Fri, 03 March 2023, 17:00 UTC — Sun, 05 March 2023, 17:00 UTC 


KalmarCTF event.

Format: Jeopardy Jeopardy

Official URL:

This event's future weight is subject of public voting!

Future weight: 24.21 

Rating weight: 24.21 

Event organizers 

Welcome to KalmarCTF 2023, brought to you by the Kalmarunionen

The competition will take place on Fri, 03 Mar. 2023, 17:00 UTC to Sun, 05 Mar. 2023, 17:00 UTC. For more information and to register, visit our website at KalmarC.TF

We are thrilled to announce that Hex-Rays will be the main sponsor of KalmarCTF 2023.

This year's competition will feature a variety of categories including pwn, crypto, web, rev, and of course miscgang will deliver.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to test your skills and compete against the best in the field. Register now at KalmarC.TF and we'll see you at KalmarCTF 2023!

Now with discord:


This year, we will be offering some incredible prizes to the top finishers:

First place: 3 IDA PRO named licenses with 2 decompilers and 10x Kalmar Swag*
Second place: 1 IDA PRO license with 2 decompilers and 8x Kalmar Swag*
Third place: 1 IDA PRO license with 2 decompilers and 4x Kalmar Swag*

*All licenses are perpetual with one year of support and upgrades included.


