Fri, 30 Sept. 2022, 16:00 UTC — Sun, 02 Oct. 2022, 16:00 UTC 


SekaiCTF event.

Format: Jeopardy Jeopardy

Official URL:

This event's future weight is subject of public voting!

Future weight: 24.86 

Rating weight: 24.86 

Event organizers 

SekaiCTF is a 48-hour CTF event hosted by team Project Sekai. We offer challenges from beginner to advanced levels and everyone is welcomed to participate and learn.

- Categories: Web, Crypto, Pwn, Reverse, Misc, Forensics, and Programming (PPC).

- Prizes: $1,800 cash and $10,000+ worth of cash

Prize Sponsors:
- Trail of Bits (
- OtterSec (
- Hack The Box (
- DigitalOcean (
- Offensive Security (
- zSecurity (

Infra sponsored by Google Cloud Platform (



We offer a total of $1,800 in cash and more than $10,000 worth in our prize pool!

1st Place (Worth $3500)
- $768 Cash from Trail of Bits & OtterSec
- 5x 1-year VIP+ and 5x 3-month Prolab of Choice from Hack The Box
- $250 Credit in DigitalOcean
- 1x Offensive Security Learn Fundamentals yearly subscription
- 1x zSecurity Physical Hardware Hacking Bundle

2nd Place (Worth $2800)
- $512 Cash from Trail of Bits & OtterSec
- 5x 6-month VIP and 5x 1-month Prolab of Choice from Hack The Box
- $250 Credit in DigitalOcean
- 1x Offensive Security Learn Fundamentals yearly subscription
- 3x zSecurity Hacking Courses

3rd Place (Worth $1300)
- $256 Cash from Trail of Bits & OtterSec
- 5x 1-month VIP+ from Hack The Box
- $250 Credit in DigitalOcean
- 1x Offensive Security Learn Fundamentals yearly subscription

4-5th Place
- $250 Credit in DigitalOcean

6-10th Place
- $125 Credit in DigitalOcean

We also have writeup prizes post CTF. Join our Discord server for more info!


