Sat, 11 March 2023, 08:00 UTC — Sun, 12 March 2023, 20:00 UTC 


DaVinciCTF event.

Format: Jeopardy Jeopardy

Official URL:

This event's future weight is subject of public voting!

Future weight: 37.62 

Rating weight: 29.26 

Event organizers 

DaVinciCTF is a jeopardy-style CTF competition held by DaVinciCode, the french academic team of the École supérieure d'ingénieurs Léonard-de-Vinci (ESILV).

The event will take place from the 11/03/2023 11AM to 12/03/2023 11PM (UTC), lasting 36 hours.
(THESE ARE THE REAL START AND END TIME: The start and end time have both been postponed 3 hours to allow more time to the on-site conferences).

The team size is 4.

Stay updated by joining the discord:

This CTF will take place in *both* on-site and online.
-> On-site will take place only on the 11th (from 9am to 9pm CET) at 47 Bd de Pesaro, 92000 Nanterre.
-> It will include professional conferences (from 10am to 12am) and catering.
-> It is not exclusive for French teams, however conferences will be in French.

If you are interested in participating on-site, please fill out this form:
Deadline for on-site registration ahs been postponed to 03/03!

In a care for equity, the on-site CTF won't tamper on the online CTF, the on-site CTF challenges will be worth 0 points on the plateform and the on-site score will be calculated by the admins (by adding current online score and on-site challenge values) at the end of the on-site event.
On-site teams will not have any advantages that online teams would not have.
Therefore, on-site teams may also win online prizes.

- Login Sécurité
- Synacktiv
- Synetis
- Dipôle Security
- Orange CyberDefense

Have fun!


1rst place: 800€ (EUR) worth of prize
2nd place: 600€ (EUR) worth of prize
3rd place: 400€ (EUR) worth of prize
- Top10: DVCTF and DaVinciCode Holo Stickers

- 1rst place: MarkVII Pineapple
- 2nd place: Tickets for LeHack 2023
- 3rd place: Damn Vulnerable IoT Device (DVID) kits
- Everyone: stickers, merch and food


