Fri, 13 Dec. 2019, 19:00 UTC — Fri, 20 Dec. 2019, 19:00 UTC 


X-MAS CTF event.

Format: Jeopardy Jeopardy

Official URL:

This event's future weight is subject of public voting!

Future weight: 25.00 

Rating weight: 24.17 

This event lasts more than 5 days! No global rating points.

Event organizers 

X-MAS CTF 2019 is HTsP's second installment of X-MAS CTF. We welcome both beginners and experienced players alike.
We hope that you will have a great time and we wish you a Merry Christmas! (All of the challenges are written by HTsP members)

What to expect from 2019's X-MAS CTF:
• Unique and enjoyable types of challenges
• A new, custom platform: CTFx (
• One-week-long competition
• Prizes! (You should check out our sponsors, they're doing an amazing job :) )

Proudly Sponsored by :
- - HackTheBox (
- - TryHackMe (

The following rules apply for the X-MAS CTF 2019:
• Attacking the web server is strictly prohibited and will get you disqualified.
• The flag format is X-MAS{1337_Str1ng}, unless specified otherwise.
• The competition will be over on Fri, 20 Dec. 2019 at 19:00 UTC but the challenges will be online for the following 2-3 days afterwards.
• Bruteforcing the flag will not get you anywhere except on the blacklist.
• Any questions regarding challenges or the platform should be sent to [email protected].

Join our official Discord channel for further details:


1. 3 Months ProLab voucher or 1 year HackTheBox VIP subscription (you choose)
2. 2 Months ProLab voucher or 1 year HackTheBox VIP subscription (you choose)
3. 1 Month ProLab voucher or 1 year HackTheBox VIP subscription (you choose)

Top 3 teams also receive in addition a free 1 month TryHackMe subscription.

Note: Only a maximum of 4 members per team can receive prizes.


