Mon, 03 June 2019, 07:00 UTC — Fri, 07 June 2019, 19:00 UTC 


HSCTF event.

Format: Jeopardy Jeopardy

Official URL:

This event's future weight is subject of public voting!

Future weight: 23.54 

Rating weight: 23.54 

Event organizers 


1132 teams total

PlaceTeamCTF pointsRating points
1 slenderestman lovers 17738.00047.080
2 OpenToAll 17738.00035.310
3 pearl 16827.00030.178
4 2guys1team 15836.00026.901
5 HackingForSoju 15799.00025.675
6 noraneco 14603.00023.303
7 CTD Elite 14530.00022.646
8 0x90r00t 14415.00022.073
9 OverTheWireCTF 13303.00020.270
10 ASIS 13190.00019.858
11 yoshikingdom 12761.00019.075
12 Invaders 12463.00018.501
13 CYberMouflons 12444.00018.325
14 ARG Solving Station 12299.00018.003
15 badfirmware 12265.00017.846
16 dcua-school 12220.00017.688
17 ISITDTU 12148.00017.506
18 Kernel Sanders 11955.00017.173
19 Dc1ph3R 11873.00016.996
20 UnKnoWnCheaTs 11865.00016.923
21 M30W 11856.00016.855
22 Shadow Servants 11764.00016.682
23 ByteForc3 11505.00016.292
24 LionHack 11419.00016.135
25 SKR 11230.00015.845
26 ./Vespiary 11195.00015.762
27 saarsec 11170.00015.695
28 hanto 11148.00015.635
29 webcult 11094.00015.535
30 3xploit3rs 11034.00015.428
31 reznick 11029.00015.396
32 fargate 10932.00015.243
33 BisonSquad 10922.00015.208
34 D33p5h4d0w 10741.00014.947
35 Adeptus Malum 10599.00014.738
36 ASGama 10574.00014.687
37 HelloW0rld1337 10456.00014.512
38 sqrtrev 10355.00014.362
39 CH0COCO 10314.00014.291
40 C4M31 10169.00014.084
41 ihscy 10078.00013.949
42 (´・_・`) 9996.00013.826
43 watevr 9917.00013.708
44 L3G1ON_Of_DooM 9775.00013.507
45 TeamShakti 9769.00013.487
46 Defenit 9754.00013.456
47 Golems_treat 9739.00013.425
48 zst123 9520.00013.124
49 IA1301 9443.00013.012
50 FireShell 9441.00013.000
51 SAS Hackers 9382.00012.912
52 ForFun 8976.00012.365
53 PwsecTeam 8890.00012.242
54 NULLKrypt3rs 8839.00012.166
55 MTA256 8772.00012.069
56 daninnm 8705.00011.973
57 0xI 8618.00011.850
58 SYPER 8565.00011.772
59 MeinKraft Bois 8547.00011.742
60 AdnanSlef 8529.00011.711
61 RSA@420 8401.00011.535
62 struct.unpack 8399.00011.526
63 pwnminator 8314.00011.407
64 HessianTeam 8296.00011.377
65 admin' 8193.00011.235
66 PwnaSonic 8167.00011.195
67 Abs0lut3Pwn4g3 7947.00010.898
68 infuzion 7825.00010.731
69 dotsu- 7803.00010.696
70 tkmk 7803.00010.692
71 Elitz 7730.00010.590
72 M.I.S.T. 7546.00010.341
73 Nave1337 7483.00010.253
74 Petir Cyber Security 7466.00010.226
75 team bagel 7456.00010.209
76 Lurkrul 7368.00010.088
77 WizardOfCUandKU 7315.00010.013
78 ker 7307.0009.999
79 warlock_rootx 7276.0009.954
80 open 7095.0009.710
81 ASCII_HACKERS 6999.0009.579
82 Google CTF 6977.0009.546
83 pwnthanasia 6966.0009.528
84 Team Chantier 6936.0009.485
85 TeamPowerPrinter 6905.0009.441
86 Бямбадалай 6889.0009.416
87 TTS 6825.0009.328
88 HgbSec 6765.0009.245
89 flexerilla 6741.0009.210
90 kevinMitnick 6729.0009.192
91 Mashiro 6706.0009.158
92 zgjx6 6617.0009.037
93 Th3n00bs 6600.0009.012
94 paiv 6517.0008.899
95 3Idiots 6461.0008.822
96 cyb0rg 6430.0008.778
97 CC19_UniPi 6291.0008.591
98 inSmartCard 6284.0008.580
99 WaffleFriesYum 6248.0008.529
100 KUDoS 6227.0008.499
101 GardenSnake 6186.0008.442
102 Crasher 6094.0008.318
103 LSAPP 6088.0008.308
104 csiescom 6082.0008.298
105 One Hundo Percent Not FBI 6047.0008.249
106 Team_M 6021.0008.213
107 VND0ng 5988.0008.167
108 theuser 5979.0008.153
109 Wunderleth 5950.0008.112
110 SoloPlay 5938.0008.094
111 d4rkr00t 5884.0008.021
112 DeadSec 5883.0008.017
113 SealTeam1 5837.0007.955
114 Hecării, Țuica și Păunii 5761.0007.852
115 something 5721.0007.797
116 Team Cryptis 5692.0007.757
117 onotch 5650.0007.699
118 0x5f3759df 5610.0007.644
119 xBox1337 5573.0007.594
120 Red Cadets 5567.0007.584
121 jlam999 5523.0007.524
122 h0ax 5489.0007.477
123 Literal Dips 5484.0007.469
124 gorogoroumaru 5455.0007.429
125 Security Factorial 5438.0007.405
126 T 5436.0007.401
127 kks 5337.0007.268
128 noar 5302.0007.220
129 Leon 5225.0007.117
130 bro i got a ticket for the BIG GAME 5224.0007.114
