Fri, 13 Aug. 2021, 13:30 UTC — Sun, 15 Aug. 2021, 13:30 UTC 


bi0sCTF event.

Format: Jeopardy Jeopardy

Official URL:

This event's future weight is subject of public voting!

Future weight: 54.81 

Rating weight: 70.41 

Event organizers 

Team bi0s invites you to the fifth international edition of InCTF.

InCTF International is a premier hacking event targeted at hackers of all ages, and as always, we will be carefully moulding challenges, loaded with the latest vulnerabilities, responsibly innovating to help you stay current and have an enjoyable time and experience.

For questions, please don't hesitate to ask us on Discord ( We'll be glad to help you out! And for official updates, keep an eye on

Infra sponsored by


603 teams total

PlaceTeamCTF pointsRating points
1 perfect blue 23390.000140.820
2 Super Guesser 19369.00093.511
3 C4T BuT S4D 17617.00076.502
4 Tea Deliverers 17528.00070.366
5 p4 14822.00058.700
6 zer0pts 13997.00053.870
7 warlock_rootx 12025.00046.257
8 thehackerscrew 10962.00041.800
9 r3kapig 10780.00040.274
10 DarkArmy 10606.00038.968
11 Epic Leet Team 9836.00036.010
12 Black Bauhinia 8613.00031.795
13 the3000 8603.00031.313
14 bootplug 8221.00029.777
15 justCatTheFish 7821.00028.237
16 Syclover 7470.00026.887
17 FrenchRoomba 6511.00023.742
18 ARESx 6464.00023.370
19 idek 6403.00022.980
20 Cyberlandsholdet 6120.00021.943
21 Wanna.W1n 5866.00021.011
22 Social Engineering Experts 5296.00019.143
23 irNoobs 4834.00017.613
24 The Flat Network Society 4748.00017.226
25 Me 4462.00016.248
26 n03tAck 4386.00015.911
27 Sp33d_0f_T1m3 4079.00014.887
28 Balsn 4066.00014.754
29 purf3ct 3883.00014.117
30 Fword 3685.00013.440
31 Ph0t1n1a 3603.00013.117
32 y011d4 3433.00012.535
33 xSTF 3298.00012.061
34 kalmarunionen 2858.00010.674
35 The Teamless 2826.00010.519
36 No Pwn Intended 2748.00010.228
37 MAGER 2637.0009.841
38 TeamCC 2577.0009.610
39 Vidar-Team 2567.0009.533
40 fchain 2476.0009.214
41 sln.1550 2433.0009.041
42 PGiatasti 2412.0008.937
43 Ganesh 2390.0008.832
44 Lilac 2197.0008.214
45 bi0sblr 2150.0008.037
46 polaris 1980.0007.491
47 ZH3R0 1755.0006.781
48 TeamNBD 1723.0006.654
49 Nbz 1714.0006.597
50 5 anh em sieu nhan 1714.0006.568
51 RhinehartsOysterBar 1648.0006.341
52 PIS 1614.0006.213
53 PIS_hlong 1614.0006.187
54 PIS.grizzz 1614.0006.162
55 Acceleration 1556.0005.964
56 Venom 1546.0005.911
57 Bulba Hackers 1497.0005.742
58 NUSHmallows 1489.0005.696
59 Shellphish 1378.0005.342
60 ez_team 1337.0005.198
61 Kuruwa 1312.0005.104
62 Hermes 1302.0005.055
63 5upernova 1233.0004.829
64 pcw109550 1214.0004.755
65 Sophisticated Society of Delinquents 1163.0004.584
66 nu 1155.0004.544
67 KUDoS 1133.0004.462
68 TcsBBSR 1103.0004.356
69 blanc. 1035.0004.136
70 flib 1033.0004.115
71 stankc 997.0003.993
72 uetctf 995.0003.973
