Fri, 14 April 2023, 20:00 UTC — Sat, 15 April 2023, 08:00 UTC 


Midnight Flag - INSURRECTION event.

Format: Jeopardy Jeopardy

Official URL:

This event's future weight is subject of public voting!

Future weight: 37.00 

Rating weight: 25.00 

Event organizers 

Do not take into account the date indicated at the top of this page, the CTF will start on the 15th around 10 PM (Paris time).

Merci de ne pas prendre en compte les dates/heures indiquée en haut de la page, elles ne sont pas correctes et nous n'avons pas la main pour les modifier. Le CTF commencera le 15 aux alentours de 22 h (heure de Paris) pour se terminer vers 8 h le lendemain.



- Airbus Cyber (
- La Direction Générale de l'Armement (
- La Direction Générale de la Sécurité Extérieure (
- Root-Me Pro (

Infra sponsored by


351 teams total

PlaceTeamCTF pointsRating points
1 🐧 7850.00050.000
2 Arn'Hack 7684.00036.971
3 Flag Poisoning 7188.00031.225
4 PWN STARS 4947.00022.005
5 [GCC] Breizhell 4385.00018.965
6 PHREAKS 2600 4358.00018.046
7 Mother I'd Like to Flag 3821.00015.740
8 team2zinzins 3688.00014.870
9 ~/ 3516.00013.975
10 HDFR 3349.00013.166
11 3 studs, 1 pro 3225.00012.543
12 McHack 3200.00012.274
13 SDD 3007.00011.500
14 Inglorious Flagsterds 2905.00011.037
15 Forsetty 2756.00010.444
16 Pawdawan 2600 2709.00010.190
17 Supwn 2707.00010.092
18 HackademINT Vendredi 2706.00010.007
19 HacktBack 2471.0009.185
20 BetR 2421.0008.960
21 2378.0008.764
22 IciCaQuoicoubez 2364.0008.665
23 Ratio les Normands 2360.0008.603
24 Les 4 Fromages 2236.0008.163
25 MathisHammel 2211.0008.041
26 CyberKoopas 2101.0007.653
27 APTduoquadra 2044.0007.435
28 Hack'amai 2600 1922.0007.014
29 OteriHack 1885.0006.865
30 Ad Astra 1823.0006.639
31 Born2Pwn 1777.0006.466
32 FunkeyMonkey 1686.0006.151
33 Les Branquignoles 1607.0005.875
34 rawsec 1601.0005.834
35 Belle byte 1586.0005.765
36 RhackgondinsUndercover 1558.0005.656
37 Amouranth 1557.0005.634
38 GCS 1512.0005.473
39 Imp'Hackt 1507.0005.440
40 C'estCaenQu'onFlag? 1455.0005.259
41 Les Hackers de la Côte de Granit Rose 1368.0004.966
42 HZS 1339.0004.860
43 Subuthax 1319.0004.782
44 PandAPT 1313.0004.750
45 Inseralt&Twix 1306.0004.715
46 92i_P1r4tr13 1282.0004.626
47 Flag_plize 1240.0004.481
48 Subuthax_2 1237.0004.460
49 XA21 1216.0004.383
50 Ekip Ekip 1170.0004.226
51 pouet 1160.0004.184
52 noraneco 1147.0004.134
53 0xECE 1146.0004.121
54 Zooiiinnnn 1127.0004.052
55 Sn0wh4ck 1120.0004.021
56 OldShark 1120.0004.013
57 GCS 1 1070.0003.846
58 nmApe 1070.0003.839
59 Pand'Hack 1020.0003.672
60 Les Anonymousses 1020.0003.665
61 bozo 1013.0003.636
62 IN5AFaitBipBipBoup 972.0003.499
63 Overlowl 971.0003.489
64 Maurus 953.0003.426
65 hackitaine 941.0003.381
