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Participated in CTF events

Overall rating place: 672 with 18.442 pts in 2025

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
134WolvCTF 20251269.00004.408
293UTCTF 20251761.00008.209
458BroncoCTF 202542.00000.132
419Pragyan CTF 202510.00000.000
427BITSCTF 2025100.00000.273
457Codefest CTF 2025100.00000.506
237TUCTF 2024250.00001.419
219New Year CTF 20251200.00001.371
271UofTCTF 2025600.00001.209
455IrisCTF 2025250.00000.914
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
138ASIS CTF Finals 202443.00001.543
141Wargames.MY CTF 2024288.00000.653
147BackdoorCTF 2024110.00000.891
533niteCTF 202410.00000.087
412World Wide CTF 2024100.00000.340

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