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  • beer_side
  • beerSide


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Participated in CTF events

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
169Pearl CTF322.00000.743
704osu!gaming CTF 2024218.00000.622
1076UofTCTF 202410.00000.039

Overall rating place: 642 with 68.772 pts in 2023

Country place: 31

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
486TUCTF 202350.00000.182
269SunshineCTF 2023301.00003.149
439BuckeyeCTF 2023230.00000.863
218CSAW CTF Qualification Round 20231101.00002.417
269PatriotCTF 20231925.00003.300
203Urmia CTF 2023825.00002.308
736DownUnderCTF 2023525.00002.105
9h4ckc0n 20231006.00009.435
84Bauhinia CTF 202390.00000.718
54CYBERGON CTF 20231390.00004.567
290Tenable CTF 2023646.00002.293
94Lexington Informatics Tournament CTF 20231700.00005.838
161DeconstruCT.F 2023627.00001.736
290AmateursCTF 20231503.00001.487
316CrewCTF 2023100.00000.140
66Africa battleCTF 2023 prequal1900.00005.080
31TBTL CTF 2023624.00001.818
642UMDCTF 202350.00000.160
148TAMUctf 20231674.00004.229
133ångstromCTF 20231000.000027.367
92Texas Security Awareness Week 2023650.00003.390
90Hack-A-Sat 4 Qualifiers155.00002.164
524RITSEC CTF 2023183.00000.657
257Incognito 4.0732.00001.260
571LA CTF 2023727.00001.186
88IrisCTF 2023906.00002.240

Overall rating place: 281 with 112.877 pts in 2022

Country place: 17

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
247Damncon 202211.00000.098
116NahamCon EU 2022 CTF 880.00001.830
22Hackappatoi CTF '222568.00007.066
232TUCTF 2022407.00000.857
185SunshineCTF 2022153.00000.892
363BuckeyeCTF 2022125.00000.408
252EKOPARTY CTF 2022430.00000.648
86 BlueHens CTF 20221949.00002.961
93FE-CTF 2022: Cyber Demon384.00000.331
405Hack The Boo2450.000012.082
306TsukuCTF 2022294.00000.000
50Jade CTF1844.00004.892
1112DEADFACE CTF20.00000.081
378GDG Algiers CTF 2022120.00000.266
101WRECKCTF 20222691.00006.563
273RomHack 2022 CTF100.00000.552
447CSAW CTF Qualification Round 2022148.00000.441
391corCTF 2022213.00000.676
39UACTF 20221846.00003.317
605TFC CTF 2022200.00000.536
121DiceCTF @ HOPE 20221584.00007.195
193MCH2022 CTF350.00000.000
521vsCTF 2022100.00000.207
137Access Denied CTF 20222636.00002.506
367Grey Cat The Flag 202250.00000.179
167SEETF 20221000.00001.065
33UA CWS CTF 20222450.00007.444
47TJCTF 20222952.00008.029
62m0leCon CTF 2022 Teaser197.00003.351
406EZ CTF | Beginner Friendly755.00000.000
121ångstromCTF 20221601.000019.311
1293NahamCon CTF 2022468.00000.471
178Incognito 3.0103.00000.347
159TAMUctf 2022700.00002.138
66HackPack CTF 2022681.00006.192
167UMassCTF 2022476.00001.609
111Space Heroes 20221700.00003.704
103RITSEC CTF 20221249.00003.997
11Wolverine Security Conference/CTF7824.000016.392
14OFPPT-CTF Morocco19322.000020.066
59VishwaCTF 20226404.00006.724
106zer0pts CTF 2022305.00002.250
87UTCTF 2025 20223630.00006.668
891337UP LIVE CTF1982.00004.312
57UMDCTF 20225803.00007.435
28wtfctf 20221388.00007.856
80Codegate CTF 2022 Preliminary200.00000.858
87DefCamp CTF 21-22 Online557.00005.165
265DiceCTF 2022216.00000.934

Overall rating place: 566 with 51.653 pts in 2021

Country place: 20

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
3181Cyber Santa is Coming to Town300.00000.935
129Killer Queen CTF 20212198.00005.343
85BuckeyeCTF 2021648.00002.704
107ASIS CTF Quals 2021174.00005.784
1127DEADFACE CTF10.00000.041
287DownUnderCTF 2021 (Online)1700.00002.616
101PBjar CTF '212955.00000.000
88H@cktivityCon 2021 CTF3737.00006.304
287CSAW CTF Qualification Round 2021870.00000.000
137corCTF 20212082.00003.966
180InCTF 2021110.00000.722
117RaRCTF 20211660.00002.712
299Hack-A-Sat 2 Qualifiers48.00000.000
63m0leCon CTF 2021 Teaser296.00002.304
313DCTF 20211150.00000.000
223DawgCTF 2021655.00000.000
68TAMUctf 20211150.00000.000
2377Cyber Apocalypse 2021300.00000.382
131UMDCTF 20212351.00000.000
121HackPack CTF 2021301.00000.000
164ångstromCTF 20211385.000010.342
124FooBar CTF 2021587.00001.757
155VolgaCTF 2021 Qualifier132.00001.348
286UMassCTF 2021384.00001.238
74BlueHens CTF 2021683.00001.861
83NahamCon CTF 20217292.00006.459
92BSidesSF 2021 CTF506.00001.181
79Aero CTF 2021100.00001.271
291Tenable CTF 20211625.00005.423
137DiceCTF 2021455.00002.556

