Fri, 05 April 2019, 22:00 UTC — Sun, 07 April 2019, 22:00 UTC 


SwampCTF event.

Format: Jeopardy Jeopardy

Official URL:

This event's future weight is subject of public voting!

Future weight: 28.00 

Rating weight: 22.35 

Event organizers 

SwampCTF returns again for its second year! Join us and enjoy challenges in the Pwn, RE, Smart Contract, Web, Crypto, Forensics, and Misc. categories. It will also be accompanied by a 48-hour music/demoscene livestream.

* Homepage:
* CTFd:
* SwampTV:
* Discord: (registration required)
* IRC: #SwampCTF
* Twitter:

SwampCTF is a student-run competition and hosted by the University of Florida Student InfoSec Team (UFSIT) a.k.a Kernel Sanders.


772 teams total

PlaceTeamCTF pointsRating points
1 flagbot 8548.00044.700
2 the cr0wn 8548.00033.525
3 DuckDuckNo 7560.00027.217
4 ID-10-T 7103.00024.159
5 VAPORSEC 6157.00020.568
6 ripp3rs 6069.00019.593
7 NYUSEC 5617.00017.879
8 b01lers 5588.00017.404
9 RPISEC 5431.00016.683
10 UTC 5276.00016.030
11 Nyx 5117.00015.411
12 OpenToAll 5087.00015.163
13 CTF.SG 4666.00013.919
14 voidka 4621.00013.679
15 FireShell 4597.00013.510
16 HackingForSoju 4211.00012.407
17 Sentry Whale 3713.00011.023
18 UnKnoWnCheaTs 3654.00010.796
19 Batman's Kitchen 3018.0009.067
20 ZenHack 2963.0008.865
21 PwnaSonic 2869.0008.566
22 uomisc1 2756.0008.222
23 PKTeam 2726.0008.099
24 spookies 2706.0008.006
25 BillyBilly 2535.0007.522
26 BisonSquad 2529.0007.472
27 goo 2507.0007.383
28 0x00C0FFEE 2460.0007.230
29 TeamSolarSunrise 2340.0006.889
30 InfoSecIITR 2313.0006.793
31 Balsn 2275.0006.669
32 TeamShakti 2173.0006.380
33 born2scan 2168.0006.346
34 RISS 2167.0006.323
35 Lancet 2037.0005.965
36 0FA 2015.0005.889
37 Lights of Pineapples 1971.0005.758
38 pwnhack 1928.0005.629
39 KHtUMRDwPcQNpq2n 1914.0005.578
40 ISITDTU 1898.0005.521
41 hacksport 1677.0004.930
42 m1z0r3 1675.0004.912
43 Phish'n'Chips 1655.0004.847
44 Zemows Industries 1599.0004.689
45 NASA Rejects 1571.0004.604
46 Panda11 1571.0004.593
47 555+ 1477.0004.337
48 Lorem Ipsec 1461.0004.286
49 AFiniteNumberOfMonkeys 1441.0004.224
50 0x90r00t 1426.0004.175
51 Blackfoot Security 1397.0004.091
52 BestTeam 1377.0004.030
53 Hecării, Țuica și Păunii 1331.0003.902
54 0x325 1290.0003.787
55 Pwnium 1222.0003.601
56 Mashiro 1221.0003.592
57 daninnm 1182.0003.483
58 TahSec 1177.0003.463
59 Gh0stSh3ll 1161.0003.414
60 Re1n3r! 1123.0003.309
61 reznick 1084.0003.201
62 __FDG__ 1081.0003.187
63 MindGoone 1033.0003.056
64 0xcafecafe 1022.0003.021
65 snowflower 1015.0002.998
66 Practice Safe Hex 983.0002.909
67 WhatTheShell? 978.0002.891
68 solodolo 971.0002.867
