Also known as
  • BKSEC_Nupakachi
  • BKSEC2019
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Participated in CTF events

Overall rating place: 484 with 89.789 pts in 2023

Country place: 20

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
54saarCTF 202320241.781419.230
58ISITDTU CTF 2023 Quals360.00002.068
54vsCTF 20232191.00005.429
88SekaiCTF 20231217.00003.187
214UIUCTF 2023401.00004.211
42n00bzCTF 20238094.00009.834
98justCTF 2023381.00003.435
67TJCTF 2023496.00004.048
43UMDCTF 20237410.000014.674
251ångstromCTF 2023660.000017.978
136Midnight Flag - Black Box286.00001.095
224 HackPack CTF 2023101.00001.237
77Incognito 4.03489.00005.884
490xL4ughCTF 20231410.00005.066
61TetCTF 2023300.00002.145

Overall rating place: 425 with 78.723 pts in 2022

Country place: 18

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
43 BlueHens CTF 20223812.00005.803
31Srdnlen CTF 20221192.00004.310
164SekaiCTF 2022678.00001.678
210DownUnderCTF 2022 (Online) 1490.00003.035
38TeamItaly CTF 2022883.00005.673
691SHELLCTF 2022270.00001.112
89vsCTF 20221908.00003.352
16Access Denied CTF 202215890.000015.548
120ångstromCTF 20221611.000019.433
227NahamCon CTF 20222699.00002.714
93b01lers CTF504.00004.455
172Wolverine Security Conference/CTF1130.00002.189
197VishwaCTF 20222508.00002.601
141zer0pts CTF 2022239.00001.752
232UTCTF 20221163.00002.158
30DaVinciCTF 20223796.00009.782
25FooBar CTF 20221909.00007.331
130D^3CTF 202210.00000.188
199TetCTF 2022100.00000.486

Overall rating place: 321 with 89.127 pts in 2021

Country place: 12

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
62HITCON CTF 2021311.00005.664
821MetaCTF CyberGames 20211750.00002.826
170ISITDTU CTF 2021 Quals10.00000.169
18HITB PRO CTF 20218035.27000.000
270Balsn CTF 202150.00000.526
407N1CTF 202168.00000.501
30DUNGEON - BSides Ahmedabad CTF 2021759.00005.539
150DamCTF 20211649.00005.111 CTF 2021868.000016.605
55ASIS CTF Quals 2021361.000011.893
30TastelessCTF 2021493.00005.687
552DownUnderCTF 2021 (Online)1000.00001.533
166H@cktivityCon 2021 CTF2087.00003.513
482CSAW CTF Qualification Round 2021336.00000.000
69FwordCTF 20212398.00002.920
10HITB SECCONF EDU CTF 2021446331.02005.408
86corCTF 20213022.00005.782
86BSides Noida CTF1246.00002.469
330UIUCTF 2021200.00000.504
136ImaginaryCTF 20211530.00003.510
97Lexington Informatics Tournament CTF 20212335.00006.958
23TyphoonCon CTF 2021700.00005.693
104redpwnCTF 20211845.00006.744
4210CTF/TCTF 2021 Quals 24.00000.432
152Hack-A-Sat 2 Qualifiers101.00000.000
317WeCTF 2021324.00000.000
121HSCTF 87386.000010.266
220BCACTF 2.01675.00000.000
117Zh3r0 CTF V2395.00000.684
474Pwn2Win CTF 202150.00000.788
42DCTF 20214950.00000.000
380PlaidCTF 20211.00000.279
1108ångstromCTF 202150.00000.405
53UMassCTF 20212427.00007.750
55LINE CTF 2021200.00001.094
270UTCTF 20212714.00002.754
654NahamCon CTF 20211620.00001.406
75Aero CTF 2021100.00001.295
150Tenable CTF 20212575.00008.620
74DiceCTF 2021696.00003.968
10TetCTF 20212390.00008.817

Overall rating place: 194 with 137.070 pts in 2020

Country place: 3

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
86hxp CTF 2020168.00003.045
3ISITDTU CTF 2020 Finals2589.00000.000
64pbctf 2020306.00001.747
67Dragon CTF 2020394.00009.322
327Balsn CTF 2020110.00000.407
52KipodAfterFree CTF 2020462.00002.822
217CyberSecurityRumble CTF986.00002.614
60RundergroundCTF #26209.90000.000
9ISITDTU CTF 2020 Quals6588.000020.036
24TastelessCTF 2020757.00004.493
428CSAW CTF Qualification Round 2020155.00002.214
43ALLES! CTF 2020923.00005.087
124Google Capture The Flag 2020373.00005.804
24Crypto CTF 2020809.00005.603
17PoseidonCTF 1st Edition2840.00008.856
21InCTF 20205659.000017.567
92CyBRICS CTF 2020543.00002.176
66csictf 202010309.000011.102
1490CTF/TCTF 2020 Quals 71.00001.438
155redpwnCTF 20205695.00006.093
24UUTCTF 2020775.00003.707
34Zh3r0 CTF6080.00006.518
78NahamCon CTF3105.000010.548
163Really Awesome CTF 20204450.00005.888
177HSCTF 72845.00004.224
37TJCTF 20201525.000012.545
57WPICTF 20201476.000012.214
600PlaidCTF 20201.00000.170
72DawgCTF 20203720.00008.178
95AUCTF 202012961.00007.457
163VolgaCTF 2020 Qualifier450.00003.707
74saarCTF 20201133.78670.693
75TAMUctf 20204067.00000.000
74CONFidence CTF 2020 Teaser99.00001.717
26ångstromCTF 20204035.000025.106
141UTCTF 20201409.00001.314
93Aero CTF 2020505.00001.919
55BSidesSF 2020 CTF342.00001.219
140SarCTF by Saratov State University4289.00003.899
42nullcon HackIM 20201515.00008.494
85RundergroundCTF #13652.51002.447
94HackTM CTF Quals 2020911.00002.402
90Insomni'hack teaser 2020166.00004.560

Overall rating place: 406 with 58.814 pts in 2019

Country place: 9

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
6TetCTF 20209.00000.000
104justCTF 2019310.00001.472
522KipodAfterFree CTF 20191.00000.069
200watevrCTF 2019145.00000.745
258X-MAS CTF 2019508.00000.694
144RuCTFE 20195.11000.522
132RITSEC CTF 20191582.00002.723
63Pwn2Win CTF 2019271.00003.520
18Newbie CTF(N-CTF) 201910909.00000.000
228HITCON CTF 2019 Quals155.00002.881
143BSides Delhi CTF 201920.00000.199
133picoCTF 201926300.00000.000
352CSAW CTF Qualification Round 2019151.00001.302
244TokyoWesterns CTF 5th 2019141.00004.107
86h4ckc0n 2019994.00003.066
47De1CTF 20191287.00003.300
140CyBRICS CTF Quals 2019150.00001.194
122InnoCTF International 20191030.00000.000
32ISITDTU CTF 2019 Quals3904.00006.763
265Facebook CTF 2019201.00000.308
54Security Fest 20191140.00006.345
91Harekaze CTF 2019310.00002.681
153RCTF 2019121.00000.614
289DEF CON CTF Qualifier 2019202.00003.348

Team members

Team writeups

Union CTF 2021unionware [949]read writeup
AUCTF 2020TI-83 Beta read writeup
AUCTF 2020Don't Break Me! read writeup
Pwn2Win CTF 2019Baby Recruiter [267]read writeup