131 UiO-CTF 5135.0006.994
132 CawaYui 5110.0006.960
133 Brahmastra 5089.0006.931
134 blockchain878787 5004.0006.816
135 CCUG 4974.0006.775
136 rizemon 4970.0006.769
137 Billy 4956.0006.749
138 beerpwn 4911.0006.688
139 ProgrammersDream 4881.0006.647
140 onepunchpwn 4880.0006.644
141 grcd 4836.0006.585
142 D.I.E 4833.0006.580
143 Wani Hackase 4828.0006.572
144 The_Rox 4774.0006.499
145 bolgia4 4737.0006.449
146 PlayFair2k19 4729.0006.437
148 bobgil 4675.0006.363
149 GR00T5 4665.0006.349
150 timHehe 4620.0006.288
151 #sudo 4544.0006.186
152 secsi 4516.0006.148
153 F(){B|H&};B 4497.0006.122
154 T35H 4470.0006.085
155 CUBIC 4452.0006.060
156 Un4ll0c4t3d 4450.0006.056
157 sh4d0w58t 4444.0006.048
158 root 4421.0006.016
159 husky.png 4419.0006.012
160 hhroOne 4407.0005.996
161 qq 4362.0005.935
162 Shadow Cats 4327.0005.888
163 kiolog 4316.0005.872
164 acdwas 4285.0005.830
165 Microsoft Tech Support 4257.0005.792
166 losergang 4215.0005.736
167 NIS 4209.0005.727
168 Blue so blue 4181.0005.689
169 TheOfficialInit6 4181.0005.688
170 a_team_has_no_n4me 4169.0005.671
171 Cybernatural 4105.0005.585
172 IrisCS 4056.0005.520
173 pastabase64 4048.0005.508
174 <=> 4047.0005.506
175 No Mu Hyun 4014.0005.461
176 B0ed4k_K4mp0e5 4013.0005.459
177 p37r0v1c1 4001.0005.443
178 Add 3983.0005.418
179 2ndTeam 3978.0005.411
180 Gh0stSh3ll 3913.0005.324
181 ri5e 3899.0005.304
182 banana_roll 3895.0005.298
183 ¯\_(UwU)_/¯ 3882.0005.280
184 4katsuk1 3854.0005.243
185 push——pop 3846.0005.231
186 SZ 3835.0005.216
187 Beta_beholders 3829.0005.207
188 x0rc3r3rs 3828.0005.205
189 uu-unnamed 3796.0005.162
190 masashi 3791.0005.155
191 Krosse Flagge 3759.0005.112
192 Byt3Scr4pp3rs 3754.0005.105
193 BloodHounds 3748.0005.096
194 The Indic Clan 3729.0005.070
195 Digital Dragons 3711.0005.046
196 Security First 3703.0005.034
197 C0Br@ 3698.0005.027
198 HIGHIQIMKWU 3675.0004.996
199 L Distribution 3667.0004.985
200 L_M 3643.0004.952
201 ButterOverflow 3638.0004.945
202 🐰cute bunny 3617.0004.917
203 noobintheshell 3596.0004.888
204 YoloJos 3589.0004.878
205 secsession 3584.0004.871
206 k3rn3l_dw3ll3rs 3569.0004.851
207 Tello 3560.0004.838
208 bingobango 3552.0004.827
209 ppkt 3547.0004.820
210 MemeWare 3536.0004.805
211 Heaven_Hellpline 3525.0004.790
212 D3dcyph3r5 3501.0004.757
213 Innocent 3492.0004.745
214 SCS Hacking Team 3449.0004.687
215 Oneirologists 3404.0004.627
216 SSAT 3400.0004.621
217 蛋捲鯛魚燒 3385.0004.601
218 on3mh5 3372.0004.583
219 Pelarian CP ehe 3367.0004.576
220 Crimson Agents 3365.0004.573
221 team-dpill 3362.0004.568
222 PoSec 3361.0004.566
223 Nanado 3347.0004.547
224 uwiw 3340.0004.538
225 armudgal 3339.0004.536
226 uomisc1 3307.0004.493
227 Robobotics 3281.0004.458
228 buzzyboiz 3225.0004.383
229 PentaHex 3219.0004.375
230 b6f59100b979dbba104d7ee7d670ac5c 3207.0004.358
231 M4551V3 3207.0004.358
232 VD 3197.0004.344
233 stankc 3166.0004.303
234 UpAndRunning 3152.0004.284
235 Aqua 3138.0004.265
236 WFTC 3124.0004.246
237 condiom 3112.0004.229
238 XSS Gang 3108.0004.224
239 ctrl 3082.0004.189
240 CatPawn 3074.0004.178
241 tykawaii 3070.0004.172
242 SWV_L 3069.0004.170
243 RiST 3067.0004.167
244 Horde 3063.0004.161
245 ahengers 3050.0004.144
246 vanhelsing 3046.0004.138
247 Ne0Lux-C1Ph3r 3032.0004.119
248 technic 3025.0004.109
249 5010 3018.0004.100
250 Super(Bum Bum Bum Buuuum) 3017.0004.098
251 sci666 2998.0004.072
252 hu1k_b4sh 2992.0004.064
253 alipervaiz 2990.0004.061
254 ivy 2982.0004.050
255 RSAturday 2941.0003.995
256 dwarfAgainstGiants 2933.0003.984
257 FS0C 2927.0003.976
258 BogoMips 2915.0003.960
259 swt02026 2905.0003.946
260 Practice Safe Hex 2866.0003.894
261 Black_Ops 2843.0003.863
262 ddd428 2835.0003.852
263 cyb3rTUN 2832.0003.848
264 mimi35 2826.0003.840
265 dianchia 2813.0003.822
266 SECARMY 2811.0003.819
267 CerberusTeam 2804.0003.809
268 ns4style 2750.0003.737
269 squalltan2000 2740.0003.724
270 Beynish 2740.0003.723
271 KorNewbie 2721.0003.698
272 VAPatriot ScubaSquad 2720.0003.696
273 pixel 2711.0003.684