69 TchoupaTeam 967.0002.852
70 LaDelikataj 945.0002.790
71 akamakku 867.0002.582
72 noraneco 850.0002.533
73 ViaRézo 842.0002.508
74 ByteForc3 842.0002.504
75 KamiSama 832.0002.473
76 r3vb3ar 797.0002.378
77 SNITSquad 716.0002.162
78 flexerilla 714.0002.153
79 ntropy 713.0002.147
80 Knightsec 706.0002.125
81 kiona 699.0002.104
82 CDS 698.0002.098
83 HyperH 694.0002.084
84 Nave1337 674.0002.028
85 gruf 658.0001.983
86 binbox 656.0001.975
87 onotch 648.0001.951
88 Just Me 632.0001.906
89 NR 624.0001.883
90 BHackTerribles 623.0001.877
91 d4rk 1nv4d3rs 623.0001.875
92 v0rt3x 618.0001.859
93 GrimrrHalfpaw 614.0001.846
94 Liszt 603.0001.814
95 overl0rd 603.0001.812
96 bear$hell 598.0001.796
97 Tsami 598.0001.794
98 Platypodes 598.0001.792
99 newbies 598.0001.789
100 R3dHat 593.0001.774
101 rtfingc 593.0001.772
102 Magia 593.0001.770
103 YourUncoolMum&Dad 588.0001.754
104 Icejl 574.0001.716
105 noidea 570.0001.703
106 The Powerpuff Girls 570.0001.701
107 angry nerds 564.0001.684
108 DarkDuino 564.0001.682
109 REDROOMOFFENSIVE 548.0001.638
110 dotsu- 538.0001.610
111 Cyclone 520.0001.561
112 moo 520.0001.559
113 KUDoS 490.0001.479
114 x0r19x91 488.0001.472
115 TeamInfinity 488.0001.470
116 Security First 474.0001.432
117 N00bG3m 470.0001.420
118 zOOmeRS soLVe CTF 470.0001.418
119 outOfCheese 470.0001.417
120 BawlSec 470.0001.415
121 Oneirologists 468.0001.408
122 j93 457.0001.378
123 Solo [Nepal] 438.0001.327
124 HelloW0rld666 432.0001.310
125 team_cryptis 424.0001.287
126 AllMyFriends 420.0001.276
127 N0PS3C 420.0001.274
128 Th30nlyM4st3r 420.0001.273
129 Jolly Roger Insecurity 420.0001.271
130 满船空载月明归 390.0001.192
131 10sec 388.0001.185
132 NotC 388.0001.184
133 Cattle 382.0001.167
134 kks_BorkDog 374.0001.145
135 0xNGU 346.0001.070
136 Kuality 346.0001.069
137 Karasique 346.0001.068
138 529 346.0001.067
139 qw3709 346.0001.065
140 r3billions 338.0001.043
141 AcidDrinkers 338.0001.042
142 Ah 324.0001.005
143 CTD Elite 304.0000.951
144 noxale 304.0000.950
145 Wunderleth 296.0000.928
146 c0wb0yz_fr0m_h3x 296.0000.927
147 Brahmastra 296.0000.926
148 DoR 290.0000.909
149 JHDiscord 288.0000.903
150 0daySkids 288.0000.902
151 1v9 situation 288.0000.901
152 Objectif 1 point ! 288.0000.900
153 AllByMySelf 288.0000.899
154 B0ed4k_K4mp0e5 288.0000.898
155 atx2600 260.0000.824
156 rawsec 260.0000.823
157 Real Men Test In Prod 260.0000.822
158 MhackGyver 260.0000.821
159 Freakazoids 260.0000.820
160 bolgia4 254.0000.804
161 Xavier Kibet 254.0000.803
162 tkmk 254.0000.802
163 Swagwafu 254.0000.801
164 Malware Sans Frontieres 254.0000.800
165 DireCTF 254.0000.800
166 bananateam 254.0000.799
