Tags: revers reversing
# Sanity
#### Category : Reverse
#### Points : 437 (56 solves)
#### Author : 1gn1te
## Challenge
strings Sanity.exe | grep BS | cut -d'{' -f2 | cut -d'}' -f1 | while read l;do echo $l | base64 -d ;done
[chall link](https://storage.googleapis.com/noida_ctf/Reverse/Sanity.zip)
## Solution
Using the command given in the challenge we get lyrics of Rickroll.
Opening the exe in ghidra, we see that it XORs each character and then compares it.
Opening the binary in Ollydbg and setting the breakpoint at the `CMP` instruction using `F2`.
The flag length is 33 as this was the length of the string getting XORed with input(from ghidra).
We send 33 A's and then look at the CMP instruction.
So A gets converted into H and then is compared to K. So we can just XOR A with H to get the key and then XOR the key with K to get the flag.
So I note down the encrypted key and the encrypted string and make the following solve script.
from pwn import xor
payload = 'A'*33
cipher = 'HeHeBoiiHeHeBoiiHeHeBoiiHeHeBoiiH'
enc_key = 'KwGKjJISL^s^yTRRs^s^yTRRs^s{EBIOt'
flag = ''
for i in range(0,33):
flag = flag + xor(xor(enc_key[i],payload[i]),cipher[i]).decode('ascii')
Using this script, we get the flag `BSNoida{Ezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz_Flag}`
[Original Writeup](https://github.com/p1xxxel/ctf-writeups/blob/main/2021/BSides%20Noida/Sanity/README.md)