285 teams total

PlaceTeamCTF pointsRating points
1 The Few Chosen 8747.00058.520
2 Flag Poisoning 7749.00040.552
3 PHREAKS 2600 6756.00032.353
4 LosFuzzys 5824.00026.797
5 FaKappa 5798.00025.247
6 xXxpassword123xXx 5542.00023.415
7 MadrHacks 5466.00022.465
8 fibonhack 5243.00021.196
9 spookies 4900.00019.642
10 Les Pires Hat 4859.00019.180
11 Nero-Hero 4357.00017.235
12 Vanessarmy 3572.00014.387
13 APTrinsec 3524.00014.039
14 dcua 3024.00012.206
15 Pwn-la-Chapelle 2970.00011.886
16 muh42 2931.00011.633
17 madrhacks_jr 2455.0009.934
18 Mother I'd Like to Flag 2381.0009.590
19 HDFR 2107.0008.588
20 Banan'hack 2088.0008.448
21 kHacktus 2067.0008.308
22 ISITDTU 1946.0007.840
23 Little 2600 1725.0007.043
24 4everAlone 1725.0006.990
25 Hackappatoi 1654.0006.703
26 3NS7R0J4N 1638.0006.605
27 Cooking Mama 1539.0006.232
28 hardcarry 1466.0005.949
29 3ANT_FL@G_CU7_N00B 1438.0005.819
30 CRUNCH 2600 1419.0005.722
31 bypass 1388.0005.587
32 xanhacks 1363.0005.474
33 [G++] NoPwnNoGain 1348.0005.396
34 Senchurion 1224.0004.955
35 MAK'HACK 1217.0004.907
36 Boh 1206.0004.847
37 Mason Competitive Cyber 1179.0004.735
38 Pinox0x0 1170.0004.684
39 7sh 1157.0004.621
40 Dynamik 1142.0004.552
41 OteriHack2 1132.0004.500
42 T35H 1130.0004.477
43 Go Focus 1125.0004.444
44 BKISC 1102.0004.351
45 tau-rine 1097.0004.320
46 Permutation City 1086.0004.269
47 6bièressécurité 1070.0004.202
48 inconitoTeam 1057.0004.145
49 HDFR2 1056.0004.130
50 romsae 1002.0003.937
51 EvilBunnyWrote 970.0003.819
52 h01ku 970.0003.807
53 CBL 964.0003.777
54 The Unhinged 962.0003.760
55 gss1 934.0003.656
56 teamalone 929.0003.630
57 twc 917.0003.581
58 HipHop Never Die 900.0003.515
59 N0N@me13 870.0003.406
60 [GCC] Breizhell 838.0003.291
61 CTF_505 797.0003.146
62 TuX 785.0003.098
63 pingCTF 770.0003.040
64 SecretArmy 770.0003.033
65 shitbox 769.0003.023
66 OteriHack 748.0002.946
67 CyberKoopas 748.0002.939
68 Optimvs 670.0002.672
69 Peaky Kapinders 670.0002.665
70 LinyTail 669.0002.656
71 L@_BoulanGerie 650.0002.586
72 SecurityXJ 648.0002.574
73 cyberfougères 633.0002.518
74 SegFault 633.0002.513
75 kobalt 633.0002.508
76 celine 617.0002.449
77 HBZ 617.0002.444
78 The ViralVipers 616.0002.436
79 BIT CRIMINALS 593.0002.354
80 d4rkn19ht 569.0002.269
81 H4x0rC4tx0r 561.0002.238
82 Titan Crew 550.0002.197
83 kokoška 538.0002.152
84 The D9s 538.0002.148
85 Lorem Ipsec 509.0002.047
86 Born2fl4g 509.0002.043
87 dirbouffeur 509.0002.039
88 OAO 500.0002.005
89 Torgnoles 497.0001.991
90 wolf_packets 469.0001.894
91 16j 464.0001.874
92 Learning With Errors 461.0001.860
93 duck_duck 449.0001.817
94 1nf1n1ty 438.0001.776
95 DCI 417.0001.703
96 ttttmp 408.0001.670
97 Synacktiv 401.0001.643
98 1NS0MN14 348.0001.463
99 1 338.0001.426
100 ouais c'est pas mal 337.0001.420
101 RedTeamKaindorf 309.0001.323
102 gua_9_Arctic 301.0001.294
103 Unit_41 301.0001.291
104 pony7 301.0001.288
105 ri5e 301.0001.286
106 noraneco 301.0001.283
107 Turing 301.0001.280
108 n4ssimm3s 300.0001.274
109 La Famile Pirate 201.0000.941
110 BrainOverflow 201.0000.938
111 ../.passwd 201.0000.936
112 r3v3l4t10n 201.0000.934
113 AUCC 201.0000.931
114 nmApe 201.0000.929
115 Hor1zon 201.0000.927
116 BecomeBetter 201.0000.925
117 captainB 201.0000.922
118 stone 200.0000.917
119 微光 200.0000.915
120 abcdxyz 200.0000.913
121 test123 200.0000.911
122 Aft3r_7h0ugh7 200.0000.909
123 m0ns1ur_r0b0t 101.0000.576
124 KXTI_S 101.0000.574
125 acdwas 101.0000.572
126 0xECE 101.0000.570
127 HackRGreenT 101.0000.568
128 neo_monarchs 101.0000.566
129 KeysToTheKingdom 101.0000.565
130 Guardia 101.0000.563
131 Medus'Hack 101.0000.561
132 B4r9al_S3c 101.0000.560
133 PandHack 101.0000.558
134 HDFR42 101.0000.556
135 StalkerSociety 101.0000.555
136 just2600things 101.0000.553
137 datapoison 101.0000.551
138 InfoSecIITR 101.0000.550
