Sat, 05 Oct. 2024, 05:30 UTC — Sun, 06 Oct. 2024, 05:30 UTC 


IRON CTF event.

Format: Jeopardy Jeopardy

Official URL:

This event's future weight is subject of public voting!

Future weight: 24.50 

Rating weight: 24.50 

Event organizers 

Welcome to the inaugural edition of IRON CTF (Intrusion Reconnaissance and Offensive Navigation CTF)!

Team 1nf1n1ty from SASTRA Deemed University invites you to embark on an exciting online Jeopardy-style Capture the Flag challenge. Whether you're just starting out or a seasoned hacker, this event promises the perfect platform to push your limits, hone your skills, and enjoy the thrill of competition.

Tackle diverse challenges in categories like Web Exploitation, Game Hacking, Reverse Engineering, Cryptography, Forensics, Binary Exploitation, and more.

Team Size: Maximum of 4 participants per team

Good luck, and happy hacking!

Stay updated by joining our Discord community:


Academic partner
SASTRA Deemed University

Golden Sponsor

Silver Sponsors
Altered Security

Platform partner
Sify Technologies

Browser Security Partner

XYZ Domain Sponsor


1st Place: Worth ₹6,00,000
- 1x EC-Council's Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) Global Certification
- 4x CEH Learning Resources (e-Books and i-Labs bundle)
- 4x EC-Council's Network Defense Essentials (NDE) Certifications
- 4x EC-Council's Ethical Hacking Essentials (EHE) Certifications

2nd Place: Worth ₹1,33,337
- 1x Altered Security's Certified Red Team Professional (CRTP) Certification Voucher
- 1x Learn Fundamentals Subscription by OffSec
- 1x Annual PG Practice Subscription by OffSec

