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Participated in CTF events

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
298Platypwn 2024100.00000.445
627HKCERT CTF 2024 (Qualifying Round)100.00000.635
225SpookyCTF 20241000.00001.409
633HeroCTF v650.00000.296
1093DEADFACE CTF 20243.00000.045
211TCP1P CTF 2024: Exploring Nusantara's Digital Realm300.00000.801
975IRON CTF 2024100.00000.173
198H7CTF International450.00001.595
1047CISA ICS CTF 202450.00000.097
463Lexington Informatics Tournament CTF 2024585.00005.348
872Wani CTF 2024143.00000.565
425LA CTF 20241428.00001.925

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