 b 100.0000.878
644 KH_Cyber_WARRIORs 100.0000.877
645 ttyusb 100.0000.877
646 OctalLabs 100.0000.877
647 SoloCTF 100.0000.877
648 kilobyte 100.0000.877
649 0xAkatsuki 100.0000.877
650 BlueCyber CTF Club 100.0000.876
651 P4rad0x 100.0000.876
652 RedNet 100.0000.876
653 ChigorinTeam 100.0000.876
654 EPSI Nantes 100.0000.876
655 김현서ctf안하면사형ㅋㅋ 100.0000.876
656 3h3 100.0000.875
657 GENESIIDE 100.0000.875
658 HAMADA 100.0000.875
659 RoLL 100.0000.875
660 SEIT_software 100.0000.875
661 t3rmin4t0rs 100.0000.875
662 FullZer0s 100.0000.874
663 solito 100.0000.874
664 Hacksperience 100.0000.874
665 FourToOne 100.0000.874
666 knights 100.0000.874
667 pennsec 100.0000.873
668 Delusions of Grandeur 100.0000.873
669 gr3y 100.0000.873
670 4P0C4LYPS3 100.0000.873
671 fish 100.0000.873
672 leosec 100.0000.873
673 Nivalise 100.0000.872
674 SyntaxSoup 100.0000.872
675 Krompir 100.0000.872
676 1TATCH1 100.0000.872
677 HUEHUEHUE 100.0000.872
678 InfoSecIITR 100.0000.872
679 ZIEN 100.0000.872
680 MK37 100.0000.871
681 devlin04 100.0000.871
682 hackboro 100.0000.871
683 ok 100.0000.871
684 am 100.0000.871
685 tteam 100.0000.871
686 MixTim 100.0000.870
687 0nly_1 100.0000.870
688 Reboosters 100.0000.870
689 waguwagu 100.0000.870
690 FollowersApocalypse 100.0000.870
691 KYJ 100.0000.870
692 S@r1 100.0000.869
693 LaxmanB 100.0000.869
694 ahsf 100.0000.869
695 NotHotdog 100.0000.869
696 diomerda ho il raffreddore 100.0000.869
697 Hidden Investigations 100.0000.869
698 Phr34k$ 100.0000.869
699 cyberpals 100.0000.868
700 WAT 100.0000.868
701 2amResearch 100.0000.868
702 Spasthaus3 100.0000.868
703 C0r3_Du^^p3d 100.0000.868
704 Firewall Force 100.0000.868
705 LanDauThiCTF 100.0000.867
706 Kernel Sanders 100.0000.867
707 EchoByte 100.0000.867
708 Komanda 100.0000.867
709 r4v3ncl4w_p3ngu1n 100.0000.867
710 BOBACTF 100.0000.867
711 Neya 100.0000.867
712 cowsay 100.0000.866
713 5p0r7 100.0000.866
714 Mr.Food 100.0000.866
715 penguinhunter 100.0000.866
716 fhackyou 100.0000.866
717 Er3nY34g3r 100.0000.866
718 Z 100.0000.866
719 Pouls Friends 100.0000.865
720 Beavers0 100.0000.865
721 j0hn-d3-r1pp3r 100.0000.865
722 SubZ3r0 100.0000.865
723 GroovyStars 100.0000.865
724 soulBREAKERS 100.0000.865
725 Jambon 100.0000.865
726 b3at 100.0000.864
727 x3ph_ 100.0000.864
728 newbie_lam 100.0000.864
729 aCobraVaiFumar 100.0000.864
730 Ekip 100.0000.864
731 Up_0n3_D0wn_7w0 100.0000.864
732 Seraphiem 100.0000.864
733 based ctfers 100.0000.863
734 Fijas 100.0000.863
735 mo 100.0000.863
736 wego 100.0000.863
737 h4ictu 100.0000.863
738 n00b hack3r 100.0000.863
739 strange_uncle 100.0000.863
740 midass 100.0000.862
741 FhEv1l734ch3r 100.0000.862
