Also known as
  • EPFL33T
  • polyglots
  • poly0wn
  • fleet
  • polyqu1ty

Academic team EPFL



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Participated in CTF events

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
47PwnMe CTF Quals 20252266.00000.000*
62x3CTF 2025 (feat. mvm)628.00002.720

Overall rating place: 99 with 324.597 pts in 2024

Country place: 2

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
7HTB University CTF 2024: Binary Badlands29300.00000.000
110CYBERGON CTF_2024585.00003.137
63 GlacierCTF 2024560.00003.137
20BlockCTF 2024 (Formerly SquareCTF)1826.000028.665
322HeroCTF v6250.00001.271
149 GPN CTF 2024413.00001.727
14ångstromCTF 20242990.000054.678
7CyberSecurityRumble Quals4583.000076.538
17Insomni'hack 20241312.000013.622
124AmateursCTF 20242014.00003.703
7Shakti CTF3950.000021.236
100Insomni'hack teaser 2024141.00002.237

Overall rating place: 77 with 323.316 pts in 2023

Country place: 2

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
18The Cyber Cooperative CTF6000.000020.210
12HTB University CTF 2023: Brains & Bytes5775.000018.794
120TUCTF 2023803.00002.370
1Square CTF 20234101.000081.420
6CakeCTF 20232506.00000.000
41TCP1P CTF 2023: First Step Beyond Nusantara1507.00003.422
68Tenable CTF 20232598.00009.241
51ImaginaryCTF 20232146.00005.657
71CyberSecurityRumble Quals400.00001.716
35UIUCTF 20231467.000015.988
12Grey Cat The Flag 2023 Qualifiers4776.000018.095
17PwnMe Qualifications : "8 bits"3645.000015.407
10ångstromCTF 20232930.000086.915
15Insomni'hack 20231489.00009.326
20Insomni'hack teaser 2023914.00005.770

Overall rating place: 76 with 269.125 pts in 2022

Country place: 3

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
5NahamCon EU 2022 CTF 7276.000018.301
6KITCTFCTF 20226257.000017.196
3HTB University CTF 2022 : Supernatural Hacks7475.000031.935
24GlacierCTF 20221171.00007.122
1Square CTF 20224501.000073.200
20Reply Cyber Security Challenge 20221436.00006.912
36CakeCTF 2022956.00000.000
24Insomni'hack 2022675.00004.287
33DefCamp CTF 21-22 Online1544.000014.251

Overall rating place: 184 with 126.709 pts in 2021

Country place: 4

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
12Block CTF 2021750.000014.389
35DamCTF 20213800.000012.100
18ASIS CTF Quals 20211240.000040.235
75SunshineCTF 2021161.00001.837
20m0leCon CTF 2021 Teaser1223.00009.135
43TAMUctf 20211850.00000.000
131Cyber Apocalypse 20219100.000011.453
2b01lers CTF10663.00000.000
67VolgaCTF 2021 Qualifier712.00006.618
13UTCTF 202129250.000030.942

Overall rating place: 315 with 92.984 pts in 2020

Country place: 6

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
17Block CTF 2020951.000016.590
15m0leCon CTF 2020 Teaser1600.000012.888
154Midnight Sun CTF 2020 Quals321.00003.120
107VolgaCTF 2020 Qualifier660.00005.449
47CONFidence CTF 2020 Teaser281.00004.447
145ångstromCTF 20202175.000013.086
4UTCTF 202023342.000025.061
54HackTM CTF Quals 20201698.00004.445
45Insomni'hack teaser 2020281.00007.896

Overall rating place: 97 with 206.703 pts in 2019

Country place: 2

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
34hxp 36C3 CTF1302.00008.554
303OverTheWire Advent Bonanza 2019144.00000.402
31Pwn2Win CTF 2019817.00009.941
12TastelessCTF 20191599.00009.990 CTF 20194135.000042.866
54SECCON 2019 Online CTF1639.000010.650
93HITCON CTF 2019 Quals357.00006.696
2Square CTF 20197150.000035.012
252PwnThyBytes CTF 20191.00000.103
24Teaser Dragon CTF 2019848.00009.713
112CSAW CTF Qualification Round 20191151.00009.381
105TokyoWesterns CTF 5th 2019383.000011.001
350Facebook CTF 2019101.00000.178
84VolgaCTF 2019 Qualifier750.00006.568
12Insomni'hack 20191186.000027.101
139CONFidence CTF 2019 Teaser60.00000.730
122UTCTF 20191750.00001.785
14Pragyan CTF 20193125.000021.220
53TAMUctf 1915103.000025.557
139STEM CTF: Cyber Challenge 20191300.000010.444
12nullcon HackIM 20193848.000012.861
56FireShell CTF 2019588.00002.548
72Insomni'hack teaser 2019191.00003.765

Overall rating place: 121 with 135.850 pts in 2018

Country place: 2

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
37X-MAS CTF 20184054.00008.054
5TUCTF 20189655.000028.896
38RITSEC CTF 20183111.00009.108
3Square CTF 201888696.000031.540
185HITCON CTF 2018150.00002.304
15Hackover CTF 20181992.00009.968
39Teaser Dragon CTF 2018473.00005.904
96CSAW CTF Qualification Round 20181901.000010.667
36TokyoWesterns CTF 4th 20181339.000021.216
53INS'hAck 2018597.00002.777
55VolgaCTF 2018 Quals960.00007.720

Organized CTF events

LakeCTF Finals 24-2536.00
LakeCTF Quals 24-2535.94
LakeCTF Finals 2324.00
LakeCTF Quals 2323.96
LakeCTF Finals24.00
LakeCTF Qualifications23.96

Team members

Team writeups

TastelessCTF 2019tee [500]read writeup
Pragyan CTF 2019EXORcism [300]read writeup
TAMUctf 19-.- [100]read writeup
TAMUctf 19RSAaaay [354]read writeup
nullcon HackIM 2019Singular [485]read writeup
nullcon HackIM 2019mlAuth [475]read writeup
nullcon HackIM 2019Captcha Forest [150]read writeup
nullcon HackIM 2019Captcha Forest Harder [431]read writeup
TUCTF 2018Shella Easy [424]read writeup
TUCTF 2018Ehh [433]read writeup
TUCTF 2018Timber [478]read writeup
TUCTF 2018Shoop [370]read writeup
TUCTF 2018AESential Lesson [465]read writeup
TUCTF 2018Never Ending Crypto Redux [496]read writeup
TUCTF 2018easyDOS [490]read writeup
TUCTF 2018hardDOS [497]read writeup
TUCTF 2018Danger Zone [112]read writeup
TUCTF 2018Ancient [464]read writeup
TUCTF 2018Jimmy's Crypto [489]read writeup
TUCTF 2018Colonel Mustard's <br> Simple Signin [172]read writeup
TUCTF 2018Professor Plum's <br> Ravenous Researcher [474]read writeup
TUCTF 2018apl read writeup
TUCTF 2018Easter Egg: <br> Crystal Gate [446]read writeup
TUCTF 2018Easter Egg: <br> Jade Gate [371]read writeup
TUCTF 2018Easter Egg: <br> Copper Gate [258]read writeup
RITSEC CTF 2018Yet Another HR Management Framework [250]read writeup
Square CTF 2018C8: captcha read writeup
Square CTF 2018C6: gates of hell read writeup
Square CTF 2018C5: de-anonymization read writeup
Square CTF 2018C1: dot-n-dash read writeup
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