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Participated in CTF events

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
2002021 Metasploit community CTF200.00002.780
334DamCTF 2021770.00002.384
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
283Balsn CTF 2020110.00000.419
167Block CTF 2020150.00002.501
1792020 Defenit CTF201.00000.401
216DawgCTF 20201675.00003.645
337CONFidence CTF 2020 Teaser9.00000.199
1523ångstromCTF 202020.00000.140
844NeverLAN CTF 2020175.00000.180
454Insomni'hack teaser 202036.00000.978
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
322D^3CTF 201910.00000.000
322HITCON CTF 2019 Quals50.00001.087
277Syskron Security CTF 2019520.00001.500
238Balsn CTF 2019106.00000.437
594Newark Academy CTF 20191325.00003.676
542Real World CTF 2019 Quals34.00000.357
265TokyoWesterns CTF 5th 2019122.00003.576
1097Facebook CTF 20191.00000.023
689DEF CON CTF Qualifier 2019100.00001.642
192PlaidCTF 2019151.00002.973
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
109BSides Delhi CTF 2018201.00001.378
74HITCON CTF 2018412.00006.198

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