167 Cr3sc3ndo 246.0000.777
168 aht7525 246.0000.776
169 cinder 244.0000.770
170 kiwipapayamoon 238.0000.754
171 yasahiro 238.0000.753
172 Horde 238.0000.752
173 warlock_rootx 238.0000.751
174 Iam9r00t 238.0000.751
175 perfect blue 238.0000.750
176 pastabase64 238.0000.749
177 Tiptop 238.0000.749
178 Bechka 228.0000.722
179 coderz 210.0000.674
180 wowie 210.0000.673
181 Mazala 210.0000.673
182 ash3r 210.0000.672
183 hackstreetboys 210.0000.671
184 ri5e 210.0000.671
185 Majestic12 210.0000.670
186 Phase 0 210.0000.669
187 Batates 210.0000.669
188 NIS 210.0000.668
189 dcua 210.0000.667
190 z0na 210.0000.667
191 Reprise 204.0000.650
192 Invaders 204.0000.650
193 zhsh 204.0000.649
194 Dc1ph3R 204.0000.649
195 wzy 204.0000.648
196 mikoan 204.0000.647
197 YummyTacos 204.0000.647
198 Gikabyte 204.0000.646
199 y0d31 196.0000.625
200 SKT T1Faker 196.0000.624
201 Hash Slinging Hackers 196.0000.624
202 boys_anilar 194.0000.618
203 unibyte 188.0000.602
204 helloWorld 188.0000.601
205 chickenkiller 188.0000.601
206 N!nja 188.0000.600
207 Silent_Warrior 188.0000.600
208 kks_Triggered 188.0000.599
209 Reptilian Shapeshifters 188.0000.598
210 Ne0Lux-C1Ph3r 188.0000.598
211 T3kB0ts 160.0000.524
212 Bigos 160.0000.524
213 m3ts3c 160.0000.523
214 Sheridan Information Security Sessions Club Team 160.0000.523
215 Crash 160.0000.522
216 kanbedon 160.0000.522
217 muranchu 160.0000.521
218 NasBenchTeam 160.0000.521
219 4katsuk1 160.0000.520
220 f0xc4v3r1n 160.0000.520
221 blueship 160.0000.519
222 CyberDetect 160.0000.519
223 hardcoreit 160.0000.519
224 _5c0r3 160.0000.518
225 T35H 160.0000.518
226 Calceteam 160.0000.517
227 ARMYSQTT 160.0000.517
228 secur1ty 160.0000.516
229 Defenit 160.0000.516
230 Bouncy Genome 160.0000.516
231 [SSC]WATyag 160.0000.515
232 GetPwndN00b 160.0000.515
233 Cyber Team 6 160.0000.514
234 frerret 160.0000.514
235 dazzisdead 160.0000.513
236 beerpwn 160.0000.513
237 inSmartCard 160.0000.513
238 TopWing 160.0000.512
239 TheY4chtClub 160.0000.512
240 CatPawn 160.0000.511
241 Un4ll0c4t3d 160.0000.511
242 PEPE_BOYZ 160.0000.511
243 Xplosion 160.0000.510
244 Fancy Deers 160.0000.510
245 xizaju 160.0000.510
246 HomeAlone 160.0000.509
247 Etipech 160.0000.509
248 42 160.0000.508
249 5m0ck5m0ck5m0ck 154.0000.492
250 xrmon 154.0000.492
251 nitrow 154.0000.492
252 Alamina 146.0000.470
253 Klecko 146.0000.470
254 ThePwnies 146.0000.470
255 Jyoken 146.0000.469
256 Lanph3re 146.0000.469
257 crypt_keepr 146.0000.469
258 wellint_endetac 144.0000.463
259 DC21321 136.0000.442
260 5Minutes 136.0000.442
261 JethusCwithe 136.0000.441
262 Heaven_Hellpline 110.0000.373
