Also known as
  • Du<k
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Participated in CTF events

Overall rating place: 818 with 60.427 pts in 2024

Country place: 38

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
262SekaiCTF 2024178.00001.294
234CrewCTF 2024100.00000.401
133TFC CTF 2024610.00002.434
368ImaginaryCTF 20241000.00003.488
515DownUnderCTF 20241100.00006.468
530Junior.Crypt.2024 CTF100.00000.470
184UIUCTF 20242062.000011.442
409Wani CTF 2024749.00002.870
358vsCTF 2024867.00002.710
221BCACTF 5.0685.00005.580
248ångstromCTF 2024460.00007.911
238BYUCTF 20241381.00002.946
258TBTL CTF 2024300.00001.632
407JerseyCTF IV174.00000.185
176Texas Security Awareness Week 2024310.00002.054
180LINE CTF 2024201.00003.001
241Cyber Apocalypse 2024: Hacker Royale10275.000012.365
279Pearl CTF150.00000.366
239osu!gaming CTF 20241372.00003.803
275LA CTF 20242549.00003.423
165BITSCTF 2024554.00001.598
1730xL4ugh CTF 2024160.00000.604
285DiceCTF 2024 Quals216.00002.221
800TetCTF 2024100.00000.855
251KnightCTF 2024450.00000.321
399Insomni'hack teaser 20244.00000.135
347UofTCTF 2024927.00001.649

Overall rating place: 907 with 49.503 pts in 2023

Country place: 36

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
267ASIS CTF Finals 202330.00000.378
200SpookyCTF 2023706.00001.259
147BlueHens CTF 2023937.00001.418
258FE-CTF 2023: The UniPwnie Experience99.00000.117
121N1CTF 2023103.00002.604
526DEADFACE CTF 2023240.00000.844
125Balsn CTF 2023129.00002.724
251MapleCTF 2023100.00000.505
608SECCON CTF 2023 Quals50.00001.239
548BDSec CTF 2023150.00000.250
511UIUCTF 2023101.00001.100
626Google Capture The Flag 202350.00000.795
363n00bzCTF 20231390.00001.669
110Ugra CTF Open 2023250.00002.339
129justCTF 2023228.00002.143
166TJCTF 2023196.00001.603
243Security Fest 202337.00000.216
418BYUCTF 2023400.00000.406
117ICSJWG Spring 20231655.00000.000
44BSides Algiers 2023389.00001.442
318WaniCTF 20231291.00004.341
140UMDCTF 20231890.00003.796
477TAMUctf 2023100.00000.315
169BSidesSF CTF 2023300.00000.564
139ångstromCTF 2023980.000026.805
465Space Heroes 2023100.00000.170
219JerseyCTF III1436.00001.481
187Texas Security Awareness Week 2023160.00000.898
545PlaidCTF 20231.00000.213
275 HackPack CTF 20231.00000.169
379cursedCTF 2023229.00000.442

Team members