1741 teams total

PlaceTeamCTF pointsRating points
1 WreckTheLine 20437.00048.340
2 voidka 18439.00033.892
3 cybears 15554.00026.452
4 pwnthem0le 12730.00021.098
5 perfect blue 12598.00019.733
6 redpwn 11734.00017.906
7 ZenHack 11691.00017.279
8 0x90r00t 11638.00016.785
9 Nyx 10165.00014.707
10 ssh@uzl 9594.00013.763
11 MEPhI_CTF 9402.00013.317
12 BurpFiction 9295.00013.007
13 ClemensKnights 8932.00012.423
14 Pwnium 8612.00011.911
15 RedRocket 8202.00011.312
16 Defenit 7917.00010.874
17 Sice Squad 7655.00010.475
18 UnKnoWnCheaTs 7263.0009.932
19 Judah 7256.0009.853
20 AAT 6883.0009.349
21 coppito_zero_day 6842.0009.243
22 JHDiscord 6198.0008.429
23 UniPisa 5890.0008.017
24 the cr0wn 5820.0007.890
25 Santa_Claus_2019 5496.0007.467
26 $wag 5412.0007.330
27 fargate 5205.0007.051
28 Salted Crhackers 5191.0007.002
29 echo $man 5164.0006.941
30 MV9rwGOf08 5072.0006.804
31 makelarides 5000.0006.693
32 ByteForc3 4999.0006.667
33 No Pwn Intended 4874.0006.497
34 ovo 4872.0006.473
35 ENOFLAG 4773.0006.335
36 Redstone Blockchain 4731.0006.267
37 simon 4706.0006.219
38 62.5 percent not b1c 4534.0005.998
39 Apelsin 4505.0005.948
40 ASGama 4438.0005.853
41 かわいいクマ 4368.0005.755
42 warlock_rootx 4142.0005.474
43 ./Vespiary 4051.0005.353
44 Meditating Gurus 4041.0005.328
45 greenhat 4005.0005.274
46 saarsec 3987.0005.241
47 USORulz 3920.0005.150
48 CTD Elite 3828.0005.031
49 CyKOR 3757.0004.937
50 bootplug 3729.0004.894
51 [MEPhI] Halva w/tears 3458.0004.564
52 BAD 3403.0004.489
53 handjammies 3305.0004.365
54 fr3nzy 3194.0004.225
55 nullx0r 3189.0004.211
56 bruh 3003.0003.983
57 KKN Back To Isekai 2958.0003.922
58 OurLastNight 2925.0003.876
59 Djavaa 2878.0003.813
60 DuckDuckNo 2852.0003.776
61 jinmo123 2826.0003.738
62 solomas 2823.0003.728
63 BinaryBears 2726.0003.608
64 corkplacemats 2687.0003.555
65 xSTF 2686.0003.548
66 ripp3rs 2655.0003.506
67 C4T BuT S4D 2654.0003.500
68 Golems_treat 2633.0003.469
69 LehaVerniKosar 2631.0003.462
71 K2nMrNm7UGonzHee 2505.0003.303
72 Count of Monte Crypto 2484.0003.273
73 jammy 2466.0003.248
74 notPearl 2444.0003.217
75 from Sousse, with love 2370.0003.125
76 3 Ways To Heck 2348.0003.095
77 Space Comma 2340.0003.081
78 Gh0stSh3ll 2240.0002.959
79 kachang 2226.0002.939
80 killswitch 2213.0002.919
81 Dashu 2205.0002.906
82 PwnaSonic 2174.0002.866
83 upbhack 2160.0002.846
84 Equin0xxe 2115.0002.789
85 Nameshield 2107.0002.776
86 Order of the Grey Fang 2089.0002.752
87 TechnoNZ 2003.0002.647
88 Black Bauhinia 1986.0002.623
89 x0r19x91 1963.0002.593
90 Quphoria 1959.0002.585
91 CYberMouflons 1902.0002.515
92 ALLES! 1882.0002.488
93 c0r3dump 1858.0002.457
94 admin:admin 1852.0002.447
95 abcd 1849.0002.441
96 wombats 1804.0002.385
97 mode13h 1801.0002.379
98 DIITA 1765.0002.334
99 AlbSociety 1747.0002.310
100 PwnHub 1739.0002.298
101 K0nFu53D C@ 1732.0002.288
102 naver 1719.0002.270
103 pax_per_imperium 1709.0002.256
104 sebastianpc 1631.0002.161
105 Creative Name 1594.0002.115
106 We <3 Backd00rs 1581.0002.098
107 Nik 1574.0002.087
108 Paul 1548.0002.055
109 technic 1525.0002.025
110 CSI 1524.0002.022
111 The Additional Payphones 1494.0001.985
112 Invaders 1494.0001.983
113 Secu 1490.0001.976
114 runn3r5 1480.0001.962
115 BawlSec 1479.0001.959
116 Cactus ESport 1476.0001.954
117 m4n3 1454.0001.926
118 Snöbollar med Sylt 1438.0001.905
119 F0x2C 1422.0001.885
120 永恒之蓝 1408.0001.867
121 dnes 1400.0001.855
122 ABigPickle 1372.0001.821
123 Dequeque 1369.0001.816
124 BC 1366.0001.810
125 The Snacker Underground 1344.0001.783
126 UGG 1343.0001.780
127 Nifty NetSec Ninjas 1329.0001.762
128 SIGPwny 1326.0001.757
129 MacacaHub 1325.0001.754
130 inSmartCard 1297.0001.720
131 the big boys 1296.0001.717
132 b33rs for fl4gs 1296.0001.716
133 H4ck0liques 1296.0001.714
134 notpenguin1 1284.0001.699
135 NewComersButWinners 1269.0001.680
136 GARID LUCID 1268.0001.677
137 IamIn 1267.0001.675
138 Kernel Sanders 1238.0001.639
139 rgb_flanker 1237.0001.637
140 annaJo 1224.0001.620
141 courk 1220.0001.614
142 pantless 1216.0001.608
143 Iam9r00t 1213.0001.604
144 SUID 1211.0001.600
145 CoffeeBreak 1193.0001.578
146 TheCrippledModder 1184.0001.566
147 hackstreetboys 1173.0001.552
148 xmas_sec 1161.0001.536
149 Pampa the Elf 1137.0001.507
150 Hecării, Țuica și Păunii 1102.0001.464
151 Hot Coral 1098.0001.459
152 Lorem Ipsum 1091.0001.449
153 Dekimasen 1091.0001.448
154 SKR 1091.0001.447
155 MixTim 1090.0001.445
156 c39977c39a 1053.0001.400
157 NSA_n00bs 1050.0001.396
158 nanocomp 1039.0001.382
159 d3ltaforce 1018.0001.356
160 S1n4g 1001.0001.335
161 IsC_Sn0m3aD 997.0001.329
162 1n3rtf7u1d 995.0001.326
163 ViperX7 973.0001.299
164 T0X1C V4P0R 966.0001.290
165 UTS_BOI 954.0001.275
166 크리스마스사령부 942.0001.260
167 __T3TRAH3DR0N__ 925.0001.239
168 N0N@me13 923.0001.235
169 chika 917.0001.228
170 Potochi 903.0001.210
171 CCUG 895.0001.200
172 AFTeam 891.0001.194
173 derWiderstand 880.0001.180
174 Dc1ph3R 861.0001.157
175 Tsefuwa 857.0001.152
176 JohnPwnJones 857.0001.151
177 STT 855.0001.148
178 WillIWas 855.0001.147
179 team_7even 854.0001.145
180 Saiinfosec 850.0001.140
181 CaesarSec 848.0001.136
182 SHRECS 825.0001.108
183 ChineseBarbarosa 825.0001.108
184 naughty random weapons 809.0001.088
185 badgers 809.0001.087
186 isel-cs-2019 807.0001.084
187 wasd 804.0001.080
188 APA Razi 798.0001.072
189 kernel12 792.0001.065
190 Nave1337 774.0001.043
191 Hobots 773.0001.041
192 TeamMODU 765.0001.031
193 BullSoc 765.0001.030
194 BDO 759.0001.022
195 TheEmperors 755.0001.017
196 Yarninator 752.0001.013
197 SSAT 752.0001.012
198 Zone 751.0001.010
199 TahSec 750.0001.008
200 Peach_Panthers 746.0001.003
201 talon 741.0000.997
202 0xf4b1 738.0000.992
203 R!talin 736.0000.990
204 beerpwn 718.0000.968
205 ProgPilot 698.0000.943
206 TorkyBlorky 693.0000.937
207 WATyag 690.0000.933
208 gimmemeat 687.0000.929
209 Init5 684.0000.925
210 0xBADC0DE 682.0000.922
211 two idiots 669.0000.906
212 lazy pirates 665.0000.900
213 Dalicerides 661.0000.895
214 Zyber_l4p1ns_Ch0ux 661.0000.895
215 0x8Layer 660.0000.893
216 '); DROP TABLE teams; -- 654.0000.885
217 5PEC3Mv1 652.0000.882
218 RevEng 652.0000.882
219 THC 652.0000.881
220 kasia-tutej 647.0000.875
221 Pumanul 638.0000.864
222 Ph4nt0m3 635.0000.860
223 huN7ers 630.0000.853
224 SinHack 627.0000.849
225 just_kidding 625.0000.847
226 plssavemygpa 611.0000.830
227 admin' 608.0000.826
228 FluxFingers 608.0000.825
229 FrenchieTaskForce 608.0000.825
230 Sentinels 607.0000.823
231 malaburn 606.0000.821
232 PetCatGetFlag 602.0000.816
233 EnHuN7ers 600.0000.813
234 Wani Hackase 598.0000.811
235 blockheadz 589.0000.799
236 frerret 586.0000.795
237 Protey 581.0000.789
