Fri, 31 May 2024, 10:00 UTC — Sat, 01 June 2024, 22:00 UTC 


GPN CTF event.

Format: Jeopardy Jeopardy

Official URL:

This event's future weight is subject of public voting!

Future weight: 46.00 

Rating weight: 31.17 

Event organizers 

The GPN CTF 2024 is this year’s CTF edition organized by KITCTF. Play online or in person at the GPN.

This is a student run jeopardy-style CTF with challenges from the categories crypto, pwn, reversing, web and misc (including some more exotic ones). Featuring both a range of easy challenges from each category and a majority of hard challenges it will be a great CTF for beginners and experienced players alike.

Communication channels:

Thank you to our sponsors for supporting the CTF!
* Main & Writeup Sponsor: Zellic
* Prize Sponsor: GitHub Security Lab
* Infrastructure Sponsor: TelemaxX Telekommunikation GmbH

Learn more about our sponsors and opportunities they have:


1st place: $500
2nd place: $300
3rd place: $200

Writeup prizes
Best overall writeup: $200 (1 time)
Best unintentional solution: $50 (1 time)
Best writeup of the pwn, rev, misc, crypto, web category: $150 (5 times)
Other writeups we liked: $100 (5 times)

We cannot give prizes to individuals on the U.S. sanctions list, or any individual residing in any U.S.-sanctioned country.


