Sat, 14 March 2020, 00:00 UTC — Mon, 16 March 2020, 00:00 UTC 


b01lers CTF event.

Format: Jeopardy Jeopardy

Official URL:

This event's future weight is subject of public voting!

Future weight: 22.46 

Rating weight: 22.46 

Event organizers 

b01lers CTF is a CTF hosted by Purdue University's b01lers CTF team. Our CTF is beginner friendly and is geared towards university teams. Unlike most CTF competitions, b01lers CTF organizers will release writeups and solves for all challenges after the competition ends to encourage learning and development.

Register at

Infra sponsored by and Purdue University CERIAS


660 teams total

PlaceTeamCTF pointsRating points
1 perfect blue 6503.00044.920
2 OSUSEC 5603.00030.582
3 OpenToAll 5002.00024.763
4 bootplug 4803.00022.204
5 PFS 4603.00020.390
6 zer0pts 4103.00017.914
7 Kernel Sanders 3303.00014.616
8 wolvsec 3003.00013.179
9 noTeamName 3003.00012.867
10 BullSoc 2503.00010.891
11 from Sousse, with love 2503.00010.687
12 FrenchRoomba 2503.00010.517
13 SaudiPwners 2303.0009.682
14 House of Suicide 2202.0009.210
15 Defenit 2103.0008.761
16 C4M31 2102.0008.664
17 knights_of_the_rooted_table 2003.0008.239
18 the3000 2003.0008.166
19 dcua 2002.0008.097
20 watevr 1903.0007.696
21 ptr4ce 1902.0007.639
22 TeamCC 1703.0006.903
23 Djavaa 1700.0006.848
24 White Maria 1603.0006.472
25 imssm99 1602.0006.431
26 WRUBLE 1503.0006.055
27 U+1F966 1502.0006.019
28 burner_herz0g 1403.0005.648
29 RaccoonRidingBicycle 1303.0005.275
30 Chinchila 1303.0005.249
31 SPARSA 1303.0005.225
32 nubcakes 1302.0005.199
33 kiona 1203.0004.836
34 Dashu 1203.0004.815
35 hack^3 1203.0004.797
36 CAT-Security 1203.0004.779
37 lonelyboyz 1202.0004.758
38 0d12245589 1103.0004.401
39 The Hootsforce 1103.0004.385
40 AUCC 1003.0004.026
41 PTZCTF 1003.0004.012
42 ExploITU 1003.0003.999
43 WCSC 1003.0003.986
44 VitaminG 1003.0003.975
45 0xPolpettOwn 1003.0003.963
46 CTD Elite 903.0003.607
47 Isaac 903.0003.597
48 BurpFiction 903.0003.587
49 KipodAfterFree 902.0003.574
50 Order of the Grey Fang 901.0003.561
51 Wani Hackase 803.0003.214
52 TeamShakti 803.0003.205
53 noname 803.0003.197
54 Blue Hens 803.0003.189
55 hathi 803.0003.182
56 rycbar 703.0002.829
57 NekochanNano! 703.0002.822
58 BufferSec 703.0002.815
59 ntropy 703.0002.809
60 Cr0w 703.0002.802
61 YouRayKneeUm 703.0002.796
62 ShellSec 703.0002.790
63 DLU 702.0002.781
64 n3mo 702.0002.775
65 KogCoder 701.0002.767
66 rampage 700.0002.758
67 greenhat 603.0002.418
68 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 603.0002.413
69 On fait chier les gens 603.0002.408
70 WE_0WN_Y0U 603.0002.403
71 UMBC CyberDawgs 603.0002.399
72 1337B01S 603.0002.395
73 mmaekr 602.0002.387