73 w1ldc4t 995.0003.960
74 o0o 984.0003.914
75 tinybaby 935.0003.753
76 KCSC 933.0003.735
77 BIT CRIMINALS 929.0003.711
78 Copy|tee 910.0003.642
79 byc_404 904.0003.613
80 Feng 904.0003.601
81 h1z412qg 887.0003.539
82 The_Itach1 833.0003.366
83 n0n$la$ 829.0003.344
84 F03v3ryY0ung 789.0003.213
85 VN_MSEC 755.0003.101
86 cn34r7hm4n 723.0002.995
87 ChahGheeYohch0oo 700.0002.916
88 m1z0r3 689.0002.874
89 Harekaze 655.0002.763
90 Sinn3rB0y5 550.0002.438
91 OyuSec 545.0002.414
92 ThereIsNoInfoRoma 489.0002.237
93 /bad 479.0002.199
94 Red Knights 450.0002.104
95 CTF.SG 450.0002.096
96 Digital Overdose 450.0002.088
97 Testausserveri 450.0002.080
98 waterdrop 410.0001.953
99 [email protected] 410.0001.945
100 XDD 379.0001.845
101 0xF00DFACE 350.0001.751
102 1nf1n1ty 350.0001.744
103 MorningLightMountain 310.0001.617
104 EvilBunnyWrote 310.0001.610
105 hxp 310.0001.604
106 W0nd3rB0y 300.0001.567
107 HitoriKing 300.0001.561
108 Blue Students 250.0001.405
109 Expecto Patronum 250.0001.399
110 kj 240.0001.363
111 Leeche7 240.0001.357
112 keymoon 210.0001.261
113 Imperi 210.0001.255
114 Wani Hackase 210.0001.250
115 Rabbit 210.0001.244
116 upbhack 210.0001.239
117 ArenaQuakerCTF 210.0001.234
118 Skiddies 210.0001.229
119 SSS 210.0001.224
120 noraneco 210.0001.219
121 ns4style 210.0001.214
122 nico 210.0001.209
123 PIS_trungkk 210.0001.205
124 Kali Pattaya 210.0001.200
125 asdf1 179.0001.102
126 The Mummy (1999) featuring Brendan Fraser 150.0001.010
127 0deyz 140.0000.976
128 mopi 110.0000.881
129 1gy 110.0000.877
130 acdwas 110.0000.873
131 hsaias 110.0000.869
132 N30Z30N 110.0000.865
133 x0rry 110.0000.861
134 ZabivnoyApelsin 110.0000.857
135 XP 110.0000.853
136 N00b 110.0000.849
137 IIT(BHU)CyberSec 110.0000.845
138 0x62EEN7EA 110.0000.841
139 s3qu3nc3 110.0000.838
140 hawaiijohn 110.0000.834
141 mode13h 110.0000.830
142 //DOUBLE SLASH 110.0000.827
143 breadklan 110.0000.824
144 legendOfHell 110.0000.820
145 抒情诗、 110.0000.817
146 cxp 110.0000.813
147 Cryptonite 110.0000.810
148 dtl 110.0000.807
149 BITSkrieg 110.0000.804
150 TEAM0001 110.0000.801
151 Natanor 110.0000.797
152 herzeleid 110.0000.794
153 Melefo 110.0000.791
154 blackjackets 110.0000.788
155 m1t0 110.0000.785
156 MHax3ers 110.0000.782
157 ahengers 110.0000.780
158 z13db 110.0000.777
159 SBthread 110.0000.774
160 AWP? 110.0000.771
161 N0v4dy-Signin 110.0000.768
162 fsociety 110.0000.766
163 Flaggermeister 110.0000.763
164 explo1t 110.0000.760
165 ST4RT 110.0000.758
166 TheCluelessOnes 110.0000.755
167 B3bieSec 110.0000.753
168 flag{}___Orz 110.0000.750
169 WGP 110.0000.748
170 TheGoldenCows 110.0000.745
171 TangLangTech 110.0000.743
172 NEUQRO 110.0000.740
173 3句话让出题人给我18个flag 110.0000.738
174 Flag not Found 110.0000.736
175 RiGht♂_t3Am♂ 110.0000.733
176 ri5e 110.0000.731
