Fri, 09 Dec. 2022, 18:00 UTC — Sat, 10 Dec. 2022, 23:59 UTC
A GPN CTF event.
Format: Jeopardy
Official URL:
This event's future weight is subject of public voting!
Event organizersWelcome to the KAsino edition of the KITCTFCTF!
This is a student run jeopardy-style CTF with challenges from all major categories such as crypto, pwn, reversing, web, misc and some more exotic ones like CodeQL as well. In 30h of hacking you can prove your abilities in the broad field of cyber-security with difficulties ranging from beginner-friendly to hard.
IRC: #kitctfctf on
Sponsors and Partners:
- Aramido
- GitHub Security Lab
- codelayer
1st place: $500
2nd place: $300
3rd place: $200
We cannot give prizes to individuals on the U.S. sanctions list, or any individual residing in any U.S.-sanctioned country.
228 teams total
Place | Team | CTF points | Rating points | |
1 | CubeMastery | 11741.000 | 49.160 | |
2 | Zer0Tolerance | 9745.000 | 32.691 | |
3 | b0ng0s | 8751.000 | 26.514 | |
4 | idek | 8747.000 | 24.457 | |
5 | CyberTaskForce Zero | 8746.000 | 23.226 | |
6 | polygl0ts | 6257.000 | 17.196 | |
7 | DragonSec SI | 6255.000 | 16.606 | |
8 | squ1rrel | 6252.000 | 16.161 | |
9 | saarsec | 5762.000 | 14.794 | |
10 | Project Sekai | 5270.000 | 13.491 | |
11 | Plaid Parliament of Pwning | 5265.000 | 13.257 | |
12 | h4tum | 4886.000 | 12.277 | |
13 | FAUST | 4869.000 | 12.084 | |
14 | joseph | 4783.000 | 11.769 | |
15 | WE_0WN_Y0U | 4369.000 | 10.785 | |
16 | Sloppy Joe Pirates | 4287.000 | 10.511 | |
17 | Skiddies | 4007.000 | 9.835 | |
18 | thehackerscrew | 3795.000 | 9.310 | |
19 | upbhack | 3146.000 | 7.880 | |
20 | #kitinfo | 2919.000 | 7.340 | |
21 | G00seR1ders | 2892.000 | 7.225 | |
22 | 0xdead | 2884.000 | 7.155 | |
23 | dcua | 2388.000 | 6.068 | |
24 | Stigma-Fl4gin-You | 2007.000 | 5.226 | |
25 | PBR | UCLA | 1988.000 | 5.145 | |
26 | Aqua Man | 1975.000 | 5.080 | |
27 | Bread is B1tter | 1969.000 | 5.033 | |
28 | Gr33d | 1968.000 | 4.998 | |
29 | xtal | 1942.000 | 4.913 | |
30 | Ng00m4lDhuhr | 1925.000 | 4.849 | |
31 | Starburst Kiwawa | 1915.000 | 4.802 | |
32 | CamelRiders | 1915.000 | 4.777 | |
33 | SavedByTheShell | 1908.000 | 4.739 | |
34 | Phish2Own | 1888.000 | 4.676 | |
35 | A-Team | 1606.000 | 4.064 | |
36 | /mnt/ain | 1561.000 | 3.951 | |
37 | Ireland without the RE | 1556.000 | 3.922 | |
38 | fearless | 1555.000 | 3.902 | |
39 | FindustrieZ | 1544.000 | 3.863 | |
40 | Flaggermeister | 1528.000 | 3.813 | |
41 | FERMAT | 1511.000 | 3.763 | |
42 | <img src="polytech/angers" onerror=alert('sagi') /> | 1504.000 | 3.734 | |
43 | NaN | 1144.000 | 2.967 | |
44 | dm0 | 1144.000 | 2.954 | |
45 | Emu Exploit | 1113.000 | 2.876 | |
46 | Vindicator | 1104.000 | 2.846 | |
47 | Thi5C4n7b3ReaL | 1104.000 | 2.834 | |
48 | Rootmob | 1077.000 | 2.767 | |
49 | CryJackLee | 1077.000 | 2.756 | |
50 | ShellSec | 1077.000 | 2.746 | |
51 | O | 1064.000 | 2.709 | |
52 | TCP1P | 1060.000 | 2.692 | |
53 | HackClubFERI | 1056.000 | 2.675 | |
54 | Kernel Sanders | 991.000 | 2.530 | |
55 | JumpingCats4000 | 961.000 | 2.459 | |
56 | Pepe | 957.000 | 2.442 | |
57 | SIUMMMMMMMM! | 949.000 | 2.418 | |
58 | Unit259 | 911.000 | 2.331 | |
59 | 0xploit | 875.000 | 2.248 | |