74 Pelarian CP ehe 602.0002.383
75 hack007 601.0002.375
76 technic 600.0002.368
77 onotch 503.0002.029
78 T0waRds_St4R 503.0002.025
79 xatulab 503.0002.022
80 Pororos 503.0002.018
81 yamiza 503.0002.015
82 Kaasfondue 503.0002.011
83 feeb2ecd 503.0002.008
84 entr0py 503.0002.005
85 UMDCSEC 503.0002.001
86 Lilac 502.0001.995
87 JohnPwnJones 502.0001.992
88 LaoHacker 502.0001.989
89 HTHT 502.0001.986
90 N0n4mesbl 502.0001.983
91 OkBoom'Eirb 502.0001.981
92 kretes 502.0001.978
93 dm0 502.0001.975
94 fire 502.0001.973
95 noobsangad 502.0001.970
96 Antivirus 502.0001.968
97 NULL 501.0001.962
98 SecurityFactorial 500.0001.956
99 Me 500.0001.954
100 Keyboard Mafia 403.0001.616
101 2n00b 403.0001.614
102 nanocomp 403.0001.612
103 0x8Layer 403.0001.610
104 SinHack 403.0001.608
105 darkoob 402.0001.602
106 bdubya 402.0001.600
107 IDORaTheExploiter 402.0001.598
108 wetox 402.0001.596
109 Flag Hunters 402.0001.594
110 ITSP 402.0001.593
111 SIGPwny 402.0001.591
112 ri5e 402.0001.589
113 The Dark Side 402.0001.587
114 Shellphish 402.0001.585
115 NoxSolo 402.0001.584
116 The Additional Payphones 402.0001.582
117 Admin 401.0001.577
118 F2H 400.0001.572
119 hahaha 400.0001.570
120 sysc4lls 400.0001.569
121 QB 400.0001.567
122 xmzyshypnc 400.0001.566
123 Yoshino-s 400.0001.564
124 Petir Cyber Security 400.0001.563
125 ll 303.0001.226
126 Bug Brigade 303.0001.225
127 spoilers 303.0001.223
128 PinkPy 303.0001.222
129 team_Yamasan 303.0001.221
130 CyberYoddha 303.0001.219
131 On est pas venu déguisés en feuille de chou pour se faire bouffer le cul par des lapins 303.0001.218
132 Zense 303.0001.217
133 Tsami 303.0001.215
134 InfoSecIITR 302.0001.211
135 K0nFu53D C@ 302.0001.209
136 EllInRoll 302.0001.208
137 ApoapsisCL 302.0001.207
138 HackSploit 302.0001.206
139 ISITDTU 302.0001.205
140 DarkEn1gma 302.0001.203
141 LX0 302.0001.202
142 potato 302.0001.201
143 Ceisc 302.0001.200
144 ZyperX 301.0001.196
145 Lagoon Squad 301.0001.194
146 GR00T5 301.0001.193
147 dms 301.0001.192
148 t3rminat0rs 300.0001.188
149 losiny 300.0001.187
150 aksidij 300.0001.186
151 Synrom 300.0001.185
152 combabo 300.0001.184
153 SWV_L 203.0000.848
154 731Sec 203.0000.847
155 warlock_rootx 203.0000.846
156 InterGalacticMayhem 203.0000.845
157 first time 203.0000.844
158 altdudas 203.0000.843
159 cryp_$ec 203.0000.842
160 1minPLZ 203.0000.841
161 RedPIkachu 203.0000.841
162 [MEPhI] Halva w/tears 203.0000.840
163 Ne0Lux-C1Ph3r 203.0000.839
164 clevrcode 203.0000.838
165 paulie 203.0000.837
166 ctFIC 203.0000.836
167 pecan cookies 203.0000.836
168 Kagashin 202.0000.831
169 LTS 202.0000.831
170 Team8 202.0000.830
171 quriosity 202.0000.829
172 202.0000.828
173 ByamB4 202.0000.827