274 Ov3rk10ck 2706.0003.677
275 ZEN_CUPU 2695.0003.662
276 varoooooooj 2667.0003.625
277 helloWorld 2663.0003.619
278 gangbuk 2662.0003.617
279 heyjoe 2643.0003.592
280 SharLike 2643.0003.592
281 0xBlueSky 2640.0003.587
282 Emmm 2638.0003.584
283 Operation GillStorm 2604.0003.539
284 aaafadfasdfasdfasdfasfasdfsfddsf 2549.0003.466
285 Sparrow_t41m 2541.0003.455
286 outOfCheese 2541.0003.454
287 LaDelikataj 2530.0003.440
288 VeleBit 2525.0003.433
289 dry roasted locomotive 2518.0003.423
290 skybullet 2493.0003.390
291 killswitch 2480.0003.372
292 quriosity 2471.0003.360
293 Open Sorcery 2443.0003.322
294 JustABlob 2441.0003.320
295 u0bu4s 2438.0003.315
296 testteam 2435.0003.311
297 Iam9r00t 2435.0003.311
298 theguy 2431.0003.305
299 South CS 2424.0003.296
300 j3rrry 2422.0003.293
301 81ng084ng0 2421.0003.291
302 N00b 2418.0003.287
303 Glidermed 2417.0003.285
304 GNU + Wando 2416.0003.284
305 ace 2407.0003.271
306 Strings 2400.0003.262
307 Kul Kidz Klub 2396.0003.256
308 KogCoder 2388.0003.246
309 vabbb 2387.0003.244
310 F_S0c!ety 2386.0003.242
311 Siberian Renegades 2386.0003.242
312 Klodd is a Snake 2381.0003.235
313 The Lone Wolves 2379.0003.232
314 NSI-UFF 2378.0003.231
315 Byte Club 2365.0003.213
316 thinkgopher 2365.0003.213
317 Madison West High School 2355.0003.200
318 CompSci 2350.0003.193
319 egg 2347.0003.188
320 REJLWQ 2346.0003.187
321 NISRA 2339.0003.177
322 V1sh4P 2303.0003.129
323 TitanSec0x01 2299.0003.124
324 FlagaDoS 2277.0003.094
325 RATF{Rage Against The Flag} 2249.0003.057
326 BOP 2244.0003.050
327 hackm3 2240.0003.045
328 [email protected] 2213.0003.009
329 2nd To Last 2205.0002.998
330 Cybernetics Core 2204.0002.996
331 JustNotBob 2196.0002.985
332 Tic Tacs 2163.0002.941
333 dark_n00b 2147.0002.920
334 dd__ 2132.0002.900
335 NoTeamNoName 2118.0002.881
336 timetogoodbye 2110.0002.870
337 bruhs 2104.0002.862
338 PatanjaliHax 2086.0002.838
339 KTHCTF0x1 2064.0002.809
340 What Are You Doing But a Whole Lot Of Nothing 2064.0002.808
341 BTeam 2045.0002.783
342 Qub3icles 2042.0002.779
343 qw3709 2041.0002.777
344 A MEOW 2032.0002.765
345 The3WheezyOuttaHeres 2027.0002.758
346 Sarveys 2027.0002.758
347 stuxn3t 2024.0002.754
348 xan0er 2021.0002.750
349 flux 2019.0002.747
350 晴雯晴雯 2017.0002.744
351 Supermac30 2006.0002.729
352 Cyber Spies 2005.0002.728
353 Ghost of Sparta 2003.0002.725
354 c2w2m2 2002.0002.723
355 .:=~Inferior~Beings~=:. 2000.0002.720
356 p0isonP4wn 1997.0002.716
357 h4ck7u5 1994.0002.712
358 HighestSkyes 1985.0002.700
359 austun12 1972.0002.683
360 SaltyK 1968.0002.677
361 galaxy 1968.0002.677
362 P@Ge2mE 1961.0002.667
363 SoloKage 1958.0002.663
364 Kardia 1958.0002.663
365 BCACTF 1945.0002.646
366 Delta O 1943.0002.643
367 w1z4rd 1941.0002.640
368 Airplane Mode 1940.0002.639
369 team_kaal 1938.0002.636
370 A7H3NA 1918.0002.609
371 BigInts 1909.0002.597
372 baka 1903.0002.589
373 fkillrra 1902.0002.587
374 kerouac 1866.0002.539
375 asfasd 1861.0002.532
376 axle05 1857.0002.527
377 kat 1854.0002.523
378 TuxCTF 1853.0002.521
379 noob1908 1849.0002.516
380 Tinfoil Hats 1837.0002.500
381 8====D~ 1832.0002.493
382 omeriscool 1829.0002.489
383 ajkl 1820.0002.477
384 haha111 1811.0002.465
385 vvvvv 1802.0002.453
386 fkclai 1799.0002.448
387 U+FE0Fvengers 1796.0002.444
388 black_knight 1785.0002.430
389 Team Wade 1781.0002.424
390 Cyber Quad 1770.0002.409
391 bound7 1768.0002.407
392 jackdaw 1763.0002.400
393 The Purple Dolphins 1756.0002.390
394 cybermonkeys 1754.0002.387
395 GreenShell 1746.0002.377
396 0xego 1745.0002.375
397 5quirr31_10rd 1736.0002.363
398 wnuy 1734.0002.360
399 MilesMorales 1731.0002.356
400 FantasticoBeast 1728.0002.352
401 KeysOfSpeed 1711.0002.329
402 t1 1699.0002.313
403 XHunt3r 1692.0002.304
404 Beta_securiteam 1687.0002.297
405   1685.0002.294
406 rawsec 1671.0002.276
407 exzettabyte 1658.0002.258
408 RedJ 1657.0002.257
409 ELFDump 1654.0002.253
410 thuong_em_suongsuong 1650.0002.247
411 asjfoiajs 1641.0002.235
412 r3billions 1638.0002.231
