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Participated in CTF events

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
406VishwaCTF 2025600.00002.215
608Nullcon Goa HackIM 2025 CTF51.00000.443
274KnightCTF 2025900.00002.968
696UofTCTF 2025100.00000.221
103IrisCTF 20251389.00004.993
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
247HeroCTF v6350.00001.766
366TetCTF 2024100.00000.965
339KnightCTF 2024250.00000.183
565Mapna CTF 202423.00000.139
742UofTCTF 2024210.00000.390
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
654SekaiCTF 202339.00000.131
146Bauhinia CTF 202350.00000.405
312CYBERGON CTF 2023100.00000.372
667Tenable CTF 2023100.00000.378
303 TFC CTF 2023250.00001.135
357ImaginaryCTF 2023600.00001.489
713BDSec CTF 202350.00000.093
385AmateursCTF 2023803.00000.813
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
226CSAW CTF Qualification Round 2022695.00001.929
133Google Capture The Flag 2022333.00005.034
71BYUCTF 20221978.00000.000
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
143CTF Internacional MetaRed 2021 - 5th STAGE100.00000.000
403TMUCTF 202150.00000.120
401UMassCTF 2021100.00000.360
640LINE CTF 202150.00000.203
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
366HITCON CTF 202050.00001.240
608SunshineCTF 20201.00000.045
488KipodAfterFree CTF 20205.00000.076
193Pwn2Win CTF 202050.00000.983
878TJCTF 202045.00000.378
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
159School CTF 20170.00000.000
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
120School CTF 2016300.00001.032

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