Sat, 17 June 2017, 00:00 UTC — Sun, 18 June 2017, 23:59 UTC 


Google Capture The Flag event.

Format: Jeopardy Jeopardy

Official URL:

This event's future weight is subject of public voting!

Future weight: 66.31 

Rating weight: 21.99 

Event organizers 

Read the full announcement at:

The event will take place on June 17, 2017 midnight UTC.

Register here:

Read the FAQ at:



4 members of each of the top 10 teams will be flown to participate in the finals.

For the winners in the finals:
1. The first place will win $13,337 USD
2. The second place $7,331 USD
3. The third place $3,133.7 USD

We will pay for the best 32 writeups 100 to 500 USD.

Read the full rules at

For write-ups submissions read the instructions:


1971 teams total

PlaceTeamCTF pointsRating points
1 pasten 5577.00043.980
2 LC↯BC 5443.00032.457
3 217 5371.00028.508
4 Bushwhackers 4977.00025.122
5 A*0*E 4944.00023.892
6 binja 4644.00021.976
7 TokyoWesterns 4524.00020.979
8 HITCON 4086.00018.860
9 5BC 4064.00018.468
10 !SpamAndHex 4046.00018.152
11 Eat, Sleep, Pwn, Repeat 3988.00017.724
12 CodiSec 3696.00016.406
13 0ops 3648.00016.076
14 CyKOR 3586.00015.710
15 Tea Deliverers 3454.00015.085
16 Plaid Parliament of Pwning 3431.00014.903
17 p4 3425.00014.798
18 hxp 2608.00011.505
19 Shades of Eternal Amaterasu 2594.00011.385
20 Tasteless 2457.00010.787
21 NaruseJun 2339.00010.270
22 British EBFE 2288.00010.021
23 dcua 2185.0009.571
24 Dragon Sector 2077.0009.106
25 cybears 1802.0007.985
26 RPISEC 1771.0007.829
27 1610.0007.163
28 koreanbadass 1556.0006.921
29 CTD Elite 1555.0006.890
30 OpenToAll 1455.0006.470
31 不是不可以 1445.0006.407
32 khack40 1427.0006.314
33 KoreanGang 1423.0006.277
34 vanhelsing 1377.0006.076
35 xSTF 1356.0005.975
36 superflip 1332.0005.863
37 Antichat 1290.0005.681
38 duks 1183.0005.243
39 dfnd 1180.0005.217
40 HackXore 1157.0005.112
41 pwnies 1132.0005.000
42 HackerDom 1123.0004.952
43 STT 1109.0004.884
44 SoC 1071.0004.723
45 Pwnium 1050.0004.629
46 squareroots 1049.0004.614
47 noraneco 1010.0004.450
48 GoSSIP_NEO 995.0004.381
49 Snatch The Root 987.0004.340
50 Just Hit the Core 965.0004.245
51 Shellphish 949.0004.173
52 secse 946.0004.153
53 w0pr 945.0004.141
54 The Northern Coalition 944.0004.129
55 greunion 927.0004.055
56 MK 924.0004.036
57 PPPP 918.0004.005
58 Epic Leet Team 903.0003.940
59 Ox002147 871.0003.807
60 LinkedIn 862.0003.765
61 VXRL 856.0003.736
62 Guys Chasing The Finals 856.0003.730
63 asw12 856.0003.724
64 LiveOverflow 856.0003.719
65 TechSec 845.0003.670
66 Lights Out 840.0003.645
67 LosFuzzys 826.0003.585
68 justdoit 826.0003.580
69 Harekaze 796.0003.457
70 int3pids 713.0003.125
71 DATATECH 712.0003.117
72 m1z0r3 712.0003.113
73 Noogler 709.0003.097
74 KLHT 709.0003.093
75 Hexpresso 703.0003.065
76 !soBad 694.0003.026
77 badfirmware 665.0002.908
78 geese 655.0002.865
79 647.0002.829
80 63 7c 77 7b f2 6b 6f c5 30 01 67 2b fe d7 ab 76 641.0002.802
81 a3Jrbg 626.0002.740
82 THS 615.0002.693
83 No Pwn Intended 589.0002.587
84 SiBears 589.0002.584
85 saarsec 578.0002.538
86 EL-Fera7' 575.0002.523
87 573.0002.512
88 NetSecFocus Slack Group 573.0002.509
89 noTeamName 573.0002.506
90 googlesenduspixel 573.0002.504
91 9340 549.0002.406
92 teammeme 547.0002.396
93 not robots 518.0002.279
94 TSG 503.0002.217
95 PDKT 497.0002.191
96 Spontan Jahe 487.0002.149
97 suavely rancid 486.0002.143
98 [TechnoPandas] 479.0002.113
99 f1ay 476.0002.099
100 magnum 457.0002.022
101 tessier-ashpool 427.0001.901
102 thwg 419.0001.868
103 Fortalice 419.0001.866
104 133713pwnies 417.0001.856
105 whocares 404.0001.802
106 Pashosh 395.0001.765
107 bbteam 390.0001.743
108 negainoido 387.0001.730
109 MV9rwGOf08 387.0001.728
110 WizardsOfDos 387.0001.726
111 EgFr33ks 384.0001.712
112 "no"_ 372.0001.663
113 galhacktictrendsetters 372.0001.661
114 q86 372.0001.660
115 01hackers 361.0001.615
116 SSAT 358.0001.601
117 MeePwn 358.0001.600
118 kasia-tutej 354.0001.582
119 wasamusume 343.0001.537
120 Boosted Bonobos 343.0001.536
121 LokDohori 343.0001.534
122 OstreKatozordy 343.0001.533
123 Balsn 340.0001.519
124 N00b 333.0001.490
125 insomnia solo 332.0001.485
126 O(1/n) 332.0001.484
127 kaziland 306.0001.380
128 Devhat 303.0001.367
129 GridGames 303.0001.365
130 Among Others 303.0001.364
131 Losing 101 303.0001.363
132 JBZ 296.0001.334
133 shellshocker 296.0001.332
134 AdopteUnMec 296.0001.331
135 RiceSec 296.0001.330
136 Contagion 288.0001.297
137 PKTeam 288.0001.296
138 Hackademia 288.0001.295
139 4Given 285.0001.282
140 nattypwns 278.0001.253
141 The Defilers of eth0 278.0001.252
142 BananaTrumpet 278.0001.251
143 TracerTee 278.0001.250
144 SoMuchLaundry 278.0001.249
145 TeamCC 278.0001.248
146 ctf.css 278.0001.247
147 F-Bawlz 278.0001.246
148 DustDevils 265.0001.193
149 timeless 265.0001.192
150 Eindbazen 259.0001.168
151 Gang Of Couches 259.0001.167
152 Test Icicles 259.0001.166
153 259.0001.165
154 0xBU 259.0001.164
155 Top of the ROP 259.0001.163
156 Samurai 259.0001.162
157 0daysober 256.0001.149
158 ByteBandits 244.0001.101
159 MischiefWar 244.0001.100
160 Khalsa-Rulers 241.0001.088
161 Advanced Persistent Trash 239.0001.079
162 TusanHomichi 233.0001.054
163 Bayaz 233.0001.054
164 HackerCoolTeamname 233.0001.053
165 wizard of skn 233.0001.052
166 p3r0z 230.0001.039
167 (ㅇㅡㅇ) 204.0000.936
168 sadgame 204.0000.935
169 P1ggyBird 204.0000.934
170 dc613 204.0000.934
171 h4ckx0r5 204.0000.933
172 chaignc 204.0000.932
173 Memento Mori 204.0000.931
174 pseudorandom 204.0000.931
175 securisec 204.0000.930
176 Batman's Kitchen 204.0000.929
177 RedTeam5 204.0000.929
178 dos 204.0000.928
179 Gliderous Tigers 204.0000.927
180 Orange Is The New Hack 204.0000.927
181 uranium238 204.0000.926
182 peori 204.0000.925
183 InSecurity 204.0000.925
184 tnddt 204.0000.924
185 DokuDempa 204.0000.923
186 bi0s 204.0000.923
187 Kernel Sanders 204.0000.922
188 Hackday 204.0000.921
189 rainbow_bash 204.0000.921
190 Sector 70 204.0000.920
191 userenc 204.0000.919
192 Hackmethod 204.0000.919
193 ReSwitched 204.0000.918
194 mazerunners 204.0000.918
195 c00kies@venice 204.0000.917
196 nganggur 191.0000.865
197 SunplaceSolutions 189.0000.857
198 HackAllTheThings 189.0000.856
199 Cambridge2 189.0000.856
200 PwnPundits 189.0000.855
201 dekdoi 189.0000.855
202 The InFurSec Den 189.0000.854
203 318br 189.0000.854
204 Hello Kitteam 189.0000.853
205 dqi 189.0000.852
206 tehre4ln00b 189.0000.852
207 Big Bear 189.0000.851
208 PinkGuy 189.0000.851
209 1064CBread 189.0000.850
210 General Failure 149.0000.692
211 Free The Mallocs 149.0000.692
212 n0name 149.0000.691
213 Disaster 149.0000.691
214 OneTeam2RuleThemAll 149.0000.690
215 Chilled 149.0000.690
216 ZenoTeam 149.0000.689
217 W.T.F 149.0000.689
218 RAND0M 149.0000.688
219 Security McSecurityfaces 149.0000.688
220 †Beginners† 149.0000.687
221 kh4ck 149.0000.687
222 ******** 149.0000.687
223 TheGoonies 149.0000.686
224 Hash Slinging Hackers 149.0000.686
225 Team Sportsball 149.0000.685
226 Avishai 149.0000.685
227 owo whats this 149.0000.684
228 JustCuriosity 149.0000.684
229 Serenity 149.0000.684
230 Fuckzero 149.0000.683
231 DOUBLE STANDARD 149.0000.683
232 K17 149.0000.682
233 IceFoxes 149.0000.682
234 UPTimSec 149.0000.681
235 One Man Party: Sauron.720p.XViD.YIFY.divx.mp4 149.0000.681
236 Team'); DROP TABLE teams;--'); 149.0000.681
237 Pwn Leak 149.0000.680
238 Team Viping 149.0000.680
239 FireShell 149.0000.680
240 /|'-.__.-'|'-.__.-'|'-.__.-'|'-.__.-'|'-.__.-'|\ 149.0000.679
241 itwaslikethiswhenwefoundit 149.0000.679
242 Dulin 139.0000.639
243 Cowboys 139.0000.639
244 NYUSEC 105.0000.504
245 IRETF 105.0000.504
246 Bits For Everyone 105.0000.503
247 BAH-Humbug 105.0000.503
248 We've Fallen and Cant Get Up 105.0000.503
249 clear 105.0000.502