3rd Place: Worth ₹22,000
- 1x Annual PG Practice Subscription by OffSec

Top 10 Indian Teams:
- Awesome goodies and t-shirts from squarX

Top 50 Teams:
- Certificate of Excellence

Top 75 Teams:
- Each member will receive a .xyz domain for one year

All Participants:
- Certificate of Participation


1033 teams total

PlaceTeamCTF pointsRating points
1 The Few Chosen 16611.00049.000
2 valgrind 15622.00035.291
3 Thread in the Needle 14608.00029.712
4 CyberSpace 14129.00026.964
5 > r0/dev/null 11120.00021.301
6 TamilCTF 10678.00019.833
7 AUTOEXEC.BAT 10639.00019.192
8 Flame 9209.00016.645
9 Payatu Bandits 8719.00015.582
10 SkibidiSquad 8634.00015.185
11 lydxn 8316.00014.493
12 $mash 8224.00014.171
13 Zukane 8148.00013.902
14 C0zyB34r 8043.00013.613
15 MindCrafters 7664.00012.937
16 terry fanclub 7660.00012.829
17 Cache-Money 7654.00012.730
18 M4N_4ND_M4CH1N3 7181.00011.953
19 0M3G4_SQU4D 7165.00011.857
20 LutaNaRyj 7158.00011.783
21 Hellbound 6906.00011.353
22 0bug 6525.00010.738
23 n0d3c 6477.00010.618
24 TheRomanXpl0it 6474.00010.570
25 MyMoon's Paradise 6423.00010.453
26 Taiwanese Shabu 6327.00010.274
27 ICC UH 6307.00010.210
28 FCCPC 6237.00010.074
29 I love otters 5890.0009.532
30 EICS1 5561.0009.019
31 RE:UN10N 5510.0008.917
32 BITSkrieg 5454.0008.810
33 92i_P1r4tr13 5338.0008.616
34 InfoOps 5225.0008.427
35 [CTU FIT]Link[/CTU FIT] 5130.0008.266
36 noraneco 4963.0008.001
37 CR34T1N3 4923.0007.923
38 Cryptonite 4832.0007.772
39 400BadRequest 4809.0007.721
40 capybara_clan 4781.0007.664
41 ByteTheCookies 4769.0007.631
42 NuttyShell 4753.0007.594
43 Xyz 4717.0007.527
44 c0nrad 4588.0007.324
45 Datasnok 4503.0007.186
46 Pixel Perfect 4476.0007.134
47 tmpAPT 4429.0007.054
48 DArk5341 4380.0006.971
49 H4xor_Hunters 4343.0006.906
50 H7Tex 4343.0006.896
51 Num3R0n4u7s 4343.0006.886
52 Ojala Tener 15 años y esta polla 4168.0006.619
53 Yazhi 4163.0006.602
54 Sakana 4156.0006.583
55 Peb 4112.0006.510
56 speles 4105.0006.492
57 k3yCr4ck 4058.0006.415
58 N.O.X.U.S 4052.0006.399
59 bl4ck0u7 4031.0006.361
60 [CTU FIT] TODO 3974.0006.270
61 PowerSecurity 3963.0006.247
62 Dream Team 3940.0006.206
63 naber knk 3828.0006.035
64 elitelamers 3821.0006.019
65 Ph4nt0m Tr0up3 3771.0005.939
66 Darky 3740.0005.887
67 tw0n3-byte 3685.0005.801
68 marcowtofu 3664.0005.764
69 Pwnz13 3585.0005.643
70 OP_EN 3532.0005.559
71 Claquettes Chaussettes 3531.0005.553
72 CyCrawlers 3470.0005.458
73 EHAX 3449.0005.423
74 KitKat 3449.0005.418
75 JSoyke 3376.0005.306
76 noidea 3299.0005.188
77 ACS Citizens 3285.0005.163
78 x 3272.0005.140
79 c@triver 3250.0005.104
80 ZeFrench 3235.0005.078
81 m1t0 3189.0005.006
82 acdwas 3170.0004.974
83 mrhove 3033.0004.769
84 Qw'hack 3022.0004.749
85 Griffyns 3002.0004.716
86 M0NST3RDECK 2997.0004.705
87 DripDrop 2992.0004.695
88 [FIT_CTU]Back_Benchers 2964.0004.650
89 MoaiMan 2839.0004.463
90 xfinite 2800.0004.402
91 b64 2771.0004.356
92 hack tuah 2745.0004.315
93 Burghers 2684.0004.222
94 upbhack 2662.0004.187
95 Huntik 2638.0004.149
96 Ex0rcists 2634.0004.140
97 >>Bitshift>> 2585.0004.065
98 b01lers 2583.0004.060
99 0xFUN 2582.0004.056
100 Power Puff Girl 2577.0004.046
101 Inc1d4nt 2565.0004.026
102 清泉流响 2537.0003.982
103 st0p_cyb3rbu11ying 2537.0003.980
104 kelapacuyy 2532.0003.970
105 mu5k3733r5 2522.0003.953
106 krauq 2522.0003.951
107 Astra 2497.0003.912
108 peepo 2466.0003.864
109 734m_N4M3_h3r3 2452.0003.841
110 acids 2415.0003.785
111 ChaosCoders 2404.0003.766
112 OseilleTeam 2381.0003.731
113 Cooper 2378.0003.724
114 OAO 2358.0003.693
115 5t0rm p00p3r5 2339.0003.663
116 $he11_A1w3ys_w1n 2336.0003.657
117 GA MENANG2 2332.0003.649
118 Adengapa_4_peru 2330.0003.644
119 zblxst 2329.0003.641
120 Hot Coffee 2282.0003.570
121 ICEDTEA 2267.0003.546
122 nix-shell -p club-mate 2240.0003.505
123 lasagna 2229.0003.487
124 Seadyot 2227.0003.482
125 dcua 2221.0003.472
126 みるく 2204.0003.445
127 CryptoKobolds 2196.0003.432
128 Pwntera 2183.0003.411
129 Honeypot Hacker 2170.0003.391
130 hack_tuah 2164.0003.380
131 test1234 2159.0003.371
132 BlueDragon70 2150.0003.357
133 Hello Rusty 2122.0003.314
134 WhiteOps - AUI 2122.0003.313
