Fri, 16 Oct. 2020, 14:00 UTC — Sun, 18 Oct. 2020, 02:00 UTC 



Format: Jeopardy Jeopardy

Official URL:

This event's future weight is subject of public voting!

Future weight: 20.33 

Rating weight: 20.33 

Event organizers 

Join us and team up with friends to bring down DEADFACE, the notorious hacker group in this year's Hacktober CTF.

This event is brought to you by CyberUp, Cyber Hacktics, and United States Air Force veterans in support of National Cyber Security Awareness Month.


1062 teams total

PlaceTeamCTF pointsRating points
1 EPT 7330.00040.660
2 fearless_fledgling 6230.00027.444
3 wotop 5980.00023.362
4 we11_d0ne 5954.00021.596
5 Hack South 5730.00019.958
6 Sealcode 5480.00018.587
7 ContrastSecurity 5480.00018.103
8 dczia 5480.00017.740
9 Hackiit 5430.00017.319
10 HoodsNBeers 5430.00017.093
11 Fword 5430.00016.908
12 AlphaPwners 5429.00016.752
13 Wolfnet Heavy Industries 5416.00016.585
14 rm -rf .* 5255.00016.027
15 kalmarunionen 5180.00015.722
16 cpls 5180.00015.638
17 S0P 5180.00015.563
18 Corax 5180.00015.496
19 palinka_team 5180.00015.437
20 w0rmT34M 5180.00015.383
21 HackWara 5178.00015.329
22 PwnEveryting 5178.00015.285
23 Hawkins Middle School AV Club 5160.00015.195
24 KH0BZ_0_4T4Y 5154.00015.142
25 TheNotoriousPWN 5124.00015.025
26 burner_herz0g 5094.00014.910
27 okman 5080.00014.843
28 s0lid4rity 5080.00014.816
29 while;do echo buffer owlerflow;done 5054.00014.718
30 Cybernatural 5030.00014.629
31 STeam 5029.00014.604
32 SupportCrew 5005.00014.517
33 Cyberjagarna 5003.00014.492
34 br07h3rh00d 5001.00014.468
35 Stuxnet & Chill 4994.00014.432
36 epic rat gamers 4930.00014.238
37 Naked Snowboarders 4905.00014.154
38 4nSicks 4884.00014.081
39 CAPTCHA the Flag 4879.00014.053
40 Bobby Tables 4855.00013.974
41 Numinous Episcopate 4805.00013.823
42 APTx1337 4805.00013.811
43 noraneco 4785.00013.744
44 BisonSquad 4780.00013.720
45 WMG 4755.00013.640
46 B34R5H3LL-RED 4730.00013.561
47 Mavericks 4705.00013.482
48 Isarodip 4705.00013.473
49 iPippi 4636.00013.273
50 SyndisOldies 4625.00013.234
51 TechVetsUK 4605.00013.171
52 Power Puff Boys 4555.00013.024
53 Hacklabor 4541.00012.978
54 Phobos 4530.00012.941
55 Iscariot 4514.00012.889
56 hakk og spaghetti 4505.00012.858
57 toneill 4493.00012.818
58 PingTrip 4485.00012.790
59 krhacken 4480.00012.770
60 BetterDoneThanPerfect 4452.00012.687
61 Lights of Pineapples 4450.00012.676
62 bhole_ki_toli 4450.00012.670
63 HaS_CTF 4443.00012.646
64 ESCAL8 4432.00012.610
65 mikejam 4405.00012.530
66 LookbackMyBack 4405.00012.525
67 cryp_$ec 4400.00012.507
68 DarkArmy 4355.00012.378
69 Rogue-CTF 4355.00012.373
70 royalflush 4339.00012.325
71 What-A-What 4297.00012.204
72 4hsl33p 4277.00012.145
73 whoo 4250.00012.066
74 #BasicWitches 4237.00012.026
75 meeboo 4226.00011.992
76 CLGT 4224.00011.983
77 Mriganka 4205.00011.927
78 AnonymousCowards 4205.00011.923
79 WE_0WN_Y0U 4193.00011.887
80 Unchosen 4152.00011.770
81 New SIDs on the Block 4146.00011.750
82 rub1ck 4123.00011.683
83 blueshellz 4090.00011.589
84 GASM 4080.00011.558
85 _n00bz 4051.00011.475
86 wotopY 4038.00011.436
87 Best team 4035.00011.425
88 XNET 4030.00011.408
89 RNB_vnature 4005.00011.336
90 Stout Boys 3992.00011.298
91 Secret Squirrels 3874.00010.968
92 itc 3780.00010.705
93 LawdaKiSarkar 3769.00010.672
94 cbt 3756.00010.634
95 GetPwndN00b 3753.00010.623
96 Lunokhod 3739.00010.582
97 RootBeer 3732.00010.560
98 Lions 3730.00010.553
99 GeeseWithTeeth 3725.00010.537
100 malmoeware 3700.00010.465
101 fearless 3675.00010.394
102 RPCA Cyber Club 3630.00010.267
103 sw1tch 3620.00010.238
104 Nihonium 3604.00010.191
105 dogboykami 3559.00010.065
106 kiddies 3551.00010.041
107 user237 3547.00010.028
108 Terminox 3529.0009.976
109 VulnX 3525.0009.963
110 CoolCyberCrew 3522.0009.953
111 Sourfruit 3502.0009.896
112 BisonCS 3491.0009.864
113 SKR 3450.0009.749
114 Sup'Hackers 3446.0009.736
115 TeamCC 3400.0009.607
116 KLY 3350.0009.467
117 CTeamF 3326.0009.399
118 Sobaki_s_Naruto_Uzumaki 3299.0009.322
119 gaggler 3275.0009.254
120 HeckerMen 3261.0009.214
121 TortillaHack 3250.0009.182
122 ppl in uci cyber club 3245.0009.167
123 noob-atbash 3230.0009.124
124 b3zt3m0r 3213.0009.075
125 wearenoobs 3196.0009.027
126 B34nB01z 3180.0008.981
127 StrixSquad 3175.0008.966
128 empty_ 3130.0008.840