60 | tu0darmstadt0ctf | 693.000 | 1.860 | |
61 | reaver | 689.000 | 1.845 | |
62 | CRUSADERS | 673.000 | 1.805 | |
63 | ramsaut | 667.000 | 1.787 | |
64 | XtremeCringe | 667.000 | 1.780 | |
65 | SIMOWO | 667.000 | 1.775 | |
66 | CyberSpace | 667.000 | 1.769 | |
67 | Hopper's Roppers | 656.000 | 1.740 | |
68 | Tinfoil Hats | 656.000 | 1.735 | |
69 | dreamteam | 656.000 | 1.730 | |
70 | INVALID_TEAM | 620.000 | 1.649 | |
71 | Team Panitia | 587.000 | 1.575 | |
72 | wonderkidandping | 567.000 | 1.528 | |
73 | deomkicer | 567.000 | 1.524 | |
74 | Pig Bang | 540.000 | 1.463 | |
75 | Equator | 540.000 | 1.458 | |
76 | BlueKatana | 504.000 | 1.379 | |
77 | MAGER | 504.000 | 1.374 | |
78 | testTesttest | 494.000 | 1.349 | |
79 | Thala | 471.000 | 1.297 | |
80 | devil | 471.000 | 1.293 | |
81 | forever_al0ne | 471.000 | 1.290 | |
82 | Computer Security Donut Club | 471.000 | 1.286 | |
83 | Fl4g Sm4sher | 471.000 | 1.282 | |
84 | G_G | 471.000 | 1.279 | |
85 | 0xWr3ck5 | 471.000 | 1.275 | |
86 | JSoyke | 471.000 | 1.272 | |
87 | ONW Cyber | 471.000 | 1.269 | |
88 | TeamName | 471.000 | 1.265 | |
89 | Ashur | 471.000 | 1.262 | |
90 | cône | 471.000 | 1.259 | |
91 | [email protected] | 457.000 | 1.227 | |
92 | test123 | 457.000 | 1.224 | |
93 | Armitage | 457.000 | 1.221 | |
94 | █Bquanman█#1805 | 440.000 | 1.183 | |
95 | eof! | 440.000 | 1.180 | |
96 | bruh | 404.000 | 1.102 | |
97 | CLGT | 404.000 | 1.099 | |
98 | softshell | 404.000 | 1.097 | |
99 | wildpointers | 404.000 | 1.094 | |
100 | PurpleBirds | 404.000 | 1.092 | |
101 | Ifinabele | 404.000 | 1.089 | |
102 | PwnTillDawn | 371.000 | 1.018 | |
103 | TestTeamPlzIgnore | 371.000 | 1.015 | |
104 | kimpor | 371.000 | 1.013 | |
105 | ag3n75 | 371.000 | 1.011 | |
106 | LosIsleños | 371.000 | 1.009 | |
107 | StrawHat | 371.000 | 1.006 | |
108 | S0l0N00b | 371.000 | 1.004 | |
109 | CSC | 371.000 | 1.002 | |
110 | Honeybot | 371.000 | 1.000 | |
111 | CrossTech | 216.000 | 0.674 | |
112 | Still OK at Cyber Security | 216.000 | 0.672 | |
113 | Nu11T3am | 216.000 | 0.670 | |
114 | OG_GREEN | 216.000 | 0.668 | |
115 | Blue Hens | 216.000 | 0.666 | |
116 | revolt_ctf | 216.000 | 0.664 | |
117 | ANONYMOUS | 216.000 | 0.662 | |
118 | noraneco | 216.000 | 0.661 | |
119 | Max | 216.000 | 0.659 | |
120 | UwU_0w0 | 216.000 | 0.657 | |
121 | Team MissShot | 216.000 | 0.655 | |
122 | sl0wp0ok3s | 216.000 | 0.654 | |
123 | evipq | 216.000 | 0.652 | |
124 | T5F3C7 | 216.000 | 0.650 | |
125 | abeshinee | 216.000 | 0.649 | |
126 | BackMoon | 216.000 | 0.647 | |
127 | Anon CTF | 216.000 | 0.646 | |
128 | KiTs | 216.000 | 0.644 | |
129 | Steelboys CTF | 216.000 | 0.643 | |
130 | NEUQRO | 216.000 | 0.641 | |
131 | CityF | 116.000 | 0.430 | |
132 | hhcyb3r | 116.000 | 0.429 | |
133 | N30Z30N | 116.000 | 0.428 | |
134 | ttyusb | 116.000 | 0.426 | |
135 | SUSH1st | 116.000 | 0.425 | |
136 | asdfpl | 116.000 | 0.424 | |
137 | stone | 116.000 | 0.422 | |
138 | acdwas | 116.000 | 0.421 | |
139 | betapctf | 116.000 | 0.420 | |
140 | pn-sec | 116.000 | 0.418 | |
141 | Martial_Law_Enforcer | 116.000 | 0.417 | |
142 | Arena Quaker | 116.000 | 0.416 | |
143 | Punkey | 116.000 | 0.415 | |
144 | Cat2Flag | 100.000 | 0.380 | |