174 PitPartners 202.0000.827
175 flagbot 202.0000.826
176 mmm1245 202.0000.825
177 flag{HELP} 202.0000.825
178 stuxnet 202.0000.824
179 SundayParan0ids 202.0000.823
180 N30Z30N 202.0000.822
181 d3ltaforce 202.0000.822
182 Lalaland 202.0000.821
183 HackingForSoju 202.0000.820
184 You expected a team name, but it was me, Dio! 202.0000.820
185 Blue-Whale 201.0000.816
186 CrackTheFlag 201.0000.815
187 androhacker 201.0000.814
188 0xZero 201.0000.814
189 voschmi 201.0000.813
190 poopteamLOL 201.0000.812
191 acdwas 201.0000.812
192 nirap 201.0000.811
193 N33rdZ 201.0000.811
194 q5ca 200.0000.807
195 iupui 200.0000.806
196 badfirmware 200.0000.805
197 kasiatutej 200.0000.805
198 B4dN3st 200.0000.804
199 fantasticbeasts 200.0000.804
200 CXEFA 200.0000.803
201 K@i 200.0000.802
202 VND0ng 200.0000.802
203 bobgil 200.0000.801
204 hackstreetboys 200.0000.801
205 Shonan 103.0000.465
206 SCSH 103.0000.465
207 pescyb3r 103.0000.464
208 webwebjjang 103.0000.464
209 ddddhm 103.0000.463
210 ctf-m 103.0000.463
211 Kaleidnim 103.0000.462
212 Cyber Grizzlies 103.0000.462
213 watafak 103.0000.461
214 SpyVSpy 103.0000.461
215 Bois 103.0000.460
216 F055il215 103.0000.460
217 velesovo_pole 103.0000.459
218 N3W8135 103.0000.459
219 noraneco 103.0000.458
220 Attackers 103.0000.458
221 TahSec 103.0000.457
222 plsDelete 103.0000.457
223 ByteForc3 103.0000.456
224 the bois 103.0000.456
225 Symreapers 103.0000.456
226 Haxx4Jobz 103.0000.455
227 Cyber Security Trunojoyo 103.0000.455
228 ret2school 103.0000.454
229 T3D 103.0000.454
230 BETABOIIS 103.0000.453
231 Purge 103.0000.453
232 skoter22 103.0000.453
233 P@Ge2mE 103.0000.452
234 GARID LUCID 103.0000.452
235 F4k 103.0000.451
236 SDHackers 103.0000.451
237 Minus07 103.0000.451
238 I have no idea what I'm doing 103.0000.450
239 ButterOverflow 103.0000.450
240 BrainLog 103.0000.449
241 jammy 103.0000.449
242 zh0day 102.0000.445
243 Dragons 102.0000.445
244 FullPwn Operations 102.0000.444
245 AdnanSlef 102.0000.444
246 purdueboi 102.0000.444
247 TNTech-CyberEagles 102.0000.443
248 Champlain College Solo 102.0000.443
249 N00bM4st3r5 102.0000.442
250 ThisIsTheKey 102.0000.442
251 SavedByTheShell 102.0000.442
252 IASG 102.0000.441
253 Joel's Jaberwockies 102.0000.441
254 Funny name 102.0000.441
255 0x90r00t 102.0000.440
256 DreamEaterz 102.0000.440
257 Cyber Security Leaks 102.0000.440
258 HuntsvilleTechSupport 102.0000.439
259 P3PP4 P4TR0L 102.0000.439
260 Sud0 102.0000.439
261 Bomboclaat 102.0000.438
262 CyberDucks 102.0000.438
263 4u70w1N 102.0000.438
264 New Mexico Tech FTW 102.0000.437
265 KUDoS 102.0000.437
266 alp1n3bois 102.0000.437
267 stankc 102.0000.436
268 maplesyruptaco 102.0000.436
269 nyquiloverdose 102.0000.436
