Fri, 23 Oct. 2020, 23:00 UTC — Sun, 25 Oct. 2020, 23:00 UTC 


Hack The Vote event.

Format: Jeopardy Jeopardy

Official URL:

This event's future weight is subject of public voting!

Future weight: 25.00 

Rating weight: 25.00 

Event organizers 

no logo

Ever since Hack The Vote’s 2016 debut, election security has become a hot topic here in the U.S. As successful thought leaders, we’ve listened to the people and are bringing back Hack The Vote for 2020. Our CTF will fall a couple weekends before the major U.S. electoral contest so all you hackers can direct your talents at our pwning, reversing, web, and crypto challenges rather than the democratic process.


277 teams total

PlaceTeamCTF pointsRating points
1 0daysober 5518.00050.000
2 PFS 2788.00025.131
3 Balsn 1211.00013.820
4 Plaid Parliament of Pwning 1159.00011.501
5 Kernel Sanders 1145.00010.188
6 Chimpan News Channel 1043.0008.892
7 worst 665.0006.584
8 Radboud Institute of Pwning 650.0006.070
9 Samurai 585.0005.428
10 bi0s 576.0005.110
11 tsuro 501.0004.543
12 Red Cadets 492.0004.312
13 badfirmware 482.0004.107
14 NSL 470.0003.915
15 STT 466.0003.778
16 Stack CanaRIIs 446.0003.583
17 The Additional Payphones 397.0003.269
18 PwnaSonic 395.0003.178
19 ksociety 387.0003.069
20 Pwninsula 372.0002.935
21 Shellphish 286.0002.486
22 Space Cats 278.0002.396
23 n0n$la$ 271.0002.315
24 DualBoot 269.0002.260
25 meeboo 264.0002.196
26 wolvsec 261.0002.144
27 Batman's Kitchen 214.0001.895
28 an_ghost 213.0001.858
29 Sieberrsec 211.0001.818
30 TPurp 186.0001.676
31 GeeseWithTeeth 170.0001.577
32 STRship Troopers 164.0001.524
33 Pixels 164.0001.501
34 PRISEC 164.0001.478
35 irNoobs 161.0001.444
36 D@T@CoRrUpT10# 101.0001.152
37 K1_W4L0 95.0001.106
38 dwndwn 92.0001.075
39 Immortals 92.0001.058
40 Bushwhackers 92.0001.042
41 K-GODING 70.0000.927
42 fr334aks 70.0000.912
43 utilitas 70.0000.899
44 TheOriginal 70.0000.885
45 n01c3 70.0000.873
46 dcua 70.0000.861
47 CTF.SG 70.0000.849
48 flib 70.0000.838
49 aziz 69.0000.823
50 ZH3R0 69.0000.813
51 thejack 69.0000.803
52 cxp 1.0000.485
53 ReemCode 1.0000.476
54 JoshuaL 1.0000.467
55 Stevn17 1.0000.459
56 DOA BUNDA 1.0000.451
57 chris100184 1.0000.443
58 KXTI_Drop 1.0000.436
59 Shell Collecting Club 1.0000.428
60 Flag Code 1.0000.421
61 RFGHOST 1.0000.414
62 SpaceAcoustics 1.0000.408
63 0xdeadaa88 1.0000.401
64 CTSecUK 1.0000.395
65 WPICSC 1.0000.389
66 political 1.0000.383
67 🐧 1.0000.378
68 hackpack 1.0000.372
69 noraneco 1.0000.367
70 NYUSEC 1.0000.362
71 NULLify 1.0000.357
72 team das 1.0000.352
73 MrYuk 1.0000.347
74 JHDiscord 1.0000.342
75 Haoyang Lu 1.0000.338
