Fri, 03 Dec. 2021, 17:00 UTC — Mon, 06 Dec. 2021, 17:00 UTC 


Metasploit community CTF event.

Format: Hack quest Hack quest

Official URL:

This event's future weight is subject of public voting!

Future weight: 24.33 

Rating weight: 23.94 

Event organizers 

It’s time for another Metasploit community CTF! Last year’s beginner-friendly CTF attracted a wider range of audiences and skill levels than in previous years, so we’re replicating our previous game architecture. Players will attack a single Linux target, we’ve spread prizes out across 15 teams, and the Metasploit Framework teams have devised a variety of challenges that aim to help infosec newcomers build practical skills. While there are some challenges that are intended to be a bit more difficult, we’ve designed the majority of them for beginner audiences. Hint: We’ve arranged challenges by port number according to difficulty this year. The higher the port number, the harder the challenge. If you want to start out with easier challenges, start by targeting services that run on lower port numbers.
As always, teams are encouraged! There is no cap on the number of players who can join a team. Read on for full competition details, and join the #metasploit-ctf channel on Slack ( to start building your team.

Big thanks to TryHackMe and CTFd for powering this year’s game!

Contest website:

Announcement / FAQs

Official Contest Terms:


== 1st Place ==
Team Receives:
- $100 Amazon Gift Card (1)
Each Team Member* Receives:
- Two Month TryHackMe Premium Voucher
- $60 TryHackMe Throwback Voucher

== 2nd Place ==
Team Receives:
- $100 Amazon Gift Card (1)
Each Team Member* Receives:
- Two Month TryHackMe Premium Voucher
- $20 TryHackMe Swag Voucher

== 3rd Place ==
Team Receives:
- $100 Amazon Gift Card (1)
Each Team Member* Receives:
- One Month TryHackMe Premium Voucher

== 4th-15th Place ==
Team Receives:
- $100 Amazon Gift Card (1)

