Fri, 17 July 2020, 18:30 UTC — Tue, 21 July 2020, 18:30 UTC 


csictf event.

Format: Jeopardy Jeopardy

Official URL:

You will be able to login this event with CTFtime.

This event's future weight is subject of public voting!

Future weight: 23.67 

Rating weight: 23.67 

Event organizers 

csictf 2020 is an online jeopardy style CTF targeted towards beginner and intermediate level CTF-ers.

- Infrastructure sponsored by
- Prizes sponsored by TryHackMe, Secure Cyber Future, Bugsee and Voiceflow.

Register now at

Join our Discord channel for updates:

To know more about us, visit:


1st prize
- 1 month TryHackMe subscription for team members (max 5)
- 3x vouchers for 1 month of Hack the Box
- Digital Ocean VPS (3GB,3TB, 60GB ssd, 15$/mo) for 1 year
- 500$ in Bugsee credits

2nd prize
- 1x voucher for 3 month of Pentester Lab
- 1x voucher for 3 months of Shodan freelancer
- 300$ in Bugsee credits

3rd prize
- 1x voucher for 1 month of Pentester Academy
- 200$ in Bugsee credits

Other perks of winning csictf 2020 include:
1. Personalized certificates for the top 10 teams.
2. CTFtime points based on the CTF's weight.
3. We'll have the social media handles / team names of the top 3 teams go up on our social media posts (@csivitu on Instagram/Facebook/LinkedIn/Twitter).
4. Voiceflow coupons will be handed out to participants through a Feedback challenge in Wave 2.

To know more, check out our Discord channel!