250 MetSec 105.0000.502
251 Big Baller Brand 105.0000.502
252 Umbra 105.0000.501
253 Shadow Cats 105.0000.501
254 nekohacker 105.0000.501
255 Hexy Hustlers 105.0000.500
256 Tr0janH0rs3 105.0000.500
257 f1end_ 105.0000.500
258 CSH 105.0000.499
259 iamkid 105.0000.499
260 rekistan 105.0000.499
261 SU Red Team 105.0000.498
262 105.0000.498
263 DeadSec 105.0000.498
264 Becareful 105.0000.497
265 UglyFlowers 105.0000.497
266 InfoSecIITR 105.0000.497
267 HRPZ 105.0000.496
268 cyberwehr 105.0000.496
269 Squicksec 105.0000.496
270 micrei 105.0000.495
271 Nol3ptr 105.0000.495
272 Abandon 105.0000.495
273 PackdeSys 105.0000.495
274 Team Neuro 105.0000.494
275 Root Security 105.0000.494
276 xxDRONEsMOMxx 105.0000.494
277 Furd Turgeson 105.0000.493
278 Octosec 105.0000.493
279 0x34044 105.0000.493
280 herefortheburger 105.0000.493
281 Itemize 105.0000.492
282 d4rkr00t 105.0000.492
283 PauMd 105.0000.492
284 TeamAardvark 105.0000.491
285 Feathergun 105.0000.491
286 New_LucA 105.0000.491
287 geekpharaohs 105.0000.491
288 404OK 105.0000.490
289 Null ++ 105.0000.490
290 DC775 105.0000.490
291 b1n4ry4rms 105.0000.490
292 FluxFingers 105.0000.489
293 ShellWarp 105.0000.489
294 iad 105.0000.489
295 PENSIUN | DFCI | SUKSMA 105.0000.489
296 DEVTTY 105.0000.488
297 demn00bz 105.0000.488
298 $undayParan0ids 105.0000.488
299 faker_ 105.0000.488
300 LeCode 105.0000.487
301 in-geo 105.0000.487
302 LevitatingLion 105.0000.487
303 Rekt Stack 105.0000.487
304 WeAreScientists 105.0000.486
305 Hacker Ameer 105.0000.486
306 "> 105.0000.486
307 csalazar 105.0000.486
308 h@ckz0ne 105.0000.485
309 Sailendra 105.0000.485
310 t94j0 105.0000.485
311 YoungPwnawans 105.0000.485
312 Motasem 105.0000.484
313 Sea Surfers 105.0000.484
314 fi 105.0000.484
315 Overmind 105.0000.484
316 xpwn 105.0000.484
317 Kappa123 105.0000.483
318 M57 50.0000.266
319 Modest Pwnings 50.0000.266
320 X-Men 50.0000.266
321 Red Bear 50.0000.266
322 Seqcy 50.0000.265
323 SULOBAND 50.0000.265
324 r00t3r 50.0000.265
325 Team JM 50.0000.265
326 /g/entoo men 50.0000.265
327 homesarr 50.0000.264
328 Ezpz 50.0000.264
329 g3n3r1c 50.0000.264
330 TeamName 50.0000.264
331 n00bs1234455 50.0000.264
332 ff 50.0000.263
333 terminal21 50.0000.263
334 poepoe 50.0000.263
335 HackThisSite 50.0000.263
336 Squanchers 50.0000.263
338 post_mortem 50.0000.262
339 team242 50.0000.262
340 teamnsrg 50.0000.262
341 GoN 50.0000.262
342 The Killer Cods 50.0000.261
343 #Thacket; 50.0000.261
344 B I O H A Z A R D 50.0000.261
345 AFiniteNumberOfMonkeys 50.0000.261
346 CyberCoffee 50.0000.261
347 System Crash 50.0000.261
348 kabouters 50.0000.260
349 A-Team Maggots 50.0000.260
350 F8P0T80 50.0000.260
351 drs who 50.0000.260
352 bearsaw 50.0000.260
353 HoT 50.0000.259
354 Nuvem Mestra 50.0000.259
355 Point and Click 50.0000.259
356 AER 50.0000.259
357 f60 50.0000.259
358 PoisonedBytes 50.0000.259
359 TheLittleHackersThatCould 50.0000.258
360 tuz 50.0000.258
361 tomot 50.0000.258
362 Azaraks 50.0000.258
363 Gntrua 50.0000.258
364 Nababescos 50.0000.258
365 BlackBird 50.0000.257
366 BarneySec 50.0000.257
367 gr8 50.0000.257
368 FlyingSolo 50.0000.257
369 midiskali 50.0000.257
370 PwnaSonic 50.0000.257
371 PentaHex 50.0000.256
372 synners 50.0000.256
373 11000011 50.0000.256
374 TeaM_MeaT 50.0000.256
375 NullPointerException 50.0000.256
376 MOSTEC-9 50.0000.256
377 nyaaaaaaaaaaan 50.0000.255
378 Cr3w12 50.0000.255
379 horosora 50.0000.255
380 5 EXploiters 50.0000.255
381 AUCC 50.0000.255
382 Jolly Roger Insecurity 50.0000.255
383 FiveTree 50.0000.255
384 0o0 50.0000.254
385 ShieldNow 50.0000.254
386 CyberOptics 50.0000.254
387 hooligans 50.0000.254
388 DB Cooper 50.0000.254
389 WSUCSC 50.0000.254
390 TokyoForest 50.0000.254
391 i_asked_jeeves 50.0000.253
392 newbies 50.0000.253
393 mkwm 50.0000.253
394 SLB-3108H-2 50.0000.253
395 MinusZeroCoolTeam 50.0000.253
396 50.0000.253
397 Cat Burgerlers 50.0000.253
398 mixalan 50.0000.252
399 LiteMetalWombat 50.0000.252
400 EAnbai 50.0000.252
401 DC416 50.0000.252
402 c0d3mx 50.0000.252
403 6l0ry 50.0000.252
404 soko 50.0000.252
405 Penguin 50.0000.251
406 The Chicken 50.0000.251
407 0xc004f074 50.0000.251
408 Doogie howser and associates 50.0000.251
409 Center for kids who can't hack good 50.0000.251
410 baker3 50.0000.251
411 xxx 50.0000.251
412 AMsec 50.0000.251
413 My Solo Team 50.0000.250
414 LittleNarwhals 50.0000.250
415 Spectator 50.0000.250
416 AoToI 50.0000.250
417 your waifu is shit 50.0000.250
418 seiyakyokai 50.0000.250
419 Sudo_root 50.0000.250
420 sparksis 50.0000.250
421 Team Zenith 50.0000.249
422 Delis 50.0000.249
423 Tōgetsu High School 50.0000.249
424 team name 50.0000.249
425 City Gals 50.0000.249
426 GaziSiber 50.0000.249
427 The Safe Space 50.0000.249
428 NULL 50.0000.249
429 CeSeNA__ 50.0000.248
430 UNF-AITP 50.0000.248
431 Just a Tanuki 50.0000.248
432 Tessier Crashpool 50.0000.248
433 Unicorn Hunters 50.0000.248
434 HackMiami 50.0000.248
435 OGs 50.0000.248
436 /dev/expose 50.0000.248
437 tfti 50.0000.247
438 We Am Root 50.0000.247
439 Iam9r00t 50.0000.247
440 CSG 50.0000.247
441 VoodooZombiePenetrators 50.0000.247
442 w0m.bat 50.0000.247
443 lowkey 50.0000.247
444 China H.L.B 50.0000.247
445 entaku 50.0000.247
446 R3d Cr3sc3nt 50.0000.246
447 stay-at-home-son 50.0000.246
448 memyselfandi 50.0000.246
449 scope 50.0000.246
450 Squan Style 50.0000.246
451 vp 50.0000.246
452 encore 50.0000.246
453 sg50 50.0000.246
454 C&B 50.0000.246
455 ascii overflow 50.0000.245
456 Cyber1 50.0000.245
457 $upern00bz 50.0000.245
458 Team Shibusawa 50.0000.245
459 Weekend at Chompy's 50.0000.245
460 montecristo 50.0000.245
461 Neya 50.0000.245
462 hal0taso 50.0000.245
463 DragonTech 50.0000.245
464 R.I.S.C 50.0000.245
465 UslJujuy 50.0000.244
466 Weird@First 50.0000.244
467 Cache_Crook 50.0000.244
468 clubbingbabyseals 50.0000.244
469 Улаанбаатар 50.0000.244
470 Something Neat 50.0000.244
471 Bannerlord 50.0000.244
472 axe 50.0000.244
473 xHack 50.0000.244
474 eyes emoji 50.0000.244
475 zeroalpha 50.0000.243
476 Bing-182 50.0000.243
477 Gal(c/at) 50.0000.243
478 We didn't hack you. 50.0000.243
479 hackpack 50.0000.243
480 GotHacked 50.0000.243
481 DEFCON 201 50.0000.243
482 grepmyflag(dot)com 50.0000.243
483 RiST 50.0000.243
484 noname 50.0000.243
485 unlimited reagents 50.0000.242
486 Hack W/ Orange On 50.0000.242
487 Stack 50.0000.242
488 Takaten 50.0000.242
489 lulzee 50.0000.242
490 =^.^= CTF Catz =^.^= 50.0000.242
491 \\x0f 50.0000.242
492 LagAttak 50.0000.242
493 badulmo 50.0000.242
494 Ba Sing Sec 50.0000.242
495 Noobs in The Hood 50.0000.242
496 Zero Year Exploit 50.0000.241
497 redbolt 50.0000.241
498 monadaUY 50.0000.241
499 eval 50.0000.241
500 tba 50.0000.241
501 nw 50.0000.241
502 Stanford Frosh 2017 50.0000.241
503 BalingBalingBambu 50.0000.241
504 brucel33t 50.0000.241
505 3dB 50.0000.241
506 N0Mor3H4x0rNames 50.0000.241
507 h0ax 50.0000.241
508 wfp 50.0000.240
509 sfhacks 50.0000.240
510 Tactical Failures 50.0000.240
511 addepar 50.0000.240
512 ESNF 50.0000.240
513 TeamAnew 50.0000.240
514 ▲▲▲ 50.0000.240
515 YetToFrag 50.0000.240
516 NUS GreyHats 50.0000.240
517 snx 50.0000.240
518 foo 50.0000.240
519 Orion Elite Master Hackers with REAL experience in CTFs BsC BsCS BLs BWs CA CEH++ 21 YEARS EXPERIENCE! 50.0000.240
520 DEFKECH 50.0000.239
521 Astgeek 50.0000.239
522 H4ckd0g5 50.0000.239
523 wight 50.0000.239
524 coloradosquad 50.0000.239
525 TheNaughtyBits 50.0000.239
526 Dixie_Flatline 50.0000.239
527 zero_fiber 50.0000.239
528 HydraSec 50.0000.239
529 mov eax,4 50.0000.239
530 MeatLovers 50.0000.239
531 biubiubiu 50.0000.239
532 FreeWiFi 50.0000.238
533 StraightOuttaYerevan 50.0000.238
534 Cybercybercyberandcyber 50.0000.238
535 ingochristech 50.0000.238