* up to 15 individuals per team


265 teams total

PlaceTeamCTF pointsRating points
1 average ctf enjoyers 1800.00047.880
2 deadastronauts 1800.00035.910
3 LeukeTeamNaam 1800.00031.920
4 PoSTLTimes 1800.00029.925
5 EvilBunnyWrote 1700.00027.398
6 BisonSquad 1700.00026.600
7 Social Engineering Experts 1700.00026.030
8 \x4247Sec 1700.00025.602
9 AlphaSeal 1700.00025.270
10 L1t 1600.00023.674
11 APT593 1500.00022.126
12 IML-SEC 1500.00021.945
13 NYUSEC 1500.00021.792
14 Neutrino_Cannon 1500.00021.660
15 just use bloodhound 1500.00021.546
16 Team sorceror 1500.00021.446
17 () { :;}; echo vulnerable 1500.00021.358
18 BreakPoint 1400.00019.950
19 Pwner Rangers 1400.00019.880
20 Scavenger Security 1400.00019.817
21 pirates247 1300.00018.430
22 yeeb0iz 1300.00018.378
23 exit 1300.00018.331
24 State with Garden 1200.00016.958
25 iWanFlagz 1200.00016.918
26 SKUA 1200.00016.881
27 DU4L 1200.00016.847
28 BIC Squad 1200.00016.815
29 CodWer 1200.00016.786
30 satgate 1200.00016.758
31 FootholdSec 1100.00015.402
32 gachi_madness 1100.00015.378
33 l33thalsec 1100.00015.355
34 0xCha0s 1000.00014.004
35 No Friends 1000.00013.984
36 S6607XL 1000.00013.965
37 Pos1tive_sir 1000.00013.947
38 Spartan's Ravens 1000.00013.930
39 Lights of Pineapples 1000.00013.914
40 Band of Binaries 900.00012.569
41 BitSwitchers 900.00012.554
42 Flaggermeister 900.00012.540
43 Team4Hack 900.00012.527
44 Securifera 800.00011.184
45 burner_herz0g 800.00011.172
46 MMA Kittykats 800.00011.160
47 fr334aks 800.00011.149
48 The Society 800.00011.139
49 one-shot 800.00011.129
50 scrubs 800.00011.119
51 twc 800.00011.109
52 Mary_Popire_Shell 800.00011.100
53 ikastenIO 800.00011.092
54 r3vr1m 800.00011.083
55 hostPath Volume Mount 700.0009.745
56 oniichan 700.0009.738
57 PF2 700.0009.730
58 hakerzy srakerzy 700.0009.723
59 Priv8Corp 700.0009.716
60 5URPR153 700.0009.709
61 peanutbows 700.0009.702
62 Gnagnagna 700.0009.696
63 ds 700.0009.690
64 about._.DS 700.0009.684
65 Orion_square 700.0009.678
66 Ctf21 700.0009.673
67 TryAgainDz 700.0009.667
68 coincoin 600.0008.332
69 NatureSec 600.0008.327
70 ideaengine007 600.0008.322
71 SafeCottage 600.0008.317
72 CubeMastery 600.0008.312
73 Jump2Flag 600.0008.308
74 Sublime 600.0008.304
75 PwnFlag 600.0008.299
76 HyperX 600.0008.295
77 MTL 600.0008.291
78 wiresharknado 600.0008.287
79 Republic of Hackers 600.0008.283
80 StateOfConfusion 600.0008.279
81 Team_M 600.0008.276
82 CYB3R_T3N4CI0US 600.0008.272
83 TQQQ 500.0006.938
84 Name'); DROP TABLE USERS 500.0006.935
85 Alt-Backdoor 500.0006.932
86 Bit_Byte_Bit 500.0006.928
87 CreateRemoteThread 500.0006.925
88 Simple_tuck 500.0006.922
89 mylittlepwned 500.0006.919
90 X2 400.0005.586
91 Dame Dango 400.0005.583
92 x0r 400.0005.580
93 @PT_gr0up 400.0005.577
94 YOLO 400.0005.575
95 qqn_bersama 400.0005.572
96 Cybertrace 400.0005.569
97 NoMonitorNoKeyboard 400.0005.567
98 ACTFA 400.0005.564
99 nlnlOeO 400.0005.562
100 Concordat 400.0005.559
101 Practically Knownothing 400.0005.557
102 g04ldigg3rs 400.0005.555
103 NotEnoughMonitors 400.0005.552
104 zach 400.0005.550
105 turab 400.0005.548
106 GeekedUp 400.0005.546
107 cybersploit 400.0005.544
108 BIT CRIMINALS 400.0005.542
109 acr0nym 400.0005.540
110 MLC Cyber 400.0005.538
111 justme 400.0005.536
112 Callipygian Consortium of Cryptography 400.0005.534
113 scimus_verum 300.0004.202
114 hoge 300.0004.200
115 kautkotepameginas 300.0004.198
116 Cyber Group 1 300.0004.196
117 DeCi 300.0004.195
118 OwenwilsonWoW 300.0004.193
119 Towson Cyber 300.0004.191
120 shugar_bear 300.0004.190
121 hackbuaz 300.0004.188
122 fontwang 300.0004.186
123 SYN_ack_AJ 300.0004.185
124 TeamCC 300.0004.183
125 x0rc3r3rs 300.0004.182
126 Scr1pt C00k13s 300.0004.180
127 DemoGods 300.0004.179
128 nzdjb 300.0004.177
129 Capture the Swag 300.0004.176
