Fri, 27 Dec. 2024, 16:00 UTC — Sat, 28 Dec. 2024, 16:00 UTC 


Wargames.MY CTF event.

Format: Jeopardy Jeopardy

Official URL:

This event's future weight is subject of public voting!

Future weight: 25.00 

Rating weight: 25.00 

Event organizers 

Wargames.MY CTF is back for 2024! Join us on 28th December 2024 Saturday (GMT+8) for a 24-hours fun-filled Jeopardy CTF! This year we have to remove PPC category but we added Blockchain Challenges as replacement. Following previous year's feedbacks, this year we prepared challenges for everyone, from beginner to seasoned veterans.

++ Links:
・Official Website -
・CTF Platform -
・Discord -

++ Categories:
・Web, Pwn, Crypto, RE, Blockchain, Forensic, Misc

++ Prize Pool:
・RM9,000 Cash
・Swag Kits valued over RM5,000

++ Sponsors
・ASK Pentest Sdn Bhd. []
・CyberWise Inc. [[email protected]]
・Marhaenpay Solutions Sdn Bhd. []
・NetbyteSEC Sdn Bhd. []

++ Partners
・OWASP Kuala Lumpur []

Huge thanks to our Sponsors and Partners for making this happen :D


Cash prizes and swag kits for the top 3 of each ̶c̶̶a̶̶t̶̶e̶̶g̶̶o̶̶r̶̶y̶ division. (We are sorry!)

Limited Edition Swag Kits giveaway for Write-ups via RNG.

*Swag Kit include: T-shirt, Challenge Coin, Enamel Badge, Lanyard, and Stickers!
*Only Malaysia citizens are eligible for the cash prizes, but we will still ship the exclusive swag kit to you :D


