Also known as
  • Tamil CTF
  • TamilCTF


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TCTF Official Team

Participated in CTF events

Overall rating place: 193 with 51.733 pts in 2025

Country place: 20

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
42VishwaCTF 20253700.000013.899
99Nullcon Goa HackIM 2025 CTF701.00005.715
346Codefest CTF 2025400.00001.883
17KnightCTF 20255310.000018.210
55Srdnlen CTF 2025658.00005.011
142UofTCTF 20251055.00002.139
105IrisCTF 20251356.00004.876

Overall rating place: 331 with 135.332 pts in 2024

Country place: 15

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
22niteCTF 20241874.00007.305
91Platypwn 2024300.00001.357
10CYBERGON CTF_20242877.000016.705
73 GlacierCTF 2024504.00002.802
1421337UP LIVE CTF1400.00004.106
67BlueHens CTF 20242127.00004.527
68HeroCTF v61838.00008.988
14Z3R0 D4Y CTF2250.000015.843
45DEADFACE CTF 20244968.000016.367
163TCP1P CTF 2024: Exploring Nusantara's Digital Realm411.00001.088
6IRON CTF 202410678.000019.865
67ImaginaryCTF 20242914.000010.513
75NahamCon CTF 20246204.000013.044
54TJCTF 20242092.00008.647
387TBTL CTF 2024200.00001.088
84CTF@CIT 20243310.00003.634
120DamCTF 2024100.00000.994
141TAMUctf 2024604.00002.214
249RITSEC CTF 2024100.00000.414
234AmateursCTF 20241122.00002.057
60VolgaCTF 2024 Qualifier528.00009.670
168UTCTF 20243440.00008.336
122Cyber Apocalypse 2024: Hacker Royale12975.000015.688
295VishwaCTF 20241150.00002.750
213IrisCTF 2024517.00000.981

Overall rating place: 289 with 136.998 pts in 2023

Country place: 10

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
441337UP LIVE CTF3437.00006.151
72ImaginaryCTF 20231723.00004.478
55CrewCTF 20232971.00002.628
510Google Capture The Flag 202350.00000.831
89HSCTF 105829.000014.698
93TAMUctf 20233183.00007.963
4CyberHavoc CTF2800.000027.722
69UMass CTF 2023565.00003.305
365Cyber Apocalypse 2023: The Cursed Mission9350.00009.448
148Rush CTF | Beginner friendly100.00000.000
188DaVinciCTF 20231.00000.159
47FooBar CTF 2023281.00002.482
39Nullcon Berlin HackIM 2023 CTF664.00003.219
73VU CYBERTHON 20231440.000011.288
154HackTM CTF Quals 202350.00000.395
11Incognito 4.09491.000017.203
810xL4ughCTF 2023860.00003.088
61LA CTF 20237176.000011.681
29Byte Bandits CTF 20233290.000013.196
179DiceCTF 2023234.00001.729
86bi0sCTF 202210.00000.678
24KnightCTF 20233025.000011.851
187idekCTF 2022*933.00001.178
62IrisCTF 20231465.00003.566
261TetCTF 2023100.00000.627

Overall rating place: 183 with 152.906 pts in 2022

Country place: 7

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
68NahamCon EU 2022 CTF 1237.00002.636
59BSides Mumbai CTF 2022533.00001.699
159KITCTFCTF 2022100.00000.364
4Shakti CTF3970.00000.000
37Square CTF 20221101.00009.942
51p4ctf 202279.00001.726
98BuckeyeCTF 20221422.00004.114
125SekaiCTF 2022992.00002.432
5000CTF/TCTF 202218.00000.411
163CSAW CTF Qualification Round 20221260.00003.452
5Winja CTF | Nullcon Goa 20222538.000016.924
121nullcon Goa HackIM CTF 20222.00000.214
41SHELLCTF 20225169.000021.214
283corCTF 2022231.00000.752
89Arab Security Cyber Wargames 2022 Qualifications1200.00002.936
17UACTF 20223327.00006.263
101UIUCTF 2022489.00002.078
36TFC CTF 20223977.000010.539
102DiceCTF @ HOPE 20222028.00009.175
67Lexington Informatics Tournament CTF 20222851.00007.810
101BDSec CTF 20221275.00004.964
144ImaginaryCTF 20221900.00004.353
136vsCTF 20221186.00002.092
175WeCTF 202210.00000.246
1297Tenable CTF 2022100.00000.277
315BCACTF 3.0475.00001.337
99BSidesSF 2022 CTF120.00000.367
624SEETF 2022100.00000.131
98HeroCTF v41406.00002.358
380BYUCTF 202250.00000.000
73Cyber Apocalypse CTF 2022: Intergalactic Chase 9050.000011.765
192EZ CTF | Beginner Friendly2125.00000.000
131Digital Overdose Conference 2022 CTF300.00001.873
126NahamCon CTF 20224590.00004.626
31Incognito 3.03162.00007.743
16CUCTF 1.02181.000015.036
200b01lers CTF260.00002.280
36CrewCTF 20223661.00003.808
12 nullcon HackIM 20221876.000010.970
67RITSEC CTF 20221884.00006.038
322LINE CTF 20221.00000.078
30Wolverine Security Conference/CTF5072.000010.004
17VishwaCTF 202211931.000013.095
103UTCTF 2025 20223178.00005.826
101337UP LIVE CTF7129.000016.851
8Pragyan CTF 20227768.00009.329
33FooBar CTF 20221468.00005.628
191D^3CTF 202210.00000.132
4wtfctf 20223019.000020.397
214SUSCTF 202271.00000.268
114MHSCTF 2022600.00000.000
162VU CYBERTHON 202230.00001.002
58Hayyim CTF 2022139.00000.881
126DefCamp CTF 21-22 Online329.00003.100
21Cyber Grabs CTF 0x03 Junior3650.000014.051
329DiceCTF 2022110.00000.504
59KnightCTF 20223700.000012.602

