Also known as
  • Jan Mayen Special Forces
  • Norwegian Skid Infantry
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Norwegian wrestling team est. 2021. What are those?!

Participated in CTF events

Overall rating place: 169 with 214.906 pts in 2024

Country place: 4

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
63Wargames.MY CTF 2024992.00002.037
136niteCTF 2024254.00001.025
39Platypwn 2024717.00003.229
13BlueHens CTF 20246748.000015.370
7Equinor CTF 202427674.000024.168
83HeroCTF v61485.00007.269
136IRON CTF 20242089.00003.267
29PatriotCTF 20248076.000015.140
11RSTCON 2024 CTF (Online/Hybrid)5175.000017.658
124CSAW CTF Qualification Round 20242534.00008.801
2CISA ICS CTF 202417000.000037.260
82DownUnderCTF 20243042.000018.351
256Wani CTF 20241169.00004.482
92vsCTF 20242305.00007.322
58BCACTF 5.02360.000019.299
93ångstromCTF 20241190.000020.488
31BSidesSF 2024 CTF2870.00000.000
453Space Heroes 2024100.00000.267
11RITSEC CTF 20244449.000016.057
3Texas Security Awareness Week 20243610.000030.306
131753CTF 20243480.000014.831
398osu!gaming CTF 2024832.00002.306
1750xL4ugh CTF 2024160.00000.602
6KnightCTF 20248780.00006.855
117Insomni'hack teaser 2024116.00001.850
23UofTCTF 20248749.000015.948

Overall rating place: 54 with 381.040 pts in 2023

Country place: 2

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
45BackdoorCTF 20238480.000014.173
52pingCTF 2023948.00004.881
4Hackappatoi CTF '236105.000025.070
72 GlacierCTF 2023709.00003.002
24Square CTF 20231176.000013.370
1Equinor CTF 202313792.000050.000
48Srdnlen CTF 2023443.00001.521
78SpookyCTF 20232897.00004.994
9DEADFACE CTF 20237345.000027.612
20TCP1P CTF 2023: First Step Beyond Nusantara2391.00005.710
48SunshineCTF 20231741.000018.192
115BuckeyeCTF 20231176.00004.310
57vsCTF 20232071.00005.133
31Pointer Overflow CTF - 20232200.00000.000
21CSAW CTF Qualification Round 20237424.000016.662
12PatriotCTF 202313229.000024.098
36DownUnderCTF 20234717.000019.640
76SekaiCTF 20231370.00003.597
1CYBERGON CTF 20237750.000046.160
8CCCamp 20233671.000016.876
3Tenable CTF 20236499.000030.216
8Lexington Informatics Tournament CTF 20236022.000023.608
65Arab Security Cyber Wargames 2023 Qualifications1200.00002.757
131DeconstruCT.F 2023752.00002.085
10 TFC CTF 20234315.000021.032
30ImaginaryCTF 20233884.000010.164
11The Odyssey CTF325.00008.184
21BDSec CTF 20237065.000011.329
12AmateursCTF 202316998.000017.905
54UIUCTF 20231085.000011.692
7BSidesTLV 2023 CTF2891.000010.880
4TyphoonCon CTF 20232455.000010.494
6BCACTF 4.04025.000028.728
28GPN CTF 20231680.00003.717
18HSCTF 1011881.000031.299
11DanteCTF 20234896.000017.465
14BxMCTF 20233211.000022.325
15Security Fest 20231456.00006.131
6BYUCTF 202316588.000018.250
8BUFF3R FOSS CTF2065.000020.669
20HeroCTF v56477.000012.464
49PwnMe Qualifications : "8 bits"1423.00005.955
17WaniCTF 20236047.000021.435
44UMDCTF 20237366.000014.569
41TAMUctf 20236813.000017.095
28ångstromCTF 20232250.000063.198
21DawgCTF 20233775.000016.850
1Texas Security Awareness Week 20234960.000047.780
48 HackPack CTF 2023622.00007.325
29cursedCTF 20233358.00006.382
44DamCTF 20231694.000010.065
16RITSEC CTF 20235826.000020.969
113VishwaCTF 20231771.00004.216
43UMass CTF 2023965.00005.594
74b01lers CTF532.00003.288
8WolvCTF 202311430.000019.491
8vikeCTF 20231743.000017.933
326UTCTF 202320.00000.181
9Nullcon Berlin HackIM 2023 CTF2743.000013.429
4Pragyan CTF 20234842.000019.967
48KalmarCTF 20231638.00002.939
3WxMCTF 20235665.00000.000
14VU CYBERTHON 20232160.000017.794
42Incognito 4.04866.00008.329
157LA CTF 20234141.00006.663
3Byte Bandits CTF 20236066.000030.977
14KnightCTF 20233575.000014.391

