Sat, 28 Nov. 2020, 02:00 UTC — Sun, 29 Nov. 2020, 14:00 UTC 



Format: Jeopardy Jeopardy

Official URL:

This event's future weight is subject of public voting!

Future weight: 88.98 

Rating weight: 98.11 

Event organizers 


1st place: $8192 USD
2nd place: $4096 USD
3rd place: $2048 USD
Special award for Top 1 Taiwan team: $1024 USD


710 teams total

PlaceTeamCTF pointsRating points
1 perfect blue 5048.000196.220
2 mhackeroni 4153.000129.770
3 Balsn 3819.000106.927
4 Tea Deliverers 3495.00092.454
5 organizers 3437.00086.422
6 TokyoWesterns 3199.00078.526
7 rhackomandati 3043.00073.158
8 G0D 2988.00070.337
9 DiceGang 2965.00068.527
10 RPISEC 2839.00064.988
11 Samurai 2667.00060.753
12 Dragon Sector 2606.00058.825
13 p4 2360.00053.415
14 0daysober 2291.00051.534
15 justCatTheFish 2291.00051.067
16 TSG 2098.00046.907
17 More Smoked Leet Chicken 1965.00043.962
18 PwnThyBytes 1779.00040.026
19 PFS 1777.00039.700
20 Corrupted Pwnis 1735.00038.626
21 hxp 1677.00037.265
22 FrenchRoomba 1661.00036.742
23 Bushwhackers 1572.00034.818
24 CyKor⚔SED 1552.00034.252
25 Made In MIM 1542.00033.894
26 Black Bauhinia 1536.00033.626
27 Never Stop Exploiting 1489.00032.573
28 10sec 1485.00032.366
29 Epic Leet Team 1485.00032.245
30 ALLES! 1441.00031.277
31 SBthread 1414.00030.647
32 The Flat Network Society 1350.00029.304
33 c0r3dump 1255.00027.364
34 Plaid Parliament of Pwning 1176.00025.742
35 BambooFox 1159.00025.329
36 kalmarunionen 1008.00022.316
37 skateboarding dog 999.00022.068
38 WE_0WN_Y0U 929.00020.637
39 naegokdonglabs 921.00020.416
40 ELFDump 921.00020.353
41 MV9rwGOf08 904.00019.963
42 Shellphish 896.00019.750
43 dodododo 871.00019.210
44 RootMeUpBeforeYouGoGo 871.00019.158
45 ./Vespiary 861.00018.914
46 0ops 832.00018.303
47 Azure Assassin Alliance 802.00017.675
48 MorningLightMountain 736.00016.348
49 Ridge Racer 734.00016.268
50 PwnaSonic 728.00016.111
51 Hackiit 707.00015.665
52 IrisSec 703.00015.550
53 ID-10-T 649.00014.465
54 as3617 649.00014.430
55 dcua 649.00014.397
56 VKTeam 649.00014.366
57 room2042 649.00014.335
58 cold_root 641.00014.150
59 r3kapig 641.00014.121
60 worst 593.00013.160
61 InfosecIITG 481.00010.957
62 EvillBunnyWrote 481.00010.931
63 Goburin' 473.00010.750
64 Nu1L 440.00010.085
65 Crusaders of Rust 440.00010.061
66 Sentry Whale 419.0009.630
67 F03v3ryY0ung 419.0009.608
68 xSTF 419.0009.586
69 Bullied Egg Ham Sandwich 419.0009.565
70 mode13h 305.0007.329
71 gameofpwns 305.0007.310
72 5h4d0wb10k3r 272.0006.649
73 PWD 272.0006.630
74 Ba Sing Sec 272.0006.612
75 0x3f 255.0006.264
76 Where is my brain 251.0006.169
77 Demon 251.0006.152
78 251.0006.136
79 N0Named 251.0006.120
80 ARESx 251.0006.105
81 CTF.SG 218.0005.448
82 KCSC 218.0005.433
