Fri, 20 Dec. 2019, 20:00 UTC — Sun, 22 Dec. 2019, 09:00 UTC 


justCTF event.

Format: Jeopardy Jeopardy

Official URL:

This event's future weight is subject of public voting!

Future weight: 24.85 

Rating weight: 24.85 

Event organizers 

CTF event organized by justCatTheFish team.

CTF will last for 37h and will take place on: 20-Dec-2019 20.00 UTC - 22-Dec-2019 09:00 UTC

Official website:
Questions: [email protected]

Sponsors of the event:
- Trail of Bits -
- Wirtualna Polska -


1st 1337 USD
2nd 777 USD
3rd 333 USD


346 teams total

PlaceTeamCTF pointsRating points
1 perfect blue 6245.00049.700
2 The Flat Network Society 5032.00032.448
3 grimpan 4778.00027.296
4 Sice Squad 4644.00024.692
5 Corrupted Pwnis 4558.00023.107
6 redpwn 3675.00018.765
7 efiens 3235.00016.423
8 excusemewtf 3099.00015.438
9 Balsn 3081.00015.021
10 SaudiPwners 3068.00014.693
11 $wag 3030.00014.316
12 Cr0w 2655.00012.636
13 Aleph 2437.00011.609
14 Epic Leet Team 2396.00011.309
15 The Northern Coalition 2305.00010.829
16 NowhereGrill 2108.0009.941
17 (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚✧ 1982.0009.349
18 TokyoWesterns 1776.0008.448
19 Zeus WPI 1639.0007.830
20 Shell Collecting Club 1630.0007.729
21 LSE 1506.0007.176
22 from Sousse, with love 1493.0007.070
23 1337B01S 1440.0006.810
24 team_7even 1419.0006.682
25 sudoman 1409.0006.601
26 negasora 1385.0006.467
27 F2H 1322.0006.181
28 AugustaHackersAnonymous 1306.0006.084
29 HSA 1195.0005.612
30 openctfid 1184.0005.540
31 ISITDTU 1146.0005.362
32 pasdeteam 1146.0005.337
33 InfoSecIITR 1073.0005.023
34 b1c 1056.0004.933
35 PWD 1023.0004.781
36 pewpewpew 1010.0004.709
37 Betz 959.0004.488
38 Forkbenders 914.0004.291
39 Manf 847.0004.008
40 PETRPEN 821.0003.888
41 OpenToAll 805.0003.809
42 fuo11 757.0003.604
43 I Don't Know 682.0003.292
44 WeekEndHackR 664.0003.207
45 Fword 664.0003.194
46 Order of the Grey Fang 664.0003.182
47 xSTF 639.0003.071
48 IrRaptors 624.0003.001
49 BinaryBears 618.0002.966
50 SegFaultSquad 600.0002.885
51 L3o 600.0002.875
52 Golems_treat 600.0002.865
53 Pelarian CP ehe 600.0002.856
54 Defenit 593.0002.820
55 InsHack@ti 573.0002.732
56 r3kor 560.0002.672
57 Unsigned CTF 558.0002.656
58 Sagami 558.0002.649
59 NaN-i 558.0002.642
60 SECCLO 512.0002.452
61 On est pas venu déguisés en feuille de chou pour se faire bouffer le cul par des lapins 512.0002.445
62 cAqig~hOI~HQEgAg]c 509.0002.426
63 NULLKrypt3rs 507.0002.412
64 SIGINT 507.0002.406
65 bruh 507.0002.400
66 Dashu 507.0002.394
67 gorogoroumaru 467.0002.229
68 Outside the box 467.0002.224
69 Mashiro 457.0002.179
70 JBZ 449.0002.142
71 Cyber Security Leaks 449.0002.137
72 makelarides 449.0002.132
73 empty-jack 449.0002.127
74 Count of Monte Crypto 401.0001.931
75 kiona 401.0001.927
76 m4r5 401.0001.923
77 GoN 389.0001.871
78 The Additional Payphones 389.0001.866
79 n0n3 376.0001.811
80 ShellaciousTrio 369.0001.779
81 SWV_L 361.0001.743
82 GR00T5 361.0001.740
83 KXTI_ 356.0001.716
84 yk1ax 356.0001.712
85 WannaSplunk 355.0001.705
86 10sec 355.0001.702
87 hades 355.0001.698
88 rainy 351.0001.679
89 sudo_masochists 351.0001.676
90 dummy 351.0001.673
91 noar 333.0001.598
92 STT 333.0001.595
93 Malicious Group 314.0001.517
94 DuckDuckNo 313.0001.510
95 adria 313.0001.507
96 UNNAMED_TEAM 313.0001.504
97 PwnablePandas 313.0001.502
98 Chhaipov 313.0001.499