999 teams total

PlaceTeamCTF pointsRating points
1 redpwn 22713.00047.340
2 Dunsparce 22713.00035.505
3 CSI 22713.00031.560
4 Black Bauhinia 22713.00029.588
5 bootplug 22713.00028.404
6 Bat Squad 22713.00027.615
7 team_7even 22713.00027.051
8 ShellSec 22713.00026.629
9 SDD 21225.00024.749
10 CTF.SG 21214.00024.475
11 p0fs 21212.00024.258
12 Zense 20728.00023.574
13 DarkArmy 19730.00022.382
14 RooterX 19715.00022.236
15 /(spin)*s/ 19225.00021.613
16 ZH3R0 18755.00021.025
17 HackingForSoju 18746.00020.928
18 (mendung)10^6 17284.00019.327
19 Alegori 17229.00019.201
20 the cr0wn 17231.00019.141
21 irNoobs 16746.00018.579
22 Dent 16743.00018.524
23 OpenToAll 16681.00018.413
24 pwnthem0le 16597.00018.283
25 APT593 16356.00017.992
26 0x90r00t 16323.00017.921
27 Fword 16296.00017.859
28 warlock_rootx 16288.00017.820
29 AFiniteNumberOfMonkeys 16269.00017.771
30 16264.00017.738
31 mode13h 15075.00016.474
32 Daemon Summoners 14851.00016.216
33 VoCo 14807.00016.148
34 crypt0nite 14796.00016.116
35 Byte Lounge 14779.00016.078
36 HKLBGD 14368.00015.631
37 Pwnie Island 14281.00015.522
38 dcua 14266.00015.490
39 IrisSec 13808.00014.997
40 burner_herz0g 13797.00014.970
41 PTZCTF 13790.00014.948
42 STT 13733.00014.875
43 Regular Fellows 13449.00014.566
44 The Order of Bit 13373.00014.474
45 HackInProvence 12976.00014.049
46 Rage Against The Madame 12881.00013.938
47 U+180E 12867.00013.913
48 Gh0stSh3ll 12856.00013.891
49 NULLKrypt3rs 12805.00013.828
50 NuttyShell 12795.00013.808
51 technic 12778.00013.781
52 utilitas 12369.00013.345
53 Flagiarism 12182.00013.142
54 The Kingdom of the Winds 12025.00012.970
55 MorningLightMountain 12016.00012.953
56 Silver Catalysts 11851.00012.773
57 '); DROP TABLE users; -- 11474.00012.373
58 Lions 11359.00012.246
59 MOCTF 10874.00011.733
60 Haar 10527.00011.365
61 Elnath 10506.00011.337
62 %00Byte 10452.00011.274
63 MURUGAN_IDLY_KADA 10419.00011.234
64 Team_M 10418.00011.227
65 BITSkrieg 10327.00011.126
66 Nupakachi 10309.00011.102
67 Vox Dei 10079.00010.857
68 IBBP 10031.00010.802
69 HC 9796.00010.552
70 Stoners-Reborn 9665.00010.410
71 Colors ESI 9563.00010.299
72 0xdeadbeef 9550.00010.281
73 PapaJohns 9525.00010.251
74 matan 9484.00010.203
75 Overhaul 9455.00010.169
76 keep__calm 9448.00010.158
77 WE_0WN_Y0U 9282.0009.980
78 PwnaSonic 9220.0009.912
79 bmu 9198.0009.885
80 JoshuaL 9183.0009.866
81 Defenit 9139.0009.816
82 ISITDTU 8982.0009.649
83 L0g!c B0mb 8960.0009.623
84 L33t Dev 8949.0009.608
85 AMBUSH 8932.0009.587
86 tsustyle 8784.0009.429
87 Hecării, Țuica și Păunii 8741.0009.381
88 Gangsters 8717.0009.353
89 Corax 8635.0009.265
90 Cryptonite 8602.0009.227
91 hackbuster 8564.0009.185
92 FireFall 8548.0009.165
93 kal-el 8531.0009.145
94 whoo 8521.0009.132
95 Delta Squad Zero 8517.0009.125
96 qile 8390.0008.990
97 flag{}___Orz 8358.0008.954
98 noob-atbash 8299.0008.890
99 velvet_misconception 8291.0008.879
100 0x5C71873F 8069.0008.646
101 RPCA Cyber Club 7936.0008.505
102 P0K1M4N3_5IMP 7891.0008.456
103 zer0byte 7855.0008.416
104 acdwas 7828.0008.385
105 RGBsec 7802.0008.356
106 BreakPoint 7713.0008.261
107 palabar 7601.0008.142
108 nushmallows_burdenbear 7586.0008.125
109 unicorns&magic 7563.0008.099
110 0xuzero 7506.0008.037
112 EvilCorp 7337.0007.857
113 99999 7284.0007.800
114 r00tn3t 7244.0007.757
115 fr334aks 7218.0007.728
116 h4ck0c10ck 7178.0007.684
117 x0rc3r3rs 7167.0007.671
118 VulnX 7087.0007.586
119 PyArr0w 7069.0007.566
120 N0p5l3d 6961.0007.452
121 b3d&br3akfast 6881.0007.367
122 DesiDevil 6876.0007.360
123 shellsnakez 6863.0007.345
124 SWV_L 6795.0007.272
125 HackWara 6761.0007.235
126 CSFNinjas 6728.0007.199
127 TechVetsUK 6712.0007.181
128 idleless 6698.0007.165
129 fr3nzyM1n3rs 6659.0007.123
130 ByteForc3 6589.0007.049
131 fLAGers 6576.0007.034
132 K1_ZB 6441.0006.892
133 305 6346.0006.791
134 Gymea 6331.0006.774
135 hk 6314.0006.755
136 CH0COCO 6300.0006.739
137 The noobs 6185.0006.618
138 Fweefwop 6126.0006.556
139 STeam 6049.0006.474
140 pizarron 5997.0006.419
