Fri, 20 Dec. 2019, 23:00 UTC — Sat, 21 Dec. 2019, 23:00 UTC 


UTC-CTF event.

Format: Jeopardy Jeopardy

Official URL:

Future weight: 0.00 

Rating weight: 0.00 

Event organizers 

We would like to introduce our first ever CTF. This year we will be hosting an abbreviated CTF (a teaser), but next year we might bring a full-fledged CTF.

We have a wide range of difficulty of challenges, from easy to hard. Whether if this is your first CTF, or have done many before, we have some challenges waiting for you!

flag looks like this: utc{flag_here}


no prizes this year, but maybe next year. :)


241 teams total

PlaceTeamCTF pointsRating points
1 Defenit 6297.0000.000
2 InfoSecIITR 6019.0000.000
3 Kernel Sanders 5133.0000.000
4 Black Bauhinia 5041.0000.000
5 noar 5018.0000.000
6 bruh 2769.0000.000
7 wr0ngf1ag 2697.0000.000
8 watevr 2607.0000.000
9 GR00T5 2499.0000.000
10 Dc1ph3R 2443.0000.000
11 Me&The_Boyz_R_Ready2Hack 2305.0000.000
12 from Sousse, with love 2172.0000.000
13 gorogoroumaru 2065.0000.000
14 k0kos 2039.0000.000
15 kiona 1873.0000.000
16 Horde 1716.0000.000
17 warlock_rootx 1610.0000.000
18 acdwas 1588.0000.000
19 ByteBandits 1573.0000.000
20 SWV_L 1454.0000.000
21 Z4rK 1388.0000.000
22 ByteForc3 1354.0000.000
23 archercreat 1337.0000.000
24 FrenchRoomba 1307.0000.000
25 atx2600 1279.0000.000
26 noraneco 1229.0000.000
27 y0d31 1219.0000.000
28 M30W 1193.0000.000
29 RocketTeam 1187.0000.000
30 plssavemygpa 1159.0000.000
31 Dashu 1141.0000.000
32 poi;lk 1125.0000.000
33 /(spin)*s/ 1103.0000.000
34 can 1094.0000.000
35 W_H_P_W 1082.0000.000
36 masond 1022.0000.000
37 CybSec 1017.0000.000
38 Pelarian CP ehe 969.0000.000
39 t0mcr00se 966.0000.000
40 db123 953.0000.000
41 PISDo4Fun 926.0000.000
42 x0r19x91 894.0000.000
43 Faceless 883.0000.000
44 mmaekr 882.0000.000
45 0xCG^HF 879.0000.000
46 RainyDusk 874.0000.000
47 Sun*$hell 833.0000.000
48 SealTeam1 829.0000.000
49 Unicorn_T34M 810.0000.000
50 ahengers 770.0000.000
51 Cyber Security Trunojoyo 750.0000.000
52 pccoe 735.0000.000
53 Juggernaut 730.0000.000
54 room2042 720.0000.000
55 4k3l4rr3 712.0000.000
56 lazy pirates 711.0000.000
57 DarkCircle 698.0000.000
58 Chhaipov 686.0000.000
59 Hold Op 674.0000.000
60 Colapso 659.0000.000
61 Hus@r1@ 659.0000.000
62 F055il215 624.0000.000
63 ri5e 617.0000.000
64 ddd428 607.0000.000
65 newbie89 584.0000.000
66 PIS.Be_Ng0k 572.0000.000
67 Iceclue 565.0000.000
68 BisonSquad 564.0000.000
69 Iam9r00t 557.0000.000
70 MiloTruck 542.0000.000
71 Zone Kimochi 512.0000.000
72 0xf4b1 511.0000.000
73 Weathering_With_You 510.0000.000
74 KUDoS 479.0000.000
75 chum1ng0 473.0000.000
76 swt02026 456.0000.000
77 Moortiii 446.0000.000
78 CannedBeans 443.0000.000
79 SharLike 433.0000.000
80 commandos 420.0000.000
81 stankc 412.0000.000
82 Dino 410.0000.000
83 aephus 409.0000.000
84 outOfCheese 404.0000.000
85 fkillrra 403.0000.000
86 SchrodingersFlag 403.0000.000
87 0xdeabbeaf 379.0000.000
88 T3D 375.0000.000
89 NewComersButWinners 375.0000.000
90 DARK↯STARS 362.0000.000
91 EQkws 338.0000.000
92 Cyber Security Leaks 337.0000.000
93 :v 337.0000.000
94 Coala 325.0000.000
95 Bantou 323.0000.000
96 KT1SS 320.0000.000
97 IrRaptors 319.0000.000
98 spoilers 304.0000.000
99 TheRealSeaCucumber 298.0000.000
100 dlmuctf 295.0000.000
101 noolo 295.0000.000
102 n1gh7m4r35 290.0000.000
103 hello 290.0000.000
104 BackMoon 288.0000.000
105 Vain 284.0000.000
106 __T3TRAH3DR0N__ 284.0000.000
107 0xFirat 284.0000.000
108 h4ckua11 283.0000.000
109 PISSn0w 283.0000.000
