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We have a bad habit of not going for half the CTFs we sign up for

Participated in CTF events

Overall rating place: 492 with 21.973 pts in 2025

Country place: 5

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
742PwnMe CTF Quals 202550.00000.162
656ApoorvCTF 202550.00000.145
532TRX CTF 202550.00000.203
570Kashi CTF 2025100.00000.227
44LA CTF 20257160.000016.036
59Pragyan CTF 2025501.00000.000
296BITSCTF 2025241.00000.610
706Nullcon Goa HackIM 2025 CTF51.00000.436
357Codefest CTF 2025400.00001.881
361TUCTF 2024100.00000.599
717KnightCTF 2025100.00000.348
265IrisCTF 2025400.00001.471
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
98TSG CTF 2024308.00001.822
844T$ CTF470.00002.681
270idekCTF 2024320.00002.323
312DownUnderCTF 20241516.00008.950
121Wani CTF 20241976.00007.618
564BCACTF 5.0150.00001.258
463 GPN CTF 2024110.00000.471
275TJCTF 2024443.00001.821
97Break the Syntax CTF 2024492.00001.541
539TBTL CTF 2024200.00001.072
240cr3 CTF 20242.00000.103
396Space Heroes 2024100.00000.275
105AmateursCTF 20242300.00004.236
303vikeCTF 2024100.00000.713
558osu!gaming CTF 2024512.00001.425
153LA CTF 20244255.00005.725
396BITSCTF 2024120.00000.373
64GoldCTF 20249368.37006.731
3470xL4ugh CTF 202460.00000.244
7ISSessions Espionage CTF462.00000.000
1061Real World CTF 6th32.00001.446
145UofTCTF 20242478.00004.388
77IrisCTF 20241856.00003.426

Overall rating place: 262 with 146.072 pts in 2023

Country place: 7

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
35The Cyber Cooperative CTF5300.000017.356
163pingCTF 2023250.00001.313
272NewportBlakeCTF 2023494.00000.881
189CakeCTF 2023259.00000.000
475EKOPARTY CTF 20235.00000.051
12BlueHens CTF 202311633.000017.573
60Questcon CTF1207.000018.236
283st stage MetaRed CTF Argentina|CERTUNLP 20232473.00001.781
639DEADFACE CTF 202375.00000.296
114DefCamp Capture the Flag (D-CTF) 2023 Quals162.00001.429
206ISITDTU CTF 2023 Quals10.00000.219
308Reply Cyber Security Challenge 2023100.00000.391
48TCP1P CTF 2023: First Step Beyond Nusantara1400.00003.134
122SunshineCTF 2023601.00006.314
156Balsn CTF 202350.00001.318
182MapleCTF 2023100.00000.541
99BuckeyeCTF 20231381.00005.057
110vsCTF 20231128.00002.785
608ASIS CTF Quals 202323.00000.574
477SECCON CTF 2023 Quals50.00001.284
247CSAW CTF Qualification Round 2023916.00002.016
91COMPFEST CTF 202350.00000.563
43PatriotCTF 20238013.000013.929
607HITCON CTF 2023 Quals50.00000.860
381Urmia CTF 2023100.00000.329
150DownUnderCTF 20232321.00009.337
243SekaiCTF 2023378.00001.004
83h4ckc0n 2023151.00001.304
102Bauhinia CTF 202350.00000.478
369CTFZone 2023 Quals100.00001.311
29Tenable CTF 20234120.000014.922
82Lexington Informatics Tournament CTF 20231803.00006.222
36ESCAPE CTF 2023 Preliminary760.00000.000
278DeconstruCT.F 2023250.00000.705
259corCTF 20232.00000.152
382zer0pts CTF 202353.00000.798
587Crypto CTF 202323.00000.590
418UIUCTF 2023151.00001.618
101SEETF 20231343.00001.953
75BCACTF 4.0900.00005.625
96n00bzCTF 20235468.00006.558
129GPN CTF 2023300.00000.697
66HSCTF 106671.000016.915
134Break the Syntax CTF 202353.00000.525
251DanteCTF 2023433.00001.445
165Security Fest 202337.00000.265
133BYUCTF 20233076.00002.895
74Grey Cat The Flag 2023 Qualifiers600.00002.342
308HeroCTF v5300.00000.610
138Cryptoverse CTF 20231188.00002.530
417TAMUctf 2023200.00000.564
8DawgCTF 20235050.000024.931
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
310ångstromCTF 2021745.00005.560
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
377redpwnCTF 2019250.00000.499
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
773EasyCTF IV421.00000.000
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
1859Google Capture The Flag 2017 (Quals)50.00000.209

Team members