Academic team IIIT Lucknow

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Official CTF team of IIIT Lucknow

Participated in CTF events

Overall rating place: 446 with 65.943 pts in 2021

Country place: 27

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
57Winja CTF | c0c0n 2021500.00003.385
190FwordCTF 2021110.00000.246
192YauzaCTF 202110.00000.000
242corCTF 20211037.00001.988
168Hacker's Playground 2021310.00001.570
132Really Awesome CTF 20211600.00003.881
255InCTF 202110.00000.306
19RCTS CERT 2021 Defending the SOC3648.00000.000
32BSides Noida CTF2740.00005.569
96UIUCTF 2021860.00002.106
47BCACTF 2.04625.00000.000
74Zh3r0 CTF V2977.00001.526
72NorzhCTF 202113.00000.922
222DawgCTF 2021655.00000.000
230DEF CON CTF Qualifier 2021101.00002.698
25WPICTF 20212701.00000.000
1290Cyber Apocalypse 20211225.00001.536
42RITSEC CTF 20214460.00000.000
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
838NeverLAN CTF 2020180.00000.185
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
245hxp 36C3 CTF35.00000.437
427Syskron Security CTF 2019121.00000.386
5556picoCTF 20192550.00000.000
692CSAW CTF Qualification Round 20191.00000.070
256Affinity CTF 2019 - Quals111.00000.408
358N1CTF 201912.00000.110
223h4ckc0n 2019201.00000.665
136Saudi CTF350.00000.000
390redpwnCTF 2019250.00000.497
194Crypto CTF 201940.00000.339
330CyBRICS CTF Quals 201930.00000.277
242ISITDTU CTF 2019 Quals10.00000.112
192HSCTF 63754.00005.105
101CBM CTF 2019155.00001.305
217ENCRYPT CTF726.00003.986
462SunshineCTF 20195.00000.087
283Pragyan CTF 2019250.00001.652
160Aero CTF 2019100.00000.507
75BITSCTF 2019320.00002.842
235NeverLAN CTF 20192960.00007.184
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
114CSAW CTF Qualification Round 20181701.00009.529
132h4ckc0n 2018250.00003.816
143CTFZone 2018 Quals102.00000.636
281RCTF 201873.00000.241
714PlaidCTF 20181.00000.145

Organized CTF events

Incognito 5.021.95
Incognito 4.021.55
Incognito 3.020.75
Incognito 2.020.75

Team members

Team writeups

RCTS CERT 2021 Defending the SOCYou are not allowed [100]read writeup
RCTS CERT 2021 Defending the SOCWelcome to the challenge [100]read writeup
RCTS CERT 2021 Defending the SOCMaybe the helper can help [100]read writeup
RCTS CERT 2021 Defending the SOCLocked outside [100]read writeup
RCTS CERT 2021 Defending the SOCKnock Knock [400]read writeup
RCTS CERT 2021 Defending the SOCDecrypting the payload [100]read writeup
RCTS CERT 2021 Defending the SOCChanging our locks and dumping old Keys [100]read writeup
BSides Noida CTFMy Artwork [287]read writeup
BSides Noida CTFBaby Web [420]read writeup
BSides Noida CTFDeath Note [454]read writeup
BSides Noida CTFXoro [388]read writeup
BSides Noida CTFSanity [437]read writeup
BCACTF 2.0Advanced Math Analysis [200]read writeup
BCACTF 2.0Math Analysis [150]read writeup
BCACTF 2.0American Literature [150]read writeup
BCACTF 2.0AP ABCs [100]read writeup
BCACTF 2.0Honors ABCs [75]read writeup
BCACTF 2.0BCA Mart [75]read writeup
BCACTF 2.0Challenge Checker 2 [200]read writeup
BCACTF 2.0Challenge Checker [150]read writeup
BCACTF 2.0Welcome to the Casino [125]read writeup
RITSEC CTF 2021BIRDTHIEF: Interception 200 read writeup
RITSEC CTF 2021lorem ipsum 150 read writeup
RITSEC CTF 2021RITSEC Hash 250 read writeup
RITSEC CTF 2021Finding Geno [50]read writeup
RITSEC CTF 2021Sessions 100 read writeup
RITSEC CTF 2021Robots [100]read writeup
RITSEC CTF 2021Music Signs [225]read writeup
RITSEC CTF 2021Data Breach [175]read writeup
RITSEC CTF 2021#OSINTChallenge [250]read writeup
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