238 0x01111100 561.0000.765
239 FS0C 561.0000.765
240 amjac 561.0000.764
241 Lakoff Emajineyshon 558.0000.760
242 HINA{Weathering_With_You} 558.0000.760
243 Nerrvn 558.0000.759
244 DDYT 552.0000.752
245 h4ckua11 552.0000.751
246 @base64encrypted 551.0000.750
247 See Curl Analyse 548.0000.746
248 K_Boys 541.0000.737
249 roee50 536.0000.731
250 candlesauce 536.0000.731
251 TrouDbite 535.0000.729
252 plut0n 533.0000.726
253 FunCTF 525.0000.716
254 NoahvdAa 523.0000.714
255 Invulnerable 518.0000.707
256 (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚✧ 516.0000.705
257 Phantom troupe 514.0000.702
258 Nupakachi 508.0000.694
259 Crackedto 506.0000.692
260 y0d31 504.0000.689
261 Red Cadets 500.0000.684
262 watchdog 484.0000.665
263 0l1 483.0000.663
264 PWr Synt@x Err0r 481.0000.660
265 Slarrrrrrrrlzburg 478.0000.657
266 TeamCray 473.0000.650
267 Cyber Security Trunojoyo 461.0000.636
268 4lv 461.0000.635
269 N30Z30N 461.0000.635
270 Unicorn_T34M 460.0000.634
271 AugustaHackersAnonymous 460.0000.633
272 ffaadd 459.0000.632
273 HackFamineEatPizza 458.0000.630
274 QzSG 456.0000.628
275 fuxsocy 456.0000.627
276 TheMeanLeanGreenBeanMachine 448.0000.617
277 cyb3rTUN 448.0000.617
278 MnMs 441.0000.608
279 kernelpoppers 434.0000.600
280 1fTh3nFuck3lse 426.0000.590
281 ahengers 418.0000.580
282 Turbot 418.0000.580
283 Parados e Furiosos 416.0000.577
284 SlowLoris 411.0000.571
285 Cyber Pig Security 408.0000.567
286 0x1 408.0000.567
287 Fword 408.0000.567
288 Flor2Easy 406.0000.564
289 team enu 406.0000.564
290 dcua-school 406.0000.564
291 rm -rf [enter] 403.0000.560
292 byurside 386.0000.539
293 X+1 381.0000.533
294 0points 381.0000.533
295 Team234 381.0000.533
296 Fun With Flags! 381.0000.532
297 Fl0w3rs 381.0000.532
298 SWV_L 380.0000.531
299 Sagami 368.0000.516
300 FXC 361.0000.508
301 Security First 358.0000.504
302 KUDoS 358.0000.503
303 Skalman 358.0000.503
304 RSUH_TEAM 356.0000.501
305 Chhaipov 356.0000.500
306 sepro 356.0000.500
307 $cr1pT_huNt3r 356.0000.500
308 Don't Panic 350.0000.492
309 testing123321 338.0000.478
310 Avengers 336.0000.475
312 Maszko 333.0000.471
313 Imperium Team 331.0000.469
314 rzaba 331.0000.468
315 Mac Attac 331.0000.468
316 dummy 331.0000.468
317 Tinfoil Hats 325.0000.461
318 Blue Hens 325.0000.460
319 MATE 325.0000.460
320 TeamCC 325.0000.460
321 Hus@r1@ 316.0000.449
322 HSN CTF '22 311.0000.443
323 n0x 308.0000.439
324 Chinchila 306.0000.436
325 wa1k3rs 306.0000.436
326 Horde 306.0000.436
327 Oraclox 306.0000.436
328 JustNotBob 306.0000.436
329 YoloTeam 306.0000.435
330 room2042 306.0000.435
331 Sorprendimi 306.0000.435
332 f1r3574r 306.0000.435
333 INSSec 306.0000.434
334 Vegvisir 306.0000.434
335 Isaac 306.0000.434
336 SillyFox 286.0000.410
337 4CK 286.0000.410
338 errant_cattus 283.0000.406
339 PinkThighs 283.0000.406
340 ByteBandits 283.0000.406
341 Shallow-Fried Soy Winter Vegetables 281.0000.403
342 FPSECTEAM 281.0000.403
343 Pumdass Reblta 281.0000.403
344 0xCG^HF 281.0000.403
345 Jwuctf 281.0000.402
346 get_system() 281.0000.402
347 abosaif 281.0000.402
348 qnerd 281.0000.402
349 isaac21259 276.0000.396
350 Black Knights 276.0000.395
351 Sentry Whale 275.0000.394
352 lizardlab 268.0000.386
353 rtn_is_lonely 261.0000.377
354 CTFF 256.0000.371
355 Enhance 256.0000.371
356 KJHS 256.0000.371
357 thisisntwhereiparkedmycar 256.0000.370
358 K1_W4L0 256.0000.370
359 thrumbos 256.0000.370
360 F055il215 256.0000.370
361 baton 256.0000.370
362 Calvin 256.0000.370
363 Cyber Castors 256.0000.369
364 Single&Available 256.0000.369
365 Growing_de@th 256.0000.369
366 Root-kids 256.0000.369
367 l2ctf 256.0000.369
368 stankc 256.0000.368
369 0xuzero 256.0000.368
370 SUccess 256.0000.368
371 nename0 256.0000.368
372 null53c70r 256.0000.368
373 Mayas 256.0000.368
374 kitchen staff 256.0000.367
375 Lost in Bytes 256.0000.367
376 Polent0wn3d 256.0000.367
377 HTCPCP 250.0000.360
378 Lengsabb 236.0000.343
379 M4ruj0s 236.0000.343
380 ETYB 236.0000.343
381 HCS 233.0000.339
382 Ceisc 233.0000.339
383 PNJunction 231.0000.336
384 learn2noob 231.0000.336
385 parktest0325 231.0000.336
386 cr1pt0 231.0000.336
387 israforce 231.0000.336
388 Les deux Bits 231.0000.335
389 QSoloX 231.0000.335
390 Alfa Canis Maioris 231.0000.335
391 Georgian College 231.0000.335
392 Ternary Bits 231.0000.335
393 d4rkc0de 231.0000.335
394 SAPRA 226.0000.329
395 profiluefter 211.0000.311
396 Crash-n-Burn 211.0000.311
397 KOBE 211.0000.310
398 0xN1ghtRa1d 206.0000.304
399 Parchy 206.0000.304
400 parkchanjin 206.0000.304
401 sav 206.0000.304
402 Mad_cats 206.0000.304
403 CyberYoddha 206.0000.304
404 MhackGyver 206.0000.303
405 n0_pwn1c 206.0000.303
406 danielpclin 206.0000.303
407 Pororos 206.0000.303
408 TeamHitch 206.0000.303
409 .getTeamName(); 206.0000.303
410 ZaI 206.0000.303
411 0c34n 206.0000.302
412 Czehuni 206.0000.302
413 onotch 206.0000.302
414 nuculabs 206.0000.302
415 13k53c 206.0000.302
416 nullSpec 206.0000.302
417 f000d 206.0000.302
418 D4TA_L0SS 206.0000.301
419 sw1ss 206.0000.301
420 CyberByters 206.0000.301
421 score_gazer 206.0000.301
422 0xfm 206.0000.301
423 Hethroh 206.0000.301
424 HackingForSoju 206.0000.301
425 NuttyShell 206.0000.300
426 StingDau 206.0000.300
427 nakado 203.0000.297
428 Sudoers 202.0000.295
429 wannabeslime 201.0000.294
430 lowerprivshigherhopes 201.0000.294
431 TeamTTF 201.0000.294
432 TheSludges 201.0000.294
433 babu^2-nyan^2 201.0000.294
434 respectotron 200.0000.292
435 zer0byte 191.0000.281
436 uu-unnamed 191.0000.281
437 testing4444 186.0000.275
438 Troblecodings 186.0000.275
439 AngGiMoDdi 181.0000.269
440 Blue-Whale 181.0000.269
441 lhiny 181.0000.269
442 numberwangers 181.0000.269
443 Pwnloss 181.0000.269
444 zao 181.0000.268
445 Pwnable Pandas 181.0000.268
446 Hyperloop 181.0000.268
447 0xFE 181.0000.268
448 es 181.0000.268
449 0xr4v1 181.0000.268
450 weRubb1sh 181.0000.268
451 gatchrats 181.0000.268
452 lost+found 181.0000.268
453 TeamFBS 181.0000.267
454 nk 181.0000.267
455 MvtinaPwn 181.0000.267
456 0dayparade 181.0000.267
457 Team $!9N 181.0000.267
458 n0crypto 181.0000.267
459 MyFirstCTFLol 181.0000.267
460 0xC5A 181.0000.267
461 Samúel <3 <3 181.0000.266
462 t0mcr00se 181.0000.266
463 WhatTheShell? 176.0000.260
464 cuddledeath 176.0000.260
465 VERC 176.0000.260
466 GhostShell_404 176.0000.260
467 RyotaK 176.0000.260
468 An Hack Honda 176.0000.260
469 smack 161.0000.242
470 Me & The Bois 161.0000.242
471 Kanjerklub 161.0000.242
472 lolapua 161.0000.242
473 timHehe 158.0000.238
474 asdfg 158.0000.238
475 bickoSiTiEff 156.0000.235
476 4x0l07l 156.0000.235
477 RUSEC 156.0000.235
478 SavedByTheShell 156.0000.235
479 g0dJ 156.0000.235
480 noraneco 156.0000.235
