Sat, 08 April 2023, 00:00 UTC — Tue, 11 April 2023, 00:00 UTC 


cursedCTF event.

Format: Jeopardy Jeopardy

Official URL:

You will be able to login this event with CTFtime.

This event's future weight is subject of public voting!

Future weight: 23.29 

Rating weight: 23.29 

Event organizers 

cursedCTF will be unlike any other CTF you've played.


- Self-fulfillment


561 teams total

PlaceTeamCTF pointsRating points
1 Samurai 14018.00046.580
2 Ireland without the RE 10537.00029.152
3 CubeMastery 10347.00024.954
4 WhyDoTheyCallItOvenWhenYouOfInTheColdFoodOfOutHotEatTheFood 9714.00021.962
5 Mason Competitive Cyber 9172.00019.897
6 novastrumCTF 9080.00018.967
7 MusicMajors 8644.00017.689
8 bazed 7929.00016.085
9 Plain Insane Slop Squad 7915.00015.738
10 LiveOverflow 7705.00015.130
11 Brunnerne 7693.00014.899
12 Abelian3 6471.00012.692
13 Shell We Hack? 6118.00011.956
14 actually idek 5421.00010.670
15 organizers 5417.00010.553
16 SQLKinkjection 5328.00010.308
17 fsharp_hk 5182.0009.980
18 wolvsec 4769.0009.217
19 cultof196 4721.0009.069
20 4672.0008.927
21 0xb0fa 4082.0007.891
22 0xb0fadee5 4082.0007.841
23 Manf (An account with this name already exists.) 3824.0007.366
24 FrenchRoomba 3740.0007.184
25 ARESx 3642.0006.983
26 NoCtfNoLife 3531.0006.762
27 idek 3503.0006.683
28 RiceSec 3417.0006.509
29 coldboots 3358.0006.382
30 Social Engineering Experts 3349.0006.340
31 CyberSpace 3342.0006.304
32 Adderall Abuse Aficionados 3334.0006.267
33 Knightsec 3166.0005.966
34 one two three 2935.0005.561
35 kbr 2748.0005.231
36 PBR | UCLA 2542.0004.870
37 DistributedLivelock 2524.0004.823
38 xkcd 2507.0004.778
39 monosodium glutamate 2486.0004.728
40 Gratin 2433.0004.625
41 diff-fusion 2316.0004.416
43 ISFCR PESU 2088.0004.011
44 wakatta 2048.0003.932
45 willwam845 2000.0003.840
46 HSGS 1980.0003.796
47 TCP1P 1966.0003.762
48 such amazing team wao 1964.0003.748
49 xXxpassword123xXx 1884.0003.605
50 ;' DROP DATABASE USERS; -- 1856.0003.549
51 DJtheRedstoner 1808.0003.461
52 Blue Hens 1781.0003.407
53 laneslane 1771.0003.382
54 LosFuzzys 1727.0003.301
55 Shellphish 1712.0003.268
56 CSecSoc 1671.0003.192
57 P4ren 1661.0003.168
58 IThub | MSK 1629.0003.108
59 rottenEggs 1545.0002.962
60 >_< 1537.0002.942
61 Straw Hat 1524.0002.914
62 strellic 1465.0002.810
63 P1neVpple 1448.0002.775
64 Ulisse 1432.0002.743
65 The Few Chosen 1432.0002.737
66 FZT 1421.0002.714
67 dubalar 1410.0002.690
68 b01lers 1381.0002.637
69 mobbyn 1376.0002.624
70 poopoopoo 1364.0002.599
71 UofTCTF 1356.0002.581
72 noraneco 1329.0002.532
73 goofygasgalicians 1309.0002.494
74 mdm 1299.0002.473
75 wibiz 1292.0002.457
76 botdiff 1250.0002.383
77 SiliconPirates 1250.0002.379