135 HASHTEAM 2120.0003.308
136 coldboots 2089.0003.261
137 r00t@localhost 2086.0003.256
138 Raphael 2081.0003.247
139 Cyb0x1 magang 2074.0003.235
140 AT20B 2022.0003.157
141 ShadowGarden 2014.0003.144
142 [CTU FIT] Dragons 1978.0003.090
143 R4ndom1_Pwn 1956.0003.056
144 GG 1915.0002.995
145 1NCEPTI0N 1915.0002.993
146 iPhone users 1915.0002.992
147 JARIBA@H1K 1913.0002.988
148 [CTU FIT] Lopatky 1902.0002.971
149 BeckMeister_City 1851.0002.895
150 t1 1833.0002.867
151 BetaSpl0i7 1812.0002.835
152 Dutchman 1809.0002.829
153 Flag Enjoyer 1798.0002.812
154 s0loL4v4l1ng 1793.0002.804
155 Pookie Bears 1793.0002.803
156 InfoOps Team B 1791.0002.799
157 FANATICS 1779.0002.780
158 NOPS 1771.0002.767
159 nina 1754.0002.741
160 Alexius 1753.0002.739
161 VITB 1742.0002.721
162 b0is 1739.0002.716
163 babyd0nthurtm3 1727.0002.698
164 [CTU FIT] admin123 1724.0002.692
165 HIGH 1711.0002.672
166 1c3Gh3tt0 1699.0002.653
167 kms 1699.0002.653
168 Martial_Law_Enforcer 1687.0002.634
169 nekonyaa 1671.0002.610
170 asdfasdfasdf 1670.0002.607
171 BOTS 1640.0002.562
172 E2IC3 1626.0002.541
173 ri5e 1618.0002.528
174 Practice 1602.0002.504
175 missing_frog 1567.0002.451
176 kanon 1565.0002.447
177 @Su1s_ 1565.0002.447
178 F0R3V3R 1565.0002.446
179 NCA@Nepal 1535.0002.401
180 1753c 1533.0002.397
181 TeamNameNotFound:( 1526.0002.386
182 Cypher_H4x0rs 1522.0002.379
183 justanoob 1508.0002.358
184 H4CK_077 1482.0002.319
185 AAAA 1469.0002.299
186 Niubi_team 1449.0002.269
187 NMG 1443.0002.259
188 NOVA 1425.0002.232
189 Sanji_trum_crypto 1418.0002.221
190 skif 1408.0002.206
191 Lonely Wolf 1406.0002.202
192 rot0 1404.0002.198
193 kewk 1401.0002.193
194 JustTrying 1401.0002.193
195 nakamoto 1400.0002.191
196 Void_Vikings1 1398.0002.187
197 NitroID 1360.0002.130
198 C7r1-417-31337 1360.0002.130
199 Hack Hive 1352.0002.117
200 Electric Boogaloo 1347.0002.109
201 Brandeis University 1338.0002.095
202 PrivateUser 1333.0002.087
203 Byte Jugglers 1333.0002.087
204 galaxy 1330.0002.082
205 play 1320.0002.066
206 movie43 1320.0002.066
207 CodeCrashers 1319.0002.064
208 GopherHack 1318.0002.062
209 InfoOps D 1300.0002.035
210 What's A Terminal 1294.0002.025
211 Choen choét 1288.0002.016
212 Mid team 1281.0002.005
213 [CTU FIT] Magma boys 1275.0001.996
214 [ 0bj3ct 0bj3ct ] 1275.0001.995
215 -bAlb3S1 1251.0001.959
216 crypto_gods 1251.0001.959
217 [email protected] 1251.0001.958
218 Bugs B0unt3r 1251.0001.958
219 FesseMisk 1251.0001.957
220 AirXeros 1246.0001.949
221 YajuSenpai 1220.0001.910
222 dm0 1220.0001.910
223 Kukko ja Paalit 1215.0001.902
224 VSL 1208.0001.891
225 gfdgdfgdf 1197.0001.874
226 BruteforceBros 1190.0001.864
227 QuartetoFantastico 1177.0001.844
228 A$AP 1151.0001.805
229 Intel Chips 1148.0001.800
230 Fufuwawafuwawawafuwafuwa 1148.0001.800
231 Cipher Surge 1145.0001.795
232 kerandoman 1142.0001.790
233 bi0sblr 1130.0001.772
234 e-minerals 1125.0001.764
235 W4C0D3 1125.0001.764
236 IdliSambar 1103.0001.731
237 data busters 1097.0001.721
238 Toxic Discharge 1095.0001.718
239 Aston Computer Science Society 1095.0001.718
240 JoSal 1095.0001.717
241 C0d3r$C4p 1089.0001.708
242 r4c00ns 1087.0001.704
243 JaSooS 1084.0001.700
244 ByteSquad 1067.0001.674
245 elit3 1067.0001.674
246 g4nd1v 1067.0001.673
247 espy1 1067.0001.673
248 Archiv3 1066.0001.671
249 Satans0days 1049.0001.646
250 !!_1337_!! 1045.0001.639
251 Tea 1042.0001.634
252 Noob ninjas 1026.0001.610
253 mimicate 1025.0001.609
254 G1v3_m3_7H3_F1@9 1025.0001.608
255 thefaketeam 1016.0001.595
256 4cach3 1013.0001.590
257 3xh4ck5 1013.0001.589
258 kalar17104 1007.0001.580
259 Angel's team 1001.0001.571
260 Sk4r 995.0001.562
261 299 987.0001.550
262 Execut3 982.0001.542
263 عاهات البعث 968.0001.521
264 Code_Butchers 968.0001.521
265 BlitzHack 958.0001.505
266 BlahLand 958.0001.505
267 H3x Hydra 958.0001.505
268 NullBorn 944.0001.484
269 Amdy 944.0001.483
270 ꦄꦱꦸ 944.0001.483
271 daedalus 944.0001.483
272 T.U.S.K 942.0001.479
273 M1tM 926.0001.456
274 cappa 925.0001.454
275 bruhaaaa 925.0001.453
276 hexapod5 900.0001.416
277 S3NTINELS 900.0001.416
278 Cr1pty5 900.0001.416