110 RayTracing 283.0000.000
111 ByamB4 283.0000.000
112 Colors ESI 281.0000.000
113 T3cH_W1z4rD 273.0000.000
114 warbots 273.0000.000
115 akkkk 273.0000.000
116 TheMagicians 267.0000.000
117 erikkabir 250.0000.000
118 x4n0n 249.0000.000
119 SecuriTN 249.0000.000
120 0xuzero 241.0000.000
121 kkk 238.0000.000
122 hades 234.0000.000
123 PIS.H3li0 234.0000.000
124 bajs 234.0000.000
125 231.0000.000
126 ISITDTU 225.0000.000
127 _0 222.0000.000
128 HuntsvilleTechSupport 222.0000.000
129 team of 1 212.0000.000
130 soloso 212.0000.000
131 N0Named 207.0000.000
132 escollapse 202.0000.000
133 thecocohead 200.0000.000
134 Wunderleth 199.0000.000
135 n0obT3aM 199.0000.000
136 Ad1ct0s al cr4ck 199.0000.000
137 Serious Shenanigans 196.0000.000
138 ethteck 192.0000.000
139 mirani 192.0000.000
140 ikenot 192.0000.000
141 ph03n1x 192.0000.000
142 Babalas 192.0000.000
143 Xx.DEC.xX 192.0000.000
144 cr4ck3d 192.0000.000
145 BuGErr0rJubJub 192.0000.000
146 microsoft_sucks 192.0000.000
147 onotch 192.0000.000
148 @Jack&Door 192.0000.000
149 gruf 177.0000.000
150 PIS_____ 173.0000.000
151 Dark knights 170.0000.000
152 ixSly 169.0000.000
153 jackofbroccolini 165.0000.000
154 3 Ways To Heck 161.0000.000
155 Whiskey6 161.0000.000
156 Sentinels 161.0000.000
157 bunch777 161.0000.000
158 PIS.w3no0b 157.0000.000
159 roothackerv2 157.0000.000
160 LP 157.0000.000
161 indonesian 157.0000.000
162 r00tn3p@! 157.0000.000
163 nyquiloverdose 157.0000.000
164 D4rkSh3ll 150.0000.000
165 MongolianEmpire1 148.0000.000
166 Spam4Lyfe 147.0000.000
167 solo-gang 142.0000.000
168 deb0sc@ 142.0000.000
169 Hasu 134.0000.000
170 $elf 134.0000.000
171 moon 134.0000.000
172 KXTI_BANDITS 131.0000.000
173 Ferno 131.0000.000
174 star spangled hackers 131.0000.000
175 p4snet0 131.0000.000
176 MhackGyver 131.0000.000
177 abcxyz 131.0000.000
178 Fr!d4y 117.0000.000
179 b1ff support 117.0000.000
180 EISCTUTN 111.0000.000
181 Cyb3r0ps 100.0000.000
182 Pickles with Cheese 100.0000.000
183 KXTI_McDonalds 100.0000.000
184 hackpo 100.0000.000
185 Bridgers 100.0000.000
186 soulctf 100.0000.000
187 KXTI_ 100.0000.000
188 KXTI_ib 100.0000.000
189 pastabase64 100.0000.000
190 BloodHounds 99.0000.000
191 Bread Boiz 96.0000.000
192 abdul 96.0000.000
193 Toumin 92.0000.000
194 n00b13s 92.0000.000
195 4katsuk1 92.0000.000
196 glasdam 92.0000.000
197 Het0rr 91.0000.000
198 Gyul 91.0000.000
199 anonsurf 91.0000.000
200 hansei 91.0000.000
201 xrpw 91.0000.000
202 7feilee 87.0000.000
203 KXTI 81.0000.000
204 Degla 70.0000.000
205 Equin0xxe 65.0000.000
206 gtx 61.0000.000
207 the LOL 61.0000.000
208 AlmaThemis 61.0000.000
209 Aosu 61.0000.000
210 KXTI11 61.0000.000
211 hope 61.0000.000
212 h4ck3r 57.0000.000
213 KXTI_sec 50.0000.000
214 ilovekotoha 42.0000.000
215 RedDevils 39.0000.000
216 goodbabes 39.0000.000
217 NorthWest 39.0000.000
218 realsungs 35.0000.000
219 don's team 31.0000.000
220 letubac 31.0000.000
221 KXTI_99 31.0000.000
222 jro 31.0000.000
223 zajt 31.0000.000
224 Siapa 31.0000.000
225 tryharderer 31.0000.000
226 MyTeam 31.0000.000
227 player 26.0000.000
228 Moisture Creme Legion 26.0000.000
229 Pistachio 26.0000.000
230 PIS.1minh` 26.0000.000
231 abfun 26.0000.000
232 exzettabyte 26.0000.000
233 KXTI-artem 26.0000.000
234 4lk4x0f4 26.0000.000
235 ChineseBarbarosa 26.0000.000
236 exztase 26.0000.000
237 killswitch 26.0000.000
238 CyberYoddha 26.0000.000
239 break_the_code 26.0000.000
240 Servant's Sons 26.0000.000
241 subrsp0x27 26.0000.000
realsungDec. 21, 2019, 4:17 p.m.