83 FAUST 218.0005.419
84 power sec 218.0005.405
85 N3WB!E 218.0005.391
86 NCtfU 218.0005.378
87 pelican5164116518461561846416516 218.0005.365
88 QAQ 218.0005.352
89 NISRA 218.0005.339
90 bootplug 218.0005.327
91 xtal 218.0005.315
92 Cr4ckThump 218.0005.303
93 Little Twoos 218.0005.292
94 exitzero 218.0005.281
95 STT 218.0005.270
96 pasten 218.0005.259
97 OCEAN 218.0005.248
98 nbgenius 218.0005.238
99 !SpamAndHex 218.0005.228
100 hack^3 218.0005.218
101 team_tantei3 218.0005.208
102 MemoryLeaks 218.0005.199
103 Sealcode 218.0005.189
104 Raise the Flag 218.0005.180
105 TeamCC 218.0005.171
106 Shabby Jerkin 218.0005.162
107 K. 218.0005.154
108 Fword 218.0005.145
109 cw267 218.0005.137
110 PCCsquared 218.0005.129
111 kks_KeKoS_Team 218.0005.121
112 ret2school 218.0005.113
113 OpenToAll 218.0005.105
114 Bristol Hackers 218.0005.098
115 onotch 218.0005.090
116 Maple Bacon 218.0005.083
117 CCUP 218.0005.075
118 bi0s 218.0005.068
119 stankc 218.0005.061
120 CcccC 218.0005.055
121 NeverTry 218.0005.048
122 Rogue Waves 50.0001.776
123 pappo 50.0001.769
124 b01lers 50.0001.763
125 bmu 50.0001.757
126 OSU_TECHNOLOGY 50.0001.750
127 y011d4 50.0001.744
128 Aqua 50.0001.738
129 NewBieee 50.0001.732
130 NewbieFlag 50.0001.726
131 TheOrderOfTheTurkey 50.0001.721
132 ff@15 50.0001.715
133 K1_W4L0 50.0001.709
134 125E591 50.0001.704
135 l4sh 50.0001.699
136 L0gic 50.0001.693
137 RedRocket 50.0001.688
138 AreYouStuck 50.0001.683
139 hackpack 50.0001.678
140 runn3r5 50.0001.673
141 HKOI 50.0001.668
142 alisid 50.0001.663
143 jvav 50.0001.658
144 gululingbo 50.0001.653
145 Bits For Everyone 50.0001.648
146 Elnath 50.0001.644
147 blep 50.0001.639
148 FreeWiFi 50.0001.635
149 F-Killer 50.0001.630
150 NEW(bie)S 50.0001.626
151 winpwnpls 50.0001.622
152 ikbal vult 50.0001.617
153 Kernel Sanders 50.0001.613
154 All Your Flags 50.0001.609
155 Man In The Middle 50.0001.605
156 EntrePlicas 50.0001.601
157 R00t_W00t 50.0001.597
158 KUU 50.0001.593
159 HSUHSU 50.0001.589
160 Stevens Cyber Defense Team 50.0001.585
161 午夜列车 50.0001.581
162 Mayas 50.0001.577
163 Hello there 50.0001.574
164 miepu 50.0001.570
165 array 50.0001.566
166 CTF4FuN 50.0001.563
167 5upernova 50.0001.559
168 AUWO 50.0001.556
169 (l00p3r1n0;cat) > fs0c13ty 50.0001.552
170 W&M 50.0001.549
171 Hit The Stack 50.0001.546
172 公假種田 50.0001.542
173 Wanna.W1n 50.0001.539
174 savelife 50.0001.536
175 TheCosmics 50.0001.532
176 The Additional Payphones 50.0001.529
177 GinniG 50.0001.526
178 robg 50.0001.523
179 MQCyberSec 50.0001.520
180 50.0001.517
181 Team T3 50.0001.514
182 Y-4-R 50.0001.511
183 0x400 50.0001.508
184 w33d 50.0001.505
185 Firebasky后援团 50.0001.502
186 KUDoS 50.0001.499
187 fzhshzh 50.0001.496