Overall rating place: 66 with 286.295 pts in 2022

Country place: 3

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
3Hackappatoi CTF '229208.000029.547
296th stage MetaRed CTF Centroamérica y Caribe 20223100.00000.000
11InfoSec CTF 20221639.00000.000
135th stage MetaRed CTF Ecuador|Cedia 20222103.000013.102
43CTF After Dark - Fall 2022315.00000.000
44th stage MetaRed CTF Perú 20224700.000025.338
10 BlueHens CTF 202211012.000017.572
86FE-CTF 2022: Cyber Demon467.00000.366
92Hack The Boo4275.000021.246
16Jade CTF4270.000011.715
53rd stage MetaRed CTF Mexico|Anuies-TIC 20223835.000021.730
2DEADFACE CTF7985.000035.962
10Srdnlen CTF 20222692.000010.390
60GDG Algiers CTF 2022889.00001.900
22nd stage MetaRed CTF Portugal 20224370.000030.983
3WRECKCTF 20228264.000027.435
21st stage MetaRed CTF Argentina 2022 (10:00 GMT-3)9565.000034.199
4WPICTF 20223576.000025.060
30DownUnderCTF 2022 (Online) 5871.000012.430
10SEC-T 0x0Expand CTF 2022200.00009.663
108CSAW CTF Qualification Round 20222097.00005.723
7Winja CTF | Nullcon Goa 20222388.000014.895
25Hacker's Playground 20221615.00008.451
17SHELLCTF 20225952.000025.158
99corCTF 2022819.00002.606
9TFC CTF 20227876.000022.234
25Lexington Informatics Tournament CTF 20224651.000013.115
7BDSec CTF 20222920.000012.838
48ImaginaryCTF 20223500.00008.217
23vsCTF 20225142.00009.341
172Hacky Holidays - Unlock the City810.00000.000
8BSidesTLV 2022 CTF2450.000011.821
14TyphoonCon CTF 20221400.00007.461
14Access Denied CTF 202217076.000016.810
527Tenable CTF 2022500.00001.343
89HSCTF 93053.00008.819
11BCACTF 3.06125.000018.454
27HeroCTF v43917.00006.777
5UA CWS CTF 20225520.000019.864
17hackrocks & HackArmour CTF200.00008.543
116Cyber Apocalypse CTF 2022: Intergalactic Chase 7625.00009.840
35EZ CTF | Beginner Friendly5080.00000.000
72ångstromCTF 20222201.000026.711
6Incognito 3.06800.000018.670
25CrewCTF 20225888.00006.029
14JerseyCTF II8535.000019.694
33Winja CTF | Nullcon Berlin 2022875.00005.477
31HackPack CTF 20221184.000010.974
15Space Heroes 20226012.000013.933
20Wolverine Security Conference/CTF5908.000011.924
6OFPPT-CTF Morocco20022.000022.587
20VishwaCTF 202210607.000011.594
12DaVinciCTF 20226979.000018.525
51UMDCTF 20226562.00008.399
14FooBar CTF 20222662.000010.562
41MHSCTF 2022910.00000.000
8VU CYBERTHON 2022376.000013.363
5Cyber Grabs CTF 0x03 Junior5608.000024.535
86DiceCTF 2022620.00002.702
2KnightCTF 20225175.000025.904