270 Kinda Lonely 102.0000.435
271 Forethinkers 102.0000.435
272 h3nchm3n 102.0000.435
273 Plan B 102.0000.435
274 gemp 102.0000.434
275 RLPWN3R 102.0000.434
276 mirani 102.0000.434
277 manishkumarr 102.0000.433
278 ISK 102.0000.433
279 Spikers 102.0000.433
280 nalton 102.0000.433
281 Is this a b̶u̶t̶t̶e̶r̶f̶l̶y̶ pwnerfly? 102.0000.432
282 break_the_code 102.0000.432
283 XANA 102.0000.432
284 West 102.0000.431
285 Horde 102.0000.431
286 bi0s-kochi 102.0000.431
287 M1n3cr4ft 102.0000.431
288 mashimarro 102.0000.430
289 syssec 102.0000.430
290 amit_d 102.0000.430
291 toxic 102.0000.429
292 LinuxRiders 102.0000.429
293 H0j3n 102.0000.429
294 echobash 102.0000.429
295 Cyb3rpunk_squad 102.0000.428
296 ThePacemakers 102.0000.428
297 K0deless 102.0000.428
298 HaCkreative 102.0000.428
299 hanhctf 102.0000.427
300 Newbie_aaa 102.0000.427
301 RPPTT 102.0000.427
302 cyber_sleuths 102.0000.427
303 Amigos do Mr. R0b0t 102.0000.426
304 Legendary Burnouts 102.0000.426
305 :thinking: 102.0000.426
306 TheFallingShadow 102.0000.426
307 DUNHILL 102.0000.425
308 Squeaky Squad 102.0000.425
309 T35H 102.0000.425
310 k1r170 102.0000.425
311 PUT 102.0000.425
312 Lorem Ipsum 102.0000.424
313 StrawHatPirates 102.0000.424
314 outOfCheese 102.0000.424
315 R1ckRoll3d 102.0000.424
316 Greyhounds 102.0000.423
317 CSUI 102.0000.423
318 balakumar 102.0000.423
319 n00bPWN! 102.0000.423
320 HypeNah 102.0000.422
321 {l4_p4nd1ll4_m4nt3q1ll4} 102.0000.422
322 Iceclue 102.0000.422
323 ChaigncHackademy 102.0000.422
324 1n7rud3rs 102.0000.422
325 covid-19 102.0000.421
326 NSA_n00bs 102.0000.421
327 Password is password 102.0000.421
328 OverDover 102.0000.421
329 0x325 102.0000.421
330 mediaconcept 102.0000.420
331 hmm++ 102.0000.420
332 practicingonmyown 102.0000.420
333 Mars Explorer 102.0000.420
334 Lost in Bytes 102.0000.420
335 UNSAdA 102.0000.419
336 CT 102.0000.419
337 Scorpions 102.0000.419
338 Undvik 102.0000.419
339 L0stC0d3 102.0000.419
340 skdr 102.0000.418
341 Just a year 11 student 102.0000.418
342 dis4v0w3d 102.0000.418
343 2new 102.0000.418
344 0xcafecafe 102.0000.418
345 AlphaQ 102.0000.417
346 cyber defecers 102.0000.417
347 Id10t-Error 102.0000.417
348 Thanjavur Pullingo 102.0000.417
349 (mendung)10^6 102.0000.417
350 elad 102.0000.416
351 MongolianEmpire1 102.0000.416
352 beerpwn 102.0000.416
353 FwPepek 102.0000.416
354 Hyghfbvcx 102.0000.416
355 corona-rooted 102.0000.416
356 digital_turtle 102.0000.415
357 bi0sblr 102.0000.415
358 nohands 102.0000.415
359 k0kos 102.0000.415
360 Ad1ct0s al cr4cke0 102.0000.415
361 4Eyes 102.0000.415
362 ZombieBot 102.0000.414
363 Desperado Security 102.0000.414
364 Wagmteiy 101.0000.411
365 vyhd 101.0000.410
