Also known as
  • NoPwnIntended
  • spritzers

Academic team University of Padua

Sign in to join the team.

a.k.a. spritzers - we used this name at the beginning :-)

Participated in CTF events

Overall rating place: 91 with 242.027 pts in 2022

Country place: 6

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
4Digital Overdose 2022 Autumn CTF3700.000029.610
3m0leCon CTF 202249951.000032.143
250Reply Cyber Security Challenge 2022100.00000.493
32TeamItaly CTF 2022908.00005.938
99UIUCTF 2022499.00002.120
6ENOWARS 640684.880364.459
9FAUST CTF 202232862.687472.609
87m0leCon CTF 2022 Teaser108.00001.933
267San Diego CTF 2022275.00000.786
47PlaidCTF 2022491.000017.319
30Midnight Sun CTF 2022 Quals1148.00005.733
207zer0pts CTF 2022139.00001.044
441337UP LIVE CTF3259.00007.186
81UMDCTF 20223809.00004.910

Overall rating place: 139 with 156.289 pts in 2021

Country place: 7

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
50iCTF 20219157.44001.123
5m0leCon CTF 20211584.000021.550
9CyberSecurityRumble CTF3802.000025.433
27CSAW CTF Final Round 20211471.00007.924
62DamCTF 20212917.00009.146 CTF 2021326.00006.485
52ASIS CTF Quals 2021369.000012.214
72Reply Cyber Security Challenge 20211100.00006.002
108PBjar CTF '212757.00000.000
38CSAW CTF Qualification Round 20215378.00000.000
48ALLES! CTF 2021882.00008.260
222Hacker's Playground 2021260.00001.305
36InCTF 20212748.000010.228
51UIUCTF 20211463.00003.627
5ENOWARS 5115555.552729.046
54FAUST CTF 20218376.281822.699
69Zh3r0 CTF V21100.00001.703
36m0leCon CTF 2021 Teaser615.00004.658
12saarCTF 202124897.32999.789

Overall rating place: 118 with 186.955 pts in 2020

Country place: 7

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
31RuCTFE 2020280800.520011.152
139X-MAS CTF 20201210.00000.000
84pbctf 2020215.00001.251
180Block CTF 20201.00000.210
154SunshineCTF 2020253.00001.763
113Newark Academy CTF 20203401.00006.315
161CyberYoddha CTF 20204075.00007.484 CTF 2020695.000012.523
975Syskron Security CTF 202020.00000.104
49Reply Cyber Security Challenge 20201100.00009.462
23VolgaCTF 2020 Final104.32501.380
112CSAW CTF Qualification Round 20201305.000018.006
8ENOWARS 444355.382215.170
5FAUST CTF 202032638.370855.296
3060CTF/TCTF 2020 Quals 12.00000.455
39Pwn2Win CTF 2020686.000010.598
45S㎩mAndFlags Uけimate w呎は屸de C㏊mᒆonship Teaser ꕫꕫ - ㎩㏚i㎄ Edition507.00002.506
40De1CTF 20202047.00004.921
8STAY ~/ CTF 202057872.110018.801
59Midnight Sun CTF 2020 Quals849.00008.244
21VolgaCTF 2020 Qualifier2300.000019.481
9saarCTF 202042901.841816.466
37CONFidence CTF 2020 Teaser365.00005.761
11UCSB iCTF 2020188020.89009.138
366HackTM CTF Quals 202075.00000.242

Overall rating place: 91 with 213.016 pts in 2019

Country place: 3

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
33X-MAS CTF 20194874.00006.497
27Pwn2Win CTF 2019928.000011.309
16TastelessCTF 20191084.00006.922 CTF 2019692.00006.526
41SECCON 2019 Online CTF2217.000014.376
2Reply Cyber Security Challenge 20193826.000036.329
337Balsn CTF 2019106.00000.406
80PwnThyBytes CTF 20191.00000.316
14Teaser Dragon CTF 20191525.000017.340
33CSAW CTF Qualification Round 20192851.000023.589
38DefCamp CTF Qualification 2019978.00005.728
18Chaos Communication Camp 2019948.00007.100
122CyBRICS CTF Quals 2019180.00001.423
4CInsects CTF 201911265.000026.562
7ENOWARS 312114.009018.745
36FAUST CTF 20199611.430712.102
17VolgaCTF 2019 Qualifier1750.000016.171
48UCSB iCTF 201964.500022.934
57TAMUctf 1914712.000024.868