852 teams total

PlaceTeamCTF pointsRating points
1 justCatTheFish 11044.00049.720
2 FrenchRoomba 10118.00035.206
3 zwnj 10050.00030.909
4 idek 9077.00026.647
5 Bulba Hackers 8752.00024.673
6 Black Bauhinia 8243.00022.698
7 L3H Sec 8106.00021.798
8 Maple Bacon 7461.00019.902
9 cat-a-morphism 6354.00017.065
10 r3kapig 6219.00016.485
11 Crusaders of Rust 5337.00014.274
12 SIGINT 5251.00013.892
13 M.E.C. Lab 4974.00013.109
14 ECSCTeamGreece 4865.00012.727
15 /bad 4791.00012.442
16 Double Lariat 4604.00011.917
17 squ1rrel 4252.00011.034
18 KMA.B1Qu4M@n 4047.00010.491
19 contagion2rev 3944.00010.186
20 Krusty Krab 3879.0009.975
21 ./Vespiary 3724.0009.567
22 Security 3600.0009.234
23 KUDoS 3526.0009.018
24 PLUS 3361.0008.601
25 traP 3349.0008.533
26 duks 3321.0008.432
27 A.k.a.t.s.u.k.i 3215.0008.158
28 Emu Exploit 3082.0007.825
29 Mayonnaise 3035.0007.689
30 pawf3ct 3000.0007.582
31 Need eXplore eXecute and eXploit 2962.0007.469
32 Azure Assassin Alliance 2905.0007.316
33 xXxpassword123xXx 2893.0007.265
34 DCDC 2846.0007.138
35 TeamCC 2813.0007.042
36 STT 2745.0006.870
37 Nu1L 2418.0006.115
38 KITCTF 2417.0006.095
39 Brunnerne 2391.0006.020
40 IQ-toppene 2389.0005.999
41 return catbui; 2361.0005.921
42 ENOENTHUSIASM 2311.0005.794
43 Arr3stY0u 2289.0005.731
44 Breakfast 2282.0005.702
45 Subuthax 2282.0005.689
46 mikoan 2267.0005.643
47 ⚔️TSJ⚔️ 2242.0005.576
48 CyberTaskForce Zero 2165.0005.391
49 pwnagaukar 2163.0005.376
50 Dsgm 2146.0005.328
51 CryJackLee 2060.0005.125
52 ascii overflow 2059.0005.113
53 CHCC 2054.0005.093
54 TrashPandas 1980.0004.917
55 mad garlic korean 1950.0004.841
56 LoTek 1871.0004.656
57 Team Cryptis 1798.0004.483
58 spookies 1793.0004.465
59 KCSC 1771.0004.408
60 ACMcyber@UCSD 1729.0004.306
61 Super Guesser 1694.0004.221
62 Vim Appreciation Society 1642.0004.097
63 snetor 1642.0004.091
64 WE_0WN_Y0U 1629.0004.055
65 K&P - Kolbász és Palacsinta 1616.0004.020
66 UNBCTF 1607.0003.994
67 m17m0 1603.0003.979
68 Lorem Ipsec 1593.0003.951
69 Wani Hackase 1588.0003.935
70 uzumakiclan 1548.0003.840
71 e^iπ+1day 1542.0003.821
72 Unit 259 1540.0003.812
73 Vox Dei 1494.0003.704
74 VME_Squad 1481.0003.670
75 DikkeBMW 1476.0003.654
76 bootplug 1448.0003.587
77 The Middlemen 1430.0003.542
78 nevivurn 1397.0003.463
79 yumtam 1388.0003.439
80 The Cat 1383.0003.424
81 EDISEC 1373.0003.398
82 dcua 1356.0003.356
83 ARESx 1333.0003.300
84 ZH3R0 1331.0003.292
85 AinU-Ken 1320.0003.264
86 Non 1303.0003.222
87 thehackerscrew 1302.0003.217
88 Plaid Parliament of Pwning 1297.0003.202
89 Poyo Poyo 1288.0003.179
90 diehard.phake 1288.0003.176
91 UECTF 1271.0003.134
92 Radiv 1265.0003.118
93 Hoshimi Production 1263.0003.110
94 syscallers 1261.0003.103
95 DragonSec SI 1261.0003.100
96 you are not cbfadal!! 1254.0003.082
97 Dinner 1231.0003.027
98 DSUniPi 1228.0003.018
99 {%teamname%} 1227.0003.013
100 The Order of Bit 1202.0002.954
101 hamayanhamayan 1182.0002.907
102 pilvar 1182.0002.904
103 重音猛男 1168.0002.871
104 khn单推人 1148.0002.823
105 Inactive Directory 1146.0002.816
106 fibonhack 1130.0002.778
107 Y-CTF 1123.0002.760
108 UIT.Ch4sa0 1114.0002.738
109 F.SE 1113.0002.733
110 M4TZ1P 1069.0002.632
111 Nepnep 1056.0002.601
112 TnomiPho 1056.0002.599
113 NYUSEC 1046.0002.575
114 damjan 1044.0002.568