366 3g1c3 101.0000.410
367 void 101.0000.410
368 Ju574Fun 101.0000.410
369 NaijaSecForce 101.0000.410
370 adventuretime 101.0000.410
371 the amazing(ly bad) team 101.0000.409
372 InfoSecWarrior 101.0000.409
373 k 101.0000.409
374 kavabonga 101.0000.409
375 nullroute 101.0000.409
376 NEUQRO 101.0000.409
377 adTalos 101.0000.408
378 23f3 101.0000.408
379 Eugene Domay 101.0000.408
380 nextgenfw^2 101.0000.408
381 S-L-O-W 101.0000.408
382 brooo 101.0000.408
383 Ron 101.0000.407
384 h4ck7u5 101.0000.407
385 neophyte 101.0000.407
386 rmrfslash 101.0000.407
387 %00Byte 101.0000.407
388 ForeverUntitled 101.0000.407
389 M0t0rHead 101.0000.407
390 Me_alone 101.0000.406
391 t3c 101.0000.406
392 Dualkem 101.0000.406
393 4katsuk1 101.0000.406
394 V3nom 101.0000.406
395 Mramtym 101.0000.406
396 Raisondetre 101.0000.406
397 n0_pwn1c 101.0000.405
398 goldenoak 101.0000.405
399 Vincenzovo 101.0000.405
400 m00shiners 101.0000.405
401 KXTI_User 100.0000.401
402 gechs 100.0000.401
403 MQCyberSec 100.0000.401
404 pwnpwnpwn 100.0000.401
405 chocolatelabparty 100.0000.401
406 hust_dtvt 100.0000.401
407 A 100.0000.401
408 Saku 100.0000.400
409 t00lpns 100.0000.400
410 nguyendqn 100.0000.400
411 s0l0 100.0000.400
412 hhro 100.0000.400
413 lol'team" 100.0000.400
414 rosaa99 100.0000.400
415 H3 100.0000.399
416 Probka 100.0000.399
417 0xego 100.0000.399
418 Dokko 100.0000.399
419 ITI-40 100.0000.399
420 Hexion 100.0000.399
421 Noisy_Jr 100.0000.399
422 HAU Cyber Foxes 100.0000.399
423 random-team-name 100.0000.398
424 HTsP Junior 100.0000.398
425 _gh0st_ 100.0000.398
426 ProvA 100.0000.398
427 ttest 100.0000.398
428 sw1ss 100.0000.398
429 not_3ag11 100.0000.398
430 anon$ploit$ 100.0000.398
431 YBY 100.0000.397
432 #foreveralone 100.0000.397
433 z3bra 100.0000.397
434 hakSol0 100.0000.397
435 sharifs-angels 100.0000.397
436 loka 100.0000.397
437 go1ng 100.0000.397
438 MilesMorales 100.0000.397
439 hamayanhamayan 100.0000.397
440 WFTC 100.0000.396
441 Sice Squad 100.0000.396
442 kisanak 100.0000.396
443 m3w 100.0000.396
444 Impes 100.0000.396
445 swt02026 100.0000.396
446 calladakiteam 100.0000.396
447 GautamGreat 100.0000.396
448 BlankLamb 100.0000.396
449 splitline 100.0000.395
450 lmao1337 100.0000.395
451 CH0COCO 100.0000.395
452 mystery 100.0000.395
453 NGA 100.0000.395
454 !madarcode 100.0000.395
455 Rohas 100.0000.395
456 cevaflag 100.0000.395
457 noar 100.0000.395
458 mj00r 100.0000.394
459 ysh 100.0000.394
460 rngrt 100.0000.394
461 hack-me 100.0000.394
462 NULLKrypt3rs 100.0000.394
463 hsrthrthdtrh 100.0000.394
464 At least we tried 3.0000.059
465 Piratica Division 3.0000.059
466 jkc 3.0000.059
467 VikasGola 3.0000.058
468 SSAT 3.0000.058