688 teams total

PlaceTeamCTF pointsRating points
1 Platypwnies 8484.00062.340
2 h4tum 4864.00033.455
3 pwnlentoni 4666.00027.533
4 L3ak 4663.00024.924
5 TheRomanXpl0it 4573.00023.035
6 CyberSpace 4082.00020.192
7 Srdnlen 3342.00016.731
8 LutaNaRyj 3262.00015.881
9 Pwn-la-Chapelle 2973.00014.386
10 b01lers 2540.00012.449
11 Dingus 2459.00011.868
12 The Few Chosen 1875.0009.486
13 Die 5 Freunde 1829.0009.117
14 FAUST 1824.0008.928
15 Brunnerne 1815.0008.746
16 welovepython<3 1807.0008.587
17 Ludicrous Avengers of Ridiculous Shenanigans 1788.0008.403
18 The Awakening of Ancient Spirits 1733.0008.099
19 Perperikon 1723.0007.971
20 FREE PALESTINE 1694.0007.782
21 FoocHackz 1667.0007.609
22 IntegratedTechSolutions 1664.0007.530
23 rpwn 1648.0007.410
24 r3kapig 1636.0007.309
25 t1nyB0vineArmag3ddon 1604.0007.140
26 RedRocket 1553.0006.905
27 Ireland without the RE 1527.0006.765
28 DarkNebulaTron 1503.0006.635
29 Bratzenamt 1498.0006.578
30 DieterOverflow 1480.0006.476
31 Fruit Ninja (gay) 1449.0006.329
32 Awake Till 4AM 1414.0006.169
33 MindCrafters 1408.0006.118
34 FlagMotori 1368.0005.943
35 BEASTHOOD 1327.0005.766
36 Cryptonite 1296.0005.627
37 SNI 1294.0005.597
38 pymi 1241.0005.380
39 ultraviolet 1221.0005.285
40 blckpwny 1173.0005.089
41 > r0/dev/null 1155.0005.004
42 ARESx 1133.0004.905
43 Aqua Cat 1115.0004.821
44 jAvDeD 1114.0004.801
45 mu5k3733r5 1092.0004.705
46 TBTL 1064.0004.587
47 0xE0F 1037.0004.473
48 W3BFederation 1031.0004.437
49 /dev/stp 1030.0004.420
50 InfoSecChess 1014.0004.349
51 SSPS{CYB3R_T34M} 1010.0004.322
52 BITSkrieg 1007.0004.299
53 luxeria 1004.0004.277
54 TCP1P 963.0004.115
55 pp~ 952.0004.064
56 TU Delft CTF Team 940.0004.010
57 BKISC 872.0003.751
58 HCS 823.0003.561
59 c00c00 806.0003.490
60 L053r5 g4m1ng 797.0003.448
61 Flag Fortress 2 797.0003.439
62 Frobenius 782.0003.376
63 mischkonsum 772.0003.331
64 /bad 763.0003.290
65 ResetSec 760.0003.272
66 Just For The Questions 755.0003.246
67 DragonSec SI 753.0003.232
68 potato 749.0003.210
69 SAIC_IITMandi 740.0003.170
70 LosFuzzys 739.0003.160
71 Doraemon 739.0003.154
72 P01s0n3d_Fl4g 739.0003.148
73 Kheshig 728.0003.102
74 EHT 724.0003.081
75 Lorem Ipsec 714.0003.039
76 VKTeam 712.0003.026
77 robot 712.0003.021
78 s4rg 701.0002.975
79 DOMBUSTERS 695.0002.948
80 Weak But Leet 687.0002.914
81 5H3RL0CK_H0LM35 686.0002.905
82 JumpingCats4000 684.0002.893
83 B34C0x 679.0002.870
84 bi0sblr 676.0002.855
85 shpufteam 673.0002.839
86 FADED THAN A HO OE 662.0002.795
87 JO/APT 661.0002.787
88 Smack Stasher 660.0002.779
89 Wrong Hypothesis 658.0002.768
90 team name 653.0002.745
91 Evernight 650.0002.731
92 dola-dola 650.0002.727
93 Blinkende Beutelratten 633.0002.661
94 خليها على الله 631.0002.650
95 DevCord 624.0002.621
96 S0FTS3C 624.0002.617
97 LooseyGoosey 620.0002.599
98 tacocat 612.0002.567
99 CyberUnderground 603.0002.530
100 Stellar Vector 593.0002.490
101 ENOFLAG 593.0002.487
102 C3MA 591.0002.477
104 Singapore Students Merger 586.0002.453
105 Berjer Koltuk 583.0002.439
106 allFun 571.0002.392
107 La frèrerie 564.0002.363
108 SavedByTheShell 564.0002.361
109 Aurora Swarm 562.0002.351