481 NL-ALERT 156.0000.235
482 MorgenStern 156.0000.235
483 hackz0rZ 156.0000.235
484 pikami 156.0000.234
485 OncleJojo 156.0000.234
486 let'sTry 156.0000.234
487 T.O 156.0000.234
488 Les Dupont/d 156.0000.234
489 Lazy Muons 156.0000.234
490 p00p_80y2 156.0000.234
491 Contrail 156.0000.234
492 zippy 156.0000.234
493 GR0UP14 156.0000.234
494 D0nt_Kn0w 156.0000.233
495 Some Nerds 156.0000.233
496 0x4141 156.0000.233
497 topavas 156.0000.233
498 Unchained 156.0000.233
499 SpinkoBinko 156.0000.233
500 L33t h4x0rs in da h00d 156.0000.233
501 Spanakopita 156.0000.233
502 NIKI 156.0000.233
503 secuRED 156.0000.233
504 Ricardoamorim0 156.0000.232
505 AlmaThemis 156.0000.232
506 Hack'X 156.0000.232
507 HacBook Pro 156.0000.232
508 unauthorized 156.0000.232
509 infreezy 156.0000.232
510 Cyber Grizzlies 156.0000.232
511 Underperformers 156.0000.232
512 1ntrude 156.0000.232
513 jimbo 156.0000.232
514 ph4qd 156.0000.232
515 tesla push 156.0000.231
516 CapSiPajura 156.0000.231
517 v3he 156.0000.231
518 rud0lphs 156.0000.231
519 a_team_has_no_n4me 156.0000.231
520 justforfun 156.0000.231
521 Raison D'être 156.0000.231
522 TEST Please Ignore 156.0000.231
523 Quadient 156.0000.231
524 R0ch4rd_f1ls 156.0000.231
525 U01T 156.0000.231
526 B-R4zZ3R 156.0000.230
527 breakstuff 156.0000.230
528 Solo Dolo 156.0000.230
529 AMBUSH 156.0000.230
530 SteveTeddas 156.0000.230
531 1337TilburgHaxxors 156.0000.230
532 ZuAi 156.0000.230
533 r0ckt3hip 153.0000.226
534 Lunashci 152.0000.225
535 JuicyR00T 151.0000.224
536 0x435446 151.0000.224
537 hx 151.0000.224
538 SQLete 151.0000.224
539 n4$k0 151.0000.223
540 h4x0rak 151.0000.223
541 YonkieDonks 151.0000.223
542 3amar_404 151.0000.223
543 ╲⎝⧹Medjed⧸⎠╱ 151.0000.223
544 fog12 151.0000.223
545 Los Cobras 151.0000.223
546 Blank_shell 151.0000.223
547 ZeroCoo1 151.0000.223
548 BullShirt 150.0000.222
549 Sysc4ll 131.0000.199
550 VillainsHa5a 131.0000.199
551 ctfv 131.0000.199
552 Colapso 131.0000.199
553 nyquiloverdose 131.0000.199
554 jizon 131.0000.199
555 HONDASHI 131.0000.198
556 horosora 131.0000.198
557 Asm0d3us 131.0000.198
558 9d9d3 131.0000.198
559 ThrowTV 131.0000.198
560 dotan3 131.0000.198
561 kspe 131.0000.198
562 Cryptonite 131.0000.198
563 zarbout 131.0000.198
564 SlickCrew 131.0000.198
565 NightWolf 131.0000.198
566 LUSERS 131.0000.198
567 M1n 131.0000.198
568 AllYourCookieAreBelongToUs 131.0000.197
569 FlagPwnerZ 131.0000.197
570 Years_of_Cat 131.0000.197
571 smopper 131.0000.197
572 aephus 131.0000.197
573 robotearthpizza 131.0000.197
574 Ne0Lux-C1Ph3r 131.0000.197
575 PwsecTeam 131.0000.197
576 istiyak 131.0000.197
577 IndianTuesday 131.0000.197
578 ShMePl 131.0000.197
579 M@r10 131.0000.197
580 watevr 131.0000.197
581 nebu 131.0000.197
582 isopach 131.0000.196
583 KabelKatze 131.0000.196
584 sharifs-angels 131.0000.196
585 x4n0n 131.0000.196
586 flintz 131.0000.196
587 Juggernaut 131.0000.196
588 e5ca 131.0000.196
589 SneakyOwl 131.0000.196
590 rngrt 131.0000.196
591 cLpWn.jr 130.0000.195
592 k0kos 126.0000.190
593 High West 126.0000.190
594 CyberHawks 126.0000.190
595 NoTeamFortress 126.0000.190
596 hack-me 126.0000.190
597 2girls1backup 126.0000.190
598 S4NDW1CH_ 126.0000.189
599 h3ww0_0b4m0w0 126.0000.189
600 Code Black 126.0000.189
601 harry595 126.0000.189
602 LP 126.0000.189
603 bnfs 126.0000.189
604 Jibril 126.0000.189
605 Chomu 126.0000.189
606 3gghunt3r 126.0000.189
607 MPF 126.0000.189
608 W4 126.0000.189
609 gooooooooooooood 126.0000.189
610 lowprivshighhopes 126.0000.189
611 norio 126.0000.189
612 newbie89 126.0000.189
613 heogi 125.0000.187
614 KXTI_jora 125.0000.187
615 zer0pts 125.0000.187
616 rubicsCore 111.0000.171
617 rennox 106.0000.165
618 x859 106.0000.164
619 FuxS3C 106.0000.164
620 Selene Wonderland 106.0000.164
621 PowerSharks 106.0000.164
622 Dot1q.KH 106.0000.164
623 Vionik 106.0000.164
624 K0nf0rit0 106.0000.164
625 EQkws 106.0000.164
626 LaoHacker 106.0000.164
627 subrsp0x28 106.0000.164
628 Blood_Painter 106.0000.164
629 sh311_squad 106.0000.164
630 DeepHacks 106.0000.164
631 Icecrown Defense 106.0000.164
632 1byte 106.0000.164
633 xX813Xx 106.0000.164
634 duck5 106.0000.163
635 j4k0b 106.0000.163
636 Mr_Floor 106.0000.163
637 Zombickers 106.0000.163
638 nullnull 106.0000.163
639 WannaCry 106.0000.163
640 nikodijev 106.0000.163
641 P.i.n.G 106.0000.163
642 N3WBIE 106.0000.163
643 Rubysco 106.0000.163
644 kaktheplanet 106.0000.163
645 bzyo 106.0000.163
646 tmdh 106.0000.163
647 Servant's Sons 106.0000.163
648 Dema 106.0000.163
649 20chan 106.0000.163
650 Terminal_illness 106.0000.163
651 Noob 106.0000.162
652 CLGT 106.0000.162
653 John Doe 106.0000.162
654 [KXTI] SsSsS 106.0000.162
655 mallew0ra 106.0000.162
656 manarouj 106.0000.162
657 nephirus 106.0000.162
658 BogoMips 106.0000.162
659 Haccsi10g 106.0000.162
660 alesawe 106.0000.162
661 IlleQuiEaFranget 106.0000.162
662 Zipnx 106.0000.162
663 LFVFRH 106.0000.162
664 Skama 106.0000.162
665 spider 106.0000.162
666 DTTeam 106.0000.162
667 :v 106.0000.162
668 sl0thr0p 106.0000.162
669 ethteck 106.0000.161
670 EVA 106.0000.161
671 Alegori 106.0000.161
672 jxl 106.0000.161
673 Noril 106.0000.161
674 Sunpy 106.0000.161
675 SufferOverflow 106.0000.161
676 PISDo4Fun 106.0000.161
677 L34RN1NG 106.0000.161
678 sudo 101.0000.155
679 iotiot 101.0000.155
680 Tnaket 101.0000.155
681 wastefulnick 101.0000.155
682 team name 101.0000.155
683 [MEPhI]CyberTechnicalFuckers 101.0000.155
684 biscuit 101.0000.155
685 DayMon 101.0000.155
686 U_Noob_U_Loose 101.0000.155
687 MoulServer 101.0000.155
688 {l4_p4nd1ll4_m4nt3q1ll4} 101.0000.155
689 The Lemons 101.0000.155
690 SEIF 101.0000.154
691 K1tu5ne 101.0000.154
692 Uplink 101.0000.154
693 3g1c3 101.0000.154
694 The Dolley Llama 101.0000.154
695 4k3l4rr3 101.0000.154
696 Les Khouyasses 101.0000.154
697 whitehacker 101.0000.154
698 TheMagicians 101.0000.154
699 impsec 101.0000.154
700 lava 101.0000.154
701 osari_ 101.0000.154
702 ayelmao 101.0000.154
703 bluehunter 101.0000.154
704 희성이형_여친_모집중 101.0000.154
705 jsonBourne 101.0000.154
706 U+1F966 101.0000.154
707 salade_de_fruit 101.0000.154
708 Poopers 101.0000.154
709 Evex 101.0000.154
710 d3ph4u17 86.0000.136
711 NAMBOSLEHS 85.0000.135
712 Spanner 81.0000.130
713 n1 81.0000.130
714 boredomware 81.0000.130
715 y4chtclub 81.0000.130
716 Gunters 81.0000.130
717 SaberHacks 81.0000.130
718 CatchFM 81.0000.129
719 ByamB4 81.0000.129
720 UoP EHS 81.0000.129
721 H4CKCTF 81.0000.129
722 spoilers 81.0000.129
723 whoping 81.0000.129
724 W4nderers 81.0000.129
725 alexost66 81.0000.129
726 0xBlueSky 81.0000.129
727 4ever Dream 81.0000.129
728 apt-get-rekt 81.0000.129
729 mirani 81.0000.129
730 NULLKrypt3rs 81.0000.129
