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Participated in CTF events

Overall rating place: 836 with 45.295 pts in 2022

Country place: 5

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
530CTF/TCTF 2022520.00007.993
121corCTF 2022660.00002.103
58UIUCTF 20221059.00004.354
227ImaginaryCTF 20221300.00002.970
73DEF CON CTF Qualifier 2022171.00006.090
61b01lers CTF781.00006.895
102PlaidCTF 202276.00003.291
117zer0pts CTF 2022296.00002.161
157UTCTF 20221916.00003.530
24Decompetition v2.01370.52005.908
110DiceCTF 2022478.00002.086

Overall rating place: 431 with 68.603 pts in 2021

Country place: 6

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
104DamCTF 20212365.00007.331 CTF 2021486.00009.487
113ASIS CTF Quals 2021170.00005.626
132pbctf 2021156.00000.922
76TSG CTF 2021494.00004.454
167CSAW CTF Qualification Round 20211626.00000.000
70InCTF 20211033.00004.115
77RaRCTF 20212470.00004.043
70UIUCTF 20211169.00002.866
135CyBRICS CTF 2021222.00001.873
23TAMUctf 20212700.00000.000
82PlaidCTF 2021351.00006.938
106Midnight Sun CTF 2021 Quals326.00003.644
147ångstromCTF 20211485.000011.101
235UMassCTF 2021546.00001.744
57UTCTF 202111637.000011.865
94zer0pts CTF 2021408.00002.184
68Aero CTF 2021100.00001.343
148DiceCTF 2021445.00002.490
231justCTF [*] 2020167.00001.125

Overall rating place: 439 with 73.493 pts in 2020

Country place: 5

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
61hxp CTF 2020384.00006.003
37#kksctf open 20202157.00005.470
126pbctf 202063.00000.477
464HITCON CTF 202050.00001.183
88Block CTF 2020201.00003.469
70SunshineCTF 2020520.00003.646
50CyberYoddha CTF 20207075.000013.176
59CyberSecurityRumble CTF1937.00005.357
48Hack The Vote 202070.00000.838 CTF 2020412.00007.498
158N1CTF 2020171.00000.787
48DamCTF 20203167.00007.551
38Trend Micro CTF 2020 - Raimund Genes Cup - Online Qualifier300.00002.529
30TastelessCTF 2020614.00003.632
54BalCCon2k20 CTF486.00001.623
60EKOPARTY CTF 20204797.00008.258
98TokyoWesterns CTF 6th 2020486.000010.568
139FwordCTF 20201572.00002.185
452Google Capture The Flag 202050.00000.862
258InCTF 2020100.00000.474
208CyBRICS CTF 2020250.00000.997
49UIUCTF 2020830.00002.555
101rgbCTF 20203174.00003.501

Team members

Team writeups

0CTF/TCTF 2022vintage - part 2 [423]read writeup
0CTF/TCTF 2022vintage - part1 [79]read writeup
PlaidCTF 2022coregasm [250]read writeup
TSG CTF 2021optimized [176]read writeup
TSG CTF 2021Beginner's Rev 2021 [118]read writeup
InCTF 2021Miz [723]read writeup
TastelessCTF 20207/12 [413]read writeup
CyBRICS CTF 2020Hide and Seek [241]read writeup
UIUCTF 2020Redd's Art [200]read writeup
UIUCTF 2020RFCland [200]read writeup
rgbCTF 2020Advanced Reversing Mechanics 2 [461]read writeup