141 IPFactory 5971.0006.390
142 spoilers 5969.0006.387
143 bopsled 5793.0006.203
144 rynojvr 5789.0006.197
145 MEH 5743.0006.148
146 CyBeR BuLLiEs 5734.0006.138
147 tj-blockchain 5710.0006.112
148 thi8Eivi 5644.0006.042
149 ri5e 5573.0005.967
150 xor and the half adder 5523.0005.914
151 ^D 5503.0005.892
152 r00tsh3ll 5489.0005.876
153 empty_ 5480.0005.866
154 -=[el-capitan]=- 5434.0005.817
155 No_Ones 5431.0005.813
156 DragonSec SI 5406.0005.786
157 Pancake Stacktrace 5370.0005.747
158 r4nd0m1z3 5367.0005.743
159 kisanak 5303.0005.675
160 secret club 5299.0005.670
161 PlattsCTF 5295.0005.665
162 ENOFLAG 5292.0005.661
163 humblefool 5288.0005.656
164 InfosecIITG 5212.0005.576
165 Psychoholics 5190.0005.552
166 root@sector443:~ 5153.0005.513
167 Breaking Bad Code 5107.0005.464
168 infuzion 5101.0005.457
169 falafa 5006.0005.357
170 The Prependers 5004.0005.354
171 0b1ivi0n 4942.0005.289
172 Kaizoku 4924.0005.269
173 DoN't ReGrET 4908.0005.252
174 Team ForFun 4899.0005.241
175 OverDover 4857.0005.197
176 bonkers 4848.0005.187
177 brutal force 4785.0005.120
178 stankc 4783.0005.118
179 NeuralBots 4779.0005.113
180 kurisutina 4769.0005.101
181 Bopoznpvt 4736.0005.066
182 team bagel 4710.0005.039
183 PALs 4615.0004.939
184 bickoSiTiEff 4582.0004.904
185 404 : Flag Not Found 4562.0004.882
186 DROP TABLE users 4558.0004.877
187 Omae Wa Shindeiru 4528.0004.845
188 M.T.F Mu-4 4494.0004.809
189 scsc 4477.0004.791
190 hacksyoume 4475.0004.788
191 theknowitalls 4473.0004.785
192 Titvt 4453.0004.764
193 noraneco 4448.0004.758
194 ElFila7a 4444.0004.753
195 Saxitoxin 4432.0004.740
196 XXXX00000000 4432.0004.740
197 chethan 4430.0004.737
198 Can’t Patch Stupid 4427.0004.733
199 noob101 4337.0004.639
200 Orion_square 4290.0004.589
201 Genesis 4276.0004.574
202 notfairweather 4269.0004.566
203 void* vikings 4221.0004.515
204 T4ng0_t34m 4221.0004.515
205 newbie89 4204.0004.497
206 TEAM 4201.0004.493
207 Nice guys 4190.0004.481
208 0x01DA 4162.0004.451
209 TheOmnitrix 4157.0004.445
210 RoboNymous 4156.0004.444
211 qqqq 4109.0004.394
212 The_Slayers 4096.0004.380
213 tadaaa 4094.0004.378
214 douyu-sssssss 4079.0004.361
215 BarSides 4015.0004.294
216 HackingForDaniels 4002.0004.280
217 VDKT 3986.0004.263
218 hunter3 3968.0004.244
219 Aylin 3968.0004.243
220 p0w32p(_)|=|=__91215 3958.0004.232
221 ImmersiveSec 3957.0004.231
222 newbie 3952.0004.225
223 0xdeabbeaf 3950.0004.223
224 XploiterZ 3931.0004.202
225 Day 3880.0004.149
226 EntrePlicas 3880.0004.148
227 Secret Ciphers 3862.0004.129
228 ridge 3853.0004.119
229 [email protected]@ck3r$ 3839.0004.104
230 VisionInjection 3834.0004.098
231 Appenders 3810.0004.073
232 Globsec 3810.0004.073
233 Recon Corps 3788.0004.049
234 trtd 3787.0004.048
235 cyb3rTUN 3787.0004.047
236 Twinfire 3748.0004.006
237 ksj04 3748.0004.006
238 hakizashi 3734.0003.991
239 Lownoise 3708.0003.963
240 null2root 3707.0003.962
241 TheLaw 3703.0003.957
242 ThePacemakers 3694.0003.947
243 XJNU_quack 3681.0003.934
244 NDLA 3676.0003.928
245 Cyber Pig Security 3660.0003.911
246 Inceptors 3658.0003.908
247 wibu lord 3656.0003.906
248 r/LearnCTF 3643.0003.892
249 JHDiscord 3633.0003.881
250 REJLWQ 3596.0003.842
251 OpAmp 3587.0003.832
252 Hex2Text 3583.0003.828
253 fzhshzh 3547.0003.790
254 g1mor1ng 3537.0003.779
255 outOfCheese 3480.0003.719
256 ZeroMemory 3475.0003.714
257 scimus_verum 3464.0003.702
258 Royal Flush CTF 3438.0003.675
259 PwnAlPesto 3437.0003.673
260 [unnamed] 3413.0003.648
261 Team Steam Stream 3405.0003.639
262 Midnight Shadows 3331.0003.562
264 snowdragon26 3319.0003.549
265 Horse Power 3284.0003.512
266 Papersnake 3281.0003.508
267 Cat Training Force 3225.0003.450
268 STNKS 3191.0003.414
269 PTIT_TheDreamer 3190.0003.412
270 codions 3185.0003.407
271 Tipsy Pwning Panda 3134.0003.353
272 muddgulch 3125.0003.344
273 YellowHatN00bs 3066.0003.282
274 SealTeam1 3030.0003.244
275 Overruled 3020.0003.233
276 Ст. 272 УК РФ 2990.0003.202
277 sahruldotid 2984.0003.195
278 yawning_engines 2969.0003.179
279 DeadSec593 2968.0003.178
