Also known as
  • willwam
  • wwm
  • wiwam845
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Participated in CTF events

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
275NewportBlakeCTF 2023493.00000.879
912DownUnderCTF 2023341.00001.377
263ångstromCTF 2023630.000017.161
45cursedCTF 20232000.00003.840

Overall rating place: 493 with 69.915 pts in 2022

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
2Hack The Boo5075.000037.350
117DownUnderCTF 2022 (Online) 2189.00004.509
66Crypto CTF 2022462.00005.783
255vsCTF 2022464.00000.843
11SEETF 20226712.00008.409
99m0leCon CTF 2022 Teaser58.00001.179
538CrewCTF 202210.00000.047
50HackPack CTF 2022912.00008.283
96UMassCTF 2022995.00003.315
148Insomni'hack teaser 20228.00000.197

Overall rating place: 522 with 55.941 pts in 2021

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
2Cyber Santa is Coming to Town7875.000036.495
41DUNGEON - BSides Ahmedabad CTF 2021555.00004.051
178TSG CTF 2021237.00002.113
433DCTF 2021700.00000.000
271UMassCTF 2021434.00001.393
455Tenable CTF 20211025.00003.421

Overall rating place: 826 with 41.862 pts in 2020

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
263X-MAS CTF 2020312.00000.000
218ASIS CTF Finals 202020.00000.796
70m0leCon CTF 2020156.00001.657
352Balsn CTF 2020110.00000.402
575Block CTF 20201.00000.076
549KipodAfterFree CTF 20205.00000.070
681Newark Academy CTF 2020590.00001.094
822MetaCTF CyberGames 2020625.00000.969
824Syskron Security CTF 202070.00000.307
471DamCTF 2020100.00000.274
113BalCCon2k20 CTF49.00000.336
49Evlz CTF 3.050.00001.007
373EKOPARTY CTF 20209.00000.082
145TokyoWesterns CTF 6th 2020280.00006.190
119DownUnderCTF 20202545.00004.664
85COMPFEST CTF 2020891.00000.000
45ByteCTF 31645.00000.000
320PoseidonCTF 1st Edition100.00000.338
417InCTF 2020100.00000.394
578csictf 2020887.00000.965
28Content Creators Club CTF3450.00000.000
332UIUCTF 202040.00000.171
531CCTF 20201.00000.050
184ASIS CTF Quals 202095.00001.628
171CSCML CTF 2020150.00000.595
198WeCTF 2020100.00000.377
534NahamCon CTF905.00003.030
491De1CTF 202027.00000.106
286WPICTF 2020301.00002.488
68DawgCTF 20203880.00008.535
307VirSecCon CTF1200.00005.029
237X-MAS GTF 2020100.00000.000
338CONFidence CTF 2020 Teaser9.00000.199
570b01lers CTF2.00000.046
360UTCTF 2020352.00000.353

Team members

Team writeups

UIUCTF 2020Feedback Survey [20]read writeup