188 D0g3 50.0001.494
189 duck5566 50.0001.491
190 Pwn9uin 50.0001.488
191 One of the Dummiest 50.0001.485
192 y12uN 50.0001.483
193 ETYB 50.0001.480
194 OyuSec 50.0001.477
195 the3000 50.0001.475
196 Hamad 50.0001.472
197 Blue Hens 50.0001.470
198 gruf 50.0001.467
199 hahabox0 50.0001.465
200 ImplementIT 50.0001.462
201 LQ 50.0001.460
202 NULLBR 50.0001.457
203 yq1ng 50.0001.455
204 8lueF0rce4rmy 50.0001.453
205 Vulnerability 50.0001.450
206 XoreaxUS 50.0001.448
207 ANLE 50.0001.446
208 orz 50.0001.443
209 QwQ 50.0001.441
210 BlackFrost 50.0001.439
211 V&N 50.0001.437
212 interface-0 50.0001.435
213 WUHUSIHAI 50.0001.432
214 who_Are_We? 50.0001.430
215 fr334aks 50.0001.428
216 MOCTF 50.0001.426
217 ILikeTurtles 50.0001.424
218 ohhhh 50.0001.422
219 bqs12749 50.0001.420
220 Mark Geller 50.0001.418
221 Freshguy 50.0001.416
222 3xpl0itTh3W0rld 50.0001.414
223 p4ss6yer 50.0001.412
224 KarJo 50.0001.410
225 CoopDaddios 50.0001.408
226 Team ForFun 50.0001.406
227 sheep-farming 50.0001.404
228 epic prey 50.0001.402
229 N30Z30N 50.0001.400
230 g1v3m3chee53 50.0001.398
231 Tartan_Icons 50.0001.396
232 Calvin Lai 50.0001.395
233 S____S 50.0001.393
234 noraneco 50.0001.391
235 TryHarder 50.0001.389
236 kiona 50.0001.387
237 noplalic 50.0001.386
238 collycolly 50.0001.384
239 JustTest 50.0001.382
240 Lusserud 50.0001.381
241 Cmonster 50.0001.379
242 20H 50.0001.377
243 508 50.0001.376
244 whoo 50.0001.374
245 CardinaL 50.0001.372
246 hash test dummies 50.0001.371
247 ReFiOc 50.0001.369
248 profdracula 50.0001.367
249 0x021F 50.0001.366
250 Yiblue 50.0001.364
251 farmingsimulator2015 50.0001.363
252 dogsisnet 50.0001.361
253 Van Doan Bao Khoi 50.0001.360
254 oh_f!ish 50.0001.358
255 Tạ Việt Hoàng 50.0001.357
256 spamisham 50.0001.355
257 NoDD 50.0001.354
258 崇文路大专 50.0001.352
259 D1N0 50.0001.351
260 blueship 50.0001.349
261 porkchopsandwiches 50.0001.348
262 pwn-your-heart 50.0001.346
263 Hextraditables 50.0001.345
264 OmHack 50.0001.343
265 G2mtu 50.0001.342
266 1nv0k3r1nv0k3r 50.0001.341
267 0x000f 50.0001.339
268 uallerhack 50.0001.338
269 1234 50.0001.336
270 n1net4il 50.0001.335
271 Ret2NOP 50.0001.334
272 uroz 50.0001.332
273 包山包海 50.0001.331
274 no1rrr 50.0001.330
275 BowsersCastle 50.0001.329
276 Team Newbs 50.0001.327
277 NiceWay 50.0001.326
278 rED3r 50.0001.325
279 akaringo 50.0001.323
280 BaikalCTF 50.0001.322
281 grepFlag 50.0001.321
282 ATD 50.0001.320
283 remput 50.0001.318
284 kiritoww 50.0001.317
285 Starburst Pedobear 50.0001.316
286 App3nd3rs 50.0001.315
287 CJN1 50.0001.314
288 axp 50.0001.312
289 Nonamed 50.0001.311
290 The Pomorians 50.0001.310
291 OS(oba sec) 50.0001.309
292 NewbiesGrowth 50.0001.308
293 alphaenyx 50.0001.307
294 w2ccc 50.0001.305
