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Participated in CTF events

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
1720x41414141 CTF1246.00000.000
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
396Dragon CTF 202042.00001.085
234CyberSecurityRumble CTF400.00001.128
458redpwnCTF 20202183.00002.329
801Hack-A-Sat Qualifiers16.00000.132
31m0leCon CTF 2020 Teaser797.00006.397
742TG:HACK 2020246.00000.568
1234VirSecCon CTF60.00000.266
204Midnight Sun CTF 2020 Quals213.00002.092
1043AUCTF 2020150.00000.105
102SuSeC CTF 2020104.00001.118
412b01lers CTF100.00000.400
96Aero CTF 2020500.00001.895

Overall rating place: 941 with 26.701 pts in 2019

Country place: 41

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
338BambooFox CTF60.00000.000
42KipodAfterFree CTF 2019170.00004.369
226OverTheWire Advent Bonanza 2019201.00000.557
47InCTF 20191092.00005.725
154SEC-T CTF 201979.00000.458
985Newark Academy CTF 2019425.00001.190
209CSAW CTF Qualification Round 2019451.00003.731
273Chaos Communication Camp 201938.00000.320
372peaCTF 2019850.00000.000
51SunshineCTF 2019825.00005.983
691TAMUctf 192027.00003.394
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
372h4ckc0n 201850.00000.792
94TJCTF 2018695.00007.597

Team members

Team writeups

CONFidence CTF 2020 TeaserLocked PE [168]read writeup
Aero CTF 2020Bass Boosted [500]read writeup