413 verygood 1637.0002.229
414 this is kinda stupid that I have to make a team with just me on it in order to look at the challenges :/ 1632.0002.223
415 Alpha Union 1625.0002.213
416 ItzyBitzySpider 1620.0002.206
417 Knightsec 1610.0002.193
418 sqldoctor 1604.0002.185
419 CTF-Playgroup2019 1604.0002.185
420 Gyul 1601.0002.181
421 chwonthol 1597.0002.175
422 FlappyBug 1583.0002.157
423 Wootton Cyber Club 1569.0002.138
424 C 1569.0002.138
425 OPT 1569.0002.138
426 Hackitects 1568.0002.136
427 ddddd 1565.0002.132
428 DarkArmy 1564.0002.131
429 hardcoreit 1552.0002.115
430 1550.0002.112
431 sliver 1548.0002.109
432 Columbia Cyber Bootcamp 1544.0002.104
433 ukk1337 1539.0002.097
434 TuX 1537.0002.094
435 kks_Triggered 1529.0002.083
436 HackademINT 1528.0002.082
437 Sleepz 1523.0002.075
438 APTFAIL 1520.0002.071
439 hawk 1505.0002.051
440 merCuriuS 1505.0002.051
441 AlbSociety 1499.0002.043
442 rayna 1498.0002.041
443 L3eSi12 1495.0002.037
444 quintuplecs 1489.0002.029
445 kaan 1485.0002.024
446 paid2penetrate 1477.0002.013
447 lads 1473.0002.007
448 ReXor 1471.0002.005
449 Psychic Strikers 1471.0002.005
450 buxuele 1470.0002.003
451 HappyBirthday 1470.0002.003
452 s11 1465.0001.996
453 moku_nui 1461.0001.991
454 kisanak 1456.0001.984
455 1440.0001.963
456 Binary Beavers 1429.0001.948
457 efiens 1426.0001.944
458 room2042 1425.0001.943
459 bingobangobongos 1424.0001.941
460 yeon solo 1421.0001.937
461 ksam is god 1420.0001.936
462 DBCooper 1417.0001.931
463 null2root 1416.0001.930
464 0基础 1415.0001.929
465 okas832 1414.0001.927
466 test001 1404.0001.914
467 runn3r5 1397.0001.904
468 memkid 1395.0001.902
469 KCSC 1393.0001.899
470 Patience help Death (PhD) 1387.0001.891
471 Ara 1374.0001.873
472 THS 1372.0001.871
473 Black_Coffee 1371.0001.869
474 EBLOIN 1366.0001.862
475 X0r3d 1361.0001.856
476 T35TI01 1351.0001.842
477 mikoan 1351.0001.842
478 d 1349.0001.839
479 Lotuss 1344.0001.833
480 shack 1335.0001.821
481 ez_2_the_pz 1334.0001.819
482 snuffelupagus 1324.0001.806
483 Ozymandias 1322.0001.803
484 nomi_lab 1321.0001.802
485 Blue Team 1316.0001.795
486 GYNSEC 1315.0001.794
487 wtfmehftw 1313.0001.791
488 bi0sblr 1307.0001.783
489 baton 1305.0001.780
490 playoff-rondo 1299.0001.772
491 [hip, hip]; 1291.0001.761
492 Team Name: 1287.0001.756
493 Wbdsec 1286.0001.754
494 Lemon Squad 1283.0001.750
495 Cyberkitties 1280.0001.746
496 ddaann 1279.0001.745
497 pcat 1276.0001.741
498 JackReacher 1270.0001.733
499 PWN to 0xE4 1268.0001.730
500 NXDNB 1268.0001.730
501 Shine 1268.0001.730
502 Team Ngu Hoc 1262.0001.722
503 SOTC 1260.0001.719
504 nanocomp 1260.0001.719
505 1258.0001.716
506 Romper Room 1256.0001.713
507 no 1251.0001.707
508 kanbedon 1246.0001.700
509 SecuriHack 1245.0001.698
510 Stars 1242.0001.694
511 Lab104 1241.0001.693
512 T3-H 1236.0001.686
513 KontolHacking 1232.0001.681
514 NavyCert 1230.0001.678
515 JokerFace 1227.0001.674
516 ByteFuzz 1224.0001.670
517 Crusader 1221.0001.666
518 SU Red Team 1210.0001.651
519 FeDEX 1209.0001.650
520 PHSCRC 1202.0001.640
521 23f3 1194.0001.630
522 pomo 1194.0001.630
523 PeaceMakers 1193.0001.628
524 BigMan 1187.0001.620
525 Inglorious Pwners 1181.0001.612
526 UCCU 1180.0001.611
527 Code Team 6 1178.0001.608
528 Cyber Devils 1178.0001.608
529 shinjikun 1177.0001.606
530 W Reception 1176.0001.605
531 Deadlock Team 1174.0001.602
532 Miura 1173.0001.601
533 Debt Force Experience 1170.0001.597
534 220 1169.0001.595
535 iheartcats 1166.0001.591
536 linfredk 1166.0001.591
537 ISITDTU___3 1159.0001.582
538 The Knights of the Round Table 1159.0001.582
539 CyberS.null123 1158.0001.580
540 LappungCTF 1154.0001.575
541 cup_of_tea 1154.0001.575
542 verylegitteam 1153.0001.574
543 WadIsDis 1146.0001.564
544 ctong 1145.0001.563
545 Barksdale 1139.0001.555
546 U_kn0w_m3 1129.0001.541
547 The Astonishing Aardvarks 1122.0001.532
548 0xDROOPER 1119.0001.528
549 kavychka 1118.0001.527
550 d4rkc0de 1116.0001.524
551 21 Cabbage 1116.0001.524
552 OJ Bandits 1115.0001.522