78 Campolindo Cybersecurity Club 1242.0002.362
79 CursedEmu 1213.0002.310
80 NYUSEC 1212.0002.305
81 infox 1186.0002.258
82 amulet of sleepy 1176.0002.238
83 Norwegian_noobs 1161.0002.210
84 CBL 1154.0002.195
85 BasmatiSec 1151.0002.186
86 pwoomby 1136.0002.158
87 UMDCSEC 1135.0002.153
88 m0ns1ur_r0b0t 1127.0002.137
89 ouais c'est pas mal 1125.0002.131
90 WAT 1116.0002.113
91 Team Cryptis 1114.0002.107
92 if this doesn't work [forgot] [forgot] next smjb 1085.0002.056
93 d4rkc0de 1072.0002.031
94 W1ck3d G4m3 1070.0002.026
95 AMN3S1A~ 1070.0002.023
96 Emergency Bucket 1066.0002.014
97 Kyros 1065.0002.010
98 YMD_HK 1023.0001.937
99 rainbowunicorns 1020.0001.930
100 aa.crypto 1011.0001.913
101 ActuallyRuben 993.0001.880
102 WE_0WN_Y0U 993.0001.878
103 kfb 993.0001.876
104 Mother I'd Like to Flag 987.0001.864
105 owo 979.0001.848
106 Cat2Flag 970.0001.831
107 T5F3C7 969.0001.828
108 scriptohio 960.0001.811
109 T.U.S.K 942.0001.779
110 Plaid Parliament of Pwning 936.0001.767
111 Federal_Bonk_Investigations 932.0001.758
112 Sentinels of Security 932.0001.756
113 monkeydsfsd 932.0001.755
114 just_a_stick_doing_some_ctf 920.0001.733
115 WoLu 906.0001.708
116 TricksterNerd 903.0001.701
117 OrhunByte Security 900.0001.694
118 VNXX 896.0001.686
119 zdimension 889.0001.673
120 CodeBreaker 866.0001.633
121 usless534 856.0001.615
122 SiliconBits 855.0001.611
123 Broski 844.0001.592
124 mizz onreal fg jilf 841.0001.585
125 ak 829.0001.564
126 GCS 821.0001.549
127 Packet Pioneers 820.0001.546
128 bootplug 818.0001.541
129 whenthematrix 808.0001.523
130 skoriop 808.0001.522
131 Gang de la Sinfonia 802.0001.510
132 Sn0wh4ck 779.0001.471
133 wolf_packets 774.0001.461
134 KXTI_p0werpuff 768.0001.450
135 brooo 746.0001.412
136 CryptoCrackers 745.0001.409
137 Inactive Directory 745.0001.408
138 734.0001.388
139 nephack 731.0001.382
140 5h4d0wb10k3r 730.0001.379
141 CatGang 729.0001.376
142 stream gang 725.0001.369
143 SSPS{CYB3R_T34M} 720.0001.359
144 Aft3r_7h0ugh7 714.0001.348
145 XXIII 711.0001.342
146 MantiX101 705.0001.331
147 onotch 705.0001.330
148 KCSC 704.0001.327
149 d0rs1a 695.0001.311
150 thesolos 695.0001.310
151 cheYen 690.0001.301
153 Fish Hat Hackers 687.0001.294
154 NuevaBlueHats 687.0001.293
155 wackers 682.0001.283
156 mcpfree 682.0001.282
157 eskeddit 682.0001.281
158 Jutlandia 678.0001.274
159 TFG 🐺🦊🦌🐺 678.0001.273
160 _underscore_ 672.0001.262
161 fan Green Onions 20 nam 662.0001.245
162 hjhj 656.0001.234
163 Sloppy Joe Pirates 656.0001.233
164 JSoyke 654.0001.229
165 lmaowat 653.0001.226
166 amognus 634.0001.194
167 Goldwave 624.0001.176
168 FR33_T34M_Z 613.0001.157
169 Reformed 610.0001.151
170 C4T BuT S4D 606.0001.144
171 Madoka 592.0001.120