177 FreshSales 110.0000.729
178 cryp71x3rz 110.0000.727
179 d4rkc0de 110.0000.724
180 beerpwn 110.0000.722
181 gnud_is_me 110.0000.720
182 KLegion 110.0000.718
183 dakchi 110.0000.716
184 4nimanegra 110.0000.714
185 Zenith 110.0000.712
186 FF9 110.0000.710
187 Ret2Cringe 110.0000.708
188 OctaC0re 110.0000.706
189 pwder 110.0000.704
190 bl0q 110.0000.702
191 edi 110.0000.700
192 dont_thread_on_me 110.0000.698
193 panzer 100.0000.666
194 Armitage 100.0000.664
195 one_bit 100.0000.662
196 ByteForc3 100.0000.660
197 matmech 100.0000.658
198 yanyuruhua 100.0000.657
199 bbbb-b 100.0000.655
200 she 100.0000.653
201 kad96 100.0000.651
202 Punkey 100.0000.650
203 mikoan 100.0000.648
204 The Additional Payphones 100.0000.646
205 兆埋土的恶龙 100.0000.644
206 mxx307 100.0000.643
207 Z2333 100.0000.641
208 Grumpy Narwhal 100.0000.640
209 cew 100.0000.638
210 0v3rf1ow 100.0000.636
211 445 murder on my mide 100.0000.635
212 heisen 100.0000.633
213 Rn3rd 100.0000.632
214 flapjackhack 100.0000.630
215 Tardis 100.0000.629
216 dkk 100.0000.627
217 kitsch 100.0000.625
218 RTFM 100.0000.624
219 PinkNoize 100.0000.623
220 GGG 100.0000.621
221 IROVERFLOW 100.0000.620
222 kakaluote 100.0000.618
223 sunfish 100.0000.617
224 The Few Chosen 10.0000.344
225 nhl4000 10.0000.343
226 DiesesCTFistZuSchwer,RIP 10.0000.342
227 Anyhow 10.0000.340
228 CyberSpace 10.0000.339
229 Ak4tsuki 10.0000.338
230 Hackappatoi 10.0000.336
231 Priv8Corp 10.0000.335
232 ExpEvi 10.0000.334
233 Seadyot 10.0000.332
234 9SEC 10.0000.331
235 base64ctf 10.0000.330
236 A New One 10.0000.328
237 Flagsomnia 10.0000.327
238 SEKTE GADENG 10.0000.326
239 UIT-KiD 10.0000.325
240 vajra 10.0000.323
241 shellpwn 10.0000.322
242 Solo Carry Team 10.0000.321
243 54010N 10.0000.320
244 B0ab4 10.0000.319
245 UIT-ChickenPlusss 10.0000.317
246 imesec1337 10.0000.316
247 PingTrip 10.0000.315
248 We are Nerds 10.0000.314
249 Zeynarz 10.0000.313
250 Cr4KZ_Corporation 10.0000.312
251 Fl4g Sm4sher 10.0000.311
252 APA Razi 10.0000.310
253 BB 10.0000.308
254 hacdao 10.0000.307
255 Byt3Scr4pp3rs 10.0000.306
256 Pepegas 10.0000.305
257 UIT.just-chill-out 10.0000.304
258 YNTKTS 10.0000.303
259 zwiebel 10.0000.302
260 f50c131y 10.0000.301
261 cyber_guys 10.0000.300
262 just1ce_le4gu3 10.0000.299
263 sourcreamx 10.0000.298
264 The_Apocalypse 10.0000.297
265 Because-No 10.0000.296
266 PIS_khadt 10.0000.295
267 10.0000.294
268 TheHwackra 10.0000.293
269 0v3rcl0ck3d 10.0000.292
270 0xSh3rl0ck 10.0000.291
271 DV 10.0000.290
272 JediV 10.0000.289
273 Friendly Hacks 10.0000.288
274 taurus 10.0000.287
275 CopyandpasteTheFlag 10.0000.286
276 德智体美劳全面发展 10.0000.285
277 fzhshzh 10.0000.284
278 noidea 10.0000.283
279 OctetMignonne 10.0000.282
280 Sieberrsec 10.0000.282
281 jodytrash 10.0000.281
282 KKN Back To Isekai 10.0000.280