295 Team_conco 50.0001.304
296 srk 50.0001.303
297 qdtjvszxc 50.0001.302
298 Porg Pwn Platoon 50.0001.301
299 APA Razi 50.0001.300
300 flag{}___Orz 50.0001.299
301 ouob 50.0001.298
302 pppq 50.0001.297
303 rycbar 50.0001.296
304 jw235 50.0001.295
305 hsvcs 50.0001.293
306 今年黎唔到台灣 50.0001.292
307 sssh 50.0001.291
308 ki哞吉ii 50.0001.290
309 MiloTruck 50.0001.289
310 Raise The Black 50.0001.288
311 zako 50.0001.287
312 tester2020 50.0001.286
313 <OOO> 50.0001.285
314 ALG_RICORA 50.0001.284
315 J_J 50.0001.283
316 sgwr 50.0001.282
317 Sieberrsec 50.0001.281
318 ccuasdf 50.0001.280
319 AquafallDefenseSquad 50.0001.279
320 runitdownmid 50.0001.278
321 Antivirus 50.0001.277
322 Terminox 50.0001.276
323 LeeYuJungPark 50.0001.276
324 Sexy-AllpAcks 50.0001.275
325 年輕人不講武德 50.0001.274
326 Cadets 50.0001.273
327 UCCU 50.0001.272
328 realnanousers 50.0001.271
329 HCl 50.0001.270
330 SoleHacker 50.0001.269
331 n3hal 50.0001.268
332 Meow Meow 50.0001.267
333 john 50.0001.266
334 n5y5u1d5 50.0001.266
335 RKTEAM 50.0001.265
336 Ainge CTF 50.0001.264
337 9ooD 50.0001.263
338 Pwning from 127::1 50.0001.262
339 Bluecat 50.0001.261
340 Toor97 50.0001.260
341 CNCM 50.0001.259
342 Tartan_007 50.0001.259
343 Lunatic 50.0001.258
344 Nepnep 50.0001.257
345 Blue-Whale 50.0001.256
346 2N6 50.0001.255
347 QuaterPwnda 50.0001.255
348 PSKZ 50.0001.254
349 noob-atbash 50.0001.253
350 cSee 50.0001.252
351 ggctf 50.0001.251
352 Osama Sbeih 50.0001.250
353 :D 50.0001.250
354 TechVetsUK 50.0001.249
355 GanSw 50.0001.248
356 guetsec 50.0001.247
357 kingsley 50.0001.247
358 irNoobs 50.0001.246
359 dfoo 50.0001.245
360 lnjoylnjoy 50.0001.244
361 NSoji 50.0001.244
362 rookie 50.0001.243
363 kkk 50.0001.242
364 chads 50.0001.241
365 ITCrowd 50.0001.241
366 j4f 50.0001.240
367 R341_G4ng 50.0001.239
368 JJsPoke 50.0001.238
369 3nc0d3dGuY 50.0001.238
370 SaikewakiReiya 50.0001.237
371 never say die 50.0001.236
372 PWn3r2 50.0001.236
373 n0n$la$ 50.0001.235
374 sofos56884 50.0001.234
375 iranari 50.0001.233
376 swt02026 50.0001.233
377 OHno 50.0001.232
378 spiffycell 50.0001.231
379 INSSec 50.0001.231
380 hack-me 50.0001.230
381 Best Team Have Fun 50.0001.229
382 Contrail 50.0001.229
383 marypoppinboxes 50.0001.228
384 popteam 50.0001.227
385 yonikal56 50.0001.227
386 WRCP 50.0001.226
387 Binary-killers 50.0001.225
388 ivachyou 50.0001.225
389 D4nt3 50.0001.224
390 oH5U4No 50.0001.223
391 JetJ 50.0001.223
392 horoo 50.0001.222
393 tod@y_We_3at_pasta 50.0001.221
394 [email protected] 50.0001.221
395 CaptureTheFlan 50.0001.220
396 s4hm4d 50.0001.220
397 acdwas 50.0001.219
398 foxo 50.0001.218
399 dkk 50.0001.218
400 b1rds_of_pr3y 50.0001.217
401 0x90r00t 50.0001.216
402 Cyber-1 50.0001.216