904 teams total

PlaceTeamCTF pointsRating points
1 PokemonCollection 16290.00048.420
2 organizers 15229.00034.738
3 RedRocket 14403.00029.476
4 r3kapig 11399.00022.994
5 Omogen Heap Overflow 11293.00021.626
6 idek 10332.00019.390
7 Babbage Patch Kids 8437.00015.998
8 bootplug 8370.00015.466
9 The Flat Network Society 7916.00014.455
10 mhackeroni 7024.00012.860
11 Straw Hat 6997.00012.600
12 RoyalRoppers 6756.00012.058
13 Zer0Tolerance 6512.00011.540
14 thehackerscrew 5674.00010.162
15 purf3ct 5621.0009.968
16 Maple Bacon 5587.0009.816
17 XA21 5429.0009.493
18 PFS 5329.0009.265
19 ⚔️TSJ⚔️ 5252.0009.080
20 The Cryptic Dragons 4428.0007.791
21 ./Vespiary 4046.0007.166
22 Resurrected Odyssey 3920.0006.926
23 Social Engineering Experts 3318.0005.984
24 pwnagaukar 3246.0005.833
25 ISITDTU 3180.0005.694
26 KITCTF 3065.0005.486
27 Kassipojad 2946.0005.275
28 about:blankets 2557.0004.665
29 csw 2493.0004.540
30 ARESx 2350.0004.300
31 CInsects 2335.0004.251
32 🤠🐮m00-day hunters🐮🤠 2288.0004.157
33 simon 2214.0004.024
34 VNXX 2150.0003.907
35 Monk3y Security 2138.0003.869
36 C_men 2089.0003.777
37 YCF 2025.0003.664
38 A.k.a.t.s.u.k.i 2001.0003.611
39 Kernel Sanders 1940.0003.504
40 bocchi the ctf player 1938.0003.485
41 b01lers 1927.0003.454
42 Vidar-Team 1895.0003.393
43 sora 1857.0003.323
44 0xCA75 1757.0003.161
45 Project Sekai 1642.0002.978
46 Black Bauhinia 1642.0002.967
47 Payatu Bandits 1642.0002.955
48 coldboots 1638.0002.939
49 pizarron 1610.0002.887
50 justCatTheFish 1588.0002.844
51 she 1583.0002.827
52 BKISC 1542.0002.757
53 Xp0int 1538.0002.743
54 PBR | UCLA 1508.0002.690
55 TCP1P 1493.0002.659
56 BetterThanSushi 1338.0002.421
57 EBX_eto_baza 1310.0002.372
58 gua_9_Arctic 1308.0002.361
59 KMA.R3dVe1v3t 1308.0002.354
60 watevr 1242.0002.249
61 Ireland without the RE 1242.0002.243
62 Brunnerne 1208.0002.186
63 Venom 1138.0002.076
64 onepunchpwn 1138.0002.070
65 Norwegian_noobs 1110.0002.022
66 Team-0x7 1108.0002.014
67 ApoapsisCL 1096.0001.990
68 /bad 1042.0001.905
69 Plaid Parliament of Pwning 1038.0001.894
70 qookie 1019.0001.860
71 OSUSEC 1008.0001.839
72 ROIS 1008.0001.834
73 Ipis 1008.0001.830
74 CyberGiraffe 1008.0001.825
75 kokoška 908.0001.672
76 Tirunculi 908.0001.668
77 wubbel 908.0001.664
78 KSK Alumni 900.0001.648
79 bi0s 800.0001.495
80 Sloppy Joe Pirates 800.0001.492
81 CristalloClub 800.0001.488
82 0RAYS 800.0001.484
83 noraneco 800.0001.481
84 xXxpassword123xXx 800.0001.477
85 mostly harmless 708.0001.337
86 Jinn 708.0001.334
87 TheRoundTable 700.0001.319
88 scav4hack 700.0001.315
89 Radboud Institute of Pwning 700.0001.312
90 Flag Poisoning 700.0001.309
91 dcua 700.0001.306
92 Jutlandia 700.0001.303
93 Team Pitucci 700.0001.301
94 Vikings at C 608.0001.161
95 KerKerYuan 600.0001.147
96 shablul 600.0001.144
97 ayylmao 600.0001.141
98 Ner_Had 600.0001.139
99 ライス 600.0001.136
100 STT 600.0001.134
101 SavedByTheShell 600.0001.131
102 Z0D1AC 600.0001.129
103 abeshinee 600.0001.127
104 Blue Hens 600.0001.125
105 d4rkc0de 600.0001.122
106 TeamSerbia 600.0001.120
107 HackademINT 600.0001.118
108 TeamCC 600.0001.116
109 Datasnok 500.0000.965
110 ashva 500.0000.963
111 CyberSpace 500.0000.961
112 hamayanhamayan 500.0000.959
113 Th3_Order_Of_th3_pH0en1x 500.0000.957
114 Isec-U.O 500.0000.955
115 SaturnX 500.0000.954
116 KMA.r4v3ns 500.0000.952
117 EvilBunnyWrote 500.0000.950
118 Prostofilya 500.0000.948
119 RedHazzarTeam 500.0000.947
120 C-Team 500.0000.945
121 parakavia 500.0000.943
122 CSI 500.0000.942
123 Sz4rny 500.0000.940
124 IT_Dicarry Ilham 500.0000.938