145 | KXTI_S | 100.000 | 0.379 | |
146 | /FlagExcepti0n | 100.000 | 0.378 | |
147 | 0NE_$H0T | 100.000 | 0.377 | |
148 | Velocity | 100.000 | 0.375 | |
149 | jpalayoor | 100.000 | 0.374 | |
150 | CTFnoobs | 100.000 | 0.373 | |
151 | PUNCHEDCARD | 100.000 | 0.372 | |
152 | aaaaaaaaaa | 100.000 | 0.371 | |
153 | IOSec | 100.000 | 0.370 | |
154 | free(vacation); | 100.000 | 0.369 | |
155 | solo hans | 100.000 | 0.368 | |
156 | xZx | 100.000 | 0.367 | |
157 | n0n | 100.000 | 0.366 | |
158 | Russian bezdar | 100.000 | 0.365 | |
159 | Flagsomnia | 100.000 | 0.364 | |
160 | M2I | 100.000 | 0.363 | |
161 | NullAnVoid | 100.000 | 0.362 | |
162 | PurpleCorp | 100.000 | 0.361 | |
163 | Bits & Pieces | 100.000 | 0.360 | |
164 | HDFR | 100.000 | 0.359 | |
165 | TEAM | 100.000 | 0.358 | |
166 | Callisto | 100.000 | 0.357 | |
167 | Vortex | 100.000 | 0.357 | |
168 | matt_hens | 100.000 | 0.356 | |
169 | nunes | 100.000 | 0.355 | |
170 | A.k.a.t.s.u.k.i | 100.000 | 0.354 | |
171 | hackteam | 100.000 | 0.353 | |
172 | Solo-Run | 100.000 | 0.352 | |
173 | Wer das liest ist dumm | 100.000 | 0.351 | |
174 | LYNDA | 100.000 | 0.351 | |
175 | Nashua South | 100.000 | 0.350 | |
176 | IAT | 100.000 | 0.349 | |
177 | SignalSide | 100.000 | 0.348 | |
178 | SamoCTF | 100.000 | 0.347 | |
179 | InFecTeD | 100.000 | 0.347 | |
180 | Disboard | 100.000 | 0.346 | |
181 | EventHorizon | 100.000 | 0.345 | |
182 | ACERGION | 100.000 | 0.344 | |
183 | badbadgers | 100.000 | 0.344 | |
184 | BigFi'Hack | 100.000 | 0.343 | |
185 | //ISNOTACOMMENTINPHP | 100.000 | 0.342 | |
186 | MildlyPanicking | 100.000 | 0.342 | |
187 | PortsmouthPrimaries | 100.000 | 0.341 | |
188 | TKJCTF | 100.000 | 0.340 | |
189 | Machi | 100.000 | 0.339 | |
190 | He3Ha10 | 100.000 | 0.339 | |
191 | JI | 100.000 | 0.338 | |
192 | HackManiacs | 100.000 | 0.337 | |
193 | dharma | 100.000 | 0.337 | |
194 | geeneoning | 100.000 | 0.336 | |
195 | CYB3R_T3N4CI0US | 100.000 | 0.335 | |
196 | Lolll | 100.000 | 0.335 | |
197 | beginnnerssss | 100.000 | 0.334 | |
198 | nobu | 100.000 | 0.333 | |
199 | Ju5t_4_H4pp1n3ss | 100.000 | 0.333 | |
200 | Skeleton Crew | 100.000 | 0.332 | |
201 | nbv | 100.000 | 0.332 | |
202 | Twin turbine | 100.000 | 0.331 | |
203 | G04tN00b | 100.000 | 0.330 | |
204 | TunangannyaChizuru | 100.000 | 0.330 | |
205 | BLUESHARK | 100.000 | 0.329 | |
206 | wgpsec | 100.000 | 0.329 | |
207 | fearelessfox | 100.000 | 0.328 | |
208 | godl3sskarl0s | 100.000 | 0.328 | |
209 | DaVinciCode | 100.000 | 0.327 | |
210 | WATATA | 100.000 | 0.326 | |
211 | TESTV | 100.000 | 0.326 | |
212 | koalamarsh | 100.000 | 0.325 | |
213 | I | 100.000 | 0.325 | |
214 | intern enjoyer | 100.000 | 0.324 | |
215 | fzhshzh | 100.000 | 0.324 | |
216 | YCF | 100.000 | 0.323 | |
217 | offsec_beginner | 100.000 | 0.323 | |
218 | m4ng069 | 100.000 | 0.322 | |
219 | PFS | 100.000 | 0.322 | |
220 | taiwhis | 100.000 | 0.321 | |
221 | LTCS | 100.000 | 0.321 | |
222 | GumNam | 100.000 | 0.320 | |
223 | BKISC | 100.000 | 0.320 | |
224 | Red_Rebels | 100.000 | 0.319 | |
225 | ATanksRumor | 100.000 | 0.319 | |
226 | solosolo | 100.000 | 0.318 | |
227 | bdhxgrp | 100.000 | 0.318 | |
228 | f50c13ty | 100.000 | 0.159 |