403 ZH3R0 50.0001.215
404 T34mInveteck 50.0001.215
405 ByteForc3 50.0001.214
406 r00tn3p@! 50.0001.213
407 SuperBaba 50.0001.213
408 lslcg 50.0001.212
409 Fl0ey 50.0001.212
410 EE 50.0001.211
411 buddiesss 50.0001.210
412 FS0C 50.0001.210
413 4dumbsters 50.0001.209
414 Ctrl + F CTF 50.0001.209
415 KID 50.0001.208
416 shangzeng 50.0001.208
417 Slonser 50.0001.207
418 0x6e69636b6e616d65 50.0001.206
419 0x435446 50.0001.206
420 mmmmm 50.0001.205
421 NDC 50.0001.205
422 Und3r_Th3_R00T 50.0001.204
423 赵老师说的真队 50.0001.204
424 EISCTUTN 50.0001.203
425 TEAM0001 50.0001.203
426 honeybeez 50.0001.202
427 LosFuzzys 50.0001.202
428 1337B01S 50.0001.201
429 Pwn&Pizza 50.0001.200
430 yujiangzou 50.0001.200
431 nuoyiman 50.0001.199
432 YourBunnyWrote 50.0001.199
433 secismyth 50.0001.198
434 ROKhong 50.0001.198
435 M4x_he4dr00m 50.0001.197
436 fya97761 50.0001.197
437 Stuca 50.0001.196
438 Akasec 50.0001.196
439 Gateway 50.0001.195
440 XploiterZ 50.0001.195
441 Slab Allocator 50.0001.194
442 T1e9u 50.0001.194
443 UIT.flaghunters 50.0001.193
444 bimbombonjoli 50.0001.193
445 an7 50.0001.192
446 PCAP - Pampilhosa Cybersecurity 50.0001.192
447 Securimag 50.0001.191
448 Search Find PWN 50.0001.191
449 cybertrash 50.0001.190
450 dark-lambda 50.0001.190
451 Nameless 50.0001.189
452 CC0x2 50.0001.189
453 HackingLab 50.0001.188
454 Immortals 50.0001.188
455 glaros 50.0001.187
456 Day 50.0001.187
457 WheatInfoSec 50.0001.186
458 SSS 50.0001.186
459 Dokko 50.0001.186
460 peng hu 50.0001.185
461 azatyk 50.0001.185
462 Mad Bats 50.0001.184
463 TN00bs 50.0001.184
464 flib 50.0001.183
465 KXTI_Cvetomuzika 50.0001.183
466 bibi 50.0001.182
467 CSECGroup 50.0001.182
468 Pwnie Island 50.0001.181
469 nondurung 50.0001.181
470 zboxe 50.0001.181
471 crack| 50.0001.180
472 Tasteless 50.0001.180
473 cew 50.0001.179
474 P@Ge2mE 50.0001.179
475 giothan 50.0001.178
476 UICTC UNIBI 50.0001.178
477 madlads 50.0001.177
478 WinkelcentrumTiel 50.0001.177
479 SecurityFactorial 50.0001.177
480 HTNR06 50.0001.176
481 DragonSec SI 50.0001.176
482 The 777 Group 50.0001.175
483 bergi 50.0001.175
484 CyberErudites 50.0001.174
485 Avalanche 50.0001.174
486 Pheonix 50.0001.174
487 h4ck0c10ck-newbs 50.0001.173
488 一起來請公假種田 50.0001.173
489 Cybernated Wizards 50.0001.172
490 CTFNewB 50.0001.172
491 llllllll 50.0001.172
492 cryptohren9000 50.0001.171
493 Wingging 50.0001.171
494 Root Lee 50.0001.170
495 dali_van_li_vich 50.0001.170
496 ru7ynk4 50.0001.170
497 MilkTeaMonster 50.0001.169
498 th31nk 50.0001.169
499 lalala 50.0001.168
500 asassasasa 50.0001.168
501 Algerian Anarchists 50.0001.168
502 SealTeam1 50.0001.167
503 Lucified 50.0001.167
504 ReVe 50.0001.166
505 Secret Joris Lovers 50.0001.166
506 empty_ 50.0001.166