283 nag0m1 10.0000.279
284 buttercat3323 10.0000.278
285 buttowski 10.0000.277
286 rookie 10.0000.276
287 L3v147h4n 10.0000.275
288 ag3n75 10.0000.275
289 wha1e 10.0000.274
290 nuc13us 10.0000.273
291 FAT_TEAPOT 10.0000.272
292 Tr0j0nheX 10.0000.271
293 h5 10.0000.270
294 BackMoon 10.0000.270
295 SoloPwner 10.0000.269
296 fontwang 10.0000.268
297 Atkx 10.0000.267
298 ace 10.0000.266
299 Ug0tpwnd 10.0000.266
300 dbuser 10.0000.265
301 (!!--(UFO)--!!) 10.0000.264
302 stderr404 10.0000.263
303 CTX 10.0000.262
304 tiny_question_mark 10.0000.262
305 n0ti0n 10.0000.261
306 mengbier 10.0000.260
307 SoloQ 10.0000.259
308 Ash 10.0000.259
309 TheCyberGroup 10.0000.258
310 kIRMIZI 10.0000.257
311 Phantom Troop 10.0000.257
312 CLAY 10.0000.256
313 Unitatis 10.0000.255
314 deadpigeons 10.0000.254
315 c0rp5 10.0000.254
316 Karatus 10.0000.253
317 shiba gangito 10.0000.252
318 boat2 10.0000.252
319 mirani 10.0000.251
320 aloner 10.0000.250
321 IJCT 10.0000.249
322 CYB3R_T3N4CI0US 10.0000.249
323 genin.team7 10.0000.248
324 0x501st 10.0000.247
325 XBin 10.0000.247
326 wqsemc汪锦岐公众号视频号 10.0000.246
327 10.0000.245
328 kgrzk 10.0000.245
329 TeamPepega 10.0000.244
330 R@dar 10.0000.243
331 AMBUSH 10.0000.243
332 Pis_PinkPug 10.0000.242
333 boys_next_door 10.0000.242
334 harp6x 10.0000.241
335 am#ra 10.0000.240
336 TugaPwners 10.0000.240
337 heck4fun 10.0000.239
338 AMIGOS 10.0000.238
339 HitchHackers 10.0000.238
340 Adiath 10.0000.237
341 hahahaha 10.0000.237
342 snuffleupagus 10.0000.236
343 RogersFuriousGeorge 10.0000.235
344 bilith 10.0000.235
345 Ilovetehpeng 10.0000.234
346 Piriya 10.0000.234
347 Unravel Bureau 10.0000.233
348 S.O.T 10.0000.232
349 Chlo3 10.0000.232
350 hackkery 10.0000.231
351 PwnDoRa 10.0000.231
352 daydream 10.0000.230
353 kitagawa 10.0000.230
354 hacktolearn 10.0000.229
355 noob_head 10.0000.228
356 Portugal4Hacking 10.0000.228
357 hu_lk 10.0000.227
358 Whitewhite 10.0000.227
359 AT160725KMAer 10.0000.226
360 Stringsme 10.0000.226
361 PatagoniaHack 10.0000.225
362 TR-BrainOverflow 10.0000.225
363 Leet Legacies 10.0000.224
364 rycbar 10.0000.224
365 Cyb3rCelestians 10.0000.223
366 csarmy 10.0000.222
367 MissHoshi 10.0000.222
368 blacklion07 10.0000.221
369 iman 10.0000.221
370 TeamTeamTeam1234 10.0000.220
371 etc2020 10.0000.220
372 [email protected] 10.0000.219
373 Hack@Sec 10.0000.219
374 PIS_TonyJoy 10.0000.218
375 fidato 10.0000.218
376 L40B3nD4n 10.0000.217
377 radioclub 10.0000.217
378 TBD 10.0000.216
379 M4x_he4dr00m 10.0000.216
380 oneshot 10.0000.215
381 justL00king 10.0000.215
382 blogg9ggg 10.0000.214
383 lighthouse 10.0000.214
384 Hacklabor 10.0000.213
385 [email protected] 10.0000.213
386 kup_marum_fut 10.0000.213
387 Paz 10.0000.212
388 Edisc 10.0000.212
389 4TheCronPop 10.0000.211
390 Team Sunshine 10.0000.211