129 wolvsec 3115.0008.797
130 5h4d0wb10k3r 3099.0008.752
131 The Crimson Demon Clan 3067.0008.662
132 qemutherapy 3055.0008.627
133 fer 3050.0008.612
134 rs 3045.0008.597
135 0xValkerie 3033.0008.563
136 RamosEUPB 3030.0008.553
137 fr334aks 3030.0008.552
138 std::nullptr_t 2973.0008.393
139 Champions 2926.0008.262
140 ./create_team 2922.0008.249
141 irNoobs 2921.0008.246
142 NeptuneOne 2905.0008.200
143 choccymilk 2900.0008.185
145 FEJM.CTF 2883.0008.136
146 open_source 2880.0008.127
147 Hamad 2880.0008.126
148 Inner Savages 2874.0008.108
149 S@n!t!z3r 2872.0008.102
150 pizarron 2866.0008.084
151 ~CHEEZ 2849.0008.036
152 gauti 2810.0007.927
153 Team Dan 2769.0007.813
154 ItPwns - Intergalactic Team of PWNers 2769.0007.812
155 RmonSec 2767.0007.806
156 M1n3rs 2759.0007.782
157 Children Of The Quarn 2744.0007.740
158 浪漫的週六 2695.0007.603
159 ISwearIGoogledIt 2686.0007.578
160 0x90skids 2680.0007.560
161 Kinda Spooky Kinda Sus 2677.0007.551
162 solo_igotinfected 2675.0007.545
163 poly 2672.0007.536
164 PARSECT 2651.0007.477
165 Qui3t0wL 2625.0007.404
166 TheCatamounts2 2595.0007.320
167 the_society 2595.0007.319
168 n1comachos 2588.0007.299
169 L3o 2575.0007.262
170 cstf 2575.0007.261
171 KingStore32 2569.0007.244
172 Bravo 2543.0007.171
173 cybertrash 2533.0007.143
174 JHDiscord 2485.0007.009
175 learn_ctf_gooder 2480.0006.995
176 System Meltdown 2458.0006.933
177 Andervish 2449.0006.907
178 v3ntur3sity 2449.0006.907
179 1xHacker 2448.0006.903
180 kush 2445.0006.894
181 DarkCircle 2437.0006.871
182 LoneWolf 2427.0006.843
183 xXxDCxXx 2410.0006.795
184 TheNorthCodes_ 2402.0006.773
185 Noble Team 2398.0006.761
186 test03 2385.0006.724
187 Macs 2376.0006.699
188 TehBois 2366.0006.670
189 wabafet 2349.0006.623
190 Int3g3r 0verfl0w 2349.0006.622
191 CrazyDr 2347.0006.616
192 Soft Bois 2346.0006.613
193 Mental_Hospital 2324.0006.551
194 Rh00ter5 2315.0006.526
195 0b1ivi0n 2314.0006.522
196 paiv 2300.0006.483
197 sinb57 2300.0006.482
198 kknock 2300.0006.482
199 The Cookie Army 2296.0006.470
200 The Cranberry Defense Team 2267.0006.389
201 Immortals 2264.0006.380
202 gnarf 2260.0006.369
203 Colors ESI 2255.0006.354
204 BitWarriors 2253.0006.348
205 DecapitatedO 2245.0006.326
206 SithLords 2243.0006.320
207 Crazy Int. 2242.0006.316
208 Dualkem 2238.0006.305
209 soArens 2201.0006.202
210 crypt0nite 2200.0006.199
211 cybersecmg 2186.0006.159
212 scripterz 2168.0006.109
213 adiga 2165.0006.100
214 OpenToAll 2164.0006.097
215 Canja The Faria 2158.0006.080
216 NullzSec 2145.0006.043
217 PantherSec 2130.0006.001
218 PantherSec2 2130.0006.001
219 YegSec CTF 2115.0005.959
220 punk5n0td34d 2111.0005.947
221 militairessansfronteires 2102.0005.922
222 Sl33perSh3ll 2090.0005.888
223 HemroidMaster 2090.0005.888
224 ACT 2073.0005.840
225 FatalException 2057.0005.796
226 foreveraloneXxxDCXxx 2049.0005.773
227 0n3P01nt 2038.0005.742
228 Hack@Sec 2037.0005.739
229 Kuolema 2030.0005.719
230 Claymore Roombas 2030.0005.719
231 security holes 1974.0005.563
232 libtea 1949.0005.493
233 RagingGam0r 1945.0005.482
234 MOCTF 1938.0005.462
235 flexerilla 1935.0005.453
236 0xAAAA 1931.0005.442
237 rat pack 1930.0005.439
238 dnzc 1910.0005.383
239 RedTeam nigeria 1909.0005.380
240 HotChicken 1908.0005.377
241 NOPe slide 1903.0005.362
242 BeAllUCanBe 1844.0005.198
243 P@Ge2mE 1835.0005.173
244 elit37eam 1807.0005.095
245 Remnants Of Despair 1790.0005.048
246 L33t Dev 1787.0005.039
247 Vrethern 1785.0005.033
248 K1_W4L0 1775.0005.005
249 Rainbow Unicorns 1770.0004.991
250 Algerian Anarchists 1760.0004.963
251 born2scan 1757.0004.954
252 mikoan 1755.0004.948
253 Zyrfex 1745.0004.920
254 CSUSB 1745.0004.920
255 mrwhite 1731.0004.881
256 AlienMoo 1719.0004.847
257 Situation 1710.0004.822
258 Bassabar 1692.0004.772
259 gg0h 1691.0004.769
260 Enterprize1 1685.0004.752
261 Pixels 1685.0004.751
262 FTAWWR 1683.0004.745
263 ÄlgBaguette 1675.0004.723
264 Radiant 1665.0004.695
265 BPF 1660.0004.681
266 exyu 1655.0004.667
267 The Additional Payphones 1650.0004.652
268 nullcasa 1623.0004.577
269 room2042 1620.0004.569
270 Und3r_Th3_R00T 1620.0004.568
271 I'm Along 1614.0004.552
272 Delta Squad Zero 1586.0004.474
273 Bits For Everyone 1585.0004.471
274 pp 1583.0004.465
275 OTR 1570.0004.428
276 Wave 1565.0004.414
277 Dead Inside 1562.0004.406