172 mendako 589.0001.114
173 theOrbit 582.0001.102
174 pony7 576.0001.091
175 hahaha 575.0001.088
176 mildlyfunctionalgays 575.0001.088
177 SHA-272 569.0001.077
178 Solo [Nepal] 569.0001.076
179 vemkicker 569.0001.075
180 maybemaybe not 567.0001.071
181 x0rc3r3rs 567.0001.071
182 ctfmaster 566.0001.068
183 Cyber Peanuts 566.0001.068
184 bdhxgrp 566.0001.067
185 Platinum 563.0001.061
186 tack 563.0001.061
187 Joshua@UCR 561.0001.057
188 klandestin 557.0001.049
189 kingpalms 555.0001.045
190 1stw0lf 555.0001.045
191 Br0s_C0d3_;-) 555.0001.044
192 TCTN 555.0001.043
193 Fui 555.0001.043
194 1NS0MN14 555.0001.042
195 HotNum 552.0001.037
196 Soudure au beurre 552.0001.036
197 fzhshzh 552.0001.035
198 teamleet 552.0001.035
199 sudobash418 548.0001.028
200 OnlyFeet 541.0001.015
201 1/0 509.0000.962
202 Th3_Order_Of_th3_pH0en1x 507.0000.958
203 Cha0s808 505.0000.954
204 White_Rabbit 490.0000.928
205 Look! A three-headed monkey! 490.0000.928
206 curcursedsed 490.0000.927
207 rapie 486.0000.920
208 DoomHack 484.0000.916
209 FR13NDS TEAM 475.0000.901
210 uanirudhx 463.0000.880
211 uncannyvalley 463.0000.880
212 hedge256 461.0000.876
213 Hidden Investigations 457.0000.869
214 EPIC!!!! 456.0000.866
215 penis 456.0000.866
216 cabbagepatch 456.0000.865
217 niko 454.0000.862
218 :capoo_scared: 454.0000.861
219 mkofvat 454.0000.861
220 SeaHatVN 454.0000.860
221 cursedctf 453.0000.858
222 Aesjes 452.0000.856
223 NotEnoughEffort 452.0000.855
224 capybarapwners 452.0000.855
225 Bre4k3rs 452.0000.854
226 athryx 452.0000.854
227 CTF Rajus 447.0000.845
228 nhho 446.0000.843
229 TeamCC 446.0000.843
230 Dumb13d0r3 442.0000.836
231 aidnzz 442.0000.835
232 teddy_simp 440.0000.831
233 havce 440.0000.831
234 cxp 440.0000.831
235 ACM_Cyber 440.0000.830
236 molun 440.0000.830
237 Mai Thanat Hack 440.0000.829
238 CH4O5 440.0000.829
239 R00t|Finder$ 440.0000.828
240 toni 440.0000.828
241 EvRo21 440.0000.828
242 nhl4000 437.0000.822
243 ByamB4 437.0000.822
244 NKRAFA Cyber Club 437.0000.821
245 jjroccss 437.0000.821
246 D@rk M@v3r1cks 437.0000.821
247 sebasak 437.0000.820
248 M Quinzième du nom 437.0000.820
249 theTw0r1sts 437.0000.820
250 TeamPizza 437.0000.819
251 oado1 431.0000.809
252 HCS 431.0000.808
253 RumbleInTheJungle 431.0000.808
254 N4ntes 431.0000.808
255 Pwn-la-Chapelle 431.0000.807
256 5bit 431.0000.807
257 Ariane 431.0000.807
258 Martial_Law_Enforcer 431.0000.806
259 Elgato 431.0000.806
260 HEXlords 431.0000.806
261 the sus imposters 431.0000.805
262 noobiee 431.0000.805
263 Poki880 431.0000.805
264 HockeyInJune 431.0000.804
265 Untrue 431.0000.804
266 I nub 431.0000.804
267 zime 431.0000.803
268 [email protected] 431.0000.803
269 ayy 431.0000.803
270 $$OwO$$ 403.0000.756