279 Sbonzi 900.0001.415
280 Moo #F00 900.0001.415
281 Q-bit 900.0001.415
282 TeamKitten 900.0001.414
283 XtraCred(ential) 900.0001.414
284 normalin 869.0001.368
285 CYBERUS 3.0 858.0001.351
286 Cyberphile 844.0001.331
287 Not_So_S1mple 844.0001.330
288 cs4d 844.0001.330
289 l0paty 826.0001.303
290 Capybaras 800.0001.264
291 WwW-D4T4 800.0001.264
292 Cyber Phantoms 791.0001.251
293 RootMiner 776.0001.228
294 Duuude... 760.0001.204
295 $UpEr_u$eR 760.0001.204
296 black_sword 760.0001.204
297 Morro 760.0001.203
298 M4gnu3 760.0001.203
299 RANd 758.0001.200
300 heckers 758.0001.200
301 cryptic 748.0001.185
302 Pi 748.0001.184
303 teletabies 748.0001.184
304 M0nK3y_D1st 748.0001.184
305 VxPx 748.0001.184
306 wwwww 744.0001.177
307 p4nda 744.0001.177
308 [email protected] 731.0001.158
309 BinaryBears 720.0001.141
310 milworms 720.0001.141
311 MonBoronta 720.0001.141
312 BankarKodFörGifflar 720.0001.140
313 abc 694.0001.102
314 m1thr4nd1r 694.0001.102
315 abtal-digital 694.0001.101
316 TWN 693.0001.100
317 pppppppppppppp 676.0001.074
318 trigrama 675.0001.073
319 arctic penguin 675.0001.072
320 UltraN00bies 675.0001.072
321 F_Society 661.0001.051
322 Solo-ing 660.0001.050
323 teamShadow 660.0001.049
324 kornpongmfast 660.0001.049
325 s(_)d0 651.0001.036
326 Sectarians 651.0001.035
327 WeAreNewbie 651.0001.035
328 Theo12xCH3G4N 651.0001.035
329 Swen 651.0001.035
330 Triada 651.0001.034
331 Gabagool Gobbler 631.0001.005
332 mesco 631.0001.004
333 usaki 620.0000.988
334 Insomnihacks 620.0000.988
335 carscancodetoo 617.0000.983
336 PracticeTeam 607.0000.968
337 Ultrouble 607.0000.968
338 vantage 607.0000.968
339 zeromarea 607.0000.968
340 0asis 607.0000.967
341 anon 607.0000.967
342 Kho 607.0000.967
343 sWe_h4x 607.0000.967
344 phanatic 607.0000.967
345 xplo1t 607.0000.966
346 Thanos 607.0000.966
347 1nT_ha©K 607.0000.966
348 Super Minits 607.0000.966
349 OswaldoSolomon 607.0000.965
350 NUTS:( 607.0000.965
351 DBWRA 607.0000.965
352 Gnas 600.0000.955
353 xxx 600.0000.954
354 FFFFF 598.0000.951
355 L0n3S4lm0n 598.0000.951
356 dsaffds 598.0000.951
357 dpua 594.0000.945
358 kittyhacker 594.0000.945
359 LGK_CYBER 594.0000.944
360 4GUn7uk 594.0000.944
361 hekeri 593.0000.942
362 what 593.0000.942
363 Atene 593.0000.942
364 sudo cat 593.0000.942
365 T3st1ng 593.0000.942
366 The Dark Knight 593.0000.942
367 suzu 593.0000.941
368 WhereScissorsAt 593.0000.941
369 awwliveyet 593.0000.941
370 CrémeTartinéFabuleuse 593.0000.941
371 Lone Ranger 593.0000.941
372 CRMA Cyber Club 593.0000.940
373 [email protected] 576.0000.915
374 kamil 576.0000.915
375 F1ow3r_Gard3n 575.0000.913
376 N00b$quad 575.0000.913
377 LaxmanB 575.0000.913
378 ByteBandits 575.0000.913
379 genZTech 575.0000.913
380 JMC H4CK3R5 560.0000.890
381 Haoyang Lu 555.0000.883
382 cryp2 555.0000.883
383 p3qch 555.0000.883
384 VisitorTeam 555.0000.882
385 Good_Soup 551.0000.876
386 H4x0r_Squad 551.0000.876
387 1ch9m1 551.0000.876
388 cipher seekers 551.0000.876
389 0xH4ck 551.0000.876
390 0uTm3t4 551.0000.876
391 Caff3in3-DB 548.0000.871
392 wdeeadawdd 548.0000.871
393 vanatka 531.0000.846
394 anonymous04930594 531.0000.845
395 forenshit 520.0000.829
396 ph1nx 520.0000.829
397 bhwaht 520.0000.829
398 1336 520.0000.829
399 5ku11y 520.0000.828
400 cquisa 507.0000.809
401 InskyrD 507.0000.809
402 NekoSec 494.0000.790
403 x0rc3r3rs 494.0000.789
404 solo_r0n0 494.0000.789
405 WindTeam 494.0000.789
406 mytebyte 494.0000.789
407 78656e6f73 493.0000.787
408 cryptomaths 493.0000.787
409 Cubankid 493.0000.787
410 NightComet 475.0000.760
411 HuyPham 475.0000.760
412 cyb3rq 451.0000.725
413 chewu 451.0000.725
414 siek 451.0000.724
415 SK Shieldus EQST - KOREAN Secret Weapon 407.0000.659
416 FPUSEC 393.0000.639
417 randomname 393.0000.638
418 decarov 310.0000.516
419 Wired Ghost 310.0000.516
420 UACSec 310.0000.516
421 veggietales 300.0000.501
422 sndp 300.0000.501
423 Pandoras box 300.0000.500
424 Petir-madepart1 300.0000.500
425 t_h_ 300.0000.500
426 GoonsForTheDoOms 300.0000.500
427 Enigma 300.0000.500
428 B4tt3ryC1t1z3n5 300.0000.500
429 cyb3rknight5 300.0000.500
430 Alpha's team 300.0000.499