115 s0pht 1016.0002.503
116 Rogue 1013.0002.495
117 SavedByTheShell 1013.0002.493
118 spy8+9 1013.0002.491
119 kurkkumopo 1007.0002.476
120 ROIS 1006.0002.472
121 l33chers 1003.0002.463
122 Mukyu~ 1003.0002.462
123 Cybergypsies 1003.0002.460
124 y011d4 1001.0002.454
125 Flagsomnia 992.0002.432
126 keymoon 973.0002.388
127 sln.1550 968.0002.375
128 szpp 946.0002.324
129 YegSec CTF 946.0002.322
130 BKISC 938.0002.303
131 n03tAck 929.0002.281
132 UMDCSEC 925.0002.271
133 swift-salad 924.0002.267
134 Flag Poisoning 909.0002.232
135 GBK 903.0002.217
136 BitWarriors 885.0002.175
137 wolvsec 884.0002.171
138 jt00 883.0002.168
139 Rubi di Cubrik 863.0002.121
140 1gy 849.0002.089
141 0FA 848.0002.085
142 Minix 838.0002.061
143 riff0 829.0002.040
144 CyberRivet 803.0001.980
145 wubbel 803.0001.979
146 __str__ 803.0001.978
147 N00bsCTF 803.0001.977
148 Simplo 802.0001.973
149 PwnSec 799.0001.965
150 Kittens 778.0001.917
151 Ambrosia 777.0001.914
152 dohki 769.0001.895
153 Popoebs 755.0001.862
154 HyperCyberCore 755.0001.861
155 YELLOW_DANCER 746.0001.840
156 CTF_505 724.0001.789
157 youke 724.0001.788
158 0xZ3R0$&0N3$ 706.0001.747
159 yuppie 703.0001.739
160 RedDr0p 703.0001.738
161 Dattebayo 699.0001.728
162 NullzSec 695.0001.718
163 P4ren 678.0001.679
164 Nupakachi 678.0001.678
165 tehCode 656.0001.627
166 MQCyberSec 639.0001.588
167 TheB-Team 639.0001.587
168 NGC628 634.0001.575
169 Gab03t 634.0001.574
170 MAGER 609.0001.517
171 0xPierogi 606.0001.509
172 lostQ 599.0001.493
173 FIඞ 588.0001.467
174 GopherHack 578.0001.444
175 Forsetty 578.0001.443
176 After_the_CM 578.0001.442
177 Khonsu 578.0001.442
178 practicaltacocat 570.0001.423
179 HelloW0rld666 568.0001.417
180 cat|pillar 568.0001.417
181 Mayas 563.0001.405
182 [email protected] 556.0001.388
183 SeaHatVN 546.0001.365
184 The_Welders 539.0001.348
185 kusa 534.0001.336
186 tsc 506.0001.273
187 invoker 500.0001.258
188 nicole 499.0001.255
189 V&M 499.0001.255
190 Delograndest 499.0001.254
191 Unicorns of Security 488.0001.229
192 19120003 486.0001.223
193 Dumbasses Strong Together 478.0001.205
194 The Alumni 478.0001.204
195 white_void 478.0001.203
196 i'm down QQ 478.0001.203
197 lobsta 478.0001.202
198 Exit Code -1 478.0001.202
199 Knightsec 478.0001.201
200 we get headers 478.0001.200
201 TheShadowEevee 478.0001.200
202 Kaczuszki 468.0001.177
203 zer0pts 460.0001.158
204 Keraunos 456.0001.148
205 lunch 449.0001.132
206 Ran42 449.0001.131
207 D0n't Sh0w H3r 449.0001.131
208 CyberSpace 446.0001.123
209 misc 439.0001.107
210 podium 439.0001.107
211 betapctf 439.0001.106
212 M0nkeyBra1nZ 439.0001.105
213 Octet Mignonne 439.0001.105
214 derWiderstand 439.0001.104
215 CamelRiders 439.0001.104
216 wgpsec 438.0001.101
217 bl@haj l0ve 424.0001.069
218 t3mp 424.0001.068
219 LSP 407.0001.030
220 SoloToxicPlayer 407.0001.029
221 javascript is cancer 388.0000.986
222 haha 385.0000.979
223 MSEC_ADC 385.0000.978
224 Linhh 385.0000.978
225 good_cat 385.0000.977
226 MyTeam 385.0000.977
227 dd_vge12313 385.0000.976
228 m1t0 385.0000.976
229 DISM_21 378.0000.959
230 404_not_found 378.0000.959
231 Itarito 378.0000.958
232 kinmoza 378.0000.958
233 NoNameToChoose 378.0000.958
234 JHDiscord 378.0000.957
235 been chilling 378.0000.957
236 LOGE 378.0000.956
237 Dadmins and Friends 378.0000.956