110 Epic Failures 560.0002.341
111 agoraphobia 552.0002.309
112 5crypt kiddeeZ 552.0002.306
113 Untitled CTF Game 550.0002.297
114 </R34dWr1teExecute> 550.0002.294
115 t3kn0isn0td3aD 549.0002.288
116 Bezrobotni 544.0002.267
117 MadrHacks 535.0002.232
118 IITBreachers 528.0002.204
119 BlazerKun 525.0002.191
120 Aft3r_7h0ugh7 510.0002.133
121 PinguSec 486.0002.043
122 Galette Cidre CTF 486.0002.041
123 0xF0DA55E 473.0001.991
124 SYNN3R 472.0001.985
125 Hellbound 472.0001.983
126 blahers 467.0001.963
127 dcua 467.0001.961
128 Members_Array 459.0001.930
129 P3WP3W 458.0001.924
130 vncvnc 454.0001.908
131 clrs 454.0001.906
132 _cbd0gs 452.0001.897
133 b00t_Error1890 448.0001.880
134 m0nkeysgobrrrrrr 448.0001.879
135 Sqli Enjoyer 448.0001.877
136 2lol2 448.0001.875
137 CrypticClan 443.0001.855
138 *(0) 440.0001.842
139 Bits & Pieces 436.0001.826
140 The Beekeepers 436.0001.824
141 +_+ 429.0001.797
142 potatoisveryummy 427.0001.788
143 kupacup 427.0001.787
144 1nf1n1ty 419.0001.756
145 ElySec 419.0001.754
146 ApplePen 419.0001.753
147 0xFUN 416.0001.740
148 QuackHack 415.0001.735
149 polygl0ts 413.0001.727
150 m0rd0r 411.0001.718
151 Clocktower Dwellers 405.0001.694
152 die_trying 404.0001.689
153 pingCTF 403.0001.684
154 KXTI_22 401.0001.676
155 fd2374 391.0001.638
156 Ghost_Squad 388.0001.625
157 agentx 381.0001.598
158 Stuss 381.0001.597
159 5upernova 381.0001.596
160 Amaterasu 381.0001.595
161 kossiitkgp 381.0001.593
162 PWr Synt@x Err0r 374.0001.566
163 c1cada 369.0001.547
164 Interns_101 369.0001.546
165 KuA$aR-TM 369.0001.545
166 Tower of Hanoi 369.0001.543
167 pwncho 359.0001.506
168 JSoyke 359.0001.504
169 born2lose 359.0001.503
170 omggstuff 359.0001.502
171 ChaosPottHeads 353.0001.479
172 Kaiziron 345.0001.449
173 newjeans 338.0001.422
174 mimikyu 334.0001.406
175 N30Z30N 330.0001.391
176 say meow 325.0001.371
177 Applesarenice 319.0001.348
178 sleepaholics 316.0001.336
179 twc 315.0001.331
180 Wade 311.0001.316
181 pr0m0ly 307.0001.300
182 sikai 307.0001.299
183 [KOR] RedSec 307.0001.298
184 spyd3rs 307.0001.297
185 AmericanLeague 303.0001.282
186 ATLAS 303.0001.281
187 Pixel Perfect 301.0001.273
188 KerKerYuan 301.0001.272
189 TiGr 297.0001.256
190 OnlyFeet 297.0001.255
191 Chaos Control 297.0001.254
192 1nf1n1ty_Beta 297.0001.254
193 harvdt 297.0001.253
194 yumx 297.0001.252
195 nvr 297.0001.251
196 Keyzhie 297.0001.250
197 tofutek 297.0001.249
198 Elliop 297.0001.249
199 Iki Adfi Nur Mohamad 297.0001.248
200 arara 297.0001.247
201 moonzff 297.0001.246
202 amimir 297.0001.245
203 caww 297.0001.245
204 zaqueen 297.0001.244
205 ehit 297.0001.243
206 Rena 297.0001.242
207 sharktank 294.0001.231
208 Bogdan 292.0001.223
209 Win or Mushroom 292.0001.222
210 NoTeam 292.0001.221
211 GPR 292.0001.221
212 HackerSir 292.0001.220
213 lonely_only 292.0001.219
214 Canadian Hacks 292.0001.218
215 Ontu 292.0001.218
216 noraneco 292.0001.217
217 Freakazoids 292.0001.216
218 JustLearning 292.0001.216
219 21v 292.0001.215
220 CaptureTheFlax2.0 292.0001.214
221 nohackspace 276.0001.155
222 C3E3C6 262.0001.103
223 Cv4k5ie 259.0001.091