266 teams total

PlaceTeamCTF pointsRating points
1 NUS GreyHats 15121.00050.000
2 r00tk1t 10635.00030.083
3 HotBirdGl4z3rs 10634.00025.915
4 HCS 9669.00022.236
5 The Few Chosen 9640.00020.938
6 Caliphal Hounds 7179.00016.036
7 CSI 6652.00014.569
8 TheRomanXpl0it 5977.00013.007
9 FetchOrbisX 5400.00011.706
10 Roti Canai 4100.0009.279
11 0bug 3783.0008.527
12 GhostSec 3726.0008.244
13 0M3G4_SQU4D 3690.0008.024
14 TeamStorm 3245.0007.151
15 sk1d_s3c 3228.0007.004
16 r3pka 3217.0006.881
17 commander 3213.0006.783
18 TeamWithNoMember 2923.0006.222
19 JAD 2883.0006.082
20 Singapore Students Merger 2881.0006.013
21 Phish & Chips 2870.0005.936
22 Paduck 2799.0005.764
23 TFS 2790.0005.700
24 Sukoharjo CyberSec 2776.0005.631
25 SNI 2730.0005.514
26 H7Tex 2717.0005.454
27 BITSkrieg 2675.0005.349
28 s4bot3ur 2574.0005.149
29 2kso 2536.0005.055
30 Jujur 2497.0004.962
31 Authenticode 🛡️ 2457.0004.869
32 3.3074 2399.0004.748
33 ZeroDayTeam 2279.0004.526
34 The Muslim Chasers 2259.0004.470
35 moonway 2165.0004.294
36 SANA GOAT 1959.0003.933
37 Tôi là lolicon thì sao ? 1946.0003.893
38 knights of cyd0nia 1929.0003.847
39 4PU_7h3_B357 1893.0003.771
40 idkhowtohackanythingtbhifyouseemebottomthatisthereasons 1836.0003.661
41 Huntik 1831.0003.637
42 418->We_are_a_TeapoT 1795.0003.563
43 Xorg-worship 1795.0003.549
44 Proof_Of_Concept 1759.0003.476
45 P14yF0rFun 1661.0003.302
46 f4n_n3r0 1542.0003.093
47 $traw#at 1476.0002.972
48 CyberUnicorn 1431.0002.887
49 anti_1337 1416.0002.851
50 rice cooker 1413.0002.836
51 BlitzHack 1407.0002.816
52 Umbreon 1371.0002.747
53 Schrödinger Bears 1314.0002.644
54 1234567890 1304.0002.619
55 TeloGoreng 1277.0002.566
56 DivaAA 1238.0002.493
57 fnfdsdsdosoptntcscwtrratd 1158.0002.353
58 Apt71800 1061.0002.185
59 The power of Ilyukha 1023.0002.115
60 Ku3h_L4p1s 1022.0002.106
61 k4m1k4z3 1004.0002.070
62 SHALFEY 997.0002.052
63 coldboots 992.0002.037
64 SBTC{S4n_B4ng_T4t_C4} 986.0002.021
65 Ex0rcists 986.0002.015
66 phless 979.0001.997
67 ddddddddd 978.0001.990
68 fooker 977.0001.983
69 pinpon 926.0001.893
70 dkName 926.0001.888
71 k0kos 926.0001.883
72 3ahat 926.0001.878
73 Team-A2 909.0001.845
74 Ace Team 899.0001.824
75 TeamPenguin 842.0001.725
76 Break P0int 832.0001.705
77 ancd 823.0001.685
78 1xCuddles 798.0001.640
79 technipwn 787.0001.618
80 ayamMaS 684.0001.443
81 Fl0w3r_Gard3n 676.0001.426
82 DEEZ NUTS 676.0001.423
83 noraneco 671.0001.411
84 hik3tsu 636.0001.349
85 11-7 626.0001.329
86 supertsumu 616.0001.309
87 Sh3lby'5 L1m1t3d 616.0001.306
88 aviral 616.0001.303
89 Team Code Crackers 598.0001.270
90 WW Team 598.0001.266
91 bizmigga 598.0001.263
92 DEC{26} 598.0001.260
93 Lasseube 598.0001.258
94 Code Breakers 598.0001.255
95 WindowsUser 581.0001.224
96 H9dra 566.0001.196
97 Pwned@WGMY 548.0001.164
98 solo journey 540.0001.148
99 jtee 532.0001.132
100 [email protected] 532.0001.130
101 bbrr 531.0001.125
102 MyMoon's Paradise 527.0001.116
103 [email protected] 527.0001.114
104 90thb1tch 522.0001.103
105 Crypt0_Kn1ght5 504.0001.071
106 CH33TAH 504.0001.069
107 Keylogger Kings 504.0001.067
108 Ayam Man 504.0001.065
109 localhost:1337 500.0001.056
110 r3verii 500.0001.054
111 omachi 498.0001.049
112 AirOverFlow 497.0001.045
113 16j 497.0001.043
114 nendo 497.0001.041
115 ejs 495.0001.036
116 proton 495.0001.034
117 chill guys 492.0001.027
118 M00NSH1N3 488.0001.019
119 n4mchun 484.0001.010
120 Depo.sec 484.0001.009
121 0xbrivan 484.0001.007
122 m1nt4l1ty 477.0000.994
123 ADS 477.0000.992
124 ApacheTerbang 472.0000.982
125 CodeKnacker 454.0000.951
126 stalk 454.0000.949
127 S1c Mundus 445.0000.933
128 Rjal 438.0000.919
129 PRONTO'S 438.0000.918
130 Nuew|biez 438.0000.916