536 dcs 50.0000.238
537 shellgamez 50.0000.238
538 BA55R0P 50.0000.238
539 BurrosHack 50.0000.238
540 yolosec2_sec_boogaloo 50.0000.238
541 filipeoliveiraa 50.0000.238
542 :thumbsup: 50.0000.238
543 Ultra Mega Super Squad 50.0000.238
544 noneteam 50.0000.238
545 bahianos 50.0000.237
546 bitestream 50.0000.237
547 CyberTeam6 50.0000.237
548 elon_mollusk 50.0000.237
549 lost+found 50.0000.237
550 th3jackers 50.0000.237
551 Grifola 50.0000.237
552 Av3ng3rs 1n1t14t1v3 50.0000.237
553 -0 50.0000.237
554 Superpandaninja 50.0000.237
555 Security First 50.0000.237
556 banjjak2 50.0000.237
557 W3CBF 50.0000.237
558 XL-shell 50.0000.237
559 50.0000.236
560 Whatever 50.0000.236
561 TeamAZ 50.0000.236
562 天枢 50.0000.236
563 pwnch0 50.0000.236
564 ISR 50.0000.236
565 Los Alamos Hacker Club 50.0000.236
566 ShadowPlayer 50.0000.236
567 d4rkc0de_0p3n 50.0000.236
568 OneSouth 50.0000.236
569 bobbyluig 50.0000.236
570 ReUTD 50.0000.236
571 PineapplePizza 50.0000.236
572 Trash Panda 50.0000.236
573 olsnakeyes 50.0000.236
574 Jugalos 50.0000.235
575 Knowit 50.0000.235
576 c0k0m3L 50.0000.235
577 After Hours 50.0000.235
578 lucidues team 50.0000.235
579 Sshield 50.0000.235
580 null2root 50.0000.235
581 C43S4RS 50.0000.235
582 Blink-Cursor 50.0000.235
583 Camelot 50.0000.235
584 SocietyOfEntropy 50.0000.235
585 Bugs_Bunny 50.0000.235
586 frclan 50.0000.235
587 IEM 50.0000.235
588 z3ta_sp4ce 50.0000.235
589 CovfefeTheFlag 50.0000.234
590 SYPER 50.0000.234
591 starPt 50.0000.234
592 SchruteFarms 50.0000.234
593 PWN Squad 50.0000.234
594 OneManGang 50.0000.234
595 byinarie 50.0000.234
596 Afternoon_Tea 50.0000.234
597 TEAM WALMART 50.0000.234
598 WE_0WN_Y0U 50.0000.234
599 Petir 0x03 50.0000.234
600 bolgia4 50.0000.234
601 AloneBecauseIHaveNoHackerFriends 50.0000.234
602 'or1=1 50.0000.234
603 The Nuclear Option 50.0000.234
604 9gix 50.0000.234
605 LimitBreakers 50.0000.233
606 Team Satisfaction 50.0000.233
607 Battle Masters 50.0000.233
608 F1X 50.0000.233
609 SuaveSec 50.0000.233
610 c0m3t 50.0000.233
611 ZenHack 50.0000.233
612 Just4Fun 50.0000.233
613 2O2L2H 50.0000.233
614 The Four Horsemen 50.0000.233
615 SecTalksBNE 50.0000.233
616 fr3eb1t 50.0000.233
617 SHARK 50.0000.233
618 systrace 50.0000.233
619 erfvzkeflzvgruiezg 50.0000.233
620 Team Viewer 50.0000.233
621 eloelo250 50.0000.233
622 xxxxx 50.0000.233
623 Black Technology Royal 50.0000.232
624 TimeForADuel 50.0000.232
625 dpz 50.0000.232
626 Earthbenders 50.0000.232
627 popo 50.0000.232
628 KasaBR 50.0000.232
630 CWD 50.0000.232
631 Monkeyohah 50.0000.232
632 Igotnothin 50.0000.232
633 n00bsec 50.0000.232
634 Sully's Gray Hats 50.0000.232
635 Jail Cell Party 50.0000.232
636 G_FLAGS 50.0000.232
637 awankilat 50.0000.232
638 MapleSyrupFlood 50.0000.232
639 HTCPCP 50.0000.232
640 Bashmug 50.0000.232
641 Capture the Swag 50.0000.231
642 costarican 50.0000.231
643 wzy 50.0000.231
644 oneup 50.0000.231
645 oldoldold 50.0000.231
646 putin 50.0000.231
647 UTSC 50.0000.231
648 bi9mmud 50.0000.231
649 M4y5 50.0000.231
650 something clever 50.0000.231
651 pwn4food 50.0000.231
652 Thomas 50.0000.231
653 0xd3b4 50.0000.231
654 NothingToSee 50.0000.231
655 Hack'N'Run 50.0000.231
656 Vicious Bits 50.0000.231
657 Good Good Study, Day Day Up 50.0000.231
658 eVestigated 50.0000.231
659 H4ck3rs_01 50.0000.231
660 cybergirls 50.0000.230
661 NinjaParty 50.0000.230
662 DC21321 50.0000.230
663 dfc 50.0000.230
664 WH0a 50.0000.230
665 Dly 50.0000.230
666 lishe 50.0000.230
667 l3th 50.0000.230
668 suh dude 50.0000.230
669 Hanel 50.0000.230
670 Aurora 50.0000.230
671 La Cuestión 50.0000.230
672 BOI 50.0000.230
673 50.0000.230
674 ilohas 50.0000.230
675 GoSlappy 50.0000.230
676 HACK. 50.0000.230
677 Haquaman 50.0000.230
678 NSC 50.0000.230
679 ForestWo1f 50.0000.230
680 Reverselab 50.0000.229
681 BörüBudun 50.0000.229
682 Yuengbots 50.0000.229
683 if3ve 50.0000.229
684 shakalCTF 50.0000.229
685 N3rdz 50.0000.229
686 Arxan 50.0000.229
687 Poρc0rn 50.0000.229
688 x42x41x4cx41 50.0000.229
689 \0 50.0000.229
690 GarageHackers 50.0000.229
691 WhatTheSheep 50.0000.229
692 Wolf Technology 50.0000.229
693 rhdi 50.0000.229
694 L0cal@H0st:~# 50.0000.229
695 NewTeamInTown 50.0000.229
696 CSC 50.0000.229
697 hoge0hoge0 50.0000.229
698 S3C0PS 50.0000.229
699 KSUCDC 50.0000.229
700 shimekiri 50.0000.229
701 FilbertoGilè 50.0000.229
702 how2hack 50.0000.228
703 asdasdas 50.0000.228
704 HackingForSoju 50.0000.228
705 RamSec 50.0000.228
706 WannaTry 50.0000.228
707 B0rn2Rute 50.0000.228
708 TSARKA 50.0000.228
709 CSMR 50.0000.228
710 kawaju 50.0000.228
711 DI4N0K0R 50.0000.228
712 RATF{Rage Against The Flag} 50.0000.228
713 SecDSM 50.0000.228
714 potato_ctf 50.0000.228
715 Xiia0F1aGGer$ 50.0000.228
716 Lerdsuwa 50.0000.228
717 d0ng 50.0000.228
718 Pizzadogs 50.0000.228
719 p@nd4 50.0000.228
720 Asuri_Cr4ck1ng 50.0000.228
721 d4rkc0de 50.0000.228
722 whatamidoing 50.0000.228
723 No Name time 50.0000.228
724 ANT 50.0000.228
725 BlackRoomSec 50.0000.227
726 400-pound Hackers 50.0000.227
727 b0tch_sec 50.0000.227
728 [email protected] 50.0000.227
729 kwazih 50.0000.227
730 Class 17016 50.0000.227
731 Random Access RAMs 50.0000.227
732 c0ff33 50.0000.227
733 Yozik 50.0000.227
734 With Tent 50.0000.227
735 LIDSOL 50.0000.227
736 Allthellamas 50.0000.227
737 peperoni 50.0000.227
738 MrMugiwara 50.0000.227
739 GrayHats 50.0000.227
740 HunterX 50.0000.227
741 X1c04tl 50.0000.227
742 amn3s1a 50.0000.227
743 blueshells 50.0000.227
744 Dodger 50.0000.227
745 h0ge 50.0000.227
746 Dark Knight 50.0000.227
747 Kimchi.Twerkbomb 50.0000.227
748 TheEmperors 50.0000.227
749 pawnstars 50.0000.227
750 f50c137y 50.0000.226
751 RPRO 50.0000.226
752 bob 50.0000.226
753 baadf00d 50.0000.226
754 JohnTh3Ripp3r 50.0000.226
755 Car Ram Rod 50.0000.226
756 heyup 50.0000.226
757 DC719 50.0000.226
758 Nullbleed 50.0000.226
759 ChaMd5 50.0000.226
760 Infinite Snakes 50.0000.226
761 0ff7h36r1d 50.0000.226
762 CSC VNPT Technology 50.0000.226
763 Vices 50.0000.226
764 Night Hawk 50.0000.226
765 R3v3rs 50.0000.226
766 Cook13G0bblerz 50.0000.226
767 aaaaa 50.0000.226
768 Indra 50.0000.226
769 Go Banana! 50.0000.226
770 bam 50.0000.226
771 ThisIsMy127.0.0.1 50.0000.226
772 Zhonya 50.0000.226
773 0x539 50.0000.226
774 Cgacer 50.0000.226
775 fungamer 50.0000.226
776 Mom's Spaghetti 50.0000.225
777 nGuard 50.0000.225
778 Archive 50.0000.225
779 GivemeApple 50.0000.225
780 thisisateam 50.0000.225
781 fishythefish 50.0000.225
782 Mt.Hax 50.0000.225
783 Kong 50.0000.225
784 Kali-fornia cyber surfers 50.0000.225
785 int dependence; 50.0000.225
786 Simple Sugars 50.0000.225
787 Team BIFF 50.0000.225
788 vTest 50.0000.225
789 :rip: 50.0000.225
790 zzz12345 50.0000.225
791 Team_STFU 50.0000.225
792 PANWInterns 50.0000.225
793 PHSCRC 50.0000.225
794 WF 50.0000.225
795 The Robot Club 50.0000.225
796 mymindstorm 50.0000.225
797 Manatee Foundation 50.0000.225
798 anhkinhcan 50.0000.225
799 Hackezs 50.0000.225
800 fishy 50.0000.225
801 Armour 50.0000.225
802 HSG 50.0000.225
803 teamencoder 50.0000.225
804 CorpOfHack 50.0000.224
805 SA206 50.0000.224
806 QSR 50.0000.224
807 reznick 50.0000.224
808 Dreamer 50.0000.224
809 Bismillah Bejo 50.0000.224
810 BITSkrieg 50.0000.224
811 Autorun 50.0000.224
812 D3siprox 50.0000.224
813 crash and burn 50.0000.224
814 Bardock 50.0000.224
815 ISITDTU 50.0000.224
816 404 TNF 50.0000.224
817 GITSH 50.0000.224
818 antisec 50.0000.224
819 Razzmataz 50.0000.224
820 wnv 50.0000.224
821 Psyiode 50.0000.224
822 money in tha bank 50.0000.224
823 Dakine 50.0000.224
824 kid10 50.0000.224
825 Ph0en1x 50.0000.224
826 labssquad 50.0000.224
827 Yokohama 50.0000.224
828 Philophiles 50.0000.224
829 iejdvnc 50.0000.224
830 SeaCoffeeEff 50.0000.224
831 Ping-Mic 50.0000.224