66 FlagaDoS 936.0003.360
67 ISITDTU 927.0003.325
68 Fi'Hack 916.0003.285
69 K4Sec 907.0003.251
70 667 Ekip 878.0003.153
71 Rhacknarok 878.0003.148
72 Attends, faut être en équipe ? 870.0003.118
73 HackademINT Samedi 842.0003.024
74 CyberSoldiers 828.0002.975
75 Ah Yalan Dünya 828.0002.970
76 tau-rine 798.0002.870
77 Systm Slayers 785.0002.825
78 Shellogg's 785.0002.821
79 Jhackpot 778.0002.794
80 Hacker Vaillant 778.0002.790
81 Th3_S@lt_t3@m 749.0002.694
82 PeigneDeDir'Hack 748.0002.687
83 sup@er0 699.0002.527
84 ELTE 699.0002.524
85 mylittlepwnies 692.0002.498
86 SPQR 686.0002.475
87 Bibop 679.0002.450
88 HACKuna Matata 642.0002.329
89 ----- 599.0002.189
90 ChatCPT 599.0002.185
91 Gros s'hack 586.0002.141
92 Pwnie Express 580.0002.119
93 ProjetFOX(OsintOnly) 578.0002.110
94 Solo [Nepal] 578.0002.107
95 hishin 542.0001.989
96 It'HackRow 542.0001.987
97 Only2 536.0001.965
98 CyberStyx.d 536.0001.962
99 T34M 528.0001.934
100 TuzHack 500.0001.842
101 Palmashow 486.0001.795
102 CatTheFlagNow 478.0001.767
103 Qui limite encore le nombre de joueurs par team ? 478.0001.765
104 Hackcess 450.0001.674
105 LesDémonsDeWifi 436.0001.627
106 3NS7R0J4N 430.0001.605
107 La Caverne 430.0001.603
109 Khonsuu 400.0001.503
110 team Tim 400.0001.501
111 EvilBunnyWrote 399.0001.496
112 Kaci Alone. 386.0001.453
113 KMA.CrY_t0 378.0001.425
114 NewHacker 378.0001.423
115 He1loW0r1d 378.0001.421
116 Ingenios'IT 350.0001.330
117 Le nom de notre équipe 350.0001.328
118 Uniwan 350.0001.327
119 cascadingstylesheets 350.0001.325
120 Ctrl-Alt-Defeat 350.0001.323
121 Minuitaulit 300.0001.162
122 Sodobytes 300.0001.160
123 Masterhaxxor 300.0001.159
124 k3_dé_b0ts 300.0001.157
125 Team Hack Tactics 300.0001.155
126 Amiens Computer Club 300.0001.154
127 WhySoShort? 300.0001.152
128 sqdqfqg 300.0001.151
129 peugeot_infinity 300.0001.149
130 Werewolves_2600 300.0001.148
131 Participation Trophy 300.0001.146
132 Rookie441 300.0001.145
133 MarCS 300.0001.143
134 Vaohk 286.0001.097
135 securisec 286.0001.096
136 Nupakachi 286.0001.095
137 lesptifruits 250.0000.979
138 Post-b'Hack 250.0000.977
139 Débutants chevronnés 250.0000.976
140 random 250.0000.975
141 The Flaggers Commando 250.0000.973
142 Cyberlog2025 250.0000.972
143 La Bar'hack 250.0000.971
144 DridenGrad 250.0000.970
145 AloneInTheDark 250.0000.969
146 Scr0w 250.0000.967
147 eovy 250.0000.966
148 Hacker Vaillant V2 250.0000.965
149 2 250.0000.964
150 Fl4g_Gu3553r5 250.0000.963
151 0ps3c_c4t4str0ph1qu3 250.0000.962
152 theTw0r1sts 250.0000.961
153 iv-stpn 250.0000.960
154 Do Not Try 250.0000.959
155 Les Pingouins Furtifs 250.0000.957
156 4&Sick 250.0000.956
157 HotNum 250.0000.955
158 Nmape2 200.0000.795