139 anakta 101.0000.548
140 Octet Mignonne 101.0000.547
141 DontConnectToThisNetwork 101.0000.545
142 nCreeps 101.0000.544
143 nohackspace 101.0000.542
144 HDFR3 101.0000.541
145 ENSIBF 101.0000.540
146 bugresearch 101.0000.538
147 VTCyber 101.0000.537
148 FAUST 101.0000.536
149 Pig Bang 101.0000.534
150 SHAOCHI LU 101.0000.533
151 uzumaki 101.0000.532
152 1h 101.0000.530
153 ByamB4 101.0000.529
154 王八天团 101.0000.528
155 /FlagExcepti0n 101.0000.527
156 TeamH4C 101.0000.525
157 NEUQRO 101.0000.524
158 WWW 100.0000.520
159 UzUzuga 100.0000.519
160 kanon 100.0000.517
161 zer0 100.0000.516
162 Onlaysadore 100.0000.515
163 freeplay_club 100.0000.514
164 Martial_Law_Enforcer 100.0000.513
165 0x_zmz 100.0000.512
166 mIOTEAM 100.0000.511
167 Internal Server Error 100.0000.510
168 iunafiouznxofujzxoucjhaouijshfoaisfjoi 100.0000.509
169 NoTeam 100.0000.508
170 Alexandre 100.0000.507
171 Seadyot 100.0000.506
172 UndefinedNames 100.0000.505
173 HIGH0101 100.0000.504
174 Niktomadre 100.0000.503
175 kaola 100.0000.502
176 Chaos 100.0000.501
177 newbie 100.0000.500
178 Hacklabor 100.0000.499
179 AARA 100.0000.498
180 happy_days 100.0000.497
181 imrobot 100.0000.496
182 hason 100.0000.495
183 Gladiator 100.0000.494
184 hack^3 1.0000.162
185 Security First 1.0000.162
186 aegis 1.0000.161
187 lab4 1.0000.160
188 Flagsomnia 1.0000.159
189 menoob 1.0000.158
190 Orpheus 1.0000.157
191 r4v3ncl4w_p3ngu1n 1.0000.157
192 @start_er 1.0000.156
193 AnonSec 1.0000.155
194 {The NaN Squad} 1.0000.154
195 DVCool 1.0000.153
196 C4k3 1.0000.153
197 secu_ysb 1.0000.152
198 Bytes Breakers 1.0000.151
199 YMD_HK 1.0000.150
200 SecurityFirst_GOAT 1.0000.150
201 log1 1.0000.149
202 tuan147 1.0000.148
203 Pa0x73cal 1.0000.147
204 513 1.0000.147
205 password password 1.0000.146
206 YCF 1.0000.145
207 iQuberz 1.0000.145
208 fathertom 1.0000.144
209 thefightclub 1.0000.143
210 Bnyt 1.0000.143
211 CSN Gang 1.0000.142
212 gitak 1.0000.141
213 n0n 1.0000.141
214 Cyber Knights 1.0000.140
215 Siberkost 1.0000.139
216 REVillains 1.0000.139
217 Cat2Flag 1.0000.138
218 mdziaro 1.0000.138
219 SKARPION 1.0000.137
220 krypton 1.0000.136
221 Seals 1.0000.136
222 zlstar 1.0000.135
223 shadow garden 1.0000.135
224 B1ns-Aa++ack3rs 1.0000.134
225 PTZCTF 1.0000.133
226 HACKTORIA 1.0000.133
227 duahau 1.0000.132
228 VOL_N37 1.0000.132
229 Foxhole 1.0000.131
230 RVCTF GTJO 1.0000.131
231 RVCTF{Skibidi_Ohio_Rizz} 1.0000.130
232 Porg Pwn Platoon 1.0000.129
233 myselfms 1.0000.129
234 d4nh0m3y 1.0000.128
235 RVCTF_Z2F5 1.0000.128
236 The Cryptic Dragons 1.0000.127
237 1ce_Break3rs 1.0000.127
238 RUBberDucks 1.0000.126
239 0xb2r00t 1.0000.126
240 R0GU3_H4CK 1.0000.125
241 MAAAAAAAAAAAAA 1.0000.125
242 B1@cK_R0$$0t 1.0000.124
243 Seekers 1.0000.124
244 Var Motiv = 0; 1.0000.123
245 Ha3 1.0000.123
246 BOBACTF 1.0000.122
247 ENSSAT 1.0000.122
248 NullPointers 1.0000.121
249 Pakekoding 1.0000.121
250 GTC 1.0000.120
251 CyberSpace 1.0000.120
252 L'amame' 1.0000.119
253 KMA.LMT 1.0000.119
254 七杀Polis 1.0000.119
255 Bits & Pieces 1.0000.118
256 Tirunculi 1.0000.118
257 stalk 1.0000.117
258 hehehehaw 1.0000.117
259 klandestin 1.0000.116
260 GG 1.0000.116
261 jtester 1.0000.115
262 zwiebel 1.0000.115
263 NSEC-CARAGA 1.0000.115
264 ff 1.0000.114
265 jb 1.0000.114
266 The White Rose 1.0000.113
267 Prostofilya 1.0000.113
268 sigus 1.0000.113
269 Volter 1.0000.112
270 Sz4rny 1.0000.112
271 R2D2 1.0000.111
272 CSALab_Sec 1.0000.111
273 fzhshzh 1.0000.111
274 Just^_^Imagine 1.0000.110
275 St3llar 1.0000.110
276 Resurrected Odyssey 1.0000.109
277 gencombd 1.0000.109
278 $V3N0M 1.0000.109
279 DDLJ 1.0000.108
280 Cryptonites 1.0000.108
281 Dotgang 1.0000.107
282 0xBBB 1.0000.107
283 toto 1.0000.107
284 gruf 1.0000.106
285 NYUSEC 1.0000.053
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