99 HackingForSoju 313.0001.496
100 X-Men 313.0001.494
101 0c34n 313.0001.492
102 rmrfslash 313.0001.489
103 TeamCC 313.0001.487
104 Nupakachi 310.0001.472
105 bolgia4 293.0001.403
106 LC 283.0001.361
107 r0ck3tship 283.0001.358
108 starPt 283.0001.356
109 nolax 263.0001.275
110 0xf4b1 263.0001.272
111 Cyber Grizzlies 263.0001.270
112 Yoshikage Kira 249.0001.213
113 good_mavericks 249.0001.211
114 DEFCON 201 249.0001.209
115 malwareIsNaturalSelection 249.0001.207
116 KXTI_AVTORU_0_LET 249.0001.205
117 KXTI-artem 249.0001.203
118 KR1EG 249.0001.201
119 kitchen staff 249.0001.200
120 ByteForc3 207.0001.031
121 Col4pso 207.0001.029
122 Drimacus 207.0001.027
123 noraneco 207.0001.026
124 Golden 207.0001.024
125 ArchSeong 207.0001.022
126 Hasu 207.0001.021
127 warlock_rootx 207.0001.019
128 0xfxxker 207.0001.018
129 dcua-school 207.0001.016
130 n0obT3aM 207.0001.015
131 playerone 207.0001.013
132 ahengers 207.0001.012
133 0xN1ghtRa1d 204.0000.999
134 GOYANGYI 204.0000.997
135 Zero OFFset 204.0000.996
136 stankc 204.0000.994
137 BHI Cyber Noobs 199.0000.973
138 Flag_On_Board 157.0000.805
139 Bowback 157.0000.804
140 nanocomp 157.0000.802
141 stryct 157.0000.801
142 KJHS 156.0000.796
143 kjb 156.0000.795
144 jammy 156.0000.793
145 wannabe_root 156.0000.792
146 AlphaPwners 156.0000.791
147 ShoulderSurfers 156.0000.790
148 benches 156.0000.789
149 Chawan 156.0000.788
150 sinbeard 156.0000.786
151 warbots 156.0000.785
152 thrumbos 156.0000.784
153 whoarewe 156.0000.783
154 Moonshine 156.0000.782
155 CYberMouflons 156.0000.781
156 i <3 park 156.0000.780
157 MGL 156.0000.779
158 Leofwin 156.0000.778
159 MhackGyver 156.0000.777
160 fkania2 156.0000.776
161 the cr0wn 154.0000.767
162 CSsquad 154.0000.766
163 Hyper_Sec 154.0000.765
164 forgot_password 154.0000.764
165 The Dark Side 154.0000.763
166 gregxsunday 106.0000.571
167 StroxTeam 106.0000.571
168 coppito_zero_day 106.0000.570
169 D0g3 106.0000.569
170 sn00py 106.0000.568
171 SharLike 106.0000.567
172 loxiebannie2 106.0000.566
173 @RakeshMane10 106.0000.565
174 exztase 106.0000.565
175 Armia Prezesa 106.0000.564
176 Tester 106.0000.563
177 Bakunine 106.0000.562
178 Rigmarole 106.0000.561
179 captain_canada 106.0000.561
180 Vadrak 106.0000.560
181 zer0tank 106.0000.559
182 l3k3v 106.0000.558
183 PwnFunction 106.0000.558
184 chika 106.0000.557
185 CyberBoys 50.0000.333
186 bickoSiTiEff 50.0000.333
187 NafNaf1234 50.0000.332
188 Babytown Frolics 50.0000.331
189 K1t5un3 50.0000.330
190 ETYB 50.0000.330
191 SN 50.0000.329
192 404 Found 50.0000.328
193 Tsami 50.0000.328
194 [MEPhI] Halva w/tears 50.0000.327
195 d3ph4u17 50.0000.326
196 Newbie-e 50.0000.326
197 ChineseBarbarosa 50.0000.325
198 Kronan 50.0000.324
199 imalone 50.0000.324
200 Lev9L 50.0000.323
201 Juggernaut 50.0000.323
202 KXTI 50.0000.322
203 lazy pirates 50.0000.321
204 l337 50.0000.321
205 babyshark 50.0000.320
206 0xFirat-Axiicth 50.0000.320
207 BB 50.0000.319
208 WRUBLE 50.0000.318
209 TheGas 50.0000.318
210 PizzaB0ys 50.0000.317
211 Servant's Sons 50.0000.317
212 SoloSkid 50.0000.316
213 Underperformers 50.0000.316
214 CNBT 50.0000.315
215 justxmi 50.0000.315
216 XPLOITRZ 50.0000.314
217 newbies 50.0000.313
218 06h3fnum23 50.0000.313
219 noa 50.0000.312
220 DTTeam 50.0000.312
221 ncuxc 50.0000.311
222 keine Ahnung 50.0000.311
223 JUST 50.0000.310
224 Cyber0ps 50.0000.310