159 IdontHaveAnyFriends 200.0000.794
160 WebSavants 200.0000.793
161 Azgar 200.0000.792
162 Les Hackers à la retraite 200.0000.791
163 Team Croquette 200.0000.790
164 Xayn 200.0000.789
165 Clod'Hack 200.0000.788
166 RC Team 200.0000.788
167 MonCopain 200.0000.787
168 Senshi 200.0000.786
169 W8&C 200.0000.785
170 ISEP 200.0000.784
171 mu-rge 200.0000.783
172 iL0v3D1g1talS3cuR1ty 200.0000.782
173 0xPierogi 200.0000.781
174 F4st3rs 200.0000.781
175 Ici_ca_hack_man 200.0000.780
177 The Byting Wolfs 200.0000.778
178 Federal_Bonk_Investigations 200.0000.777
179 HappyCtfFriends 150.0000.617
180 M Quinzième 150.0000.617
181 HACKTORIA 150.0000.616
182 HackUTT 150.0000.615
183 quoicoubeh 150.0000.614
184 RQNy4SQa 150.0000.614
185 goodevil 150.0000.613
186 Comme tu veux 150.0000.612
187 Kinabler 150.0000.611
188 MojoMaster 150.0000.611
189 LesGolems 150.0000.610
190 DedSec 150.0000.609
191 Epi4Th3Win 150.0000.609
192 Wr4ith 150.0000.608
193 CyberBaguette2023 150.0000.607
194 smash 150.0000.607
195 [email protected] 150.0000.606
196 TFG 🐺🦊🦌🐺 150.0000.605
197 1 flag et dodo magueule 150.0000.605
198 Br0s_C0d3_;-) 150.0000.604
199 rm -rf / 150.0000.603
200 CyberSpace 150.0000.603
201 CyberV2 150.0000.602
202 pieuw pieuw 150.0000.601
203 TuX 150.0000.601
204 Commute_Tracteur 150.0000.600
205 N4t10N 150.0000.600
206 Zlick3r 150.0000.599
207 Netrunner 150.0000.598
208 tavern-la-louisiane 100.0000.439
209 Stanislas 100.0000.438
210 croucroute 100.0000.438
211 CpasFo 100.0000.437
212 Hydrox 100.0000.436
213 STA 100.0000.436
214 hgjk 100.0000.435
215 K0BALD 100.0000.435
216 Ctrl-Alt-Delete 100.0000.434
217 Oignon Frits 100.0000.434
218 azerty123 100.0000.433
219 siraak 100.0000.433
220 boooo 100.0000.432
221 NeverFlag 100.0000.432
222 Root|Finder$ 100.0000.431
223 DVCool 100.0000.431
224 Les chèvres !!! 100.0000.430
225 Blu3Sun 100.0000.430
226 0xlt7r 100.0000.429
227 xD 100.0000.429
228 SkipJack 100.0000.428
229 Un WEC avec un toit 100.0000.428
230 BigTeam 100.0000.427
231 nooby 100.0000.427
232 ShadowBan 100.0000.426
233 ThePrisoner 100.0000.426
234 Llama 100.0000.425
235 Les chèvres 2 !!! 100.0000.425
236 GitPushou 100.0000.424
237 BITS-SOS 100.0000.424
238 Little 100.0000.424
239 XXIII 100.0000.423
240 proute 100.0000.423
241 3CBinks 100.0000.422
242 caillou 100.0000.422
243 TonCopain 100.0000.421
244 Cicadas Gang 100.0000.421
245 ZXploit 100.0000.421
246 TotallyNotSupported 100.0000.420
247 n88b 100.0000.420
248 Le poulet de Sevran 100.0000.419
249 Hack't'Ifs 100.0000.419
250 stalk 100.0000.418
251 CuiCuiCuiCui 100.0000.418
252 Hiro & Co 100.0000.418
253 # 100.0000.417
254 TryToDoTheBest 100.0000.417
255 Seek Creds 100.0000.417
256 Team Cryptis 100.0000.416