Overall rating place: 243 with 108.470 pts in 2021

Country place: 17

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
393X-MAS CTF 2021 Second Weekend75.00000.134
22CTF Internacional MetaRed 2021 - 5th STAGE1684.00000.000
135SECCON CTF 2021165.00003.129
75idekCTF 20211134.00001.979
659MetaCTF CyberGames 20212300.00003.712
2382021 Metasploit community CTF100.00001.431
643Cyber Santa is Coming to Town2100.00006.526
91TFC CTF 2021776.00004.202
68Damncon 2021410.00002.223
52eHaCON CTF 2K21341.00008.737
72DUNGEON - BSides Ahmedabad CTF 2021268.00002.009
105DamCTF 20212341.00007.257
85CTF Internacional MetaRed 2021 - 3rd STAGE700.00000.000
99UUTCTF 2021250.00001.405
126Killer Queen CTF 20212333.00005.665
101Bsides Jeddah 20212500.000012.435
403BuckeyeCTF 20211.00000.065
357ASIS CTF Quals 202120.00000.819
53Jornadas 20213465.00005.710
85DEADFACE CTF3995.00009.289
13Digital Overdose 2021 Autumn CTF4961.000016.698
297TSG CTF 2021200.00001.735
23DeconstruCT.F 20213415.00007.893
418DownUnderCTF 2021 (Online)1300.00001.994
381PBjar CTF '21556.00000.000
130H@cktivityCon 2021 CTF2625.00004.421
46COMPFEST CTF 2021656.00002.625
452RCTF 202140.00000.300
160CSAW CTF Qualification Round 20211672.00000.000
90TMUCTF 20211485.00002.180
42GrabCON CTF 20212100.00000.000
414ALLES! CTF 2021104.00000.973
133FwordCTF 2021836.00001.078
122Hacker's Playground 2021360.00001.854
521Really Awesome CTF 2021100.00000.277
237InCTF 202110.00000.327
372BSides Noida CTF50.00000.153
74RTLxHA CTF 21200.00004.718
336HSCTF 82508.00003.490
182BCACTF 2.02025.00000.000
1935Cyber Apocalypse 2021600.00000.755
344UMassCTF 2021150.00000.520
413Union CTF 2021100.00000.438
1547Tenable CTF 202175.00000.261
827DiceCTF 20211.00000.035
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
518Brixel CTF winter edition70.00000.000
87WeCTF 2020+1.00000.285
439Balsn CTF 2020110.00000.388
421Block CTF 20201.00000.099
271KipodAfterFree CTF 20205.00000.116
360Newark Academy CTF 20201626.00002.987
754DownUnderCTF 2020210.00000.400
99RESTCON CTF679.00000.854
167Hacker's Playground 2020175.00001.267
20UNICORN CTF 20204242.00004.034
290InCTF 2020100.00000.451

Organized CTF events

Tamil CTF 202114.13

Team members

Team writeups

1337UP LIVE CTFXSS Finder Tool [500]read writeup
1337UP LIVE CTFPhotographs read writeup
HSCTF 10mogodb [350]read writeup
HSCTF 10very-secure [393]read writeup
HSCTF 10fancy-page [429]read writeup
HSCTF 10th3-w3bsite [100]read writeup
Cyber Apocalypse CTF 2022: Intergalactic Chase Hellbound [325 ]read writeup
Cyber Apocalypse CTF 2022: Intergalactic Chase Bon-nie-appetit [325]read writeup
Cyber Apocalypse CTF 2022: Intergalactic Chase Trick or Deal [325]read writeup
Cyber Apocalypse CTF 2022: Intergalactic Chase Fleet Management [300]read writeup
Cyber Apocalypse CTF 2022: Intergalactic Chase Once and For All [400]read writeup
Wolverine Security Conference/CTFXSS 401 [496]read writeup
Wolverine Security Conference/CTFDon't Only Mash... Clobber! [498]read writeup
1337UP LIVE CTFBlink's Secret [368]read writeup
1337UP LIVE CTFMirage [50]read writeup
Pragyan CTF 2022Zipped Scandal read writeup
Pragyan CTF 2022Hidden and Protected read writeup
Pragyan CTF 2022Marcel and the iPad read writeup
Pragyan CTF 2022Frank's Little Beauty read writeup
Pragyan CTF 2022Ye Olde Threat read writeup
KnightCTF 2022Unknown File [50]read writeup
KnightCTF 2022Let's Walk Together [50]read writeup
KnightCTF 2022The Lost Flag [25]read writeup
KnightCTF 2022Compromised FTP [25]read writeup
KnightCTF 2022Most Secure Calculator 2 [250]read writeup
KnightCTF 2022Find the passcode 2 [150]read writeup
KnightCTF 2022Bypass!! Bypass!! Bypass!! [150]read writeup
KnightCTF 2022My PHP Site [50]read writeup
KnightCTF 2022Can you Be Admin [50]read writeup
KnightCTF 2022Do something special [50]read writeup
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