431 LowElos 300.0000.499
432 Fr34ks7ers 300.0000.499
433 PwnHub 300.0000.499
434 dragun squad 300.0000.499
435 sudo 300.0000.499
436 5k1ll_I55u3 300.0000.499
437 defthack 300.0000.499
438 TripleBounce 300.0000.498
439 Cybtech 300.0000.498
440 ChakraVyuha 300.0000.498
441 jihage9988 300.0000.498
442 vann1la 300.0000.498
443 cyber vibers 300.0000.498
444 betan 300.0000.498
445 b4sic_sh1t 300.0000.498
446 Red Team 300.0000.497
447 fsociety 300.0000.497
448 Aw4k3n 300.0000.497
449 AreDaYush? 300.0000.497
450 Tracesec 300.0000.497
451 chronopad 300.0000.497
452 newJoiner 300.0000.497
453 Namenotfound 300.0000.497
454 CyberUnit 300.0000.496
455 Noice 300.0000.496
456 Ace Team 300.0000.496
457 pwnlipi 300.0000.496
458 Optihawk 300.0000.496
459 L50CI3T7 300.0000.496
460 sp00ky 300.0000.496
461 brokenheart 300.0000.496
462 l0n3w0lf 300.0000.496
463 Aft3r_7h0ugh7 300.0000.495
464 Discrett 300.0000.495
465 k0shka 300.0000.495
466 GANG 300.0000.495
467 mlab705 300.0000.495
468 sejuta tiga lima puluh 300.0000.495
469 ZeroPointAttackers 300.0000.495
470 bayangkan waktu kamu pulang ada bendera ctf di depan rumahmu 300.0000.495
471 Olympos 300.0000.494
472 PWNyeta 300.0000.494
473 Mantra Matrix 300.0000.494
474 curs>d 300.0000.494
475 CyberGlitchers 300.0000.494
476 [email protected] 300.0000.494
477 acow 300.0000.494
478 F0R8IDD3N 300.0000.494
479 H4ck4f0rFun 300.0000.494
480 ttmal 300.0000.494
481 TH - snaptic 300.0000.493
482 koalamarsh 300.0000.493
483 n1_st0n 300.0000.493
484 ээ забыл 300.0000.493
485 Protektive 300.0000.493
486 Script Sonata 300.0000.493
487 C3ber_S3lphs 300.0000.493
488 theNewTeam 300.0000.493
489 kz3 300.0000.493
490 bones33 300.0000.492
491 nullbytes 300.0000.492
492 BF7 300.0000.492
493 T1r3d 300.0000.492
494 randomteam 300.0000.492
495 JAS 300.0000.492
496 atti 300.0000.492
497 PépèreTheFlag 300.0000.492
498 This1sFine 300.0000.492
499 [CTU FIT] PaDi 300.0000.492
500 cartoone's team 300.0000.491
501 The ZPAZE 300.0000.491
502 uwuowo 300.0000.491
503 idkk 300.0000.491
504 C1PH3RPUNK5 300.0000.491
505 soala gogo 300.0000.491
506 Lonely_Team 300.0000.491
507 Hoppers Roppers 300.0000.491
508 |3r0th3r CC 300.0000.491
509 SecureFlag 300.0000.491
510 kafka<3 300.0000.491
511 bkhunter 300.0000.490
512 phopilate 300.0000.490
513 C1phn3x 300.0000.490
514 ch3cke 300.0000.490
515 G1tc_Gu4rdians 300.0000.490
516 L0chness H4nt3rs 300.0000.490
517 Masamune 300.0000.490
518 0_day 300.0000.490
519 Dream4Clutch 300.0000.490
520 Amesu 300.0000.490
521 No name 300.0000.490
522 ctfrrteam 300.0000.489
523 Sqli Enjoyer 300.0000.489
524 pennsec 300.0000.489
525 Skids 300.0000.489
526 D351GN3RX 300.0000.489
527 apocalypse 300.0000.489
528 TechWiz 300.0000.489
529 Net Warriors 300.0000.489
530 CyberDrivers_ 300.0000.489
531 SuperBeetleGamer 300.0000.489
532 John The Stalk3r 300.0000.489
533 Hunt3rCod3r 300.0000.488
534 example_pipeline 300.0000.488
535 Void_Vikings2 300.0000.488
536 Chafos 300.0000.488
537 hackerNoobs 300.0000.488
538 ctfteam 300.0000.488
539 [email protected] 300.0000.488
540 Main 300.0000.488
541 Unhackers 300.0000.488
542 C09A67M 300.0000.488
543 holala 300.0000.488
544 Wani Hackase 300.0000.488
545 48Gang 300.0000.487
546 jshteam 300.0000.487
547 Cyber_failure&jobseeker 300.0000.487
548 Integrated Hawkers 300.0000.487
549 NULL Life 200.0000.340
550 Glitch 200.0000.340
551 Elgato 200.0000.339
552 cyb3r_5qu4d 200.0000.339
553 dark army 200.0000.339
554 idk 200.0000.339
555 Akatsuki 200.0000.339
556 SegFault 200.0000.339
557 CRYPTO 200.0000.339
558 update.dll 200.0000.339
559 igniteYSU 200.0000.339
560 0xGodFather 200.0000.339
561 Titans?? 200.0000.339
562 koguma 200.0000.339
563 f0rR34l++ 200.0000.339
564 G_1 200.0000.338
565 redhacker 200.0000.338
566 Inglorious_Basterds 200.0000.338
567 Pixel Phantoms 200.0000.338
568 grep_shadow 200.0000.338
569 M.I.S.T. 200.0000.338
570 huashui 200.0000.338
571 /bin/bash 200.0000.338
572 Harithaa S 200.0000.338
573 Holy.Umm 200.0000.338
574 KXTI_owner21 200.0000.338
575 Team404 200.0000.338
576 051N7 200.0000.338
577 0bs1d14nz🐔 200.0000.337
578 404 Brain Not Found 200.0000.337