263 shellpwn 110.0000.373
264 shmulik8 110.0000.372
265 WebSpiders 110.0000.372
266 voldemortensen 110.0000.372
267 0x1729 110.0000.371
268 n0tyr3x 110.0000.371
269 grnt 110.0000.371
270 mr_r0b0t 110.0000.370
271 WCSC 110.0000.370
272 lupa&pupa 110.0000.370
273 Leamingator 110.0000.369
274 atx2600v2 110.0000.369
275 TuzHack 110.0000.369
276 CTF_Circle 110.0000.369
277 Bits For Everyone 110.0000.368
278 HiC 110.0000.368
279 GR00T5 110.0000.368
280 2mr 110.0000.367
281 Shad0w Synd1cate 110.0000.367
282 Aqua 110.0000.367
283 wicked 110.0000.367
284 P_T 110.0000.366
285 gorogoroumaru 110.0000.366
286 p#03N1X 110.0000.366
287 SharLike 110.0000.365
288 auntp3arl 110.0000.365
289 once 110.0000.365
290 BA$HERS 110.0000.365
291 T.A 110.0000.364
292 Scr!ptK!dd!es 110.0000.364
293 TeamName 110.0000.364
294 Root66 110.0000.364
295 Ariox 110.0000.363
296 ProvA 110.0000.363
297 [SPbCTF] GOST in the shell 110.0000.363
298 WhatIsCTF 110.0000.363
299 ker 110.0000.362
300 Thorn655 110.0000.362
301 dagegen 110.0000.362
302 onemanband 110.0000.362
303 n0_pwn1c 110.0000.361
304 Team8 110.0000.361
305 Ale 110.0000.361
306 gh0std4ncer 110.0000.361
307 deadinside 110.0000.360
308 CodeheadUK 110.0000.360
309 EvgenyAlone 110.0000.360
310 c0r3dump 110.0000.360
311 Butlersaurus 110.0000.359
312 anhtuan 110.0000.359
313 0Xor 110.0000.359
314 3amar_404 110.0000.359
315 roflanLUL 110.0000.359
316 KLELK 110.0000.358
317 exzettabyte 110.0000.358
318 KiDs 110.0000.358
319 Mohack 110.0000.358
320 Stack 110.0000.357
321 hyb 110.0000.357
322 El Camino Cyber Club 110.0000.357
323 Team_M 110.0000.357
324 fibonacci 110.0000.357
325 Shigatsu 110.0000.356
326 KingGodDu 110.0000.356
327 mtclords 110.0000.356
328 fold 110.0000.356
329 TeaScript 110.0000.356
330 cby234 110.0000.355
331 blabla 110.0000.355
332 chiko360 110.0000.355
333 The Immigrants 110.0000.355
334 m3m3l0rdz 110.0000.355
335 WeGotHereLateLMAO 110.0000.354
336 CumShot 110.0000.354
337 AndroidAP 110.0000.354
338 Hackers_Dillema 110.0000.354
339 EVA 110.0000.354
340 110.0000.353
341 jinsiben 110.0000.353
342 prostiroot 110.0000.353
343 bc_ 110.0000.353
344 erikkabir 110.0000.353
345 Alchemistkor 110.0000.352
346 msch 110.0000.352
347 aesthetic 110.0000.352
348 Jared 110.0000.352
349 .EXE 110.0000.352
350 jangwoo29 110.0000.351
351 0xNinja 110.0000.351
352 Rapace Diabolique 100.0000.325
353 El Camino Cyber 100.0000.325
354 ctffuntikteam 100.0000.325
355 Oahmaaam 100.0000.324
356 hitori 100.0000.324
357 0xego 100.0000.324
358 N/A 100.0000.324
359 TheLogic 60.0000.219
360 0x435446 60.0000.219
361 The_Rox 60.0000.219
