Voting ended at: April 14, 2019, 10 p.m.
Weight after voting: 28.00 / 33.525
Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.
32 x0r19x91 expected more reversing challenges
33 _remsio_ web challs were not that many unfortunately, but I ve learnt a lot about smart contracts !
33 No-fix Learnt tons of things.
33 kzalloc Enjoyable CTF
5 noraj Few web, easy stego, why still stego? Why no real forensics?
33 kylar Nice CTF, fun and good challenges
33 mtoups enjoyable and lots of challenges - good job
20 0xmzfr Good CTF
33 zeosutt All challenges were great.
33 ShellFlag very good challenges on my first CTF
33 ElSicarius good one
33 page2me good
33 page2me OK
33 dmaria Fun challenges, amazing scoreboard theme, keep up the good work! Would love to see some more Web.
33 noi We liked Smart Category, Maybe more reverse and web would be great. Generally nice CTF!
26 ChapeauR0uge Thx for this CTF, it was nice to see smart challs!
33 Th30nlyM4st3r Nice CTF, the challenges were challenging
25 blackpearl Nice CTF
33 Hackhim Thanks for heap overflows
33 2phi It was hard lol. But I learned a lot ! Thank's for Smart Contracts, it was my first time :D
33 cr0wn_p4wn lots of good challs
33 Sud0 Great challenges
15 maro Only one reversing task and 2 web challenges !
33 hyperreality Sexy platform and solid challenges
33 hrpr zajebiste ctf