553 Aeterna 1114.0001.521
554 Unknown Hats 1108.0001.513
555 41PH4 1102.0001.505
556 argentite 1101.0001.503
557 Hexion 1098.0001.499
558 NuLLboz 1086.0001.483
559 R3d_Hunt3r$ 1086.0001.483
560 Shigatsu 1081.0001.477
561 Киберпупсики 1080.0001.475
562 TuzHack 1076.0001.470
563 Triple Feed 1073.0001.466
564 Mazala 1061.0001.450
565 0xbabeface 1060.0001.448
566 [email protected] 1060.0001.448
567 StiebenTeam 1056.0001.443
568 Yes 1055.0001.442
569 321654 1048.0001.432
570 Cutie Mark Crusaders 1045.0001.428
571 freebs 1043.0001.425
572 shombo 1043.0001.425
573 th0r 1041.0001.423
574 Aosu 1039.0001.420
575 khoabda 1034.0001.413
576 Dawnbreakers 1032.0001.410
577 Cheesy Bois 1032.0001.410
578 SomethingSomething 1032.0001.410
579 msg 1024.0001.400
580 lAvengersl 1024.0001.400
581 StackOverflowError 1023.0001.398
582 naba 1012.0001.383
583 canoneeren 1009.0001.379
584 BinaryPower 999.0001.366
585 bruh 991.0001.355
586 TeamTime 989.0001.353
587 nexus 987.0001.350
588 gorls 983.0001.345
589 bruhscript 982.0001.343
590 0x21h 981.0001.342
591 w0ooo 980.0001.340
592 The_Shy 980.0001.340
593 dotlike 976.0001.335
594 CoreTeam 961.0001.315
595 hgsc 960.0001.314
596 8D 956.0001.308
597 test123123 952.0001.303
598 magixer 952.0001.303
599 Bouncing Pony Maxwells 951.0001.301
600 PassLabJava 945.0001.293
601 RSB 944.0001.292
602 Salvat0re 935.0001.280
603 segfs 933.0001.277
604 KYOKYO 933.0001.277
605 auntp3arl 931.0001.274
606 karmasutra 930.0001.273
607 kasiatutej 930.0001.273
608 dl8 917.0001.256
609 fibonacci 916.0001.254
610 whoarewe 913.0001.250
611 TCHS - CompSci Squad 909.0001.245
612 NSFW 909.0001.245
613 ***** 908.0001.243
614 SSSS 905.0001.239
615 CTFplaygroup2019 903.0001.237
616 SiberiuS 903.0001.237
617 BoinHax 903.0001.237
618 solo_solo 903.0001.236
619 SIG_KILL 899.0001.231
620 GMO_Goat 897.0001.228
621 bonkers 896.0001.227
622 mojamo 892.0001.222
623 wknszsl 891.0001.220
624 112qw 891.0001.220
625 ssssssh 890.0001.219
626 Vexillologists 888.0001.216
627 Learning Is Fun! 883.0001.209
628 aziwow 877.0001.201
629 The Blind Carpenters 874.0001.197
630 666666 872.0001.195
631 vimvaders 866.0001.187
632 Light_air 866.0001.187
633 rookie 865.0001.185
634 DD 861.0001.180
635 AparniBarney 856.0001.173
636 pokemon go 854.0001.170
637 PororoJoa 853.0001.169
638 xradius 845.0001.158
639 astralis 844.0001.157
640 sh1v4 839.0001.150
641 B0r1ng_c0mpany 839.0001.150
642 b0r3d t0 d34th 833.0001.142
643 noname 829.0001.137
644 kovter 827.0001.134
645 cipugn 821.0001.126
646 CyKOR 812.0001.114
647 The Merlins 811.0001.113
648 [email protected] 810.0001.111
649 Ostriches 807.0001.107
650 aht7525 805.0001.105
651 . 804.0001.103
652 jenusdy 803.0001.102
653 epist 800.0001.098
654 hiaia1 800.0001.098
655 D3struct 800.0001.098
656 Bonnolly's Ballers 797.0001.094
657 nobody 793.0001.088
658 jappy 792.0001.087
659 I can show you the world Shining, shimmering splendid 787.0001.080
660 koidelab 785.0001.077
661 Xiaolin 780.0001.071
662 Team Abakus 764.0001.049
663 Bu9 759.0001.043
664 Mason Competitive Cyber 757.0001.040
665 bindaas 756.0001.039
666 Hi Team 753.0001.035
667 BackMoon 752.0001.033
668 Knu1llz 745.0001.024
669 Pwn Leak 745.0001.024
670 haishashou 741.0001.019
671 kron0s 740.0001.017
672 ryumanji 734.0001.009
673 C311UL053 723.0000.994
674 /bad 721.0000.992
675 The Lobotomites 720.0000.990
676 lavie3k 716.0000.985
677 team12138 714.0000.982
678 boonkgang 710.0000.977
679 Mctf 709.0000.976
680 Decode 709.0000.976
681 p0x82s 705.0000.970
682 TAIVSxNEHS 703.0000.967
683 HAU Cyber Foxes 703.0000.967
684 TEAM 702.0000.966
685 :thinking: 699.0000.962
686 NoobMe 696.0000.958
687 Jesus The Savior 696.0000.958
688 notPearl 693.0000.954
689 The Bottom 1% 691.0000.951
690 andersongomes001 686.0000.945
691 garbs 684.0000.942
692 AccidentalOverflow 683.0000.940
693 FS0c137y 681.0000.938
694 pwnslinger 679.0000.935
695 Moreal 676.0000.931
696 Beginner 676.0000.931
697 HypeSquad 674.0000.928
698 Board of Geeks 674.0000.928
699 Loud 673.0000.927