579 ntso 200.0000.337
580 Trials 200.0000.337
581 huitrebleu 200.0000.337
582 austra 200.0000.337
583 clowns 200.0000.337
584 Lucas 200.0000.337
585 alpha hackers 200.0000.337
586 GUDBYELUV 200.0000.337
587 YMD_HK 200.0000.337
588 STOICHUMANS 200.0000.337
589 WaterPacket 200.0000.337
590 hardcode 200.0000.337
591 bspade 200.0000.336
592 MadDogz 200.0000.336
593 labupump 200.0000.336
594 ps 200.0000.336
595 Qu4nt1x 200.0000.336
596 kridz2216 200.0000.336
597 just Garzola 200.0000.336
598 T3aMVast0 200.0000.336
599 DragonFruit 200.0000.336
600 Teamcrackers 200.0000.336
601 CyberCellVIIT 200.0000.336
602 TENAPRA 200.0000.336
603 Funkadelics 200.0000.336
604 Riki 200.0000.336
605 strn solo run 200.0000.335
606 BLACK SQUAD 200.0000.335
607 BijBolszewika 200.0000.335
608 atch2203 200.0000.335
609 Pwnd_networks 200.0000.335
610 Shuit 200.0000.335
611 ssh@uzl 200.0000.335
612 ferro 200.0000.335
613 bazuka_69 200.0000.335
614 Hackthematrix 200.0000.335
615 FancyBear 200.0000.335
616 ARYAVARTA 200.0000.335
617 alea jacta est 200.0000.335
618 darkraiders 200.0000.335
619 CommeTuVeux 200.0000.335
620 Shaadx 200.0000.335
621 SuperAngels 200.0000.334
622 hellana 200.0000.334
623 EspasitoX 200.0000.334
624 C27 200.0000.334
625 Potato Marshals 200.0000.334
626 Shadow Bytes 200.0000.334
627 laservana 200.0000.334
628 Masthan 200.0000.334
629 neon 200.0000.334
630 pikachu 200.0000.334
631 <CTF>Club 200.0000.334
632 Wolf's Pack 200.0000.334
633 Arr[0]w 200.0000.334
634 JKKNIU Cr4ck3rs 200.0000.334
635 IS 200.0000.334
636 Cobra_Tech 200.0000.334
637 [email protected] 200.0000.333
638 flores 200.0000.333
639 ShellShock 200.0000.333
640 Lester Delastelle 200.0000.333
641 holm 200.0000.333
642 cryptos 200.0000.333
643 asdfasdf12341234 200.0000.333
644 sat46 200.0000.333
645 Deadly CURS>D 200.0000.333
646 qaz123 200.0000.333
647 Raptors 200.0000.333
648 ;_; 200.0000.333
649 Defenders 110.0000.200
650 Zero Day Warriors 100.0000.185
651 Linus Ninjas 100.0000.185
652 Code Toàn Bug 100.0000.185
653 Optimaloptimus 100.0000.185
654 (3N16M4Z) 100.0000.185
655 DeepArmor 100.0000.185
656 Killventwho_me 100.0000.185
657 Wild Nature 100.0000.185
658 Zemza 100.0000.185
659 espy 100.0000.185
660 ov3ride 100.0000.185
661 kgrzk2024 100.0000.185
662 babibel 100.0000.185
663 Ghostdays 100.0000.184
664 LEFTOA 100.0000.184
665 Groot 100.0000.184
666 Root-Matters 100.0000.184
667 0xgrasshopper 100.0000.184
668 nothing 100.0000.184
669 eins 100.0000.184
670 nullSec 100.0000.184
671 Hash Cracking Slasher 100.0000.184
672 HackMePlease 100.0000.184
673 lucifer_0004 100.0000.184
674 Pegasus 100.0000.184
675 CCUG 100.0000.184
676 D4N4V 100.0000.184
677 *.* 100.0000.184
678 pho18 100.0000.184
679 Cyber Champs 100.0000.184
680 IILM 100.0000.184
681 pr0d1gy_s0l0 100.0000.183
682 Apollo 100.0000.183
683 nu11 100.0000.183
684 stenchfactory 100.0000.183
685 Bassbarracuda 100.0000.183
686 W0rms 100.0000.183
687 hengker gacor 100.0000.183
688 Zzzzz 100.0000.183
689 Crop 100.0000.183
690 team0x1 100.0000.183
691 eXploitnArds 100.0000.183
692 PersianCats 100.0000.183
693 justforfun 100.0000.183
694 learn2ctf 100.0000.183
695 TurkishWitchers 100.0000.183
696 Centaurus 100.0000.183
697 Marga NeedSource 100.0000.183
698 Sin_Primordial 100.0000.183
699 G0tF1@G 100.0000.183
700 Kage 100.0000.182
701 ludlgr 100.0000.182
702 darkbyte 100.0000.182
703 Blue 100.0000.182
704 0 100.0000.182
705 ICP 100.0000.182
706 HackStation 100.0000.182
707 obis 100.0000.182
708 SoloP 100.0000.182
709 a soe lay 100.0000.182
710 XSEC-EQ1 100.0000.182
711 H4WK_TU4KER5 100.0000.182
712 Crack_Cyber 100.0000.182
713 espada 100.0000.182
714 Greedy 100.0000.182
715 SELECT hacker FROM beginner 100.0000.182
716 c0d3x_expl0it 100.0000.182
717 [email protected] 100.0000.182
718 R3SURG3NC3 100.0000.182
719 zig_zag 100.0000.182
720 fzhshzh 100.0000.182
721 MangEak? 100.0000.181
722 MT 100.0000.181
723 Pero 100.0000.181
724 shell shokers 100.0000.181
725 Testing_4run 100.0000.181
726 StrawHatPirates 100.0000.181
727 WW 100.0000.181
728 Imagine Losing :( 100.0000.181
729 lolbin 100.0000.181
730 So0o 100.0000.181