391 FDgege 10.0000.210
392 EntrePlicas 10.0000.210
393 leonuz 10.0000.209
394 simons 10.0000.209
395 VHAE 10.0000.208
396 GhostInTheWire 10.0000.208
397 baconforever 10.0000.207
398 Probka 10.0000.207
399 ourteam 10.0000.207
400 wackers 10.0000.206
401 snocc 10.0000.206
402 Pynard 10.0000.205
403 TryHarder 10.0000.205
404 Confidential 10.0000.204
405 KapiSec 10.0000.204
406 ABU 10.0000.204
407 Akshay 10.0000.203
408 i_am_root 10.0000.203
409 mr-yan-dao 10.0000.202
410 n3rdh3rd 10.0000.202
411 Ami 10.0000.201
412 Qrackers 10.0000.201
413 Awakeus 10.0000.201
414 Bird_UIT 10.0000.200
415 hekeruud 10.0000.200
416 cr4ckers 10.0000.199
417 3eUnghA 10.0000.199
418 nithin 10.0000.199
419 Dev 10.0000.198
420 ErdosAmphetamineAddiction 10.0000.198
421 N1ghth4wks 10.0000.197
422 Maple Bacon 10.0000.197
423 BytesOffTheRecord 10.0000.197
424 OnlyFeet 10.0000.196
425 BroCode 10.0000.196
426 TamanduaFlag 10.0000.195
427 H4CKF0RLIF3 10.0000.195
428 J4_FuN 10.0000.195
429 MFGI 10.0000.194
430 GTA6 10.0000.194
431 s0lo 10.0000.193
432 Superb 10.0000.193
434 N1gg3r$ 10.0000.192
435 NotHotdog 10.0000.192
436 IWannaWin 10.0000.192
437 Terminal Cats 10.0000.191
438 What-A-What 10.0000.191
439 NewZ 10.0000.190
440 Cr4ck 10.0000.190
441 ANONYMOUS 10.0000.190
442 Islanders 10.0000.189
443 D1g174l_F0rtr355 10.0000.189
444 rm -r / 10.0000.189
445 DipanNama 10.0000.188
446 Pa0x73cal 10.0000.188
447 J4N0W5K1 10.0000.188
448 Uhhh. 10.0000.187
449 Aniket Turkel 10.0000.187
450 Cachupin 10.0000.187
451 lonehacker 10.0000.186
452 MagshimistsCanDoCrypto 10.0000.186
453 Dai Gurren Dan 10.0000.186
454 ctf-m 10.0000.185
455 blehh 10.0000.185
456 TEAM 10.0000.185
457 pingCTF 10.0000.184
458 haakjes 10.0000.184
459 0x$ 10.0000.184
460 idukk1g0ld 10.0000.183
461 p0isonP4wn 10.0000.183
462 Bit_boys 10.0000.183
463 M4D 10.0000.182
464 maharlika 10.0000.182
465 Banh my pate 10.0000.182
466 kepler 10.0000.181
467 foobugs 10.0000.181
468 F0C_K1LL4Z 10.0000.181
469 RATF{Rage Against The Flag} 10.0000.180
470 kampet 10.0000.180
471 Laughterland 10.0000.180
472 Saspectonioi 10.0000.179
473 Pwnst4r5 10.0000.179
474 c4p74In1r5 10.0000.179
475 Th3R3dParr0t 10.0000.178
476 blue0620 10.0000.178
477 Hijos 10.0000.178
478 Les 10.0000.177
479 Dragon Sector 10.0000.177
480 TheZakMan 10.0000.177
481 Blue Hens 10.0000.176
482 Phantester 10.0000.176
483 viNi 10.0000.176
484 ootsubo 10.0000.176
485 null2root 10.0000.175
486 p4yasos 10.0000.175
487 FODSquad 10.0000.175
488 sgnbi 10.0000.174
489 573918 10.0000.174
490 cw267 10.0000.174
491 GNOME 10.0000.174
492 MExP 10.0000.173
493 p0rns1de 10.0000.173
494 r2hygo 10.0000.173
495 [email protected] 10.0000.172
496 LovMayoi 10.0000.172
497 aaaa010100 10.0000.172
498 00Ateam00 10.0000.171
499 HAZ&E 10.0000.171
500 eppooo 10.0000.171