125 PwnSec 500.0000.937
126 IT_HostiEnjoyer 500.0000.935
127 IT_All in Argentina 500.0000.934
128 IT_TutorYutub 500.0000.932
130 IT_CTFezet 500.0000.929
131 IT_Rush and R3lax 500.0000.928
132 Mazala 500.0000.927
133 IT_berputar 500.0000.925
134 IT_TonTuaintheSKY 500.0000.924
135 Byte Busters 400.0000.774
136 fibonhack 400.0000.772
137 MadBackendDev 400.0000.771
138 SLTeam 400.0000.770
139 CamelRiders 400.0000.769
140 Bumbodosan 400.0000.767
141 DSGS4T 400.0000.766
142 Team Groot 400.0000.765
143 NYUSEC 400.0000.764
144 jro 400.0000.763
145 miso 400.0000.761
146 while;do echo buffer owlerflow;done 400.0000.760
147 yuck dou 400.0000.759
148 whysosad 400.0000.758
149 Sm0rtBuff3rB0yZ 400.0000.757
150 Je s'appelle Root 400.0000.756
151 SkillIssue 400.0000.755
152 Ng00m4lDhuhr 400.0000.754
153 1337B01S 400.0000.753
154 0x90erators 400.0000.752
155 MvtinaPwn 400.0000.751
156 ttt 400.0000.750
157 Power Bepsin 400.0000.749
158 IEEEFTW 400.0000.748
159 M.U.G.I.W.A.R.A 400.0000.747
160 BarSides 400.0000.746
161 V&N 400.0000.745
162 Mason Competitive Cyber 400.0000.744
163 N30Z30N 400.0000.743
164 IT_Awikwok 400.0000.742
165 IT_ng3h3k masbr0 400.0000.741
166 be_free_after_work 400.0000.740
167 QC 400.0000.739
168 HCS 400.0000.739
169 IT_313-314-322 400.0000.738
170 IT_Slayy 400.0000.737
171 400.0000.736
172 need_a_team 400.0000.735
173 IT_PortswiggerEnjoyer 400.0000.734
174 ehc 400.0000.734
175 wibiz 400.0000.733
176 TeamH4C 400.0000.732
177 IT_kick bit 400.0000.731
178 i'm down QQ 400.0000.730
179 klandestin 400.0000.730
180 DCDC 400.0000.729
181 IT_Cah Oke 400.0000.728
182 IT_meong 400.0000.727
183 Rubi di Cubrik 400.0000.727
184 thunderdumpers 300.0000.577
185 TheLoneGunmen 300.0000.577
186 PurpleRabb1ts 300.0000.576
187 404BeerNotFound 300.0000.575
188 TFG 🐺🦊🦌🐺 300.0000.575
189 Flaggermeister 300.0000.574
190 freelance buddies 300.0000.573
191 0rd3rs 300.0000.573
192 CyberSp3ck 300.0000.572
193 halucka 300.0000.571
194 deznam 300.0000.571
195 K.o.n.o.h.a 300.0000.570
196 ackerhays 300.0000.569
197 stalk 300.0000.569
198 ecs 300.0000.568
199 CSUI 300.0000.568
200 Don Quijote 300.0000.567
201 SeaHatVN 300.0000.566
202 Starburst Kiwawa 300.0000.566
203 急急急 300.0000.565
204 KCSC 300.0000.565
205 asdasqw 300.0000.564
206 JohnsHackins 300.0000.563
207 SecDaemons 300.0000.563
208 Dynamik 300.0000.562
209 SuperUserDone 300.0000.562
210 The Coalition of Curious Creatures 300.0000.561
211 KAUotic Hacking Club 300.0000.561
212 Martial_Law_Enforcer 300.0000.560
213 M1sch13fM4n4g3d! 300.0000.560
214 soon_haari solo play with beer 300.0000.559
215 wakatta 300.0000.558
216 птнпнх 300.0000.558
217 Codphish 300.0000.557
218 Maple_Leaves 300.0000.557
219 squawk_3132 300.0000.556
220 0xL4ugh 300.0000.556
221 Team Shakti 300.0000.555
222 The Unhinged 300.0000.555
223 BackMoon 300.0000.554
224 0xSpecters 300.0000.554
225 wgpsec 300.0000.553
226 PkNova 300.0000.553
227 RumbleInTheJungle 300.0000.553
228 FeurJB 300.0000.552
229 cyberTrooper 300.0000.552
230 p@RT_man 300.0000.551
231 phis1Ng_ 300.0000.551
232 Sup3r_N0va 300.0000.550
233 infox 300.0000.550
234 SFU_JUN 300.0000.549
235 kalimanjaro 300.0000.549
236 uuu 300.0000.548
237 Team Target 300.0000.548
238 badsctr 300.0000.548
239 rainbowunicorns 300.0000.547
240 $udo 300.0000.547
241 SMAs 300.0000.546
242 jpalayoor 300.0000.546
243 p4nda 300.0000.545
244 Akatsuki 300.0000.545
245 BeatRoot 300.0000.545
246 1nf1n1ty 300.0000.544
247 acdwas 300.0000.544
248 YellowFrogs 300.0000.543
249 die_trying 300.0000.543
250 shadow garden 300.0000.543
251 ByteBandits 300.0000.542