731 Kilimanjaro 81.0000.129
732 jowen 81.0000.129
733 butterflow 81.0000.129
734 xan0er 81.0000.129
735 D@T@CoRrUpT10# 81.0000.129
736 NMLab1 81.0000.129
737 BETABOIIS 81.0000.129
738 xcv 81.0000.129
739 th4n05 81.0000.129
740 N/A 81.0000.128
741 Ne grote met mayonaise meneer 81.0000.128
742 FreeWiFi 81.0000.128
743 fm45h16 81.0000.128
744 Dualkem 81.0000.128
745 Pengen jadi heker 81.0000.128
746 Brahmastra 81.0000.128
747 p0rn_s1de 81.0000.128
748 tim 81.0000.128
749 Sd9ToU 81.0000.128
750 КПСУНЦ 81.0000.128
751 IDEK ENTERPRISES 81.0000.128
752 dave 81.0000.128
753 tomcr00se 81.0000.128
754 01189998819991197253 81.0000.128
755 [email protected]: GDQqp7F 81.0000.128
756 Never-Sett1e 81.0000.128
757 TUGS 81.0000.128
758 r0bots 81.0000.128
759 trietend 81.0000.128
760 Gabriel Campos 81.0000.128
761 Azure Assassin Alliance 81.0000.128
762 PetyaReindeer 81.0000.128
763 xtac 81.0000.127
764 Tekentre 81.0000.127
765 MongolianEmpire1 81.0000.127
766 jackdaw 81.0000.127
767 High Tech Hacking Touch 81.0000.127
768 HuntsvilleTechSupport 81.0000.127
769 MentalForklift 81.0000.127
770 serotin 81.0000.127
771 takisystema 81.0000.127
772 Founders 81.0000.127
773 lamda 81.0000.127
774 RSHU 81.0000.127
775 chinasaur 81.0000.127
776 Spartans 81.0000.127
777 krhacken 81.0000.127
778 johnthecracker 81.0000.127
779 E99p1ant 81.0000.127
780 eatchicken 81.0000.127
781 None 81.0000.127
782 5u0M3ad 81.0000.127
783 SEAL 81.0000.127
784 ASMS 81.0000.127
785 test123 81.0000.127
786 Viva la doble! 81.0000.127
787 arrester 81.0000.127
788 TH3_D3VILs 76.0000.121
789 chill 76.0000.121
790 Shadoxfix 76.0000.120
791 Oshiewan 76.0000.120
792 NorthWest 76.0000.120
793 yuvaly0 76.0000.120
794 StriX 76.0000.120
795 n3t3f3r 76.0000.120
796 VT Lads 76.0000.120
797 0xCoffee 76.0000.120
798 LArdilla 76.0000.120
799 sl0th 76.0000.120
800 pharmacy 76.0000.120
801 WeWereWondering 76.0000.120
802 NEX 76.0000.120
803 Init-0 76.0000.120
804 Connor1376 76.0000.120
805 c0d3_hub 76.0000.120
806 HAU Cyber Foxes 76.0000.120
807 lsl 76.0000.120
808 Divyang 76.0000.120
809 4guru 76.0000.120
810 tomteam 76.0000.120
811 newbie 76.0000.120
812 HackyMackies 76.0000.120
813 NULL 76.0000.120
814 InfoSecKW 76.0000.120
815 Testiyyy 76.0000.120
816 acab221 76.0000.120
817 £p1 76.0000.119
818 JS 76.0000.119
819 Supreme Soup Master 76.0000.119
820 OpSec 76.0000.119
821 Eneia 76.0000.119
822 cyb3rduck 76.0000.119
823 onepunchpwn 76.0000.119
824 _profile 76.0000.119
825 mzzsml 76.0000.119
826 calceteen 76.0000.119
827 EsRever 76.0000.119
828 Io_cu_mine 76.0000.119
829 DNO 76.0000.119
830 LesCruchyHa$shbrowns 76.0000.119
831 sp4rk 76.0000.119
832 r0nd 76.0000.119
833 something 76.0000.119
834 onenoobarmy 76.0000.119
835 testTesttest 76.0000.119
836 2k2 76.0000.119
837 Bushwhackers 76.0000.119
838 SoloRun 76.0000.119
839 Vitamin G^a 76.0000.119
840 pridestalkerr 76.0000.119
841 h4ck7u5 76.0000.119
842 capnhawkbill 76.0000.119
843 ikenot 76.0000.119
844 0xbadacce55 76.0000.119
845 BinaryBeast 76.0000.118
846 acdwas 75.0000.117
848 ctfasdfg 75.0000.117
849 La bleusaille 75.0000.117
850 whitehackers 75.0000.117
851 Pancon_Balap 75.0000.117
852 TheWanderer 61.0000.101
853 phmsk 56.0000.095
854 Learning Is Fun! 56.0000.095
855 stripe 56.0000.094
856 HiDRA 56.0000.094
857 TorresVedras 56.0000.094
858 0x0d1n 56.0000.094
859 0x43_NL 56.0000.094
860 Wunderleth 56.0000.094
861 libcbil 56.0000.094
862 k1r170 56.0000.094
863 glhf 56.0000.094
864 Alone 56.0000.094
865 IcsX 56.0000.094
866 Sorento 56.0000.094
867 dk 56.0000.094
868 Minus07 56.0000.094
869 NuttyShrimp1 56.0000.094
870 lesion 56.0000.094
871 Liberty1 56.0000.094
872 SillySemaphore 56.0000.094
873 V3nom 56.0000.094
874 A1ph4Z3r0 56.0000.094
875 y0f4c3 56.0000.094
876 T3D 56.0000.094
877 TheWinners 56.0000.094
878 Abingers_WH 56.0000.094
879 Whatever 56.0000.094
880 ddh 56.0000.094
881 outOfCheese 56.0000.094
882 WePon 56.0000.094
883 Disequilibrium 56.0000.094
884 n00bs41l0rs 56.0000.094
885 fablocke 56.0000.094
886 xskexus 56.0000.094
887 Drater 56.0000.093
888 RedDevils 56.0000.093
889 Raizyr 56.0000.093
890 exzettabyte 56.0000.093
891 ShellstormTroopers 56.0000.093
892 p4snet0 56.0000.093
893 suej 56.0000.093
894 cipcip 56.0000.093
895 404 Found 56.0000.093
896 8====D~ 56.0000.093
897 GO-YA- 56.0000.093
898 kks_KeKoS_Team 56.0000.093
899 escollapse 56.0000.093
900 Drisktor 56.0000.093
901 대명문전라고 56.0000.093
902 E4sy-r00t 56.0000.093
903 |)ecepticons 56.0000.093
904 sh4nf 56.0000.093
905 vla91slav 56.0000.093
906 amatuer 56.0000.093
907 AGS 56.0000.093
908 CRYPTO 56.0000.093
909 MantiX101 56.0000.093
910 TheTeaCompany 56.0000.093
911 BuffMenOverflow 56.0000.093
912 KoalaC 56.0000.093
913 Deadlock Team 56.0000.093
914 kanbedon 56.0000.093
915 okas832 56.0000.093
916 SegFault 56.0000.093
917 EvilRobots 56.0000.093
918 PUCC Sec Team 56.0000.093
919 JWGGGGGG 56.0000.093
920 Callipygian Consortium of Cryptography 56.0000.093
921 23f3 56.0000.092
922 keyanspace 56.0000.092
923 krypton 56.0000.092
924 ohyeah 56.0000.092
925 raar 56.0000.092
926 Caterpillar 56.0000.092
927 BLANK 56.0000.092
928 yadhuz 56.0000.092
929 AmperTaters 56.0000.092
930 tezcatlipoca 56.0000.092
931 achilles 56.0000.092
932 Slaydevil 56.0000.092
933 LPNoNameGame 56.0000.092
934 Turb0lox 56.0000.092
935 ededale 56.0000.092
936 Liberty Prime 56.0000.092
937 Cruesaders 56.0000.092
938 Delphi 56.0000.092
939 Barabasi 56.0000.092
940 sibertezi 56.0000.092
941 tiim 56.0000.092
942 A-shot 56.0000.092
943 mutism 56.0000.092
944 yario 56.0000.092
945 Dino 56.0000.092
946 Al-Hameer 56.0000.092
947 s1n9l3:pl4y3r 56.0000.092
948 aGVsbG8gaSBhbSBhbiBlbGl0ZSBoYW 56.0000.092
949 enthusiasticnoob 56.0000.092
950 Hack&co 56.0000.092
951 Gopnik 56.0000.092
952 Group 23 56.0000.092
953 xIvans 56.0000.092
954 HolidayElf 56.0000.092
955 _hotelnull 56.0000.092
956 arcor 56.0000.092
957 kkkk 56.0000.091
958 1ns4n3 56.0000.091
959 pranav 56.0000.091
960 SoloYolo 56.0000.091
961 Deltaz3ro 56.0000.091
962 #1 56.0000.091
963 Spikers 56.0000.091
964 Mestfawl 56.0000.091
965 SN 56.0000.091
966 ri5e 55.0000.090
967 =ButaliNity= 51.0000.085
968 alelizzt 51.0000.085
969 rusty 51.0000.085
970 Jack0fSpades 51.0000.085
971 The Harbringer 51.0000.085
972 halabanga 51.0000.085
973 Disappointment Delivery Party 51.0000.085
974 Christmas is cool <3 51.0000.085
975 HTCPCP:// 51.0000.085
976 KernelPanic 51.0000.085
977 3x0rsist 51.0000.085
978 teeem1 51.0000.085
979 PAO[E] 51.0000.085
980 WePwnTillDie 51.0000.085
981 Turing-ITBA 51.0000.085
982 Solo [Nepal] 51.0000.085
983 richard702 51.0000.085
984 seahawk 51.0000.085
985 mr_robot 51.0000.085
986 JWN 51.0000.085