271 chilaxan 385.0000.726
272 LoMegale 379.0000.715
273 tmp 369.0000.698
274 0xdf 351.0000.668
275 Hopper's Roppers 349.0000.665
276 AISSM 348.0000.663
277 LeaveMeHere 346.0000.659
278 chopingu 345.0000.657
279 Cyb3r_pH30N1X 337.0000.643
280 Alexius 336.0000.641
281 Waflon_Team 336.0000.641
282 YCF 336.0000.641
283 hoge 335.0000.639
284 yorimoi 335.0000.639
285 not les amateurs 334.0000.637
286 BackMoon 334.0000.636
287 CyberSecMaverick 334.0000.636
288 m2a 334.0000.636
290 Disqualified 331.0000.630
291 HTF 326.0000.622
292 inugasky 326.0000.621
293 BinaryBears 325.0000.619
294 bash-c 325.0000.619
295 for sure a human 325.0000.619
296 Learning Is Fun! 325.0000.619
297 CristalloClub 325.0000.618
298 crimerate 316.0000.603
299 Lizard Area 316.0000.603
300 2nd place 316.0000.603
301 WCSC - Felines In Galoshes 316.0000.602
302 Ragnar0k 316.0000.602
303 wingtip 316.0000.602
304 Ohsaka Yoshihiro 316.0000.602
305 G1tc_Gu4rdians 316.0000.601
306 azusawa_kohane 316.0000.601
307 youtiaos 316.0000.601
308 dj 316.0000.601
309 jumango 316.0000.600
310 Russian bezdar 316.0000.600
311 0x25ff 316.0000.600
312 when1 316.0000.600
313 Bits & Pieces 316.0000.599
314 team_namae 316.0000.599
315 Periwinkle 316.0000.599
316 Slab Allocator 316.0000.599
317 Sm45h3r 316.0000.598
318 Deidar3 316.0000.598
319 acdwas 316.0000.598
320 JxKxL 316.0000.598
321 flag{}___Orz 316.0000.598
322 Leader 316.0000.597
323 Hailegebriel 316.0000.597
324 m4lware 316.0000.597
325 sudo rm opponents 316.0000.597
326 Xnxx 316.0000.596
327 SFU_JUN 316.0000.596
328 212 + 124 316.0000.596
329 AngLo 316.0000.596
330 Root AMD 316.0000.596
331 vcursed 316.0000.595
332 Peaky Kapinders 316.0000.595
333 lab4 316.0000.595
334 Red Cadets 316.0000.595
335 shasherazi 316.0000.595
336 jamesAran 316.0000.594
337 TesTeam 316.0000.594
338 cuadr0x 316.0000.594
339 buh 316.0000.594
340 Ps4r0k4s3L4s 316.0000.594
341 bronson113 316.0000.593
342 QuandaleDingle 316.0000.593
343 sl0th 316.0000.593
344 VKband 316.0000.593
345 prout 316.0000.593
346 xerox01 316.0000.592
347 Squad_417 316.0000.592
348 playingalone 316.0000.592
349 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 316.0000.592
350 rendezvous 316.0000.592
351 Links 316.0000.591
352 Spooksy 316.0000.591
353 bonus 316.0000.591
354 wdoomsec 316.0000.591
355 OteriHack 316.0000.591
356 CV Crypto Crusaders 316.0000.590
357 BITS-SOS 316.0000.590
358 fdd 316.0000.590
359 Pranking Huskies 316.0000.590
360 zkenshinx 316.0000.590
361 h3art 316.0000.590
362 meow++ 316.0000.589
363 CosmicVoidz 316.0000.589
364 ShAd0w{fir3} 316.0000.589
365 HomeBrew 316.0000.589
366 testteam 316.0000.589
367 no0bteam 316.0000.588
368 Soloqoo 316.0000.588
369 t3n4ci0us 316.0000.588