280 xXSnowXx 2953.0003.162
281 ddddhm 2935.0003.143
282 OAAOAOAOOOAO 2927.0003.134
283 ekse 2909.0003.115
284 doudoudedi 2909.0003.115
285 b3zt3m0r 2902.0003.107
286 ramenguagugongtan 2892.0003.097
287 the union of bindon 2887.0003.091
288 UNIXrubix 2884.0003.088
289 Nob0dy else 2875.0003.078
290 Bessie_The_Cow 2821.0003.021
291 fuchsbau 2800.0002.999
292 BigBrainBois 2795.0002.994
293 gamnabit 2782.0002.980
294 kanyewest 2777.0002.975
295 Leofwin 2770.0002.967
296 nice 2761.0002.957
297 Cyb3r_Squ4d 2761.0002.957
298 @1PH4 2749.0002.944
299 Mahi 2735.0002.929
300 :(){ : | : & }; : 2727.0002.921
301 N30Z30N 2719.0002.912
302 Deadlock Team 2697.0002.889
303 IJCT 2686.0002.877
304 Sky2Pwn 2648.0002.837
305 GNIR33NIGN3 2631.0002.819
306 JustLooking3Win 2630.0002.818
307 Lancet 2624.0002.812
308 oh_fish 2616.0002.803
309 BigMac 2588.0002.774
310 Pelarian CP ehe 2583.0002.768
311 SaudiPwners 2534.0002.717
312 Server 2533.0002.716
313 donran 2527.0002.709
314 Hawaibois 2522.0002.704
315 H4CK3R5_C0LL3CT1V3 2511.0002.692
316 tabbingToSpace 2498.0002.678
317 Les Tabarnhackers 2489.0002.669
318 BigBallEnergy 2477.0002.656
319 ahengers 2475.0002.653
320 SJCTF 2473.0002.651
321 nightraiders001 2472.0002.650
322 psych0social_engin33ring 2454.0002.631
323 Coding N Hacking Nation 2448.0002.624
324 UseAfterCoffee 2424.0002.599
325 lukbash 2401.0002.575
326 awesome. 2399.0002.573
327 Blumentopf inc. 2386.0002.559
328 Shellphish 2352.0002.523
329 SubnetMasksAreTyranny 2352.0002.523
330 xPurge 2346.0002.517
331 KogCoder 2327.0002.497
332 0ne_m4n_ARm-y 2325.0002.494
333 seed 2294.0002.462
334 c1rcu5_w0lv35 2287.0002.454
335 Wabo Wabo 2265.0002.431
336 Samit <3 mandar 2251.0002.416
337 bmleeBigby 2212.0002.375
338 nanocomp 2197.0002.360
339 OASIS 2196.0002.358
340 EQkws 2191.0002.353
341 Lollipop 2191.0002.353
342 T35H 2181.0002.342
343 maherea 2177.0002.338
344 VKTeam 2153.0002.313
345 Hope'*'me 2138.0002.297
346 Elitz 2117.0002.275
347 Be_Ng0k 2112.0002.269
348 LoveTriangle 2107.0002.264
349 qwerasdf 2099.0002.255
350 sh4dowr4nger 2085.0002.240
351 Pampatron 2077.0002.232
352 army_of_one 2058.0002.212
353 L000L 2053.0002.207
354 SecOps 2048.0002.201
355 pcw109550 2038.0002.191
356 >>= 2033.0002.185
357 macmacmac 2031.0002.183
358 BarbareSoft 2019.0002.170
359 NaN 2013.0002.164
360 safebird 2012.0002.163
361 Njord 2001.0002.151
362 2-p4sT 2001.0002.151
363 Skippy The Magnificent 1994.0002.143
364 seeker.jihye 1994.0002.143
365 Dumbshit 1992.0002.141
366 blackjackets2 1984.0002.132
367 n0L34d3r 1982.0002.130
368 3358 1974.0002.121
369 1962.0002.109
370 green_mosses 1955.0002.101
371 iCarramba 1953.0002.099
372 kekw 1952.0002.098
373 murphitm 1945.0002.090
374 Vape_and_Dab 1942.0002.087
375 Kuruwa 1931.0002.075
376 T3am_Z3us 1916.0002.060
377 PHS Absol 1913.0002.056
378 hexaBinary 1913.0002.056
379 Those who dwells in the marshes 1909.0002.052
380 Dubidubab 1900.0002.042
381 CYberMouflons 1881.0002.022
382 V3geD4g 1879.0002.020
383 coder0ne 1875.0002.016
384 ike 1858.0001.998
385 Lat1nA 1852.0001.992
386 rizemon 1837.0001.976
387 testtest 1821.0001.959
388 0xeg0 1819.0001.957
389 lexsd6 1818.0001.955
390 Lethal_Chip 1817.0001.954
391 hackhash 1804.0001.941
392 netflix&chill 1801.0001.937
393 8^D 1795.0001.931
394 Bear_Alive 1788.0001.923
395 Michaelardo_team 1788.0001.923
396 shumchey 1774.0001.909
397 h4ck7u5 1772.0001.906
398 slay 1772.0001.906
399 scout 1731.0001.863
400 Claremont Hackers 1727.0001.859
401 keine Ahnung 1723.0001.855
402 Ex_calibur 1717.0001.848
403 Th3ng4k0l4 1712.0001.843
404 Tebas 1710.0001.841
405 LL Gang 1701.0001.831
406 zzfnQLdQHD 1701.0001.831
407 chaser 1701.0001.831
408 UMDCSEC 1699.0001.829
409 dsa 1690.0001.819
410 arasan 1688.0001.817
411 INDONESIAN HACKER 1680.0001.808
412 EffectRenan 1673.0001.801
413 4k3l4rr3 1667.0001.795
414 UICTC UNIBI 1652.0001.779
415 hackoff 1643.0001.769
416 HBC 1634.0001.760
417 milhouse 1612.0001.737
418 Lun4R 1611.0001.736
419 owl going solo 1608.0001.732
420 gurren 1607.0001.731