278 Sward 1560.0004.400
279 ByamB4 1560.0004.400
280 notPearl 1540.0004.344
281 soniga 1538.0004.338
282 skyepodium 1529.0004.313
283 kanbedon 1504.0004.243
284 Pororos 1490.0004.204
285 WW 1490.0004.204
286 cyb3r_w1z4rd5 1479.0004.173
287 Nordlichter 1471.0004.151
288 To break or not to break 1459.0004.117
289 PuffleSquad 1455.0004.106
290 Hex2Text 1450.0004.092
291 PwsecTeam 1450.0004.091
292 alicio 1450.0004.091
293 onotch 1445.0004.077
294 TPurp 1430.0004.035
295 jw235 1430.0004.035
296 glaros 1430.0004.035
297 PwnaSonic 1422.0004.012
298 :̴͚̰̝̠̗̯̺͖̙̲̰̋̂͆͠(̴͕͎̘̭͍̠͚̦͕̊̀͂̈́:̸̢̡̠̠̙̦̼̟͍̳̠́)̵̲̮̗̱̠̥̙̳͒̍́̈́̾́̔̌̀̉̇͊̚̕͘H̴͇͉̀͗̍̄̓̌̇̌̒̈́̈́̋̕͝K̴͔̜͇̯̩̓̏͛͂̽͛ 1420.0004.007
299 Teamneeded 1407.0003.970
300 Daybreak 1405.0003.965
301 d0nutt 1400.0003.950
302 clownbaby 1393.0003.931
303 ρsλβεαя мαgεs 1382.0003.900
304 Blue Hens 1380.0003.894
305 somekindofteam 1373.0003.875
306 PenguinZ 1369.0003.863
307 WGUCoO 1368.0003.860
308 Slab Allocator 1355.0003.824
310 atimiryazev 1336.0003.771
311 AG 1335.0003.768
312 Vape_and_Dab 1335.0003.768
313 krn 1330.0003.754
314 4Monkeys1Keyboard 1323.0003.734
315 CyberSec101 1313.0003.706
316 f_50c13ty 1310.0003.698
317 LoneN00b 1300.0003.670
318 /(spin)*s/ 1300.0003.670
319 0x1ba1ba 1294.0003.653
320 Team Fluffy Bunny 1290.0003.641
321 davidhcefx 1290.0003.641
322 TEAM 1290.0003.641
323 alonevsloneliness 1286.0003.630
324 1gy 1280.0003.613
325 Praise the Yellow Box 1274.0003.596
326 WCSC 1265.0003.571
327 Sieberrsec 1257.0003.549
328 guerreiros 4L 1252.0003.534
329 EROS 1249.0003.526
330 johnnyman 1242.0003.506
331 userAgent 1233.0003.481
332 0xBlueSky 1230.0003.473
333 签到都不会 1230.0003.472
334 LovingRobots 1227.0003.464
335 mzs 1213.0003.425
336 null2root 1210.0003.416
337 Hellsender 1207.0003.408
338 Praise The Yellow Box 2 1206.0003.405
339 Supreme_Enigma 1203.0003.397
340 notpenguin1 1185.0003.346
341 b1rds_of_pr3y 1175.0003.319
342 OmegaCom Technology Unlimited 1170.0003.304
343 Mimoza 1160.0003.277
344 shadow_of_a_shadow 1155.0003.263
345 ACNSEC 1150.0003.248
346 ASUcse466 1150.0003.248
347 oh yes, minus three 1136.0003.209
348 ZyperX 1135.0003.206
349 Jeff Gang 1131.0003.195
350 B34R5H3LL-BLUE 1127.0003.184
351 grandNagas 1120.0003.164
352 ASIS 1119.0003.161
353 UiACTF 1111.0003.139
354 Forensics 1087.0003.072
355 HollyMally 1083.0003.061
356 ctffuntikteam 1080.0003.053
357 fork_bomb 1080.0003.052
358 GanSw 1080.0003.052
359 Gan 1080.0003.052
360 CronjobsInTheAlley 1070.0003.024
361 The Pighty Mangolins 1065.0003.010
362 cuddledeath 1061.0002.999
363 the_h 1058.0002.990
364 aaaabbbb 1056.0002.985
366 ByteForc3 1050.0002.968
367 Gaming Hoodies 1048.0002.962
368 -=[C0MM]=- 1046.0002.956
369 w0rmDs 1045.0002.953
370 mantap 1043.0002.948
371 pittinfosec 1037.0002.931
372 OLAN 1035.0002.925
373 sebmichel 1030.0002.911
374 TigerTeam77 1030.0002.911
375 NoNameYet 1025.0002.897
376 Dark_Warrior$ 1023.0002.891
377 CC0x2 1020.0002.883
378 3l3v3n$ 1017.0002.874
379 Gerbyonimus 1015.0002.869
380 One Man Army 1015.0002.869
381 3034 1014.0002.866
382 Collatz315 1012.0002.860
383 4dumbsters 1011.0002.857
384 toor98 1001.0002.829
385 Zzzzz 1000.0002.826
386 RGND 994.0002.810
387 Indestructible Revolting Criminals 989.0002.796
388 SecurityPeople 984.0002.782
389 100ping!attack 975.0002.756
390 b4k3r_str33t 974.0002.754
391 Kitchen Squad (has knife) 965.0002.728
392 Ktrio3 958.0002.709
393 nhdc 955.0002.700
394 Ras 955.0002.700
395 onepass 955.0002.700
396 negativ 950.0002.686
397 ButterOverflow 950.0002.686
398 troleso 943.0002.667
399 Odessa 942.0002.664
400 VivinC 930.0002.630
401 H@ck3rg!r| 920.0002.602
402 Cyber69Munches420 920.0002.602
403 93 920.0002.602
404 Uninspired 920.0002.602
405 🤪😩😞😡😠 916.0002.591
406 CC0x1 900.0002.546
407 Salamiiz 894.0002.529
408 sunset glow 890.0002.518
409 HackerKnights 890.0002.518
410 avokadi 885.0002.504
411 MCTSSA_Cyber 880.0002.490
412 cyb3rTUN 875.0002.476
413 JohnPwnJones 869.0002.459
414 outOfCheese 863.0002.443
415 5f3du_0v3rfl0w 861.0002.437
416 The Pomorians 860.0002.434
417 ping-pwn 860.0002.434
418 supes 855.0002.420
419 Iforgetmyteampassword 855.0002.420
420 Noobs of Iceland 855.0002.420
421 WMG squad 2 853.0002.414
422 GiliGiliChu 845.0002.392
424 zer0 837.0002.369
425 JoshuaL 835.0002.364
426 warlock_rootx 835.0002.364