Overall rating place: 370 with 82.670 pts in 2020

Country place: 17

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
19BSides Algiers 2021 Quals748.00003.515
77ASIS CTF Finals 2020165.00004.432
86pbctf 2020214.00001.239
9m0leCon CTF 2020986.000010.978
57Block CTF 2020351.00005.977
170CyberYoddha CTF 20203975.00007.297 CTF 2020132.00002.566
951Syskron Security CTF 202020.00000.105
128N1CTF 2020185.00000.887
683Hacktober CTF300.00000.862
440DamCTF 2020160.00000.411
81Reply Cyber Security Challenge 2020704.00006.038
93b01lers CTF bootcamp1700.00006.788
120TokyoWesterns CTF 6th 2020370.00008.102
618DownUnderCTF 2020400.00000.740
210FwordCTF 2020816.00001.159
1201redpwnCTF 2020328.00000.361
171NahamCon CTF1945.00006.555
300HSCTF 71761.00002.611
265Hack-A-Sat Qualifiers39.00000.340
118TJCTF 2020785.00006.338
293Covid-19 CTF120.00000.000
115IJCTF 2020100.00000.372
232Houseplant CTF 20203411.00002.491
130WPICTF 2020851.00006.967
139HackPack CTF 2020632.00000.000
186FireShell CTF 2020200.00000.641
78Securinets CTF Quals 20201691.00003.054
118TAMUctf 20202600.00000.000
26SuSeC CTF 2020595.00005.972
352b01lers CTF102.00000.416
192ångstromCTF 20201825.000010.961
86zer0pts CTF 2020684.00001.658
128UTCTF 20201612.00001.496
234Aero CTF 2020100.00000.432
176Pragyan CTF 2020100.00000.906
803NeverLAN CTF 2020235.00000.241
211Codegate CTF 2020 Preliminary50.00000.178
680nullcon HackIM 20201.00000.059
165HackTM CTF Quals 2020405.00001.100
230Insomni'hack teaser 202072.00001.953
129WhiteHat Grand Prix 06 – Quals100.00000.654

Overall rating place: 316 with 74.756 pts in 2019

Country place: 9

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
171#kksctf open 2019400.00000.786
157watevrCTF 2019193.00000.985
204X-MAS CTF 2019718.00000.968
8m0leCon CTF 2019344.00000.000
227TUCTF 20194137.00008.432
339RITSEC CTF 2019469.00000.822
203ASIS CTF Finals 201938.00001.043
140Newbie CTF(N-CTF) 20192262.00000.000 CTF 2019105.00001.178
186SECCON 2019 Online CTF312.00002.114
625HITCON CTF 2019 Quals50.00000.947
154Reply Cyber Security Challenge 2019200.00001.408
88Rooters CTF969.00002.723
41BSides Delhi CTF 20191476.00002.411
6369picoCTF 20192000.00000.000
82InCTF 2019370.00002.124
143Newark Academy CTF 20194010.000011.168
299CSAW CTF Qualification Round 2019251.00002.106
72DefCamp CTF Qualification 2019314.00001.960
129Affinity CTF 2019 - Quals411.00001.386
437N1CTF 201912.00000.098
205TokyoWesterns CTF 5th 2019200.00005.735
259Chaos Communication Camp 201943.00000.356
146h4ckc0n 2019501.00001.566
117redpwnCTF 20191561.00002.933
374Crypto CTF 201920.00000.172
360De1CTF 2019106.00000.297
233CyBRICS CTF Quals 201970.00000.580
298peaCTF 20191500.00000.000
139InnoCTF International 2019810.00000.000
138HSCTF 64911.00006.688
35Security Fest 20191506.00008.550
106Harekaze CTF 2019310.00002.643
189RCTF 2019121.00000.569
423DEF CON CTF Qualifier 2019115.00001.929
127INS'hAck 2019449.00002.802
190UUTCTF 2019110.00000.681
237Blaze CTF 2019420.00003.110
132ångstromCTF 2019970.00004.276
93Hack Zone Tunisia 2019107.00000.915
307PlaidCTF 2019101.00001.967
58WPICTF 2019831.00002.818
87Byte Bandits CTF 2019180.00001.549
64CBM CTF 2019275.00002.285
131AceBear Security Contest 2019100.00000.415
236SwampCTF 2019160.00000.513
148Midnight Sun CTF 2019 Quals172.00000.728
166ENCRYPT CTF1075.00005.888
120SunshineCTF 2019355.00002.572
166VolgaCTF 2019 Qualifier450.00003.910
49Securinets CTF Quals 20194817.00004.950
79CONFidence CTF 2019 Teaser206.00002.205
36UTCTF 20194100.00004.395
109Pragyan CTF 2019925.00006.034
38BSidesSF 2019 CTF538.00002.786
215TAMUctf 197732.000012.917
89STEM CTF: Cyber Challenge 2019300.00002.634
174BITSCTF 201920.00000.290
578NeverLAN CTF 20191020.00002.481
138FireShell CTF 2019300.00001.254