362 Shallow-Fried Soy Winter Vegetables 60.0000.219
363 greyhats 60.0000.218
364 secsi 60.0000.218
365 H4z4rd 60.0000.218
366 Pinkfluffyunicorns 60.0000.218
367 addict 60.0000.218
368 CyberPilot 60.0000.218
369 fkillrra 60.0000.217
370 Shanker 60.0000.217
371 nemo 60.0000.217
372 sh4d0w58t 60.0000.217
373 GreenTeam 60.0000.217
374 o5pf 60.0000.217
375 Ctrl+F "Flags" plz 60.0000.216
376 Team men 60.0000.216
377 19dufbri 60.0000.216
378 L3G1ON_Of_DooM 60.0000.216
379 Zeta0Byte 60.0000.216
380 a_k 60.0000.216
381 VigilanteHackers 60.0000.216
382 cait-sith 60.0000.215
383 OnTh3R00t 60.0000.215
384 Ecliptica 60.0000.215
385 Loopback 60.0000.215
386 BTeam 60.0000.215
387 Geo25rey 60.0000.215
388 stankc 60.0000.214
389 DeadSec 60.0000.214
390 tamahom 60.0000.214
391 notM4l4f4m4 60.0000.214
392 Saku 60.0000.214
393 Nalrok 60.0000.214
394 PingTrip 60.0000.214
395 CC19UniPi 60.0000.213
396 TheZakMan 60.0000.213
397 muzumi 60.0000.213
398 hanHq 60.0000.213
399 Fword 60.0000.213
400 🐧 60.0000.213
401 LND 60.0000.213
402 19h@x0rs 60.0000.212
403 P4ki5t4nH4x0rz 60.0000.212
404 Amjad5 60.0000.212
405 leet2own 60.0000.212
406 Bunny 60.0000.212
407 tgduteam 60.0000.212
408 Menace2Sobriety 60.0000.212
409 S1lver 60.0000.212
410 CruddCo 60.0000.211
411 ScarletMagic 60.0000.211
412 Rorschach 60.0000.211
413 winners+1 60.0000.211
414 mlr0p 60.0000.211
415 HappyHacking 60.0000.211
416 LonelyOleSoul 60.0000.211
417 strangeuncle 60.0000.210
418 RATF{Rage Against The Flag} 60.0000.210
419 flintz 60.0000.210
420 swt02026 60.0000.210
421 ASIS 60.0000.210
422 ctfChallengers 60.0000.210
423 Revengers 60.0000.210
424 Kimchi.Twerkbomb 60.0000.210
425 s11 60.0000.209
426 cyb3rk!d 60.0000.209
427 xan0er 60.0000.209
428 GetAGet 60.0000.209
429 Jumbalaya 60.0000.209
430 Zotonme 60.0000.209
431 Slient 60.0000.209
432 SafeXackers 60.0000.209
433 PLUS 60.0000.208
434 teeteear 60.0000.208
435 secretnoobs[தமிழ்] 60.0000.208
436 Hackup 60.0000.208
437 Magbanua Inc. 60.0000.208
438 carmy 60.0000.208
439 VN_MSEC 60.0000.208
440 KL0N14 60.0000.208
441 Nonononono 60.0000.208
442 d4rkr0o 60.0000.207
443 h4ck3r_b0y 60.0000.207
444 RiST 60.0000.207
445 mrbozkurt 60.0000.207
446 KTHCTF0x1 60.0000.207
447 dominator 60.0000.207
448 R@n93r 60.0000.207
449 t2 60.0000.207
450 t00lpns 60.0000.207
451 voschmi 60.0000.206
452 messi 60.0000.206
453 STACCAH_STACCAH 60.0000.206
454 wasd 60.0000.206
455 WDNMD 60.0000.206
456 R3d $trik3 60.0000.206
457 Incredibles_Infinity 60.0000.206
458 kizda 60.0000.206
459 exitzero 60.0000.206
460 chrismit3s 60.0000.205
461 OldGreenElephants 60.0000.205
462 Newbie* 60.0000.205
463 leejy 60.0000.205