427 [sqrt(-1)] + 1 835.0002.364
428 TheNumber23 826.0002.338
429 NotNull 822.0002.327
430 A28TP 821.0002.324
431 tritend 820.0002.321
432 Mihir Aggarwal 820.0002.321
433 Hash Slinging Hackers 819.0002.318
434 dasdafasf 816.0002.310
435 Pwninsula 815.0002.307
436 CTF Dumbasses 815.0002.307
437 Ghost Bytes 810.0002.293
438 (mendung)10^6 810.0002.293
439 kolder 808.0002.287
440 Young Threats 807.0002.284
441 Pr4yAndP1ng 788.0002.232
442 Teampitech 780.0002.209
443 71kcahorp 780.0002.209
444 ru7ynk4 778.0002.204
445 TorbenTramp 775.0002.195
446 patate 775.0002.195
447 1IsTheLonliestNumber 774.0002.192
448 N30Z30N 770.0002.181
449 Fake-News 760.0002.153
450 wotopz 760.0002.153
451 RSU 757.0002.145
452 Cla55N0tF0und 755.0002.139
453 suspiciouslink 752.0002.131
454 LinyTail 750.0002.125
455 tinkonCloud 742.0002.103
456 Cyber-Jitsu-0x099 740.0002.097
457 l'ennui 740.0002.097
458 Cyber Trollz 739.0002.094
459 QzSG 735.0002.083
460 neverlucky 735.0002.083
461 haxor01 731.0002.072
462 defnotnoobs 730.0002.069
463 SHA-5010 725.0002.055
464 c0d3_sl4y3r 725.0002.055
465 Celtic Hackerz 721.0002.043
466 Crash & Burn 720.0002.041
467 Tactical Bacon 720.0002.040
468 Single 716.0002.029
469 Hack3r 714.0002.024
470 DDI 705.0001.999
471 OmHack 705.0001.999
472 ondrca_team 705.0001.998
473 Irish Bunnies 704.0001.996
474 remput 701.0001.987
475 InfosecIITG 700.0001.984
476 hellokitty 699.0001.981
477 PP Farmers 695.0001.970
478 grzybek 682.0001.934
479 r4nd0m1z3 680.0001.928
480 Kaligula 680.0001.928
481 SpongeBoB 680.0001.928
482 ass 678.0001.923
483 DOA BUNDA 677.0001.920
484 W3rni0 676.0001.917
485 Contrail 675.0001.914
486 EaglesTeam 673.0001.908
487 soloteam 670.0001.900
488 Hack_0_Lantern 670.0001.900
489 0xdeadbeef 670.0001.900
490 Chocob333 668.0001.894
491 MrNoodle 665.0001.886
492 JohnDoe 665.0001.886
493 california 665.0001.886
494 DEFCON 201 661.0001.874
495 qdtjvszxc 650.0001.844
496 GuGuNiao 650.0001.844
497 ANAP 647.0001.835
498 rooted 645.0001.830
499 TeamH4C 645.0001.830
500 _batch20_ 641.0001.818
501 N33rdZ 640.0001.816
502 IrishBunnies-1 630.0001.788
503 superhaxorman 626.0001.777
504 HypeNah 625.0001.774
505 RT974 625.0001.774
506 csictf 625.0001.774
507 gutteklubben 625.0001.774
508 Kensalts_SaltPile 622.0001.765
509 mustafasandalfanclub 621.0001.762
510 GingerUprising 618.0001.754
511 JuanDirection 616.0001.748
512 TestTeam3 615.0001.745
513 IIT(BHU)CyberSec 614.0001.743
514 Pwnie Island 600.0001.704
515 quriosity 600.0001.704
516 Chungus Among Us 600.0001.704
517 madman 597.0001.695
518 The United Team of Noobs 590.0001.676
519 kanyewest 590.0001.676
520 NightNasho 590.0001.675
521 NiceWay 590.0001.675
522 b345t 585.0001.661
523 Mr.Robot 580.0001.648
524 tr33_hu663r5 580.0001.647
525 Noobs400 576.0001.636
526 CU Newbie Team 575.0001.633
527 keksd0se 571.0001.622
528 spookyscaryskeletons 570.0001.619
529 RedkindaSus 570.0001.619
530 thi8Eivi 567.0001.611
531 swt02026 565.0001.605
532 tetes 565.0001.605
533 SoloYolo 563.0001.600
534 IESN 562.0001.597
535 ForensX 562.0001.597
536 CLVS 561.0001.594
537 nullSec 560.0001.591
538 FS0c137y 558.0001.585
539 root-shield 555.0001.577
540 caxuyc 555.0001.577
541 Ghost Busters 555.0001.577
542 17 554.0001.574
543 hahhahaha 549.0001.560
544 MOCTF2 548.0001.557
545 CRUSADERS 546.0001.552
546 Kulto 543.0001.543
547 magpies 540.0001.535
548 testteam 540.0001.535
549 justforfun 540.0001.535
550 lysolWipes 537.0001.526
551 bamhm182 530.0001.507
552 Cr33pt0s 530.0001.507
553 bibaiboba 529.0001.504
554 Bre1k 522.0001.484
555 SadPlace1337 520.0001.479
556 milhouse 520.0001.479
557 topkek 520.0001.479
558 NIS 520.0001.479
559 mockingjay 519.0001.476
560 refssdfsdf 516.0001.467
561 Al3x2 510.0001.451
562 Monta mart jerba 510.0001.451
563 Fire Chickens 506.0001.440
564 Iam9r00t 505.0001.437
565 Eaxxoreax 505.0001.437
566 BOTS 500.0001.423
567 Dasan_Chicken_With_Cheese_Delicious 500.0001.423
568 NULL 500.0001.423
569 AIE CTF 500.0001.422
570 fls 500.0001.422
571 bukan bandar 495.0001.409
572 R3@T3 495.0001.408
573 BlackSquad 490.0001.395
574 pappo 490.0001.394
575 slips2bain 487.0001.386
576 team m0nkeyparty 485.0001.380
577 D3ny4ll 485.0001.380
578 MyNewTeam 484.0001.378
579 l4sh 482.0001.372
580 MOK 481.0001.369
581 y0z7 480.0001.366
582 basidi 480.0001.366