700 Azure Assassin Alliance 672.0000.925
701 muranchu 666.0000.917
702 The Rebel Seals 666.0000.917
703 f00l 661.0000.911
704 Sleepy 658.0000.907
705 alcapwn 655.0000.903
706 Maltinese 653.0000.900
707 pvhctf 651.0000.897
708 -_- MATE -_- 651.0000.897
709 xineting 643.0000.887
710 Generic_Team_Name 642.0000.885
711 redbox 640.0000.882
712 CT6 640.0000.882
713 0x41414141 638.0000.880
714 Pissbois 634.0000.874
715 NoAnyFlag 632.0000.872
716 Hackers 628.0000.866
717 dog 627.0000.865
718 Alone 625.0000.862
719 4n0nym0u5_dr34m3rz 624.0000.861
720 luckYrat 623.0000.859
721 0x01 623.0000.859
722 Chronous 622.0000.858
723 yoin 618.0000.853
724 wl01377870 617.0000.851
725 Th3_0n3 615.0000.849
726 catove 615.0000.849
727 11235813 615.0000.849
728 SojuTigerBomb 612.0000.845
729 KXTI_sec 609.0000.840
730 ARMS 609.0000.840
731 Godzila 608.0000.839
732 jayhawk 608.0000.839
733 Fword 605.0000.835
734 pwn574r5 604.0000.834
735 realsung 603.0000.832
736 team2 601.0000.830
737 Zanie 600.0000.828
738 happyDog 596.0000.823
739 CTF501 596.0000.823
740 SupremeSoupMobsters 592.0000.817
741 updog 591.0000.816
742 RootHunter 588.0000.812
743 RooT101 586.0000.809
744 NutShell 583.0000.805
745 o5pf 582.0000.804
746 31i73_73aM 580.0000.801
747 crypt_keepr 579.0000.800
748 Oopsydoopsy 578.0000.799
749 goodubi 571.0000.789
750 Menua 564.0000.780
751 exploit_it 560.0000.775
752 Fantastic Five 558.0000.772
753 The Mikaelsons 558.0000.772
754 n5y5u1d5 557.0000.770
755 PrettyPettyThieves 555.0000.768
756 jacks11 552.0000.764
757 michael 550.0000.761
758 Tesis_CTF 548.0000.758
759 AIU 548.0000.758
760 Lemon Chicken 548.0000.758
761 birdy birdy 548.0000.758
762 V1ctor1ou5 53r3t 540.0000.748
763 Mr robot 534.0000.740
764 404gg 527.0000.730
765 slaaat*+ 527.0000.730
766 0123456 524.0000.726
767 ROOT2U 520.0000.721
768 CrazyBash 514.0000.713
769 bogenstr11 502.0000.697
770 LiO2 500.0000.694
771 E404R 499.0000.693
772 noobs 491.0000.682
773 SittingDuck 487.0000.677
774 WDNMD 486.0000.675
775 p014ri5 486.0000.675
776 over_poreon 484.0000.673
777 Nerds of Mayhem 481.0000.669
778 4ll4u 479.0000.666
779 ARMS 8 477.0000.663
780 bdwms 469.0000.653
781 EGY_hackers 468.0000.651
782 DcH 466.0000.649
783 leemon 466.0000.648
784 Tc1 466.0000.648
785 Devilzzzzzzz 463.0000.644
786 aunali1 463.0000.644
787 thoncc 461.0000.642
788 suraj 461.0000.642
789 n00bs 456.0000.635
790 hagrid 456.0000.635
791 snpr 454.0000.632
792 st4nw 452.0000.630
793 Model/Actors 452.0000.630
794 Flanders 440.0000.614
795 buu121314 439.0000.612
796 aaaaaaa 434.0000.606
797 RazeR 434.0000.605
798 Off da CHAIN 434.0000.605
799 TheActualFuck 433.0000.604
800 Arashi 433.0000.604
801 silverado 432.0000.603
802 ReversePhoPhun 432.0000.603
803 sleep_tight 429.0000.599
804 The Smurfs 426.0000.595
805 Spirafy 420.0000.587
806 takahashi 420.0000.587
807 47 420.0000.587
808 scalp31 420.0000.587
809 NWHS 420.0000.586
810 @_@ 416.0000.581
811 NULL_byte 416.0000.581
812 [email protected] 416.0000.581
813 0x0titan 414.0000.578
814 HTJJing 412.0000.576
815 Sugardaddy69 411.0000.574
816 RHS Echo 411.0000.574
817 408.0000.570
818 hckyou 407.0000.569
819 KingSlayer 406.0000.568
820 we_are_groot 406.0000.568
821 inits 401.0000.561
822 Bleubytes 398.0000.557
823 Gyu 398.0000.557
824 cat 385.0000.539
825 626 385.0000.539
826 NSx 385.0000.539
827 Silverboyz 383.0000.537
828 Y 382.0000.535
829 Prototype G 379.0000.531
830 LevelExplanation 376.0000.527
831 [email protected] 373.0000.523
832 0-z3r0p4ss 365.0000.513
833 AnhThatTuyet 365.0000.513
834 Hiccup 365.0000.513
835 blobfish 365.0000.513
836 team name 364.0000.511
837 schmoke_house 360.0000.506
838 Indonesia 358.0000.503
839 dazzisded 355.0000.499
840 bes frens 355.0000.499
841 Snow 355.0000.499
842 Gin 355.0000.499
843 Athena :'> 355.0000.499
844 kryptoKush 355.0000.499
845 128BitWindows 355.0000.499
846 heX 355.0000.499
847 jcxp 355.0000.499
848 bolbol 355.0000.499
849 0p3r4t0r 355.0000.499
850 kjb 355.0000.499
851 posix 355.0000.499