370 Bananenbrot 316.0000.588
371 what's this what's a ctf 271.0000.513
372 sugoma 243.0000.466
373 teamkotgrawacnhzamiastpatrzec 235.0000.453
374 darkcheftar 231.0000.446
375 satan 231.0000.446
376 0wo 230.0000.444
377 kitbit 229.0000.442
378 3660 229.0000.442
379 king0fduck 229.0000.442
380 kot12 220.0000.427
381 ninja007 211.0000.412
382 0xilikeyourhomepag 211.0000.412
383 PwnPirates (for real) 211.0000.411
384 holzhacker 211.0000.411
385 hukc 211.0000.411
386 Takuachitos 211.0000.411
387 meow 211.0000.411
388 BKISC 211.0000.411
389 rUg3r_p3t3r 211.0000.410
390 cat 211.0000.410
391 kekteam 211.0000.410
392 S1lence 211.0000.410
393 pmftim 211.0000.410
394 AIisTheAnswer 211.0000.410
395 dua_gangz_muoi 211.0000.410
396 GirlsWhoCry 211.0000.409
397 baby_shark 211.0000.409
398 femtocell 211.0000.409
399 Adamkadaban 211.0000.409
400 ronak 211.0000.409
401 0x09 211.0000.409
402 v1k_ngs 211.0000.408
403 souperspeed 211.0000.408
404 ggu 211.0000.408
405 RiST 211.0000.408
406 Geng DDoS Kepala Batu 211.0000.408
407 bigmoney 211.0000.408
408 team bagel 211.0000.408
409 wrickerino 211.0000.408
410 Anything CTFs 211.0000.407
411 static 211.0000.407
412 CP Enjoyer 211.0000.407
413 WeirdNameButWorksFine 211.0000.407
414 Sonicbird 211.0000.407
415 PuPu Team 69 211.0000.407
416 Error _Not_Found 210.0000.405
417 n0n 210.0000.405
418 PFS 210.0000.405
419 XTruffle 210.0000.404
420 Beta_securiteam 210.0000.404
421 kush412 210.0000.404
422 (: 210.0000.404
423 ri5e 210.0000.404
424 Palmashow 210.0000.404
425 die_trying 210.0000.404
426 Flaggermeister 210.0000.404
427 R3MAN3 210.0000.403
428 flag_bot 210.0000.403
429 Scr1ptK1dd13s 210.0000.403
430 Maple Bacon 210.0000.403
431 Mimi21 210.0000.403
432 RootBeer 210.0000.403
433 BisonSquad 210.0000.403
434 42AllTheWay 210.0000.403
435 ahengers 210.0000.402
436 BunchOfNerds 210.0000.402
437 BirBond 210.0000.402
438 BIT PIRATES 210.0000.402
439 test42 210.0000.402
440 bloodyknight 210.0000.402
441 S0meguy 210.0000.402
442 uwuers 210.0000.402
443 phneutro 210.0000.401
444 Solo-Run 210.0000.401
445 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 210.0000.401
446 PinkyFlavors 210.0000.401
447 3Iw@n0 210.0000.401
448 RPT 210.0000.401
449 err_404 210.0000.401
450 cursedCTF 2022 210.0000.401
451 team name 186.0000.361
452 cool_dragon 166.0000.327
453 CaC 138.0000.281
454 dm0 130.0000.267
455 phis1Ng_ 124.0000.257
456 mrx 124.0000.257
457 scarl3t0s_r0b0ts 124.0000.257
458 TSUKUYOMI 124.0000.257
459 alienpancakes 115.0000.242
460 asdsacdasacsdasafasd 106.0000.227
461 MRKHF 106.0000.227
462 empty_ 106.0000.227
463 CertifiedBoyLovers 106.0000.226
464 LordSusticacan 106.0000.226
465 TechSec 106.0000.226
466 Kinabler 106.0000.226