583 heyyo 479.0001.363
584 kakaka 478.0001.361
585 NullByte 475.0001.352
586 Cress 472.0001.344
587 Atmosfear 471.0001.341
588 blueshellz2 470.0001.338
589 gruB 470.0001.338
590 gordon 470.0001.338
591 exzettabyte 468.0001.332
592 Hextraditables 467.0001.330
593 pashmak 465.0001.324
594 invers3 464.0001.321
595 hackersctf 461.0001.313
596 PancakeLovers 460.0001.310
597 TopWing 460.0001.310
598 CyberLions 460.0001.310
599 idk 460.0001.310
600 ViperX7 455.0001.296
601 metalfalcons 454.0001.293
602 cxp 450.0001.282
603 Nishkarsh 450.0001.282
604 SHS A 450.0001.282
605 fzhshzh 450.0001.282
606 4k3l4rr3 447.0001.273
607 h4ck7u5 445.0001.268
608 OnTheFritz 443.0001.262
609 GLRE 440.0001.254
610 hackbuster 435.0001.240
611 Asgardians 434.0001.237
613 Minute Loader 430.0001.226
614 gruf 430.0001.226
615 nilnull 420.0001.198
616 Insight Harbor 420.0001.198
617 Just4Fun 415.0001.184
618 noobs 415.0001.184
619 gitak 415.0001.184
620 theice 410.0001.170
621 Pwn 410.0001.170
622 U+1F966 410.0001.170
623 MEH 405.0001.156
624 0x_ 405.0001.156
625 BananaPandas 400.0001.142
626 wcrzb#$ 400.0001.142
627 FASMUI 400.0001.142
628 rbct 398.0001.136
629 aaaaaaa 393.0001.122
630 Weebs 390.0001.114
631 Q 390.0001.114
632 joeshomes 390.0001.114
633 abcd 388.0001.108
634 Nameshield-CTF 387.0001.105
635 thefalcon 387.0001.105
636 ravenhwak2020 383.0001.094
637 Cake 380.0001.086
638 brittni 377.0001.077
639 core_dumped 377.0001.077
640 donkeykong 377.0001.077
641 buaq 377.0001.077
642 panda 375.0001.072
643 anon 375.0001.072
644 xyber 370.0001.058
645 diraraboniger 366.0001.047
646 Solo [Nepal] 365.0001.044
647 Cuddlefuq 360.0001.030
648 NOOBS_OP 358.0001.024
649 BDIGSEC 1.kl 357.0001.021
650 HAckezrz 356.0001.019
651 exntrc 355.0001.016
652 ALG_RICORA 354.0001.013
653 random123456789 350.0001.002
654 Team UwU 344.0000.985
655 Cyberhawk 343.0000.982
656 agsdgfsgasefsadf 340.0000.974
657 Artificer_Lambda 335.0000.960
658 happy 334.0000.957
659 The Kittens 330.0000.946
660 L0n3_W0lf 330.0000.946
661 theKracken 330.0000.946
662 BuGErr0rJubJub 325.0000.932
663 banabanaba 325.0000.932
664 ClanPy 320.0000.918
665 tronfy 320.0000.918
666 0xGupta 320.0000.918
667 hellotetektif 320.0000.918
668 tcscnewbs 318.0000.912
669 Z5CA 315.0000.904
670 d4rw1n 313.0000.898
671 UMDCSEC 310.0000.890
673 fatal_exception 310.0000.890
674 F4ckSoc1eTy 307.0000.882
675 walrus 305.0000.876
676 Low Expectations Still Disapointed 305.0000.876
677 Mnanauk 305.0000.876
678 pvb 300.0000.862
679 PLMS 300.0000.862
680 2cr4sh 300.0000.862
681 i_am_dying 300.0000.862
682 Me_alone 300.0000.862
683 beerpwn 300.0000.862
684 yad094 300.0000.862
685 player00 300.0000.862
686 zer0cool 300.0000.862
687 haha 300.0000.862
688 Brap 300.0000.862
689 wind4s 300.0000.862
690 dsfs 300.0000.862
692 0x8Layer 300.0000.861
693 fdsafdsfdsa 300.0000.861
694 Phantom 300.0000.861
695 HashCode😡 300.0000.861
696 Vanta 300.0000.861
697 Newbs 300.0000.861
698 hidden service 300.0000.861
699 CyborgCh3f$ 292.0000.839
700 zzzzzzzzzzh3r0 290.0000.833
701 Big Fortress Down 290.0000.833
702 20520545 290.0000.833
703 SoloCareer 288.0000.828
704 arcane 287.0000.825
705 OutrunOutlast 284.0000.817
706 Scimpanza 283.0000.814
707 MoonRae 280.0000.805
708 Code Red 280.0000.805
709 Syntax error 280.0000.805
710 sucksociety 277.0000.797
711 bl4ck4rmy 275.0000.791
712 t0mbstone 275.0000.791
713 ozsote 274.0000.788
714 peli_0991 272.0000.783
715 Orthodox Cavemen 270.0000.777
716 W4 270.0000.777
717 Cassino 270.0000.777
718 RDC_Shenanigans 268.0000.772
719 WSC 267.0000.769
720 冲冲冲 266.0000.766
721 Noobs_now 265.0000.763
722 annhilators 265.0000.763
723 mertleturtles 262.0000.755
724 ashhcs 262.0000.755
725 flag{}___Orz 260.0000.749
726 Kagashin 260.0000.749
728 owlnest 250.0000.721
729 Elias 250.0000.721
730 meow 250.0000.721
731 kad96 250.0000.721
732 1337h4xx0rz 249.0000.718
733 NoobFire 248.0000.716
734 Lovelies <3 248.0000.716
735 cykorjiii 246.0000.710
736 lonemember 245.0000.707
737 PaperSec 244.0000.704
738 Nilbog 243.0000.702
739 Hijos 242.0000.699
740 A7H3NA 241.0000.696
741 SimenBai 240.0000.693
742 alexander 240.0000.693
743 itz-a-team 236.0000.682
744 Alonimals 235.0000.679
745 CcJlmmYcC 235.0000.679
746 Tophat Hackers 235.0000.679
747 Alert 1 Or No Fun 233.0000.673
748 dict = {"tator": 1} 230.0000.665