238 noraneco 378.0000.955
239 4o1 378.0000.955
240 Slow Children At Play 378.0000.954
241 Chain of Fools 378.0000.954
242 N3wb1e_t0_Di5 378.0000.954
243 Pum41337 378.0000.953
244 newteam123 378.0000.953
245 4Xv11$ 378.0000.952
246 M0NT3C4RLO 378.0000.952
247 p1c4n3ko 368.0000.929
248 ewgfiohwew 368.0000.929
249 Cyber Dark Inferno 368.0000.928
250 Kernel Sanders 349.0000.885
251 opop 339.0000.862
252 soArens 339.0000.862
253 Wesserboy 339.0000.861
254 peppercon 339.0000.861
255 Cerium 339.0000.861
256 Vindictus 339.0000.860
257 0x9CB 339.0000.860
258 hengkerngangngong 339.0000.859
259 n0_mean1ng 339.0000.859
260 slop 339.0000.859
261 kaktheplanet 339.0000.858
262 Gmcc 338.0000.856
263 for (d; lul; z); 338.0000.855
264 Team Krabath 310.0000.792
265 CNSS 300.0000.769
266 ikuns 300.0000.769
267 MilkMeat Milfs 300.0000.768
268 wackers 278.0000.719
269 แฟนผมเด็ด เด็ดหญ้าให้ผมกิน 278.0000.718
270 kleine_frietjes 278.0000.718
271 VOL_N37 278.0000.718
272 Errors 278.0000.717
273 pymi 278.0000.717
274 S1ightseeing 278.0000.717
275 NoCtfNoLife 278.0000.716
276 WindTeam 278.0000.716
277 WackAttack 278.0000.716
278 Konbakonkon 278.0000.715
279 Tzion 278.0000.715
280 teamcharles 278.0000.715
281 Johnny Cash and Friends 278.0000.714
282 Nyan 278.0000.714
283 Vauque 278.0000.714
284 mklprudence 278.0000.713
285 Tirunculi 278.0000.713
286 Martial_Law_Enforcer 278.0000.713
287 DarkFlow 260.0000.672
288 [email protected] 260.0000.672
289 Red Cadets 249.0000.647
290 CyKOR 249.0000.646
291 h3l1o 249.0000.646
292 INVALID_TEAM 249.0000.646
293 UNT_Cybersec 239.0000.623
294 CyberSp3ck 239.0000.623
295 Blue Hens 239.0000.622
296 Hackcident 239.0000.622
297 t4b3r3 239.0000.622
298 Starburst Kiwawa 239.0000.621
299 Milky Capybaras 239.0000.621
300 beescuit 239.0000.621
301 CoderZClub 239.0000.621
302 aligato1596 239.0000.620
303 Fuzzy Beara 239.0000.620
304 Null Exploitation 239.0000.620
305 Big m'Hack 239.0000.619
306 兄弟火锅群 239.0000.619
307 239.0000.619
308 Jobob 239.0000.619
309 TCP1P 239.0000.618
310 high-end tapioca 239.0000.618
311 Angry Newbies 239.0000.618
312 The Gluten Cult 239.0000.618
313 N30Z30N 239.0000.617
314 Fake Oaks 239.0000.617
315 Hollow_Knight 239.0000.617
316 BlackBird 239.0000.617
317 ponkan 239.0000.616
318 Pwn&Pâté 239.0000.616
319 LHPOJ 239.0000.616
320 Hibana 239.0000.616
321 Les cats 2600 239.0000.615
322 Stallions 239.0000.615
323 Z!ng 239.0000.615
324 Shitposting Zentrale 239.0000.615
325 Shalom Hucking Edition 239.0000.614
326 pwnmaster 239.0000.614
327 MS1418 239.0000.614
328 upbhack 239.0000.614
329 smack 239.0000.614
330 FloppyTechnoJutsu 239.0000.613
331 HRYMN 239.0000.613
332 n00bzUnit3d 239.0000.613
333 n0bita 239.0000.613
334 C4Team 239.0000.612
335 onotch 239.0000.612
336 Apex Exec 239.0000.612
337 H4x0rC4tx0r 239.0000.612
338 239.0000.612
339 TeamBST 239.0000.611
340 TheRoundTable 239.0000.611
341 WonkTani 239.0000.611
342 newbie 239.0000.611
343 gitak 239.0000.610
344 B1LE 239.0000.610
345 Orthodox Cavemen 210.0000.545
346 kupacup 210.0000.545
347 VTeam 200.0000.522
348 M 200.0000.522
349 ByteSizedSword 200.0000.521
350 justme 200.0000.521
351 SwollowS 178.0000.472
352 k1do_pl4y_ctf 178.0000.471
353 The Toreadors 178.0000.471
354 user 178.0000.471
355 Lafixier 178.0000.471