Overall rating place: 67 with 250.359 pts in 2021

Country place: 2

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
183X-MAS CTF 2021 Second Weekend268.00000.393
28CTF Internacional MetaRed 2021 - 5th STAGE1468.00000.000
16idekCTF 20215992.000010.263
37MetaCTF CyberGames 20219000.000015.033
249Cyber Santa is Coming to Town3625.000011.297
34CyberSecurityRumble CTF1131.00007.414
3TFC CTF 20214786.000032.360
3Block CTF 20211450.000033.115
3MetaRed International CTF 2021 - 4th STAGE8781.00000.000
23DamCTF 20214693.000015.143
3CTF Internacional MetaRed 2021 - 3rd STAGE5171.00000.000
15Bsides Jeddah 20214850.000025.248
39BuckeyeCTF 20211847.00007.510
3Jornadas 202111864.000024.873
4DEADFACE CTF8775.000024.959
9Digital Overdose 2021 Autumn CTF5311.000018.580
107DownUnderCTF 2021 (Online)3236.00005.046
13PBjar CTF '218687.00000.000
38H@cktivityCon 2021 CTF6403.000010.973
69COMPFEST CTF 2021436.00001.745
522CSAW CTF Qualification Round 2021251.00000.000
15TMUCTF 20216715.000010.219
50WORMCON 0x01444.00001.765
152YauzaCTF 202120.00000.000
165corCTF 20211796.00003.415
200Really Awesome CTF 20211100.00002.663
715RaRCTF 202120.00000.064
130UIUCTF 2021689.00001.672
289ImaginaryCTF 2021680.00001.565
65Lexington Informatics Tournament CTF 20212765.00008.315
194redpwnCTF 20211460.00005.256
23CyberThreatForce CTF | 20212810.00000.000
132Hacky Holidays - Space Race1150.00000.000
99HSCTF 88550.000011.897
92THC CTF 2021439.00001.729
26BCACTF 2.06025.00000.000
42S.H.E.L.L. CTF2714.00000.000
101NorzhCTF 202113.00000.823
147m0leCon CTF 2021 Teaser57.00000.536
23DCTF 20216250.00000.000
10San Diego CTF 20214423.00000.000
24DawgCTF 20213580.00000.000
12HeroCTF v33561.000014.308
37Cyber Apocalypse 202113875.000017.837
13UMDCTF 202113934.00000.000
8HackPack CTF 20211888.00000.000
238Midnight Sun CTF 2021 Quals58.00000.775
2RITSEC CTF 20218923.00000.000
118b01lers CTF475.00000.000
50ångstromCTF 20212705.000020.571
6UMassCTF 20215331.000019.973
99Securinets CTF Quals 2021150.00000.808
643LINE CTF 202150.00000.203
9BlueHens CTF 20213997.000011.616
32UTCTF 202117504.000018.012
477NahamCon CTF 20212108.00001.833
3DaVinciCTF 20212998.000032.667
8BSidesSF 2021 CTF5307.000012.650
141zer0pts CTF 2021284.00001.513
26Union CTF 20211244.00005.656
27Tenable CTF 20214375.000015.221
196TrollCAT CTF 2021600.00001.526
79DiceCTF 2021696.00003.947
99justCTF [*] 2020410.00002.749
300x41414141 CTF10958.00000.000

Team members

Team writeups

DiceCTF 2021Missing Flavortext [111]read writeup
DiceCTF 2021Web Utils [121]read writeup
DiceCTF 2021Build a Panel [130]read writeup
DiceCTF 2021Babier CSP [107]read writeup
DiceCTF 2021babymix [110]read writeup
0x41414141 CTFoptimizer [325]read writeup
0x41414141 CTFpyjail [437]read writeup
0x41414141 CTFgraphed 2.0 [384]read writeup
0x41414141 CTFHackme [453]read writeup
0x41414141 CTFx and or [392]read writeup
0x41414141 CTFmaze [472]read writeup
0x41414141 CTFWare [462]read writeup
0x41414141 CTFfactorize [232]read writeup
0x41414141 CTFfile reader [459]read writeup
0x41414141 CTFCrackme.sol [483]read writeup
0x41414141 CTFcrypto casino [487]read writeup
0x41414141 CTFsecure enclave [427]read writeup
justCTF [*] 2020Rusty [363]read writeup