Also known as
  • kevin teach us heap
  • b1c.waves
  • b1c+waves
  • b1c_waves

Academic team

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kevin teach us heap

Participated in CTF events

Overall rating place: 67 with 282.139 pts in 2022

Country place: 8

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
1344Tenable CTF 202240.00000.121
1HSCTF 911496.000063.720
1BCACTF 3.09175.000048.660
1TJCTF 20229743.000049.520
1UMDCTF 202230613.000071.800
1MHSCTF 20221105.00000.000
1Newark Academy CTF4765.000047.840

Overall rating place: 365 with 79.620 pts in 2021

Country place: 39

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
5Killer Queen CTF 20217089.000020.933
2PBjar CTF '2111784.00000.000
8redpwnCTF 20215130.000021.955
2HSCTF 817969.000036.732
1BCACTF 2.012675.00000.000

Overall rating place: 124 with 183.668 pts in 2020

Country place: 17

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
3Newark Academy CTF 202012226.000029.333
183Reply Cyber Security Challenge 2020332.00002.838
59CSAW CTF Qualification Round 20202055.000028.524
9redpwnCTF 202018192.000021.511
3HSCTF 714375.000028.518
4TJCTF 20202810.000027.525
8UMDCTF 202010415.000018.059
3DawgCTF 20209280.000027.358
31TAMUctf 20207655.00000.000

Overall rating place: 712 with 35.081 pts in 2019

Country place: 82

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
34justCTF 20191056.00004.933
22Newark Academy CTF 20197160.000020.665
23redpwnCTF 20194843.00009.483

Overall rating place: 372 with 42.118 pts in 2017

Country place: 50

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
429Security Fest 201710.00000.128
73UIUCTF 2017450.00002.762
277PlaidCTF 201761.00001.248
180EasyCTF 20171785.00000.000

Organized CTF events

Takoma Park CTF18.99

Team members

Team writeups

redpwnCTF 2020four-function-heap [490]read writeup
TJCTF 2020arabfunny [40]read writeup
TJCTF 2020Stop [70]read writeup
MAGIC oCTF 001nortum_client [320]read writeup
Takoma Park CTFWord Find [70]read writeup
Takoma Park CTFWhat is this place? [60]read writeup
Takoma Park CTFThat's not latin... [10]read writeup
Takoma Park CTF768 [30]read writeup