832 exit nodes 50.0000.224
833 BeheSquad 50.0000.224
834 sw1ss 50.0000.224
835 BS Labs 50.0000.223
836 TheIITBCoders 50.0000.223
837 IDKWUT? 50.0000.223
838 Fragment of chaos 50.0000.223
839 M1OSEC 50.0000.223
840 Flag catchers 50.0000.223
841 SDSLabs 50.0000.223
842 minions 50.0000.223
843 sigterm 50.0000.223
844 K20DTU 50.0000.223
845 Dispy 50.0000.223
846 CheeseBox 50.0000.223
847 asdf 50.0000.223
848 bananagoat 50.0000.223
849 WeDontPlayCTF 50.0000.223
850 UConnSec 50.0000.223
852 3v01v3 50.0000.223
853 pwnhack 50.0000.223
854 asdfasdf 50.0000.223
855 h1hakz 50.0000.223
856 LASC 50.0000.223
857 Pwn October 50.0000.223
858 vtim 50.0000.223
859 WFM 50.0000.223
860 wednesday my dudes 50.0000.223
861 Dogod 50.0000.223
862 AingeCTF 50.0000.223
863 checker0 50.0000.223
864 L33t_H4x 50.0000.223
865 7e7e 50.0000.223
866 TeamLoner 50.0000.223
867 IAM 50.0000.223
868 craziee 50.0000.222
869 Dunnno 50.0000.222
870 gctf 50.0000.222
871 TinkrTailr 50.0000.222
872 hack.js 50.0000.222
873 Veni 50.0000.222
874 troypracticeteam 50.0000.222
875 MilkHunters 50.0000.222
876 73@M7 50.0000.222
877 idk 50.0000.222
878 KUNKUNAMI 50.0000.222
879 flagish 50.0000.222
880 huhnscheibe 50.0000.222
881 avg 50.0000.222
882 Hydra 50.0000.222
883 paper 50.0000.222
884 Hack#00F 50.0000.222
885 t0stMirai 50.0000.222
886 Chaos Legion 50.0000.222
887 n4rv4l0 50.0000.222
888 I'm a turing oracle AMA 50.0000.222
889 OnTh3R00t 50.0000.222
890 Coding Gay 50.0000.222
891 wabisabi 50.0000.222
892 h4ck0cr1t1cs 50.0000.222
893 nanimodekinai 50.0000.222
894 PindaLinga 50.0000.222
895 void 50.0000.222
896 SomeRandomName 50.0000.222
897 Rules Of Pwning 50.0000.222
898 dankSquad 50.0000.222
899 farmingsimulator2015 50.0000.222
900 d3x 50.0000.222
901 Not Penny's Boat 50.0000.222
902 Corny Teens 50.0000.222
903 nbeye 50.0000.222
904 Ree 50.0000.221
905 37 50.0000.221
906 RTeam 50.0000.221
907 WAFU 50.0000.221
908 ayyy 50.0000.221
909 PlayFair2k17 50.0000.221
910 CH1ll 50.0000.221
911 miccah 50.0000.221
912 Grumpy Unicorn 50.0000.221
913 Tatami 50.0000.221
914 OPT 50.0000.221
915 HamsterSquad 50.0000.221
916 tmp 50.0000.221
917 FlappyPig 50.0000.221
918 DoYouKnow? 50.0000.221
919 argaz 50.0000.221
920 Thanos 50.0000.221
921 SDHSROOT 50.0000.221
922 Samsung R&D PL 50.0000.221
923 LumenSec 50.0000.221
924 ChalmersCTF 50.0000.221
925 Kap0k 50.0000.221
926 Coolest Beans 50.0000.221
927 boom_protik_boom 50.0000.221
928 labrats 50.0000.221
929 Falcon 50.0000.221
930 BrokenByDefault 50.0000.221
931 Netizens 50.0000.221
932 NetS3c 50.0000.221
933 WonderWoman 50.0000.221
934 delightfulhug 50.0000.221
935 swehack 50.0000.221
936 Stringrays 50.0000.221
937 PM0100 50.0000.221
938 streetfrigter 50.0000.221
939 Lukkys 50.0000.221
940 labxors 50.0000.221
941 xamxidu 50.0000.221
942 LosCuquis 50.0000.220
943 Long Live the Linux Lab 50.0000.220
944 1701 50.0000.220
945 Oro 50.0000.220
946 Cybernatural 50.0000.220
947 avAtors 50.0000.220
948 something something something darkside 50.0000.220
949 IPFactory 50.0000.220
950 - columbusCircle 50.0000.220
951 RJ45 50.0000.220
952 weep 50.0000.220
953 CrazyBird 50.0000.220
954 codelife 50.0000.220
955 Blue 50.0000.220
956 CremaIsBoring 50.0000.220
957 기모띠! 50.0000.220
958 covfefe 50.0000.220
959 n0Sk!LL 50.0000.220
960 BUGR 50.0000.220
961 pago team 50.0000.220
962 indo8 50.0000.220
963 hobe 50.0000.220
964 l3@rnh@ck 50.0000.220
965 50.0000.220
966 Salamanders 50.0000.220
967 50.0000.220
968 ASIS 50.0000.220
969 wanwan 50.0000.220
970 RandomWins 50.0000.220
971 Alphateam 50.0000.220
972 LuR| 50.0000.220
973 apropos 50.0000.220
974 MhackGyver 50.0000.220
975 Come to Try Fortune 50.0000.220
976 TawonzCyber 50.0000.220
977 carnage 50.0000.220
978 oxford_security 50.0000.220
979 jackdaw 50.0000.220
980 lli 50.0000.220
981 k3i 50.0000.220
982 0.0 50.0000.220
983 Heaven's Light 50.0000.220
984 BTTM 50.0000.219
985 x0x 50.0000.219
986 synonym 50.0000.219
987 GuRoots 50.0000.219
988 Vidar1337 50.0000.219
989 hack001 50.0000.219
990 Kernel Space Invaders 50.0000.219
991 41o8r3 50.0000.219
992 x86 50.0000.219
993 WSP 50.0000.219
994 cyberSecLI 50.0000.219
995 Patates The Flag 50.0000.219
996 Summer Elaine and Drunk Dori 50.0000.219
997 flamezzz 50.0000.219
998 No Hack No Pay 50.0000.219
999 its just me 50.0000.219
1000 MNETRS 50.0000.219
1001 _H@c&7R$_ 50.0000.219
1002 NCC1701D 50.0000.219
1003 Ginkgo 50.0000.219
1004 clickme 50.0000.219
1005 50.0000.219
1006 Yurgers 50.0000.219
1007 valp 50.0000.219
1008 modern 50.0000.219
1009 kvl 50.0000.219
1010 H4ckMeiFy0uCaN 50.0000.219
1011 не русский! 50.0000.219
1012 8bit 50.0000.219
1013 SwissMadeSecurity 50.0000.219
1014 Mr Ron Anser 50.0000.219
1015 ITCrowd 50.0000.219
1016 134340 50.0000.219
1017 Hackers3 50.0000.219
1018 PHCN 50.0000.219
1019 stayAlone 50.0000.219
1020 moonagirl 50.0000.219
1021 rnd!217 50.0000.219
1022 ManHuntX 50.0000.219
1023 newbie 50.0000.219
1024 d3vc0r3 50.0000.219
1025 Meyrin Dodgers 50.0000.219
1026 50.0000.219
1027 Phish'n'Chips 50.0000.219
1028 na 50.0000.219
1029 Bing<3 50.0000.219
1030 bbolbbol 50.0000.218
1031 The Flag Busters 50.0000.218
1032 Nyan101 50.0000.218
1033 nowhere 50.0000.218
1034 Safe}{ackers 50.0000.218
1035 KiritoQN 50.0000.218
1036 Wing0 50.0000.218
1037 Guardian 50.0000.218
1038 DSF 50.0000.218
1039 $$$SOMETHING 50.0000.218
1040 strange_U 50.0000.218
1041 0xbadf00d 50.0000.218
1042 ALLES! 50.0000.218
1043 zen 50.0000.218
1044 New_Damotorie 50.0000.218
1045 CyberSingkong 50.0000.218
1046 Gobstoppers 50.0000.218
1047 SUSlo.PAS 50.0000.218
1048 teamkoroch 50.0000.218
1049 DOSuccess 50.0000.218
1050 STS 50.0000.218
1051 MomoLovers 50.0000.218
1052 Server 50.0000.218
1053 exorcists 50.0000.218
1054 PinkFluffyRockingHorse 50.0000.218
1055 Numbers 50.0000.218
1056 AN1S 50.0000.218
1057 MyTeam 50.0000.218
1058 KXTI-IB 50.0000.218
1059 Nodens 50.0000.218
1060 pwn3r 50.0000.218
1061 rt 50.0000.218
1062 PUT 50.0000.218
1063 Gcoders 50.0000.218
1064 esp 50.0000.218
1065 0x90r00t 50.0000.218
1066 walkure 50.0000.218
1067 mid or feed 50.0000.218
1068 letter 50.0000.218
1069 Grumpy Narwhal 50.0000.218
1070 HackInfinity 50.0000.218
1071 43v3r_a10n3 50.0000.218
1072 KitriGroup 50.0000.218
1073 ||ll||ll|| 50.0000.218
1074 Uuuuusa 50.0000.218
1075 LoneViking 50.0000.218
1076 italian 50.0000.218
1077 NNOTT 50.0000.218
1078 Honolulu 50.0000.218
1079 wrlck 50.0000.218
1080 Dip_Hackme 50.0000.218
1081 CertIsMore 50.0000.217
1082 NIS 50.0000.217
1083 A1d0qa 50.0000.217
1084 rabbitz 50.0000.217
1085 TGBF 50.0000.217
1086 moostache 50.0000.217
1087 Matrix 50.0000.217
1088 Stinger 50.0000.217
1089 project90x 50.0000.217
1090 StopTheBacon 50.0000.217
1091 blackbunny 50.0000.217
1092 TipTil 50.0000.217
1093 PrototypeDroids 50.0000.217
1094 Kesae 50.0000.217
1095 Gooth 50.0000.217
1096 CirclesOf$hell 50.0000.217
1097 ||| 50.0000.217
1099 M.I.S.T. 50.0000.217
1100 Tower of Hanoi 50.0000.217
1101 rot 50.0000.217
1102 cdemi 50.0000.217
1103 P_TE 50.0000.217
1104 N00b 0x 50.0000.217
1105 WhiteNoise 50.0000.217
1106 UiO-CTF 50.0000.217
1107 0xC4rp4T34m 50.0000.217
1108 ZenSecurity 50.0000.217
1109 Das Leben ist eine Baustelle 50.0000.217
1110 SecurityHill 50.0000.217
1111 bluff4value 50.0000.217
1112 GammaGandalf 50.0000.217
1113 GiVeMeRoOt 50.0000.217
1114 Animals 50.0000.217
1115 Team Awesome 50.0000.217
1116 The Warriors 50.0000.217
1117 Frozen Caribou 50.0000.217
1118 Beers4fFlags 50.0000.217
1119 Party Smasher 50.0000.217
1120 SaBerTooths 50.0000.217
1121 Pandemic 50.0000.217
1122 Hacknam Style 50.0000.217
1123 Xbomb 50.0000.217
1124 ZKHop 50.0000.217
1125 CharliebWup 50.0000.217
1126 OPC 50.0000.217
1127 B3bieSec 50.0000.217
1128 /\/\()() 50.0000.217
1129 legacy 50.0000.217