507 bunch777 50.0001.165
508 Mikudayo 50.0001.165
509 don's team 50.0001.165
510 WhiteCat 50.0001.164
511 YH 50.0001.164
512 StarchThingIDK 50.0001.163
513 Padoru 50.0001.163
514 YoungPwnawans 50.0001.163
515 defragmented.brains 50.0001.162
516 whooperilla 50.0001.162
517 The_Slayers 50.0001.162
518 lalalaaalala 50.0001.161
519 From_future_import_flag 50.0001.161
520 obliviate 50.0001.160
521 Ganofins 50.0001.160
522 Harvey 50.0001.160
523 c4id0g 50.0001.159
524 Originalgang 50.0001.159
525 binLep 50.0001.159
526 gamnabit 50.0001.158
527 Sy_Zer\0 50.0001.158
528 R331337 50.0001.158
529 cat_play_ctf 50.0001.157
530 huli 50.0001.157
531 WWWWWWWWWWWW 50.0001.157
532 RPCA Cyber Club 50.0001.156
533 kurage0verfl0w 50.0001.156
534 LEFOOT 50.0001.155
535 badfirmware 50.0001.155
536 mikejam 50.0001.155
537 >>= 50.0001.154
538 1gy 50.0001.154
539 avokadi 50.0001.154
540 BlackhatBandits 50.0001.153
541 haha 50.0001.153
542 UNIBIR 50.0001.153
543 n0gamen0life 50.0001.152
544 jhnwck 50.0001.152
545 BELLA 50.0001.152
546 Kafu 50.0001.151
547 rivian 50.0001.151
548 cwsnzzhk 50.0001.151
549 Nabla 50.0001.150
550 AKUMAS 50.0001.150
551 DarkDuckGo 50.0001.150
552 badys 50.0001.150
553 AIE CTF 50.0001.149
554 santa 50.0001.149
555 user237 50.0001.149
556 NETON 50.0001.148
557 pkucc 50.0001.148
558 buf 50.0001.148
559 CookieOverflow 50.0001.147
560 dysfs 50.0001.147
561 0x32 50.0001.147
562 CLGT 50.0001.146
563 OscarG 50.0001.146
564 ChalmersCTF 50.0001.146
565 kaze 50.0001.145
566 99999 50.0001.145
567 Team214-tw 50.0001.145
568 TeamA 50.0001.144
569 PNWPWN 50.0001.144
570 Ưhat's Up 50.0001.144
571 WildHacks 50.0001.144
572 hicon 50.0001.143
573 JtR 50.0001.143
574 UTD SFS 50.0001.143
575 netanelbz123 50.0001.142
576 Shalosh 50.0001.142
577 AU_hackers 50.0001.142
578 FourIV 50.0001.142
579 abhay 50.0001.141
580 WeekendWarriors 50.0001.141
581 Mental_Hospital 50.0001.141
582 Rasser 50.0001.140
583 leaver 50.0001.140
584 HTTP$ 50.0001.140
585 Vape_Dab_Simp 50.0001.139
586 quriosity 50.0001.139
587 Andervish 50.0001.139
588 karasik 50.0001.139
589 Root-kids 50.0001.138
590 Vincent 50.0001.138
591 b0nch-Squ4d 50.0001.138
592 egg 50.0001.137
593 xxx 50.0001.137
594 sinsanty 50.0001.137
595 G1nM0o 50.0001.137
596 Haar 50.0001.136
597 changho 50.0001.136
598 realsung 50.0001.136
599 Hasu 50.0001.136
600 lost+found 50.0001.135
601 danx 50.0001.135
602 outOfCheese 50.0001.135
603 Aynkl 50.0001.134
604 dotan3 50.0001.134
605 Wen3xt 50.0001.134
606 GLRE 50.0001.134
607 JustForFun! 50.0001.133
608 InfoSecIITR 50.0001.133
609 secsyst 50.0001.133
610 TeamGoku 50.0001.133
611 dsfsdf 50.0001.132
612 L0n3W0of 50.0001.132
613 wolvsec 50.0001.132
614 n_0Memory 50.0001.132
615 NotHotdog 50.0001.131