464 VadSomHelst 60.0000.205
465 Pelarian CP ehe 60.0000.205
466 cyberdefs 60.0000.205
467 KING 60.0000.205
468 Team_sign 60.0000.205
469 Coinz 60.0000.205
470 kettusec 60.0000.204
471 nikto 60.0000.204
472 Petir Cyber Security 60.0000.204
473 die4beer 60.0000.204
474 hope 60.0000.204
475 azertyuiop 60.0000.204
476 EmpireCTF 60.0000.204
477 60.0000.204
478 #yolo 60.0000.204
479 KPACUBO 60.0000.204
480 Team Apophis 60.0000.203
481 ezsolo 60.0000.203
482 matteodedonno 60.0000.203
483 Ph0en1x 60.0000.203
484 w1s3br41n 60.0000.203
485 IT_Xlopci 60.0000.203
486 FirstTimers 60.0000.203
487 standAlone 60.0000.203
488 deaDLock 60.0000.203
489 shadow 60.0000.203
490 piyo 60.0000.202
491 chrimon 60.0000.202
492 w00tw00t 60.0000.202
493 Blackfoxsorg 60.0000.202
494 onemanarmy 60.0000.202
495 0d0a 60.0000.202
496 RazeR 60.0000.202
497 T3RMT3RM 60.0000.202
498 X0r3d 60.0000.202
499 D0bu 60.0000.202
500 P1nk 60.0000.202
501 h4rlock 60.0000.201
502 Beginner 60.0000.201
503 AlfAssist 60.0000.201
504 Deadlock Team 60.0000.201
505 emehacr 60.0000.201
506 Dokko 60.0000.201
507 team bagel 60.0000.201
508 free_wifi 60.0000.201
509 Alpha Union 60.0000.201
510 south 60.0000.201
511 x 60.0000.201
512 bl4ckm4mb4 60.0000.201
513 P@Ge2mE 60.0000.200
514 0xBU 60.0000.200
515 Azure Assassin Alliance 60.0000.200
516 kiwalo 60.0000.200
517 TransCrypt 60.0000.200
518 REEper 60.0000.200
519 Trashers 60.0000.200
520 LeT 60.0000.200
521 SuperCornago 60.0000.200
522 SoloKage 60.0000.200
523 NULLKrypt3rs 60.0000.200
524 LHS 60.0000.200
525 overflower 60.0000.199
526 SoloOne 60.0000.199
527 Nerds@Work 60.0000.199
528 ntrischi 60.0000.199
529 h4ck7u5 60.0000.199
530 Pork Chop 60.0000.199
531 lammmm 60.0000.199
532 Meeseeks 60.0000.199
533 Ciruela 60.0000.199
534 Lokey 60.0000.199
535 timHehe 60.0000.199
536 csictf 60.0000.199
537 Nerds of Mayhem 60.0000.198
538 Alphagens 60.0000.198
539 wejust 60.0000.198
540 bi0sblr 60.0000.198
541 Team-A 60.0000.198
542 KDG 60.0000.198
543 bbdpg 60.0000.198
544 Intelligentia 60.0000.198
545 B3bieSec 60.0000.198
546 pasneto 60.0000.198
547 Omniscients 60.0000.198
548 Henry 60.0000.198
549 THK SHB 60.0000.198
550 tabajara 60.0000.198
551 PretentiousTeamName 60.0000.197
552 samir_wla3 60.0000.197
553 StripesLeopard 60.0000.197
554 zer0 60.0000.197
555 rach 60.0000.197
556 BUNGA 60.0000.197
557 b345 60.0000.197
558 3th4n 60.0000.197
559 Bloodbath03 60.0000.197
560 Bearfood 60.0000.197
561 werc 60.0000.197
562 Synopsys 60.0000.197
563 3Idiots 60.0000.197
564 WeAreNoobsPleaseDontHurtUs 60.0000.197
565 rutrack 50.0000.170
566 Cryp70Gr4nny 50.0000.170
567 ibm-xforce 50.0000.170