252 CyberWolf 300.0000.542
253 bullfrog 300.0000.542
254 Team Steam Stream 300.0000.541
255 Super_Hackers 300.0000.541
256 The Additional Payphones 300.0000.540
257 LinyTail 300.0000.540
258 m0ns1ur_r0b0t 300.0000.540
259 Galerka 300.0000.539
260 Chovid99 300.0000.539
261 LaCocina 300.0000.539
262 Cla55N0tF0und 300.0000.538
263 1h 300.0000.538
264 xSTF 300.0000.538
265 IT_ManutGusti 300.0000.537
266 123$ 300.0000.537
267 1NS0MN14 300.0000.537
268 !Sh1T 300.0000.536
269 pymi 300.0000.536
270 IQ-toppene 300.0000.536
271 nCreeps 300.0000.535
272 ISFCR PESU 200.0000.386
273 CBL 200.0000.386
274 Dam flud la dusmani 200.0000.386
275 Spyder2600 200.0000.385
276 u1035_solo 200.0000.385
277 CyberWikings 200.0000.385
278 RedTeamFire 200.0000.384
279 ASU Hacking Club 200.0000.384
280 M2I 200.0000.384
281 Kyros 200.0000.383
282 brobro 200.0000.383
283 Mokhtari9ine 200.0000.383
284 CTF Rajus 200.0000.382
285 anadoluflag 200.0000.382
286 BurntEgg 200.0000.382
287 c53ng0p3ng0_ 200.0000.382
288 Peaky Kapinders 200.0000.381
289 cellerz 200.0000.381
290 5H3RL0CK_H0LM35 200.0000.381
291 Hjärterhex.old 200.0000.380
292 ABAFAR 200.0000.380
293 LionHack 200.0000.380
294 Cyberclowns 200.0000.380
295 XXAA 200.0000.379
296 Wolves🐺 200.0000.379
297 UrchinSec 200.0000.379
298 Ucha_CTF 200.0000.378
299 n0n 200.0000.378
300 H3K3R_B01S 200.0000.378
301 Cr4w1_f0r_7h3_fl4g 200.0000.378
302 SUDOERSma 200.0000.377
303 0xKillers 200.0000.377
304 BigChungus 200.0000.377
305 Computer Security Donut Club 200.0000.377
306 2ez4us 200.0000.376
307 rwx 200.0000.376
308 dinos 200.0000.376
309 SaS 200.0000.376
310 92i_P1r4tr13 200.0000.375
311 AnanasPåPizzza 200.0000.375
312 R4v3nc14w_P3ngu1n 200.0000.375
313 Xorezz 200.0000.375
314 Ari31 200.0000.374
315 Ghouls n' Magnets 200.0000.374
316 Tinfoil Hats 200.0000.374
317 Kru4sann 200.0000.374
318 MolBash 200.0000.373
319 UDOM CYBER CLUB 200.0000.373
320 bluefin 200.0000.373
321 SeaTeaFrogs 200.0000.373
322 Voudourouƶa 200.0000.372
323 AMF. 200.0000.372
324 Nightmare 200.0000.372
325 h01ku 200.0000.372
326 cyb3r_5qu4d 200.0000.372
327 Decepticons 200.0000.371
328 セキュリティーパック 200.0000.371
329 v3ngeance 200.0000.371
330 larp 200.0000.371
331 Cat2Flag 200.0000.370
332 Fl4g Sm4sher 200.0000.370
333 @start_er 200.0000.370
334 t3mp3st 200.0000.370
335 Permutation City 200.0000.370
336 cybfags 200.0000.369
337 R3pl1c4nt 200.0000.369
338 GATEaux Dinosaurus 200.0000.369
339 CopyPaste 200.0000.369
340 cass0ulet 200.0000.368
341 Stout Boys 200.0000.368
342 over_poreon 200.0000.368
343 PracticeTeam 200.0000.368
344 Cr4zyF0x 200.0000.368
345 per4itos 200.0000.367
346 pudd13sOv3rfl0w 200.0000.367
347 3NT 200.0000.367
348 rub1ck 200.0000.367
349 STEMBACTF 200.0000.367
350 superbeginner 200.0000.366
351 FR33_T34M_Z 200.0000.366
352 Dream4Clutch 200.0000.366
353 Disconnect 200.0000.366
354 P4ren 200.0000.366
355 badbadgers 200.0000.365
356 VIP 200.0000.365
357 Knightsec 200.0000.365
358 0dteam 200.0000.365
359 tekilas 200.0000.365
360 MILLISEC 200.0000.364
361 200.0000.364
362 Beginner 200.0000.364
363 meow 200.0000.364
364 lordofswords 200.0000.364
365 JDI 200.0000.364
366 IT_bismillah lancar 200.0000.363
367 TCTN 200.0000.363
368 OnlyFeet 200.0000.363
369 b14ckduck5 200.0000.363
370 TheBlackEyedExploits 200.0000.363
371 Humoneyz 200.0000.362
372 Ta3ala adal3k 2oly ehh hymn3k 200.0000.362
373 cgiosy 200.0000.362
374 bi0sblr 200.0000.362
375 ACTFA 200.0000.362
376 Gab03t 200.0000.362
377 Fr3shW4t3r 200.0000.361
378 16j 200.0000.361
379 joe 200.0000.361
380 CyberBangla 200.0000.361