356 Abyssal Hunter 178.0000.471
357 SSG | SaintsSec 178.0000.470
358 CESCO 178.0000.470
359 EXOUSIA 178.0000.470
360 TMD 178.0000.470
361 Cr4zyThurs 178.0000.470
362 178.0000.469
363 streetBuffer 178.0000.469
364 2J 178.0000.469
365 Oriental Poison 178.0000.469
366 5h1n1g4m1 178.0000.469
367 わんだほーい! 178.0000.468
368 Sn0wh4ck 178.0000.468
369 Spider R&D 178.0000.468
370 Huntik 178.0000.468
371 Coding_noobs 178.0000.468
372 canardwc 178.0000.468
373 DreamyTadpoles 178.0000.467
374 TeamZ 178.0000.467
375 bluethunder 178.0000.467
376 ojun 178.0000.467
377 Aft3r_7h0ugh7 178.0000.467
378 p00pyH4ed 178.0000.466
379 R3pl1c4nt 178.0000.466
380 Hwii 139.0000.378
381 Dapurpleteam 139.0000.378
382 FourToOne 139.0000.378
383 ELHACK 139.0000.378
384 CSUI 139.0000.378
385 PracticeTeam001 139.0000.377
386 SOS Potato 139.0000.377
387 yes sir 139.0000.377
388 ultra hacking club 139.0000.377
389 [email protected] 139.0000.377
390 Warrior Companions 139.0000.377
391 Atos 139.0000.376
392 MeOky 139.0000.376
393 ciphercipher 139.0000.376
394 EliteGhostMY 139.0000.376
395 Hjarterhex 139.0000.376
396 C4 Club 139.0000.376
397 KEAHELPDESK 139.0000.376
398 hakor 139.0000.375
399 phionify 139.0000.375
400 SunSec Riders 139.0000.375
401 azaleacat 139.0000.375
402 zGenny 139.0000.375
403 3picH4k3rs 139.0000.375
404 Alright 139.0000.374
405 feasteam 139.0000.374
406 IThub | MSK 139.0000.374
407 TheBankers 139.0000.374
408 DedSec-1337 139.0000.374
409 n0n4m3 139.0000.374
410 __Ph03n1X__ 139.0000.374
411 Arena Quaker 139.0000.373
412 0xploit 139.0000.373
413 ROP of the morning to you 139.0000.373
414 Flag404 139.0000.373
415 L0neRanger 139.0000.373
416 Los Pollos Hermanos 139.0000.373
417 FriedEggQuokka 139.0000.373
418 bronya 139.0000.372
419 secureitwebreakit 139.0000.372
420 HH 139.0000.372
421 twc 139.0000.372
422 ZorBor 139.0000.372
423 Ashes on The Fire 139.0000.372
424 0xCAFEBABE 139.0000.372
425 Solar System 139.0000.371
426 A.H.M.4 139.0000.371
427 nora 139.0000.371
428 HappyHacker22 139.0000.371
429 MT 139.0000.371
430 Front Garden 139.0000.371
431 BlazerKun 139.0000.371
432 f1rs7_7im3 139.0000.370
433 New Roamer 139.0000.370
434 Hundred_Companions 139.0000.370
435 不靠实力靠运气 139.0000.370
436 ****** 139.0000.370
437 Vampirchik147 139.0000.370
438 cgj 139.0000.370
439 42Lausanne 139.0000.370
440 dr4g0n_slAy3r 139.0000.369
441 norelect 139.0000.369
442 assem 139.0000.369
443 Morphisec 139.0000.369
444 Ash 139.0000.369
445 Em0t3t 139.0000.369
446 Trogdor 139.0000.369
447 UiACTF 139.0000.369
448 Ir0n Maiden 139.0000.368
449 Lia 139.0000.368
450 Lynnn 139.0000.368
451 Sarmat 139.0000.368
452 randomguy 139.0000.368
453 UPQueLlora 139.0000.368
454 돔돔이부하들 139.0000.368
455 bdhxgrp 139.0000.368
456 team-herramenn 139.0000.367
457 lemon cardboard 139.0000.367
458 1mexo 139.0000.367
459 Slippers and Flippers 139.0000.367
460 memyselfandi 139.0000.367
461 Stlusófona 139.0000.367
462 Hailegebriel 139.0000.367
463 c0reAccess 139.0000.367
464 freedom dive 139.0000.366
465 ThisIsNotTheTeamYouAreLookingFor 139.0000.366
466 Hi Team 139.0000.366
467 Straw_Hat 139.0000.366
468 wzy 139.0000.366
469 OnlyFeet 139.0000.366
470 InfoSecIITR 139.0000.366
471 Glacialte 139.0000.366
472 JumpingCats4000 139.0000.366
473 ph0enix 139.0000.365