1130 homura 50.0000.217
1131 5p4rt4cu5 50.0000.217
1132 killy 50.0000.217
1133 EPAD 50.0000.217
1134 ClusterFrack 50.0000.217
1135 Not hackers 50.0000.217
1136 Bread 50.0000.217
1137 P3t3rp4rk3r 50.0000.216
1138 msfs 50.0000.216
1139 Kjells4ngels 50.0000.216
1140 Trolled-u 50.0000.216
1141 Whitehatters Academy 50.0000.216
1142 chomuX 50.0000.216
1143 m3t@x 50.0000.216
1144 1337_h4x0r 50.0000.216
1145 devsup 50.0000.216
1146 system32 50.0000.216
1147 smoke leet everyday 50.0000.216
1148 P01TERGEIST 50.0000.216
1149 pizdc 50.0000.216
1150 cat /dev/urandom 50.0000.216
1151 legiouse 50.0000.216
1152 [Localhost] 50.0000.216
1153 bismithblac 50.0000.216
1154 bbbig 50.0000.216
1155 The Metaverse 50.0000.216
1156 Tometzky 50.0000.216
1157 noobooom 50.0000.216
1158 blitz 50.0000.216
1159 DarkDrag0nite 50.0000.216
1160 SUDO TEAMNAME 50.0000.216
1161 bugasur 50.0000.216
1162 darknet 50.0000.216
1163 mikenyans 50.0000.216
1164 iM26C4u 50.0000.216
1165 (#ypt3x 50.0000.216
1166 734MS4G4 50.0000.216
1167 B-612 50.0000.216
1168 WELLQ 50.0000.216
1169 iT 50.0000.216
1170 ENOFLAG 50.0000.216
1171 phucteam 50.0000.216
1172 iSec 50.0000.216
1173 MAGFest Hacking Team 50.0000.216
1174 Alone Project 50.0000.216
1175 45324 50.0000.216
1176 Slimgin-SSC 50.0000.216
1177 SMOrc 50.0000.216
1178 Contrail 50.0000.216
1179 ms7821 50.0000.216
1180 Escobar 50.0000.216
1181 dupdup 50.0000.216
1182 Accalmie 50.0000.216
1183 Jesses 50.0000.216
1184 cyb3rTUN 50.0000.216
1185 LoneWolf 50.0000.216
1186 shame boners 50.0000.216
1187 Leon 50.0000.216
1188 PwNonyMou5 50.0000.216
1189 Kataryniarz 50.0000.216
1190 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 50.0000.216
1191 T3amLost 50.0000.216
1192 c+++ 50.0000.216
1193 Wootton Hack Club II 50.0000.216
1194 Hackerstan 50.0000.216
1195 Pwnjabi 50.0000.216
1196 pr0wl 50.0000.216
1197 imnoob 50.0000.216
1198 C521 50.0000.216
1199 spam0day 50.0000.215
1200 Lamoz 50.0000.215
1201 yonatanTeam 50.0000.215
1202 -_- 50.0000.215
1203 TeamRong 50.0000.215
1204 horensic 50.0000.215
1205 BoomBeachers 50.0000.215
1206 Pogito 50.0000.215
1207 Wookies 50.0000.215
1208 ids-team 50.0000.215
1209 Cyclopropenylidene 50.0000.215
1210 Pirates 50.0000.215
1211 HopTeam 50.0000.215
1212 BlockPaperScissors 50.0000.215
1213 Ghecko 50.0000.215
1214 NextLine 50.0000.215
1215 Hacks 50.0000.215
1216 UnmanagedTeam 50.0000.215
1217 B2e4gl3 50.0000.215
1218 hacker0013 50.0000.215
1219 HeaderEnrichment 50.0000.215
1220 Doogle CTF 2017 50.0000.215
1221 Team2017 50.0000.215
1222 Leopardan 50.0000.215
1223 k3yser 50.0000.215
1224 xdff team 50.0000.215
1225 CultOfTheDeadCarrot 50.0000.215
1226 The Easter Hackers 50.0000.215
1227 miozehpdnv 50.0000.215
1228 irGeeks 50.0000.215
1229 robostac 50.0000.215
1230 SegFault 50.0000.215
1231 google 50.0000.215
1232 Hacklabor 50.0000.215
1233 P 50.0000.215
1234 ObsessiveCompulsive 50.0000.215
1235 el 3atawla 50.0000.215
1236 d3ad1ock 50.0000.215
1237 Herauld Higgins 50.0000.215
1238 9001 50.0000.215
1239 hypr 50.0000.215
1240 sidreria 50.0000.215
1241 t3st 50.0000.215
1242 slacker 50.0000.215
1243 letstry 50.0000.215
1244 Scylla 50.0000.215
1245 . 50.0000.215
1246 3rdeye 50.0000.215
1247 The Broken 50.0000.215
1248 k 50.0000.215
1249 NetSOSNewbie 50.0000.215
1250 Green Hat 50.0000.215
1251 Gr00t 50.0000.215
1252 anticheat 50.0000.215
1253 aman 50.0000.215
1254 SPD 50.0000.215
1255 TYGN 50.0000.215
1256 CodeFx 50.0000.215
1257 Zenk Security 50.0000.215
1258 Cy83Rc4Ts 50.0000.215
1259 Kuroneko_Solo 50.0000.215
1260 evilmaids 50.0000.215
1261 ubernoob 50.0000.215
1262 Rapid Elephants 50.0000.215
1263 two pointers 50.0000.215
1264 Wootton Hack Club 50.0000.215
1265 Z'ha'dum 50.0000.215
1266 A Bright CTF Day 50.0000.215
1267 Sp4rk3rs 50.0000.215
1268 Cyb0r9s 50.0000.214
1269 O|O 50.0000.214
1270 fs0c13ty 50.0000.214
1271 The Empire 50.0000.214
1272 Pr0t0typ3 50.0000.214
1273 Justmemyselfandi 50.0000.214
1274 testctf 50.0000.214
1275 black_hat 50.0000.214
1276 SWG 50.0000.214
1278 f00 50.0000.214
1279 quiet 50.0000.214
1280 Husky STC 50.0000.214
1281 zxcvbnm 50.0000.214
1282 Sad_programmer 50.0000.214
1283 chunchun 50.0000.214
1284 ILoveCaffeine 50.0000.214
1285 shoopdawhoop 50.0000.214
1286 uestc-aegis 50.0000.214
1287 Wanon 50.0000.214
1288 MosheMoshe 50.0000.214
1289 BrahmanaCTF 50.0000.214
1290 fatal1ty 50.0000.214
1291 Coppers Brothers 50.0000.214
1292 Ayres 50.0000.214
1293 asduahJASHdjkahl 50.0000.214
1294 bub 50.0000.214
1295 azdanaviq 50.0000.214
1296 Minic 50.0000.214
1297 ZSL 50.0000.214
1298 unavailable 50.0000.214
1299 #dev 50.0000.214
1300 beefcheese 50.0000.214
1301 A_team_has_no_name 50.0000.214
1302 DUTSEC 50.0000.214
1303 hawaii_john 50.0000.214
1304 YOKAYA-N 50.0000.214
1305 suraaa 50.0000.214
1306 ZeroKillers 50.0000.214
1307 organizers 50.0000.214
1308 Fr3ak5 50.0000.214
1309 τ manifesto acolytes 50.0000.214
1310 TeamDummy 50.0000.214
1311 SalamanderSquad 50.0000.214
1312 dfgg 50.0000.214
1313 Noobwa 50.0000.214
1314 Woot W00t 50.0000.214
1315 Zep 50.0000.214
1316 STeam 50.0000.214
1317 tes 50.0000.214
1318 BlueSys 50.0000.214
1319 R&M 50.0000.214
1320 EffMeSideways 50.0000.214
1321 SH3LL K!LL3R 50.0000.214
1322 NAS-T 50.0000.214
1323 parkchanjin 50.0000.214
1324 c0ffee 50.0000.214
1325 totallylegit 50.0000.214
1326 N0o0bs 50.0000.214
1327 Honorlock 50.0000.214
1328 TowardsEternity 50.0000.214
1329 jntprocks 50.0000.214
1330 loner 50.0000.214
1331 JNCK 50.0000.214
1332 Om 50.0000.214
1333 OAFNATION 50.0000.214
1334 bLaZe!! 50.0000.214
1335 AHitB 50.0000.214
1336 0xHexaCode 50.0000.214
1337 LUHack 50.0000.214
1338 hack all the things 50.0000.214
1339 The B#s 50.0000.214
1340 helo_ass 50.0000.214
1341 mydlyfecrysis 50.0000.214
1342 M 50.0000.214
1343 SPISec 50.0000.214
1344 wmhack 50.0000.214
1345 SilaLunnoyPrismy 50.0000.213
1346 BBAA:FF 50.0000.213
1347 pwn3r0f@l0n3lyh3@rt 50.0000.213
1348 plplpl 50.0000.213
1349 sat46 50.0000.213
1350 BreakPoint 50.0000.213
1351 Somurr 50.0000.213
1352 CSyndicate 50.0000.213
1353 0140454 50.0000.213
1354 ctfam 50.0000.213
1355 delendaest 50.0000.213
1356 5vc0d3 50.0000.213
1357 Heisenbug 50.0000.213
1358 x' or '1==1 50.0000.213
1359 Frosty the Snowman 50.0000.213
1360 Underworld_of_Darkness 50.0000.213
1361 Mayfield 50.0000.213
1362 Nemuri 50.0000.213
1363 shadowlights 50.0000.213
1364 TeamNoob 50.0000.213
1365 p_km 50.0000.213
1366 All alone 50.0000.213
1367 59db9139e685f7d6a4a8784f9221066f 50.0000.213
1368 CS squad 50.0000.213
1369 sar 50.0000.213
1370 CERT-GOV-GE 50.0000.213
1371 0p3n4se 50.0000.213
1372 Forrest Hexdump 50.0000.213
1373 Şamarcı 50.0000.213
1374 The Goon Squad 50.0000.213
1375 CPE-KU-SRC 50.0000.213
1376 maverick 50.0000.213
1377 OYG 50.0000.213
1378 ALTEREDFAITH 50.0000.213
1379 Doug 50.0000.213
1380 Console 50.0000.213
1381 Bobby Tables 50.0000.213
1382 Boredyouth 50.0000.213
1383 Nabla 50.0000.213
1384 Ramzy, Dodw, MAS, VDH 50.0000.213
1385 Insanity 50.0000.213
1386 Lanshou Xianggu 50.0000.213
1387 LWLNT 50.0000.213
1388 SomeTeam 50.0000.213
1389 Mr.Robot 50.0000.213
1390 Labsiato 50.0000.213
1391 Shadow Servants 50.0000.213
1392 Hackernoob 50.0000.213
1393 NOsecurity 50.0000.213
1394 Mordegan 50.0000.213
1395 chiho 50.0000.213
1396 ByteCoins 50.0000.213
1397 proelbtn 50.0000.213
1398 ioncann0ns 50.0000.213
1399 Los Pollos Hermanos 50.0000.213
1400 TNBS 50.0000.213
1401 vivek310 50.0000.213
1402 Apig 50.0000.213
1403 firestarter 50.0000.213
1404 tecknicaltom 50.0000.213
1405 devasena 50.0000.213
1406 OsPeba 50.0000.213
1407 MIS.W 50.0000.213
1408 hav0k 50.0000.213
1409 King Lama 50.0000.213
1410 InterN0T 50.0000.213
1411 Red Banana 50.0000.213
1412 Fox-Hound 50.0000.213
1413 nc-lp 50.0000.213
1414 Badbytes 50.0000.213
1415 Knightsec 50.0000.213