421 nico 1599.0001.723
422 smugglers 1592.0001.715
423 [email protected] 1587.0001.710
424 Nightwitches 1586.0001.709
425 tempo 1579.0001.701
426 BlueNet 1579.0001.701
427 ins4n1ty 1577.0001.699
428 t4^u_h4`i 1565.0001.686
429 team_of_nan 1560.0001.681
430 phneutro 1548.0001.668
431 HAYA 1540.0001.660
432 weeeeeeb 1537.0001.657
433 TEAM0001 1532.0001.651
434 soulctf 1530.0001.649
435 Klutz 1519.0001.637
436 0x62EEN7EA 1517.0001.635
437 Wani Hackase 1508.0001.626
438 fog12 1504.0001.621
439 T3K4 1504.0001.621
440 StrawHatPirates 1504.0001.621
441 Spikers 1504.0001.621
442 Processors 1498.0001.615
443 LeeYuJung 1495.0001.611
444 Color0f5upr3m3k1ng 1490.0001.606
445 kontil 1487.0001.603
446 455-7055 1486.0001.602
447 ByamB4 1483.0001.598
448 XSS(Cross Site Security) 1482.0001.597
449 noname 1476.0001.591
450 z-ash12 1474.0001.589
451 shellpwn 1469.0001.583
452 ineedtoexercisemore 1469.0001.583
453 tmp_team_15ea9 1466.0001.580
454 HypeNah 1455.0001.568
455 Turing-ITBA 1439.0001.552
456 Enigma_breakers 1430.0001.542
457 D4RKFL0W 1428.0001.540
458 Superrrrr 1428.0001.540
459 LinyTail 1406.0001.517
460 Me_alone 1404.0001.515
461 N0p 1397.0001.507
462 cocos 1397.0001.507
463 x0r19x91 1379.0001.488
464 StolenBits 1377.0001.486
465 Raja 1371.0001.480
466 Shadoe_Shuriken 1371.0001.480
467 MCLee 1367.0001.475
468 QzSG 1366.0001.474
470 hypnotiks 1348.0001.455
471 Mant1s3301 1332.0001.438
472 Blue Hens 1328.0001.434
473 n00btorious 1322.0001.428
474 lifeise99 1317.0001.422
475 gogogo 1317.0001.422
476 spatchcock 1312.0001.417
477 Reese's Team 1312.0001.417
478 세명컴퓨터고등학교 서호진 1304.0001.408
479 sazouki 1304.0001.408
480 WouFonTheRoof 1301.0001.405
481 NGA 1301.0001.405
482 FwPepek 1301.0001.405
483 Gambr 1298.0001.402
484 ro5eCknight 1297.0001.401
485 Opps 1295.0001.398
486 D3mentia 1295.0001.398
487 ev3r 1291.0001.394
488 CYB3Rness 1271.0001.373
489 Heisenbug 1269.0001.371
490 mikoan 1269.0001.371
491 Ministry of Pwning 1238.0001.338
492 PARSECT 1238.0001.338
493 r45ku 1226.0001.326
494 n01c3 1221.0001.320
495 Cristi075 1217.0001.316
496 U01T 1217.0001.316
497 EL WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIW 1214.0001.313
498 mark0 1204.0001.302
499 F4n 1203.0001.301
500 The Additional Payphones 1199.0001.297
501 ricfazeres 1199.0001.297
502 hack-me 1198.0001.296
503 ٩(。◕‿◕。)۶ 1193.0001.290
504 DERPA 1193.0001.290
505 Probka 1191.0001.288
506 whitehathacker 1189.0001.286
507 desoul99 1180.0001.276
508 N3wbies 1173.0001.269
509 g1v3m3chee53 1173.0001.269
510 codeskill 1171.0001.267
511 grepwithextrasteps 1169.0001.265
512 RoxHax 1167.0001.262
513 Team8 1166.0001.261
514 SoloYoloRunner 1157.0001.252
515 clang 1147.0001.241
516 AppLeo&AJ 1137.0001.231
517 fatal_exception 1137.0001.231
518 yad094 1122.0001.215
519 MJ-12 1119.0001.212
520 UNCG Infosec 1097.0001.189
521 by1 1097.0001.189
522 Killyou 1096.0001.188
523 _f3d4_ 1095.0001.186
524 SoloMan 1095.0001.186
525 west9 1093.0001.184
526 CTFbreaker 1093.0001.184
527 SSSS 1093.0001.184
528 Iceclue 1093.0001.184
529 L00L 1079.0001.169
530 Rülps 1072.0001.162
531 GautamGreat 1064.0001.153
532 _null0byte_ 1061.0001.150
533 byc_404_alone 1050.0001.139
534 kinako 1048.0001.136
535 Chambers 1037.0001.125
536 $_GET['pht0-analysts'] 1037.0001.125
537 salt3d 1008.0001.095
538 hellooaaa 1008.0001.094
539 rampage 1004.0001.090
540 bcmp 1003.0001.089
541 theMachine 1000.0001.086
542 bhole_ki_toli 1000.0001.086
543 The League of Socially Distanced Gentlemen 997.0001.083
544 sploitclub 993.0001.078
545 Jongko_JoyoBoyo 993.0001.078
546 NLsg 993.0001.078
547 A0su 993.0001.078
548 GH05T5 987.0001.072
549 PussyCat_flag.txt 983.0001.068
550 soulstone 980.0001.064
551 N0-N4M3 979.0001.063
552 MarSec 974.0001.058
553 petitnau 969.0001.053
554 kettusec 968.0001.052
555 Busi 964.0001.047
556 atest 963.0001.046
557 SPb magic corp 940.0001.022
558 RFGHOST 937.0001.019
559 Syntax_Errors 930.0001.012
560 bolgia4 915.0000.996
561 redcipher 915.0000.996
562 s0l0_n00b 915.0000.996
563 Von 915.0000.996