474 Myserk 139.0000.365
475 Lalal 139.0000.365
476 gosegugosegugo 139.0000.365
477 IIT(BHU)CyberSec 139.0000.365
478 Antaalcar 100.0000.277
479 PizzaDough 100.0000.277
480 brooo 100.0000.277
481 CCSC 100.0000.277
482 Laplace 100.0000.277
483 deathphish 100.0000.277
484 HSbaby 100.0000.276
485 e_e_sports 100.0000.276
486 Em0n 100.0000.276
487 blackpinker 100.0000.276
488 cuccs 100.0000.276
489 7ruth chesser 100.0000.276
490 korenthias 100.0000.276
491 LinyTail 100.0000.276
492 cincin 100.0000.276
493 DH 100.0000.276
494 uetctf 100.0000.275
495 Fadi_hamwi 100.0000.275
496 cave 100.0000.275
497 UM CTF team 100.0000.275
498 fulminatingmoat 100.0000.275
499 qq 100.0000.275
500 nacege3271 100.0000.275
501 s31f 100.0000.275
502 darkmode 100.0000.275
503 Pablos 100.0000.275
504 Lu1gi 100.0000.274
505 abdilahrf 100.0000.274
506 5un9hun 100.0000.274
507 Khokhot 100.0000.274
508 413 100.0000.274
509 VVNoob 78.0000.224
510 W4rr10rs 78.0000.224
511 TKCTF-club 78.0000.224
512 Cyb3r_Ch4mp5 78.0000.224
513 l0st1n5p4c3 78.0000.224
514 Haoyang Lu 78.0000.224
515 UNTRACEABLE 78.0000.224
516 Cult of the lost call stack 78.0000.224
517 Snorlax 78.0000.224
518 Secure+ 78.0000.224
519 BlueCyber CTF Club 78.0000.223
520 discord netkittens 78.0000.223
521 Get 'em all 78.0000.223
522 Downgraderz 78.0000.223
523 DOUBLE STANDARD 78.0000.223
524 Kazahana 78.0000.223
525 Bits & Pieces 78.0000.223
526 rumahcahaya 78.0000.223
527 kgrzk2 78.0000.223
528 f1shburger 78.0000.223
529 root@cyber 78.0000.223
530 SWING 78.0000.222
531 队名还在想 78.0000.222
532 K1mCh1W@rr10r 78.0000.222
533 BNBN 78.0000.222
534 AmazingFriedChickken 78.0000.222
535 bi0sblr 78.0000.222
536 Ze3boola 78.0000.222
537 CURS>R 78.0000.222
538 TEAM SICT 78.0000.222
539 Mason Competitive Cyber 78.0000.222
540 HackingForPepe 78.0000.222
541 FR13NDS TEAM 78.0000.222
542 N$4 39.0000.134
543 UQRATS 39.0000.134
544 idk 39.0000.133
545 T1-1E_130ys 39.0000.133
546 bigbaby12 39.0000.133
547 2b375 39.0000.133
548 Do_I_Know_You? 39.0000.133
549 Just CLEAR ! 39.0000.133
550 22tango 39.0000.133
551 REAlize 39.0000.133
552 Bedge 39.0000.133
553 HeaderEnrichment 39.0000.133
554 217srs89 39.0000.133
555 Akatsuki 39.0000.133
556 S1n4n3ng1n 39.0000.133
557 QuoteQuote 39.0000.132
558 Bob L'Épongiste 39.0000.132
559 UwU 39.0000.132
560 TaruTaru 39.0000.132
561 Siberatay 39.0000.132
562 Disboard 39.0000.132
563 G30Sekai 39.0000.132
564 technopiles 39.0000.132
565 n0ru13s 39.0000.132
566 CyberEagles 39.0000.132
567 sugar cookies 39.0000.132
568 eunaS_KOBE_Seuna 39.0000.132
569 yayaya 39.0000.131
570 D34nhK13n 39.0000.131
571 Shell01_Team 39.0000.131
572 know_sova 39.0000.131
573 Peter 39.0000.131
574 TCTN 39.0000.131
575 Synop6 39.0000.131
576 maharlika 39.0000.131
577 Orchid 39.0000.131
578 asdf 39.0000.131
579 UvaXploiters 39.0000.131
580 blackeagle 39.0000.131
581 K3rn3l 39.0000.131
582 YellowHatN00bs 39.0000.131
583 helpme 39.0000.130
584 M2I2025 39.0000.130
585 BrotherBros 39.0000.130
586 Derizo 39.0000.130
587 0c34ns0ng 39.0000.130
588 Müllpandas 39.0000.130
589 McPayload 39.0000.130
590 pazam 39.0000.130
591 JJJJJJJ 39.0000.130
592 Tf 39.0000.130
593 2b_security 39.0000.130
594 Lemonz 39.0000.130
595 TSUKUYOMI 39.0000.130
596 Reloaded 39.0000.130
597 Kuruwa 39.0000.129
598 kekzsec 39.0000.129