224 White Apple 257.0001.083
225 ErambboTM 253.0001.068
226 Hash Dogs 251.0001.060
227 kbtu_ctf_enjoyers 249.0001.052
228 oilheap 245.0001.037
229 dadoxteam 242.0001.025
230 Felix's Interns 241.0001.021
231 Chrisliebrrrrrt 2.0 239.0001.013
232 Und3rf10w 239.0001.012
233 KGCTF 239.0001.012
234 bintangryan 239.0001.011
235 LosCazones 237.0001.003
236 R3d_Dr3am 237.0001.003
237 0nePadding 236.0000.999
238 meese 235.0000.994
239 ellouzers 235.0000.994
240 The Backdoor Boys 235.0000.993
241 Cyberclowns 235.0000.993
242 k0kos 235.0000.992
243 InfoStrongest 235.0000.992
244 pandas_0910 235.0000.991
245 areuka 235.0000.991
246 bluess 235.0000.990
247 bhiss 235.0000.990
248 Astroil 235.0000.989
249 veintiseis 235.0000.989
250 4cylabel 235.0000.988
251 sagiiy 235.0000.988
252 bungalagi 235.0000.987
253 Ikktaa 235.0000.987
254 Izanami 234.0000.982
255 Sol0warmup0nly 234.0000.982
256 teapp 230.0000.967
257 st0p_cyb3rbu11ying 230.0000.966
258 R3D-SH4D0W 230.0000.966
259 agoficaa 230.0000.965
260 m4g13rz1rk3l 230.0000.965
261 G04T3DP30PL3 230.0000.964
262 Davidpb 230.0000.964
263 CrémeTartinéFabuleuse 230.0000.964
264 MK37 230.0000.963
265 birds_are_not_real 230.0000.963
266 mimicats 230.0000.962
267 s3cure_sh3ll 230.0000.962
268 followUheart 230.0000.961
269 W4nders 230.0000.961
270 pwnguins 230.0000.960
271 BlahLand 230.0000.960
272 P4rad0x 230.0000.960
273 l33chers 230.0000.959
274 UG_will_be_kid 230.0000.959
275 m1nt4l1ty 230.0000.958
276 capturethefag 230.0000.958
277 Soic 230.0000.958
278 Sykerazee 230.0000.957
279 PHP-DK 230.0000.957
280 Z3r0ba5h 230.0000.956
281 0xZ3rol0g1c 230.0000.956
282 DwiyasaN 230.0000.956
283 IT-Security Club 230.0000.955
284 michaelwayne 230.0000.955
285 API_pteam 230.0000.954
286 Nur Azka Rahadiansyah 230.0000.954
287 nuh uh 230.0000.954
288 ><(('> 230.0000.953
289 Asnan 230.0000.953
290 PBR | UCLA 230.0000.952
291 jeydar 228.0000.945
292 k0080 224.0000.930
293 Cryptobra 220.0000.915
294 Hash Cracking Slasher 212.0000.885
295 profound-sadness 203.0000.851
296 screamingScriptKitties 199.0000.836
297 reCAPTCHA the Flag 185.0000.785
298 CarpeDien 183.0000.777
299 gigi 180.0000.766
300 1NCEPTION 179.0000.762
301 TacoShells 178.0000.758
302 Swen 177.0000.754
303 Num3R0n4u7s 177.0000.753
304 Carinhositos_UNI 177.0000.753
305 Bugs B0unt3r 177.0000.752
306 ELTE 177.0000.752
307 MiwkaMiwka 177.0000.752
308 UT-THS 177.0000.751
309 ORAD 177.0000.751
310 Plz Help me, im under da water 177.0000.751
311 nyobactf 177.0000.751
312 subkhanteam 177.0000.750
313 qwd 176.0000.746
314 Hacklabor 176.0000.746
315 ri5e 176.0000.746
316 imgerardo 176.0000.745
317 etc2020 176.0000.745
318 f4n_n3r0 174.0000.737
319 N3WBEES 174.0000.737
320 |3r0th3r CC 174.0000.737
321 M4N_4ND_M4CH1N3 174.0000.736
322 ssongk 174.0000.736
323 _Nyx 174.0000.736
324 Porg Pwn Platoon 174.0000.735
325 BR4CU BL1ND3R5 174.0000.735
326 NotHotdog 174.0000.735
327 L1m0 172.0000.727
328 KnuddelMuffelS 172.0000.727
329 pwn dot computer 172.0000.727
330 U+1F427 172.0000.726
331 Lila Lampion 172.0000.726
332 mundur 172.0000.726
333 leinot 172.0000.726
334 dni 172.0000.725
335 Xylves 172.0000.725