1416 Entropy 50.0000.213
1417 ls_you 50.0000.213
1418 0x90909090 50.0000.213
1419 KZN 50.0000.213
1420 Team Spingus 50.0000.213
1421 KKZZNN 50.0000.213
1422 Hubbabubba 50.0000.213
1423 Mr.NoName 50.0000.213
1424 MSEC 50.0000.213
1425 ' DELETE FROM teams WHERE score != 0 50.0000.213
1426 I'm GGona 50.0000.213
1427 DaInterns 50.0000.213
1428 feeb 50.0000.213
1429 drunkofpinacoladas 50.0000.213
1430 sandpeople 50.0000.213
1431 Mendamecium 50.0000.213
1432 Pseudocoders 50.0000.213
1433 Isnanmul 50.0000.212
1434 rinon 50.0000.212
1435 Kill Joy Labs 50.0000.212
1436 the jdans 50.0000.212
1437 CTF-infinit 50.0000.212
1438 ThePodPeople 50.0000.212
1439 Team Hex 50.0000.212
1440 RolloBollo 50.0000.212
1441 Subconscious Arithmetics 50.0000.212
1442 dm 50.0000.212
1443 R311 50.0000.212
1444 koniyan 50.0000.212
1445 nolmes 50.0000.212
1446 re:zero 50.0000.212
1447 SaltyHashCrackers 50.0000.212
1448 THG 50.0000.212
1449 s1nope 50.0000.212
1450 Dethly Hallows 50.0000.212
1451 0xxcaffeine 50.0000.212
1452 Anons 50.0000.212
1453 T0T3M_M4G1 50.0000.212
1454 Turkiye 50.0000.212
1455 0x383D3D44 50.0000.212
1456 Fatal Procrastinators 50.0000.212
1457 Hyrule Knights 50.0000.212
1458 Jabberwocky 50.0000.212
1459 PHumpernickel 50.0000.212
1460 Myrdyrs team 50.0000.212
1461 HackThis 50.0000.212
1462 CSI-PolyHack 50.0000.212
1463 Colors ESI 50.0000.212
1464 #lurking 50.0000.212
1465 Agrigoroi 50.0000.212
1466 asdq 50.0000.212
1467 whteva 50.0000.212
1468 mcrlc 50.0000.212
1469 Justwantedtoseewhatsallthefuzz 50.0000.212
1470 Roffel 50.0000.212
1471 DoINeedATeam? 50.0000.212
1472 sutculer 50.0000.212
1473 Heyyoo 50.0000.212
1474 Z4ck 50.0000.212
1475 try{this.ctf();}catch(e){print("huh.");} 50.0000.212
1476 CryptoCode 50.0000.212
1477 ltest 50.0000.212
1478 v 50.0000.212
1479 STAPH 50.0000.212
1480 i_did_it 50.0000.212
1481 Keepers 50.0000.212
1482 Dead Hacking Dwarves 50.0000.212
1483 NYMPHS 50.0000.212
1484 ItsOkay 50.0000.212
1485 ASG 50.0000.212
1486 SherbrookeNinjaTurtle 50.0000.212
1487 DANKEK IS THE BEST CAKE 50.0000.212
1488 Tek tabanca 50.0000.212
1489 COMedy_Dudez 50.0000.212
1490 PVCIT 50.0000.212
1491 ctflovers 50.0000.212
1492 #NoTeam 50.0000.212
1493 25toLife 50.0000.212
1494 LivingVendingMachine 50.0000.212
1495 Dragons 50.0000.212
1496 mov ecx, arch 50.0000.212
1497 Sugarii 50.0000.212
1498 somebody 50.0000.212
1499 AgoraSecurity 50.0000.212
1500 Dankle 50.0000.212
1501 Cinderella 50.0000.212
1502 space_tab 50.0000.212
1503 DuRaRaRa!! 50.0000.212
1504 SubHacker 50.0000.212
1505 darkmatter 50.0000.212
1506 TBFTME 50.0000.212
1507 bld 50.0000.212
1508 shixing 50.0000.212
1509 BulanlarArayanlardır 50.0000.212
1510 S A D B O Y S 50.0000.212
1511 Shaktimaan 50.0000.212
1512 0x41 50.0000.212
1513 Lacfyc 50.0000.212
1514 duplicateteam 50.0000.212
1515 123 Team 50.0000.212
1516 Radical Dreamers 50.0000.212
1517 DNS Destroyers 50.0000.212
1518 U235 50.0000.212
1519 Blue Shellcode 50.0000.212
1520 l4m3rino 50.0000.212
1521 meow 50.0000.212
1522 AwesomeTeam 50.0000.212
1523 podhays 50.0000.212
1524 TavisO W@nn@ B3z 50.0000.212
1525 TSC Hackers 50.0000.212
1526 JPDiamond 50.0000.212
1527 Rootkids 50.0000.212
1528 YeahJustMe 50.0000.212
1529 msumera 50.0000.212
1530 millenial 50.0000.212
1531 MaNameJeff 50.0000.212
1532 JH-Bier 50.0000.212
1533 Slav:|||:Squad 50.0000.211
1534 _H4hn 50.0000.211
1535 Bobo_of_Doom 50.0000.211
1536 Mangerie 50.0000.211
1537 Smoke Detectors 50.0000.211
1538 vitali 50.0000.211
1539 digimkr 50.0000.211
1540 arn 50.0000.211
1541 CySec 50.0000.211
1542 NEthing4monE 50.0000.211
1543 cyberopus 50.0000.211
1544 PowerBetas 50.0000.211
1545 a_i 50.0000.211
1546 TAR_Eu_SsE 50.0000.211
1547 Sniff packets, not drugs 50.0000.211
1548 noobosaur 50.0000.211
1549 mai 50.0000.211
1550 p0ptart5 50.0000.211
1551 Team Spiciest Hacks 50.0000.211
1552 Kings 50.0000.211
1553 LAZARUS13 50.0000.211
1554 Zac's Team 50.0000.211
1555 None 50.0000.211
1556 umn 50.0000.211
1557 avts 50.0000.211
1558 CyberSec 50.0000.211
1559 test team 50.0000.211
1560 DarkCyberElves 50.0000.211
1561 hakbak 50.0000.211
1562 Abi şu feysi patlatsana 50.0000.211
1563 Hack and Bash 50.0000.211
1564 DarkSoloTeam 50.0000.211
1565 teset 50.0000.211
1566 Jeramy 50.0000.211
1567 Constantine Evseev 50.0000.211
1568 G4ngli0s 50.0000.211
1569 login_failed 50.0000.211
1570 Elders of the Internet 50.0000.211
1571 OMR 50.0000.211
1572 MfH 50.0000.211
1573 Slug Security 50.0000.211
1574 5 50.0000.211
1575 Doyouevencyber? 50.0000.211
1576 Hackers2 50.0000.211
1577 MIRCLover31337 50.0000.211
1578 S 50.0000.211
1579 JustTrying 50.0000.211
1580 Knights of the Gag 50.0000.211
1581 JayHackers 50.0000.211
1582 4ENSIBS 50.0000.211
1583 N3cr0C3rd0s 50.0000.211
1584 Radiant 50.0000.211
1585 hackstreetboyz 50.0000.211
1586 O(n!) 50.0000.211
1587 noscore 50.0000.211
1588 WhiteHatTeam 50.0000.211
1589 Filip 50.0000.211
1590 Montana Carlos is a team 50.0000.211
1591 babygroot 50.0000.211
1592 CTP 50.0000.211
1593 BluePen 50.0000.211
1594 [;;]_EGYG 50.0000.211
1595 FluffyCatPaws 50.0000.211
1596 P0t4t0 Labs 50.0000.211
1597 Tenesys 50.0000.211
1598 Unnamed CTF Team 50.0000.211
1599 T3Nsbw== 50.0000.211
1600 Just a Ghost Town 50.0000.211
1601 Fortress 50.0000.211
1602 Team no team 50.0000.211
1603 Britannia 50.0000.211
1604 Crooks 50.0000.211
1605 PaperCrane 50.0000.211
1606 SUVARİLER 50.0000.211
1607 amazing01 50.0000.211
1608 #DarkWinter 50.0000.211
1609 Deus 50.0000.211
1610 Menua 50.0000.211
1611 Kagsbot 50.0000.211
1612 Origami 50.0000.211
1613 RadiantOne 50.0000.211
1614 joaquincito 50.0000.211
1615 ChessPawn 50.0000.211
1616 Metis Hackers 50.0000.211
1617 secS0 50.0000.211
1618 jopawp 50.0000.211
1619 neu-mf 50.0000.211
1620 PetBot 50.0000.211
1621 9SOC 50.0000.211
1622 You are never safe 50.0000.211
1623 IAATL 50.0000.211
1624 derpderp 50.0000.211
1625 hackerzzzz 50.0000.211
1626 kms 50.0000.211
1627 deadinside 50.0000.211
1628 wobawobawobawoba 50.0000.211
1629 CyberOps 50.0000.211
1630 v0idzer0 50.0000.211
1631 50.0000.211
1632 caffeinlove 50.0000.211
1633 N0F3AR 50.0000.211
1634 7x7x 50.0000.211
1635 PolarBears 50.0000.211
1636 Suncoast 50.0000.211
1637 The Gunners 50.0000.211
1638 marek2017 50.0000.211
1639 Definately Not a Hacker 50.0000.211
1640 TaVSt 50.0000.211
1641 N0n3Typ3 50.0000.211
1642 Pepperoni 50.0000.211
1643 Etterpriz 50.0000.211
1644 TheKillingTime 50.0000.211
1645 CyberjutsuWomen 50.0000.211
1646 blabla 50.0000.211
1647 Byte Size 50.0000.211
1648 Xyz 50.0000.210
1649 onlyme 50.0000.210
1650 Friendship 50.0000.210
1651 Broast 50.0000.210
1652 leprkhn 50.0000.210
1653 Hackz4M0n3z 50.0000.210
1654 @@@nonames@@@ 50.0000.210
1655 Lulzs 50.0000.210
1656 81u3Tr33 50.0000.210
1657 Indigo02 50.0000.210
1658 the_blahs 50.0000.210
1659 A-Team 50.0000.210
1660 Ghost_whisper 50.0000.210
1661 Offinthewoods 50.0000.210
1662 zer0z 50.0000.210
1663 SlackPkt 50.0000.210
1664 MK1 50.0000.210
1665 vampire 50.0000.210
1666 n1ckyr0m3r0 50.0000.210
1667 abc- 50.0000.210
1668 HackersRUs 50.0000.210
1669 RTFM 50.0000.210
1670 The Bot Squad 50.0000.210
1671 SurfingWithNinjas 50.0000.210
1672 Nashua North 50.0000.210
1673 Avertly 50.0000.210
1674 test team please ignore 50.0000.210
1675 CoolBeanz 50.0000.210
1676 techgaun 50.0000.210
1677 The Boat Boffins 50.0000.210
1678 Cherenkov 50.0000.210
1679 xxxooo 50.0000.210
1680 solodolo 50.0000.210
1681 Houseless wanderers 50.0000.210
1682 anVzdDFkdWRl 50.0000.210
1683 Carnivore 50.0000.210
1684 hshimamoto 50.0000.210
1685 l'E.H. 50.0000.210
1686 PleaseHireMe 50.0000.210
1687 HappyHacking 50.0000.210
1688 calormene 50.0000.210
1689 0ctal 50.0000.210
1690 sw1sskn1f3 50.0000.210
1691 mda 50.0000.210
1692 FALE 50.0000.210
1693 dragons1 50.0000.210