381 iQuberz 200.0000.361
382 H0ndh11 200.0000.361
383 NORNAND 200.0000.360
384 HackingLab 200.0000.360
385 IT_INICTF 200.0000.360
386 haha2023 200.0000.360
387 nullptr 200.0000.360
388 d4rkn19ht 200.0000.360
389 th3rm4l 200.0000.359
390 A1natas 200.0000.359
391 vrzh 200.0000.359
392 Next'H4ck 200.0000.359
393 Huntik 200.0000.359
394 H4cktivists 200.0000.359
395 POPPO 200.0000.359
396 C4k3 200.0000.358
397 Ye 200.0000.358
398 Meow Meow 200.0000.358
399 CrazyThusday 200.0000.358
400 sec41 200.0000.358
401 outdate heart 200.0000.358
402 Agno 200.0000.357
403 Ir0n Maiden 200.0000.357
404 5pheg4ttiC0d3 200.0000.357
405 Yara 200.0000.357
406 howToExitVimPlsHelp 200.0000.357
407 Is_lab 200.0000.357
408 HackTea 200.0000.357
409 False Catch 200.0000.356
410 Phantom_Troupe 200.0000.356
411 team1 200.0000.356
412 Les Bucherons 200.0000.356
413 anakta 200.0000.356
414 G04T 200.0000.356
415 th3_c0nqu3r0r 200.0000.356
416 Thetortle 200.0000.355
417 Dat2Phit 200.0000.355
418 rews 200.0000.355
419 月落星沉 200.0000.355
420 Bits & Pieces 200.0000.355
421 R3gr3t 200.0000.355
422 Just4Fun 200.0000.355
423 justm3 200.0000.354
424 $V3N0M 200.0000.354
425 Botnet Inc. 200.0000.354
426 Root AMS 200.0000.354
427 200.0000.354
428 t1mmyt1m 200.0000.354
429 c0ug4rs 200.0000.354
430 Coding_noobs 200.0000.354
431 Neptunians 200.0000.353
432 T.U.S.K 200.0000.353
433 Hyper Tiger Transport Protocol 200.0000.353
434 Vodama 200.0000.353
435 AlxlA 200.0000.353
436 sirius 200.0000.353
437 417 200.0000.353
438 Tzupie 200.0000.353
439 vvF15 200.0000.352
440 Hash Slinging Hackers 200.0000.352
441 @n@$$ 200.0000.352
442 pingCTF 200.0000.352
443 Caliente 200.0000.352
444 HNN4ABO 200.0000.352
445 Pemuda Mendung 200.0000.352
446 hack3r_g33ks 200.0000.352
447 good_tac 200.0000.351
448 !hacker 200.0000.351
449 IT_UruguayWolf 200.0000.351
450 HackCTF 200.0000.351
451 AnonSec 200.0000.351
452 F17Flo0r 200.0000.351
453 wazp 200.0000.351
454 InfoSecIITR 200.0000.351
455 Universe 200.0000.350
456 Alexius 200.0000.350
457 ivesgay 200.0000.350
458 3Idiots 200.0000.350
459 red13ua 200.0000.350
460 Ahimsa 200.0000.350
461 hope 200.0000.350
462 ZeroDay Aarhus 100.0000.201
463 Team_Kain 100.0000.201
464 CatGang 100.0000.201
465 Zlick3r 100.0000.201
466 DonCap 100.0000.201
467 . 100.0000.200
468 ZeroCoolDidNothingWrong 100.0000.200
469 JustATeam 100.0000.200
470 KXTI_sh 100.0000.200
471 Vilnius brigada 100.0000.200
472 ShyBUG 100.0000.200
473 Xintra 100.0000.200
474 SplitUnknown 100.0000.200
475 PwnProphecy 100.0000.200
476 BIT CRIMINALS 100.0000.199
477 KXTI_R 100.0000.199
478 CryptoCrackersFanClub 100.0000.199
479 Forkbenders 100.0000.199
480 wackers 100.0000.199
481 kasm 100.0000.199
482 VNITNetSHELL 100.0000.199
483 the_thinker 100.0000.199
484 HackUTT 100.0000.199
485 Pakekoding 100.0000.199
486 Ismites 100.0000.198
487 mopisec 100.0000.198
488 lizard 100.0000.198
489 4lfi3 100.0000.198
490 NOtSCAMer 100.0000.198
491 Team Bitsec 100.0000.198
492 Ha3 100.0000.198
494 LHW4RR10R5 100.0000.198
495 DucksOnQuack 100.0000.198
496 Queen Mothra 100.0000.197
497 b_cbe_web 100.0000.197
498 siunam 100.0000.197
499 FesseMisk 100.0000.197
500 mangoeatclay 100.0000.197
501 M0tH3r5h1P 100.0000.197
502 Returntopwn 100.0000.197
503 Red_Rebels 100.0000.197
504 CryptoCrackers 100.0000.197
505 silver city 100.0000.197
506 iitnoob 100.0000.196
507 Pwn4dd1ct3d 100.0000.196
508 takuhack 100.0000.196
509 ISEN Engineering 100.0000.196
510 yatsuki 100.0000.196
511 qdrptd 100.0000.196
512 kupacup 100.0000.196
513 3T_meomeo 100.0000.196
514 Seba 100.0000.196