742 yeahhh 100.0000.862
743 Lock's team 100.0000.862
744 MarshallsHackers 100.0000.862
745 Toidihackdao 100.0000.862
746 fsdelh 100.0000.862
747 mssshhhhh 100.0000.862
748 ISFCR PESU 100.0000.861
749 mimicats 100.0000.861
750 EthLizard 100.0000.861
751 auuuuuh 100.0000.861
752 p3in4f 100.0000.861
753 L00n9 100.0000.861
754 shcyber 100.0000.861
755 fzhshzh 100.0000.860
756 hwpwn 100.0000.860
757 tano 100.0000.860
758 Pandemic Legion 100.0000.860
759 T6X3G 100.0000.860
760 Akatsuki 100.0000.860
761 Security Red Team 100.0000.860
762 J4ckP0t 100.0000.860
763 TH3 H4WK1N5 100.0000.859
764 Cyb3rCl4w 100.0000.859
765 vdqt_temp 100.0000.859
766 ncrypt 100.0000.859
767 TanTan 100.0000.859
768 okela 100.0000.859
769 StrawHatPirate 100.0000.859
770 blue33 100.0000.859
771 sk1dd1ez 100.0000.858
772 thang 100.0000.858
773 SoloK4l1 100.0000.858
774 randomteam 100.0000.858
775 ItHack 100.0000.858
776 Norske Nøkkelsnikere 100.0000.858
777 Slab Allocator 100.0000.858
778 Stack 100.0000.858
779 Elgato 100.0000.857
780 destiny 100.0000.857
781 /root/ 100.0000.857
782 0bscur011 100.0000.857
783 GR33N_SQU4D 100.0000.857
784 SolMon 100.0000.857
785 dust2 100.0000.857
786 AssCR4ck 100.0000.857
787 kiw 100.0000.856
788 anony 100.0000.856
789 duydat 100.0000.856
790 hih 100.0000.856
791 1a2f 100.0000.856
792 lyes 100.0000.856
793 Kaal Koot 100.0000.856
794 TUtutuKARASIK 100.0000.856
795 jar 100.0000.856
796 troll 100.0000.855
797 BlackGoat 100.0000.855
798 bee 100.0000.855
799 Alasya 100.0000.855
800 king0fduck 100.0000.855
801 silversnake 100.0000.855
802 CRYPT0_N3RDS 100.0000.855
803 CuT13P1333 100.0000.855
804 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 100.0000.854
805 Lyrosbomzai 100.0000.854
806 HackDisciple 100.0000.854
807 No_1 100.0000.854
808 The Magic 100.0000.854
809 pupirkas 100.0000.854
810 elixyr 100.0000.854
811 BanhChungTeam 100.0000.854
812 abc 100.0000.854
813 CyberSlaves 100.0000.853
814 VinhLoc City 100.0000.853
815 buddurid 100.0000.853
816 linhxx 100.0000.853
817 VN_MSEC 100.0000.853
818 Sakana 100.0000.853
819 alphakilo29 100.0000.853
820 The Bot Squad 100.0000.853
821 Phaethon 100.0000.853
822 Ireland without the RE 100.0000.852
823 Chama9ma9 100.0000.852
824 10 100.0000.852
825 nimou 100.0000.852
826 Hasanhasan 100.0000.852
827 CYberMouflons 100.0000.852
828 V1ct0r1ous_1337 100.0000.852
829 Learning_Hack 100.0000.852
830 Ga 100.0000.852
831 Hello World 100.0000.851
832 IS 100.0000.851
833 Murderbot 100.0000.851
834 Sup3r_N0va 100.0000.851
835 AN1MU$ 100.0000.851
836 Decoy Team 100.0000.851
837 BVN 100.0000.851
838 Super_Hackers 100.0000.425
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