Voting ended at: Oct. 13, 2024, 5:30 a.m.
Weight after voting: 24.54 / 25.0
Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.
25 e1ux3 W
25 QueTeDesbordenMariPila Few guesiing chals , its average good
25 Omer. Good CTF
25 water009 good challanges
25 water009 good challanges
25 jelly8173 Quality of PWN challenges were surprisingly good
25 MrGhost Good CTF
25 Cook1e prolly the best indian ctf till now
25 0xgodson good challenges.
25 RezyDev nice challanges
25 akiidjk Nice
18 3v1L@D3V1L Nice CTF
13 3v1L@D3V1L Nice CTF
25 L0n3_W0lf Nice one , standard challs
25 FrontS Infra was perfect, rev/pwn was hard other than that balanced difficulty and very fun chals
24 pr0d1gy W CTF
25 dm.. it was fun, just 24 hrs is always too short
25 Zysssalone Nice CTF
25 bharath Subtle challenges, nice one
25 adarsh Great CTF
25 diiio Great
25 RJCyber nice web challs
25 .guy Much more difficult compared to the CTFs I've tried before
25 sp3ctrrr3 niceeee
24 azoluqman62 A difficult but fun CTF with a variety of challenges, definitely learned a lot.
25 Lonk Pretty good, nice mix of challenges of varying difficulty. The warmups could be a bit easier though, some of those were a lot.
25 TheGriffyn Decent CTF
25 auxzae very nice challenges and I learned a lot.
25 Juke Very good CTF. Good choice to have warmup category
24 sam_gyps no way to solve all task in one day
25 nietxan great one
25 kerszi2 Very good, but sometimes hard CTF. Tasks were for beginners, too.PWN/Rev were too hard and to complicated.
25 pphreak_1001 Tbh, after a long time I saw an Indian CTF which can be called a CTF. Great technical depth in all challs. GG to the team and all. :)
25 lepnoxic good quality challenges
20 0xcafebabe relatively better than other indian ctfs
25 zacian The challenges were hard and fun.
25 xtasyyy Good challs, had difficulty ranging from beginner to advanced, overall good event.
20 Cyb0rgSw0rd Infra was solid, but challenges could use some work
20 dryy Many guessy challenges, overall decent
25 MoaiMan Fun event, infra was surprisingly good
25 N0R37urn great
25 TheLeopard65 Great Challenges and overall Great CTF Event
25 Civiled Good Challenges, Solid Infrastructure, hope they can do more than 24 hours next year ?
25 gogo0x Challenges were good.
25 reun10nctf not too bad. we learned some new stuff.
21 Anonimbus cool but guessy challenges
25 Abu_ came looking for copper but found gold !
25 Holl0w yeah 25
25 Luma decent ctf
25 Zukane A lot of nice challenges with a wide variety of difficulty. No issues with infrastructure and staff were nice
25 stefanin Awesome :) Nice prizes that include up to top 75
25 N0_Sp3c14l_Ch4r Good
25 tavor Nice ctf with lots of cool category challenges
25 heavydirtysoul i like it
25 H1GH_N00N_TW1TCH one of the best ctf
25 tommy_kay Decent CTF.