731 NTH 100.0000.181
732 L 100.0000.181
733 ATOMZZZ 100.0000.181
734 Alwaylose1234 100.0000.181
735 CyBEERSecurity 100.0000.181
736 Sh3ll Sh0ckers! 100.0000.181
737 notjinwoo 100.0000.181
738 usmrj 100.0000.181
739 MENGXINLIN 100.0000.181
740 4r0wana 100.0000.181
741 hehu 100.0000.181
742 vAnglez 100.0000.181
743 PARSECT 100.0000.180
744 drishti 100.0000.180
745 P1R4735 100.0000.180
746 Team Spiryt 100.0000.180
747 nah,osacastig 100.0000.180
748 Yes 100.0000.180
749 capy3ra 100.0000.180
750 CyberCh1ck 100.0000.180
751 novitol 100.0000.180
752 w4nton_m33 100.0000.180
753 [email protected] 100.0000.180
754 Saaaaa 100.0000.180
755 Saturn 100.0000.180
756 idontknow 100.0000.180
757 0x005 100.0000.180
758 gethupasanga 100.0000.180
759 Tech Pirate 0x0 100.0000.180
760 NeonCity 100.0000.180
761 Krypto_nites 100.0000.180
762 seagull 100.0000.180
763 bdu 100.0000.180
764 Tele 100.0000.180
765 asaka 100.0000.180
766 CanWinWontWIn 100.0000.179
767 R00T U53RS 100.0000.179
768 MaybePlaying 100.0000.179
769 wingtip 100.0000.179
770 gingerbread 100.0000.179
771 DrebTiye7 100.0000.179
772 TCTN 100.0000.179
773 ctf_verse 100.0000.179
774 Cipherghost 100.0000.179
775 Team Vranista 100.0000.179
776 arturs911 100.0000.179
777 TheForgottenBits 100.0000.179
778 If Clause 100.0000.179
779 Exiftoll 100.0000.179
780 W0lf 100.0000.179
781 S1c Mundus 100.0000.179
782 cyb0rgdoll 100.0000.179
783 hoge 100.0000.179
784 IamaOrion 100.0000.179
785 ctfman 100.0000.179
786 dada 100.0000.179
787 rc_wanna_be 100.0000.179
788 asd 100.0000.179
789 aaaaa 100.0000.179
790 MMmonastery 100.0000.179
791 5iber14n 100.0000.178
792 b4f0bac9ba 100.0000.178
793 DrebTiye7s 100.0000.178
794 ben10 100.0000.178
795 0xKn4wy 100.0000.178
796 pluto 100.0000.178
797 Ch4kr4vyuh 100.0000.178
798 Pr0xy Byt3s 100.0000.178
799 Кибердзюцу 100.0000.178
800 Aman mangla 100.0000.178
801 n00bsTeam 100.0000.178
802 gangshet 100.0000.178
803 WarFare_Sec 100.0000.178
804 Ghaith 100.0000.178
805 Z3R0 100.0000.178
806 MY7H1C@ 100.0000.178
807 Wh1teR00m 100.0000.178
808 Jayajayajaya 100.0000.178
809 mikejam 100.0000.178
810 iaccep 100.0000.178
811 Imp0ster56 100.0000.178
812 Justseed 100.0000.178
813 Astro Monkey 100.0000.178
814 Assist7x 100.0000.178
815 Darknetdynamos 100.0000.178
816 Siberkost 100.0000.178
817 creepypastabox 100.0000.177
818 cyphers 100.0000.177
819 cypher 100.0000.177
820 SENSEI-CHICKEN 100.0000.177
821 wildHats 100.0000.177
822 404_n0t_f0und 100.0000.177
823 Wrong Hypothesis 100.0000.177
824 Jongko_JoyoBoyo 100.0000.177
825 smallcyfur 100.0000.177
826 Pa0x73cal 100.0000.177
827 Cyberwarrior's 100.0000.177
828 AirOverFlow 100.0000.177
829 m0nk3y_1n_tc1vs 100.0000.177
830 spidey 100.0000.177
831 CyBer_ATTT 100.0000.177
832 NMTD1881 100.0000.177
833 SeaTeaFrogs 100.0000.177
834 gcmaximus 100.0000.177
835 roshr 100.0000.177
836 Random_Users 100.0000.177
837 qubits 100.0000.177
838 lost 100.0000.177
839 Shadow23 100.0000.177
840 OnlyFeet 100.0000.177
841 blowfishknights 100.0000.177
842 Light-creator 100.0000.177
843 MMM 100.0000.177
844 tonix0114 100.0000.177
845 Error69 100.0000.176
846 justforfunhong 100.0000.176
847 Rayto 100.0000.176
848 AirHex 100.0000.176
849 sakitperut 100.0000.176
850 BVB 100.0000.176
851 Avengers 100.0000.176
852 trrc 100.0000.176
853 Shreyas Kumar 100.0000.176
854 NorthWind 100.0000.176
855 vmispwisawimizvfuh 100.0000.176
856 Flag Force 100.0000.176
857 HCMUTE_ISC 100.0000.176
858 kokoko 100.0000.176
859 StarGazer 100.0000.176
860 Elite 100.0000.176
861 RedTeamTitans 100.0000.176
862 Flaggers United 100.0000.176
863 FCR1v3rg0d 100.0000.176
864 teamABC 100.0000.176
865 All Out 100.0000.176
866 f34rl3ss 100.0000.176
867 G0xU5 100.0000.176
868 HAVELI-XI 100.0000.176
869 .. 100.0000.176
870 anHan 100.0000.176
871 p0dP1V@ss 100.0000.176
872 Scramble 100.0000.176
873 Termsd 100.0000.176
874 ASCIEO 100.0000.176
875 Phish Hat Hackers 100.0000.175
876 MEH 100.0000.175
877 FansOfBacon 100.0000.175
878 N0M3rcy 100.0000.175
879 tretankristen 100.0000.175
880 myself 100.0000.175
881 fooker 100.0000.175
882 dead_davinci 100.0000.175
883 Nameless 100.0000.175