749 Na3ang 230.0000.665
750 Cybere$calated 230.0000.665
751 BeastlyBeauties 230.0000.665
752 zlaaa 224.0000.648
753 Noob 224.0000.648
754 rag 223.0000.645
755 ANANASA 223.0000.645
756 N3wt1m 220.0000.637
757 ElderHorse 220.0000.637
758 zwiebel 220.0000.637
759 Bat Squad 220.0000.637
760 Dark_Reaper 220.0000.637
761 ri5e 220.0000.637
762 spookyvision 219.0000.634
763 Nut up or Shut up! 217.0000.629
764 Pwnit 215.0000.623
765 Bedjes's team 215.0000.623
766 LetzPwn 211.0000.612
767 GVOZDI 211.0000.612
768 hardcode 211.0000.612
769 ImplementIT 210.0000.609
770 KoalaC 210.0000.609
771 omotte 210.0000.609
772 beans2 210.0000.609
773 AlcoholForce 210.0000.609
774 aqswde 207.0000.600
775 OWASP 206.0000.598
776 nopdata 205.0000.595
777 runn3r5 199.0000.578
778 Modern Thugs 199.0000.578
779 0x90nops 197.0000.572
780 czh 196.0000.570
781 IMA 196.0000.570
782 Oshawk 190.0000.553
783 yaya 190.0000.553
784 techsyndicate 190.0000.553
785 lijowe 186.0000.542
786 JaniNa 185.0000.539
787 siemaelodaaaaaaaaaaaj 185.0000.539
788 u 184.0000.536
789 Icebear Academy 184.0000.536
790 kulestiklassen 180.0000.525
791 Red Tuxedo 180.0000.525
792 asdasdasd 180.0000.525
793 nox 180.0000.525
794 Yabasu teach me 180.0000.525
795 SQ. 180.0000.525
796 repp 178.0000.519
797 AEX 178.0000.519
798 aerze 176.0000.514
799 Les_Pirates 176.0000.514
800 genin.team7 175.0000.511
801 CUDenver CyberAdepts 175.0000.511
802 ..::Ruffy::.. 170.0000.497
803 KXTI_pikulish 170.0000.497
804 Jecklt123 170.0000.497
805 Salocin 166.0000.486
806 z-ash12 166.0000.486
807 Luk 162.0000.475
808 0xego 161.0000.472
809 S0m3_0ne 160.0000.469
810 iliveinacomputer 158.0000.463
811 Poggers 157.0000.461
812 yan 154.0000.452
813 yarakaspor 154.0000.452
814 Lizard Squad 153.0000.449
815 SWV_L 150.0000.441
816 BurgerBob 150.0000.441
817 XenoxG 150.0000.441
818 BreakPoint 150.0000.441
819 derag 150.0000.441
820 PHhackers 150.0000.441
821 Flying Ninjas 150.0000.441
822 r0t 150.0000.441
823 LOLZ 150.0000.441
824 Lodrilus 146.0000.430
825 <OOO> 145.0000.427
826 Spooky Dent 143.0000.421
827 k3rb3r0s_disk 143.0000.421
828 Artemis Leaking Mafia 140.0000.413
829 HackingForSoju 140.0000.413
830 flakers 140.0000.413
831 Cyberus 137.0000.404
832 Cyber Knights Fall 2020 136.0000.402
833 NCHysteria 135.0000.399
834 leetly 133.0000.393
835 Morti 130.0000.385
836 stripe 130.0000.385
837 stankc 130.0000.385
838 iduneveno 130.0000.385
839 ToE 130.0000.385
840 KXTI_Cvetomuzika 130.0000.385
841 asmolich 130.0000.385
842 CrckSec 130.0000.385
843 GachiFlexTeam 130.0000.385
844 Lab104 130.0000.385
845 trompes 130.0000.385
846 PTITS 130.0000.385
847 xyzmonk101 129.0000.382
848 nomad101 128.0000.379
849 gamersnsp 126.0000.373
850 multogerki 126.0000.373
851 ~ 122.0000.362
852 xxxxxx 120.0000.357
853 maloo 120.0000.357
854 CSI 120.0000.357
855 ROKhong 120.0000.357
856 memyselfandi 120.0000.357
857 Oligarchy 120.0000.357
858 pojulayarosomaha 120.0000.357
859 Lonely 120.0000.356
860 schiff 120.0000.356
861 xam3000 120.0000.356
862 monster hunta 115.0000.343
863 TheTumbal 111.0000.331
864 ctfpro 110.0000.329
865 megameh 110.0000.329
866 NewbiesGrowth 110.0000.329
867 Catchdi 110.0000.329
868 Section 9 110.0000.329
869 D4RKFL0W 110.0000.328
870 uncle 110.0000.328
871 Plkdrmmr 110.0000.328
872 gum3ng 110.0000.328
873 celeste 110.0000.328
874 Krkn 108.0000.323
875 0xc0ffee 107.0000.320
876 kinotra 107.0000.320
877 abcde 107.0000.320
878 TheGoonies 106.0000.317
879 Ronn1n 106.0000.317
880 daisuki 105.0000.314
881 koibers 100.0000.300
882 One*Piece 100.0000.300
884 fuzzy's team 100.0000.300
885 haxor02 100.0000.300
886 4everNoobs 100.0000.300
887 MyBestTeam 99.0000.297
888 No S1gn4l 99.0000.297
889 Fun 99.0000.297
890 FANTASTIC 97.0000.292
891 123 97.0000.292
892 Bobugs 96.0000.289
893 KSA2020 96.0000.289
894 sikis 96.0000.289
895 g1v3m3chee53 95.0000.286
896 Petir Jibril 90.0000.272
897 FixedPATH 90.0000.272
898 0xReflex 90.0000.272
899 Yozik_yng 90.0000.272
900 indexZer0 90.0000.272
901 antrax 89.0000.269
902 Zoomers 89.0000.269
903 chrisbex 88.0000.267
904 _uname_ 86.0000.261
905 Dark_Warrior 86.0000.261
906 day_coders 81.0000.247
907 Lucifer 80.0000.244
908 hACK 80.0000.244
909 trtd 80.0000.244
910 lovelies 80.0000.244
911 MyTeamSucks 80.0000.244
912 snuffelupagus 80.0000.244