Overall rating place: 241 with 80.091 pts in 2018

Country place: 9

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
24735C3 CTF45.00001.452
173X-MAS CTF 2018709.00001.434
162hxp CTF 201877.00001.209
66OverTheWire Advent Bonanza 201851.00000.512
62TUCTF 20187237.000018.438
54RITSEC CTF 20182636.00007.638
133HCTF 2018150.84000.540
539Square CTF 2018564.00000.194
228SECCON 2018 Online CTF324.00002.109
173P.W.N. CTF115.00000.676
100BSides Delhi CTF 2018226.00001.541
766HITCON CTF 201850.00000.719 CTF 2018153.00002.433
52InCTF 20181006.00001.660
145picoCTF 201822460.00000.000
258CSAW CTF Qualification Round 2018726.00004.071
17SEC-T CTF515.00007.052
73HackIT CTF 2018447.00001.102
268IceCTF 20181535.00006.934
328TokyoWesterns CTF 4th 201883.00001.421
69h4ckc0n 2018415.00006.381
105TJCTF 2018625.00006.831
604CTFZone 2018 Quals1.00000.044
351Meepwn CTF Quals 2018100.00000.312
240Security Fest CTF51.00000.767
186DEF CON CTF Qualifier 2018309.00005.609
611PlaidCTF 20181.00000.166
313ASIS CTF Quals 201843.00000.579
119NoNameCon CTF Quals 201844.00000.000
34Timisoara CTF 2018 Quals1531.00009.373
115WPICTF 2018563.00003.139
266HITB-XCTF GSEC CTF 2018 Quals59.00000.170
57Byte Bandits CTF 2018101.00001.274
255UIUCTF 20182.00000.099
64SunshineCTF 20181001.00002.286
280INS'hAck 2018100.00000.474
85Nuit du Hack CTF Quals 2018651.00007.764
207VolgaCTF 2018 Quals110.00000.954
188Pragyan CTF 2018700.00001.670

Team members

Team writeups

Codegate CTF 2022 PreliminaryCAFE [100]read writeup
Aero CTF 2021Localization is hard [100]read writeup
pbctf 2020Sploosh [156]read writeup
DarkCTFChain Race [475]read writeup
NahamCon CTFB'omarr Style [200]read writeup
NahamCon CTFFlag Jokes [200]read writeup
Houseplant CTF 2020RTCP trivia [1882]read writeup
SuSeC CTF 2020Unary [182]read writeup
BSides Delhi CTF 2019Seek You El [983]read writeup
CSAW CTF Qualification Round 2019babycsp [50]read writeup
redpwnCTF 2019Black Echo [413]read writeup
redpwnCTF 2019Bronze Ropchain [50]read writeup
redpwnCTF 2019srnr [500]read writeup
INS'hAck 2019gimme your shell [50]read writeup
WPICTF 2019crond [300]read writeup
Securinets CTF Quals 2019Baby one [975]read writeup
Securinets CTF Quals 2019Beginner's Luck [989]read writeup
BSidesSF 2019 CTFsequel [200]read writeup
UTCTF 2019BabyEcho [700]read writeup
UTCTF 2019Jendy's [1400]read writeup
BSidesSF 2019 CTFmixer [150]read writeup
FireShell CTF 2019leakless [60]read writeup
35C3 CTFphp [44]read writeup
SEC-T CTFAlienise [209]read writeup
SEC-T CTFPuppetmatryoshka [500]read writeup
SEC-T CTFPingPong [51]read writeup
TokyoWesterns CTF 4th 2018SimpleAuth [55]read writeup
h4ckc0n 2018Diversity [30]read writeup
h4ckc0n 2018Ron, Adi and Leonard [100]read writeup
h4ckc0n 2018She Sells Sea Shells [90]read writeup
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