515 Lemon8Tarts 100.0000.196
516 zoro 100.0000.196
517 Sanya2 100.0000.195
518 N0N@me13 100.0000.195
519 HataNoKokoro 100.0000.195
520 cr4n3l 100.0000.195
521 L3v3l 6 100.0000.195
522 RadRad 100.0000.195
523 W4RRIORS 100.0000.195
524 7H3 L0S7 S0ULS 100.0000.195
525 Homonculus 100.0000.195
526 0x726f6f74 100.0000.195
527 Flecha 100.0000.195
528 Gh05tGroup 100.0000.194
529 jinsiben 100.0000.194
530 slither 100.0000.194
531 Cryptonite 100.0000.194
532 phneutro 100.0000.194
533 Summy 100.0000.194
534 D43thByPWN 100.0000.194
535 J0lu_h4ck3r5 100.0000.194
536 SecHunters 100.0000.194
537 ROP Republic 100.0000.194
538 valdr14 100.0000.194
539 J0lu_h4ck3rs 100.0000.194
540 Eleutheros 100.0000.193
541 Toor 100.0000.193
542 nhl4000 100.0000.193
543 DDLJ 100.0000.193
544 0xW4r1oRs 100.0000.193
545 KXTI_S 100.0000.193
546 Danzi 100.0000.193
547 Cipher Sharks 100.0000.193
548 Pa0x73cal 100.0000.193
549 J0ker 100.0000.193
550 Al7aj Rashed 100.0000.193
551 Rooting 100.0000.193
552 ROARMY 100.0000.192
553 Fphimera 100.0000.192
554 hehe 100.0000.192
555 Orchids 100.0000.192
556 OneManTeam 100.0000.192
557 Cachupin 100.0000.192
558 T4B 100.0000.192
559 naosei 100.0000.192
560 💖😻SkatteBasserne😻💖 100.0000.192
561 kalmarbusterteam 100.0000.192
562 Admin 100.0000.192
563 HEX_XOCKET 100.0000.192
564 Y0ungMinds 100.0000.192
565 TheHumans 100.0000.191
566 lebronjames 100.0000.191
567 0mgdata 100.0000.191
568 Ug_team 100.0000.191
569 cci84 100.0000.191
570 jingles 100.0000.191
571 MaxiKing 100.0000.191
572 CapsLock 100.0000.191
573 UmbraDeorum 100.0000.191
574 r00t 100.0000.191
575 40h4x 100.0000.191
576 iftah 100.0000.191
577 george_bush 100.0000.191
578 [email protected] 100.0000.191
579 adespawn 100.0000.190
580 JetSheep 100.0000.190
581 BlueVisionLabs 100.0000.190
582 GunZhell 100.0000.190
583 ./flag.txt 100.0000.190
584 LTCS 100.0000.190
585 Spatula 100.0000.190
586 0NE_$H0T 100.0000.190
587 smash 100.0000.190
588 EWIS 100.0000.190
589 YoksS 100.0000.190
590 NuevaBlueHats 100.0000.190
591 Debugmen 100.0000.190
592 The Royal Council 100.0000.190
593 Titan Crew 100.0000.189
594 Lord llama de la ciencia 100.0000.189
595 Omid1234 100.0000.189
596 Drop Table (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ 100.0000.189
597 Deidar 100.0000.189
598 acr0n1m 100.0000.189
599 ThePenetrator 100.0000.189
600 Dholes 100.0000.189
601 Team514 100.0000.189
602 BarrelofMonkeys 100.0000.189
603 Shyok 100.0000.189
604 Gladiator 100.0000.189
605 gruf 100.0000.189
606 JSoyke 100.0000.189
607 wetpaint 100.0000.189
608 0xhelix 100.0000.188
609 Internaziomale 100.0000.188
610 codezilla_squad 100.0000.188
611 jo0 100.0000.188
612 Qusai alhamed 100.0000.188
613 sigus 100.0000.188
614 secsdaemons 100.0000.188
615 12345 100.0000.188
616 cantalOPe 100.0000.188
617 Joydon 100.0000.188
618 Seadyot 100.0000.188
619 aest3ra 100.0000.188
620 Loobs 100.0000.188
621 zerooneday 100.0000.188
622 r4sti 100.0000.188
623 pitust-team 100.0000.187
624 Unknown 100.0000.187
625 Sweet Touch 100.0000.187
626 regulaburger 100.0000.187
627 B0mb3rTeam 100.0000.187
628 rookie 100.0000.187
629 tuduy_kb 100.0000.187
630 flagdode 100.0000.187
631 LoneWolf 100.0000.187
632 marvel 100.0000.187
633 ssssssst 100.0000.187
634 f1sh 100.0000.187
635 绝代风华 100.0000.187
636 Forestwolf 100.0000.187
637 Nomad 100.0000.187
638 bbb 100.0000.187
639 RUSSIAWILLWIN 100.0000.187
640 CTFGADANTA 100.0000.186
641 GADANTAGES 100.0000.186
642 TREONGANG 100.0000.186
643 ChakarillosDigitales 100.0000.186
644 The_R_Team 100.0000.186
645 54ncy@D 100.0000.186