913 _N0013__ 80.0000.244
914 buffer0verflow 80.0000.244
915 apnic$$ 80.0000.244
916 Ad Astra 80.0000.244
917 myteamiscool 80.0000.244
918 Reigen 80.0000.244
919 w@rri0rz 80.0000.244
920 Extra_Chromosome 78.0000.238
921 Hunteo 76.0000.233
922 hacker_pr0s 75.0000.230
923 SoloBunjalow 72.0000.222
924 adsad 72.0000.222
925 Void-District 70.0000.216
926 rpwn 70.0000.216
927 roliboy 70.0000.216
928 matsjp 70.0000.216
929 SpaceAcoustics 70.0000.216
930 Zar'roc 70.0000.216
931 xtal 70.0000.216
932 Thecyberbot 70.0000.216
933 breaking-breakpoints 70.0000.216
934 LGB 70.0000.216
935 doritos and mountain dew 70.0000.216
936 Lord Byng Meister 70.0000.216
937 EdTheLegendary 70.0000.216
938 hacktober_admin 70.0000.216
939 1girl4b0ys 70.0000.216
941 p4snet0 68.0000.210
942 yi_feng 68.0000.210
943 4lp4 63.0000.196
944 h1d3_0u7s 61.0000.191
945 C4LIC0_S0l0 60.0000.188
946 Beta_securiteam 60.0000.188
947 Twinfire 60.0000.188
948 SSW 60.0000.188
949 Eywaaa42 60.0000.188
950 hexbin 60.0000.188
951 epta 60.0000.188
952 DuduFaruk 60.0000.188
953 Nave1337 60.0000.188
954 laPiscine 60.0000.188
955 Lone and Least 60.0000.188
956 Team001 60.0000.188
957 TheOldOnes 60.0000.188
958 Archote_InfoSec_Team 60.0000.188
959 Uranus 60.0000.188
960 ctf-m 60.0000.188
961 3nc0d3dGuY 60.0000.188
962 dfoo 60.0000.188
963 dmn 60.0000.188
964 nacong 60.0000.188
965 EmptyPumpkins 60.0000.187
966 NullPointerException 60.0000.187
967 so_noob(LFT) 60.0000.187
968 kuchbhi 60.0000.187
969 lunatic_dreamer 60.0000.187
970 bow 60.0000.187
971 Purtrex 60.0000.187
972 n0ctShape 60.0000.187
973 Kuntilanak Playing CTF 59.0000.185
974 haibn 58.0000.182
975 KXTI_UP 57.0000.179
976 Just_For_Fun 56.0000.176
977 OverDover 56.0000.176
978 one man team 52.0000.165
979 asdfasdfasdf 50.0000.159
980 zab kay jdb 50.0000.159
981 sa9 ma9 50.0000.159
982 kc 50.0000.159
983 exploit@h4ck 50.0000.159
984 ./letswin 50.0000.159
985 psp52 50.0000.159
986 letsrockUSA 50.0000.159
987 TrumpLover 50.0000.159
988 a$#@.eXe 50.0000.159
989 flag{*team} 50.0000.159
990 SU_CNS_2020 50.0000.159
991 krecik 48.0000.154
992 noobie 46.0000.148
993 ringo 46.0000.148
994 rsking710 46.0000.148
995 seedeth 46.0000.148
996 chiefy 44.0000.142
997 greengreygrey 44.0000.142
998 loner 41.0000.134
999 Dedsec43 40.0000.131
1000 Hackerzz 40.0000.131
1001 bugluck 40.0000.131
1002 bhhhhh 40.0000.131
1003 Stuca 40.0000.131
1004 blu3 ph4lc0ns 40.0000.131
1005 Hax 40.0000.131
1006 Dylan Curtis 35.0000.117
1007 P1nkUni 34.0000.114
1008 Azure Assassin Alliance 30.0000.103
1009 johncarlot 30.0000.103
1010 arsa 30.0000.103
1011 resizing 30.0000.103
1012 AAAA 30.0000.103
1013 Worriar 30.0000.103
1014 bester 30.0000.103
1015 PowerMachines 30.0000.103
1016 MazeHax 30.0000.103
1017 refs 30.0000.103
1018 aaaa123 30.0000.103
1019 pretty oof 30.0000.103
1020 bun 30.0000.103
1021 raavanan 30.0000.103
1022 Lktniloc 30.0000.103
1023 hamayanhamayan 30.0000.103
1024 tol 29.0000.100
1025 screwtopkittens 27.0000.095
1026 aaaaaa 26.0000.092
1027 cable_tires 26.0000.092
1028 playing_for_fun 26.0000.092
1029 L3K45 25.0000.089
1030 flagattack 24.0000.086
1031 Hurensöhne 22.0000.081
1032 Neutral Hotels 22.0000.081
1033 ampun bang jago 20.0000.075
1034 Di$connected 20.0000.075
1035 Rage Against The Madame 20.0000.075
1036 $tart Fr0m Zer0 20.0000.075
1037 makanan_enak 20.0000.075
1038 Satoki 20.0000.075
1039 whataashdahsdhashdawd 20.0000.075
1040 LEFT HAND PATH 20.0000.075
1041 adenyan 20.0000.075
1042 RealKamel 18.0000.069
1043 HugeGG 17.0000.067
1045 Phoenix 15.0000.061
1046 hackernerds3000 14.0000.058
1047 asd 14.0000.058
1048 loser 13.0000.055
1049 The WINRaRs 10.0000.047
1050 TheCatamounts 10.0000.047
1051 aa 10.0000.047
1052 Spam4Lyfe 10.0000.047
1053 desheng_pro 10.0000.047
1054 SHALFEY 10.0000.047
1055 Canary 10.0000.047
1056 啊这 10.0000.047
1057 TWN 10.0000.047
1058 Pink Noise 10.0000.047
1059 shinobi 10.0000.047
1060 A0su 10.0000.047
1061 1t43m 10.0000.047
1062 IncoGnito 10.0000.023
1063 post-hardcore 10.0000.023
1064 n00bi3 10.0000.023
1065 VIM 10.0000.023
1066 Night Walkers 10.0000.023
1067 devnull 9.0000.022
1068 Lone_Limburger 9.0000.022
1069 tophackers 8.0000.021
1070 mother 6.0000.018
1071 TheSuperHackers 5.0000.016
1072 azertyuiop 2.0000.012
1073 bobhell 1.0000.011
xp073Sept. 9, 2020, 9:14 p.m.