884 iamo 100.0000.175
885 team name 100.0000.175
886 GetTominated 100.0000.175
887 1 100.0000.175
888 Hydra 100.0000.175
889 Moriarty 100.0000.175
890 mrzero1 100.0000.175
891 Team OG 100.0000.175
892 hack2learn 100.0000.175
893 ... 100.0000.175
894 just_name 100.0000.175
895 positron 100.0000.175
896 siber 100.0000.175
897 nubbydunka 100.0000.175
898 H4B1B1 100.0000.175
899 Billu_CS 100.0000.175
900 fish 100.0000.175
901 hǝx 100.0000.175
902 v01dma1n 100.0000.175
903 GymHorse 100.0000.175
904 S 100.0000.175
905 Munity 100.0000.175
906 bluefish 100.0000.175
907 TheHustle 100.0000.175
908 DeathNote 100.0000.174
909 robin 100.0000.174
910 vadapaw 100.0000.174
911 h1nter_r3w3 100.0000.174
912 0x113 100.0000.174
913 polska gurom 100.0000.174
914 miaw 100.0000.174
915 [email protected] 100.0000.174
916 A10 100.0000.174
917 SGVC7 100.0000.174
918 donut 100.0000.174
919 Hackers_Rule 100.0000.174
920 5h3nron's disciples 100.0000.174
921 __FADDED__ 100.0000.174
922 LeeLiad 100.0000.174
923 caca 100.0000.174
924 Paco Sanz preso politico 100.0000.174
925 Solo Byte 100.0000.174
926 Sol0warmup0nly 100.0000.174
927 t3st1nt3st 100.0000.174
928 Paco Sanz Libertad 100.0000.174
929 Gr3g4r10us 100.0000.174
930 Happygoat03 100.0000.174
931 pwn4g3 All14nc3 100.0000.174
932 Cyber Titans 100.0000.174
933 qwerpoiuq1 100.0000.174
934 l1nx1n 100.0000.174
935 LLYNDA 100.0000.174
936 Ojalá tener 15 años y esta polla (Versión 2014) 100.0000.174
937 CancionDeCunaParaUnaFelacion 100.0000.174
938 UMGrads 100.0000.174
939 WhoCares? 100.0000.174
940 Breachers 100.0000.174
941 no0bie 100.0000.174
942 mordex 100.0000.174
943 die_trying 100.0000.173
944 excelr8 100.0000.173
945 Beg1nn€rs 100.0000.173
946 f4n_n3r0 100.0000.173
947 5p0r7 100.0000.173
948 khongngudoikhongne 100.0000.173
949 alo123 100.0000.173
950 Z 100.0000.173
951 nuni 100.0000.173
952 0xD4r 100.0000.173
953 S3cuR1tY_J0k3r$ 100.0000.173
954 Death Geass 100.0000.173
955 xyzsec 100.0000.173
956 meow_x_meow 100.0000.173
957 UW-W Cyberhawks 100.0000.173
958 boubou 100.0000.173
959 Team Perhaps 100.0000.173
960 Gettin_pwnd() 100.0000.173
961 Cyber Beasts 100.0000.173
962 RanShaKu 100.0000.173
963 Benef 100.0000.173
964 mangaatha 100.0000.173
965 comnyang 100.0000.173
966 Eveheeero 100.0000.173
967 n00bi3 100.0000.173
968 hamayanhamayan 100.0000.173
969 BLADE 100.0000.173
970 White_Rabbit 100.0000.173
971 hello friend 100.0000.173
972 Beavers0 100.0000.173
973 NJ1T_H1ghland3r5 100.0000.173
974 Z3r0_l0g0n 100.0000.173
975 Somethings 100.0000.173
976 Beyond 100.0000.173
977 ixi 100.0000.173
978 kernel_panic 100.0000.173
979 n0ctis 100.0000.173
980 得闲饮茶 100.0000.172
981 givem3flags1r 100.0000.172
982 test123 100.0000.172
983 pobateam 100.0000.172
984 lost3er 100.0000.172
985 mar1155 100.0000.172
986 ww0rg 100.0000.172
987 SEGV 100.0000.172
988 kenyanman 100.0000.172
989 B00T2R00T 100.0000.172
990 Bl@chers_v1.0 100.0000.172
991 asdqw3g 100.0000.172
992 SUDO:> 100.0000.172
993 zzzgang 100.0000.172
994 C3ntr4l_K1ngs 100.0000.172
995 BG 100.0000.172
996 PantherSec 100.0000.172
997 ergaege 100.0000.172
998 Vin 100.0000.172
999 Kalani 100.0000.172
1000 justbrowsing45 100.0000.172
1001 PREE 100.0000.172
1002 Praneeth_Ramisetti 100.0000.172
1003 Dante 100.0000.172
1004 rengar 100.0000.172
1005 m0xSquad 100.0000.172
1006 test01 100.0000.172
1007 hxd 100.0000.172
1008 this ctf sucks 100.0000.172
1009 Jay17 100.0000.172
1010 yangka 100.0000.172
1011 whoami 100.0000.172
1012 V01d 100.0000.172
1013 Cerberus 100.0000.172
1014 swoog 100.0000.172
1015 Skynet 100.0000.172
1016 Exodus 100.0000.172
1017 uu 100.0000.172
1018 whales 100.0000.172
1019 halamadridrx 100.0000.172
1020 aa 100.0000.172
1021 ghotighoti 100.0000.171
1022 k1sme4 100.0000.171
1023 Testerlord 100.0000.171
1024 S0!v3d_By_Luck 100.0000.171
1025 abc@1 100.0000.171
1026 IKV 100.0000.171
1027 hihi2 100.0000.171
1028 Epileptic Blinking LED 100.0000.171
1029 dsfsdfsdfsdf 100.0000.171
1030 AlEnezi 100.0000.171
1031 missil3 100.0000.171
1032 amm4r 100.0000.171
1033 bearbearbear 100.0000.086
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