564 p4snet0 915.0000.996
565 dotlike 915.0000.995
566 fontwang 904.0000.984
567 CyberBadgers 903.0000.983
568 TeamR4N4 903.0000.983
569 AbnormalSec 900.0000.980
570 Happymisc 893.0000.972
571 stdnoerr 893.0000.972
572 ueiuei 893.0000.972
573 Pwn That Bois? 893.0000.972
574 test0x1 893.0000.972
575 r3b00t_v2 893.0000.972
576 AAShakil 890.0000.969
577 Invalid_Team_Name 887.0000.965
578 willwam845 887.0000.965
579 fantasticbeasts 887.0000.965
580 RH01 879.0000.957
581 randomTeam998 879.0000.957
582 5vn0H4cK 846.0000.922
583 PEN_UR_WAY 844.0000.920
584 o_0 844.0000.920
585 DARKROUTE 844.0000.920
586 loner 834.0000.910
587 Asur 830.0000.905
588 nithg 830.0000.905
589 gr3pit 824.0000.899
590 homeless 815.0000.889
591 Em0π 815.0000.889
592 UnseeN 815.0000.889
593 L1ght 815.0000.889
594 doorbell 815.0000.889
595 Team Akatsuki 815.0000.889
596 genin team7 815.0000.889
598 OnePiece 815.0000.889
599 hamayanhamayan 815.0000.889
600 awfa 815.0000.889
601 CaesarSec 811.0000.885
602 VND0ng 804.0000.877
603 4_ever 803.0000.876
604 CheeseC@ke 803.0000.876
605 Noah's Nachos 800.0000.873
606 homeostasis 799.0000.872
607 daredevil 797.0000.870
608 kirito123 793.0000.865
609 _____ 793.0000.865
610 JustLikeBono 793.0000.865
611 Walter 793.0000.865
612 [email protected] 787.0000.859
613 obtain_r00t 787.0000.859
614 s1de 787.0000.859
615 noplalic 786.0000.858
616 coopdaddy 776.0000.847
617 binao 776.0000.847
618 Solstice 768.0000.839
619 Al3x2 768.0000.839
620 Flag_On_Board 768.0000.839
621 STEM-hack 741.0000.810
622 landomc4 737.0000.806
623 brooo 732.0000.801
624 The Society 730.0000.799
625 pinhas team 730.0000.799
626 D4RK_J3SU5 724.0000.792
627 MHSHACKERS 715.0000.783
628 get_rekt 711.0000.779
629 Horde 711.0000.779
630 Stdor 711.0000.779
631 dhasd 711.0000.778
632 Ovhek's Team 705.0000.772
633 star1234 704.0000.771
634 MACSHACK 704.0000.771
635 herpderp 704.0000.771
636 popteam 704.0000.771
637 gtfly 704.0000.771
638 🐧 703.0000.770
639 HTsP Junior 703.0000.770
640 DIT 703.0000.770
641 Maher 693.0000.759
642 jake1001 693.0000.759
643 wind4s 693.0000.759
644 Hazir 693.0000.759
645 time2pwn 693.0000.759
646 Noobs_United 693.0000.759
647 muffin 693.0000.759
648 nub1357246 693.0000.759
649 CommandMaster 693.0000.759
650 enon 693.0000.759
651 PROACTIVE 693.0000.759
652 Shell_hunters 687.0000.752
653 chewkameka 676.0000.741
654 mikejam 676.0000.741
655 AD4MANT1UM 668.0000.732
656 kulpritsec 668.0000.732
657 MKIZ 632.0000.695
658 Ba Sing Sec 632.0000.695
659 Team_t4_y0k3_m4_l4yy 621.0000.683
660 giorgi 611.0000.673
661 ctrl 611.0000.673
662 salespies 611.0000.672
663 hackerman420 605.0000.666
664 masaladdosa2 604.0000.665
665 cup2of2tea 604.0000.665
666 empty-jack 604.0000.665
667 1ms0lo 604.0000.665
668 0x11x0x12 604.0000.665
669 GranolaSport 604.0000.665
670 glucose 600.0000.661
671 Z3Ro 600.0000.661
672 kba 600.0000.661
673 FrenchRoomba 593.0000.653
674 Killa Killa 593.0000.653
675 globi 590.0000.650
676 algebra 576.0000.635
677 babaCoool 576.0000.635
678 Lemineho 571.0000.630
679 Angry Bots 568.0000.627
680 HydroflasksPart2 542.0000.600
681 TazedArmy 542.0000.600
682 d4rkc0de 540.0000.597
683 La leche de hombre 535.0000.592
684 bleh 532.0000.589
685 TeamBlueHacking 530.0000.587
686 zeny 530.0000.587
687 Arachnophobie 524.0000.581
688 Bits and Bruins 524.0000.580
689 地狱前线 511.0000.567
690 komochi 511.0000.567
691 kilrelo 511.0000.567
692 BHANCH 511.0000.567
693 M0t0rHead 511.0000.567
694 Schr0ding3r5 511.0000.567
695 velyvely 511.0000.567
696 m3w 511.0000.567
697 DreamyEye 511.0000.566
698 0x4d4m 511.0000.566
699 sesefadou 511.0000.566
700 555 511.0000.566
701 Restart Modem 511.0000.566
702 [email protected] 511.0000.566
703 m1sn0w 511.0000.566
704 I_and_i 511.0000.566
705 HanSolo 511.0000.566
706 ShamenDubon 511.0000.566
707 Venom* 504.0000.559
708 1n3rc3p73D_n0t_3v3n_3t4iD3mR3tNi 500.0000.554
709 zb15 500.0000.554
710 kanon22 493.0000.547
712 teste 486.0000.540
713 stoners 476.0000.529
714 PIS.onlyMe 476.0000.529
715 Pwning 476.0000.529