336 krauq 168.0000.710
337 r3nd3zv0u5 168.0000.710
338 HackDisciple 168.0000.709
339 rockygo2 168.0000.709
340 PixelPioneers25 168.0000.709
341 quack 168.0000.709
342 unfoog 168.0000.708
343 owo 168.0000.708
344 A061 168.0000.708
345 :capoo_scared: 168.0000.708
346 m3t4m0rph0s1s 168.0000.707
347 Can uc flag 168.0000.707
348 becarios 168.0000.707
349 4nonymous4 168.0000.707
350 D4rkM4tt3r 168.0000.706
351 TCTN 168.0000.706
352 brucel33t 168.0000.706
353 jitensha69 neckbearch cave 168.0000.706
354 srv333 168.0000.705
355 Riki 168.0000.705
356 Blind_Virus 168.0000.705
357 SecOps 168.0000.705
358 CapybarasCTF 168.0000.704
359 D4rkS3c 168.0000.704
360 Bitdestroyer 168.0000.704
361 Martial_Law_Enforcer 168.0000.704
362 Script Kitties 168.0000.703
363 DaNub 168.0000.703
364 nugaba 168.0000.703
365 Red Jessies 168.0000.703
366 Team Krabath 168.0000.702
367 seagull 168.0000.702
368 espada 168.0000.702
369 HotPotatos! 168.0000.702
370 TakeADayTrip 166.0000.694
371 trans-port 158.0000.665
372 metadors 147.0000.624
373 sWe_h4x 143.0000.609
374 PhPDark 141.0000.601
375 Br00tf0rs3rs 139.0000.594
376 binallein 139.0000.594
377 OnlyTook07 139.0000.593
378 369 139.0000.593
379 KXTI_owner21 121.0000.527
380 Placeholder001 121.0000.527
381 PascalWasNotHere 121.0000.526
382 Hunt3rCod3r 121.0000.526
383 Mee 121.0000.526
384 hackin 121.0000.526
385 Ixbixbam 121.0000.526
386 /dev/zero 120.0000.522
387 SadCipher 118.0000.514
388 pisdfsd 118.0000.514
389 0bug 118.0000.514
390 Cyber Salmons 118.0000.513
391 hell-0 118.0000.513
392 DoneWilling 118.0000.513
393 Vẹm 118.0000.513
394 Cyese 116.0000.505
395 cr2 116.0000.505
396 Yodak 116.0000.505
397 ruu 116.0000.505
398 _DOBBY_IS_FREE_ 116.0000.504
399 spareone 116.0000.504
400 Shulupusu 116.0000.504
401 KX7 116.0000.504
402 T3@M_ 116.0000.504
403 SoloQueue 116.0000.504
404 Totsukawaii69 116.0000.503
405 ani-cli 116.0000.503
406 Iceberg Atomico 116.0000.503
407 Hack Smarter 116.0000.503
408 Test Cases 116.0000.503
409 Team#1 116.0000.502
410 Advanced CTF Threat 114.0000.495
411 MyWorld 114.0000.495
412 Octav10s 114.0000.494
413 halston 114.0000.494
414 The Extension 114.0000.494
415 THC 112.0000.487
416 nop0x90 112.0000.486
417 snick 112.0000.486
418 n00b5t3rs! 112.0000.486
419 haidar 112.0000.486
420 Cyber Dark Inferno 112.0000.486
421 piltov3r 112.0000.486
422 trigrama 112.0000.485
423 h3r0f1r3 112.0000.485
424 singnoob 112.0000.485
425 Tom & Jerry 112.0000.485
426 kill -9 112.0000.485
427 x4u3nh4ck 112.0000.484
428 avtors 112.0000.484
429 CypherXXX 110.0000.477
430 Kukko ja Paalit 110.0000.477
431 RedTeam 110.0000.476
432 :3 mafia 110.0000.476
433 Dark_Warrior$ 110.0000.476
434 Centinels 110.0000.476
435 pwngenius 110.0000.476
436 Zero_Day_Division 110.0000.476
437 cup2of2team 110.0000.475
438 Sun Tzu - The Art of War 110.0000.475
439 Flag Force 110.0000.475
440 k3rn3l_pan!c 110.0000.475
441 reaper_113 110.0000.475
442 Nicholas 110.0000.475
443 hekeri 110.0000.474
444 Bebop 110.0000.474
445 KXTI_23 110.0000.474
446 Koyo 110.0000.474
447 Cacing Besar Alaska 110.0000.474
448 U_R_H4CK3D 110.0000.474
449 babyd0nthurtm3 110.0000.474