646 xir41 100.0000.186
647 proctf 100.0000.186
648 vaveyex728 100.0000.186
649 dori 100.0000.186
650 sadako 100.0000.186
651 GADANTA CUY 100.0000.186
652 CUY CUY CUY 100.0000.186
653 BANTUDONG PAK 100.0000.186
654 xiaomo 100.0000.186
655 CYB3R_T3N4CI0US 100.0000.186
656 HALAH CAPEK 100.0000.186
657 Costco 100.0000.185
658 GADANTITYAK 100.0000.185
659 helpme 100.0000.185
660 acumalakasaka 100.0000.185
661 MOBIL MAHAL 100.0000.185
662 PenaltyforArgentina 100.0000.185
663 HAHAHAH 100.0000.185
664 HELLOmlm 100.0000.185
665 IndoFood 100.0000.185
666 GADANTA 100.0000.185
667 teamkeren 100.0000.185
668 HELPPLS 100.0000.185
669 Invisible Hunter 100.0000.185
670 BlueCyber CTF 100.0000.185
671 hahahihi 100.0000.185
672 Z.Y 100.0000.185
673 plslololol 100.0000.185
674 1lik 100.0000.185
675 Ujang_No_Limit 100.0000.184
676 LOVE YOU 100.0000.184
677 DoubleS1405 100.0000.184
678 mouk 100.0000.184
679 Fr3eD0m 100.0000.184
680 onezer0 100.0000.184
681 robot 100.0000.184
682 PearlSky 100.0000.184
683 teapot 100.0000.184
684 lock 100.0000.184
685 b1g B4ng 100.0000.184
686 masjirbo 100.0000.184
687 Toor97 100.0000.184
688 h9e@n 100.0000.184
689 c0sby 100.0000.184
690 Uniconfication 100.0000.184
691 爱笔墨麦克斯 100.0000.184
692 jt00 100.0000.184
693 IllIllIIllIIlII 100.0000.184
694 Bobby" DROP table students;-- 100.0000.184
695 sbstm 100.0000.183
696 The Gluten Cult 100.0000.183
697 Get 'em all 100.0000.183
698 TImiRUrYSECu 100.0000.183
699 CyberSec 100.0000.183
700 Porg Pwn Platoon 100.0000.183
701 Susliki International 100.0000.183
702 Demon 100.0000.183
703 FSiuuuu 100.0000.183
704 ezzz 100.0000.183
705 nothing 100.0000.183
706 bruh 100.0000.183
707 CR45HV3ND3TT4 100.0000.183
708 geparez 100.0000.183
709 CoffeeBreak 100.0000.183
710 test123123 100.0000.183
711 [email protected] 100.0000.183
712 fathertom 100.0000.183
713 mark_785 100.0000.183
714 hdthinh 100.0000.183
715 Kaleidoscope 100.0000.182
716 ogo kacheli 100.0000.182
717 Blippit_flippit 100.0000.182
718 k3v1n 100.0000.182
719 JiEs 100.0000.182
720 zero 100.0000.182
721 integraLMUffin 100.0000.182
722 cyberbytes 100.0000.182
723 Black wolf 100.0000.182
724 Kkuagi 100.0000.182
725 city-F 100.0000.182
726 XxHavocxX 100.0000.182
727 Do_I_Know_You? 100.0000.182
728 killswitch 100.0000.182
729 VOL_N37 100.0000.182
730 Magic 100.0000.182
731 stuxnet001 100.0000.182
732 kgrzk3 100.0000.182
733 FR13NDS TEAM 100.0000.182
734 F$ociety 100.0000.182
735 UvaXploiters 100.0000.182
736 TokyoWesterns 100.0000.182
737 BlazerKun 100.0000.181
738 NEW_SPQR 100.0000.181
739 _q1 100.0000.181
740 barfpatrol 100.0000.181
741 zer0cket 100.0000.181
742 Cyber Bugs 100.0000.181
743 Moyu 100.0000.181
744 /usr/bin/chicken 100.0000.181
745 FPTU Ethical Hacking Club 100.0000.181
746 Xmarks 100.0000.181
747 TheCount 100.0000.181
748 commonman 100.0000.181
749 teamcuy 100.0000.181
750 ddloadpaocuy 100.0000.181
751 damdmwkmdkcuy 100.0000.181
752 plshelpcuy 100.0000.181
753 lokictfcuy 100.0000.181
754 hellcuy 100.0000.181
755 mrwhoesthebosscuy 100.0000.181
756 sudi%00 100.0000.181
757 MCBEKICUY 100.0000.181
758 B1@cK_R0$$0t 100.0000.181
759 [email protected] 100.0000.181
760 HELPCUYHELP 100.0000.180
761 CUYNCTFGANG3 100.0000.180
762 Hor1zon 100.0000.180
763 prtnswigercuy 100.0000.180
764 cuyhelpmacgregor 100.0000.180
765 aphroditectf 100.0000.180
766 aditcuygadanta 100.0000.180
767 GANGANGCUY 100.0000.180
768 HOWDOICUY 100.0000.180
769 cuykoksusah 100.0000.180
770 spooky 100.0000.180
771 wikwokcuy 100.0000.180
772 GTCTF 100.0000.180
773 highgangcuy 100.0000.180
774 lilpeepcuy 100.0000.180