852 evoFamily 355.0000.499
853 DoubleZ 355.0000.499
854 asdasd 355.0000.499
855 Freethinkers 355.0000.499
856 Dokko 355.0000.499
857 s0l0m4n 355.0000.499
858 n3wbs 355.0000.499
859 BinaryBears 354.0000.497
860 Jerry'sTummyTime 351.0000.493
861 tracksquadv2 340.0000.479
862 Shadow_Game 333.0000.469
863 k3y6reak 332.0000.468
864 Mr_No_Name 332.0000.468
865 LeetCats 331.0000.466
866 ZomBMage 328.0000.462
867 Ki_Walo 326.0000.460
868 Q 325.0000.458
869 r3kcus 324.0000.457
870 Coming Out of Retirement 324.0000.457
871 Meow! 324.0000.457
872 3939gang 324.0000.457
873 RainyDusk 322.0000.454
874 You Know What I Like? 321.0000.453
875 Pls No Nerf Ryze 321.0000.453
876 5un3 321.0000.453
877 gruf 319.0000.450
878 Pwn October 316.0000.446
879 neolog 315.0000.445
880 PembePanterler 315.0000.445
881 Y2kz 315.0000.445
882 HandSomeCSS 315.0000.445
883 krish 315.0000.445
884 bean boys 314.0000.443
885 winklemad 314.0000.443
886 TeamNeuf 314.0000.443
887 LonelyBoi 314.0000.443
888 Foxes 307.0000.434
889 AC1 307.0000.434
890 theolf 305.0000.431
891 bruh_was_taken 305.0000.431
892 MonkeysPaw 304.0000.430
893 overnight 303.0000.428
894 lololo 298.0000.422
895 awang- 295.0000.418
896 0xcod3 294.0000.416
897 VrajAdi 285.0000.404
898 Loser丶 284.0000.403
899 sec 283.0000.402
900 TeamNoob 282.0000.400
901 josezin 281.0000.399
902 RTFM 280.0000.398
903 veath 276.0000.392
904 LeeJongHyeok 271.0000.386
905 TuxOrzTuxOrz 268.0000.382
906 2O2L2H 266.0000.379
907 Steph Curry 264.0000.376
908 xXx_Dragon_Slayers_xXx 264.0000.376
909 Shino of ReUTD 263.0000.375
910 shadowRealm 262.0000.374
911 zakariyasattar 261.0000.372
912 Solo [Nepal] 258.0000.368
913 Yesihack 258.0000.368
914 ffeme 257.0000.367
915 baric 256.0000.365
916 Hekkel 256.0000.365
917 test 254.0000.363
918 Drybones3363 254.0000.363
919 rex 254.0000.363
920 LetUsTry 254.0000.363
921 Regit 254.0000.363
922 Galahad-san 254.0000.363
923 APCSA 254.0000.363
924 FPT.GT 254.0000.363
925 Teppay 253.0000.361
926 aikunkun 253.0000.361
927 HSG 253.0000.361
928 blueship 253.0000.361
929 IndoSec 253.0000.361
930 testtest 253.0000.361
931 KXTI_Safin 253.0000.361
932 youuuyouuu 253.0000.361
933 Xelzor 253.0000.361
934 luci4 253.0000.361
935 Sad Computer Noises 249.0000.356
936 hitori 246.0000.352
937 nitrow 233.0000.334
938 team weenie 233.0000.334
939 owoifier 233.0000.334
940 daolgts 233.0000.334
941 omar2535 231.0000.332
942 hamburg 223.0000.321
943 the whales 223.0000.321
944 happysundayteam 223.0000.321
945 th3m0nk3ybusiness 221.0000.318
946 ddd 221.0000.318
947 natsu2912 221.0000.318
948 0xabba 221.0000.318
949 ωhαtεvεr 220.0000.317
950 ARMYSQTT 215.0000.310
951 Zhang 215.0000.310
952 The Retrievers 214.0000.309
953 50m37h1n9 213.0000.307
954 corgisuwu 213.0000.307
955 MrRobot4Life 213.0000.307
956 Uvuvuevue 213.0000.307
957 m3m3s 210.0000.303
958 EvilBunnyWrote 202.0000.293
959 NNULLULL 202.0000.293
960 Jinwoo 202.0000.293
961 Burgundy 198.0000.287
962 XtoR 195.0000.283
963 TCU 192.0000.279
964 Bennies 192.0000.279
965 yuckfou 191.0000.278
966 zxcvbnm 190.0000.277
967 ok 182.0000.266
968 upf 182.0000.266
969 OutDoorFrog 180.0000.263
970 slyfizz3 180.0000.263
971 ll123456789 180.0000.263
972 IronF1337 170.0000.250
973 Heliteam 170.0000.250
974 kcheng0222 165.0000.243
975 [email protected] 165.0000.243
976 black_snow 164.0000.242
977 ash3r 163.0000.240
978 KXTI_DEN 162.0000.239
979 LCTC1 162.0000.239
980 boffinrhino 162.0000.239
981 yktctf 162.0000.239
982 CucXiLau 159.0000.235
983 Michael is awesome 157.0000.232
984 thapico33 155.0000.230
985 borkborkdoggo 154.0000.228
986 Ur Mom's Mom 153.0000.227
987 3y3r00t 153.0000.227
988 RatherClever 153.0000.227
989 pevuwi 153.0000.227
990 dreamteam 153.0000.227
991 Phi 153.0000.227
992 rgv 152.0000.225
993 t2 152.0000.225
994 netkatz 152.0000.225
995 xASx 152.0000.225
996 Thanos_Snap 152.0000.225
997 Hope Peak Academy 152.0000.225
998 c0d3_TEAM 152.0000.225
999 kkkkssss 152.0000.225
1000 zeusteam 152.0000.225
1001 DevastatedQueue 152.0000.225
