Also known as
  • safe-mode
  • APA birjand university

Academic team birjand


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Participated in CTF events

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
24Urmia CTF 20234700.000013.478
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
74ASIS CTF Finals 202122.00001.123
12UUTCTF 20211550.00009.027
52TMUCTF 20212416.00003.572
272UIUCTF 2021256.00000.641
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
352hxp CTF 202019.00000.488
139ASIS CTF Finals 202020.00001.019
170DefCamp CTF 2020 Online100.00000.670
542HITCON CTF 202050.00001.153
368Dragon CTF 202042.00001.104
480Block CTF 20201.00000.088
337KipodAfterFree CTF 20205.00000.098

Team members

Team writeups

TMUCTF 2021Flag Printer [457]read writeup