257 Backtoforbach 100.0000.416
258 Peaky Kapinders 100.0000.415
259 daemons 100.0000.415
260 rm-R 100.0000.415
261 0xBlueSky 100.0000.414
262 slkjalkjdsajldksaljk 100.0000.414
263 SanNom's Team 100.0000.414
264 garlic 100.0000.413
265 hamayanhamayan 100.0000.413
267 HypomaniaOD 100.0000.412
268 In the Court of the Crimson King 100.0000.412
269 Squid'Hack 100.0000.411
270 55f4a027x 100.0000.411
271 SharpyTeam 100.0000.411
272 Guezmer 100.0000.410
273 nCreeps 100.0000.410
274 JustDoCtf 100.0000.410
276 Team Kakashi 100.0000.409
277 ACM_Cyber 100.0000.409
279 Oui 50.0000.249
280 Bonsoir 50.0000.249
281 Hackerman 50.0000.248
282 WeCanDoIt 50.0000.248
283 R4ND0M 50.0000.248
284 ent-team 50.0000.247
285 CryptoGuessing 50.0000.247
286 KCSC 50.0000.247
287 █Bquanman█#1805 50.0000.246
288 S133PY 50.0000.246
289 Team asterix91 50.0000.246
290 The Shydoowers 50.0000.245
291 Solo Leveling 50.0000.245
292 npk 50.0000.245
293 Niktomadre 50.0000.245
294 nz 50.0000.244
295 Flag{team_name} 50.0000.244
296 SecureHound 50.0000.244
297 Raibgong 50.0000.243
298 BKISC 50.0000.243
299 ෴ Hedgehog fanclub ෴ 50.0000.243
300 arna 50.0000.243
301 0xxxx0 50.0000.242
302 sk1ll1s5u3 50.0000.242
303 valrose Nice 50.0000.242
304 Low_Frequency 50.0000.241
305 podBEERvasniki 50.0000.241
306 Anonymoys 50.0000.241
307 JustCLEAR! 50.0000.241
308 Ouep 50.0000.240
309 maaaa 50.0000.240
310 Maglione 50.0000.240
311 pawns 50.0000.240
312 BLANK 50.0000.239
313 DegenB 50.0000.239
314 delirium 50.0000.239
315 Alexius 50.0000.239
316 Squad_417 50.0000.238
317 0x726f6f74 50.0000.238
318 JustePourVoir 50.0000.238
319 Venomsolo 50.0000.238
320 eddyretro 50.0000.237
321 Nostradamus 50.0000.237
322 Feuillou 50.0000.237
323 jeSuisSolo:( 50.0000.237
324 MNGOS 50.0000.236
325 Hack and Slash 50.0000.236
326 ElFerozMC 50.0000.236
327 Team Bitsec 50.0000.236
328 Nero-Hero 50.0000.235
329 cyberdream 50.0000.235
330 horlogium 50.0000.235
331 UBTS2o 50.0000.235
332 JSoyke 50.0000.235
333 wingtip 50.0000.234
334 Blouup 50.0000.234
335 Lebrak 50.0000.234
336 CS@TJ 50.0000.234
337 GanSw 50.0000.233
338 LinyTail 50.0000.233
339 l_1AF 50.0000.233
340 baby shark 50.0000.233
341 acdwas 50.0000.233
342 uzumaki 50.0000.232
343 CTF_newbie 50.0000.232
344 n0n 50.0000.232
345 individual 50.0000.232
346 afcoc 50.0000.231
347 Random Bullsh1ts Go 50.0000.231
348 sad 50.0000.231
349 Bumble 50.0000.231
350 Newbie Team 50.0000.231
351 TFTTOB 50.0000.115
352 root0000 50.0000.115
353 REVillians 50.0000.115
355 PersianCats 50.0000.115
356 new_to_ctf 50.0000.115
357 TCTN 50.0000.115
MatKaneki09April 16, 2023, 8:25 p.m.

Really good ctf I'm waiting for the write up :D

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