225 1337TilburgHaxxors 50.0000.309
226 CosmikFlagHunters 50.0000.309
227 KXTI_(( 50.0000.308
228 kerouac 50.0000.308
229 Dark Pancakes 50.0000.307
230 pl0x_b3_k1nd 50.0000.307
231 Hecării, Țuica și Păunii 50.0000.307
232 3 Ways To Heck 50.0000.306
234 T3D 50.0000.305
235 ph4qd 50.0000.305
236 OneHackMan 50.0000.304
237 onotch 50.0000.304
238 Kanjerklub 50.0000.303
239 SteelHunt 50.0000.303
240 0dayparade 50.0000.303
241 423a 50.0000.302
242 Jakub16 50.0000.302
243 highly-creative-team-name 50.0000.301
244 Kern0bal_ 50.0000.301
245 MegaKill 50.0000.300
246 teeem1 50.0000.300
247 niewiemkimjestem 50.0000.300
248 k0kos 50.0000.299
249 wi4aes3Paiw4Oosohyiephiegeeth9 50.0000.299
250 Snacker Underground 50.0000.298
251 bypassingby 50.0000.298
252 savageturk 50.0000.298
253 pirate 50.0000.297
254 iamrobot 50.0000.297
255 ethteck 50.0000.296
256 kekkete 50.0000.296
257 simon 50.0000.296
258 /(spin)*s/ 50.0000.295
259 None 50.0000.295
260 DNCEG 50.0000.295
261 Cyber Security Trunojoyo 50.0000.294
262 Technicruelty 50.0000.294
263 KXTI_McDonalds 50.0000.293
264 aephus 50.0000.293
265 hackpo 50.0000.293
266 FullPwn Operations 50.0000.292
267 SIGCHILL 50.0000.292
268 Siapa 50.0000.292
269 The loafer squad 50.0000.291
270 c0ff33 50.0000.291
271 noidea 50.0000.291
272 hokkienmee 50.0000.290
273 Exc4l1b3r 50.0000.290
274 JustNotBob 50.0000.290
275 LP 50.0000.289
276 SilentCobra 50.0000.289
277 plssavemygpa 50.0000.289
278 Scr1p7_k1dd13z 50.0000.288
279 Aleph Infinite 50.0000.288
280 bunch777 50.0000.288
281 L0n3_w0!7 50.0000.287
282 lololol 50.0000.287
283 MegaByte Crew 50.0000.287
284 takeALook 50.0000.286
285 3g1c3 50.0000.286
286 spoilers 50.0000.286
287 sp4rk 50.0000.286
288 Abyss syndrome 50.0000.285
289 Shaktiman 50.0000.285
290 KXTI_PROC 50.0000.285
291 Z4RATHUSTR4 50.0000.284
292 LearningNewbie 50.0000.284
293 JUST DERP 50.0000.284
294 Testing44 50.0000.283
295 Code Black 50.0000.283
296 N0Named 50.0000.283
297 Contrail 50.0000.283
298 Munze4Ever 50.0000.282
299 star spangled hackers 50.0000.282
300 hack genes 50.0000.282
301 0xBADC0DE 50.0000.282
302 BuGErr0rJubJub 50.0000.281
303 Ambi 50.0000.281
304 Byte 50.0000.281
305 hansuyo2 50.0000.280
306 Spikers 50.0000.280
307 Zer0-D 50.0000.280
308 Neko 50.0000.280
309 jancok 50.0000.279
310 ctfaizu 50.0000.279
311 The_Kamikaze 50.0000.279
312 LitSec 50.0000.279
313 Cyber Cat 50.0000.278
314 aht7525 50.0000.278
315 KXTI_sec 50.0000.278
316 0siriz 50.0000.278
317 house stark 50.0000.277
318 SecuriTN 50.0000.277
319 unnoetig 50.0000.277
320 redhat 50.0000.277
321 R3dh4t and the blackhats 50.0000.276
322 Alpinist 50.0000.276
323 n00bpr0 50.0000.276
324 pastabase64 50.0000.276
325 SUN 50.0000.275
326 Soviet 50.0000.275
327 outOfCheese 50.0000.275
328 a$ap_w1n 50.0000.275
329 F055il215 50.0000.274
330 t00lpns 50.0000.274
331 qqqwwweee 50.0000.274
332 Ping_win 50.0000.274
333 can 50.0000.274
334 break_the_code 50.0000.273
335 nyquiloverdose 50.0000.273
336 x4n0n 50.0000.273
337 ThePhills 50.0000.273
338 PISDo4Fun 50.0000.272
339 Flageboys 50.0000.272
340 TuX 50.0000.272
341 defrindr 50.0000.272
342 Search Find PWN 50.0000.272
343 23f3 50.0000.271
344 SAN 50.0000.271
345 Hacxter 50.0000.271
346 butterfly 50.0000.135
347 slygoemon 50.0000.135
terjanqDec. 17, 2019, 1:52 a.m.

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