so good CTF.. problem is fun

JSecDec. 21, 2019, 4:18 p.m.


frankUnderw000dDec. 21, 2019, 4:21 p.m.

Its a good CTF. Given a short duration this is a really fun CTF to solve. Challenges in PWN are excellent and teaches you specially if you are a beginner.

mrT4ntr4Dec. 21, 2019, 4:22 p.m.

Playing it relentlessly :)

SSORBOBDec. 21, 2019, 4:25 p.m.

Good CTF! Really enjoyable even for beginners like me with their 'baby' challenges actually teaching us how to solve their challenges. They also have some intermediate challenges that would also be fun for the more experienced players to play around with, should definitely have weight

SmoothHackerDec. 21, 2019, 4:30 p.m.

It's a good CTF. As a beginner I feel that they are challenges that I can do without feeling like it's an impossible feat. They're also harder challenges for more experienced people.

chum1ngoDec. 21, 2019, 4:31 p.m.

Good event

ndrixxDec. 21, 2019, 4:42 p.m.

Good CTF

tr3xd1n0Dec. 21, 2019, 4:58 p.m.

loved the pwn challenges. I really wished the ctf were little bit longer

furgrDec. 21, 2019, 4:59 p.m.

Good event

argenestelDec. 21, 2019, 5:29 p.m.

Really Enjoying This one ..... A huge Thanks to creator

AC01010Dec. 21, 2019, 6:13 p.m.

good challenges

drvipanontunDec. 21, 2019, 6:52 p.m.

nice competition !

souravpunplayDec. 21, 2019, 7:04 p.m.

nice challenges and cool mods.

erikkabirDec. 21, 2019, 8:14 p.m.

Good Competition

nikvemuriDec. 21, 2019, 10:03 p.m.

Was fun, good for beginners too

NexovDec. 21, 2019, 10:25 p.m.

Really nice CTF. Hope to see it in the next year :)

mystizDec. 22, 2019, 4:30 a.m.

Random hash was especially inspiring. It was the first time for me to actually deal with a heap challenge as a crypto player.

This CTF had some interesting challenges that should definitely be ranked.

madsalgDec. 22, 2019, 10:36 a.m.

Sooo nice that there was challenges to all levels! Great CTF

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