568 cebola 50.0000.170
569 dannylockard 50.0000.170
570 posix 50.0000.170
571 SUS 50.0000.170
572 ' OR DROP TABLE;-- - 50.0000.170
573 Jinwoo 50.0000.170
574 isekai 50.0000.170
575 Oneirologisits 50.0000.170
576 lel 50.0000.170
577 IOwnYou 50.0000.169
578 root@cult 50.0000.169
579 CHIqueen 50.0000.169
580 onion_soup 50.0000.169
581 C0mP13x 50.0000.169
582 l1noleum 50.0000.169
583 Devilzzzz 50.0000.169
584 chococo 50.0000.169
585 terminator 50.0000.169
586 N0p 50.0000.169
587 Olympia 10.0000.064
588 FoX1RiSS 10.0000.064
589 karmasutra 10.0000.064
590 PP/PL 10.0000.064
591 hack@unhcfreg 10.0000.064
592 TheDogz 10.0000.064
593 winyl 10.0000.064
594 BufferOverfloRida 10.0000.064
595 Servants sons 10.0000.064
596 Literal Dips 10.0000.064
597 sylv3on 10.0000.064
598 CUCyber 10.0000.064
599 ItaiFC 10.0000.063
600 cr7ritesh 10.0000.063
601 HKLM 10.0000.063
602 Merikanto 10.0000.063
603 OrderofShadows 10.0000.063
604 hawk3rg 10.0000.063
605 POPPING FLAGS 10.0000.063
606 alf 10.0000.063
607 BlueBear101 10.0000.063
608 poesec 10.0000.063
609 brucel33t 10.0000.063
610 y0urs3npa1 10.0000.063
611 Isaac 10.0000.063
612 Robotrabbit 10.0000.063
613 pseudoptics. 10.0000.063
614 sssqqq 10.0000.063
615 Calihacker 10.0000.062
616 Brainslayer 10.0000.062
617 0xNN 10.0000.062
618 gobannon 10.0000.062
619 icYFTL 10.0000.062
620 emen 10.0000.062
621 attackd0gz 10.0000.062
622 OzzY 10.0000.062
623 FirstNightingale 10.0000.062
624 glasses 10.0000.062
625 team519 10.0000.062
626 N3wbi3_Kor 10.0000.062
627 Chez Maurice 10.0000.062
628 h4ckm3 10.0000.062
629 Team Lovins & Walter 10.0000.062
630 AnhThatTuyet 10.0000.062
631 AssassinQ 10.0000.062
632 TeamName365 10.0000.062
633 sad_af 10.0000.061
634 hellofriendos 10.0000.061
635 TT 10.0000.061
636 bomin 10.0000.061
637 quriosity 10.0000.061
638 Noid3a 10.0000.061
639 urchin 10.0000.061
640 Keith 10.0000.061
641 Colorado = Security 10.0000.061
642 ddd428 10.0000.061
643 slyfizz 10.0000.061
644 jim bob whey 10.0000.061
645 PwnStar 10.0000.061
646 neth 10.0000.061
647 OTIST 10.0000.061
648 HMRdT-L-M 10.0000.061
649 Specter 10.0000.061
650 Quasar.B 10.0000.061
651 n57u !n00bz 10.0000.060
652 Team Abakus 10.0000.060
653 xrzheven 10.0000.060
654 WR 10.0000.060
655 p1gc0rn 10.0000.060
656 n00bsRme 10.0000.060
657 RMF_is_Boring 10.0000.060
658 hehe 10.0000.060
659 Angelina 10.0000.060
660 NoNameTeam 10.0000.060
661 Bender 10.0000.060
662 godteam 10.0000.060
663 zero 10.0000.060
664 QTH 10.0000.060
665 $ilent 10.0000.060
666 _s_h_a_d_o_w - t_e_a_m_ 10.0000.060
667 ForeverAlone 10.0000.060
668 born2scan(ionno) 10.0000.060
669 BestOfTheBest 10.0000.060