130 TahSec 300.0004.174
131 StrongTeam 300.0004.173
132 qwerty 300.0004.171
133 SFU Cybersec 300.0004.170
134 DMU Hackers 300.0004.169
135 AhBrahm 300.0004.167
136 fr334aks_t0_th3_w0rld #FTTW 300.0004.166
137 0xCD00 300.0004.165
138 BenzBoyz 300.0004.163
139 Da Lone Wolves 300.0004.162
140 1n_S34rch_0f_fl4g 300.0004.161
141 No Solves yet 300.0004.160
142 GW150914 300.0004.159
143 OlivierProTipsTeam 300.0004.157
144 0ni0n 300.0004.156
145 Aracne 300.0004.155
146 Kernel Sanders 300.0004.154
147 h00d135 300.0004.153
148 ret2home 300.0004.152
149 TW Netizens 300.0004.151
150 SadPandas 300.0004.150
151 0xuzero 300.0004.149
152 0xb4dgers 300.0004.148
153 base64 300.0004.146
154 ZorBor 300.0004.145
155 fr334aks 300.0004.144
156 metameme 200.0002.813
157 bootplug 200.0002.812
158 sda1 200.0002.812
159 blehblehbleh 200.0002.811
160 acdwas 200.0002.810
161 Equinox 200.0002.809
162 Sw1zz 200.0002.808
163 The Tower 200.0002.807
164 Kza 200.0002.806
165 FooFighters 200.0002.805
166 Red Rover Red Rover send XSS on Over 200.0002.804
167 3nc0d3dGuY 200.0002.803
168 B308 200.0002.803
169 Croz 200.0002.802
170 born2scan 200.0002.801
171 2cr4sh 200.0002.800
172 PattyIsAntiSocial 200.0002.799
173 BHMafia 200.0002.798
174 YabbaDoo 200.0002.798
175 oreosec 200.0002.797
176 The Hive Mind 200.0002.796
177 Indian Pentesters 200.0002.795
178 mikejam 200.0002.794
179 k3yp0d1m 200.0002.794
180 LambStrike 200.0002.793
181 tridev 200.0002.792
182 tj225 200.0002.792
183 BBQS 200.0002.791
184 Wani Hackase 200.0002.790
185 cvsec 200.0002.789
186 flatlinerz 200.0002.789
187 Cutie Mark Crusaders 200.0002.788
188 2109-CSU-RM-CYB-PT 200.0002.787
189 #TurboTeam 200.0002.787
190 SWCIITG 200.0002.786
191 Francox 200.0002.785
192 FOTTR 200.0002.785
193 Zypher 200.0002.784
194 4c1d_k47 200.0002.783
195 BigPP 200.0002.783
196 BlueNet 200.0002.782
197 hawk 200.0002.782
198 h1nter_r3w3 200.0002.781
199 Vester 200.0002.780
200 GML 200.0002.780
201 strange_uncle 200.0002.779
202 Problem Solver 68 200.0002.779
203 uhyo 200.0002.778
204 R3zer0 200.0002.777
205 onl1in24 200.0002.777
206 sudo !! 200.0002.776
207 Seadyot 200.0002.776
208 Project Sekai 200.0002.775
209 PGSB 200.0002.775
210 kin(9hack 200.0002.774
211 COMPASS 200.0002.773
212 Operation Prototype Extreme 200.0002.773
213 roxy 100.0001.442
214 Federal_Bonk_Investigations 100.0001.442
215 YellowRedWhiteBlack 100.0001.441
216 SkyMas 100.0001.441
217 upbhack 100.0001.440
218 LEquipeRouge 100.0001.440
219 faraway 100.0001.439
220 To The Moon 100.0001.439
221 1n3rtf7u1d 100.0001.438
222 w3hck7oga7her 100.0001.438
223 RockPaperCeaser 100.0001.437
224 d4zs3c 100.0001.437
225 MRM7 100.0001.436
226 BlackLivesMatter 100.0001.436
227 gruf 100.0001.435
228 R0GU3_H4CK 100.0001.435
229 FR13NDS TEAM 100.0001.435
230 Localhorst 100.0001.434
231 LibWTF 100.0001.434
232 CyberSharks 100.0001.433
233 anakta 100.0001.433
234 epichax 100.0001.432
235 $0yTeam$ix 100.0001.432
236 booger 100.0001.431
237 Novice 100.0001.431
238 Flagsomnia 100.0001.431
239 Echo117 100.0001.430
240 PIS 100.0001.430
241 CyberOffenceZombies United 100.0001.429
242 SiBears 100.0001.429
243 alfahad 100.0001.429
244 ShellBreakers 100.0001.428
245 077WH1T3 100.0001.428
246 tarojo1477 100.0001.427
247 dnari 100.0001.427
248 ryaagard 100.0001.427
249 CRACD 100.0001.426
250 AUNoob 100.0001.426
251 Cla55N0tF0und 100.0001.425
252 l33t turtles 100.0001.425
253 Blue Hens 100.0001.425
254 Jims Hacking 100.0001.424
255 lyes 100.0001.424
256 girac 100.0001.424
257 NegaByteV0 100.0001.423
258 Fep 100.0001.423
259 r29er 100.0001.422
260 A2CTF 100.0001.422
261 LetsGoBrandon 100.0001.422
262 UiACTF 100.0001.421
263 ProgrammingCat 100.0001.421
264 Lunar_r3d 100.0001.421
265 P.i.n.G 100.0000.710
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