987 hxdcml 51.0000.085
988 B@ngsiri 51.0000.085
989 kdy 51.0000.085
990 Magic Goat、 51.0000.085
991 AKATUSKI 51.0000.085
992 3z0le0k09j1dnm7 51.0000.085
993 CRYP70X 51.0000.085
994 wabisabi 51.0000.085
995 bot army 51.0000.085
996 3xploit3rs 51.0000.085
997 Nstadom 51.0000.085
998 XEO_DC1ph3r 51.0000.085
999 Gulag Hostages 51.0000.085
1000 %00Byte 51.0000.084
1001 Cyber Polibatam 51.0000.084
1002 JohnnyR030T 51.0000.084
1003 Abella_danger 51.0000.084
1004 Gambit 51.0000.084
1005 Salaheldin 51.0000.084
1006 solo player 51.0000.084
1007 Tamil Pasanga Hackers 51.0000.084
1008 L33t skeet 51.0000.084
1009 Sparta_EN 51.0000.084
1010 Virtuoso Tech 51.0000.084
1011 bitwave 51.0000.084
1012 solo_uniwa 51.0000.084
1013 HANA 51.0000.084
1014 Fully NOPerational 51.0000.084
1015 kxti__ 51.0000.084
1016 S0und 51.0000.084
1017 KXTI_ib 51.0000.084
1018 The Boat 51.0000.084
1019 reid 51.0000.084
1020 OneBoi 51.0000.084
1021 TompkinsCyber 51.0000.084
1022 fsociety 51.0000.084
1023 justatestman 51.0000.084
1024 onemanband 51.0000.084
1025 KXTI_Lev 51.0000.084
1026 Imprt a mdule to do it for you 51.0000.084
1027 dotplot 51.0000.084
1028 tesla_protocol 51.0000.084
1029 XtazMakinAState 51.0000.084
1030 cognn 51.0000.084
1031 qsdf 51.0000.084
1032 51.0000.084
1033 seigo2016 51.0000.084
1034 ilikeducks 51.0000.084
1035 stvsh 51.0000.084
1036 el psy kongroo 51.0000.084
1037 blkbrd 51.0000.084
1038 D3F3ND3RS 51.0000.084
1039 ZANGI KIDS 51.0000.084
1040 toil & trouble 51.0000.084
1041 XtemlyMediocreAcrynomSyndicate 51.0000.084
1042 slartibartfass 51.0000.084
1043 sakuramana 51.0000.083
1044 Akatsuki 51.0000.083
1045 i dont have a team 51.0000.083
1046 napasta 51.0000.083
1047 rewatt 50.0000.082
1048 munixed 50.0000.082
1049 p0t4t03s 50.0000.082
1050 BufferOverflow 50.0000.082
1051 saladetomate.onion 50.0000.082
1052 playoff-rondo 50.0000.082
1053 nick whalman 50.0000.082
1054 0xc0ffe 50.0000.082
1055 gentlemen_thieves 50.0000.082
1056 LosBarbarosPwned! 50.0000.082
1057 LhaLek 50.0000.082
1058 SCP 50.0000.082
1059 TheRomanXpl0it 50.0000.082
1060 Hola 50.0000.082
1061 Ache 50.0000.082
1062 tb20 31.0000.059
1063 Gaston's Gallavanting Group 31.0000.059
1064 D3ff 31.0000.059
1065 TEKA 31.0000.059
1066 Error418 31.0000.059
1067 hackadvisermx 31.0000.059
1068 blibberingidiots 31.0000.059
1069 Varya 31.0000.059
1070 cha0s 31.0000.059
1071 Trihacking 31.0000.059
1072 Canary 31.0000.059
1073 DucaDreamSmartInvincibleDuca 31.0000.059
1074 Jeffrey 31.0000.059
1075 Neay 31.0000.059
1076 Nefalems 31.0000.059
1077 KRL 31.0000.059
1078 XpbRz 31.0000.059
1079 cycurity 31.0000.059
1080 abaacaadoo 31.0000.059
1081 FeedbHack1 31.0000.059
1082 31.0000.059
1083 Aitorxuxu 31.0000.059
1084 cool worms club 31.0000.059
1085 NGS 31.0000.059
1086 unicorn 31.0000.059
1087 Y dough 31.0000.059
1088 Whiskey6 31.0000.059
1089 0e1337 31.0000.059
1090 lolllxxx 31.0000.059
1091 temp_team 31.0000.059
1092 Losers 31.0000.059
1093 feedbHack 31.0000.059
1094 rawsec 31.0000.059
1095 idk 31.0000.059
1096 AyamKunyit 31.0000.059
1097 Neya 31.0000.059
1098 Script Kiddy Cr3w 31.0000.059
1099 NEO 31.0000.059
1100 Goom 31.0000.059
1101 phimtar08 31.0000.059
1102 utopia 31.0000.059
1103 CaLL0uScReW 31.0000.059
1104 Server 31.0000.059
1105 odyn_v_kanoe 31.0000.059
1106 lol 31.0000.059
1107 hulkvision 31.0000.058
1108 M0t0rHead 31.0000.058
1109 iCy 31.0000.058
1110 German_Engineering 31.0000.058
1111 KXTI_sec 31.0000.058
1112 Bakasurchik 31.0000.058
1113 NaN 31.0000.058
1114 t1kk0 31.0000.058
1115 MinaKami 31.0000.058
1116 pinganonymous 31.0000.058
1117 dopamine 31.0000.058
1118 HextoAscii 31.0000.058
1119 adrianzer0 31.0000.058
1120 asdf 31.0000.058
1121 MSD 31.0000.058
1122 M&M's 31.0000.058
1123 Foreva Alone 31.0000.058
1124 j3rrry 31.0000.058
1125 PacketAssault 31.0000.058
1126 Lucario 31.0000.058
1127 gruf 31.0000.058
1128 on3mh5 31.0000.058
1129 Some Dude 31.0000.058
1130 DELA3 31.0000.058
1131 la3jin 31.0000.058
1132 0Unix 31.0000.058
1133 Mars Explorer 31.0000.058
1134 Inglorious Pwners 31.0000.058
1135 tun_ctf 31.0000.058
1136 ScripTease 31.0000.058
1137 TCM 31.0000.058
1138 X-MAS CTF BOT 31.0000.058
1139 TEAM_ELITE 31.0000.058
1140 BPanther 31.0000.058
1141 jegen 31.0000.058
1142 Ripetaurus 31.0000.058
1143 sfasdf 31.0000.058
1144 N/O 31.0000.058
1145 l0st-and-f0und 31.0000.058
1146 De_Zwaan 31.0000.058
1147 Knack 31.0000.058
1148 UGNA 31.0000.058
1149 Pikabulb 31.0000.058
1150 KXTI_PROC 31.0000.058
1151 FPTU 31.0000.058
1152 Forza Stelar 31.0000.058
1153 bruleau 31.0000.058
1154 whodembois 31.0000.058
1155 Sun*$hell 31.0000.058
1156 n00bpwnrs 31.0000.058
1157 2567 31.0000.058
1158 Ch3lLIST4 31.0000.058
1159 0xdeabbeaf 31.0000.058
1160 t43 n0ob5 31.0000.057
1161 maundering_gadabout 31.0000.057
1162 Tenesys 31.0000.057
1163 jiangniao 31.0000.057
1164 L0stC0d3 31.0000.057
1165 TheFox 31.0000.057
1166 C4lc3T34m 31.0000.057
1167 TheBEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES 31.0000.057
1168 fructose 31.0000.057
1169 dark 31.0000.057
1170 TBchip-Team 31.0000.057
1171 TechHaven 31.0000.057
1172 sh4d0w58t 31.0000.057
1173 Epsilon007 31.0000.057
1174 Abe 31.0000.057
1175 grimmhorizon 31.0000.057
1176 0xNN 31.0000.057
1177 GoldNovaMasters 31.0000.057
1178 r0ckman 31.0000.057
1179 noidea 31.0000.057
1180 Persona2 31.0000.057
1181 1337r00t 31.0000.057
1182 mjft 31.0000.057
1183 0n3 m3n 4rmy 31.0000.057
1184 B0t-cyPH3r 31.0000.057
1185 zer0tank 31.0000.057
1186 axemass 31.0000.057
1187 [SPbCTF]HollyEmpire 31.0000.057
1188 team_defalt 31.0000.057
1189 MCCOGCCTC 31.0000.057
1190 5up3rn0v4 31.0000.057
1191 H4CK3R5 31.0000.057
1192 ukk1337 31.0000.057
1193 quak 31.0000.057
1194 jsmidt 31.0000.057
1195 zezetest 31.0000.057
1196 overplace 31.0000.057
1197 r00tn3p@! 31.0000.057
1198 Logia Class 31.0000.057
1199 PlayFair2k19 31.0000.057
1200 chaotabuns 31.0000.057
1201 snuffelupagus 31.0000.057
1202 horaku 31.0000.057
1203 ScarfedFox 26.0000.051
1204 Cleanup 26.0000.051
1205 YBY 26.0000.051
1206 Jon 26.0000.051
1207 azbyn 26.0000.051
1208 tury 26.0000.051
1209 ButterOverflow 26.0000.051
1210 Madem 26.0000.051
1211 Galapagos Penguins 26.0000.051
1212 TZU 26.0000.051
1213 Nocnitsa 26.0000.051
1214 T3-H 26.0000.051
1215 FlagOnBoard 26.0000.051
1216 NMLabb 26.0000.051
1217 morelulz 26.0000.051
1218 lidor 26.0000.051
1219 fr0g-squad 26.0000.051
1220 Scorpion123 26.0000.051
1221 holcombe 26.0000.051
1222 MyS3lf 26.0000.051
1223 omega_coder 26.0000.051
1224 Be_Ng0k 26.0000.050
1225 T3kB0ts 26.0000.050
1226 prohack3r 26.0000.050
1227 Glitch 26.0000.050
1228 q1su8313 26.0000.050
1229 Capo 26.0000.050
1230 Sachiro 26.0000.050
1231 ayushpathak 26.0000.050
