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Participated in CTF events

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
518PwnMe CTF Quals 2025100.00000.305
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
539Hack The Vote 20241.00000.051
975idekCTF 2024100.00000.719
101BTCTF I 1640.00000.000
1606NahamCon CTF 2024350.00000.730
96Midnight Flag - Operation BACKSLASH1305.00004.640
849UTCTF 2024100.00000.291
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
745SunshineCTF 20231.00000.056
596DownUnderCTF 2023700.00002.801
387BSides Indore CTF 2023100.00000.443
236NahamCon CTF 20232342.00004.172
207PwnMe Qualifications : "8 bits"300.00001.268
465UMDCTF 2023160.00000.389
662ångstromCTF 2023220.00006.008
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
519WRECKCTF 20221.00000.049
460SekaiCTF 2022139.00000.367
738DownUnderCTF 2022 (Online) 350.00000.721
152UACTF 2022207.00000.455
1024Tenable CTF 2022200.00000.542
311Grey Cat The Flag 2022100.00000.303
670HSCTF 9101.00000.327
262TJCTF 2022778.00002.072
633EZ CTF | Beginner Friendly150.00000.000
803NahamCon CTF 2022800.00000.803
374TAMUctf 2022100.00000.350
406zer0pts CTF 202249.00000.395
472UTCTF 2025 2022300.00000.592
331DaVinciCTF 202291.00000.289
128UMDCTF 20221812.00002.405
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
180Damncon 2021130.00000.721
384Jornadas 2021100.00000.206
511darkCON CTF100.00000.193
1629Tenable CTF 202150.00000.178
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
856Hacktober CTF120.00000.357
422DamCTF 2020260.00000.636
246COMPFEST CTF 20201.00000.000
30ByteCTF 32837.00000.000
380Crypto CTF 202024.00000.200
102PoseidonCTF 1st Edition400.00001.285
870WPICTF 20201.00000.044
390PlaidCTF 20201.00000.254
127DawgCTF 20202530.00005.526
525AUCTF 20201576.00000.921
1080ångstromCTF 2020160.00000.976
1074NeverLAN CTF 202045.00000.050
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
355OverTheWire Advent Bonanza 2019100.00000.291
5730picoCTF 20192450.00000.000
653ENCRYPT CTF1.00000.034
568UTCTF 2019100.00000.134
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
2639picoCTF 20183435.00000.000
339DEF CON CTF Qualifier 2018203.00003.643
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
448Google Capture The Flag 2017 (Quals)50.00000.246
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
484RC3 CTF 2016190.00000.527
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
366DEF CON CTF Qualifier 20141.00002.083

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