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Lonely hacker

Participated in CTF events

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
367pingCTF 2023100.00000.532
346SpookyCTF 202350.00000.146
141BRICS+ CTF Quals 2023100.00000.695
777CSAW CTF Qualification Round 202392.00000.222
1154Tenable CTF 202350.00000.192
356HSCTF 101633.00004.104
152justCTF 2023158.00001.549
134TBTL CTF 2023100.00000.342
201Grey Cat The Flag 2023 Qualifiers200.00000.791
364UMDCTF 2023328.00000.725
476ångstromCTF 2023350.00009.533
169DamCTF 2023453.00002.686
226WolvCTF 2023589.00000.955
825KalmarCTF 2023100.00000.178
624LA CTF 2023587.00000.962

Overall rating place: 949 with 40.338 pts in 2022

Country place: 22

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
165InfoSec CTF 202220.00000.000
59SunshineCTF 2022500.00002.899
67Square CTF 2022601.00005.433 CTF 2022177.00002.915
61Srdnlen CTF 2022482.00001.824
215CSAW CTF Qualification Round 2022758.00002.100
231CakeCTF 2022173.00000.000
98T3N4CI0US CTF - Escape1800.00002.525
96UACTF 2022663.00001.219
371MCH2022 CTF100.00000.000
166vsCTF 2022992.00001.747
409Grey Cat The Flag 202250.00000.172
185BCACTF 3.01100.00003.048
90UA CWS CTF 20221000.00003.009
70hackrocks & HackArmour CTF45.00001.947
278Cyber Apocalypse CTF 2022: Intergalactic Chase 4625.00005.928
28TJCTF 20223797.000010.534

Overall rating place: 613 with 48.947 pts in 2021

Country place: 16

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
603X-MAS CTF 2021 Second Weekend6.00000.045
8VULNCON CTF 20213606.000016.897
993MetaCTF CyberGames 20211175.00001.902
296Cyber Santa is Coming to Town3325.000010.355
211CyberSecurityRumble CTF100.00000.745
30N1CTF 2021717.00005.677
72DamCTF 20212839.00008.858
411redpwnCTF 2021936.00003.341
35San Diego CTF 20211904.00000.000
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
483X-MAS CTF 202058.00000.000
132ALLES! CTF 2020221.00001.268
271Crypto CTF 202053.00000.390
37BSidesSF 2020 CTF522.00001.843
189SarCTF by Saratov State University2785.00002.544
665NeverLAN CTF 2020455.00000.461
140nullcon HackIM 2020378.00002.163
448Insomni'hack teaser 202036.00000.980

Overall rating place: 723 with 34.596 pts in 2019

Country place: 31

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
77TetCTF 20201.00000.000
504TUCTF 20191434.00002.935 CTF 2019105.00001.090
67Rooters CTF1351.00003.774
55BSides Delhi CTF 20191083.00001.776
156TokyoWesterns CTF 5th 2019248.00007.147
247redpwnCTF 2019484.00000.941
851HSCTF 6355.00000.499
155CTF 313 201913.00000.875
629DEF CON CTF Qualifier 2019100.00001.650
294TSG CTF100.00000.384
102UUTCTF 2019300.00001.767
150ASIS CTF Quals 201974.00001.211
501ångstromCTF 2019300.00001.315
45Hack Zone Tunisia 2019274.00002.211
299WPICTF 2019151.00000.517
35Byte Bandits CTF 2019480.00004.078
153SpamAndFlags Teaser 201910.00000.240
96AceBear Security Contest 2019100.00000.484
570SwampCTF 201950.00000.170
93Midnight Sun CTF 2019 Quals307.00001.267
344ENCRYPT CTF251.00001.403
92SunshineCTF 2019500.00003.601
47b00t2root '191151.00004.294
3800CTF/TCTF 2019 Quals1.00000.224
539CONFidence CTF 2019 Teaser1.00000.055
507BSidesSF 2019 CTF11.00000.093
499NeverLAN CTF 20191240.00003.014

Team members

Team writeups

BuckeyeCTF 2021flattened [471]read writeup
BuckeyeCTF 2021ret4win [90]read writeup
BuckeyeCTF 2021staff [25]read writeup
ASIS CTF Quals 2021Just pwn it [51]read writeup
ASIS CTF Quals 2021ABBR [71]read writeup
ASIS CTF Quals 2021StrVec [114]read writeup
Securinets CTF Finals 2021spinit [100]read writeup
wtfctfPr1ns0n_Br34k [506]read writeup
wtfctfk3Y [150]read writeup
wtfctfMoM5m4g1c [100]read writeup
wtfctfM4sk3r [150]read writeup
Zh3r0 CTF V2sparta [100]read writeup
Zh3r0 CTF V2BabyArmROP [738]read writeup
zer0pts CTF 2020Can you guess it? [338]read writeup
zer0pts CTF 2020phpNantokaAdmin [755]read writeup
zer0pts CTF 2020urlapp [426]read writeup
zer0pts CTF 2020MusicBlog [653]read writeup
zer0pts CTF 2020 notepad [326]read writeup
BSidesSF 2020 CTFsimple-todos [51]read writeup
BSidesSF 2020 CTFRecipes [204]read writeup
BSidesSF 2020 CTFhad-a-bad-boy [51]read writeup
BSidesSF 2020 CTFfun-with-flags [87]read writeup
BSidesSF 2020 CTFcsp-2 [51]read writeup
BSidesSF 2020 CTFcsp-1 [51]read writeup
BSidesSF 2020 CTFcards [376]read writeup
nullcon HackIM 2020split second read writeup
Codegate CTF 2020 Preliminaryrenderer [750]read writeup
Codegate CTF 2020 PreliminaryCSP [702]read writeup
HackTM CTF Quals 2020Humans of Dancers [497]read writeup
HackTM CTF Quals 2020mIRC [497]read writeup
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