1002 F_Soc!ety 152.0000.225
1003 migawari 152.0000.225
1004 Someonetookthenameowo 152.0000.225
1005 madscientists 152.0000.225
1006 PxA 152.0000.225
1007 zly 152.0000.225
1008 eh 152.0000.225
1009 SYPER2 152.0000.225
1010 Pashok 144.0000.214
1011 InfoSec_SMU 141.0000.210
1012 Blue Hens 131.0000.197
1013 j3rry 131.0000.197
1014 sebastianpc 128.0000.193
1015 high_schoolers 114.0000.174
1016 The Hugh Jass's 114.0000.174
1017 czh 114.0000.174
1018 Arbabinauts 112.0000.172
1019 mememememememe 112.0000.172
1020 True Weirdo 112.0000.172
1021 Flok1 112.0000.172
1022 HxH 112.0000.172
1024 3ncrypt3d 112.0000.172
1025 dobu 112.0000.172
1026 InsideUnix'sSquad 112.0000.172
1027 이도현 111.0000.170
1028 xryuseix 109.0000.168
1029 Cosmo 104.0000.161
1030 cokomel 104.0000.161
1031 cngyldrm 104.0000.161
1032 Aftershock 102.0000.158
1033 crocodile 102.0000.158
1034 KiritoQN 102.0000.158
1035 create_team 102.0000.158
1036 gun 102.0000.158
1037 CakeisTheFake 102.0000.158
1038 Ayran Mültecileri 102.0000.158
1039 Katerina 102.0000.158
1040 lol 102.0000.158
1041 Balanced 102.0000.158
1042 YBS 102.0000.158
1043 hehe 101.0000.157
1044 the minesota fuckers 101.0000.157
1045 iMissHerAsfuck 101.0000.157
1046 Passfinding 101.0000.157
1047 Jay's Doing the Work 101.0000.157
1048 teamteam 71.0000.117
1049 Strawhats 63.0000.106
1050 Lancet 61.0000.103
1051 Egg Heads 61.0000.103
1052 Abyss syndrome 61.0000.103
1053 Scampia 61.0000.103
1054 eavi 61.0000.103
1055 Peter's Penitentiary Prison 61.0000.103
1056 MyTeam 61.0000.103
1057 BlazersTSA 61.0000.103
1058 3x3cut3 61.0000.103
1059 Purple Party Panda Bears 61.0000.103
1060 CRUX 53.0000.093
1061 help 53.0000.093
1063 satoshi 51.0000.090
1064 jndk 51.0000.090
1065 KEEPIN IT 100 NO CAP 51.0000.090
1066 SSAFuze 51.0000.090
1067 superNOVA 51.0000.090
1068 Federlizer 51.0000.090
1069 lamkun 51.0000.090
1070 Rorschach 51.0000.090
1071 shellstorm 51.0000.090
1072 E. 51.0000.090
1073 gingerbreadmen 51.0000.090
1074 aaaaa 51.0000.090
1075 KhaBanh 51.0000.090
1076 cyberballet 51.0000.090
1077 purpletoad 51.0000.090
1078 uithacker 51.0000.090
1079 CakeTi 51.0000.089
1080 742gang 51.0000.089
1081 IQuitPwn 51.0000.089
1082 busoushokuhaki 51.0000.089
1083 XR 51.0000.089
1084 nancho 51.0000.089
1085 August 51.0000.089
1086 n3wbi3 51.0000.089
1087 Full_Send 51.0000.089
1088 navigator 51.0000.089
1089 awake 51.0000.089
1090 Sheppard Consultants 51.0000.089
1091 Pria Sejati 51.0000.089
1092 thegrub 51.0000.089
1093 segfsb 51.0000.089
1094 jOVEMeRNESTO 51.0000.089
1095 ang 51.0000.089
1096 maccabi 51.0000.089
1097 ron1n 51.0000.089
1098 deinemutter 51.0000.089
1099 xajdfz 51.0000.089
1100 No Friends 51.0000.089
1101 ciphers 51.0000.089
1102 Itz_d_hackers 51.0000.089
1103 OrderofShadows 51.0000.089
1104 SHTCSET 51.0000.089
1105 DISCewfwe 51.0000.089
1106 r34p3r 51.0000.089
1107 Ren%Las 51.0000.089
1108 xxd 51.0000.089
1109 HEEhEE 20.0000.048
1110 The3Coders 10.0000.034
1111 Chozen 10.0000.034
1112 kizda 10.0000.034
1113 hint 10.0000.034
1114 dubini 10.0000.034
1115 Nate Squad 10.0000.034
1116 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 10.0000.034
1117 haidang2807 10.0000.034
1118 UrlNo 10.0000.034
1119 Team Gamer 😤🙏🏻 10.0000.034
1120 dedcyph3rs 10.0000.034
1121 DC21321 10.0000.034
1122 faggerts 10.0000.034
1123 MrMugiwara 10.0000.034
1124 thewhitewolf17 10.0000.034
1125 TheF1ash 10.0000.034
1126 Team Infinity 10.0000.034
1127 GNU-E-Ducks 10.0000.034
1128 AWESOMEGUY 10.0000.034
1129 !Fake 10.0000.034
1130 lctc2 10.0000.034
1131 UwU 10.0000.034
1132 LCTC3 10.0000.017
1133 10.0000.017
1134 PPT-SECCON 10.0000.017
1135 Rec0de 10.0000.017
streaker_rulesJune 3, 2019, 7:03 a.m.

change of scheduled time?

unblvrJune 3, 2019, 7:05 a.m.

Time zone is EST, not UTC apparently.

dcitguyJune 5, 2019, 9:34 p.m.

team name and pw?

QwQwJune 6, 2019, 9:04 a.m.


PtomertyJune 7, 2019, 11:35 p.m.

HSCTF 6 has concluded as of 7:00 PM EDT! Please remember to vote :)

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