501 evro 10.0000.171
502 h4ckx0r5 10.0000.170
503 Red Team Lounge 10.0000.170
504 INA_reboot 10.0000.170
505 D34nhK13n 10.0000.170
506 TIUUIT 10.0000.169
507 magpies 10.0000.169
508 0xSAZZAD 10.0000.169
509 party pooper 10.0000.168
510 The Keepers 10.0000.168
511 EISCTUTN 10.0000.168
512 B1n4ry_B0mb3r5 10.0000.168
513 asdf 10.0000.167
514 sevenhackers 10.0000.167
515 rmyc 10.0000.167
516 Th3_Alch3Misc 10.0000.167
517 N0Named 10.0000.166
518 Faceless 10.0000.166
519 lab130 10.0000.166
520 Fridgegang 10.0000.166
521 im a noob 10.0000.165
522 hogehoge 10.0000.165
523 vsloop 10.0000.165
524 dalseung 10.0000.164
525 PIS_nekko 10.0000.164
526 gitak 10.0000.164
527 CSALab_Sec 10.0000.164
528 ToE42 10.0000.163
529 Arn4kiAspr0KaiP4xy 10.0000.163
530 Curious Tourists 10.0000.163
531 gum3ng 10.0000.163
532 m1sf1t_solo 10.0000.162
533 h@x0r 10.0000.162
534 MonkOnMars 10.0000.162
535 nltest 10.0000.162
536 CyberBangla 10.0000.161
537 A_La_mouloudiene 10.0000.161
538 Ninja0x64 10.0000.161
539 Parangoleet 10.0000.161
540 KimTaeYeon 10.0000.160
541 Noob 10.0000.160
542 P1R4t35 0f W3b 10.0000.160
543 NSFW2 10.0000.160
544 League of Shadows 10.0000.160
545 早知道不学网安了 10.0000.159
546 n00bs 10.0000.159
547 INTERLUDE4 10.0000.159
548 shenjun 10.0000.159
549 Yash 10.0000.158
550 StrawHatPirates 10.0000.158
551 whitehathacker8181 10.0000.158
552 zukotukav 10.0000.158
553 Yang 10.0000.157
554 Computer Magic 10.0000.157
555 s0lid4rity 10.0000.157
556 SakawaBoys 10.0000.157
557 ZeroMistake 10.0000.157
558 DamoNeer 10.0000.156
559 brad 10.0000.156
560 TheAndores 10.0000.156
561 Isaac 10.0000.156
562 Monkiko 10.0000.155
563 Balberg Flagg & Service AS 10.0000.155
564 MediumSpeedSomeDrag 10.0000.155
565 n33r9 10.0000.155
566 stone_ 10.0000.155
567 artan 10.0000.154
568 hehe11 10.0000.154
569 m4p0d0ufu 10.0000.154
570 EliteSploit 10.0000.154
571 hyuunnn 10.0000.153
572 piggy_ctf 10.0000.153
573 TahSec 10.0000.153
574 Temp 10.0000.153
575 Tf&test 10.0000.153
576 Dosmur 10.0000.152
577 gruf 10.0000.152
578 1NEASTEAM 10.0000.152
579 w0s1np 10.0000.152
580 noobpoiz2k1 10.0000.151
581 caxuyc 10.0000.151
582 C0ra1 10.0000.151
583 Opppi 10.0000.151
584 Dark_Warrior$ 10.0000.151
585 Warhack 10.0000.150
586 yellow_little_bird 10.0000.150
587 RPCA Cyber Club 10.0000.150
588 simurgh 10.0000.150
589 Deadlock Team 10.0000.150
590 Choas 10.0000.149
591 sma1lsha2k 10.0000.149
592 ph4nt0m 10.0000.149
593 fghcvjk 10.0000.149
594 FindersFee 10.0000.149
595 TheBlackEyedExploits 10.0000.148
596 Ov3rH4ck 10.0000.148
597 IITBreachers 10.0000.148
598 dotXYZ 10.0000.148
599 Comic-19 10.0000.148
600 Cla55N0tF0und 10.0000.147
601 wakuwakudokidoki 10.0000.147
602 4to3 10.0000.147
603 haktheplan8 10.0000.073
604 C4tf14g.txt 10.0000.073
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