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Participated in CTF events

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
319LakeCTF Quals 24-2550.00000.463
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
22SEC-T 0x0FOO CTF 2023750.00002.579
103Bauhinia CTF 202350.00000.476
133m0leCon CTF 2023 Teaser82.00001.939
159Ricerca CTF 202397.00000.000
69Midnight Sun CTF 2023 Quals573.00004.698
68Insomni'hack teaser 2023216.00001.425
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
87RCTF 2022512.00003.189
257Paradigm CTF 2022115.60000.505
84justCTF 2022317.00002.131
194zer0pts CTF 2022146.00001.100
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
72L3HCTF 2021454.00001.190
1072redpwnCTF 2021317.00001.135
2170CTF/TCTF 2021 Quals 24.00000.626
120WeCTF 2021829.00000.000
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
504N1CTF 202069.00000.297
363ASIS CTF Quals 202020.00000.447
149redpwnCTF 20205732.00006.138
354Zh3r0 CTF351.00000.401
41WeCTF 20201168.00003.535
322020 Defenit CTF1935.00003.326
136RCTF 2020235.00001.296
45Securinets CTF Quals 20203023.00005.438
320CONFidence CTF 2020 Teaser9.00000.203
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
243BambooFox CTF97.00000.000
34UTC-CTF 2019 Teaser1094.00000.000
333justCTF 201950.00000.274
849RITSEC CTF 20191.00000.026
611Balsn CTF 2019106.00000.373
260De1CTF 2019151.00000.420
75SpamAndFlags Teaser 201910.00000.403
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
127CODE BLUE CTF 2018 Quals38.00000.437
506Security Fest CTF51.00000.691
311SwampCTF 2018545.00001.277
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
69InCTF 2017100.00000.909
470CODE BLUE CTF 201738.00000.205 CTF 2017752.00008.433
532ASIS CTF Finals 201718.00000.238
257DEF CON CTF Qualifier 201715.00000.626
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
435HITCON CTF 2016 Quals50.00000.747
322ASIS CTF Quals 20161.00000.128
399PlaidCTF 201676.00001.725
134SunshineCTF 2016155.00000.444
4960CTF 2016 Quals1.00000.591
355Boston Key Party CTF 20161.00000.794
342HackIM 20161000.00000.596
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
301EKOPARTY CTF 201550.00000.586
640MMA CTF 1st 201510.00000.131
114Camp CTF 201575.00000.232
719PlaidCTF 20151.00000.121
54UIUCTF 2015240.00000.582

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