670 CrabOnMid 10.0000.060
671 mcow119 10.0000.059
672 #ME 10.0000.059
673 ItzyBitzySpider 10.0000.059
674 kjb 10.0000.059
675 Gyul 10.0000.059
676 Sarutobi 10.0000.059
677 otaku 10.0000.059
678 badfirmware 10.0000.059
679 buchi 10.0000.059
680 No Man's Root 10.0000.059
681 zeropoints 10.0000.059
682 Passhorse 10.0000.059
683 b0nes 10.0000.059
684 Aresia 10.0000.059
685 Pot-Bellied Goblin Vampires 10.0000.059
686 moonsusu 10.0000.059
687 23f3 10.0000.059
688 brooo 10.0000.059
689 ScriptBaby 10.0000.059
690 JJibu 10.0000.059
691 BILLA_Warriors 10.0000.058
692 sudowoodo 10.0000.058
693 ojz 10.0000.058
694 The Gamer 10.0000.058
695 sungsam 10.0000.058
696 player1001 10.0000.058
697 Reinverse 10.0000.058
698 AdnanSlef 10.0000.058
699 nika35 10.0000.058
700 Test12345678 10.0000.058
701 VND0ng 10.0000.058
702 voillla 10.0000.058
703 ID.3p0 10.0000.058
704 heheh 10.0000.058
705 idwaun 10.0000.058
706 lolik 10.0000.058
707 TsuN4m! 10.0000.058
708 0xCBE 10.0000.058
709 Songrocks 10.0000.058
710 cRUcible 10.0000.058
711 bla 10.0000.058
712 UltraMegaChicken 10.0000.058
713 noar 10.0000.057
714 Adventurer 10.0000.057
715 IppT 10.0000.057
716 D8ll0 10.0000.057
717 mong00se 10.0000.057
718 ddodd 10.0000.057
719 EvilBunnyWrote 10.0000.057
720 cycn0s 10.0000.057
721 nanocomp 10.0000.057
722 Jullle3 10.0000.057
723 senpai 10.0000.057
724 ABC_123 10.0000.057
725 Roee Sef 10.0000.057
726 Bibliofile 10.0000.057
727 flame_n 10.0000.057
728 ImpertinentCoder 10.0000.057
729 sniper 10.0000.057
730 Mendacious Nitwits 10.0000.057
731 UC_Team 10.0000.057
732 ViziosDe 10.0000.057
733 lassaga 10.0000.057
734 Flisol 10.0000.057
735 Shore 10.0000.057
736 procfs 10.0000.057
737 lalala 10.0000.056
738 w00h! 10.0000.056
739 paqe 10.0000.056
740 killswitch 10.0000.056
741 Cr33pt0s 10.0000.056
742 TIcktockticktock 10.0000.056
743 Zanie 10.0000.056
744 songge 10.0000.056
745 wuerror 10.0000.056
746 no_system_is_safe 10.0000.056
747 Ox00 10.0000.056
748 WishYouWereHere 10.0000.056
749 999d0w 10.0000.056
750 Fizdan 10.0000.056
751 le0li9ht 10.0000.056
752 DHK 10.0000.056
753 K4T4 10.0000.056
754 royz 10.0000.056
755 HuckersZ 10.0000.056
756 hack@world 10.0000.056
757 Astrum 10.0000.056
758 AD 10.0000.056
759 anonsurf 10.0000.056
760 blah 10.0000.056
761 WhiteLeopard2 10.0000.056
762 viman 10.0000.055
763 nexus 10.0000.055
764 RB_team 10.0000.055
765 UH455317 10.0000.055
766 churchwalk 10.0000.055
767 sebastianpc 10.0000.055
768 Upa 10.0000.055
769 D4RK_FL0W 10.0000.055
770 ValVaeVictis 10.0000.055
771 |uk@X 10.0000.055
772 SPEC7RE 10.0000.028
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