1694 Fy_ 50.0000.210
1695 GLMN 50.0000.210
1696 Fancy Flags 50.0000.210
1697 Skiplash 50.0000.210
1698 pwner 50.0000.210
1699 countyline 50.0000.210
1700 cx 50.0000.210
1701 whiled_ones 50.0000.210
1702 SB 50.0000.210
1703 Computer Freak 50.0000.210
1704 Tombola 50.0000.210
1705 test123 50.0000.210
1706 TrustNoOne 50.0000.210
1707 xint 50.0000.210
1708 Hack The Planet 50.0000.210
1709 r3g3x 50.0000.210
1710 rvn 50.0000.210
1711 khz 50.0000.210
1712 碎雪小分队 50.0000.210
1713 SMU 50.0000.210
1714 D0bu 50.0000.210
1715 PTITHCM 50.0000.210
1716 ___ 50.0000.210
1717 Jackie Chan Adventures 50.0000.210
1718 Laundromatic 50.0000.210
1719 SomebodyOnceToldMe 50.0000.210
1720 0jingzip 50.0000.210
1721 Lonely 50.0000.210
1722 arabel 50.0000.210
1723 Amateur 50.0000.210
1724 ah..... 50.0000.210
1725 CyberStuds 50.0000.210
1726 Fanana 50.0000.210
1727 Trakians 50.0000.210
1728 Wizards of OS 50.0000.210
1729 sivans 50.0000.210
1730 Runa 50.0000.210
1731 Inglorious Malwares 50.0000.210
1732 ThisIsMinibus 50.0000.210
1733 Noll Koll 50.0000.210
1734 zeros'one 50.0000.210
1735 n00bsider 50.0000.210
1736 Saint Peter's University 50.0000.210
1737 Zonda 50.0000.210
1738 tulhan 50.0000.210
1739 Master Mantis 50.0000.210
1740 networker 50.0000.210
1741 Prismemers 50.0000.210
1742 solochina 50.0000.210
1743 c0n 50.0000.210
1744 Maxwell Daemons 50.0000.210
1745 Teamy McTeamface 50.0000.210
1746 5830's Team 50.0000.210
1747 FreeStyle 50.0000.210
1748 cyber on a bread 50.0000.210
1749 gtpp 50.0000.210
1750 Solo [Nepal] 50.0000.210
1751 aoh 50.0000.210
1752 0x00sec 50.0000.210
1753 kythx_squad 50.0000.210
1754 Cut em all 50.0000.210
1755 xorCrypt 50.0000.210
1756 BRB 50.0000.210
1757 Hackinator 50.0000.210
1758 INSApwn 50.0000.210
1759 onmyown 50.0000.210
1760 idiots 50.0000.210
1761 l0ld0l4 50.0000.210
1762 Espacio 50.0000.210
1763 arbel03 50.0000.210
1764 Ra1ningSn0w 50.0000.210
1765 BlackBat 50.0000.210
1766 fdlknsfd 50.0000.210
1767 TeamSwitchin 50.0000.210
1768 LESGENTILACOEUR 50.0000.210
1769 Sumpfsocke's Team 50.0000.210
1770 Just_looiking 50.0000.210
1771 Manish Bhattacharya 50.0000.210
1772 chrisbex 50.0000.210
1773 rawsec 50.0000.210
1774 egropagerpz 50.0000.210
1775 morozko 50.0000.210
1776 Engineers 50.0000.210
1777 0xDEADFEEB 50.0000.210
1778 I just want to see questions 50.0000.210
1779 clZ 50.0000.210
1780 0x414141 50.0000.210
1781 hackoon 50.0000.209
1782 bigbear 50.0000.209
1783 Bubbles 50.0000.209
1784 marshmallowcalpis 50.0000.209
1785 zeroeskeys 50.0000.209
1786 Nullhunters 50.0000.209
1787 Desserts of all types 50.0000.209
1788 magicbeans 50.0000.209
1789 t@ba$h 50.0000.209
1790 hACK 50.0000.209
1791 zenki 50.0000.209
1792 test-run 50.0000.209
1793 pNet 50.0000.209
1794 BFK 50.0000.209
1795 Lamora 50.0000.209
1796 ARGOS 50.0000.209
1797 a-cool-team-name 50.0000.209
1798 BlueManGroup 50.0000.209
1799 The Half Crunchy 50.0000.209
1800 Scammers 50.0000.209
1801 mofumofu 50.0000.209
1802 dudes 50.0000.209
1803 Just Here for the Beer 50.0000.209
1804 Drpata solo 50.0000.209
1805 m1337 50.0000.209
1806 Ascope 50.0000.209
1807 JCT_H4CK 50.0000.209
1808 Your mum 50.0000.209
1809 Corteso 50.0000.209
1810 happydayteam 50.0000.209
1811 ark 50.0000.209
1812 The Punnycoders 50.0000.209
1813 LonePlay 50.0000.209
1814 50.0000.209
1815 dat4log 50.0000.209
1816 usering 50.0000.209
1817 CyberLutra 50.0000.209
1818 Cerberus 50.0000.209
1819 pinksheep 50.0000.209
1820 HEXADECIMAL 50.0000.209
1821 IPoften 50.0000.209
1822 Fukin furries 50.0000.209
1823 uNit3d 50.0000.209
1824 TheSingularity 50.0000.209
1825 ;) 50.0000.209
1826 bachmma1 50.0000.209
1827 ZeroSec 50.0000.209
1828 n00bs_R_us 50.0000.209
1829 Lantern 50.0000.209
1830 Noobeggs 50.0000.209
1831 Amirag 50.0000.209
1832 The Club Maids 50.0000.209
1833 Stefano 50.0000.209
1834 Out Of Nothing 50.0000.209
1835 Skiddies 50.0000.209
1836 kuhaku 50.0000.209
1837 Blabbers 50.0000.209
1838 kurangkerjaan 50.0000.209
1839 testteam 50.0000.209
1840 41r574ck 50.0000.209
1841 HanSoloDolo 50.0000.209
1842 topkek 50.0000.209
1843 NGU 50.0000.209
1844 SaiberSekuriti 50.0000.209
1845 n0decaf 50.0000.209
1846 slow1337s 50.0000.209
1847 b7ab2755616dee06 50.0000.209
1848 DenverCoders 50.0000.209
1849 uncertain 50.0000.209
1850 jsutset 50.0000.209
1851 1337🐱 50.0000.209
1852 interstellar 50.0000.209
1853 real_sad_bois 50.0000.209
1854 CyberHaus 50.0000.209
1855 Internet Batman 50.0000.209
1856 corentin's team 50.0000.209
1857 Toster 50.0000.209
1858 AP 50.0000.209
1859 Cool Team 50.0000.209
1860 0xB33FCAF3 50.0000.209
1861 50.0000.209
1862 DZDevs 50.0000.209
1863 tboczan 50.0000.209
1864 hackitgirl 50.0000.209
1865 Zero Cool 50.0000.209
1866 Pwn4GoodReasons 50.0000.209
1867 l0nlybit 50.0000.209
1868 dget 50.0000.209
1869 555+ 50.0000.209
1870 nowise 50.0000.209
1871 1NNoC3Nt 50.0000.209
1872 hackers998089 50.0000.209
1873 TeamDoomsday 50.0000.209
1874 antv1sh 50.0000.209
1875 WAZUPP 50.0000.209
1876 aaSexyKondom 50.0000.209
1877 PT 50.0000.209
1878 Frogs 50.0000.209
1879 AT 50.0000.209
1880 0byte 50.0000.209
1881 Tilo's Team 50.0000.209
1882 Dysleixa 50.0000.209
1883 Ts e 50.0000.209
1884 b0c 50.0000.209
1885 Kitch 50.0000.209
1886 0x0luke 50.0000.209
1887 The people-eating Sandworms who almost never need to use WD-40 and also enjoy crafting long run-on sentence fragments. 50.0000.209
1888 CHC 50.0000.209
1889 cachemonet 50.0000.209
1890 longlongint 50.0000.209
1891 Cluster Injection 50.0000.209
1892 SmokCS 50.0000.209
1893 iStarted46HoursLate 50.0000.209
1894 TrinityCTF 50.0000.209
1895 siyusong 50.0000.209
1896 throwaways 50.0000.209
1897 alicio 50.0000.209
1898 test 50.0000.209
1899 NotAFather 50.0000.209
1900 Cheburek 50.0000.209
1901 Haf 50.0000.209
1902 bgianfo 50.0000.209
1903 hhmedd 50.0000.209
1904 AAAA 50.0000.209
1905 TeamZita 50.0000.209
1906 Mayan 50.0000.209
1907 2stronk 50.0000.209
1908 00 50.0000.209
1909 rescue nil 50.0000.209
1910 Centrych 50.0000.209
1911 404 Not Found 50.0000.209
1912 n0pe 50.0000.209
1913 Crack_me 50.0000.209
1914 hanto 50.0000.209
1915 Jp9t0Qbm01Cyq7Dp 50.0000.209
1916 CO2 50.0000.209
1917 BibiHehe 50.0000.209
1918 n00b_team 50.0000.209
1919 a_x_e 50.0000.209
1920 zeroday 50.0000.209
1921 LostInDeserialization 50.0000.209
1922 security workshop 50.0000.209
1923 MKX 50.0000.209
1924 Big-Daddy 50.0000.209
1925 PunSec 50.0000.209
1926 nanos 50.0000.209
1927 CatchFM 50.0000.209
1928 HeartUnderBlade 50.0000.209
1929 MrRobotS03 50.0000.209
1930 vir00s 50.0000.209
1931 Imortals 50.0000.209
1932 Loosers 50.0000.209
1933 W&P 50.0000.209
1934 HackToCrack 50.0000.209
1935 never_retired 50.0000.209
1936 wwogtech 50.0000.209
1937 noxale 50.0000.209
1938 PoorAtCtfQq 50.0000.208
1939 BambooFox 50.0000.208
1940 ASID 50.0000.208
1941 JCTF 50.0000.208
1942 PTT 50.0000.208
1943 Fluffy Grass 50.0000.208
1944 LC 50.0000.208
1945 M0nkey 50.0000.208
1946 Malicious 50.0000.208
1947 Hibagon 50.0000.208
1948 cerealkillers 50.0000.208
1949 Lil' Bobby Tables 50.0000.208
1950 Bavianenvoer 50.0000.208
1951 team2 50.0000.208
1952 shiobag 50.0000.208
1953 zionspike 50.0000.208
1954 NaM 50.0000.208
1955 pas0k 50.0000.208
1956 Poseidon 6 50.0000.208
1957 #RemoteExecution 50.0000.208
1958 /dev/null 50.0000.208
1959 Ibit 50.0000.208
1960 Tsarka Kids 50.0000.208
1961 DuoSoft 50.0000.208
1962 OH YEAH 50.0000.208
1963 SUNDAR LAL BAROR 50.0000.208
1964 /tmp/name 50.0000.208
1965 dangerpwn 50.0000.208
1966 xint0 50.0000.208
1967 TogetherWeHack 50.0000.208
1968 bruh 50.0000.208
1969 ninjaprawn 50.0000.208
1970 h3xl4w 50.0000.208
1971 HumBeerHainBC 50.0000.104
1972 CSI 50.0000.104
1973 plex 50.0000.104
1974 One Man Army From Poland 50.0000.104
1975 Tinfoil Hats 50.0000.104
1976 r00t3d 50.0000.104
GhostWizardMay 9, 2017, 4:15 p.m.