716 noop 468.0000.521
717 ECPIgsbo 468.0000.521
718 onestlapourlamama 435.0000.486
719 xxxx 435.0000.486
720 Pining 434.0000.485
721 Di$connected 432.0000.483
722 Vendrom 432.0000.483
723 Binary 432.0000.483
724 A 432.0000.483
725 veruthe 430.0000.481
726 Hawaii Advanced Technology Society 430.0000.481
727 F5 Experts 424.0000.474
728 Ree 424.0000.474
729 REbbit 424.0000.474
730 Freakazoids 421.0000.471
731 Bad_Pirates 421.0000.471
732 31i73_73aM 411.0000.461
733 Tenesys 411.0000.461
734 stuxnet 411.0000.461
735 Stain 411.0000.461
736 riz92 411.0000.460
737 CtrlAlt 411.0000.460
738 ddddaaaa 411.0000.460
739 2mr 411.0000.460
740 systm 411.0000.460
741 johandu97 411.0000.460
742 Sud0 411.0000.460
743 pwn3ers 411.0000.460
744 jyjh 411.0000.460
745 iamwhiteknife 404.0000.453
746 scay 400.0000.449
747 testteam 400.0000.449
748 arcane 400.0000.448
749 strange_uncle 400.0000.448
750 Defense Matrix 400.0000.448
751 whothis 400.0000.448
752 TMO 400.0000.448
753 thePerfectStorm 400.0000.448
754 snowyowl 400.0000.448
755 Thomas- 400.0000.448
756 [email protected] 400.0000.448
757 AEX 400.0000.448
758 zeroteam 400.0000.448
759 Q_A_Q 393.0000.441
760 bangedaemo 380.0000.427
761 水花空间 376.0000.423
762 Enhance 376.0000.423
763 sham_one 332.0000.377
765 Echoe 311.0000.355
766 root@dedsec:~# 311.0000.355
767 Grumpy Narwhal 311.0000.355
768 doctorstrange8 311.0000.355
769 Worty 311.0000.355
770 w3r3w0lf 311.0000.355
771 BCS2019 310.0000.354
772 w0lf734m 310.0000.354
773 SaqalaTeam 310.0000.354
774 under_dog 310.0000.354
775 OrderofShadows 300.0000.343
776 xSTF 300.0000.343
777 Hackzertr0n 300.0000.343
778 buzhimingzhandui 300.0000.343
779 RLPWN3R 300.0000.343
780 tes 300.0000.343
781 Hack&co 300.0000.343
782 don's team 300.0000.343
783 A.S.O Injection 300.0000.343
784 Unbeatables 300.0000.343
785 TVHAX 300.0000.343
786 n00000000bs 300.0000.343
787 LeTeam 300.0000.343
788 The_Odyssey 300.0000.343
789 CrackTheFlag 300.0000.343
790 alexander 300.0000.343
791 EknadEttib 300.0000.343
792 RATF{Rage Against The Flag} 300.0000.343
793 z3bra 300.0000.342
794 g0tiu5a 300.0000.342
795 Droogs 300.0000.342
796 taildl 300.0000.342
797 UnAnonymous 300.0000.342
798 SecurityTaters 300.0000.342
799 neo080 300.0000.342
800 towson 300.0000.342
801 Tired 300.0000.342
802 kanbedon 300.0000.342
803 buscuit 300.0000.342
804 elijah 300.0000.342
805 Imgreat 300.0000.342
806 gogo 300.0000.342
807 stranger_things 300.0000.342
808 Disqualified 300.0000.342
809 sr_team 300.0000.342
810 SDHSROOT 300.0000.342
811 HHH 300.0000.342
812 gigglemugs 276.0000.317
813 Solo [Nepal] 211.0000.249
814 <OOO> 211.0000.249
815 thefalcon 210.0000.248
816 Crackers 210.0000.248
817 CTF PLAYERS 210.0000.248
818 Hack'Raw 200.0000.237
819 bool_runnings 200.0000.237
820 haylaTeam 200.0000.237
821 Foxes 200.0000.237
822 L34rn1ng_L1 200.0000.237
823 Citadel 200.0000.237
824 🃏Jokers🃏 200.0000.237
825 tmp 200.0000.237
826 Insight Harbor 200.0000.237
827 woopz 200.0000.237
828 plmwa 200.0000.237
829 Intruders 200.0000.237
830 SUV 200.0000.237
831 joker 200.0000.237
832 M1s1-ELF 200.0000.237
833 N0t4L0n3 200.0000.237
834 EvilBunnyWrote 200.0000.237
835 thegreyhats 200.0000.237
836 V0RLD 200.0000.237
837 MarZ3r0 200.0000.237
838 pwn1234 200.0000.237
839 Dokko 200.0000.237
840 blustrike 200.0000.237
841 MeAndMe 200.0000.237
842 Neptunians 200.0000.237
843 N00b 200.0000.237
844 PKTeam 200.0000.236
845 cheaterdxd 200.0000.236
846 CtfUser 200.0000.236
847 Cáerme 200.0000.236
848 gr33nc0l1bry 200.0000.236
849 maker 200.0000.236
850 qwety 200.0000.236
851 8FAQu1t3t 200.0000.236
852 abenben 200.0000.236
853 Exer0n 200.0000.236
854 ovilion 200.0000.236
855 lyc 200.0000.236
856 |24ND0M 200.0000.236
857 Kachra_seths 200.0000.236
858 stack_ 200.0000.236
859 eternal_flame 200.0000.236
860 Rohas 200.0000.236
861 xxyyzz 200.0000.236
862 Bet 200.0000.236
863 [email protected] 200.0000.236
864 ytrewq 200.0000.236
865 baconforever 200.0000.236
866 secsyst 200.0000.236
867 Hexion 200.0000.236
868 megumin 200.0000.236