469 subrsp0x28 3.0000.058
470 Ayush 3.0000.058
471 b33lz3bubs 3.0000.058
472 20- - 3.0000.058
473 bangbarang 3.0000.058
474 EvilBunnyWrote 3.0000.058
475 whitehathacker 3.0000.058
476 FuZZers 3.0000.058
477 Luka 3.0000.057
478 Pwn Leak 3.0000.057
479 n00bcr3w 3.0000.057
480 Elweth 3.0000.057
481 DarkR3d 3.0000.057
482 abri33 3.0000.057
483 Al3x2 3.0000.057
484 LinyTail 2.0000.053
485 Revers3c 2.0000.053
486 K!r4 2.0000.053
487 phamcindy619 2.0000.053
488 Rowan University 2.0000.053
489 INSPIV 2.0000.053
490 AlphaSec 2.0000.053
491 Colors ESI 2.0000.053
492 Cy6erHun7ers 2.0000.053
493 Phantom troupe 2.0000.052
494 YTBDPs 2.0000.052
495 fzhshzh 2.0000.052
496 Da4er's 2.0000.052
497 Godf4th3r 2.0000.052
498 HIERARCHY 2.0000.052
499 AdiPratama15 2.0000.052
500 cyberianz 2.0000.052
501 The Society 2.0000.052
502 {4N1M3_T1DD135} 2.0000.052
503 valhalla 2.0000.052
504 Qwerties 2.0000.051
505 Decepticons 2.0000.051
506 Byte 2.0000.051
507 Xaveriee 2.0000.051
508 atoz 2.0000.051
509 alimadodo 2.0000.051
510 redpwn 2.0000.051
511 d132e4bc948e1cc12383afe9439fdee37eaf63dba3041639c64739d93a601bfd 2.0000.051
512 stratoteam 2.0000.051
513 USSR1337 2.0000.051
514 /dev/null 2.0000.051
515 ak47 2.0000.051
516 4k3l4rr3 2.0000.050
517 T-Regex 2.0000.050
518 ISwearIGoogledIt 2.0000.050
519 PoliPower 2.0000.050
520 The_Backdoor_Bandits 2.0000.050
521 passw0rd01_!s_secret 2.0000.050
522 Team Frenzy 2.0000.050
523 Qui3t0wL 2.0000.050
524 CybSec 2.0000.050
525 virtuoso 2.0000.050
526 1girl4b0ys 2.0000.050
527 lilchickennn 2.0000.050
528 n000bs 2.0000.049
529 onep01nt 2.0000.049
530 s4m0n's teamm 2.0000.049
531 ahengers 2.0000.049
532 pseud0 2.0000.049
533 PWN to 0xE4 2.0000.049
534 ROKhong 2.0000.049
535 Black Aces 2.0000.049
536 hsdm 2.0000.049
537 DoN't ReGrET 2.0000.049
538 Shingeki no Chikungunya 2.0000.049
539 yelenz 2.0000.049
540 cpls 2.0000.049
541 Klashers 2.0000.048
542 EGInit-0 2.0000.048
543 secretc0der 2.0000.048
544 Crazy-87 2.0000.048
545 CIAT CyberWarriors 2.0000.048
546 The Guardian 2.0000.048
547 gruf 2.0000.048
548 Oleng kapten 2.0000.048
549 UnlimitedHummus 2.0000.048
550 Big Fortress Down 2.0000.048
551 Cyberellas 2.0000.048
552 Dino 2.0000.048
553 CybSec NITW 2.0000.048
554 transient 2.0000.047
555 CC20 2.0000.047
556 LP ASSR 2.0000.047
557 Big Brain 2.0000.047
558 One_Man_Awmy 2.0000.047
559 fuchsbau 2.0000.047
560 Ctrl+Alt+T 2.0000.047
561 TheRabbits 2.0000.047
562 Team_Unknown 2.0000.047
563 FlagHosts 2.0000.047
564 secderr 2.0000.047
565 PetyaReindeer 2.0000.047
566 Losers 2.0000.047
567 Canary 2.0000.047
568 potatoe 2.0000.046
569 QQ30287151 2.0000.046
570 willwam845 2.0000.046
571 VValking 2.0000.046
572 kanbedon 2.0000.046