450 hot_flags_in_your_area 110.0000.473
451 bud 110.0000.473
452 0xT 110.0000.473
453 5p4c3 C415 110.0000.473
454 xls team 110.0000.473
455 TheWiz 110.0000.473
456 D45kn3ss 110.0000.472
457 0x02 110.0000.472
458 hanto 110.0000.472
459 maz0 110.0000.472
460 FourToOne 110.0000.472
461 yomogi_manju 110.0000.472
462 Heike 110.0000.472
463 Cool Team 110.0000.471
464 Hvkr 110.0000.471
465 Auximity 110.0000.471
466 L0chness H4nt3rs 110.0000.471
467 angellachristie 110.0000.471
468 Zaar 110.0000.471
469 ascomycota 110.0000.471
470 Fucm Logic 110.0000.470
471 BUNGA 110.0000.470
472 hyshelby 110.0000.470
473 Wololo DIT051 110.0000.470
474 claravalentina 110.0000.470
475 deggspacer 110.0000.470
476 tharawgh 110.0000.470
477 PrivateUser 110.0000.469
478 Imam Nurhadi 110.0000.469
479 Vian Syah 110.0000.469
480 #F012EE 110.0000.469
481 Grk4110 110.0000.469
482 ZULFA 110.0000.469
483 N.Ellyzah 110.0000.469
484 bengsky 96.0000.417
485 cofetime 67.0000.310
486 lucid 67.0000.310
487 min 67.0000.310
489 justletmedopwnplease 62.0000.292
490 X123X 62.0000.291
491 uhhhhhhhhh 62.0000.291
492 Cyclopropenylidene 62.0000.291
493 octopus 62.0000.291
494 lorenzo 62.0000.291
495 iaccep 62.0000.291
496 l1nx1n 62.0000.291
497 ewuriogre 62.0000.291
498 linz 62.0000.290
499 Ciallo 62.0000.290
500 taejin 62.0000.290
501 AKalone 62.0000.290
502 norbot 62.0000.290
503 AAAA 62.0000.290
504 dick munchers 696969 62.0000.290
505 br1ght 62.0000.290
506 dpl_pwn 62.0000.289
507 Zimzi 62.0000.289
508 T3stning 62.0000.289
509 kakao 62.0000.289
510 Bunoud 62.0000.289
511 wtfCTF 62.0000.289
512 local 62.0000.289
513 Team Sejong 62.0000.289
514 Cipher Cats 62.0000.288
515 monkey 62.0000.288
516 zeromarea 62.0000.288
517 TAS_CyanWater 62.0000.288
518 Aut 62.0000.288
519 lkronteam 58.0000.273
520 Shalom C 58.0000.273
521 z0udan 58.0000.273
522 ch3cke 58.0000.273
523 testteam 58.0000.273
524 hehehahah 58.0000.273
525 cappa 58.0000.272
526 bgsfdgfdfgdfdgfdg 58.0000.272
527 alo123 58.0000.272
528 acdwas 58.0000.272
529 The Office 58.0000.272
530 Hackappatoi 58.0000.272
531 mana3rafch 58.0000.272
532 n0n 58.0000.272
533 D4ck3n 58.0000.272
534 UwU 58.0000.271
535 offline 58.0000.271
536 waiters 58.0000.271
537 Sanji_trum_crypto 56.0000.264
538 b63 56.0000.264
539 ccttgg 56.0000.264
540 TTCX 56.0000.263
541 fzhshzh 56.0000.263
542 wego 56.0000.263
543 .TN 56.0000.263
544 fake 56.0000.263
545 newteam 56.0000.263
546 suzu 56.0000.263
547 sayonara 56.0000.263
548 hehe 56.0000.263
549 Solo So Yolooo 56.0000.263
550 gaming 56.0000.262
551 Pwn3d P4nth3rs 56.0000.262
552 fsociety 56.0000.262
553 Road of Resistance 56.0000.262
554 C3ntr4l_K1ngs 56.0000.262
555 g1n 56.0000.262
556 RooterX 56.0000.262
557 CoconutPhishers 56.0000.262
558 Secure Software Stack! 56.0000.262
559 JustHack 56.0000.262
560 N2L 56.0000.261
561 Pouls Friends 56.0000.261
562 Paydesu 56.0000.261
563 th3rm4l 56.0000.261
564 RiST 56.0000.261
565 Register 56.0000.261
566 CRUSADERS 56.0000.261
567 Fidethus 56.0000.261
568 Thounsand Sunny 56.0000.261
569 Byte Me If You Can 56.0000.261
570 brain overflow 54.0000.253
571 LesTruitos 54.0000.253