869 CHC 200.0000.236
870 justSomeTransients 200.0000.236
872 414141 200.0000.236
873 l1i1 200.0000.236
874 wwwlk 200.0000.236
875 hanhctf 200.0000.235
876 Etaon 200.0000.235
877 wadigidaw 200.0000.235
878 Sotero 200.0000.235
879 KXTI_User63 200.0000.235
880 teamalg2020 110.0000.142
881 HACKK 110.0000.142
882 Cyber Grizzlies 100.0000.131
883 MrCtf 100.0000.131
884 lmlm 100.0000.131
885 LeonT 100.0000.131
886 cognizan.t 100.0000.131
887 st0rm0x97 100.0000.131
888 comodo 100.0000.131
889 med42 100.0000.131
891 hell 100.0000.131
893 Artificer_Lambda 100.0000.131
894 random_team_567 100.0000.131
895 villan3lle 100.0000.131
896 000000 100.0000.131
897 MongolianEmpire1 100.0000.131
898 zii 100.0000.131
899 stooners 100.0000.131
900 torisan 100.0000.131
901 whatever2639 100.0000.130
902 change 100.0000.130
903 AllLove 100.0000.130
904 Saphine 100.0000.130
905 DanTanTan 100.0000.130
906 R0cket 100.0000.130
907 Cyberwar 100.0000.130
908 itamar 100.0000.130
909 99F13X3R 100.0000.130
910 S0m3_7h1ng 100.0000.130
911 hackocert 100.0000.130
912 Bob's Builders 100.0000.130
913 CRUSADERS 100.0000.130
914 polyacounting 100.0000.130
915 k0nfig 100.0000.130
916 messiGoat 100.0000.130
917 Sindhu 100.0000.130
918 onotch 100.0000.130
919 CIS 100.0000.130
920 break_the_code 100.0000.130
921 INN-Siders 100.0000.130
922 123 100.0000.130
923 Alphagens 100.0000.130
924 shellOwn 100.0000.130
925 B1t5 100.0000.130
926 phantom_menace 100.0000.130
927 syntax404 100.0000.130
928 SteinsGate 100.0000.130
929 DerpGusta 100.0000.130
930 wurzelPI 100.0000.130
931 No_Team 100.0000.130
932 r00tor00t 100.0000.130
933 Panbot 100.0000.130
935 corona_pergilah 100.0000.130
936 z3ta 100.0000.130
937 EISCTUTN 100.0000.129
938 gal 100.0000.129
939 F0x58 100.0000.129
940 ATeam 100.0000.129
941 F4WNteam 100.0000.129
942 BeastlyBeauties 100.0000.129
943 Eroojla 100.0000.129
944 gruf 100.0000.129
945 LYB-Team 100.0000.129
946 restr4a 100.0000.129
947 ArashiDantai 100.0000.129
948 jo-paaji 100.0000.129
949 abcdef 100.0000.129
950 Torch 100.0000.129
951 r008 100.0000.129
952 crazy21 100.0000.129
953 CheckWithPwn 100.0000.129
954 indonesian 100.0000.129
955 amudgal 100.0000.129
956 scr4pp3r1 100.0000.129
957 seriously_i_am_a_random 100.0000.129
958 sin 100.0000.129
959 U+1F966 100.0000.129
960 RoliAttack 100.0000.129
961 Kn0wledge 100.0000.129
962 [email protected] 100.0000.129
963 LuciferAMT 100.0000.129
964 buuts 100.0000.129
965 Exifools 100.0000.129
966 ""''"' 100.0000.129
967 cainiao 100.0000.129
968 day11 100.0000.129
969 I_Am_Alone 100.0000.129
970 Alone 1n Dark 100.0000.129
971 blendy 100.0000.129
972 profdracula 100.0000.129
973 GMO_Goat 100.0000.129
974 Hacky Easter 100.0000.129
975 LINNNIL 100.0000.128
976 Silvus 100.0000.128
977 aestetix 100.0000.128
978 @_@ 100.0000.128
979 Unixtinto 100.0000.128
980 hahwul 100.0000.128
981 Yiyi 100.0000.128
982 VikedJoker 100.0000.128
983 Wilsonism 100.0000.128
984 LP2020 100.0000.128
985 mango 100.0000.128
986 Archote 100.0000.128
987 s1n9l3:pl4y3r 100.0000.128
988 friedsquid 100.0000.128
989 dude 100.0000.128
990 VD 100.0000.128
991 CHIqueen 100.0000.128
992 rua 100.0000.128
993 whoami 100.0000.128
994 Wunderleth 100.0000.128
995 Dew 100.0000.128
996 joinforfun 100.0000.128
997 laughter 100.0000.128
998 rd3578 100.0000.128
999 gum3ng 100.0000.064
1000 SnowMan 100.0000.064
1001 N00B!! 100.0000.064
1002 d3CON 100.0000.064
1003 Hyppa_da_p1p 100.0000.064
1004 DaChickenKing 100.0000.064
1005 Xentinels 10.0000.017
1006 T0X1Cx 10.0000.017
1007 WARMACHINELAB 10.0000.017
1008 quriosity 10.0000.017
1009 JODN_RIPP3 10.0000.017
ret2basicJuly 17, 2020, 7:50 p.m.

Great infrastructure!

GalleyWestJuly 17, 2020, 8:20 p.m.

Username appears to default to "NullObject" and when I click "Team" i appear to be jumping from team to team (teams that I am not even associated with).

thebongyJuly 17, 2020, 9:48 p.m.

GalleyWest check on #announcements on the discord channel, we gave a workaround for that

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