1232 Blacklist 26.0000.050
1233 +34|\\/| |\\|4|\\/|3 26.0000.050
1234 Coven 26.0000.050
1235 anonymous1329 26.0000.050
1236 p1@y3r$_ 26.0000.050
1237 MasterLogick 26.0000.050
1238 rehinged 26.0000.050
1239 BBWeb 26.0000.050
1240 My Name Is Jeff 26.0000.050
1241 hascobot 26.0000.050
1242 FA 26.0000.050
1243 CoreExploit 26.0000.050
1244 n00n3 26.0000.050
1245 clefter 26.0000.050
1246 imnotrubiya 26.0000.050
1247 Binaries 26.0000.050
1248 tjeil 26.0000.050
1249 buhaianu 26.0000.050
1250 Gooten 26.0000.050
1251 gaza 26.0000.050
1252 Testing ... 26.0000.050
1253 kkk 26.0000.050
1254 NiBoe 26.0000.050
1255 MMOX 26.0000.050
1256 sky_monkeys 26.0000.050
1257 8oggk-tajin 26.0000.050
1258 ;-; 26.0000.050
1259 ayadi 26.0000.050
1260 samSolo 26.0000.050
1261 buzzlightyear 26.0000.050
1262 fzhshzh 26.0000.050
1263 friedNoodles~ 26.0000.050
1264 Satan Claus 26.0000.050
1265 ');DROP TABLE users;-- 26.0000.050
1266 YHn00bs 26.0000.050
1267 RowanCTF 26.0000.050
1268 CSECGroup 26.0000.050
1269 OneLone 26.0000.050
1270 freefry 26.0000.050
1271 arthur07 26.0000.050
1272 deslois 26.0000.050
1273 V3N0M~B1735 26.0000.050
1274 klimandr 26.0000.050
1275 Blue 26.0000.050
1276 kurage0verfl0w 26.0000.050
1277 N3CR0.V3N0M 26.0000.050
1278 UNKN 26.0000.050
1279 THCamp 26.0000.050
1280 crudd 26.0000.050
1281 h3x 26.0000.050
1282 CorazonesDePalmito 26.0000.050
1283 Ahimsa 26.0000.050
1284 Team_M 26.0000.050
1285 pepsi2451 26.0000.050
1286 kyloliet 26.0000.050
1287 jijijiji 26.0000.050
1288 TAC69 26.0000.050
1289 Winslow 26.0000.050
1290 Bin 26.0000.049
1291 whtn12 26.0000.049
1292 stark0de 26.0000.049
1293 *_* 26.0000.049
1294 Mungsul 26.0000.049
1295 noa 26.0000.049
1296 Penguin 26.0000.049
1297 먼지탱이 26.0000.049
1298 MSP 26.0000.049
1299 rm-rf/ 26.0000.049
1300 CyberMachines 26.0000.049
1301 adventuretime 26.0000.049
1302 PHP FE 26.0000.049
1303 morning-glory 26.0000.049
1304 Yanvidton 26.0000.049
1305 ITN geng 26.0000.049
1306 noir 26.0000.049
1307 guy 26.0000.049
1308 Ayush 26.0000.049
1309 Koenig-Erl 26.0000.049
1310 ThePooMan 26.0000.049
1311 haXtrampf 26.0000.049
1312 Acheron 26.0000.049
1313 spookyghost 26.0000.049
1314 gr3pit 26.0000.049
1315 m9k5d10 26.0000.049
1316 tizzlers 26.0000.049
1317 OverThought 26.0000.049
1318 adasdasddasdassdasdasd 26.0000.049
1319 Digital Dragons 26.0000.049
1320 L0nf0 26.0000.049
1321 initim 26.0000.049
1322 Veliant 26.0000.049
1323 3agl3 26.0000.049
1324 MHA 26.0000.049
1325 Xeryxzz 26.0000.049
1326 weShrikar 26.0000.049
1327 Byt3shift3rz 26.0000.049
1328 kim 26.0000.049
1329 Lom23 26.0000.049
1330 The big chaumeur H4x0r 26.0000.049
1331 the goodrow 26.0000.049
1332 0xVex 26.0000.049
1333 noid 26.0000.049
1334 RiST 26.0000.049
1335 kornil_panik 26.0000.049
1336 WoeshoemSlayer 26.0000.049
1337 salakau 26.0000.049
1338 Rozbiynyky 26.0000.049
1339 Shurik 26.0000.049
1340 BITls 26.0000.049
1341 orihonig 26.0000.049
1342 xrpw 26.0000.049
1343 Fweefwop 26.0000.049
1344 tryinh 26.0000.049
1345 TheBlackKnight 26.0000.049
1346 DC616 26.0000.049
1347 tadinha 26.0000.049
1348 NiceWay 26.0000.049
1349 yakuhito_watching 25.0000.047
1350 Placeholder 25.0000.047
1351 aminequ 25.0000.047
1352 nemo 25.0000.047
1353 AmTrain 25.0000.047
1354 d3lt4 25.0000.047
1355 mango 25.0000.047
1356 1 man 25.0000.047
1357 abc 25.0000.047
1358 ksil 25.0000.047
1359 Walter 25.0000.047
1360 ret2ctf 25.0000.047
1361 Testing 25.0000.047
1362 MR 25.0000.047
1363 25.0000.047
1364 0xDECAF 25.0000.047
1365 8oggk-tajin2 25.0000.047
1366 jaeseokim 25.0000.047
1367 KOTAK - HITAM 25.0000.047
1368 403 25.0000.047
1369 tryharderer 25.0000.047
1370 warriors 25.0000.047
1371 petitfruit 25.0000.047
1372 h4stoor 25.0000.047
1373 sosig 25.0000.047
1374 kerupuksambel 25.0000.047
1375 BST 25.0000.047
1376 xdy28563 25.0000.047
1377 pop ret 25.0000.047
1378 JAJ 25.0000.047
1379 ripe 25.0000.047
1380 MitkoTeam 25.0000.047
1381 OhBoyThisIsMyFirstCTF 25.0000.047
1382 skif 25.0000.047
1383 7RIX 25.0000.047
1384 Killer Queen 25.0000.047
1385 unknown007 25.0000.047
1386 M30W2 25.0000.047
1387 Hack'Raw 25.0000.047
1388 BAUHAUS 25.0000.047
1389 CatsGetRoot 6.0000.024
1390 AppleTree 6.0000.024
1391 DARK↯STARS 6.0000.024
1392 slickness 6.0000.024
1393 karudo 6.0000.024
1394 kuchbhi 6.0000.024
1395 #Alone 6.0000.024
1396 0x03f3 6.0000.024
1397 Zao288 6.0000.024
1398 Lonley 6.0000.024
1399 soacra-ta 6.0000.024
1400 CyberDucky 6.0000.024
1401 Stars 6.0000.024
1402 evil bits 6.0000.024
1403 TTTeam 6.0000.024
1404 istinyeMAI 6.0000.024
1405 reef_hyper 6.0000.024
1406 Blazoo 6.0000.024
1407 Cyber274 6.0000.024
1408 Bremer 6.0000.024
1409 Zer0H0ur 6.0000.024
1410 explicit_nudity 6.0000.024
1411 Rousseur 6.0000.024
1412 UnknownError 6.0000.024
1413 szczepad 6.0000.024
1414 Ciuleanu_noprize 6.0000.024
1415 rh0gueh 6.0000.024
1416 tetora_ange 6.0000.024
1417 TerminaleS2 6.0000.024
1418 catsngiggles 6.0000.024
1419 literal knits 6.0000.024
1420 dkaz 6.0000.024
1421 Cookie-Monster 6.0000.024
1422 CryptoCrack 6.0000.024
1423 r4hu1 6.0000.024
1424 Rithu 6.0000.024
1425 l33ty1ad5 6.0000.024
1426 T3cH_W1z4rD 6.0000.024
1427 WriterlyHacker 6.0000.024
1428 Youngstars 6.0000.024
1429 Foxes 6.0000.024
1430 solo_lior 6.0000.024
1431 WebSpiders 6.0000.024
1432 HASHERS 6.0000.024
1433 Loneline 6.0000.024
1434 lxa1121 6.0000.024
1435 HTTP$ 6.0000.024
1436 HackNinja 6.0000.024
1437 ss2 6.0000.024
1438 Testor 6.0000.024
1439 improve 6.0000.024
1440 Giorno Giovana 6.0000.024
1441 k4k4c3r 6.0000.024
1442 AloneInJapanForever 6.0000.024
1443 hogehog 6.0000.024
1444 geekboys 6.0000.024
1445 ut_mwesolow 6.0000.024
1446 cyberkidu 6.0000.024
1447 T3mpl4 6.0000.024
1448 0x07 6.0000.024
1449 shameful 6.0000.024
1450 zero 6.0000.024
1451 jekrid 6.0000.024
1452 Fwomp 6.0000.024
1453 SerpentSec 6.0000.024
1454 zebizebi 6.0000.024
1455 dietCokeTheorists 6.0000.024
1456 porora 6.0000.024
1457 cez40 6.0000.024
1458 M3T4 6.0000.024
1459 crabby 6.0000.024
1460 12b 6.0000.024
1461 uroz 6.0000.024
1462 BigDick 6.0000.024
1463 OneManTeam 6.0000.024
1464 nbg 6.0000.024
1465 JTP 6.0000.024
1466 MBHC 6.0000.024
1467 Reflex 6.0000.024
1468 withheld 6.0000.024
1469 Sheler 6.0000.024
1470 KXTI_99 6.0000.024
1471 epsteinsguards 6.0000.024
1472 Rigormortis 6.0000.024
1473 SCA 6.0000.024
1474 The Smiths 6.0000.023
1475 Sw33tp3a 6.0000.023
1476 PenTesticals 6.0000.023
1477 C@mb0 6.0000.023
1478 Yes 6.0000.023
1479 toni714 6.0000.023
1480 Grizzz 6.0000.023
1481 sladfsa 6.0000.023
1482 noobs 6.0000.023
1483 BoomHexShot 6.0000.023
1484 moppersmurf 6.0000.023
1485 noeysalads 6.0000.023
1486 AjitPuyGuys 6.0000.023
1487 LANDOGGERS 6.0000.023
1488 hackingllamas 6.0000.023
1489 GDQqp7FDqWdsSdv3nmRC82k9bMPgWw 6.0000.023