467 kekw 106.0000.226
468 mikejam 106.0000.226
469 Ice 106.0000.226
470 HEHE1 106.0000.226
471 asdfasdfas 106.0000.226
472 CrrctHrsBttrStpl 106.0000.225
473 billyconforto 106.0000.225
474 Mistsu 106.0000.225
475 piers 106.0000.225
476 kkk 106.0000.225
477 d0ntrash 106.0000.225
478 venturebros 106.0000.225
479 Yehoes 106.0000.225
480 OLAN 106.0000.225
481 KentangRenyah 106.0000.225
482 CanOrphansEatAtAFamilyRestaurant 106.0000.224
483 aggo 106.0000.224
484 jir4vvit 106.0000.224
485 Mongreel 106.0000.224
486 bounty_hunter 105.0000.222
487 TuX 105.0000.222
488 Zoook 105.0000.222
489 killswitch 105.0000.222
490 shari56 105.0000.222
491 TheAmazingDevil 105.0000.222
492 installgentoo 105.0000.222
493 Ucha_CTF 105.0000.222
494 ROP POP Gadgets 105.0000.222
495 Pakekoding 105.0000.222
496 P2File 105.0000.221
497 asdf 105.0000.221
498 imlzh1 105.0000.221
499 fre1si 105.0000.221
500 hi323 105.0000.221
501 The ViralVipers 105.0000.221
502 loser 105.0000.221
503 0r3o 105.0000.221
504 TFGJ? 105.0000.221
505 KXTI_R 105.0000.221
506 designers 105.0000.220
507 boten 105.0000.220
508 ns4styleTeam 105.0000.220
509 Pinox0x0 105.0000.220
510 hamayanhamayan 105.0000.220
511 NoirNantais 105.0000.220
512 ye3e3e3e 105.0000.220
513 DNC&G 105.0000.220
514 DinoSec 105.0000.220
515 PARSECT 105.0000.220
516 Charmander 105.0000.220
517 R3N4RD 105.0000.219
518 Renaisans_POL 105.0000.219
519 bozo 105.0000.219
520 m0f0ng0 105.0000.219
521 Rossi 105.0000.219
522 CyberBangla 105.0000.219
523 MixTim 105.0000.219
524 DeepThonts 105.0000.219
525 0NE_$H0T 105.0000.219
526 gen3ralpotat 105.0000.219
527 Fi'Hack 105.0000.219
528 helllll 105.0000.219
529 Shush 105.0000.218
530 BLAHAJ 105.0000.218
531 monday_trazor 105.0000.218
532 Orbit 105.0000.218
533 Team0x0A 105.0000.218
534 LITF 105.0000.218
535 F055il215 105.0000.218
536 zer0pts 105.0000.218
537 Bumble 105.0000.218
538 H3K3R_BOIS 105.0000.218
539 buttf14g 105.0000.218
540 9090 105.0000.218
541 PPPP 105.0000.218
542 R4v3nc14w_P3ngu1n 105.0000.217
543 P4rad0x 105.0000.217
544 <OOO> 105.0000.217
545 eggo 105.0000.217
546 Levi 105.0000.217
547 guohanming 105.0000.217
548 fathertom 105.0000.217
549 hoppers 105.0000.217
550 Z_team 105.0000.217
551 Helene 105.0000.217
552 The Stringers 105.0000.217
553 pwrnstars 105.0000.217
554 omw 105.0000.216
555 7Friends 105.0000.216
556 d0pam1ne 105.0000.216
557 __jb__ 105.0000.216
558 FPTU EThical Hackers Club 105.0000.216
559 SpaceCyberX 105.0000.216
560 Maurus 105.0000.216
561 DexLulz 105.0000.108
562 soloprogress 105.0000.108
563 ijustwanttoseethechallenges 105.0000.108
564 fiscrashett 105.0000.108
manfApril 11, 2023, 4:21 p.m.


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