131 Qu4nt1x 438.0000.915
132 Huds0n_H0Rnet 438.0000.914
133 M0NST3RDECK 438.0000.912
134 h3ckm3ck 438.0000.911
135 S4NTR4BURF1 410.0000.863
136 W7W7 378.0000.809
137 Catnip-Security 378.0000.807
138 3 Musketeers 360.0000.776
139 €yber€lan 288.0000.656
140 RaBi3a 288.0000.655
141 46 52 288.0000.653
142 P1ui 288.0000.652
143 wincr4ck 238.0000.568
144 w0yp3etchahni 238.0000.567
145 Synthax 238.0000.566
146 756h 194.0000.492
147 P4RT-T1M3R 194.0000.491
148 Z3R0_70_R4D14N7 194.0000.490
149 NuttyShell 194.0000.489
150 Gambit 194.0000.487
151 madness 194.0000.486
152 K45TUR1 194.0000.485
153 Thr4t Hunt1n9 194.0000.484
154 ChillGuys 194.0000.483
155 S0L0-L^L1nG 194.0000.482
156 etush!na3 194.0000.481
157 Nasi_Ayam 188.0000.470
158 PinkDaisy 188.0000.469
159 Obscura 144.0000.395
160 M1tM 144.0000.394
161 Coughfin 144.0000.393
162 GhostOfJoe 144.0000.392
163 s0lo 144.0000.391
164 得闲饮茶 144.0000.391
165 SpaceInKnowledge 144.0000.390
166 N0t4nAm3 144.0000.389
167 SAXA 100.0000.315
168 PracticeTeam 100.0000.314
169 0xF1nd3rs 100.0000.313
170 PERISAI() 100.0000.312
171 lebtala_ahaya_jeya 100.0000.312
172 Ch4rm3r5_G4m3 100.0000.311
173 TFG 🐺🦊🦌🐺 100.0000.310
174 Ech0_Cryp7 100.0000.309
175 SukaSukq 100.0000.308
176 N3wt0n 100.0000.307
177 Liew Zhi Qian 94.0000.297
178 chocomint 94.0000.296
179 123 94.0000.295
180 Infinity Code Asia 94.0000.294
181 ctfrrteam 94.0000.294
182 T3AM_Z3R0 94.0000.293
183 Agak_Busy_Tpi_Main_Je_Lah 94.0000.292
184 Sevgillim 94.0000.291
185 r3b3l lagi 94.0000.291
186 wooam 50.0000.217
187 Alexius 50.0000.216
188 Crossing Field 50.0000.216
189 Ball Security (BallSEC) 50.0000.215
190 cubatrytest2.0 50.0000.214
191 APT30 50.0000.214
192 n00bth3b0x_finding_team 50.0000.213
193 Integrated Hawkers 50.0000.212
194 Satr1a_J3bat 50.0000.212
195 alfahad 50.0000.211
196 Skid 50.0000.210
197 MCS 50.0000.210
198 Wired Ghost 50.0000.209
199 brig4d4 50.0000.208
200 Ye3ll0w 4P7 50.0000.208
201 Peaky Blinders 50.0000.207
202 Team Spiryt 50.0000.206
203 m4karoni 50.0000.206
204 unplugg 50.0000.205
205 awwliveyet 50.0000.205
206 XtreamHost1337 50.0000.204
207 TryHarder 50.0000.203
208 Raptors 50.0000.203
209 Imagine Losing :( 50.0000.202
210 Nuts 50.0000.202
211 SRG 50.0000.201
212 DMS3C 50.0000.201
213 play 50.0000.200
214 MutazBabies 50.0000.199
215 CyberUNIT 50.0000.199
216 snick 50.0000.198
217 b4d33r 50.0000.198
218 Cyb0x1 50.0000.197
219 S1lence 50.0000.197
220 8ball 50.0000.196
221 frou5 li tnaguez 50.0000.196
222 Sh3p3rd 50.0000.195
223 Nol3ptr 50.0000.195
224 Ambatuwin 50.0000.194
225 NECC 50.0000.194
226 GG 50.0000.193
227 ri5e 50.0000.193
228 Hellbound 50.0000.192
229 Phantom_Jokers 50.0000.192
230 labu 50.0000.191
231 Aquas 50.0000.191
232 qweewqweq 50.0000.190
233 404 Not Found 50.0000.190
234 Oi Shoeske 50.0000.190
235 EggHead 50.0000.189
236 nasi lemak 50.0000.189
237 Fallra1n 50.0000.188
238 Achievers 50.0000.188
239 tes 50.0000.187
240 ΔV 50.0000.187
241 MalD3p 50.0000.186
242 hn 50.0000.186
243 cumil 50.0000.186
244 m0h31h31 50.0000.185
245 H4ck3r_L0rd 50.0000.185
246 Root Access Rangers 50.0000.184
247 byteMe 50.0000.184
248 code4ren 50.0000.183
249 No Friends 50.0000.183
250 TheForgottenBits 50.0000.183
251 Beginner Baby 50.0000.182
252 Straw Hat Hackers 50.0000.182
253 RamaiKataAwakStedi 50.0000.181
254 UncwtNation 50.0000.181
255 0WeArePWNED0 50.0000.181
256 The Cat 50.0000.180
257 SHA-272 50.0000.180
258 Galaxie 50.0000.180
259 #MogamiShizuka 50.0000.179
260 p3rpl3x3d_m3 50.0000.179
261 it4keth2ee 50.0000.178
262 Maze Breakers 50.0000.178
263 Siuuuuuuu 50.0000.178
264 N3WBIE 50.0000.177
265 m1nt4lty 50.0000.177
266 cyberx 50.0000.088
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