599 Club Penguin 39.0000.129
600 Andi_grabbers 39.0000.129
601 Mentat 39.0000.129
602 uncl0ak 39.0000.129
603 mèo meo 39.0000.129
604 Ahimsa. 39.0000.129
605 kitty5kull 39.0000.129
606 [email protected] 39.0000.129
607 Sabertooth Cyber 39.0000.129
608 BackMoon 39.0000.129
609 Fr3shW4t3r 39.0000.129
610 meml3ak 39.0000.129
611 GamersPL 39.0000.128
612 Vortex 39.0000.128
613 l1nk3d 39.0000.128
614 Hwang 39.0000.128
615 CSI 39.0000.128
616 jayden 39.0000.128
617 sbstm 39.0000.128
618 101x 39.0000.128
619 Team Seneca 39.0000.128
620 nmApe 39.0000.128
621 Niubi_team 39.0000.128
622 T4FVRA 39.0000.128
623 cyberFriends 39.0000.128
624 Dutch_F03 39.0000.128
625 Starjammers2 39.0000.128
626 KXTI_powerpuff 39.0000.128
627 salespie 39.0000.127
628 Nearform 39.0000.127
629 4fterD4rk 39.0000.127
630 ISNE 39.0000.127
631 QIQ 39.0000.127
632 konchan 39.0000.127
633 zxc20833zxc 39.0000.127
634 {Insert CTF Here} 39.0000.127
635 ohoho 39.0000.127
636 tpv 39.0000.127
637 ISFCR PESU 39.0000.127
638 ASN 39.0000.127
639 anakta 39.0000.127
640 UniKorn 39.0000.127
641 TheVOID 39.0000.127
642 CYB3R_T3N4CI0US 39.0000.127
643 Sezy 39.0000.126
644 NOsecurity 39.0000.126
645 NTPs 39.0000.126
646 solodolo 39.0000.126
647 あきやまみずき😭😭😭 39.0000.126
648 3331 39.0000.126
649 Team Node 39.0000.126
650 mossi101 39.0000.126
651 f1rst 39.0000.126
652 katee 39.0000.126
653 Crypsec 39.0000.126
654 Dory's Team 39.0000.126
655 PatagoniaHack 39.0000.126
656 PwnProphecy 39.0000.126
657 Pa0x73cal 39.0000.126
658 ISO_CTF 39.0000.126
659 sekai_cack 39.0000.126
660 testingtesting123 39.0000.125
661 Inspect Element 39.0000.125
662 turtles 39.0000.125
663 trewui 39.0000.125
664 pemulahehe 39.0000.125
665 AthurXiaomi 39.0000.125
666 Flying Rockets 39.0000.125
667 Suk1y4k1 39.0000.125
668 crs 39.0000.125
669 soulstone 39.0000.125
670 703 39.0000.125
671 sky1@rk 39.0000.125
672 HiC 39.0000.125
673 Operatorboi 39.0000.125
674 DaemonTheWE 39.0000.125
675 [email protected] 39.0000.125
676 Caramel 39.0000.125
677 Whit3rose 39.0000.125
678 CSecSoc 39.0000.124
679 ssvaio 39.0000.124
680 miz0lock 39.0000.124
681 peko 39.0000.124
682 PotatoEnjoyer 39.0000.124
683 Mkl.B 39.0000.124
684 Oi Shoeske 39.0000.124
685 latitude378 39.0000.124
686 N0_H0pe 39.0000.124
687 0xStash 39.0000.124
688 $quirrel21 39.0000.124
689 hitech 39.0000.124
690 sH0w 39.0000.124
691 w3L1nK 39.0000.124
692 muha 39.0000.124
693 ForOne 39.0000.124
694 supper 39.0000.124
695 4equest 39.0000.124
696 Indian_Monkeys 39.0000.124
697 afcoc 39.0000.123
698 songoku 39.0000.123
699 kangen nas 39.0000.123
700 The Hive 39.0000.123
701 Butterflies 39.0000.123
702 Yuk1Yuk1 39.0000.123
703 远程端茶倒水 39.0000.123
704 unskilled 39.0000.123
705 sadoids 39.0000.123
706 bestofme 39.0000.123
707 Ca110w C0d3rs 39.0000.123
708 killswitch 39.0000.123
709 RyutsuDandies 39.0000.123
710 r0ng5 39.0000.123
711 Koli 39.0000.123
713 TeamH4C 39.0000.123
714 WF 39.0000.123
715 MYY 39.0000.123
716 doagain 39.0000.123
717 RuntimeError 39.0000.122
718 roloroll 39.0000.122
719 Cla55N0tF0und 39.0000.122
720 Beginner 39.0000.122
721 OurLastNight 39.0000.122
722 Mirror 39.0000.122
723 KerKerYuan 39.0000.122
724 ag3n75 39.0000.122
725 AdiPratama15 39.0000.122
726 Onsra03 39.0000.122
727 ggez 39.0000.122
728 sanyue 39.0000.122