572 p4y104d 54.0000.253
573 hACK 54.0000.253
574 HLG 54.0000.253
575 bhuk-lagi 54.0000.253
576 UEFI 54.0000.253
577 Ordoviz 54.0000.252
578 Exodus 54.0000.252
579 nyrbad 54.0000.252
580 123456789 54.0000.252
581 Gimnazijalci 54.0000.252
582 Rakettiryhmä 54.0000.252
583 ctfrrteam 54.0000.252
584 h4wky sentinels 54.0000.252
585 PwnHub 54.0000.252
586 IndianHackers 54.0000.252
587 Cipherghosts 54.0000.251
588 NCA@Nepal 54.0000.251
589 fnordeingang 54.0000.251
590 Byte3x04 54.0000.251
591 3r44Yu5h 54.0000.251
592 try4fun 54.0000.251
593 t3rmin4t0rs 54.0000.251
594 BackMoon 54.0000.251
595 Shell_Shock_Squad 54.0000.251
596 Me myself and I 54.0000.251
597 dwi 54.0000.251
598 Warum darf ich nicht stehen 54.0000.251
599 spooky 54.0000.250
600 mrhove 54.0000.250
601 BOTscope 54.0000.250
602 ivcoffee 54.0000.250
603 WKG 54.0000.250
604 pacami 54.0000.250
605 agace 54.0000.250
606 Kryptoz 54.0000.250
607 Team Spiryt 54.0000.250
608 Kaas 54.0000.250
609 B4l1sT0 54.0000.250
610 TheLastBrainshell 54.0000.249
611 R squared 54.0000.249
612 N0juan 54.0000.249
613 abc 54.0000.249
614 NonReportablePDS 54.0000.249
615 Alexeyan 54.0000.249
616 ZeroD4yZ 54.0000.249
617 k3n4_m3nt41 54.0000.249
618 0xNu77 54.0000.249
619 f1ag dot txt 54.0000.249
620 Dual Mental Spport Group 54.0000.249
621 TheBoys 54.0000.249
622 Unravel Bureau 54.0000.249
623 TeamName 54.0000.248
624 The Muslim Brothers 54.0000.248
625 SunnyBunny 54.0000.248
626 4GUn7uk 54.0000.248
627 Annymous Hackers 54.0000.248
628 test_kr 54.0000.248
629 Secret 54.0000.248
630 watchdog 54.0000.248
631 errormath 54.0000.248
632 Djdjfkcks 54.0000.248
633 4chan Trolls 54.0000.248
634 taka 54.0000.248
635 littlegorico 54.0000.247
636 Erb3 54.0000.247
637 Overflow 54.0000.247
638 MindBreakers ESGI 54.0000.247
639 CTRL + C 54.0000.247
640 Kirtap 54.0000.247
641 13:49 54.0000.247
642 JerungBiru 54.0000.247
643 JordanShell 54.0000.247
644 Just_For_Fun 54.0000.247
645 404#_# 54.0000.247
646 Larvalamp 54.0000.247
647 HACKTORIA 54.0000.247
648 The Placeholders 54.0000.246
649 Log_Horizon 54.0000.246
650 cetaphil 54.0000.246
651 butuhduit 54.0000.246
652 Gemini 54.0000.246
653 rub1ck 54.0000.246
654 n00bs 54.0000.246
655 GerlachSnezka 54.0000.246
656 Code 503 54.0000.246
657 conquistador 54.0000.246
658 ShipRec 54.0000.246
659 vomikoc313@ 54.0000.246
660 hm?? 54.0000.246
661 Practice 54.0000.246
662 Nice Team 54.0000.245
663 ctf-any% 54.0000.245
664 D4rkCypa4r 54.0000.245
665 €yber€lan 54.0000.245
666 KITcar 54.0000.245
667 0xflaagg 54.0000.245
668 NYUSEC 54.0000.245
669 flow 54.0000.245
670 midnightbliss 54.0000.245
671 El_Hackatorio 54.0000.245
672 fxhacker 54.0000.245
673 PumpkinPi 54.0000.245
674 pivo 54.0000.245
675 g4nd1v 54.0000.245
676 A1R 54.0000.245
677 khlainfd 54.0000.244
678 t15nNg7y7n 54.0000.244
679 KaiKai 54.0000.244
680 free_the_bnuuy 54.0000.244
681 5eek3rs 54.0000.244
682 theWik 54.0000.244
683 bdhxgrp 54.0000.244
684 2mr 54.0000.244
685 raumo 54.0000.244
686 Team 057 Ethical Hacking B 54.0000.244
687 Caff3in3-DB 54.0000.244
688 InfosecIITISM 54.0000.122
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