76 KXTI_Cvetomuzika 1.0000.333
77 s3mt3x_ 1.0000.329
78 ri5e 1.0000.325
79 fsociety 1.0000.321
80 AG 1.0000.317
81 myself 1.0000.313
82 wildHats 1.0000.309
83 Trash Pandas 1.0000.306
84 WackyHacky 1.0000.302
85 BlueNet 1.0000.299
86 BisonSquad 1.0000.295
87 LordOfTheFlags 1.0000.292
88 gruf 1.0000.289
89 evandrix 1.0000.285
90 stankc 1.0000.282
91 Zoltach 1.0000.279
93 NULL 1.0000.273
94 rhamilt 1.0000.270
95 HHH 1.0000.268
96 Foxes 1.0000.265
97 LinyTail 1.0000.262
98 sol1d 1.0000.260
99 Mike 0x6c6f6e67 1.0000.257
100 L8S 1.0000.255
101 CTF_Circle 1.0000.252
102 n0bitz 1.0000.250
103 CNCM 1.0000.247
104 Children Of The Quarn 1.0000.245
105 th3r1tk33p3r 1.0000.243
106 510 1.0000.240
107 APT-314CK 1.0000.238
108 Abcd12 1.0000.236
109 ALG_RICORA 1.0000.234
110 Ravenhunter2020 1.0000.232
111 hawaiijohn 1.0000.230
112 b1rds_of_pr3y 1.0000.228
113 ctfrfun 1.0000.226
114 HATS Singapore 1.0000.224
115 Team Awesome 1.0000.222
116 Im12AndWhatIsThis 1.0000.220
117 pth 1.0000.218
118 onotch 1.0000.216
119 pureSec 1.0000.215
120 Chocob333 1.0000.213
121 CcJlmmYcC 1.0000.211
122 Team Dan 1.0000.209
123 g1v3m3chee53 1.0000.208
124 urmomkilledu 1.0000.206
125 meddlin_penguin 1.0000.205
126 tim 1.0000.203
127 SWV_L 1.0000.201
128 scratch_head_for_3_days 1.0000.200
129 Dark_Warrior 1.0000.198
130 ze/us 1.0000.197
131 WayneStateCTF 1.0000.195
132 fierceBadRabbits 1.0000.194
133 BIC HEADQUARTERS 1.0000.193
134 wotop 1.0000.191
135 flag{}___Orz 1.0000.190
136 Code Red 1.0000.188
137 hashs3v3n 1.0000.187
138 All Yours Flag 1.0000.186
139 krn 1.0000.184
140 sekyurity 1.0000.183
141 skyepodium 1.0000.182
142 eb 1.0000.181
143 ooopsies 1.0000.179
144 GingerCity 1.0000.178
145 Defenit 1.0000.177
146 xros 1.0000.176
147 Dark_Warrior$ 1.0000.175
148 qdtjvszxc 1.0000.173
149 ru7ynk4 1.0000.172
150 71_82_69_69_67_69 1.0000.171
151 Wingoc 1.0000.170
152 HardLife 1.0000.169
153 Yash 1.0000.168
154 test03 1.0000.167
155 TheGods 1.0000.166
156 RSQ 1.0000.165
157 Toor97 1.0000.164
158 msl 1.0000.163
159 KXTI_MARMELAD 1.0000.162
160 yad094 1.0000.161
161 acdwas 1.0000.160
162 mantap 1.0000.159
163 lammm 1.0000.158
164 Phobos 1.0000.157
165 stratoteam 1.0000.156
166 Citadel 1.0000.155
167 mmmmm 1.0000.154
168 TEAM 1.0000.153
169 quriosity 1.0000.152
170 KXTI_Safin 1.0000.152
171 Lions 1.0000.151
172 <OOO> 1.0000.150
173 ugu 1.0000.149
174 Artemis Leaking Mafia 1.0000.148
175 AHA.bros 1.0000.147
176 TeamGoku 1.0000.147
177 4k3l4rr3 1.0000.146
178 GanSw 1.0000.145
179 neverlucky 1.0000.144
180 alel1004 1.0000.143
181 Damodigy 1.0000.143
182 open_source 1.0000.142
183 TeamH4C 1.0000.141
184 NCTOP 1.0000.140