616 EaglesTeam 50.0001.131
617 Revo 50.0001.131
618 GetPwndN00b 50.0001.131
619 Ravenhunter2020 50.0001.130
620 manishkumarr 50.0001.130
621 Red Knights 50.0001.130
622 NIS 50.0001.130
623 Emacs Church 50.0001.129
624 Lopatz 50.0001.129
625 Sinner 50.0001.129
626 l4p4nd1||4m4y4 50.0001.128
627 Catscats 50.0001.128
628 Banga 50.0001.128
629 zwiebel 50.0001.128
630 SoloBoy 50.0001.128
631 No_Pwn_Intended 50.0001.127
632 TortillaHack 50.0001.127
633 CR7CK 50.0001.127
634 p0b0nch47b 50.0001.127
635 0d12245589 50.0001.126
636 jetosd 50.0001.126
637 thi8Eivi 50.0001.126
638 NorthWest 50.0001.126
639 UniSec 50.0001.125
640 Turtleshells 50.0001.125
641 zipizap 50.0001.125
642 ya7bani 50.0001.125
643 Bedukang 50.0001.124
644 rubik's cube 50.0001.124
645 Oneirologists 50.0001.124
646 arubio 50.0001.124
647 weroifmwrio1 50.0001.123
648 mot 50.0001.123
649 你懂的 50.0001.123
650 apol0 50.0001.123
651 wallhacks 50.0001.122
652 fm4dd 50.0001.122
653 CrackHot 50.0001.122
654 basidi 50.0001.122
655 Whitzard 50.0001.122
656 PPP11 50.0001.121
657 nope 50.0001.121
658 scriptkit 50.0001.121
659 NCTOP 50.0001.121
660 botb 50.0001.120
661 ev3r 50.0001.120
662 Ph0t1n1a 50.0001.120
663 L 50.0001.120
664 AngryKimchi 50.0001.120
665 sh3nlong 50.0001.119
666 MGZ 50.0001.119
667 0c34n 50.0001.119
668 TheOrderOfTheWolf 50.0001.119
669 Shadow Spider 50.0001.118
670 xros 50.0001.118
671 keognobb 50.0001.118
672 yt 50.0001.118
673 goldilocks 50.0001.118
674 fightforfreedom 50.0001.117
675 Typemiss 50.0001.117
676 m0nd2y 50.0001.117
677 sw0r3d 50.0001.117
678 KMYD 50.0001.116
679 Ky_Dong_Day_Song 50.0001.116
680 김아무개 50.0001.116
681 learning 50.0001.116
682 NaVilet 50.0001.116
683 Schr0ding3r5 50.0001.115
684 The United Team of Noobs 50.0001.115
685 HackInProvence 50.0001.115
686 funny mud pee 50.0001.115
687 0xbc 50.0001.115
688 oOoOoOo 50.0001.114
689 erikkabir 50.0001.114
690 An0nym0u$700 50.0001.114
691 ccreater 50.0001.114
692 Auturora 50.0001.114
693 pwnpwnpwn 50.0001.113
694 valooonn 50.0001.113
695 jyjh 50.0001.113
696 paradox 50.0001.113
697 q1q1gg 50.0001.113
698 domeafavour 50.0001.112
699 xrzhev 50.0001.112
700 testing___ 50.0001.112
701 Superrrrr 50.0001.112
702 catcaine 50.0001.112
703 sf 50.0001.111
704 BharatSec 50.0001.111
705 picoleet 50.0001.111
706 ZyperX 50.0001.111
707 Vanta 50.0001.111
708 ****** 50.0001.110
709 Ficus1 50.0001.110
710 m1z0r3 50.0000.555
nabinsadembaNov. 20, 2020, 5:58 p.m.

where should i register

uall_eNov. 22, 2020, 10:49 p.m.


uall_eNov. 22, 2020, 10:49 p.m.

just give the money to the top 3 teams, spare us the trouble...

l3t1tb3Nov. 23, 2020, 1:12 a.m.

where can I register? :D

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