Overall rating place: 60 with 236.386 pts in 2018

Country place: 3

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
12X-MAS CTF 20188470.000017.478
24hxp CTF 20181007.000014.175
6Pwn2Win CTF 20182095.000018.647
7Kaspersky Industrial CTF 20182266.000011.088
77RuCTFE 20181239.44000.966
12CSAW CTF Final Round 20182726.000019.859
84HITCON CTF 2018392.00005.804
8CSAW CTF Qualification Round 20184576.000028.699
60PlaidCTF 2018526.000010.612
17ASIS CTF Quals 20181876.000020.840
52HITB-XCTF GSEC CTF 2018 Quals1501.00002.933
3340CTF/TCTF 2018 Quals52.00000.501
19Nuit du Hack CTF Quals 20182451.000029.623
48VolgaCTF 2018 Quals1010.00008.165
3BackdoorCTF 20182400.000035.797
39UCSB iCTF 201853732.000030.701
217N1CTF 2018146.00000.448
5Xiomara CTF 20182151.000020.569

Overall rating place: 90 with 138.457 pts in 2017

Country place: 4

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
6834C3 CTF156.00003.348
26RuCTFE 2017705311.140013.519
23hxp CTF 2017961.00007.305
17CSAW CTF Final Round 20171451.00008.872
58HITCON CTF 2017 Quals1082.000014.592
9Pwn2Win CTF 20172085.000011.381 CTF 20171303.000014.558
60Hack Dat Kiwi 2017555.00004.190
43BackdoorCTF 20171350.000014.811
154CSAW CTF Qualification Round 20171426.00005.621
6SEC-T CTF2925.000024.512
213Tokyo Westerns CTF 3rd 2017121.00001.669
15PoliCTF 20171997.000010.412
452SECUINSIDE CTF Quals 201730.00000.132
90Trend Micro CTF 2017 - Raimund Genes Cup - Online Qualifier500.00002.461
83Google Capture The Flag 2017 (Quals)589.00002.587
94PlaidCTF 2017587.00009.915
39FIT-HACK CTF 20173100.000014.768
24VolgaCTF 2017 Quals1700.00009.990
86Boston Key Party CTF 2017701.00009.647
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
155Juniors CTF 2016900.00000.000

Team members

Team writeups

CSAW CTF Final Round 2021constela [287]read writeup
saarCTF 2020SchlossbergCaves read writeup
CONFidence CTF 2020 Teasercrsty sndbx [91]read writeup
SECCON 2019 Online CTFfollow_me [225]read writeup
SECCON 2019 Online CTFrandom_pitfalls [439]read writeup
X-MAS CTF 2018A white rabbit in a snowstorm [482]read writeup
Pwn2Win CTF 2018TPM 2.0 [474 points]read writeup
Kaspersky Industrial CTF 2018modcontroller [994]read writeup
HITCON CTF 2018Secret Note [342]read writeup
0x00ctf-2017challenge-004 [50]read writeup
0x00ctf-2017challenge-000 (guessme) [50]read writeup
0x00ctf-2017left [250]read writeup
0x00ctf-2017babyheap [200]read writeup
hxp CTF 2017irrgarten [100]read writeup
CSAW CTF Final Round 2017Gophers2 [200]read writeup
CSAW CTF Final Round 2017Global Thermonuclear Cyberwar [350]read writeup
CSAW CTF Final Round 2017DEFCON 1 [50]read writeup
Pwn2Win CTF 2017Differential Privacy [173]read writeup
Pwn2Win CTF 2017Intel SGX [474]read writeup
BackdoorCTF 2017Extends Me [250]read writeup
SEC-T CTFDa Vinci [300]read writeup
PoliCTF 2017Status Box [120]read writeup
Boston Key Party CTF 2017memo [300]read writeup
VolgaCTF 2017 QualsNot So Honest [350]read writeup
VolgaCTF 2017 QualsTransformer [400]read writeup
PlaidCTF 2017yacp [300]read writeup
Google Capture The Flag 2017 (Quals)Counting [246]read writeup