Also known as
  • Diamond is Breakable
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My name is Yoshikage Kira, Google Translated.

My name is classified. I am 5 years old. My home is north-east of Mary, but where is the whole city? I am alone...

I work at turtle friends, and you can't come. But we can vibrate babies at 8 AM, yes? I do not smoke, but I occasionally smoke. I have 11 days left just please... don't tell on me. I'll go to bed as soon as I go to bed. After injecting some milk juice, and going to bed 20 minutes before it's bedtime, I usually sleep until I stop...

In the morning the babies will cry again. I am stressed out. Why is your HOUSE still hairy?

I am trying to explain that I love to have fun and quiet. I have a peacemaker. Be careful not to confuse your competitors. The hero lies awake at night. Baby smell. So what does the company think? I know I'm happy, but what do you believe? Although... if I were to fight, I would definitely cry.

Basically Shigechi, you are a disease that affects the sun to a great extent; therefore a craftsman.

Dead Queen! That's in fact what I do say then. I took a shower before I could speak, so that I could kill children... peacefully.

Participated in CTF events

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
234Wargames.MY CTF 202450.00000.190
1880xL4ugh CTF100.00000.463
64BCACTF 5.02260.000018.441
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
118PatriotCTF 20234239.00007.275
246HITCON CTF 2023 Quals50.00001.101
532SekaiCTF 202378.00000.233
43SEETF 20233069.00004.478
86Grey Cat The Flag 2023 Qualifiers500.00001.960
2770xL4ughCTF 2023100.00000.413
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
279Square CTF 202251.00000.546
88ASIS CTF Quals 2022268.00007.277
11WRECKCTF 20227291.000019.323
684SekaiCTF 202239.00000.124
113WPICTF 2022151.00001.013
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
22idekCTF 20213917.00006.822

Team members