729 KMA_KN 39.0000.122
730 Slab Allocator 39.0000.122
731 _sly 39.0000.122
732 before the code exits 39.0000.122
733 arimasan 39.0000.122
734 archlonox 39.0000.122
735 Serika 39.0000.122
736 Answer to the Ultimate Question 39.0000.122
737 No0b_4_Sur3 39.0000.122
738 DragonSin 39.0000.121
739 peedyBear 39.0000.121
740 ka1t0_k1d 39.0000.121
741 0rz 39.0000.121
742 Mugiwara no Ichimi 39.0000.121
743 4k3l4rr3 39.0000.121
744 zzzz 39.0000.121
745 rvz 39.0000.121
746 AngLo 39.0000.121
747 Eat-Sleep-PMO 39.0000.121
748 DiasDushit 39.0000.121
749 N0N@me13 39.0000.121
750 bummie 39.0000.121
751 xiaochenyi 39.0000.121
752 TeamGA 39.0000.121
753 Soul 39.0000.121
754 ay 39.0000.121
755 xxyyue 39.0000.121
756 Dripsquad 39.0000.121
757 n0n 39.0000.121
758 Feniks_Team 39.0000.121
759 Diligenza 39.0000.121
760 DKDC 39.0000.120
761 d4rkn355 39.0000.120
762 p3rplex3d 39.0000.120
763 ivy 39.0000.120
764 gkjzjh146 39.0000.120
765 l_o_ 39.0000.120
766 rustery 39.0000.120
767 PepegASF 39.0000.120
768 CCUG 39.0000.120
769 Red Meow 39.0000.120
770 Dabaduba 39.0000.120
771 Roppers 39.0000.120
772 ahengers 39.0000.120
773 solomid 39.0000.120
774 adl_loser_I_love_marin 39.0000.120
775 nothing 39.0000.120
776 tagfrop 39.0000.120
777 consnop 39.0000.120
778 glopglop 39.0000.120
779 have_fun 39.0000.120
780 ganmo 39.0000.120
781 Houseofdragon 39.0000.120
782 wanton 39.0000.120
783 digit1234 39.0000.120
784 oker 39.0000.119
785 Unholy 39.0000.119
786 M1niPark 39.0000.119
787 Doomsday 39.0000.119
788 CyberHawks 39.0000.119
789 Federal_Bonk_Investigations 39.0000.119
790 B1T5crew 39.0000.119
791 Script Kitties 39.0000.119
792 RevolutionEra 39.0000.119
793 cockroaches 39.0000.119
794 Vibbit 39.0000.119
795 TeamNoBitches 39.0000.119
796 n00br1val 39.0000.119
797 WhiskeySec 39.0000.119
798 bloom97 39.0000.119
799 offset 39.0000.119
800 Fl4g_Hunt3r 39.0000.119
801 absolem 39.0000.119
802 Mischief of Rats 39.0000.119
803 spookhorror 39.0000.119
804 Kids From Yesterday 39.0000.119
805 page2me 39.0000.119
806 Hunt3rCod3r 39.0000.119
807 IEEE 745 39.0000.119
808 AKCyber 39.0000.119
809 CTF Until to Isekai 39.0000.119
810 T1r4m1sudo 39.0000.118
811 Z's Team 39.0000.118
812 pr0coder 39.0000.118
813 ClaraTeam 39.0000.118
814 31173m3x4 39.0000.118
815 potatopeelers 39.0000.118
816 RedTeam@MTU 39.0000.118
817 :skull: 39.0000.118
818 solobolo 39.0000.118
819 Baillet Zoo 39.0000.118
820 0xDisabled 39.0000.118
821 S3cj0y 39.0000.118
822 toni 39.0000.118
823 BlueBannaBread 39.0000.118
824 issac 39.0000.118
825 4r0wana 39.0000.118
826 SpellCasters 39.0000.118
827 NaN 39.0000.118
828 fq3r433443qr 39.0000.118
829 qfwefqwefqwef 39.0000.118
830 theteam 39.0000.118
831 Am4d3us 39.0000.118
832 whoami 39.0000.118
833 TheHwackra 39.0000.118
834 etherknot 39.0000.118
835 pwnpwn 39.0000.118
836 0xInSec 39.0000.118
837 bindon time 39.0000.117
838 BITSkrieg 39.0000.117
839 beginner12 39.0000.117
840 MarikIshtar 39.0000.117
841 Dosukoi 39.0000.117
842 0teammates 39.0000.117
843 d1l3mm4 39.0000.117
844 Riot Of Noob 39.0000.117
845 Jinxed 39.0000.117
846 Orange 39.0000.117
847 Toor97 39.0000.117
848 onlyone 39.0000.117
849 have_no _flag 39.0000.117
850 TheBear 39.0000.117
851 pps0u1 39.0000.117
852 Anonsea 39.0000.058
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