So do we need to register or no?

evnMay 10, 2017, 12:19 a.m.

we'll make an announcement next week

BelucMay 18, 2017, 4:09 p.m.

We are next week !

bl4ckm4g15kJune 1, 2017, 6:21 a.m.

Any news?

evnJune 1, 2017, 2:55 p.m.

sorry, almost :). we had some delays

evnJune 2, 2017, 9:35 p.m.

here's the announcement:
you can subscribe for updates here:!forum/google-ctf/join

you will still be able to register the day of the contest

cdemiJune 3, 2017, 11:43 a.m.

So where do we register?

mustafaJune 3, 2017, 6:40 p.m.

how can i register?

pian_wiJune 5, 2017, 6:32 a.m.

any guide to join?

evnJune 5, 2017, 12:40 p.m.

We will open pre-registration at least a few days before the event (but probably sooner than that). Please visit on June 15 to pre-register. Note that pre-registration will not be required, you will be able to register the day of the event.

If you want to know exactly when we open pre-registration signup here:!forum/google-ctf/join

We will send an announcement when we open it, and will send updates to that group as the date gets closer.

0xsh3huJune 5, 2017, 5:01 p.m.

I don't have Team, Would i be assigned Team automatically or what?

majesticmajeJune 6, 2017, 9:25 p.m.

\G̴̢̨̨̤͕̱̮̤̝̫̣͈͖̘̯̠̰͖̬̑͐̓͛̕͜͝͠ͅǫ̷̡̛̛̣̘̻͈̘̘̩̙͙̼̲̥̱͖͚͎̜͓̬͈͖͉̟͎̟̝͖̗̯̖̖͉͖͙̱̦̺͛́̊̐̀̿̈̿̂̈́͒̿́̈̿̌́̎́̂̔̐̄̀͆̈́̅̏̒̈̒̈̋̇̀̕̚̚͜͠͠͝ǫ̴̛̖͕͎̭͚̱͉͕̳̳̭̺̖̳̪̖̦̲͈̲͎̼̟̹̙̟͇̪̟̙̤̠̜͔̼̖̩͓͊͊̇́̇̇̌̈́̔̐͌̂̓̄̑͐͊̑͒̊̄̿̽̌̇̀̋̈́͆̈́̾̑̑̊̇̿͌̈́̓̚͝͝͝͠͠͝ͅͅd̷̡̢̨̧̢̛̛̫̫̭̣̪̼̥̱̝̹̗̣̫̖͚͙̘͋́͌͒̏̄͐͂̃̓̐̉͊̂̎̋̌̇͌̑̑̃́̃͐̈͆͑̃͘͘̕͜͝͠͠͝ ̶̢̢̧̧̛̹͓͉̱̰͚̬̗̩͍̱̝̤͔̼̜̼̭̻̺̦̫̞̝̟̰͚͍̟͍̖̳̠̹̦̩̺̯̼͔̺̦̿̇͌̿͐̑̈́̀͌̈͛̒̏́͛̅̆̽̾͗̅̉̀̃̌̒̓̊̓͗̕͜͠ͅͅl̷̨̧̨̢̨̡̛̟̖͈͚̟͉̠̭̰̼̫͚̼̦͕̟̝̺͖̼̬̮͔̹̯̖̝̲̠̰̣̪͎͇̮̩̀̃̏͂͒̆͛͛͊͑̒͌̆͗͊̏̈́͊͛̇̇̐͗͗̓̀̈́́̈̊̊̎̅̎͒̊̍̈́̋̑̚̚͘͜͜͝ͅͅừ̴̢̨̡̬̫̠̭̙̣͖̞͓͖͔͎̰͇̹̼̬̠͇̠̺̝̪̀̈́͛̎̅̈́̄̄͑̌́̄̓̾͛͐͆̈́̈́̀͂̽̀̔̒̋͑̆͛́͐͘̚͝c̸̡̧̡̛͓̮͚̗͈͇̬̙̦͕̥̦̰̼͚̮̞̱͕̥̼͍̣̙͇̔̏͌̐̑̊̀̀͒͌͋̀̉̋̀͆̊̌̒͛̎͆̓͗͒͌̎̐͊̂̃̂̈́̀͊̄͘͜͜͝͝͝͠ͅͅķ̴͓͕̪̮͍̤͓̗̮̣͇̈̀̃́̈̿͒̕͠\

evnJune 8, 2017, 6:44 p.m.

@0xsh3hu - please TAL at the FAQ

you need to get your own team, but you could join an existing one if you want.

L00P3RJune 13, 2017, 5:08 p.m.

If you are looking for a team you can join us, we are going just to play for fun and for learning, so you don't need to have much skills :)
If you want to talk with us, join to our irc: 6697 #hackthis-ctf

octavefortisJune 14, 2017, 4:18 p.m.

Is it beginners friendly or only for people who works or research in the field?

evnJune 14, 2017, 6:11 p.m.

@octave+fortis - we expect that participants should be able to at least solve one challenge, even if they aren't experts on the field. That said, we don't expect any single team to solve every single challenge.

desconocidoJune 16, 2017, 5:13 p.m.

What is the deadline for sending write-ups?

evnJune 17, 2017, 7 p.m.

check @desconocido

evnJune 18, 2017, 11:25 p.m.

To everyone that participated - please send us feedback

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