775 alprazolamcuy 100.0000.180
776 PWr Synt@x Err0r 100.0000.180
777 XAN4XCUY 100.0000.180
778 Keraunos 100.0000.180
779 lovefakecuy 100.0000.180
780 Unravel Bureau 100.0000.180
781 SADGANGCUY 100.0000.180
782 blacklungcuy 100.0000.180
783 crycuypls 100.0000.180
784 diamondvvscuy 100.0000.179
785 ttyusb 100.0000.179
786 9TAILSCUY 100.0000.179
787 SHS 100.0000.179
788 v0v3re 100.0000.179
789 St3llar 100.0000.179
790 sololeveling 100.0000.179
791 polaris 100.0000.179
792 COMPASS 100.0000.179
793 shyeun 100.0000.179
794 Inglis 100.0000.179
795 xiaopacai 100.0000.179
796 zer0 100.0000.179
797 eeexxeee 100.0000.179
798 GCS 100.0000.179
799 n00bzUnit3d 100.0000.179
800 zzzzzz 100.0000.179
801 Lbyte 100.0000.179
802 magpies 100.0000.179
803 Kirukato 100.0000.179
804 wrapper 100.0000.179
805 Ravoratory 100.0000.179
806 212112w21w 100.0000.179
807 hoge 100.0000.179
808 Pehe 100.0000.179
809 epta 100.0000.179
810 gisthere 100.0000.179
811 Ye8i 100.0000.178
812 BITSkrieg 100.0000.178
813 TeamPizza 100.0000.178
814 c00c00 100.0000.178
815 Peepee 100.0000.178
816 ru5mu5 100.0000.178
817 Zwnny 100.0000.178
818 Reloaded 100.0000.178
819 GED 100.0000.178
820 soloOoOo 100.0000.178
821 Pouls Friends 100.0000.178
822 BigFi'Hack 100.0000.178
823 Signal8 100.0000.178
824 Ultra Space Marines 100.0000.178
825 posix 100.0000.178
826 Ew 100.0000.178
827 s0lv3r 100.0000.178
828 MoreUSDpls 100.0000.178
829 flashy 100.0000.178
830 di 100.0000.178
831 Team 8bit 100.0000.178
832 NoPwnNoGain 100.0000.178
833 Israelites 100.0000.178
834 brownies 100.0000.178
835 F.O.H. (Front Of House) 100.0000.178
836 DenseFan 100.0000.178
837 nCVD 100.0000.178
838 Advanced CTF Threat 100.0000.178
839 The Heximals 100.0000.177
840 n0_mean1ng 100.0000.177
841 Learning Is Fun! 100.0000.177
842 LesterCrestTeam 100.0000.177
843 HWED 100.0000.177
844 hmlndr 100.0000.177
845 OPT 100.0000.177
846 TopWing 100.0000.177
847 Gaussian Eliminators 100.0000.177
848 0uts1ders 100.0000.177
849 想玩re的j 100.0000.177
850 XCU 100.0000.177
851 samsquanch 100.0000.177
852 1111 100.0000.177
853 P001 100.0000.177
854 BisonSquad 100.0000.177
855 N0tNow 100.0000.177
856 wmnk_dajbb93 100.0000.177
857 He1loW0r1d 100.0000.177
858 sinse100 100.0000.177
859 d3struct0rs 100.0000.177
860 I don't have a team 100.0000.177
861 b0rdga 100.0000.177
862 firstpenguin 100.0000.177
863 Haoyang Lu 100.0000.177
864 LamDyoMong 100.0000.177
865 onefound 100.0000.177
866 iAm0utis 100.0000.177
867 div1121 100.0000.177
868 CH4N 100.0000.177
869 Hacky Easter 100.0000.176
870 zwhubuntu 100.0000.176
871 hongur1 100.0000.176
872 ScoreMax 100.0000.176
873 fzhshzh 100.0000.176
874 ojun 100.0000.176
875 1dsadasd 100.0000.176
876 RasheedGupta 100.0000.176
877 KSOS 100.0000.176
878 gohome 100.0000.176
879 oversleep3r 100.0000.176
880 Luckl3ss 100.0000.176
881 C4t_f4t 100.0000.176
882 FPTU EThical Hackers Club 100.0000.176
883 Noobss 100.0000.176
884 SSS 100.0000.176
885 suriryuk 100.0000.176
886 Jika Kau Bertemu Aku Begini 100.0000.176
887 1753c 100.0000.176
888 tim bubadibako buat baik dibalas kon 100.0000.176
889 CXO 100.0000.176
890 FDFF 100.0000.176
891 Pirates Bay 100.0000.176
892 amirparsa 100.0000.176
893 uyu 100.0000.176
894 🤡🤡🤡 100.0000.176
895 b3liau1ni 100.0000.176
896 Ju5tM3 100.0000.176
897 XOR 100.0000.176
898 inugasky 100.0000.176
899 KHi_Team 100.0000.176
900 R0_00oke=>$ 100.0000.176
901 hackcoeur 100.0000.175
902 krypton 100.0000.175
903 klmr@ctf 100.0000.175
904 WTF 100.0000.088
905 idk 100.0000.088
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