185 PwnerSec 1.0000.140
186 temporary 1.0000.139
187 Oz 1.0000.138
188 Callisto 1.0000.138
189 fatal_exception 1.0000.137
190 Pepegas 1.0000.136
191 NIS 1.0000.135
192 SharNew 1.0000.135
193 trtd 1.0000.134
194 umneg 1.0000.133
195 nullSec 1.0000.133
196 Team Fieldraccoon 1.0000.132
197 Radboud Institute of Pawning 1.0000.131
198 s4hm4d 1.0000.131
199 M1n3rs 1.0000.130
200 OpenToAll 1.0000.130
201 0xego 1.0000.129
202 Nakateam 1.0000.128
203 itc 1.0000.128
204 Byte Lounge 1.0000.127
205 erikkabir 1.0000.126
206 glaros 1.0000.126
207 keksd0se 1.0000.125
208 InfosecIITG 1.0000.125
209 TamnaythiCTFcayrankthoi 1.0000.124
210 atimiryazev 1.0000.124
211 Atmosfear 1.0000.123
212 Zyrfex 1.0000.122
213 sanbhat 1.0000.122
214 Hagnash 1.0000.121
215 L3o 1.0000.121
216 TeamVillains 1.0000.120
217 D4RKFL0W 1.0000.120
218 spoilers 1.0000.119
219 GetPwndN00b 1.0000.119
220 0x8Layer 1.0000.118
221 cosideci 1.0000.118
222 Jimmy 1.0000.117
223 WhirlPool 1.0000.117
224 dobonalob 1.0000.116
225 CaptainNick 1.0000.116
226 meow 1.0000.115
227 bronson113 1.0000.115
228 S1mpl3A5Me 1.0000.114
229 Petir Jibril 1.0000.114
230 l0n3w0lf 1.0000.113
231 KXTI_MAKHUS 1.0000.113
232 zzz 1.0000.112
233 iduneveno 1.0000.112
234 Enterprize1 1.0000.111
235 HuntsvilleTechSupport 1.0000.111
236 gum3ng 1.0000.110
237 Hash Slinging Hackers 1.0000.110
238 LeonT 1.0000.110
239 Cr33pt0s 1.0000.109
240 irsheidat 1.0000.109
241 UNKTEAM 1.0000.108
242 asmolich 1.0000.108
243 GeenStack_Al0n3 1.0000.107
244 cadati 1.0000.107
245 yeet_on_my_feet 1.0000.107
246 B3G1NN3R8 1.0000.106
247 dfsg 1.0000.106
248 P3ezzyy 1.0000.105
249 havacado 1.0000.105
250 Goatfeet 1.0000.105
251 momanddad 1.0000.104
252 :thinking: 1.0000.104
253 Klutz 1.0000.103
254 p4snet0 1.0000.103
255 PwnNinja 1.0000.103
256 kad 1.0000.102
257 B34nB01z 1.0000.102
258 K33P_Qu!34 1.0000.101
259 SputnikKaputnik 1.0000.101
260 v0te 1.0000.101
261 Root Lee 1.0000.100
262 PSU CCSO 1.0000.100
263 STeam 1.0000.100
264 1337Ipsum 1.0000.099
265 Testing 1.0000.099
266 Sy_Zer\0 1.0000.099
267 burner_herz0g 1.0000.098
268 Hacking101 1.0000.098
269 empty_ 1.0000.097
270 Bibendi 1.0000.097
271 r45uku 1.0000.097
272 dodosolsollalasol 1.0000.096
273 badsctr 1.0000.096
274 lejfef 1.0000.096
275 Know Worries 1.0000.095
276 Hamad 1.0000.095
277 ctf-m 1.0000.047
278 PBM 1.0000.047
Ex_Nihilo___May 25, 2020, 12:10 a.m.

I wanna join

azizOct. 22, 2020, 10:48 p.m.

Do I need an IQ of 197 to participate?

alarichartsockOct. 23, 2020, 10:10 p.m.

If anybody wants to join a small, beginner oriented team then go ahead and join at

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