573 Pwn October 2.0000.046
574 sux2bme 2.0000.046
575 b0tt1 2.0000.046
576 saladetomate.onion 2.0000.046
577 Mishkins 2.0000.046
578 Titan 2.0000.046
579 zer0byte 2.0000.046
580 hogehogg 2.0000.046
581 Solo_Wolf 2.0000.046
582 KXTI_PROC 1.0000.042
583 \u0000Null 1.0000.042
584 fr334aks 1.0000.042
585 nganggur 1.0000.042
586 lovedays 1.0000.042
587 0xfxxker 1.0000.042
588 Good_God_Gd 1.0000.042
589 SpaceAcoustics 1.0000.042
590 RK_hacker 1.0000.042
591 0b01 1.0000.041
592 455-7055 1.0000.041
593 Tribute 1.0000.041
594 Viru5 1.0000.041
595 NorthWest 1.0000.041
596 team_pass_is=t3amat3s 1.0000.041
597 SundaEmpire_v2 1.0000.041
598 password-anon 1.0000.041
599 RJ45 1.0000.041
600 BDPWN 1.0000.041
601 BICEPS 1.0000.041
602 tozkoparan 1.0000.041
603 noname6 1.0000.041
604 gold 1.0000.041
605 Schlenkians_Captured 1.0000.041
606 YRYR 1.0000.041
607 CrYPT0H3K3RS 1.0000.040
608 I'm Faded 1.0000.040
609 hahahihi 1.0000.040
610 n0n3z 1.0000.040
611 StaffsCyber 1.0000.040
612 Bubby Gump 1.0000.040
613 bamami 1.0000.040
614 green_mosses 1.0000.040
615 KXTI 1.0000.040
616 BubaGang 1.0000.040
617 wiwi 1.0000.040
618 Lorem 1.0000.040
619 knightssss 1.0000.040
620 zero 1.0000.040
621 test 1.0000.040
622 Fr13Nd5_DTU 1.0000.040
623 [email protected] 1.0000.040
624 Brot 1.0000.039
625 D4RKFL0W 1.0000.039
626 kknock 1.0000.039
627 plusUltra 1.0000.039
628 L3m0n_SeQuEezy 1.0000.039
629 SemTime 1.0000.039
630 sferwehyd 1.0000.039
631 $Re_D$ 1.0000.039
632 jjj 1.0000.039
633 ex3x 1.0000.039
634 lost+found 1.0000.039
635 XXXYYYZZZ 1.0000.039
636 AlphaChaos 1.0000.039
637 kinako 1.0000.039
638 YOLO 1.0000.039
639 alal 1.0000.039
640 ???? 1.0000.039
641 fane 1.0000.038
642 Horned Stripeless Zebras 1.0000.038
643 3WaystoHeck 1.0000.038
644 darmads 1.0000.038
645 DerpTeam 1.0000.038
646 Flagaholic 1.0000.038
647 chaser 1.0000.038
648 ghosts 1.0000.038
649 Akasec 1.0000.038
650 Plain 1.0000.038
651 ポキ丼 1.0000.038
652 head | less 1.0000.038
653 GetPwndN00b 1.0000.038
654 bvd 1.0000.038
655 Servant's Sons 1.0000.038
656 team bagel 1.0000.038
657 asdfasdfasdf 1.0000.038
658 SSSCTF 1.0000.038
659 EhBoys 1.0000.038
660 Bongos 1.0000.019
planetxortMarch 8, 2020, 6:11 a.m.

What categories of challenges can we expect during this CTF?

novafacingMarch 10, 2020, 4:45 p.m.

@planetxort we'll have WEB, PWN, REV, CRYPTO, and a couple MISC challenges. Pretty classic configuration!

stacklikemindMarch 14, 2020, 5:31 p.m.

Login feature via Major Cyber Leauge is broken. Team Creation is too.
It is not possible to participate in this ctf at the moment.

stacklikemindMarch 14, 2020, 5:33 p.m.

now it's working again :D

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