Hello! I'm looking for a team

gingersnapzOct. 7, 2020, 2:17 p.m.

why is this site http

taj0023Oct. 13, 2020, 3:08 a.m.

@gingersnapz It issss what it issss.......

carlozOct. 16, 2020, 2:17 p.m.

Is the challenge page loading for anyone?

w0wOct. 16, 2020, 2:18 p.m.


carlozOct. 16, 2020, 2:19 p.m.

:) yes ..same here

hoangdung.bubuOct. 16, 2020, 2:20 p.m.

idk but its so lag that i cant even log in :v

nickvourdOct. 16, 2020, 2:23 p.m.

Awful Infrastructure!

AuraSmasherOct. 16, 2020, 2:23 p.m.

Welp the site isn't loading.

hoangdung.bubuOct. 16, 2020, 2:23 p.m.

Is this part of the challenge? :D

carlozOct. 16, 2020, 2:23 p.m. luck ... am at the same loading page last 10 mins

C4LIC0Oct. 16, 2020, 2:25 p.m.

Damn I was looking forward to this one :( Understand the technical difficulties though, hopefully the site is back up and running smoothly in a bit

carlozOct. 16, 2020, 2:27 p.m.

too much traffic I guess

carlozOct. 16, 2020, 2:37 p.m.

server down it seems

gr33nm0nk2802Oct. 16, 2020, 2:45 p.m.

The site is not loading that is poor.

PrabeshOct. 16, 2020, 2:46 p.m.

server is down

AuraSmasherOct. 16, 2020, 2:51 p.m.

Welp, poor performance, You'd hope they noticed that 130 teams will be participating so that they'll be ready for a lot of traffic.... but they didn't, poor execution tbh.

jayhawk24Oct. 16, 2020, 2:53 p.m.

oops forgot to add load balancer :D

MucahitSaratarOct. 17, 2020, 1:21 p.m.

linux ssh connection not works

AntiSquidOct. 18, 2020, 8:23 a.m.

I wish there was a timeline of when new challenges would open.

P4intPOct. 18, 2020, 9:50 a.m.

Is this showing on anyone's CTFtime profile yet?

helboiOct. 19, 2020, 9:52 p.m.

hey, why didnt scoreboard add?

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