1490 jaded_1 6.0000.023
1491 The Z0ne 6.0000.023
1492 CrazzyBashers 6.0000.023
1493 blahberous_ 6.0000.023
1494 pcornago 6.0000.023
1495 fr0gs-divided 6.0000.023
1496 CL4Y 6.0000.023
1497 ILoveGoatCheese 6.0000.023
1498 kygoSea 6.0000.023
1499 quo 6.0000.023
1500 abyz 6.0000.023
1501 mageramoff 6.0000.023
1502 Flaggermeister 6.0000.023
1503 TheMoistySkyeSquad 6.0000.023
1504 koios 6.0000.023
1505 asphy 6.0000.023
1506 aksramk 6.0000.023
1507 random 6.0000.023
1508 128ITSH 1.0000.017
1509 Pr3Da1ors 1.0000.017
1510 wingineers 1.0000.017
1511 devs 1.0000.017
1512 0xego 1.0000.017
1513 Rp3r 1.0000.017
1514 !T34M 1.0000.017
1515 $p8_t0}{1c1ty 1.0000.017
1516 KompKK 1.0000.017
1517 DevExit 1.0000.017
1518 Grapist Escapist 1.0000.017
1519 3gang 1.0000.017
1520 Qirri Team 1.0000.017
1521 discopalevo 1.0000.017
1522 MT 1.0000.017
1523 Elyes 1.0000.017
1524 My team lead is Kroos47.HTSP 1.0000.017
1525 bruhMOMENT 1.0000.017
1526 mrkl_secppl 1.0000.017
1527 Bits_W@rrior$ 1.0000.017
1528 ShikariGang 1.0000.017
1529 NemaDaNema 1.0000.017
1530 dl0 1.0000.017
1531 1337B01S 1.0000.017
1532 Trøndercoaster 2.0 1.0000.017
1533 Polish script kiddies 1.0000.017
1534 HBGELTH 1.0000.017
1535 Yuri 1.0000.017
1536 Kayn 1.0000.017
1537 Re_Solve 1.0000.017
1538 H3R0L3GG0 1.0000.017
1539 otal 1.0000.017
1540 Bragi 1.0000.017
1541 Snegelen 1.0000.017
1542 Captura 1.0000.017
1543 Pwnguin 1.0000.017
1544 ddssh 1.0000.017
1545 floppydisk 1.0000.017
1546 hsooo 1.0000.017
1547 Ramin 1.0000.017
1548 R.I.P LivrariRegie 1.0000.017
1549 Cornflags 1.0000.017
1550 CesiCTF 1.0000.017
1551 SoC2WoKv1 1.0000.017
1552 HueHueRequer 1.0000.017
1553 Ryder 1.0000.017
1554 BlackTortoise 1.0000.017
1555 nerdy 1.0000.017
1556 amineALG 1.0000.017
1557 Panic 1.0000.017
1558 Lucifer 1.0000.017
1559 HACK EVERYTHING ~:^) 1.0000.017
1560 isel-cs-1920 1.0000.017
1561 CTF_tourist 1.0000.017
1562 CSUSB CISO 1.0000.017
1563 noteamhi 1.0000.017
1564 Dummydums 1.0000.017
1565 Trustno1 1.0000.017
1566 5n0w 1.0000.017
1567 olo 1.0000.017
1568 That one closet weeb 1.0000.017
1569 Rising Cyber Stars 1.0000.017
1570 The noobs 1.0000.017
1571 Cyber Pandas 1.0000.017
1572 rootfau 1.0000.017
1573 jsutset 1.0000.017
1574 $hikariGang 1.0000.017
1575 CodeHunter 1.0000.017
1576 Bine 1.0000.017
1577 crazy kids 1.0000.017
1578 yocanoversleep 1.0000.016
1579 XlaytonPlz 1.0000.016
1580 Arcovegle 1.0000.016
1581 v3g4 1.0000.016
1582 bhardwaj 1.0000.016
1583 teamx 1.0000.016
1584 ') DROP TABLE flags 1.0000.016
1585 SOLO_PLAY 1.0000.016
1586 TMO 1.0000.016
1587 cosmos 1.0000.016
1588 La Squadra 1.0000.016
1589 Some_Team 1.0000.016
1590 Iccus 1.0000.016
1591 망혼용 1.0000.016
1592 Fruit Salad 1.0000.016
1593 Exhalt 1.0000.016
1594 dAn00bs 1.0000.016
1595 nlhacking 1.0000.016
1596 alpha 1.0000.016
1597 Rocky 1.0000.016
1598 xxxxx 1.0000.016
1599 SLONSER TEAM 1.0000.016
1600 IUT_Avalanche 1.0000.016
1601 AlexD 1.0000.016
1602 Certified Edible Dinosaurs 1.0000.016
1603 CosaTosta 1.0000.016
1604 dmn 1.0000.016
1605 WrongPass 1.0000.016
1606 Bystander 1.0000.016
1607 0x5eba 1.0000.016
1608 9Y0 1.0000.016
1609 Mamlakah 1.0000.016
1610 Dark Industries 1.0000.016
1611 Bujorii 1.0000.016
1612 Primo 1.0000.016
1613 owo shit myself 1.0000.016
1614 foobar 1.0000.016
1615 silvanu` 1.0000.016
1616 EffectRenan 1.0000.016
1617 sisu 1.0000.016
1618 zz 1.0000.016
1619 Otakusama 1.0000.016
1620 saarsc 1.0000.016
1621 empty_ 1.0000.016
1622 nikoka 1.0000.016
1623 xmas_reindeer 1.0000.016
1624 N3CR0-V3N0M 1.0000.016
1625 monji 1.0000.016
1626 team123 1.0000.016
1627 lord 1.0000.016
1628 Ncfoa 1.0000.016
1629 Dónal 1.0000.016
1630 SwagaDucks 1.0000.016
1631 Ramaged 1.0000.016
1632 0n3byt3 1.0000.016
1633 elts 1.0000.016
1634 SCC 1.0000.016
1635 vox 1.0000.016
1636 chenlitw 1.0000.016
1637 3Idiots 1.0000.016
1638 Approxyma 1.0000.016
1639 jink 1.0000.016
1640 ironore15 1.0000.016
1641 Th3 N008 1.0000.016
1642 homo 1.0000.016
1643 St3lu 1.0000.016
1644 MaLicioUs.! 1.0000.016
1645 j0n9hyun 1.0000.016
1646 hanuman2000 1.0000.016
1647 Gross 1.0000.016
1648 CS1878 1.0000.016
1649 Is good 1.0000.016
1650 kmm555 1.0000.016
1651 PID1337 1.0000.016
1652 Achjon 1.0000.016
1653 JustToTry 1.0000.016
1654 uhh-heh 1.0000.016
1655 Fail2Win 1.0000.016
1656 gogix 1.0000.016
1657 Skoliat 1.0000.016
1658 _Somebody_ 1.0000.016
1659 H4k 1.0000.016
1660 Arad David 1.0000.016
1661 RedZone 1.0000.016
1662 letstry 1.0000.016
1663 Bluefox 1.0000.016
1664 cat 1.0000.016
1665 CTFail 1.0000.016
1666 ABITeam 1.0000.016
1667 HKNL2020 1.0000.016
1668 Four and a Half Coders 1.0000.016
1669 AVICENNA 1.0000.016
1670 MP 1.0000.016
1671 freyr 1.0000.016
1672 SAMR 1.0000.016
1673 Bigmane 1.0000.016
1674 lemmetry:0 1.0000.016
1675 someone 1.0000.016
1676 Don't Have A Team! 1.0000.016
1677 testTeam1 1.0000.016
1678 MEDTEAM 1.0000.016
1679 mpf_argentina 1.0000.016
1680 natorisana 1.0000.016
1681 DrA 1.0000.016
1682 CMinusMinus 1.0000.016
1683 Mr.Robot 1.0000.016
1684 sned 1.0000.016
1685 SmecheriexD 1.0000.016
1686 Raclette&Whisky 1.0000.016
1687 heretic 1.0000.016
1688 TheLastOneWhoCameIn 1.0000.016
1689 Joshuaflower 1.0000.015
1690 maccabi 1.0000.015
1691 Failed 1.0000.015
1692 Hayashi 1.0000.015
1693 liam 1.0000.015
1694 harr 1.0000.015
1695 Nalsai 1.0000.015
1696 Koch 1.0000.015
1697 007 1.0000.015
1698 LayZ 1.0000.015
1699 OAlienO 1.0000.015
1700 tabar3s 1.0000.015
1701 TheWizard 1.0000.015
1702 Ranger 1.0000.015
1703 Polar 1.0000.015
1704 tekito 1.0000.015
1705 dftwen 1.0000.015
1706 Team Murphy 1.0000.015
1707 NaM 1.0000.015
1708 TSSCI 1.0000.015
1709 rewtfgh 1.0000.015
1710 mahin 1.0000.015
1711 None4 1.0000.015
1712 sgfltb01z 1.0000.015
1713 vtable{0x0} 1.0000.015
1714 malw0re 1.0000.015
1715 Fabi 1.0000.015
1716 c8763yee 1.0000.015
1717 taejin 1.0000.015
1718 Morriña 1.0000.015
1719 bib161 1.0000.015
1720 WillHack4Pizza 1.0000.015
1721 Lothbrocken72 1.0000.015
1722 blankdash 1.0000.015
1723 tempteam 1.0000.015
1724 g0tiu5a 1.0000.015
1725 NMLab 1.0000.015
1726 DennisC 1.0000.015
1727 E/ 1.0000.015
1728 limey 1.0000.015
1729 annrki 1.0000.015
1730 BackPocket Labs 1.0000.015
1731 mrmonkey 1.0000.015
1732 wil0la 1.0000.015
1733 TTTTBGM 1.0000.015
1734 Anubis0 1.0000.015
1735 panadol 1.0000.015
1736 kaibee 1.0000.015
1737 Mr Achievers 1.0000.015
1738 itsonlymemyselfandI 1.0000.015
1739 Red Tuxedo 1.0000.015
1740 H0tD0gs 1.0000.015
1741 wisefire38 1.0000.008
1742 benkibasya 1.0000.008
1743 C:\ASSO\%username% 1.0000.008
1744 tminuseins 1.0000.008
FlankTheFlanksDec. 9, 2019, 11:54 a.m.


profiluefterDec. 20, 2019, 6:16 p.m.

The emulation category was really great!

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